Best Photoshop Plugin for Noise Removal. Getting rid of noise with the Noiseware Professional plugin

It's not uncommon on Photoshop sites, and sometimes in some books, that grain can be simulated by adding noise to an image. Such unfortunate advisers, it seems, have never shot on black and white film and have not seen photographic grain. The noise that the program creates has the correct ("computer") structure. Film grain, on the other hand, has a different size in the shadows, midtones, and highlights.

In Photoshop, you can simulate grain in the following way. On top of all layers, you need to create a layer filled with 50% gray, then change the blending mode of this layer to Overlay. To make it more convenient, click in the layers palette on the icon for creating a new layer while holding down the Option (Alt) key. In this case, a dialog box will appear in which you can immediately set the blending mode.

Then you need to add noise to this layer by selecting the command Filter->Noise->Add Noise and checking the Monochrome checkbox in the window that opens.

The grain size depends on the noise intensity. However, the grain created in this way is too sharp. Therefore, further on this layer it is necessary to apply a Gaussian Blur filter with a radius of 1-3 pixels, and then add another gray layer and apply a noise filter to it with different parameters and also blur it with a Gaussian Blur filter.

The degree of blur is determined based on the size of the image and the required grain size. Then, depending on the desired effect, you need to reduce the opacity of one or two "gray" layers. Film grain tends to be larger in the midtones than in the shadows and highlights. Therefore, to reduce the size of the digital “grain” in the shadows and highlights, you need to open the Layer Style window (Layer style) and, while holding the Optiosn (Alt) key, separate the sliders in dark and (or) light colors for the “grain” layer.

This separation is necessary for a smooth transition from midtones to highlights and shadows.

Final photo.

Fragment of a picture with a magnification of 150%.

This technique of adding grain can be applied to images that simulate soft optics.

I want to add that although this way of simulating grain is not so bad, it is still far from perfect. For better grain imitation, there are special actions and plugins.


For years, photographers in the lab have used a variety of techniques to artistically alter a photograph. These were solarization and bas-relief, isohelia and toning, "wet" printing and others. Some techniques cannot yet be reproduced when processed in Photoshop, imitation of other techniques gives an effect similar to a laboratory one. One of the very beautiful techniques for further modifying a photograph is to make a black-and-white photogravure from it. This method is based on the phenomenon of solarization.

Strictly speaking, solarization is a phenomenon in which an overexposed film acquires reversal properties. This reversal effect was called solarization, because the developed but not fixed photographic material was exposed to the sun. (Solarize - expose to the sun's rays.) There is nothing tricky about solarization. The usual approach is to expose the film or photographic paper, develop it incompletely, expose it, and finally develop it. It was believed that solarization was a difficult process for a photographer. This was due to the fact that not everyone was able to achieve multiple repeatability of results. However, this was not due to the process itself, but to the lack of a clearly established procedure for conducting operations. Essentially, a solarized image is a mixture of negative and positive. The solarization effect is much more interesting on high-contrast photographic materials, which make it possible to obtain an engraving from an ordinary photograph.

Under certain conditions of photochemical processing, thin lines appear at the boundaries of the primary and secondary images, the so-called Mackey lines. The image turns out to be very dense, but after counter-typing, a negative is obtained for printing a photogravure. If the process is repeated, then thin white lines are bifurcated. In the analog laboratory, the method was quite complicated and required accuracy.

None of the Photoshop filters directly achieve this effect. Filter Solarize (Solarization) applies to the image correction according to the "triangular" curve and has no preset options.

But still, there are several ways to turn a digital photo into an engraving with the help of a program. First, a color image is converted to black and white by any convenient method, for example, by mixing channels. It is better not to use direct translation to Grayscale, as you can lose information important for separating tones. We work, of course, with a copy of the image.

