The best projects of baths with a veranda. Bath projects with a terrace: a selection of options

The importance of bathing procedures is difficult to overestimate. A regular bath can prevent many diseases. A visit to the steam room normalizes metabolism, promotes the removal of toxins, relieves colds. In addition, it is an excellent relaxing and tonic agent that helps relieve stress after a hard day's work. And how wonderful it is to go outside after the steam room, enjoy the birds singing and cool fresh air, cool down a little and relax.

Bath with a terrace - a rational and economical idea

The project of a bath with a terrace gives a lot of advantages and new opportunities, perfectly complements and decorates the site. Do you want to ensure a complete rest? In this case, you can arrange a place for a barbecue on the terrace. A large terrace with a 6x6 sauna will become a favorite place for many. Having placed chairs and a table, it is pleasant to receive guests here, relax, listen to music, and in the evenings, after steam and a broom, drink tea and treat yourself to barbecue with smoke. A bathhouse with a relaxation room and a terrace is equally good and comfortable for both summer and winter pastime.

Projects of baths with a terrace can be either miniature, compact or large enough. General form these buildings are just amazing. They look very attractive on the site. There are enough interesting projects of baths with a terrace on our website so that everyone can choose the option to their liking. And if suddenly the submitted projects cannot satisfy your wishes, we will develop a project from scratch especially for you. Then it will definitely meet all your requirements and bring a lot of pleasure!

We advise you to plan the construction a few steps ahead - you decide to install a bathhouse, immediately think about a gazebo. Anyway, sooner or later it will have to be built. Bathhouse with a gazebo under one roof - great option. The desired result is achieved much cheaper and faster.

It is necessary to make a few explanations of what a bathhouse with a gazebo under one roof is from the point of view of architects.

Arbor - a separate light structure that does not have main walls, bearing structures- vertical racks. May have different geometric shape, from a rectangle or square to a hexagon or circle. There are almost no restrictions on the size, the walls can be closed with decorative lattices or be completely open. Barbecues, barbecues or stoves are placed inside.

If such a gazebo is placed under the same roof as a bathhouse, then the structure should already be correctly called not a bathhouse with a gazebo, but a bathhouse with a terrace or veranda. But in colloquial speech you can find the name "bath with a gazebo under one roof." And we will use such a “popular” name in the article.

Despite the fact that there are many options for building a bathhouse with a gazebo under one roof, they all have common advantages.

Possibility to increase the therapeutic effect of the steam room by staying on fresh air. For this, there is no need to move from one separate building to another; immediately after leaving the bathhouse, you can comfortably sit in the gazebo.

Much easier laying engineering communications. Lighting is powered by one power cable, a common switchboard, energy consumers are connected to one RCD.

The area of ​​​​the summer cottage is saved, issues are resolved with the choice of the most suitable place taking into account the characteristics of the landscape and physical indicators soils.

Significant financial savings. The construction of a bathhouse with a gazebo under one roof is 30% cheaper than both buildings with the same characteristics separately.

The construction of a separate complex will cost 30 percent more

Add to these advantages significant time savings, the ability to complete everything in one season construction works, put things in order on the site and you will have no doubts about how to build up a summer cottage.

Brief overview of projects

Project No. 1. Bathhouse with a gazebo and a covered walkway

Very beautiful and functional solution. The bathhouse and gazebo are built on a strip shallow-reinforced foundation - the integrity of the structure is guaranteed, the likelihood of problems in the roof valleys is excluded.

For all buildings, valleys are considered the most problematic places, and if at least a slight displacement of the elements of the truss system is observed in these places, then the risks of leaks increase significantly. The project is quite expensive and complex, the roof of the gazebo is multi-level with a large number of slopes various shapes and tilt angles. The dimensions of the bath are 4 × 5 meters, the transition is 1.5 × 2 meters, the gazebo is hexagonal with a diagonal size of 2.5 meters. Next to the gazebo there is a storage room for firewood.

Project number 2. Bathhouse with a hexagonal gazebo

Bathhouse with a hexagonal gazebo

It has a warm sanitary unit, a washing room, a steam room and a rest room. Dimensions 5 × 9.38 meters. Bath material - foam blocks, exterior finish walls - cement-sand plaster.

