Horse (horse) (symbol). Why do you dream about a Horse? What does it mean to see a horse in a dream?

according to Miller's dream book

Riding a white horse in a dream is a wonderful sign. First of all, it promises you the strength of friendships and the joy of meeting with like-minded people. If you see that your horse is dirty, then deception and envy on the part of those you trust are possible. If you dream that you are riding a black horse, this means that you will succeed in business for a long time and unexpectedly discover the vanity and futility of your activities. Watching brown horses run promises you favorable circumstances that will suddenly change for the worse. This dream can also portend fleeting and superficial hobbies. Seeing horses in spotted apples is a sign of future benefits in business. Riding a beautiful bay horse portends exaltation and satisfaction of desires. For a woman who sees this dream, it promises determination to refuse an annoying admirer and material gain in the near future. Seeing your horse running away to join a wild herd means that news of someone's illness awaits you. In general, seeing beautiful horses in a dream promises you success and prosperity. If you cross a clear stream on horseback in a dream, good luck awaits you, but your joy will be overshadowed by something if you look down into dark water. The fulfillment of many dreams and obtaining benefits in business promises you a dream that you are crossing a clear river on the back of a horse. But seeing a wounded or dead horse in a dream means sad news. Riding a bucking horse means various difficulties on the path to success. If a horse throws you off or kicks you hard on the back, then fate will send you a test in the form of your opponents or you will get sick. Grabbing a horse by the bridle and subordinating it to your will promises you drastic, favorable changes in life. If in a dream you admire a well-shod horse, your success in the near future will amaze even your own imagination. For a woman, such a dream promises a reliable friend for life. Participating in horse racing is a harbinger of a prosperous life. Shoeing your horse yourself means acquiring property through dubious means. If you dream that you are deftly galloping on a bareback horse, it means that you will be able to acquire prosperity and comfort in a difficult struggle, and in this dream reliable help from friends is also possible. Riding a horse in a female environment promises you uncertainty in your future desires, your dependence. If you watch a horse being groomed, or clean it yourself with a hairdresser, such a dream promises you great trials, hard work on the path to honors and a firm position in life. For business people, peasants, and writers, a dream in which they decorate the mane and tail of a horse is very favorable. If you dream of horses harnessed to a carriage, then this promises obstacles on the path to happiness. If you dream that you are climbing a high mountain on horseback along a narrow path, then in reality you will achieve a very strong position in life. If, with such a climb, the horse cannot stand it and you climb the rest of the way on foot, then your strong position will be won at the cost of great efforts. If a girl sees herself in a dream as a rider on a black horse, this means an unexpected event that will help fulfill her desires, as well as her communication with wise, respectful interlocutors. Riding down a hill means failure. Seeing her lover riding a horse behind her promises a woman success with interesting, successful admirers. If the rider is scared, then this foretells her in reality the anxiety and jealousy of a loved one. If a girl dreams that she jumps off a horse and it instantly turns into a pig, then this foreshadows her reckless rejection of lucrative marriage proposals, after which the freedom she prefers will soon seem hateful to her. If a girl dreams that she is riding on a white horse through a hilly area and, looking around, constantly sees a rider on a black horse behind her, this promises her an alternation of successes and failures and constant anxiety in her soul about the fate of a matter that is important to her. If you dream of a horse falling from the sky and turning into a stranger who throws something at you, this means a serious failure, unfulfilled hopes and, for some time, the failure of your attempts to master the situation. If in a dream you see horses grazing in a meadow, this means a well-established business and coordinated actions of your partners. Barren pasture and dry land promise you poor but devoted friends. For a young lady, this is a harbinger of a happy marriage. Seeing a horse dealer in a dream promises you material gain, but risky undertakings. Buying a horse yourself and realizing in a dream that the merchant is deceiving you means losses. Selling a not very good horse, keeping a thoroughbred one for yourself, is a sign of great luck.

Why do you dream about a horse?

according to Tsvetkov’s dream book

fate, hope; white - complaint, arrangement of affairs, wedding (for women); getting off a horse is a loss of position; sitting on horseback - fulfillment of hopes; entered the house - happiness, marriage, if saddled; bareback - love affair; (for a woman) - hope for a relationship, for marriage; riding on your well-saddled horse (mare) - a beautiful and rich wife; riding on someone else's horse - joy, joy with a beautiful lady; someone riding your horse is a temptation among loved ones; riding a horse with a long tail - help from friends; harnessing a horse - loss of a loved one; sitting on horseback - patronage, success in business; see Ride.

Seeing a horse in a dream

according to the dream book of animals

It has a dual meaning. As the solar force, a white, golden or fiery horse appears with the Sun gods, harnessed to their chariots; like the lunar element of moisture, the sea and chaos force are the war horses of the oceanic gods. Thus, the horse symbolizes both life and death. The horse also symbolizes intellect, wisdom, intelligence, reason, nobility, light, dynamic strength, agility, quickness of thought, and the passage of time. She has an instinctive, sensitive animal nature, magical powers of deification and symbolizes the wind and sea waves. Appears in images of the fertility gods and Vanir. The devil can ride on it, and then it becomes phallic. If the rider is a Wild Hunter and Earl-King, it means death. The winged horse is the Sun or the cosmic horse. It represents pure intellect, innocence, purity, life and light; it is ruled by heroes. At a later time, the horse replaced the bull in sacrifices. Both of them personify the gods of Heaven and fertility, male power, as well as chthonic forces. The white horse of the ocean relates to both the principle of water and the principle of fire. A lion killing a bull or a horse means the Sun, drying up moisture and fog. The black horse is a sign of funeral. Foretells death and symbolizes chaos. Appears during the twelve days of chaos between the old and new years. The sacrifice of the October horse means the death of death. In Buddhism, a horse is something indestructible, the hidden nature of things. The winged or cosmic horse “Cloud” is one of the images of Avalokiteshvara or Guan Yin. Buddha left home on a white horse. In Chinese Buddhism, a winged horse carries the Book of the Law on its back. Among the Celts, the horse is an attribute or image of horse gods, such as Epona, the Great Horse, the mare goddess, Mebd of Thar and Macha of Ulster, protector of horses as chthonic deities and forces of death. The horse can also be a solar symbol as a sign of courage, fertility; in addition, he is a psychopomp and messenger of the gods. In Chinese mythology, the horse is Heaven, fire, yang, south, speed, perseverance, good omen. The horse is one of the seven symbolic animals of the Twelve Earthly Branches. His hoof, not a horseshoe, brings good luck. When the cosmic horse is solar, it is contrasted with the earthly cow, but, appearing with the dragon symbolizing Heaven, the horse represents the earth. A winged horse carrying the Book of the Law on its back is a sign of good luck and wealth. In marriage symbolism, the horse means speed and accompanies the groom, a strong lion, the bride is accompanied by flowers. The horse is a typical symbol of fertility and powerful power. In Christianity, a horse is the Sun, courage, nobility. Later, during the Renaissance, it began to symbolize lust. In catacomb images, a horse meant the rapid passage of time. The four horses of the Apocalypse are war, death, famine and epidemic. The horse is the emblem of Saints George, Martin, Mauritius, Victor; wild horses are the emblem of Saint Hippolytus. It is noteworthy that the horse is completely absent from Egyptian symbolism. Among the Greeks, white horses carry the sun chariot of Phoebus and, being the principle of humidity, are associated with Poseidon as the god of the sea, earthquakes and springs. Poseidon can appear in the form of a horse. The Dioscuri ride on white horses. Pegasus means the transition from one level to another, he carries the lightning of Zeus. Centaurs often appear in rites dedicated to Dionysus. In Hinduism, a horse is a bodily ship, and the rider is a spirit. The mare Manu is the deified earth. The white horse Kalki is the final incarnation or vehicle of Vishnu as he appears for the tenth time, bringing peace and salvation to the world. Varuna, the cosmic horse, was born from the waters. Gandharvas, horse people, are a combination of natural fertility and abstract thinking, intelligence and music. The horse is the guardian of the South. In Iranian mythology, Ardvisura Anahita's chariot is drawn by four white horses: wind, rain, cloud and sleet. The Magician's Chariot is drawn by four war horses, symbolizing the four elements and their gods. In Islam, a horse is happiness and wealth. In Japanese mythology, the white horse is a vehicle or form of manifestation of Bato Kwannon, corresponding to the Indian Buddhist Avalokiteshvara and the Chinese Guan Yin, the goddess of mercy and the Great Mother. She may appear either as a white horse, with the head of a horse, or with the figure of a horse wearing her crown. The black horse is an attribute of the rain god. In Mithraism, white horses carry the chariot of Mithras as the sun god. The Romans have white horses harnessed to the chariots of Apollo and Mithras. Epona, borrowed from the Celts, becomes the Roman goddess - protector of horses. She was also a funeral deity. The Dioscuri ride on white horses. The horse is an attribute of Diana the Huntress. In Scandinavian and Teutonic mythology, the horse is dedicated to Odin, who rode the eight-legged mare Sleipnir. The horse appears accompanied by Vanir as the god of fields, forests, sun and rain. Clouds are the war horses of the Valkyries. In the shamanic tradition, the horse is a psychopomp; means the transition from this world to another. In addition, it is associated with sacrifice and is a sacrificial animal in Siberia and Altai. The horse's skin and head have ritual significance. The skin, like the golden fleece, carries the symbolism of fat, and the head contains the life principle. In Sumerian-Semitic mythology, the chariot of the sun god Marduk was drawn by four horses. The horse's head was the emblem of Carthage. The winged horse appears on Assyrian reliefs and Carthaginian coins. In Taoism, a horse is an attribute of Chang Kuo, one of the eight immortal Taoist geniuses.