Method one. Apply the command Filter->Stylize->Solarize. The image turns out to be quite dense, and to lighten it and increase the contrast, we will use the Curves command (Curves). Duplicate the image and repeat the operation to split the thin lines. If you compare these two images, you will notice that some details are good on the first solarization and worse on the second, and some are the other way around. In this case, some areas change the tone from black to white. We transfer one image to another (while holding down the Shift - key, this guarantees their exact match). Next, add a layer mask and paint over those areas on the mask through which the bottom layer should be visible. You can also apply effects to copies of the main layer with the addition of layer masks. If necessary, you can change the transparency and blend mode. Original and result:

Photo fragment 1:1:

The original print measures 40 x 90 cm.

Method two. It is a bit more complex and subtler to set up. Let's apply the Curves command with the parameters corresponding to the data,


An almost invariable attribute of an old photograph is grain, which is present in almost every photograph printed on photographic paper with an increase. Some of the old photographs are missing grain, but that doesn't mean it wasn't there. It's just that the picture was taken on a large negative and then printed with a contact method. There are various plug-ins, or, as it is more commonly said, additional plug-ins for Photoshop, designed to model grain. Most of these filters can imitate not only grain, but also black and white photography, toning, and some other effects.


This plug-in from The Plugin Site's Photo Wiz Filter Pack has many customization options and templates. A novice user should start with Photography Mode and select the desired effects from the templates: film type, ISO, development pattern, print tone, etc.

The filter can be applied to a single channel or a composite image. As always, it's best to create a copy of the layer and apply a filter to it. You may need to further adjust the curves or levels with adjustment layers. The grain that this filter creates is similar to the real one, but it seems to me that it has a more rigid structure than the "film". When working with a filter, you should always observe the effect at 100% viewing mode. Two parameters are responsible for the grain size. The Intensity parameter controls the amount of grain in the photo. The higher the value, the more grain. The Size parameter, as the name implies, determines the size of the grain particles. A value of 1 indicates that the grain size is 1 pixel. It was noted above that the film has a larger grain size in the midtones than in the shadows and highlights. Parameters Shadow (Shadows), Midtone (Midtones) and Highlight (Light) allow you to increase or decrease the grain intensity in different tonal areas. Reducing all settings to -100 completely removes the grain. With the R button active, the appearance of the grain will change with each change in the position of the slider, which is convenient for adjusting the image interactively. When the Uniform checkbox is checked, the noise is distributed evenly throughout the image, while the grain looks artificial. This feature seems rather strange, since it practically duplicates the Noise filter (Noise) in Photoshop.


Iimagenomic's RealGrain filter has a large number of templates that simulate various grades of film and development effects.

Grain Style (Style of grain) - selection of one of two parameters Film Grain (Grain) or Digital Noise (Digital noise).
Grain Intensity - Sets the level of graininess and grain density in the photo.
Tonal Range - Separate graininess adjustment for shadows, midtones and highlights.
Grain Balance - This option distributes the amount of dark and light grains, thereby slightly darkening or brightening the image. At values ​​other than zero, the grain becomes artificial, more like just noise.

Grain Size (Grain size) -  if the option Auto Resolution and Image Blur (Automatic resolution and blur) is active, the RealGrain filter automatically calculates the grain size based on the selected film format and the final photo size. Obviously, the larger the print size, the larger the grain. In addition, as the image is enlarged, the image begins to lose some sharpness. To achieve this effect, the RealGrain filter slightly blurs the photo based on the specified grain intensity, film format, and image dimensions. For example, suppose an image is 4992×3328 pixels (16 megapixels) and 35mm film is selected. The RealGrain filter calculates resolution as if it were scanning 35mm film at 3600 dpi. Thus, based on the given film format and image size, RealGrain emulates the grain size for a certain resolution.

In addition, you can manually set the resolution between 1800 and 7200 dpi and blur the image from 0 to 40.

The RealGrain filter converts an image to black and white more flexibly than Photoshop. Each of the options options Color Balance (Color balance) controls a particular color relative to other colors when transitioning to grayscale.

