Chinese lemongrass medicinal properties. Recipes for using lemongrass: from tincture to tea

Schisandra chinensis is a deciduous plant from the Far East. In the spring it pleases with fragrant flowering, and by autumn - with a harvest with a rich set of beneficial properties. The culture was adapted for cultivation in the conditions of central Russia. Schisandra berries are actively used in folk and official medicine.

  • scatter the fruits in one layer on burlap, tarpaulin or other waterproof material;
  • sort through, discarding plant debris and spoiled samples;
  • for drying, place the berries under a canopy;
  • leave the lemongrass in this state for 2-3 days;
  • separate the fruits from the clusters and tear off the receptacle from each;
  • Drying of the lemongrass harvest is carried out in heater dryers for 6-8 hours at a temperature range of 40-55 °C.

The berries of this plant are extremely useful. They have a main effect on the performance and tone of the nervous system. The active substances in the fruit are not deposited in the body. However, doctors still do not advise overdoing the dosage of lemongrass. For an adult, 3-5 pieces (1.5 g) per day are enough, for a child - no more than 2-3 pieces. (0.5 g).

Chinese lemongrass: video

There are plants that are designed by nature to help a person with severe nervous and physical stress. They are called adaptogens. This includes Schisandra chinensis, the contraindications and medicinal properties of which we will talk about.

In nature, Schisandra chinensis, also called Far Eastern, Manchurian, and schizandra, is a powerful vine that can climb to a height of up to 12 m, wrapping its flexible trunk up to 2 cm thick around nearby trees. In spring, this plant blooms with small white flowers with a delicious lemon scent. In autumn, complex berries ripen, looking like small cobs of red, tightly packed berries. Each berry contains only one seed.

In nature, lemongrass is found in China and Japan, the Far East and Korea. It is also grown in central Russia in ordinary gardens, where its dimensions are much more modest - no higher than 4 m. In its homeland, this plant is treated almost more often than with ginseng and with the same effectiveness. If official medicine has chosen for use only the fruits and seeds of Schisandra, then in folk medicine everything is used, from the roots to the fruits.

Schisandra is included in the list of 10 plants with outstanding medicinal properties.

What is the healing power of lemongrass? To understand this, let's look at its chemical composition, which has been well studied for a long time.

Chemical composition

In lemongrass it is quite complex. The liana does not contain toxic substances; each of its components brings certain benefits to the body. Let's consider the most significant components of the medicinal plant and their effect on the human body. And for convenience, we summarize the results in a table.

Flavonoids, including catechins, and organic acidsThey are antioxidants and have anti-inflammatory effects
Essential oilsAnti-inflammatory, tissue regenerating, pain reliever
Ascorbic acid and tocopherolRegenerating, immunostimulating; strengthen the walls of blood vessels (including capillaries), improve the growth of bone tissue
Fatty oils and tanninsHeals wounds, relieves inflammation, has an astringent effect, improves the condition of the skin.
Schisandrin and schisandrolTonic effect
LignansThey improve metabolic processes, reduce cholesterol levels, stabilize the functioning of the nervous system, are oncoprotectors, and promote the production of hormones
AnthocyaninsBactericidal, immunomodulating, decongestant; strengthens vision and blood vessels, protects cell membranes

The plant contains macro- and microelements, including selenium, iodine, and silver, which is rare among representatives of the flora, so necessary for humans.

The healing properties of lemongrass are explained by the complex effect of all its constituent substances and are as follows:

  • They tone the nervous system, contribute to its better functioning, without the effect of overexcitation. Enhanced reflex activity allows you to better concentrate and remember a large amount of information.
  • A person's endurance and performance increase. All this is very important during heavy physical activity. This effect is due to the preservation of glycogen in the muscle fibers and a decrease in the level of lactic acid in them, which is why fatigue comes much later.
  • The vitamins and minerals present in the plant strengthen the immune system, help saturate the organs with oxygen, strengthen and normalize metabolism, which allows the body to quickly restore its strength and expended energy. It resists viral diseases better, so it is advisable to take Schisandra preparations during an epidemic of ARVI and influenza. The risk of disease is reduced by 4-5 times.
  • Schisandra preparations increase the rate of endorphin production, and therefore they are especially indicated for depression.
  • The plant has an adaptogenic effect, which can be used during sudden changes in time zones or climate. Taking lemongrass helps cope with stress.
  • This medicinal plant can improve the functioning of the organs of vision, increase its sharpness, including at night, since it improves the nutrition of the eyes, their blood supply, and relieves spasm of the muscles controlled by the optic nerves.
  • An important function is the ability to increase blood pressure.
  • Schisandra preparations normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Fresh lemongrass juice has a high bacteriostatic effect. It copes especially well with pneumococci, E. coli and dysenteric amoeba.
  • By increasing the blood supply to the pelvic organs, it normalizes the functioning of the genital organs in both women and men. Being an aphrodisiac, lemongrass enhances libido in the former and improves potency in the latter.
  • Strengthening the tone of the walls of the uterus, improves labor.
  • Preparations based on schizandra increase hemoglobin and reduce the content of bad cholesterol and sugars in the blood.
  • Restore liver cells and have an antitoxic effect.
  • They improve the functioning of adrenal cortex cells, maintaining hormonal balance in the body.
  • They reduce the frequency of heart contractions, while simultaneously increasing their amplitude.
  • Rejuvenate the body.
  • Eliminate hangover syndrome.
  • Stimulates hair growth.
  • Strengthens breathing function. They have an expectorant and antitussive effect.

Application of the plant

The truly unique properties of lemongrass allow it to be used very widely - in medicine, cosmetology and as a food product.

In medicine

  • Official medicine uses the fruits and seeds of lemongrass in the form of alcohol tinctures. Take them no more than 3 times a day, 20 to 30 drops half an hour before meals. The course of treatment is about 3 weeks. There is also a tablet form - the drug Schizandra. Take 1 tablet 2 times a day in the morning and evening with food.
  • Schisandra extract in alcohol is taken from 25 to 30 drops twice a day.
  • Schisandra seed oil is sold in pharmacies in capsule form. They are taken two or three times, one piece at a time, after meals. They are especially recommended for those whose work involves radiation, cooling, and oxygen starvation.
  • Traditional medicine uses all parts of the plant in the form of tinctures, infusions and decoctions; the seeds are dried and made into medicinal powder; the leaves and stems are brewed as tea, and medicinal juice is squeezed from the fruits.

For what pathologies is the benefit of lemongrass most noticeable?

  • Respiratory diseases: bronchial asthma and bronchitis, whooping cough, tuberculosis.
  • Diseases of the stomach, liver, kidneys.
  • Asthenic conditions, fatigue, recovery after serious illnesses.
  • Hypotension.
  • Diseases of the heart and blood vessels.
  • Skin diseases.
  • Diseases of the nervous system: neurasthenia, mental disorders, depression, amnesia.
  • Vitamin deficiency and anemia.
  • Trophic ulcers and non-healing wounds.
  • Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract: dysentery, diarrhea.
  • Flu and ARVI.
  • Impotence and infertility.

Schisandra is useful for diabetes mellitus, women during menopause, adrenal gland dysfunction, urinary incontinence and headaches.

In cosmetology

Schisandra berries can prolong the youth of the skin and have a beneficial effect on hair. They fight fine wrinkles and help eliminate various irritations and inflammatory processes. Lotions, creams, and nourishing skin masks are made from lemongrass.

  1. Lotion. To prepare it you need two tablespoons of crushed dried fruits. They are brewed with a glass of boiling water and simmered in a water bath for a quarter of an hour. After cooling, strain and add a teaspoon of honey. The composition should be stored in the refrigerator. Wipe your face if necessary.
  2. Moisturizing mask for skin. Mix a tablespoon of sour cream and cottage cheese, add three drops of lemongrass tincture with alcohol.
  3. Nourishing mask. The yolk of a chicken egg is combined with 10 g of cream and a teaspoon of fresh berries, which need to be mashed.

There are two ways to prepare hair rinse:

  • Brew four tablespoons of lemongrass leaves with a liter of boiling water and simmer in a water bath for about 7 minutes. Add a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar to the cooled and strained broth. Rinse hair after washing.
  • For the following recipe you will need one tablespoon each of nettle, chamomile and lemongrass leaves. The mixture should be brewed with a liter of boiling water and kept in a water bath for 10 minutes. Cool, strain. Rinse your hair with the decoction after washing.

In nutrition

If it is not recommended to exceed the dosage when consuming lemongrass seeds, then fresh berry juice can be used with almost no restrictions.

It has a distinctive taste and is widely used in the preparation of various desserts.