I dreamed about a stable

according to Miller's dream book

A stable in a dream is a good sign, predicting good luck and a pleasant environment. If you dream of a flaming stable, this is a sign of either happy changes, or a harbinger of a similar event in real life.

Seeing a centaur in a dream

This symbol represents the lower nature of man, his bestial nature, combined with a higher nature, human dignity and the ability to judge; the fierce and kind aspects of human nature and the conflict between these opposites. The horse personifies the male solar power and is the footstool for the rising spirit of man. It is a combination of blind force and guiding spirit. In Christianity, the centaur symbolizes sensuality, passion, adultery, brutal force, a person torn between good and evil, animal and spiritual nature, a heretic, the incarnation of the devil. Bow and arrows are the fiery darts of evil. In Ancient Greece, the centaur Chiron, who raised Achilles, personified wisdom. Centaurs sometimes accompany Dionysus Bacchus.

I dreamed about a horseshoe

according to Miller's dream book

Seeing a horseshoe in a dream portends success in business, and for women - happy cooperation. Seeing a broken horseshoe is a sign of failure. Finding a horseshoe hanging on a fence means that your success will exceed your wildest hopes. If in a dream you find a horseshoe on the road and pick it up, then you will unexpectedly receive funds from a source that you did not know about.

Why do you dream of a horseshoe?

according to Tsvetkov’s dream book

find - happiness.

I dreamed about the reins

according to Miller's dream book

Seeing reins in a dream foretells that you will overcome any obstacle on the path to success and happiness. If they break off on their own or you tear them, this means that you will be forced to give in to your enemies.

I dreamed of a saddle

according to Miller's dream book

If you dream of a saddle, expect good news, as well as unexpected guests. In addition, you may go on a trip that turns out to be a winner.

I dreamed about cavalry

according to Miller's dream book

Seeing a cavalry division in a dream foretells personal achievements and distinctions. However, your rise may be accompanied by a small sensation.

Dreamed of a pony

according to Miller's dream book

If you dream of a pony, it means that your modest transactions will be crowned with success.

Seeing a zebra in a dream

according to Loff's dream book

Dreams about zebras are often a reflection of the feeling of impermanence present in your real life. You may perceive yourself as two or more distinct personalities competing for dominance in your behavior, morals, and other life roles. This is especially true for those who are combative, involved in ethically questionable activities, or those who are unfaithful to others.

The meaning of a dream about a zebra

according to Freud's dream book

If you dreamed of a zebra, this means that your partner has an extremely changeable and fickle disposition. What he liked yesterday and was quite happy with today may infuriate him tomorrow. Therefore, you can compare your state to being on a powder keg, waiting every minute for an explosion. It is possible that your partner has never shown concern for you in his life and has not asked: are you satisfied with the existing rules and would you like to make some adjustments to your union? Harmony reigns only in your bed, since there he is frankly weak and therefore hesitates to dictate anything. But as you know, life is not limited to one bed, but continues beyond it.

Unicorn in a dream

according to the dream book of Nostradamus

The unicorn is a symbol of purity, chastity, purification, death. If in a dream you are trying to catch a unicorn, in reality all your efforts are aimed at resisting evil. A dream in which you managed to catch and tame a unicorn means the spiritual purity and chastity of a person close to you. Seeing an angry unicorn in a dream means committing a shameful act in reality. A unicorn chasing a man is a symbol of man's eternal game with death. If you saw a golden unicorn in a dream, this is a symbol of spiritual and physical cleansing and good health.

The meaning of a dream about a unicorn

according to Freud's dream book

Seeing a unicorn in a dream means that you will be cuckolded in the near future, and this news will reach you last.

Seeing a unicorn in a dream

according to the dream book of Mythical animals

Symbolizes the lunar feminine principle, chastity, purity, virginity, perfect goodness, dignity, strength of mind and body, incorruptibility. The merging of two horns into one means the unity of opposites and the indivisible power of the sovereign. Unicorns are sometimes depicted on either side of the Tree of Life, as its guardians. The battle between the lion and the unicorn symbolizes the solar and lunar forces and the pairs of opposites. The unicorn is the “ruler of the waters,” its horn helps detect poison in water and neutralize it. For astrologers, the unicorn is mercury, and the lion is sulfur. Among the Chinese, the unicorn is often identified with the qilin, one of the four spiritually gifted animals; it is the essence of the five elements. If it is depicted as white, then it is a lunar symbol, a yin animal, but as a qilin, it represents the union of yin and yang. It symbolizes gentleness, benevolence, good will, bliss, longevity, splendor, wise rule, illustrious offspring. The unicorn's horn is a lucky prophecy for the emperor. Riding a qilin means gaining fame. In Christianity, Christ is the “horn of salvation.” The horn, as an antidote, symbolizes Christ's ability to forgive sins; the unity of Christ and God the Father, as well as Christ as the only son of God. As the owner of purity, purity and virginity, the unicorn is an emblem of the Virgin Mary. If the unicorn is depicted alone, it symbolizes monastic life and is the emblem of Saints Justin of Antioch and Justin of Padua. In Egyptian mythology, the unicorn represents all moral qualities. In the Greco-Roman tradition, the unicorn is an attribute of all virgin lunar goddesses, especially Artemis Diana. Among the Jews, it symbolizes royal grandeur, strength and power. In heraldry it has the head and body of a horse, the tail of a lion, the legs and hooves of a deer, and a twisted horn in the center of the forehead. He is depicted with a lion, which signifies the unity of lunar and solar forces. For Iranians, the unicorn represents perfection and all moral qualities. In the Sumerian-Semitic tradition, he is a lunar symbol, an attribute of virgin goddesses and is depicted with the Tree of Life. For Taoists, the unicorn is one of the most important symbols, the essence of the five elements and qualities; qilin.