For example, positive values ​​for reds increase the brightness of reds at the expense of all other colors, while keeping the overall brightness of the image at the same level. On the contrary, option Color Response (Color sensitivity) sets degree of sensitivity of conversion of each concrete color range. For example, positive values ​​in red areas turn red into light gray without affecting the brightness of other color ranges. In addition to converting an image to black and white, the RealGrain filter allows you to tone a photo according to preset patterns and manually.


This filter from Alien Skin Software is similar to RealGrain in many ways. There are various film type templates, tinting and special effects are supported. Only the conversion of the image to black and white is done using the Photoshop channel blending method. This method, unfortunately, is not suitable for every image, so before imitating the grain, the image should be converted to black and white in Photoshop.

Overall Grain Strength (The total grain strength) is responsible for the amount of grain in the image. At zero, most other grain control options are not available.

Shadow (Shadows), Midtone (Halftone) and Highlight (Light) selectively add grain to areas of the photo that are different in tone. As has been repeatedly noted, the film has more grain in the midtones than in the shadows and highlights.

Roughness controls the shape of the grain edge. At low values, the grain is soft, and all the grains in the image have smooth tonal transitions. Larger values ​​produce grain with sharp edges, more like squares.

Push Processing mimics the technique of laboratory re-development of underexposed film. During re-development, the grain always grows, the contrast increases, there is a certain loss of detail.

Size (Grain size) is completely similar to the Grain Size parameter of the RealGrain filter. Here we must remember that the grain size will never be lower than 1.5 pixels. That is, if the image is less than 3 megapixels, the grain turns into digital noise, which looks boring and ugly.

On the Age tab, options are available to reproduce the effects of old photographs. This includes vignetting with varying degrees of darkening of the corners, and the effects of damaged negatives such as scratches and dust from printing. Perhaps this is the most unfortunate option of the Exposure filter. The Exposure filter automatically adds a layer to the original image, so the conversion process is more flexible.

Silver Effect Pro

This filter by Nik Software is perhaps the most interesting of all the plug-ins for Photoshop. The plugin can also be used with Lightroom and Aperture. The Silver Efex Pro module not only simulates various black and white films, but also reproduces printing and toning effects.

The Tonality Controls group of parameters allows you to change the brightness, contrast, and structure throughout the image. When working with control points, you can selectively adjust brightness, contrast, and structure. Increasing the Structure parameter emphasizes fine details throughout the image, while decreasing it reduces the number of fine details and the image is smoother.

Setting Protect Shadows / Protect Highlights (Protection of shadows / lights) works similarly to the Shadows / Highlights command in Photoshop.

Color Filter (Color filters) -  is an option to simulate the color filters that are used in black and white photography during the shooting process. Parameter Hue (Hue, chromaticity) determines the ratio of colors in a photo when translating it into grayscale. The selected filter color lightens objects of that color in the image and darkens objects in the complementary color. In turn, the parameter Strength (Strength) determines the contrast between colors. The higher the Strength value, the greater the contrast between closely related colors.

In the Film Types section of the filter, there are templates that simulate different types of black-and-white films with their corresponding grain and color reproduction in grayscale. Grain (Grain) determines the degree of grain in the entire photo. The Grain per pixel parameter controls the amount of grain in the image. In the left position of the engine, the grain is coarser, in the right - softer. And the Hard-Soft parameter, as it were, separates the grains among themselves, making the overall structure more like noise.

Sensitivity (Color sensitivity) is completely analogous to the Black & White command in Photoshop and, in essence, is a tonal profile of a film processed in the standard mode.

Tone Curve (Tonal curve) is completely analogous to the Curve command (Curves) in Photoshop.

The block of commands Stylizing (Stylization) imitates various methods of printing and additional processing of black and white photographs.