The interiors are sheathed natural clapboard. A brazier is attached near the wall, half of the roof of the gazebo is gable, the second half with hexagonal slopes. There is no separate transition - the consumption of building materials is reduced.

Project number 3. Bathhouse with a gazebo under an elongated gable roof

Construction material - rounded logs, rafter system single, made according to universal sizes. The roof of the gazebo stands on separate vertical posts.

In the gazebo there is a stone stove for cooking, which allows you to use it as a kitchen in the summer. Below we will talk in more detail about the methods of building a combined roof, in our opinion, many developers can choose this version of the project. In the meantime, check out a few more interesting projects of baths with gazebos under one roof.

Project number 4. Sauna with a gazebo and barbecue

Quite an expensive project, but very functional and beautiful, can serve as a decoration for everything suburban area. The second floor of the bath is attic, with a terrace from the end. There is a barbecue built on the same platform with a gazebo, there is a woodcutter. This version of the bath can be used as a residential country house.

Project number 5. Bathhouse with a gazebo under one slope

One of the simplest projects from an architectural point of view, the price refers to the "budget" option. Arbor with dimensions of 2.6 × 6.0 meters, which allows you to place a barbecue, barbecue or summer Russian oven for cooking in it.

Video - Successful bath projects with a gazebo

We will talk about the third project, we will tell you how to build a truss system correctly, according to what criteria to select Construction Materials and type of foundation.

How to build a bath truss system with a gazebo under an elongated gable roof (project No. 3)

The dimensions of the gazebo are 4 × 4.1 meters, the roof is gable, the vertical supports are made of timber 150 × 150 mm, the foundations for the vertical racks are columnar. During the construction of a bathhouse with a gazebo under one roof, pay special attention to the quality of the foundations. A strip reinforced foundation was built under the bathhouse, and a column foundation under the gazebo. They are not connected in a single design, each works separately.

General gable roof has quite big sizes, the length of the roof over the gazebo is 4 meters. This is a significant departure over the bath, a change vertical position the truss system near one wall by only 1 centimeter causes a horizontal change over the end of the gazebo by 3 ÷ 4 centimeters, which is a lot for any roof. During the construction of foundations, every effort must be made to completely eliminate its seasonal fluctuations. It is desirable to make the depth of the foundation (strip and column) below the level of soil freezing in winter period time.

If you choose shallow foundations, then follow building codes exactly. The depth of the tape can not be lower than 80 cm, the thickness of the sand cushion is not less than 20 cm.

To reinforce the tape, it is necessary to take construction reinforcement of a periodic profile Ø 10 mm or more.

Another important point. After erecting the foundations, give them time to stand for natural shrinkage. To control the amount of shrinkage, make vertical marks on the tape and columns. After a certain time, check their position using the water level, if they have shifted, make new marks. It is recommended to start construction only after the shrinkage of the foundations has completely stopped.

Column foundations must necessarily have anchors for fixing vertical racks, the width of the columns is at least 40 × 40 centimeters. If there are violations in the technology of building foundations, then during the operation of a bath with a gazebo under one roof, big troubles will appear.

And the last. wooden bath also shrinks, depending on the material of the insulation, the moisture content of the beam and the parameters of the building, shrinkage can be up to 0.7 centimeters per meter of height. Vertical racks roofs over the gazebo, of course, do not have such shrinkage, Mauerlats will bend with all very negative consequences. To prevent this from happening, you need to give time for the complete shrinkage of the log house, and this will take at least one year. By the way, while the log house sits down, the foundation will also “calm down”.

Stages of construction of the truss system over the bathhouse and gazebo

Step 1. Preparation of materials for the truss system. For the rafter system, you need to purchase a 150 × 150 mm beam for Mauerlats, 50 × 150 mm boards for rafters and 50 × 100 mm boards for crossbars and puffs.

In our case, we choose simple truss systems with crossbars and puffs. To increase the strength of the structure above the bath, you can put a ridge beam, headstock and struts. Such a design will not be superfluous, it will take on part of the load and will not allow deformation of the truss system above the gazebo.