  • The juice is used to create bouquets of fruit wines.
  • Ice cream, soft drinks, and jelly are made from it.
  • The pulp of the berries is added to the filling for sweets.
  • Compote of berries and sugar syrup can be used in winter as an addition to tea.
  • They also make winter preparations: berries are mixed with sugar in a ratio of one to two. This vitamin dessert can be stored for up to a year.

Instructions for use of Chinese lemongrass

Schisandra is a potent remedy. Its overdose is harmful to health. Therefore, you need to use lemongrass correctly.

How to brew a plant?

You can brew any parts of lemongrass: leaves, bark, young shoots and even roots. For 1 liter of boiling water, only 15 g of any raw material is enough. In order for the drink to acquire taste and aroma, it needs to brew for several minutes. A decoction of lemongrass bark helps well in the treatment of caries and gum disease.

You can also use lemongrass berries for tea. A tablespoon of fruit is brewed with a glass of boiling water and boiled for 10 minutes in an enamel bowl. This tea should be steeped for a day. Drink this amount, adding a little sugar, throughout the day.

Schisandra preparations should be taken on an empty stomach or 4 hours after meals.

The plant under discussion goes very well with green tea. To enhance the healing effect, add a third of a teaspoon of chopped ginger and a little honey.

  • For every two teaspoons of green tea, you will need a tablespoon of dried lemongrass berries.
  • A mixture of tea and berries is brewed in 0.5 water and brought to a boil.
  • After it is removed from the heat, add ginger.
  • And after just five minutes you can drink this tea, adding honey to taste.

You should not drink more than 2 cups of lemongrass tea per day.

Schisandra tincture

Schisandra tincture is easy to buy at the pharmacy. But if you have the raw materials, you can prepare it yourself.

  • As a rule, berries are poured with alcohol in a ratio of 1:5.
  • Pharmacy tincture is prepared with 96% alcohol concentration. For home preparation, an alcohol concentration of 50% is sufficient.
  • After 10 days of settling in a dark place at room temperature, the mixture must be filtered and the sediment poured with another 20 ml of alcohol.
  • Infuse again for 10 days and strain.
  • During the infusion process, the mixture is shaken daily.
  • Mix both tinctures and add the same volume of clean, preferably distilled water.

Take 2.5 ml 2 to 3 times a day for 2 weeks if there is depression, dizziness, sleep disturbance.

Juice and syrup

The juice is prepared from freshly picked berries and added a teaspoon to one glass of tea. If pasteurized for 15 minutes and sealed airtight, it will keep well in a dark place. The juice can be used to rub into the scalp if there is a tendency towards baldness.

You can make syrup from it if you add 1.5 kg of sugar for each liter. The mixture needs to be slightly heated so that the sugar dissolves. Store the syrup in a sterile container in a dark place. Take one tablespoon with food three times a day. You can add syrup to any drinks. Admission period is a month. This syrup can also be bought at a pharmacy.

Berries - benefits and how to eat them?

Schisandra berries are considered one of the most effective tonic and adaptogenic agents. They are consumed in the form of tea, infusion or decoction.

Dried berries can be used to prepare unique tablets that are widely used in oriental medicine.

To do this you need to mix:

  • 42.5 g of berries ground into powder;
  • 30.5 g honey;
  • 27 g sugar.

The mixture is divided into 100 identical balls. Every day they take from 5 to 6 pieces.

Plant seeds

The seeds contain the highest content of schisandrin and schisandrol, so preparations made from them are very effective. They are ground into powder and pressed into tablets. It is recommended to take 0.5 grams of powder before meals 2 to 3 times a day. It’s better not to cook a lot of it for future use, but to grind enough seeds to make about 1 teaspoon.

Possible side effects and contraindications

Schisandra preparations should not be taken uncontrolled. Before starting treatment, you should consult your doctor.

There are diseases for which they are strictly contraindicated:

  • hypertension;
  • diseases associated with cardiac dysfunction;
  • arachnoiditis and arachnoencephalitis, as well as high intracranial pressure;
  • acute stage of infectious diseases;
  • epilepsy;
  • insomnia;
  • During pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • vegetative-vascular dystonia;
  • increased excitability;
  • individual intolerance to lemongrass.

Exceeding the dosage of the drug may cause the following side effects:

  • insomnia, especially if the drug is taken in the afternoon;
  • cardiopalmus;
  • headache;
  • increased blood pressure;
  • allergic reactions.

If any of these side effects are observed, the drug should be discontinued.