In the Toning section, it is possible to choose not only the tone of the photo itself, more precisely, color the shades of gray in a certain color, but also change the shade of the paper. Identical to analog photography, when silver compounds (these are gray and black colors) were replaced by other salts. It was these salts that gave certain colors instead of black on the prints. Some programs and plug-ins have commands that color the image in different colors. However, these commands simply color the highlights one color and the shadows another, without affecting white and black. In contrast, the Silver Efex Pro filter exactly imitates the printing process followed by a bend. For example, let's say you take yellow-backed photo paper and print a picture. Then they tinted it brown. Silver Efex Pro turns the paper yellow and the image brown. The filter contains several options for classic coloring, which are selected in the Preset list. Parameter Strength (Strength) sets the overall degree of amplification of the selected tone, and the parameters Silver Toning (Silver tone) and Paper Toning (Paper tone) are responsible for the shades of gray and paper, respectively. Silver Hue and Paper Hue (Silver Color) and Paper Toning (Paper Color) are responsible for changing the color of grayscale and paper, respectively. Parameter Balance (Balance) determines the ratio of coloring colors of the image and paper. With negative values, the color of the tones dominates, with positive values, the color of the paper dominates.

Section Vignette (Vignetting) is similar to the functions of vignetting in other programs and filters. Amount (Degree) is responsible for darkening or lightening the corners of the image, Size (Size) sets the area of ​​​​the image that the vignette covers. The Circle and Rectangle option changes the shape of the vignette between round and rectangular. The Place Center parameter marks the center of the vignette. That is, a blackout can be created from a scene-important object located not in the center of the frame.

The Burn Edges section is used to adjust the edges of the photo. The term "burn", adopted among English-speaking photographers, means "burning". We say “seal”, that is, make parts of the image darker. Each side of the photo can be "sealed" in different ways. Four buttons are used to select the edge, and the degree of darkness is adjusted in turn. Parameter Strength (Strength) determines the degree of blackening of the edges, Size (Size) - the width of the effect on the selected side, Transition (Transition) - the degree of blending between the blackening strip and the original image details.

The filter contains solarization templates.

If you change the tonal curve, you can achieve different solarization effects.

But the most important thing is that the effect is not applied to the original image, but to its copy on a separate layer. Although the user can choose to apply the effect on the same layer.

In the lower part of the navigator there is a map of blackening zones (Zone System Map), designed for visual assessment of tonal transitions in different areas of the photo. To see which parts of the image are located in a certain brightness zone, you should click on the number in the zone map, and the zone in the image will be highlighted.

To compare the original image with the converted image, use the dual-window mode.

Viewports can be positioned left and right, which is convenient for vertical images, or top and bottom, which is convenient for horizontal images.

Important Notes

If we talk about grain imitation in general, then the most realistic effect is obtained when scanning a film on which a uniformly illuminated gray surface is filmed. Moreover, it is necessary to shoot in blur, so that there is no surface structure on the film. The resulting grain file is inserted into the digital photo as a separate layer with Overlay or Soft Light blending mode. You can also just shoot on film.

To date, Photoshop is available in 32 or 64-bit versions. This is due to the bitness of operating systems. Therefore, before installing certain plug-ins in Photoshop, you should check not only the execution of the program, but also the plug-in. They can also be released for 32- or 64-bit versions.

Noise Ninja- This is a plug-in for digital noise suppression or just noise reduction. Based on EXIF ​​information, automatic or manual selection of the most appropriate profile for digital noise suppression is possible.
Noise Ninja - perfectly copes with the noise that inevitably appears on images after shooting made with an amateur digital camera or after scanning on weak scanners.

This is one of the leaders among programs of this class. The effect of applying Noise Ninja is truly magical: the noise in all its manifestations is reduced or even disappears without a trace, while the loss of detail and saturation of some colors is minimized.

The plugin includes a rich set of tools, automatic and manual noise analysis, camera profiling, and batch processing.

The noise profile for Noise Ninja describes the amount of noise that can be represented in different color and tonal ranges of an image. For example, a profile may contain information that photographs taken from a given digital camera have much more noise in the shadows than in the bright areas. You can load pre-created profiles for your camera type and the set of settings used (sensitivity, shutter speed, etc.). You can create this profile yourself or take it for free from the site of the creator of the program. On this site you will find a huge number of profiles for different cameras and sensitivity settings.