Step 2 Taking measurements and calculating the number of rafters. According to the project, the width of the bathhouse and gazebo is 4 meters, the slope of the slopes is taken at 20 °, this figure is satisfactory for middle lane our country. If you live in regions with a lot of snow cover, then the slope of the ramps should be increased. The distance between the rafters is 80 centimeters, given the length of the bath with an attic of 9.5 meters, 12 pairs of rafter legs will be needed. The length of each rafter, taking into account the overhang, is 4.5 meters, in total for the building, the creation of rafter legs will require (4.5 + 4.5) × 12 = 108 running meters boards 50 × 150 mm.

You need to buy with a margin, increase this amount by 5÷10%. The exact amount of materials depends on their quality and your skill. Keep in mind that the boards of the truss system must be at least the first grade, the presence of deep cracks, natural malformations and rotten knots is completely prohibited.

Important. When purchasing lumber, pay attention to the conditions and method of storage. Improperly stacked stacks can cause a significant curvature of the boards - such material is not suitable for the construction of the truss system. Inspect each board edge-on to make sure the surface is straight.

The standard length of the boards is 6 meters, which means that the boards will need to be cut. Sections 1.5 meters long will not go to waste, they can be connected and used for tightening.

Even ordinary connections withstand high tensile forces, and it is such forces that act on puffs. Calculate the rest of the lumber for the truss system in the same way.

Used as a roof covering flexible tile from modified bitumen, a continuous crate is made for it from moisture-resistant plywood or OSB boards. For crates, take the cheapest unedged boards just peel off the bark.

Step 3 Mauerlat installation. For the Mauerlat, it is necessary to use a beam 150 × 150 mm, it is attached to the upper crowns of the bath with metal dowels, the distance between the dowels is within one meter. The nagel must hold at least two log crowns.

Before installing the Mauerlat, be sure to check the height of all vertical supports around the perimeter of the gazebo. The ends must lie in a strictly horizontal position and one plane. To check, you need to use a hydraulic level or laser level. If deviations are found, they must be eliminated.

The vertical supports are connected to columnar foundations anchors. For anchors, both reinforcing bars and pieces of wire rod are used. The anchor must be concreted into the foundation to a depth of at least 15 centimeters.

Mauerlats start laying from the side of the gazebo, the connection of the bars along the length can only be done above the bath. It is easier to connect with a gash in half a tree, the junction is fixed with self-tapping screws, nails, bolts or metal brackets. During work, constantly monitor the distance between the opposite Mauerlats and their position in the horizontal plane. The more accurately the Mauerlats are laid, the more reliable the truss system will be and the less time it will take to build it.

Video - An example of building a bath from a bar with a terrace (part 1)

Step 4

The roof of the bath with a gazebo does not have any fractures and changes in the angle of inclination, all the rafters are completely the same. This allows you to prepare elements according to a template. The template is made from ordinary boards, the knots are connected with nails. Work carefully and slowly, mistakes are too expensive.

Important. We strongly recommend that you check the template along the entire length of the bath. Raise it to the bath, put it in the right position and walk along the entire length of the building. Mark the places where you need to slightly increase or decrease the distance between the rafter legs, stop at the average value. The average value will give you the opportunity to make all the rafters the same size, and perform fine adjustment already during the fixation of the elements. On the template, make notch marks for connecting to the Mauerlat.

Step 5 Solve the issue with the construction of the truss system over the gazebo. Above the bath ceiling, builders can walk on it, materials are stored in the attic. The gazebo has no ceiling, respectively, before starting the construction of the truss system, you will have to install factory scaffolding or make them yourself. Both options are equivalent in terms of efficiency, if possible, it is better to borrow for the duration of the forest. If this is not possible, you will be forced to waste time on their manufacture. When working on scaffolding, observe safety regulations.

Scaffolding - photo

Step 6 Raise prepared rafter legs on the roof of the bath. For the installation of rafters you will need Additional materials to install puffs, special tools, fixtures and hardware for fixing rafter legs. In addition, we need pieces of boards for their temporary fixation.