Why do you have a dream about a unicorn?

according to Vanga's dream book

The unicorn is the personification of purity, happiness and prosperity. If a unicorn passes by you in a dream, it means that good luck will soon await you, it will be easier for you than ever, everyone will call it luck, but in fact your well-being will be deserved, you yourself will understand what will cause it, why granted. Feeding a unicorn from your hands - in reality you will experience bliss that people rarely experience. You will receive a rare and expensive gift from fate, after which you cannot remain ungrateful. A dream in which you see a unicorn being killed or dying predicts misfortune and suffering due to the fault of evil people who live for profit; you will know this and worry, but you will not be able to correct this situation. The perpetrators will be punished and calm will be restored. If you manage to pet a unicorn, then such a dream says that you are undeservedly taking advantage of the benefits that you have. You should thank not only fate for them, but also the people around you. Until you acknowledge this with your soul and realize it with your mind, you will not experience true happiness. Chasing a unicorn in a dream or trying to catch it - in reality you are putting a lot of effort into achieving your goal. But your goal may not be worth the effort you're expending. Think about this so you don't end up with disappointment.

Why do you dream about horse racing?

according to Tsvetkov’s dream book

to be present is an unexpected success; participate - how you will come, the place number means the time until victory (in years).

I dreamed about cattle

according to Miller's dream book

Seeing beautiful and well-fed cattle grazing peacefully in green pastures in a dream means prosperity and happiness that you will share with a pleasant life partner. Seeing dirty, skinny cattle in a dream means that you will have to work hard all your life, since you will direct your strength in the wrong direction and will not love your work. After such a dream, you need to think about changing your habits. Seeing cattle running in panic means that you will have to make every effort so that your career does not collapse. Seeing a herd of cows during milking means that you will be the happy owner of a fortune that many have claimed. For a young woman, this dream foretells that her love will not suffer from her choice. Seeing a cow with a full udder being milked in a dream means that great luck awaits you. If you see a calf sucking milk, then you are on the verge of losing your beloved, because you are slow to show your reciprocity, or losing your property due to neglect of affairs. Seeing calves in a dream is a sign that you will become the darling of society and win the heart of a faithful person. In commercial matters, this dream foretells profits from trade, for a lover - bonds that he will cherish. If the calves aren't very good, don't expect to do well and you'll have a much harder time getting what you want than you thought. Long-horned and black, dirty cattle promise you enemies.

The meaning of a dream about a stallion

according to Freud's dream book

This symbol is interpreted only for women. So, if you dreamed of a stallion, it symbolizes your other half, your man. Seeing a wild, unbroken stallion in a dream means that your man has an extremely proud and independent disposition and you are unlikely to be able to subjugate him to your will or break his character. The only thing you can achieve with effort is a final break with him. He does not allow anyone to dominate him, and if you want your union to be harmonious and lasting, do not try to remake it. If in a dream you saw a calm stallion, allowing you to stroke him, comb his hair, feed him, etc., this indicates that your man is characterized by a calm disposition and you can easily make him “dance” to your tune, because you do this is very Skillful, without humiliating the dignity of your chosen one. If in a dream you ride a stallion, this indicates that you will live an emotionally turbulent life with a person. And no matter how much you would like to make him less impulsive and more balanced, and life more calm, do not try to do this, because in any case you will fail. If you dreamed of a stallion running away from you and not giving into your hands, this indicates that you are not suitable for each other and are unlikely to ever become a harmonious couple. While you do not feel so acutely your incompatibility and alienness of character, your subconscious signals you about it.

Why do you dream about a stallion?

according to Tsvetkov’s dream book

fate (quality depending on color), foal (for mother) - son; ran away from the yard - loss, separation; harnessed the stallion - victory.

I dreamed about a stallion

according to Miller's dream book

Seeing a foal in a dream means that good times are coming for you, where you will take a worthy and honorable place. Riding on a beautiful stallion in a dream means that your prestige and social position will increase in the most phenomenal way, however, this success will damage your morality and conscience. A dream in which you see an enraged stallion warns that the surrounding luxury will make you arrogant and arrogant, and this will turn your friends away from you and push you to dubious pleasures. Seeing a stallion is a sign that you will start new successful businesses.

About the symbolism of HORSE (HORSE):

(sample of text from different encyclopedias - not complete):

“The WORLD is ruled not by words and laws, but by signs and symbols”(Confucius)


SYMBOLS mean connections, can be the provision of space communications of all Civilizations...???
“Symbolism reveals the laws of connection between the world and the supernatural: “What is below is like what is above”... symbols are extremely important for understanding the ways of development of human thought, art, customs, religion and mythology.”

“Signs and symbols can serve as pointers to us in everyday or conscious reality, and symbols that appear in dreams will help us navigate the spiritual and subconscious world…. "(With).

"Symbols, patterns, diagrams, geometric figures - this is all new knowledge about distant WORLDS, which human consciousness is not yet able to decipher." (With)

THE UNDERSTANDING OF A SYMBOL IS OFTEN VERY DEPENDENT ON THE SPECIFIC HISTORICAL PLACE AND TIME, since the same symbol could be interpreted differently in different cultures.

The symbolism of the horse covers a very wide range, extending from light to darkness, from heaven to earth, from life to death.

In the Chinese horoscope, the Horse is the seventh sign. The year dedicated to this animal promises to be filled with bustle and exciting events.

Horse (Horse) is an archetype. It symbolizes empowering but dangerous forces, as well as power and might. Is the most archetypal symbol of travel or travel.
In many myths, horses play the role of transport in another world. They are often harnessed to the chariots of the gods and have mythical properties. Slepnir, the horse of the Old Norse god Odin, had eight legs. And the winged Pegasus from Greek myths drove the chariot of Zeus with thunder and lightning.
(In modern times, this type of transport power has been replaced by cars and airplanes).

The HORSE is an ancient animal symbol associated with the sun and heavenly gods. She personifies the primeval power of wind, storm, fire, waves and running water. Death is depicted riding a black horse, while the white horse symbolizes light, life and spiritual enlightenment. In classical Iranian, Indian, Old Norse and Babylonian mythology, horses pulled the chariot of the sun. One of the Sacred Symbols of the ancient Greek god Poseidon was considered a horse, a symbol of gushing springs. The horse is a symbol of animal vitality, speed and beauty. Also associated with wind, storm, fire, waves and running water.