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The site provides reference information for informational purposes only. Diagnosis and treatment of diseases must be carried out under the supervision of a specialist. All drugs have contraindications. Consultation with a specialist is required!

Schisandra It is valued by many gardeners for its beautiful appearance, but not everyone knows the healing properties of this plant, which has long been used by our ancestors to treat many diseases and restore strength after serious illnesses. Today, even traditional medicine has recognized the value of this medicinal plant, which helps to increase immunity and improve the health of the body as a whole without harm to health. The types and medicinal properties of the plant, its effects on the body, rules of administration and contraindications will be discussed further.

Description of the plant

Schisandra is a woody vine whose leaves and stems have a pleasant lemon aroma. This plant grows mainly in Southeast Asia and in the Far Eastern coniferous-deciduous forests.

Schisandra is often called the “fruit of the five tastes.” Thus, the skin has a sour taste, the pulp is sweet, the seeds are bitter and astringent, and the berries are salty. Having bitten into a lemongrass berry, you first feel acidity, then a resinous aroma and bitterness, then a sweet taste, which turns into salty and fresh.

In terms of its tonic properties, lemongrass is second only to ginseng.

In total there are from 14 to 25 species of lemongrass. Scientists still cannot come to a consensus regarding the number of varieties of this plant. But only two are used for medicinal purposes - Chinese (or Far Eastern) lemongrass and Crimean (Crimean ironweed), and the first type is used in the vast majority of cases, and the second is not a woody vine. Let's take a closer look at these two types of plants.

Crimean lemongrass (Crimean ironweed)

Crimean lemongrass is an endemic of Crimea, that is, a plant that grows exclusively in the territory of Crimea (hence its name), and in a fairly small area. Crimean ironweed grows on well-warmed, sunny, rocky steppe slopes, as well as on limestone outcrops and pastures.

The oblong leaves of the plant reach 2.8 cm in length and have a pleasant lemon scent, which is why they are used as a tea substitute. Ironweed blooms in summer.
For medicinal purposes, the stems, leaves, flowers, and inflorescences of Crimean Schisandra are used, which contain the following chemicals:

  • vitamin C;
  • essential oils;
  • iridoids;
  • flavonoids;
  • fatty oil;
  • various organic acids.
  • tonic;
  • immunomodulatory;
  • restorative;
  • antiemetic;
  • diuretic;
  • antifever;
  • wound healing.
Action of Crimean lemongrass:
  • strengthening immunity;
  • increasing potency;
  • stimulation of the central nervous system;
  • normalization of blood pressure.
Preparations from ironweed are indicated for the following pathologies:
  • anemia;
  • prostration;
  • increased drowsiness;
  • skin diseases;
  • upper respiratory tract diseases;
  • some diseases of the digestive tract and liver.
The following infusion will help cope with nausea and vomiting: 3 tbsp. iron grass herbs are poured with boiling water and left to infuse for one hour. The infusion is drunk half a glass three times a day.

1. High blood pressure.
2. Nervous overexcitation.

Schisandra chinensis (Far Eastern)

Schisandra chinensis (hereinafter Schisandra) is a perennial woody vine, the stem of which can reach a length of 15 m and a diameter of up to 2.5 m. The bark of the stem of a young plant is distinguished by a yellowish tint, while an old one is dark brown. The stem of the plant is wrinkled, and the rhizome is cord-like (has numerous adventitious roots).

Where does Schisandra chinensis grow?
Schisandra grows in the Far East, on the river banks of the Primorsky and Khabarovsk territories, on Sakhalin Island and in the Amur region (its southwestern part).

An infusion of lemongrass bark is an excellent vitamin and anti-scorbutic remedy.

The roots and rhizomes of lemongrass are rich not only in essential oils, but also in vitamins, therefore they are indicated as a general strengthening and tonic.

The stems of the plant are used as a stimulant and tonic, as they contain many biologically active substances.

Preparations from schisandra branches reduce blood pressure, eliminate drowsiness and increase breathing intensity.


Taking Schisandra preparations is indicated for the treatment of the following pathologies:
  • non-healing wounds;
  • anemia;
  • fungal diseases;
  • diseases of the stomach, kidneys and liver;
  • respiratory diseases;
  • headache;
  • depressive states and mental disorders;
  • scurvy;
  • hypotension;
  • general fatigue;
  • increased drowsiness;
  • bronchitis and bronchial asthma;
  • dysentery;
  • sexual weakness;
  • baldness;
  • dermatoses;
  • lichen planus;
  • allergic dermatoses;
  • trophic ulcers;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • infertility;
  • impotence;
  • epilepsy.