Step 7, check their placement, fix in the desired position with temporary props. To increase the stability of the truss system, use metal corners on self-tapping screws. Pull the ropes between the extreme rafters and install all the remaining elements of the rafter system one by one along them. Do not forget to temporarily tie the rafters together with boards; after installing the crate, they will be removed. Nail the boards from below so that they do not interfere with making the crate under the roofing.

Step 8 horizontal puffs, it is more reliable to connect them with bolts. Drill holes in the rafters and tie-downs, insert bolts of the desired length and tighten the nuts tightly. To increase the abutment area of ​​the bolt head and nut, use large diameter washers.

You cannot do the rafter system yourself, you need to involve at least two assistants in the work. Try to find those who have personal experience construction of the truss system (albeit by an assistant) or, in extreme cases, they saw how real masters do it.

Check all dimensions, the spatial position of the elements and the reliability of the loaded critical nodes. Everything is fine - the rafter system is ready, you can proceed to the crate and roof covering.

Video - Construction of a gable roof

Installation of a crate under a soft tile

crate under soft roof- mounting

Sheets of plywood or OSB are mounted on a crate of boards or battens. Distances between rails within 50 centimeters. Start nailing the lumber from the bottom, make templates to control the distances. If a lot of time has passed between the installation of the rafters and the installation of the crate, then their position should be checked. As always, for this use the stretched between the extreme rafters. Plywood is fastened to the crate with nails, fastening also starts from the bottom up. After finishing the work with a saw, trim the crate in one line from the side of the gables.

Video - Construction of a bath from a bar (part 2)

What to pay extra attention to

As can be seen from the project, the distance between the vertical supports of the gazebo is from two to four meters. Such remoteness makes them unstable, it is necessary to take a set of additional measures to increase the rigidity of the supporting structure of the truss system.

Connect the supports in the upper part of the gazebo with boards 50 × 100 mm. Before this, the lumber should be passed through a thickness gauge, sanded with a roughness sandpaper and coated with a resistant to precipitation varnish.

The connection of the vertical supports of the gazebo and the boards can be done with long wood bolts, choose galvanized hardware. It is better to drown the heads, seal the holes with putty to match the lumber.

If and after additional fastening supports, their stability is questionable - put inclined corner supports. In the future, these supports can serve as a frame for the construction decorative fences gazebos.

Make your bath truly versatile!

For a long time, the bath has ceased to be only a place where you can only take a steam bath. Modern complexes significantly expand the functionality of the steam rooms familiar to all of us. At the same time, one of the most important and indeed useful additions to any modern bath is a barbecue area. Here you will get a great opportunity in the company of your best friends to cook fragrant and delicious meat on the coals, combining this process with pleasant and useful procedures in the steam room. In most cases, a terrace is used to locate the barbecue area, which is attached to the bathhouse. But at the same time, solutions are also possible when a stove or barbecue for cooking meat on coals can become a harmonious addition to the rest room.

There are a lot of options for building a bath complex with a barbecue area today. On this page, the Brusbani company presents to your attention more than a dozen different functional and really interesting projects construction of a sauna with a barbecue, each of which can be further modified in accordance with your requirements and wishes. We want to emphasize that in the process of building a stove or barbecue, our specialists must observe all existing norms fire safety. You can be completely confident in the maximum comfort of each bath complex built by Brusbani.

We offer big choice various projects in almost any price range. Our managers really use in their work individual approach and always listen to every wish and requirement of the client. The Brusbani company is always focused on fruitful cooperation and we strive to turn all our bath complexes into real architectural masterpieces that can fit perfectly into landscape design and the concept of your site. We are sure that the barbecue bath will become perfect place for peaceful family leisure, noisy gatherings in the company of good friends and just a great pastime!

The territories of summer cottages do not always allow to realize all the dreams of the owner, so you have to save both space and materials. Therefore, combined projects of country cottages, baths, summer kitchens are becoming more and more popular. Today we will look at a few combined projects baths and find out all their features.

Benefits of barbecue bath projects

The dacha has become not so much a place for the realization of one's agricultural talents as a place for recreation. It is to ensure maximum comfort that such as a bathhouse with a terrace and a barbecue are created, the photo project of which we presented on the page. The combination of several objects at once in one not only saves the space of the site, but also makes the use of the bath more comfortable.