HORSE - HORSE = SYMBOL of vital animal force, beauty, grace, power and bewitching harmonious movement. A symbol of fidelity and at the same time indomitable freedom, fearlessness, military valor and glory.

The horse personifies the male solar power and is the footstool for the rising spirit of man. It is a combination of blind force and guiding spirit. And above all, it is an attribute of numerous gods and heroes who use it as a means of transportation between various elements and dimensions of space.

Although the horse is mainly associated with elemental (innate - the power of wind, storm, fire, sea waves and flowing water) force, it can also symbolize the speed of thought, as well as intelligence, wisdom, intelligence, reason, nobility, light, dynamic strength, agility , time running. She has an instinctive, sensitive animal nature. Legends and folklore often imbue horses with magical powers of divination. In Slavic mythology and legends and fairy tales, riders on horses of different colors symbolize the day (white rider, sun-red rider, night - black rider, A brown horse (or spotted white) was considered a harbinger of death. In the revelations of John the Theologian it is said that a horse pale - death, red horse - bright red - war; black horse - famine FOUR HORSES OF THE APOCALYPSE mean the eschatological end of the world.

The horse was used in numerous family rituals, primarily associated with the transition from one state to another.

In many rituals, the horse serves as a symbol of the continuity of life. Appears in images of fertility gods...

As the solar force, a white, golden or fiery horse appears with the Sun gods, harnessed to their chariots; as lunar power (the element of moisture, sea and chaos) it is embodied in the war horses of the oceanic gods.

The symbolism of the Horse sometimes takes on a dark overtone. The Devil can ride on it... If the Rider is the Wild Hunter or the Earl-King, it means death. Death is usually represented as a black horse, but she also rides a “pale” horse...

In Slavic mythology, the horse is a symbol of fertility, a mystical animal capable of penetrating the kingdom of the dead, the other world and returning back. The ancient Slavs revered the horse as an attribute of SVENTOVIT, THE GOD OF FERTILITY and white light. The horse among the Slavs served as a symbol of death and resurrection, like the rising and setting SUN..."

In addition, the winged Horse is a symbol of poetic inspiration, the exponent of which was Pegasus, a magical horse born from the body of the gorgon Medusa killed by Perseus... The ancients associated Pegasus with the goddess of dawn EOS...

A loaded horse is a symbol of the human body carrying the burden of its spiritual constitution, or vice versa, it is a symbol of the spiritual nature of a person bearing the burden of a material personality.

A broken horse is a symbol of power; hence the popularity of equestrian statues.
The Trojan horse is a symbol of deceit. From the point of view of Hermetic knowledge, the wooden Trojan horse, containing a detachment ready to capture the city, represents the human body, hiding within itself endless possibilities that develop and conquer everything around it.

In heraldic symbolism, the horse combines the properties of several animals at once: the courage of a lion, the vision of an eagle, the strength of an ox, the speed of a deer and the agility of a fox. It is called mad if it appears to be rearing; wild if he is without a bridle, etc. \

Unicorn: In mythology, it is a symbol of life-giving male energy. The most powerful and indomitable animal, which becomes meek and falls to its knees only when it sees a “beautiful virgin” in front of it - knightly culture deified the feminine principle of the world and made it the purpose of all the creative potentials of the male element.
(Page 25 Encyclopedia of Symbols).

PS: . (((COLORS OF THE APOCALYPSE HORSES in 2012 were a little different and THEIR order of RUN and arrival at the Symbolic place, perhaps, which means the symbolism of the future?)))

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The dream book widely presents the topic of love and personal relationships, but other topics are also covered in detail. Have pleasant dreams!

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Situations in dreams where this graceful animal is present are different. Sometimes in night vision there appears one grazing horse, and sometimes a whole herd. One dreams that he is galloping on a horse, hiding from pursuit; another is approached by a white horse in elegant harness. How to figure out why a horse dreams? And how do other details of the dream affect its interpretation?

Grandmothers, whom their grandchildren turn to in childhood with a request to interpret a dream about a horse, unanimously declare that it is a sign of deception. No explanation is given, but the conviction of relatives who have authority in solving dreams is unshakable. We can only guess: either this is what the dream book says, or the word “horse” is consonant with “lie.”

The horse is dreamed of for a variety of events. A white or golden animal marks the onset of a great time to solve any problems and receive material benefits. If you manage to jump on such a horse, the sleeper will finally gain authority and respect from others. Any questions will be within his reach.

The more beautiful the horse, the better things will go for the dreamer in reality.

A red animal promises deception, and a black one promises all sorts of troubles. The dream is interpreted even worse when the horse tries to kick or bite the dreamer. Soon he will encounter a person who will seriously harm him with slander and lies. A quiet horse symbolizes well-being in the home, and if it is tricolored, then real happiness and good luck will come to the sleeping person’s family.

Interpretations of dreams in different dream books

Famous dream interpreters give different predictions about the consequences of the appearance of a horse in a dream. For one, a horse will bring joy and luck, for another, on the contrary, difficulties and quarrels. Having seen a memorable dream, it is worth looking up its meaning from both soothsayers and psychologists.

According to Vanga

The healer and clairvoyant warned people who saw a horse in a dream about the secret machinations of enemies or the betrayal of friends. This is true if a horse in a dream approaches the sleeping person. Soon he will be faced with the deception of a loved one or friend.

The revived dead horse shows that the enemy, defeated in the past, is again preparing to attack. Riding a horse in a dream means losing caution, and an attack by a herd of wild horses warns of a possible car accident.

If a stone idol turns into a fast horse in a dream, in reality the sleeping person will “revive” abandoned affairs and succeed in them. An affectionate, trusting light-colored horse promises a comfortable journey.

According to Miller, a dream about a small horse or pony personifies the machinations of enemies who use all the “weaknesses” of the victim against the sleeper.

A kicking horse is also a bad sign. Sleeping with an aggressive mare may result in illness or bad events.

A galloping horse that has fallen shows that the dreamer cannot expect financial stability. His business is going extremely poorly.

More reassuring is a dream with a horse shod with new shiny horseshoes. In the near future, the sleeping situation will improve dramatically. He will be successful in his endeavors. The same applies to sleeping with an unusual two-legged horse. Acquaintances are ready to trust the person who sees her with their secrets.

Why does a girl dream of a saddled horse? The dreamer is destined by fate to have a successful marriage with a wealthy man. People of creative professions will be lucky after a dream in which they decorate the mane of a horse.

At the same time, an overly long mane portends an insult from a close friend. A cropped horse's tail is more often found in the dreams of pessimists who believe that the best time of life is behind them. Excellent prospects will be given by a dream where the sleeper exchanges an old horse for a young steed. Fortune will be on his side for a long time.

According to Freud

Freud believed that the horse represents the feminine principle. Thus, in a man’s dream, she means his beloved. A beautiful, graceful horse shows that a man is looking for or has already found an ideal partner.

A real ladies' man may see a whole herd of prancing horses in his dreams as his thoughts are busy developing a plan to win women.

A sick mare speaks of concern for the other half. Most likely, she is sick, and the sleeper is concerned about her condition. A dream with sick foals has a similar meaning, reflecting the poor health of children. A rider who saddles a horse in a dream wants to have many heirs in real life.