The plugin, among others, has a Noise Brush tool, the principle of its operation is identical to the Historical Brush (History Brush) in Photoshop - that is, the part of the image on which you draw the brush is restored (in whole or in part, will depend on the value of the Strength parameter) in state before applying the filter. By using the brush in this way, you can restore lost detail in areas with a lot of fine detail (grass, hair, fabric structure, etc.).

What's new:

This release corrects the hidden window issue with (64 bit) CS6 on Windows.

Supported Applications:
Photoshop 7, CS, CS2, CS3, CS4, CS5, CS6 (x32 / x64)

OS: Windows 7, Vista, XP, 2000
Interface language: English
Medicine: included

Download Photoshop / Plugins Noise Ninja (plugin for Photoshop) 2.4.2 (2013)

you can from file hosting services using the links above or using an application for searching and downloading files

This text is not about the ruble exchange rate and the crisis! Not even about. I will continue to tell you about: there have been no posts on this topic for a long time. Today I will show plugins that almost regularly I use when working with pictures. I’ll make a reservation right away, plugins, as well as processing methods, there are a lot, there are many similar ones, which one you should use - matter of your taste and habit; does not mean at all that after this post you need to download new ones and delete old ones.

From sentiment to action!

1. I'll start with the warmest and already a little, Knoll Light Factory. It will help to make a beautiful light, rays and bunnies :) Remember, this technique is only relevant for photos taken in, well, the main thing is not in the front :)

2. Plugin interface is simple and minimalistic. On the left you see ready-made highlight patterns, I only used first two I don't know if the others are needed. On the right - already the settings of the same illumination, you can turn on / off various elements + configure them in detail. Well, the two main sliders from the bottom: Brightness (brightness, backlight strength) and Scale (Size). There is also a Color box, where you choose its color, it is clear here that the yellow-orange gamut will prevail.

3. Oh yes, don't forget to make a copy of the layer before using the plugin. This is a 35 mm light.

4. It's 85mm. Choose any, there are many options for their detailed settings, so I'm sure you will find the best option for yourself.

5. And, of course, it doesn't hurt to "grind" the effect with the Curves tool Oh, great and all-powerful Curves! How masks work.

6. The Blue curve is responsible for the yellowness, drag it down.

8. Done! Warmth, comfort and vanilla pour from your monitor into a gray reality, where the euro is 100 rubles :)

9. Next situation. Large areas of skin "outside the face": arms, legs, chest... well, it depends on how much you know how to undress the model.

10. The skin is completely problem-free, as in this case, but slightly smooth out won't be redundant.

11. As you remember, I am not a supporter of many hours of manipulation with pictures, especially when the genre of shooting does not require it. Portraiture Plugin correct use can save many years of a photographer's life. So, we copy the layer, the tool mode is set to Normal, the only thing I change is the color, based on which the plugin will even out the skin. This can be done by poking a pipette in the desired area, or by moving the square on the palette yourself.

12. Again, do not forget to work copy of the layer create a mask and wipe only problem areas with a brush, in order to avoid blurring the texture of the skin (I showed it in detail in this lesson). It is very good to combine this element with the action from Oleg Tityaev, which can be found in his article on quick skin retouching ( strongly recommend to study).

13. It was / became, the effect is not revolutionary, but noticeable and important. Physically, you won't be able (though if you're a nerd) to spend a lot of time processing the entire body in the same format as facial retouching requires.

14. You must not forget that all relatively large skin nuances need to be corrected manually - Healing brush to help you! But only after already "smooth" the big picture with plug-ins and actions.

15. Well, my favorite is Alien Skin Expourse (I have version 6). A plugin that helps a lot to choose the tone of pictures, and generally makes life easier. About inventing colors I had .

16. It is very similar to Lightroom, I think the latter is taken as a basis. On the left - we have a window with ready-made templates, divided into thematic groups, on the right - detailed settings.