There are a great many projects of such a complex, and each of them can have different sizes and configuration. The optimal area for a terrace with a barbecue is 8-10 squares. This is enough for receiving guests, and such a terrace is quite suitable for a large family. On several projects listed on the page, implemented interesting solutions on the use of the terrace area and the bath itself:

Terrace decoration with BBQ

The terrace can have a lot of design options and be either completely open or have sliding or removable screens made of fabric, glass, polycarbonate. This option of temporary glazing of the terrace will allow you to use the bath complex almost all year round. It all depends on the degree of insulation of the terrace. But as a rule, removable elements are removed for the winter in the house. Also interesting option a multi-level extension can be obtained if the bath has a second floor or a full attic.

In the photo of such projects, the terrace looks simply luxurious, especially if you decorate it with flowers and glaze it. It turns out real winter Garden or greenhouse. A two-level bath with a terrace is also good because it can be used as a guest house. The second floor or attic in this case is designed as a living space with a guest room, while on the first floor there is a steam room, a relaxation room and a terrace with a barbecue, which can also serve as a summer kitchen.

The price of bath projects with a terrace

Bath projects with a terrace and a barbecue can be both budget and not too cheap. It all depends on the type of building. Most low cost projects baths involve the construction of frame-panel technology. But that doesn't mean that frame bath cannot be two-level or it will be less functional. The price of such a turnkey project is about half a million rubles.

More expensive projects already involve the construction of timber or log cabins from logs. The cost of such a bath with a terrace without an attic floor is about 800 thousand rubles. Two-story bath with an attic and a terrace will cost from 1,200,000 turnkey rubles. Naturally, the price of the final object will be influenced by the materials and equipment used, as well as engineering solutions that can help combine the foundation of the bath and terrace, which will somewhat reduce the cost of construction.

You can always save money due to the design of the stove, by equipping the bath itself, but the very fact of the presence of such a bath complex on suburban area- this is a reason for pride. Hours spent in silence after a good bath cannot be measured by any money, so the project of a sauna with a terrace and a barbecue is an excellent investment for the future.

All square baths look like a crate: you take a look and it becomes clear what kind of structure it is. The corner building looks much more interesting: it resembles a tower. The complex configuration of the walls, standing at an angle, original roof, a patterned veranda, a terrace or a grassy lawn or - each of these elements gives the garden a new, unique look. corner bath with a veranda and barbecue turns a distant, abandoned, burdock-covered corner into a cozy place for comfortable rest with pretty scenery.

Designers say: corner baths are becoming more popular than traditional ones. There are special reasons for this. The corner structure provides the owner with the following advantages:

  • Closes the garden from overly curious glances.
  • It leaves room for creating a cozy patio - a patio with a seating area.
  • Allows you to equip an additional, living space to make a romantic lodge out of the bathhouse, hidden in the depths of the garden.
  • If desired, it is easy to build an attic over such a house, and thereby further expand the operational capabilities of the log house.

Projects of corner buildings attract with the architectural completeness of the structure and comfortable layout. interior consists of four main rooms:

  • steam room;
  • lounge for relaxation;
  • dressing room;
  • veranda - a recreation area where you can install a barbecue or build in another, functionally useful room.

Such baths are distinguished by a good heat-saving ability: although the log house stands separately, but the steam room in it is located in interior. A stove is usually placed in the wall between the steam room and the rest room, and it heats all the rooms. Often, a round terrace is installed in the corner between the wings of the building: the site gives additional charm to the structure. If it is closed with a light wall, then a convenient vestibule is obtained, which prevents cold air from entering heated rooms from the outside.

  • The roof over the bath can be hipped, one corner of which hangs over the terrace.
  • Complex looks expressive gable roof, whose two spitz meet at a right angle. Additional expressiveness of this design is given by the original visor - a canopy covering the porch.

Corner bath is convenient to use:

  • A flooded stove heats two or three rooms at once.
  • In the bath, two entrances are often equipped, the doors of which open onto opposite sides of the building.
  • They also make separate doors to each room from the terrace or veranda.

Stylish option: install a barbecue on the terrace or veranda. This is an oven. The symbiosis of the fireplace and barbecue is a beautiful oven for roasting meat. Such a hearth is able to give a touch of luxury to the most modest, in architectural terms, bath.