How to brew lemongrass?

Dried lemongrass leaves, bark or young shoots are used to brew tea. 15 g of raw material should be poured with one liter of boiling water, then, without stirring, leave the product for 5 minutes.

In addition, lemongrass leaves are added to regular tea, which is not recommended to be brewed in a thermos (this will help preserve the pleasant lemon aroma). Regular consumption of this tea will strengthen the immune system, increasing the body's resistance to colds.

How to use?

Schisandra preparations are taken on an empty stomach, or four hours after a meal.

Important! The first effect of lemongrass on the body will appear after 40 minutes and will last for 4 – 6 hours. But it should be noted that Schisandra preparations do not act on the body instantly: thus, the effect increases gradually (this can take from two to ten weeks), but positive dynamics will definitely be felt.

Methods of using lemongrass preparations


Indicated for stomach diseases and disorders of the central nervous system, as well as a stimulant of cardiac activity. In addition, the decoction normalizes blood pressure, stimulates labor, increases resistance to oxygen starvation, and also reduces the concentration of sugar in the blood.

10 g of dry and crushed berries are poured into a glass of boiling water and placed in a water bath for 15 minutes. The cooled decoction is carefully filtered through cheesecloth and taken 25–35 drops twice a day, on an empty stomach.


An infusion of lemongrass fruits is taken as a tonic, stimulating, general strengthening and fortified remedy, for the preparation of which 10 g of crushed raw materials are poured into a glass of boiling water and infused for six hours. You should take the infusion one dessert spoon twice a day - in the morning on an empty stomach and in the afternoon.

Tincture of lemongrass fruits and seeds

Tincture of fruits and seeds of the plant is prescribed for:
  • severe physical exhaustion;
  • mental fatigue;
  • increased drowsiness;
  • lethargy;
  • decreased performance.
Pharmacy tincture of lemongrass is recommended to be used 20-30 drops half an hour before meals, no more than three times a day. To treat the conditions listed above, it is necessary to complete a course lasting 20–25 days.
Important! In case of excessive psycho-emotional and physical stress, it is allowed to increase the dose to 35-40 drops at a time.

Lemongrass tea

Tea invigorates, strengthens the immune system, and prevents the development of colds. To prepare tea, place a tablespoon of fruit in an enamel bowl, add 200 ml of water and boil for 10 minutes, after which the tea is infused for a day, filtered and drunk throughout the day (you can add sugar to taste).


Action of the extract:
  • increasing resistance to stress;
  • stabilization of cell membranes;
  • reduction of oxidative cell damage;
  • reduction of inflammation;
  • decreased blood sugar;
  • lowering blood pressure, stimulating smooth muscles, reducing blood pressure.
Pharmaceutical extract of lemongrass, prepared with 70 percent alcohol, is taken 2-3 times a day, 25-30 drops.


The syrup is used in the treatment of hypotension, drowsiness, impotence, as well as chronic infectious diseases and intoxications.

Pharmaceutical syrup is added to taste to any drinks, although it can be taken as an independent product, a tablespoon three times a day, during meals. The course is one month.

You can make syrup at home. To do this, juice is squeezed out of well-washed lemongrass berries through 2 layers of gauze and poured into an enamel pan, into which sugar is added (for 1 liter of lemongrass juice - 1.5 kg of sugar). The resulting mass is heated until the sugar is completely dissolved, after which it is poured into boiled bottles. The syrup is stored in a dark and cool place.


Indicated to eliminate menopausal syndrome, to increase potency, relieve nervous tension and irritability. In addition, lemongrass juice is rubbed into the head for baldness.

To prepare the juice, freshly picked lemongrass berries are washed and squeezed, after which the juice is poured into glass jars and pasteurized for 15 minutes. Hermetically sealed jars are stored in a dark place. Juice is added to tea (1 tsp per glass of tea) to increase vitality and performance.

Schisandra seed oil

Schisandra oil is rightfully considered an excellent adaptogenic, restorative and anti-inflammatory agent, which improves tone, enhances potency and normalizes digestive processes. In addition, lemongrass seed oil speeds up the healing process of wounds.

This form of the drug is indicated for those whose professional activities involve hypothermia, overheating, oxygen deprivation and ionizing radiation.

Pharmaceutical lemongrass oil is sold in the form of capsules, which should be taken 2 - 3 pieces per day, after meals.