17. There are many settings, but in the evening, by the method of scientific poke, by the way, the best when studying the elements of the program interface, you will understand everything. Of the interesting - it is also possible to make highlights and hares.

18. No noise today anywhere - they will laugh! Here, fortunately, it has extensive settings.

19. The third must have for a modern photographer is the tilt-shift effect, especially if you don't have the right lens. Everything is simple and clear, I don’t even know what to write about it :)
More note- Stars can select your favorite presets to your favorites. You can create your own by winding up the next settings - just click on the + icon on the top right in the left block, give it a name and it will be with you forever.

20. Just an option, of which there may be several, everything is up to your taste and color. This tool really helps me decide., + A lot of their presets noticeably speed up the processing of frames.

I foresee questions: where to get these plugins? There are two scenarios (everyone will choose their own): buy or write in Google “download such and such a plugin with a key” (oh my, and my Windows is also pirated). There is nothing difficult in finding and installing the programs I have described.

P.S. What plugins do you use?

And have a great weekend :)

Photoshop is a trusted image/photo editing tool used by millions of designers, photographers and other professionals around the world.

A true Photoshop master can do everything from retouching photos to creating amazing animation effects. And, of course, professionals often use Photoshop plugins that make their work much easier.

20 Best Photoshop Plugins

If photography is not only a job for you, but also a vocation, this article will be useful to you. If you want to promote your photos and attract new clients, you should definitely follow the latest design trends. In this article, we have described the best Photoshop plugins that will help you create high-quality work in a short time.

Google Nik Collection

  • Price: for free

Free access is not the only benefit of this collection of plugins. Let's start with Analog Efex Pro. This tool can turn any photo into a true retro wonder. And with Color Efex Pro, you can effectively work on the color scheme and color correction of the image.

Silver Efex Pro is useful for those who want to create beautiful black and white images. If you want to quickly correct colors and tones in your photo, Viveza plugin is more suitable for you. With HDR Efex Pro, you can restore color effects and bring back shadows that have disappeared during processing. Sharpener Pro is the best tool for working on details that need to be highlighted in a photo.


  • Price: $49-$79

With Fontself you can create amazing text styles. This plugin is also available in Adobe Illustrator CC. You can purchase a package containing two versions of the plugin at once, or buy each of them separately.


  • Price: yearly subscription $59 (Basic) / $199 (Pro)

If you want to track the usage of your photos, this plugin is just right for you. Digimarc will help protect your copyright even if the original photo has been edited (for example, format changed).


  • Price:$149-$199 (package)

Exposure is a great plugin for Photoshop that can bring your photos to life a little. One of the main advantages of this plugin is the save feature. With Exposure, you can keep track of all the actions taken on a photo without losing a single version. This Photoshop plugin also contains powerful toning and sharpening features. More experienced users will surely appreciate the features for vignetting, bokeh, grain, and many frames and textures.

Fixel Contrastica 2

  • Price: $29.99

Fixel Contrastica is a solid plugin for photographers who want to work on the contrast in their work. By adjusting Shadows, Midtones and Highlights, you can give your photos visual fidelity in no time.

Font Explorer X

  • Price: €89.00

By choosing FontExplorer , you are choosing a powerful font tool. This plugin contains a preview function, allows you to view detailed information about the current font and supports a dark theme. If you need to quickly switch between multiple fonts, use this Photoshop plugin.

Geographic Imager

  • Price:$89 (Basic Geographic Imager) to $1899 (Geographic Imager and MAPublisher)

This is a great tool for adding georeferencing to images. You can mark coordinates and define a coordinate system, which can't be done in any other plugin. You can even switch between geodetic and projected coordinate systems. With Geographic Imager, you can also create beautiful images with mosaic elements.

Flaming Pear Software

  • Price: from free to $76 (for different packages)

If you are looking for a set of tools for creating memorable photos, you will definitely love this site. Use Flood 2 to create a realistic water reflection effect. Use Flexify 2 to work with spherical panoramas. Melancholytron will give your photos a touch of nostalgia. Lunar Cell will help you create an image of any planet that comes to your mind. India Ink is the perfect halftone plugin. SuperBladePro is a tool for working with surfaces and textures. With Mr.Contrast, your photos will become more contrasty and detailed. SolarCell will help you create beautiful images of the sun. Hue and Cry is a great color blending tool. With Gliterrato you can add realistic star images to your projects.