Expert opinion

Sergey Yurievich

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The body of the barbecue is made of fireclay. By general design barbecue is similar to all hearths.

It contains:

  • firebox;
  • air intake chamber;
  • exhaust pipe.

Expert opinion

Sergey Yurievich

Construction of houses, outbuildings, terraces and verandas.

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A mandatory attribute is a wide rack for placing the ingredients of dishes and cutlery.

There is also space for additional accessories - the main advantage of a barbecue. This includes magic items for cooking a real, unique barbecue.

Among them:

  • forged frame for skewers;
  • stainless steel grill - frying surface;
  • two pokers - curved and straight;
  • forceps.

However, the most important element barbecue - safety. Bake open type- a source of heat and sparks. Its construction is treated with the utmost care.

In addition to the well-known requirements related to fire protection, when building a barbecue, the wind rose is taken into account: the hearth must be protected from drafts.

The predominant direction of the winds is also taken into account during the construction of a corner building. It is advisable to arrange a bath with a veranda so that open areas and doors are closed from strong gusts of air.

Corner bath with a closed veranda and utility block

One of the most important arguments speaks in favor of the corner structure: the L-shaped structure saves space, and this is a significant advantage that comes to the fore when planning garden plot small area. In conditions of austerity of space, a bath with a veranda can be combined with the construction of a utility block.

The shed can adjoin the bath both from the side of the main premises, and from the side of the veranda or rest room. The construction of the hozblok allows you to solve another problem - to create a closed area on the veranda and on the lawn in front of the bath. The room has a separate entrance. In most cases, a bath with an economic department is covered common roof to prevent leaks and ensure better thermal insulation the entire complex.

Corner bath with an attic floor and a veranda

The corner building will perfectly fit into the already created landscape. If flower beds are broken on the site, planted fruit trees, the lawn is equipped, in one of the corners there is always a place for a new small building, such as a bathhouse. interesting moment: if done in a corner bath broken roof, and install a ladder in the hall, then with minimal cost you will receive an additional guest house. The advantages of a separate mini-style cottage will be appreciated by growing or adult children who decide to visit their parents. Friends who come to relax for the weekend will also like it.

Expert opinion

Sergey Yurievich

Construction of houses, outbuildings, terraces and verandas.

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An important point: the cost of the entire structure will increase slightly, and possibly remain the same as the cost of a one-story bath.

After all, a sloping roof is built from an ordinary two-meter beam. The price of the material is much lower than the rafter legs from long lengths. The bath will turn out to be two-story, but the weight of the structure will also practically not change: therefore, the foundation can be used the same.

Individual elements of construction will still have to pay increased attention.

  • The first such element is waterproofing. The ceiling from the side of the steam room should be carefully covered with a moisture-repellent material, otherwise mold will settle in the room.
  • The second point is vapor barrier. Ventilation must be provided between the ceiling and the attic floor. Bars or slabs heated from high temperatures will become a place for the formation of increased condensate. You may need to spend on a vapor permeable membrane.

Corner bath with glazed veranda - barbecue project

The veranda can be located between the functional rooms and the barbecue area, or adjacent to both sections - washing and entertainment. In the second case, it is placed in inner corner: it turns out a zone that unites all rooms.

Expert opinion

Sergey Yurievich

Construction of houses, outbuildings, terraces and verandas.

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The barbecue oven is usually installed on outdoor terrace under the roof: it's safer that way.

But, if one of the walls of the hearth is roughly docked to the veranda, you get an excellent wardroom for intimate conversations.

It is also possible to build a barbecue in a brick building inside the veranda. In this case, serious attention should be paid to ventilation: it is necessary to design and install an exhaust device. It is extremely difficult to execute it without a separate project. After all, the design should be:

  • safe - protect from exposure to carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide;
  • beautiful - as in a real tower;
  • functional - convenient for use by both the cook and guests.

Corner one-story bath with a veranda

Summing up, we can say that glazed veranda next to the bath is a great idea. Indoors on outdoors, protected from rain and wind, you can hold family evenings and friendly parties. You can spend an evening or two in philosophical solitude: the interior allows.