Schisandra tablets

This is one of the most convenient forms of Schisandra preparations.

Tablets, the main component of which are Schisandra fruits, have the following effect:

  • prevention of the development of heart diseases;
  • strengthening blood vessels;
  • increasing the body's defenses;
  • slowing down the aging process.
Schisandra tablets are indicated as a general strengthening and mild tonic, as well as an additional source of flavonoids.

Dosage: 1 tablet twice - three times a day, for a month.


To prepare the powder, lemongrass seeds are ground using a coffee grinder. The powder is taken 0.5 - 1 g three times a day, before eating, for hyperacid gastritis.

Contraindications and side effectsIt must be remembered that lemongrass is a powerful stimulant, so it can only be used as prescribed by a doctor and in compliance with the specified dosage. Otherwise, the following side effects may occur:

  • increased gastric secretion;
  • allergy;
  • insomnia (to avoid insomnia, it is not recommended to take Schisandra preparations after six o’clock in the evening);
  • increased blood pressure.
If these side effects occur, you must stop taking the plant preparations.

Important! The use of lemongrass is carried out after a medical examination, and under the supervision of a doctor!


Recipes with Chinese lemongrass (Far Eastern)

Berry tincture
It has an adaptogenic, restorative, tonic and choleretic effect.

One part of carefully crushed lemongrass fruits is poured with five parts of 95 percent alcohol (in other words, the tincture is prepared at a ratio of 1:5), after which the container with the tincture is well closed. The product is infused for 7 – 10 days in a dark place (necessarily at room temperature). It needs to be shaken periodically. After the specified period, the tincture is filtered (the residue is squeezed out and added to the resulting filtrate). The product is infused for another 4 - 5 days, and filtered again. The resulting product should be transparent. The tincture is taken 30-40 drops, no more than three times a day, for 25 days.

Tonic tincture
To relieve fatigue and improve performance, you can prepare the following tincture: the fruits are poured with 70 percent alcohol in a ratio of 1:3, and infused for three days. The tincture is taken in 25-30 drops. This remedy will not only give you vigor, but also increase your immunity.

Tincture for farsightedness
To prepare the tincture you will need 5 tbsp. lemongrass fruit and half a liter of pure alcohol. The fruits must be finely chopped and poured with alcohol, and then placed in a dark place for 12 days (not in the refrigerator). Shake at least once a day. After 12 days, the tincture is filtered and the fruits are squeezed out. Take 20 drops of the product, diluted with water, twice a day.

Recipes with Crimean lemongrass

Crimean lemongrass leaves and flowers can be used as a tea substitute, since the plant gives tea an excellent lemon aroma. In addition, this tea stimulates the functions of the cerebral cortex, energizes, and strengthens the immune system.

Infusion for nausea and vomiting
3 tbsp. dry plants are crushed and poured with boiling water, leaving to infuse for an hour. Take half a glass of infusion, twice a day.

Infusion for bronchitis and pneumonia
1 tsp The flowers of the plant are poured with a glass of boiling water and infused for half an hour. Take half a glass of the drug, no more than four times a day.

This infusion can be used as a poultice to speed up wound healing. In addition, such poultices have antitumor and antibacterial properties.

Baths with lemongrass
3 tbsp. dry plants are poured with two liters of water and boiled for five minutes. The cooled and strained broth is poured into a cool bath (temperature should be about 30 degrees). A fifteen-minute stay in such a bath will not only invigorate you, but also help relieve skin irritation.

Interesting facts about Schisandra chinensis - video

Before use, you should consult a specialist.

Schisandra is a woody vine with clusters of red berries spreading downwards. Interestingly, the length of the stem of a wild plant can reach 12 meters. As for external characteristics, the berries are not at all similar to the well-known lemons. However, when you rub the leaf between your fingers, you will notice a slight tropical aroma.

Composition of lemongrass

Schisandra is one of the lowest-calorie berries. For 100 gr. fruits account for only 10-12 kcal., it all depends on the degree of maturity of the raw materials. With all this, from 100 gr. 1 gr. occupied by proteins and 1.8 g. - carbohydrates.

Schisandra is devoid of fat, but it contains a lot of ascorbic acid, nicotinic acid, tocopherol, and phytoestrogen.

Among the most valuable minerals, it is worth highlighting iodine, zinc, potassium, selenium, iron, barium, calcium, manganese and magnesium. The composition contains a lot of citric, malic, and tartaric acids.