A woman riding a stallion is in reality happy with her relationship with her lover. Their goals and views coincide. And vice versa, if the horse throws the rider, she will have to break up with her partner on his initiative.

A magic horse - a unicorn - dreams of a person with a pure soul and thoughts. At the same time, this is a sign that he is strong in spirit and is ready to lead his followers.

A beautiful, well-groomed horse in a dream promises a woman a happy, cloudless existence. If the animal is sick, but managed to be cured, all endeavors will end happily. A horse that remains lame indicates difficulties and losses.

A horse entering the bride's house will in reality lead to an imminent wedding. For a woman, a ride on horseback precedes stormy love adventures. After sleeping with combing his long silky mane, the sleeper will receive news from afar.

According to Loff

An American psychiatrist believed that sleeping with a horse is a signal from the body of extreme fatigue. This is especially true when the dreamer dreams of a heavy cart being pulled by horses, or a rider on a horse climbing a mountain. It’s time for the dreamer to reduce the load, because he has taken on too much. Buying a horse in a dream promises to receive important news in reality.

The meaning of sleep depending on the color of the horse

Dream books give detailed explanations of why horses of different colors dream. In dreams, any light object or creature is more favorable than black. This rule also applies to the colors of horses.

In most dream interpreters, a snow-white horse means wealth and prosperity. The dreamer will receive well-deserved honor and glory. Circumstances will be successful, and transactions will bring profit.

In the Muslim dream book, riding a white horse into the distance foretells death. In other sources, on the contrary, patients dream of a light-colored animal before recovery. For unmarried girls, such a dream will bring a quick engagement, and for men - a passionate romance.

White foals or horses running across a field will give harmony and tranquility in real life. You will be able to overcome bad circumstances and fully enjoy joy and success. The owner of a herd of light-colored horses in reality will receive a significant amount of money or a bonus.

bay animal

A dream when a woman rides a luxurious bay horse speaks of her ripening desire to refuse an annoying admirer in reality. In general, the appearance of a reddish-colored horse portends unexpected events. The current state of affairs may change for the better or for the worse.

If a horse is covered in mud in a dream, in reality close people are deceiving the sleeping person. Hiding behind hypocritical smiles, they start intrigues against him.

The black horse indicates to the sleeper the futility of his hopes in resolving the controversial issue. The situation will change for the worse. Freud believed that an unmarried girl who sees a black horse in a dream suffers from unrequited love and is afraid to confess her feelings to the object of her passion.

A woman can also dream of a black horse as a sign of betrayal or a quarrel with a loved one. If she got scared at the sight of him, there is a danger of getting into an accident while driving the car.

A black horse in a dream promises a man a love interest that will ruin his relationship with his family. The betrayal will be revealed, and the spouse will be greatly offended. A rider in black clothes on a dark horse means adversity that could affect the sleeping person’s relatives, especially if the rider blows a horn.

Various dream situations

Additional dream details play a huge role in the interpretation of the dream. Like the color of the horse, its behavior and actions in relation to the sleeper often lead to completely opposite interpretations. Of course, the best option would be night vision with a quiet light horse, but a black horse does not always promise only trouble.

Seeing a small or large horse

According to Loff, the presence of a large horse in the stable indicates the well-being of the sleeper. He has no claims either to fate or to the people around him. In some dream books, references to a huge horse appearing are ambiguous. He is able to reveal the presence of a traitor in the dreamer’s environment, and promises a wedding to a bachelor.

A small horse portends defeat and poverty, and a skinny one portends insincere friends.

Ride a horse

Riding a black horse is a bad omen for a married lady, as it means cheating on her husband. On the contrary, riding a white horse in a dream will lead to a streak of good fortune and positive events. Horse racing on a tall bay horse helps fulfill desires.

When a girl dreams that she is riding a white horse, and, looking back, sees a pursuer on a black horse, successes and failures constantly alternate in her life. This dream also reveals her penchant for adventure.

See a lot of horses

Horses grazing on a green meadow demonstrate the success of the sleeper in business. His position is stable, and his work brings high income. If the soil in the pasture is dry and the grass hardly grows, the dreamer’s environment is dominated by low-income people. At the same time, such a dream promises a happy marriage for an unmarried girl.

Seeing people selling a lot of horses in a dream shows that the sleeper has been offered participation in a dangerous enterprise and is inclined to agree.

If a grazing horse is hobbled, you should hope for a breakthrough in business. Feeding foals in a dream is a sign of reconciliation with enemies. A dream in which the sleeper leads a horse to water speaks of his good health. Conscientious care of a horse demonstrates the presence of true friends in real life.

Run away from the horse

Escaping from a beautiful horse means a romantic meeting in reality. Fate has prepared an unexpected situation for the sleeper in the near future, which will provide an interesting acquaintance. If the horse gallops away from the dreamer, he subconsciously feels the loss of an exceptionally good chance.

A runaway who joins a herd of wild horses symbolizes the illness of a friend.


Beautiful animals decorate dreams. Despite the assurances of older relatives, most dreams with horses promise the fulfillment of cherished desires and the coming of prosperity to the family. The more beautiful horses appear in a dream, the easier it will be to fulfill your plans. And pleasant dreams are the key to a good mood and a successful day.

My name is Julia Jenny Norman and I am an author of articles and books. I cooperate with the publishing houses "OLMA-PRESS" and "AST", as well as with glossy magazines. Currently I help promote virtual reality projects. I have European roots, but I spent most of my life in Moscow. There are many museums and exhibitions here that charge you with positivity and give inspiration. In my spare time I study French medieval dances. I am interested in any information about that era. I offer you articles that can captivate you with a new hobby or simply give you pleasant moments. You need to dream about something beautiful, then it will come true!

Miller's Dream Book

Ride a white horse in a dream- a wonderful sign. Firstly, it promises you the strength of friendships and the joy of meeting with like-minded people.

If you see that your horse- dirty, then deception and envy on the part of those you trust are possible.

If you dream that you are riding a black horse- this means that you will succeed in business for a long time and unexpectedly discover the vanity and futility of your activities.

Grab a horse by the bridle and bend it to your will- promises you drastic favorable changes in life.

If in a dream you admire a well-shod horse- your success in the near future will amaze even your own imagination. A woman has such a dream- promises a reliable friend for life.

Participate in horse racing- a harbinger of a prosperous life.

Shoe your own horse- acquisition of property through dubious means.

If you dream that you are deftly riding a bareback horse- this means that you will be able to acquire prosperity and comfort in a difficult struggle, and in this dream reliable help from friends is also possible.

Ride a horse surrounded by women- promises you uncertainty in future desires. Your addiction.

If you watch a horse being groomed or brush it yourself with a groomer- such a dream promises you great trials, hard work on the path to honors and a firm position in life.

For business people, peasants- Writers have a very favorable dream in which they decorate the mane and tail of a horse.

If you dream of horses harnessed to a carriage- this promises obstacles on the path to happiness.

If you dream that you are climbing a narrow path on horseback to a high mountain- in reality you will achieve a very strong position in life.

If the horse cannot stand such a climb, and you climb the rest of the way on foot- your strong position will be won at the cost of great efforts.

If he is given horse meat- shame awaits him in court.