Machine Wash Deluxe

  • Price: $99

This Photoshop plugin will give any photo a touch of realism. After applying Machine Wash Deluxe, your work will become more “deep” and charming. Textile textures, as well as effects of aging and weathering, distinguish this plugin from many analogues.

Neat Image

  • Price: from $39.90 (plugin for Photoshop HOME) to $99.90 (plugin for Standalone and Photoshop v8 PRO plugin)

Neat Image is a Photoshop plugin that will instantly improve the quality of your photos. Use it to remove noise from any type of image: digital photos, scans, and printed photos. More than 8 types of noise (including luminance noise, band noise and graininess) can be removed with Neat Image.


  • Price:$39 (Photomatix Essentials) to $119 (Photomatix Plus Pro Bundle)

If you want to capture everything you see with your own eyes through photos, this Photoshop plugin is a must. Use a variety of presets to give your photos the right mood. The presets contain options such as Balanced, Painted, Natural, Vibrant, Surreal and Enhanced.


  • Price: $199.95

If you specialize in portraits, the Portraiture plugin is what you need. Plugin developers claim that with this tool you can easily retouch any photo. Improve your work without any texture damage. What's more, this Photoshop plugin automatically tracks changes in skin tone.


  • Price: $50

This tool is designed to add light to photos. With it, you can create beautiful ray effects. For example, you can add sun flare to a photo of a dark forest, or some moonlight to a night landscape. Rays is a great plugin for those who want to create stylish and a bit dramatic work.


  • Price: $14.99

If you constantly work with many layers at the same time, this tool will come in handy. With Renamy you can select multiple layers at the same time and rename them with just one click. Moreover, thanks to Renamy, your list of items will always be simple and structured. But that's not all - Renamy also offers an autocomplete feature and an extended backup history.


  • Price: from $79.99 (ON1 RESIZE 10.5) to $149.99 (ON1 PLUS PRO)

Resize is designed to enlarge photos up to 1000%. This is a great tool for interior designers and large format photographers. With this plugin, you can enlarge any image without losing quality. The Gallery Wrap feature deserves special attention. With its help, you can create the necessary margins for wooden frames.


  • Price: $129

The name of this plugin speaks for itself. The developers claim that the Shadows v3.0 plugin is unique because it gives any image the effect of 3D space. With this plugin, you can work in two modes: expert mode and beginner mode. A library of ready-made shadows will allow you to quickly select the desired effect.

Topaz Simplify

  • Price: $39.99

This Photoshop plugin allows you to create various effects: oil paint effect, cartoon effect and even charcoal effect. Define the features of the edges of an object or drawing and modify them with Simplify . The plugin is also useful for removing unwanted elements from the picture.

Star Spikes Pro 4

  • Price: $49.95

This plugin is best used at the final stage of image processing. With it, you can add sparkling “star” effects to your photos. Thanks to the mathematical simulation of light diffraction, all effects look extremely realistic. You can use effects such as spotlights, soft flash, and ring flash separately. And with StarFilter Pro, you can even add star effects to photos taken during the daytime.

Subtle Patterns

  • Price: $17.99

Subtle Patterns is a great choice for those who want to have a wide library of patterns at their fingertips. By clicking on any pattern, you specify it as the active layer style. You can also sort the list of patterns and create a list of the most needed ones.


  • Price: $129

If you are a fan of cartoons, you will definitely like this plugin. You won't have to spend hours creating a hand-drawn or rotoscoped effect. The simple user interface will allow you to instantly learn how to use this tool. ToonIt is also considered to be the best tool for turning photos of people into images of cartoon characters.

Now you know which Photoshop plugins will make your work in this editor easier. Good luck!