Benefits of lemongrass

Schisandra is widely used in many areas due to its healing qualities, which we will discuss below.

For the nervous system

  1. The fruits are consumed orally in fresh, dried or steamed form to treat the psycho-emotional environment of a person. Berries improve your mood, give you peace of mind, and relax you.
  2. Schisandra is recommended for use by categories of people who are often exposed to depressive disorders, stress and other negative factors.
  3. When taken systematically, sleep improves, nightmares disappear, the body is toned, and a person finds harmony with himself. This reduces the likelihood of nervousness and breakdowns.
  4. Schisandra chinensis is especially good for men, because representatives of the stronger half of humanity are more likely than women to experience nervous swings.
  5. Due to emotional exhaustion and mental fatigue, a person cannot concentrate on the main things. In this case, it is recommended to drink a decoction of lemongrass and viburnum.

For the heart muscle

  1. Berries have a positive effect on the heart. It is not for nothing that to improve the functioning of the main muscle, doctors prescribe medications that include lemongrass.
  2. The fruits protect the heart from the negative effects of chemotherapy aimed at treating cancer. Schisandra chinensis removes radionuclides, stopping their effect on the body.
  3. Due to their antioxidant properties, the fruits should be taken by categories of people who have a tendency to develop heart diseases (heart attack, stroke, etc.).

For the brain

  1. By stimulating brain neurons, all mental processes are enhanced. A person reaches his goal faster because it becomes easier for him to concentrate.
  2. With systematic intake of lemongrass, the likelihood of developing senile dementia is reduced. The product is responsible for a clear mind, the plant restores a person’s mental health.

For hormonal levels

  1. Chinese lemongrass maintains the balance of hormones in the blood. It improves the activity of the adrenal glands and endocrine system.
  2. The product is rich in phytoestrogens, which are responsible for the proper functioning of the body during menopause and the menstrual cycle in women.

For the liver

  1. Chinese lemongrass restores liver cells, frees the internal organ from toxic substances and other toxic compounds, and promotes the discharge of bile.
  2. The seeds of the plant contain fat-soluble compounds that protect the liver from the action of ethyl alcohol. This quality is indispensable for men adjacent to a glass.
  3. When you include lemongrass in your daily menu, the work of the liver is facilitated. The impact of medications and industrial solvents on it is reduced.
  4. Schisandra is often used as an additional remedy for the treatment of hepatitis C. There are many proven cases in which the plant helped patients recover.

For the respiratory tract

  1. The plant has shown itself to be excellent in the fight against respiratory diseases. The product helps to recover from asthma, pneumonia and prolonged cough.
  2. Schisandra also suppresses excessive sweating, improves immunity, and perfectly protects the body from seasonal colds and flu.
  3. The plant has been proven to have a positive effect on painful menstrual cycles and severe indigestion.
  4. The composition has a positive effect on uterine stimulation, strengthening its walls. In ancient times, healers identified the unique properties of lemongrass; the latter is considered a strong aphrodisiac.
  5. Regular consumption of the product has a positive effect on blood composition and mitigates the progression of diabetes.

For skin

  1. The berries of the plant are rich in potassium, selenium and iodine. Many manufacturers of cosmetic products make products with lemongrass extract.
  2. Plant-based compositions are in demand in cosmetology. Serums and creams show excellent results with regular use. The skin improves noticeably, sagging, wrinkles and similar problems disappear.
  3. Regular use of the plant will significantly improve the condition of the dermis, improve its health and rejuvenate it. Schisandra promotes rapid tissue regeneration after damage.

For the body as a whole

  1. Schisandra has a stimulating effect. It gives the body energy, refreshes, and helps to recover after hard mental or physical labor.
  2. Schisandra deserves special attention due to its ability to increase concentration, improve memory and vision. In the latter case, experts advise people with poor eyesight and those who work a lot at the computer to eat lemongrass.
  3. The seeds of the plant are used to produce medications aimed at combating severe fatigue (mental, physical), drowsiness, bad mood, and apathy.