See a dead horse- to joy and profit; ride a light horse- to quick success; ride a blind horse- to great anger; ride a black horse- inevitable fun; see an untamed horse- to victory over enemies.

White horse- fate, big changes;

Black horse- lies, deceit, treason.

Horse- to success and fulfillment of desires.

If you dreamed of a dun horse- get ready to meet an old friend who will soon come to your house. You will experience many pleasant moments from this meeting.

Horse- also symbolizes intellect, wisdom, intelligence, reason, nobility, light, dynamic strength, agility, quickness of thought

Horse- lie, deception.

White horse- to the deceased.

See or ride a white horse- help, high patronage, wealth, wedding.

In general, seeing a horse in a dream- a very good omen.

Sleep is especially favorable- in which you ride or sit on a horse.

Dream about a running horse- a good sign, most likely all your long-cherished plans will come true.

If in a dream you bridle a stubborn horse or hear it neighing- success awaits you in official affairs, you will show courage and dignity.

But shoeing a horse or riding a lame horse- to temporary obstacles in your plans.

A good omen is a dream in which you see horses in a luxurious harness- such a dream promises you a stable position in society, a good reputation, and wealth.

White horses- dream on the eve of joyful events, a meeting with an important person on whom your fate depends, a successful marriage.

Black- to temporary difficulties, sorrows, worries and troubles.

Dream about a red horse- portends a lot of worries.

If in a dream you lead a horse to watering- your health will not change you; for the sick, this dream promises recovery.

Tender horse care- a sign of new faithful friendship, if you dream that you are pushing or hitting a horse- you risk losing something very dear to you in reality if you are not careful.

Unfavorable dream about buying or selling a horse- it promises discord in the house and other troubles.

An unkind dream is one in which your horse took the bit and bolted.- after it you may have to experience some defeat.

The horse stumbles- to failure.

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

Horse- fate, hope; white- complaint, arrangement of affairs, wedding (for a woman); get off the horse- loss of position; mount- fulfillment of hopes.

Esoteric dream book

Black- harm from a stranger / trouble / sadness / something in spiritual life associated with thinking about death or with a person who has already died.

Wild, rampaging horses- a riot of passions in your environment or in yourself.

Circus horse- excessive attention to external decency and living conditions.

Buy a horse- lead.

Be the owner of a beautiful horse- honor.

Two-legged horse- honor.

Quiet horse, have it- well-being.

Milk a horse- changes.

Harnessed to see- luck.

Dead horse- a happy occasion / change from city life to rural life.

fallen horse- ruin.

Horse rearing up- argument .

Hold the horse by the bridle- danger.

Getting out or stuck in a swamp- a lot of work remains.

Peacefully grazing horse- find.

Ride a horse- dominate your spiritual powers, be able to use them / joy, good news.

Ride a quiet horse- family happiness.

On the skinny, sick- Badly.

Riding a horse and not being able to handle it- passions are coming.

Break a horse- failure.

Ride a horse through a desert area- be the culprit of your own loneliness.

In the company- be popular.

See horse riding- to change.

Ride a horse quickly- dissatisfaction in love.

Dream book of a gypsy

Mare- good luck in official and family affairs; sexual satisfaction.

White or gray horse- promise success and prosperity. A black or brown horse means power and a high position in society.

If you are riding a horse- this means that you will be well rewarded for the work done.

If you are shoeing a horse- in old age you will be guaranteed peace.

The stallion symbolizes- sexual power.

Modern universal dream book

Horses allowed people to move faster and more decisively.

Horse is a symbol of freedom, strength and power. The rider is in a better position than the person standing on the ground. Are you in a position of influence in real life? Does anyone influence you? Identify the emotions/feelings you experience in the dream. Do you control the horse or does the horse take you where it wants? Also determine what kind of horse it is. Is it a racing or working horse?

The horse can- reflect your state in life. One of my friends dreamed that she was driving slowly across a field. She was upset because she wanted to go faster. The dream spoke of the need for her to take a break in her life development.

Dream Book of the Wanderer

Horse- the most clearly expressed symbol of fate and everything that happens to it; the vitality of the sleeper; progress of affairs.

White- Love; for the wedding.

Herd- great forces are involved.

Dead horse- go to live in the village.

Winged- creativity, extraordinary luck.

Psychoanalytic dream book

Horse- masculinity, passion, impulsiveness.

Dream Interpretation Interpretation of Dreams

Horse- mostly has a favorable meaning; ride a horse- marks perfect success in business; catch a horse- means false acquisition; black horse- means a rich but evil wife, also loss and harm in the estate; white horse- marks a wife with a beautiful face and virtuous, also an increase in wealth; see a horse with a temper- means confusion and obstacle; shoe a horse- means labor and hard work; see a horse running free- foretells the coming of a happy time and the fulfillment of all our desires; ride a horse in the company of other riders- means happiness and profit, and in the company of ladies foreshadows misfortune and betrayal; seeing a stranger riding your horse- portends the discovery of adultery; see a horse with a long and thick tail- portends the assistance of friends in any enterprise, happiness and success in intentions and a profitable marriage; a quiet horse to see and ride- means fun and well-being; buy horse- foreshadows new news; see horses in harness- means a good state of affairs.

Dream Interpretation of Martyn Zadeki

Horses- attack; well-fed- profit; skinny- labor, illness.

Chinese dream book

A horse prances in front of the house- the trouble will be resolved.

You're going on a long journey on a horse- there will be great joy.

You're stupidly happy about riding a horse- portends misfortune.

You ride a horse back and forth- matters related to literature and writing.

A horse enters the room- indicates a situation related to adultery.

The horse carries valuables and goods- you will lose your place in the service.

Having tidied up and cleaned the horse, you release it into the wild- a joyful event.

A herd of horses rushes by- resolution of all troubles, normalization of the condition.

The criminal is hiding on a horse- the danger has passed.

Riding a white horse- disease.

Bitten by a horse- there will be advancement up the career ladder.

Riding a mule- there will be profit, wealth, luck.

A live horse appears in the house- portends great happiness.

Lunar dream book

Horse- arrangement of affairs; get off the horse- loss of position.

Big dream book

Horse seen in a dream- symbolizes ability to work and hard work, readiness for bold actions, energy and readiness for action.

The white horse that appeared in your dream- definitely hints at good luck.

If a white horse gallops past you- it would be useful to try to grab her by the reins: in this way you can try to ensure yourself confidence in luck.

In case you see a white horse so far away that it is out of reach- Try to at least follow her with your gaze.

In addition, try to notice what obstacles are between you and the white horse- maybe when you wake up in the morning, you will understand what is preventing you from “catching your luck” and will be able to eliminate these obstacles.

Remember who was next to you and the white horse- who wanted to help you catch her, and who tried to keep you, maybe the same thing is happening in your life.

Dressed up horse- means getting a new position soon.

If a horse loses its equipment while galloping- this means that the expected position may turn out to be temporary, and you should think about whether you should accept the appointment. It is possible that you will feel more confident in your old place.

Dead horse in a dream- this is simply wonderful! A big win awaits you!

Notice how far the dead horse is from you, if very close- expect winnings in the coming days. If far away- accordingly, you should be patient while waiting for your win. Be careful and careful if you like gambling: if you don’t see a dead Horse in your dream, don’t get involved in a big game!

Horse in fetters- unfortunately, a hobbled horse seen in a dream indicates that there is a slanderer in your environment. Try to be careful not to judge others harshly: your words can literally be turned upside down.

Expect changes for the better! Your life should definitely get better.

Remember how the horse stood, if absolutely calm- this means that these good changes will find you on their own.

If the horse was moving its legs, twitching its ears, or trying to run away- this means that in order for your life to change for the better, some effort on your part is required. Attach them and you won't regret it.

Ride a white horse- nothing could be better. This is a wonderful hint and it promises you the strength of success in everything. You can rest assured in your friends: they love you and will always come to your aid if necessary. Your friends are always happy to see you and share your views and aspirations. Good luck will be with you.

It's worse if a white horse tried to throw you off- it is absolutely clear what this means: luck can leave you.

However, if you managed to stay in the saddle- it means everything is in order and you are in control of the situation. However, think about it: timely measures taken can save the situation!

If you dreamed that the horse you are riding is dirty- beware of deception: and envy on the part of your friends, even those you trust.

Ride a black horse- means that you are succeeding in business, but then, completely unexpectedly for everyone and, above all, for yourself, you will discover the futility and vanity of your activities. You should think: is the business you are doing worth the effort you spend on it?

Islamic dream book

Horse neighing heard in a dream- is a symbol of authority and a prototype of the speech of a noble person.

If someone sees himself sitting on a horse behind another- with the help of the person behind whom he was sitting, the one who saw such a dream will become the ruler of the country, or will be the governor (noib) of that person.

If anyone sees that a horse with a pack has arrived in any village or city- in that place greatness will fall to his lot.

Ancient Persian dream book Taflisi

Seeing in a dream a saddled horse or a steed on which you are sitting- promises a rapid rise up the career ladder, heralds fame and wealth.

See a red horse- for good.

Taming the horse- to great wealth.

Sit on a bay horse- this portends a business trip or wealth.

Sitting on a golden-red horse- to anxiety.

Saddled horse- to work.

See a wild horse- this portends obstacles in achieving something good.

Seeing white horses and sitting on them or riding them- to joy and pleasure.

Seeing or owning bay horses- for good.

Have red or pink horses- for good.

Own black horses or sit astride a black horse- to anxiety.

Own or sit on dark-colored horses- to good news.

Sitting astride a brown horse- to good news.

Pack Horse- to wealth.

See a dead horse- to wealth and prosperity.

English dream book

If in a dream you are riding a beautiful horse- your future will bring you only cloudless days and impressions.

But if in a dream a horse suddenly throws you- some minor obstacles will arise on your way to your intended goal.

If a horseman is chasing you- the dream foreshadows the receipt of long-awaited news.

If you see yourself riding a white horse- the dream foreshadows a happy ending to an important event for you.

Black horses- dream of loss.

Dream book of the 21st century

Seeing a horse in a dream- means that you are about to hear lies addressed to you.

See her on her hind legs- to a quarrel, fallen- to ruin hold a horse by the bridle in a dream- to danger, see a dead horse- to a possible move to the countryside temporarily or permanently.

Seeing a white horse in a dream- to success in business; bay color- to meet a good friend, black horse- to trouble.

Buying a horse in a dream- to news, news; ride in a dream on a quiet horse- you have a chance to find family happiness.

Riding a horse in a dream- to joy, catch her- to loss.

Rush in a sleigh or racing droshky on an excellent trotter- means that soon you will have to do a difficult, but completely useless task.

Break a horse- to failure.

See horse riding- to change.

If a man- this is a good dream; it promises weakness for a woman.

You found yourself under a horse in a dream- a tragic blow is possible.

ride- to family happiness.

Saddled horse in a dream- for a long trip; if a horse prances in front of the house- to trouble; horse in the house- sleeps fortunately; see a horse carrying valuables, goods- to loss of place; if a horse bites in a dream- expect advancement up the career ladder; if you dream that you are riding a horse back and forth- soon things related to literature or art await you; if you see a herd of horses in a dream- troubles will go away and your condition will return to normal.

For a woman to see that she is being taken for a ride on a three-piece- means, because of your coquetry and frivolity, to lose a dear person, to pass by real happiness.

Dream Interpretation of Denise Lynn

Stallion- is a symbol of strength and male sexuality.

Racing horse- can serve as the personification of ecstasy, wild freedom and movement. You can go wherever you want. You are free. Express yourself.

If the horse is tied- you may feel like something is holding you in place or pulling you down.

The horse may be- a symbol of grace and beauty. Accept the gifts that come your way, don't think about the Trojan Horse.

Indian shamans claim that the spirit of the horse allowed them to travel into the inner realms. Before the horse came to America, the Indians had a hard time on their journeys. However, when horses appeared on this land, traveling became easy and pleasant. Nobody and nothing prevents you from traveling to the inner worlds, so go on the road and show your wisdom and strength.

General dream book

White horse- dreams of good luck.

Black horse- warns of impact.

If you dreamed of a dressed up horse- you will soon receive a new position.

I dreamed of a horse in fetters- you will be slandered.

Dead horse- means a big win.

Two-legged horse- means serious obstacles in work.

If you dreamed that you were milking a horse- in the near future your life will change for the better.

Ride a horse- to big profits.

If you dreamed that you were riding a horse- you will learn old gossip.

A dream in which you watched someone ride a horse- one of your friends will be very lucky in life, and he will lend you a helping hand.

Buying a horse- warns of a difficult choice.

If you dreamed that you were selling a horse- be careful, you may miss out on a great offer.

If you dreamed that you watched horses being traded- a calm, measured life awaits you.

Horse harnessed to a cart- means well-being limited by obligations and love with obstacles.

If you are riding a high mountain, the horse falls, but you still manage to reach the top- in reality you will achieve a high position, although for this you will have to fight with enemies and envious people.

If a girl sees herself on a black horse- this dream promises her an unexpected event that will help fulfill her desires, although not all at once.

Voronaya- means postponing beginnings.

White horses in a dream- portend that you will arrange your affairs in the best possible way, find joy and happiness in the circle of friends close to you in spirit.

Seeing dead horses- means hard work and living away from home.

Thin, emaciated horses- living together with a person who is directly opposite to you in character.

A saddled horse promises- a good husband and a happy family life.

Galloping horses- to an accident, grazing- a serene life in the lap of nature.

Taking care of horses in a dream- promises you great tests of endurance and performance.

Taming wild horses- show unexpected courage in an extreme situation.

Break horses- master a related specialty, which over time will become your main one.

Ride a horse- means that gradually and steadily you will gain high authority and strengthen your position.

Cross a water obstacle on horseback- portends good luck if you can ford it; if you have to swim across, annoying breakdowns and inconsistencies are possible.

Ride a horse in the mountains- means that in reality you will achieve a high position at the cost of great effort and sacrifice. Jumping a horse over barriers means you are risking your health or career by making a rash decision.

Ride in any horse-drawn carriage- will be lucky in small things.

If in a dream you are racing on a sleigh carried by three horses along a snowy road- soon you will have the opportunity to fully demonstrate your talent and professional abilities, achieving great success.

Harnessing horses in a dream- threatens in reality the loss of a loved one, unharness- an uncertain situation will oppress you for quite a long time, but will be resolved safely.

Watch horses race from the stands of the hippodrome- you will be lucky in a gambling game where you can hit a big jackpot.

If in a dream you buy a horse- in reality you will receive good news.

Bargain in a dream with a horse breeder about the price of a horse- promises you material benefit in a risky enterprise.

If you made a profit by purchasing a thoroughbred horse at a relatively low price- in real life you will suffer losses; if you paid dearly, and they gave you a horse with a defect- this means a valuable find or an unexpected bonus at work.

Dream Interpretation of Hasse

Horses running away- misfortune; rearing- great protection; own horses- well-being; ride a horse- get value; see how they are forged- achieve a high position; voronikh- sadness; white- joy and happiness; grazing- anxiety-free position; see the dead- work hard for a piece of bread; thin- meet numerous obstacles in life; ride a horse- receive patronage; well saddled horse- you have or will have a good wife; see how they harness- to lose a loved one.

Horse on the races- have success in business.

Dream interpretation of birthday people of September, October, December

lasso a horse- find a new, more interesting solution to the problem.

Dream interpretation of birthday people in May, June, July, August

lasso a horse- catch someone in a lie.

Complete dream book of the New Era

Unharness the horse- to review your responsibilities in the family.

Eastern women's dream book

Horse- a dream foreshadowing a lie from loved ones or acquaintances.

Modern combined dream book

If you dream that you are riding a white horse- this is a favorable sign, promising prosperity and pleasure associated with close friends and beautiful women.

If the horse you are riding is dirty and thin- you will be betrayed by an envious friend or an insidious woman.

If it's a black horse- in reality good luck awaits you, but on the way to it you will commit a number of unworthy acts. A dream like a woman- foreshadows the infidelity of the spouse.

Seeing brown horses in a dream- a prediction of prosperity, but this will not bring you satisfaction. Usually, fleeting pleasures should be expected after this dream.

Seeing yourself in a dream riding a beautiful bay horse- a sign of good luck in life. The dream also promises satisfaction of passion. A woman has such a dream- predicts amenability and excessive compliance. She will be pleased with material wealth.

Ride a horse yourself or see galloping horses- an omen of comfort and a calm, pleasant life.

If you dream that you are riding a horse and the horse bolts- your interests will suffer due to the unreasonable behavior of a friend or person in a high position.

Seeing your horse running away into the herd- means that soon you will hear about the illness of your friends.

Beautiful stallions seen in a dream- a sign of success and high position. Perhaps you will be overcome by an all-consuming passion.

Seeing broodmares in a dream- prediction of unanimity and lack of jealousy between lovers and spouses.

If you dream that you found a horse's shoe- in real life you are guaranteed great success. For women such a dream- a good omen, it promises a faithful, caring spouse.

To dream that you shoe a horse yourself- means that you will seek to acquire property in a dubious way.

Racehorses seen in a dream- they predict that the fast pace of life will tire and satiate you.

Participate in horse racing- to enjoy the joys of life and prosperity.

If you dream that you killed a horse- in real life, your selfishness hurts your friends.

Riding a bareback horse in a dream- a harbinger that you will earn happiness and peace through a fierce struggle.

Ride bareback in company with men- predicts that honest people will help you, and your success will be deserved.

If you are traveling in a female company- your desires will not be satisfied to that extent, and your condition will not be as significant as they could be if your heart had not been given to women.

Cleaning a horse with a scraper- means that your commercial interests will not suffer due to frivolous pleasures.

To dream that you are tidying up a horse's mane or tail- portends that you will become a good financier or farmer. Writers will work hard, while others will carefully look after their interests.

In general, seeing horses in a dream- a sign that you will accumulate wealth and fully enjoy life.

Seeing a horse pulling a cart in a dream- a sign that on the path to wealth and love you will encounter some difficulties.

A dream in which you ride a horse up a hill and the horse falls, but you still get to the top of the hill- means that in real life good luck awaits you, although you will have to fight for it with enemies and envious people.

If you ride to the top on a horse- in life you will achieve phenomenal success and a strong position.

Dream book for the whole family

Horse pulling a heavy cart- don’t take on all your problems, “share” them with your man.

Galloping- time to think about your appearance, we must not forget about this.

Sleep from Tuesday to Wednesday- says that the time will come when you will gain well-deserved recognition; from Wednesday to Thursday- in the future you need to be careful of burns.

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima

A horse in a dream is a symbol of diligence, great opportunities and high aspirations.

Ride it- a very good sign: you have every chance of achieving your goal, no matter how fantastic it may seem.

If you dreamed of a draft horse or a tired, driven horse- such a dream suggests that someone is shamelessly taking advantage of your nobility, or that you yourself have overly burdened someone with your requests or urgings.

Dream book of lovers

White horse- promises happiness, meeting and successful acquaintance with the future chosen one.

A dream in which a girl dreams that she is riding a bay horse- means that she will be decisive and will be able to refuse an annoying admirer seeking her love.

A dream in which a girl dreams that she is admiring a beautiful well-shod horse- promises her a reliable chosen one, with whom the marriage will be long and happy.

If she dreams that she is riding a black horse- this means that she will communicate with wise people.

If the rider gets scared in a dream- in reality she will worry about the fate of a loved one; sometimes such a dream foreshadows jealousy on the part of the latter.

If a girl dreams that she jumps off a horse, which immediately turns into a pig- this means that she will reject all profitable suitors, after which she will be lonely.

If a girl dreams that she is riding a white horse and sees a rider on a black horse behind her- this means that she will be worried about the upcoming marriage.

Freud's Dream Book

Unlike most domestic animals, the horse- is a symbol of everything feminine, an ideal woman and sexual partner.

Beautiful stately horse- symbolizes your desire to find the ideal woman.

Herd of horses- suggests that you do not imagine this ideal.

Riding a horse- speaks of the desire to have children.

Horse disease- speaks of your fear for the health of your children and partner.

Dream Interpretation of Medea

Horse- sensual aspirations, desire for sexual interaction.

More widely- creative uplift, inspiration, tide
When you wake up, look out the window. Say out the open window: “Where night goes, sleep comes.” All the good things stay, all the bad things go.”

Open the tap and dream about flowing running water.

Wash your face three times with the words “Where water flows, sleep goes.”

Throw a pinch of salt into a glass of water and say: “As this salt melts, my sleep will go away and will not bring harm.”

Turn your bed linen inside out.

Don't tell anyone about your bad dream before lunch.

Write it down on paper and burn this sheet.

Parable "Lottery"

One day an old Jew and a peasant agreed to buy a horse.

The peasant received one hundred dollars and had to bring the horse the next day.
But, unfortunately, the horse died. The peasant had already spent this money and did not know how to return what he received.

Then the old Jew asked to bring him a dead horse.
- Yes, but what will you do with her? – the peasant asked.

“I’ll release a lottery, and the prize will be this horse!”
- So she’s dead! – the peasant was surprised.

– I won’t tell anyone about this. Do as I ask, since you cannot replace my horse or return the money.

The peasant brought a dead horse on a cart, and a week later they met the old Jew again.
The peasant was very interested in how the story with the dead horse ended.

– I really played her in the lottery!
Sold five hundred tickets for two dollars.

One guy finally won the horse and was very upset that it came to him dead.

So I took it and gave him back his two dollars!