  1. To cope with depression, it is recommended to consume no more than 5 berries per day or drink the tincture 2 times a day. If you do not follow practical recommendations, you can significantly harm your body.
  2. When overeating a product, the nervous system is seriously damaged, its activity is disrupted, and serious pathologies develop. As a result, severe chest pain, insomnia, depression appear, and the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract is disrupted.
  3. If you use lemongrass exclusively for culinary purposes, you will not face any serious consequences. The only thing that is recommended is for the fair sex to abstain from dishes containing the plant during pregnancy and lactation.
  4. Consumption of lemongrass is prohibited for heartburn, epilepsy, ulcers and increased intracranial pressure. In some cases, when eating the product, the development of tachycardia, high blood pressure, allergies, migraines and insomnia was observed.
  5. If you try lemongrass for the first time and experience any of the above, stop taking it immediately. Seek medical attention if necessary. Failure to follow recommendations can lead to dire consequences.
  6. When using Schisandra-based medications and cosmetics for the first time, consult your doctor. Make sure there are no contraindications or allergic reactions.

Rules for collecting and consuming lemongrass

  1. If you decide to collect lemongrass yourself, the procedure should be carried out in an ecologically clean area. September is considered to be a suitable time for manipulation. Keep in mind that the weather should be dry and sunny.
  2. It is worth knowing that berry picking is carried out in several stages. The fruits ripen gradually, so do not rush to pick unripe specimens. Remember, lemongrass cannot be stored fresh; after collection, it must be immediately processed.
  3. As a rule, the berries are dried, so the product can be stored for a long time. The fruits are processed in the open air (2-3 days). You can dry the lemongrass in the oven. You can also put the berries through a blender and combine with sugar. Store raw materials in glass containers.

One brush of lemongrass contains 20-45 fruits, which is quite enough for preparing decoctions, lotions or tinctures. This is why people are interested in the benefits and harms of lemongrass. Be sure to study the main aspects before use.

Video: what are the benefits of lemongrass

Schisandra berries in the Land of the Rising Sun are called the elixir of youth and health. Despite the fact that they grow only in the East of Russia, China and Japan, the healing properties of the fruits are known all over the world. The product quickly improves immunity, tones the body, restores strength and vitality. In terms of their medicinal qualities, the berries are not much behind the well-known ginseng.

Schisandra chinensis

Chinese Schisandra berries are the fruits of a perennial liana-like plant of the same name from the Schisandra family. In favorable conditions, its length often reaches 15 meters, and the diameter of the stem exceeds two mm. The bright red fruits are collected in tight clusters, clearly visible from a long distance. Schisandra blooms with white flowers with a pleasant smell.

The medicinal plant is very popular in the Far East and has many colloquial names. It is called schizandra, Far Eastern or Manchurian lemongrass, a plant of five tastes.

In Europe, lemongrass became known only at the end of the 19th century. Around the same period, Russian scientists also became interested in the unique plant. But the historical events that followed at the beginning of the 20th century postponed the study of the unique properties of the vine for many years. And only after the 40s of the last century were the first experiments carried out that confirmed its healing properties.

For medicinal purposes, not only the fruits are used, but also the leaves, bark, stems, and seeds. Many pharmacological drugs are prepared from medicinal raw materials, which are invariably in great demand in Russia and abroad.

The beneficial properties of lemongrass are described in the video:

Schisandra fruits - composition and application

Are Schisandra berries edible? Of course yes. But because of their sour and astringent taste, they are not consumed fresh. , nectars, fruit drinks, jams and syrups. They are also used in dried form. Freshly squeezed juice is stored in the refrigerator for several months without loss of quality. By diluting the concentrate with boiled water to taste, you get an excellent tonic drink with the scent of lemon.

This is interesting. A golden-yellow, aromatic tea is brewed from the stems and leaves, which is useful to drink in the morning. It perfectly quenches thirst and invigorates.

However, lemongrass berries are valuable not for their taste and aroma. They are used as a source of biologically active compounds that have a beneficial effect on the body. Studies have proven that the pulp of the fruit contains natural CNS stimulants - schisandrin and schisandrol. Substances tone, refresh, help concentrate during hard work or study, improve memory and attention.
In addition to lignans, berries contain many useful components:

  • Sahara;
  • organic acids (tartaric, malic, citric);
  • minerals (phosphorus, magnesium, zinc, selenium, chromium, calcium);
  • vitamins B, C, E, riboflavin;
  • tocopherol;
  • fixed oils;
  • saponins;
  • flavonoids, pectin and tannins.

Such a rich chemical composition puts lemongrass berries on a par with ginseng. When dried, the product retains all its healing qualities and is widely used in both folk and classical medicine.

Beneficial properties of fruits

The medicinal properties of lemongrass berries have been known for a long time. With regular use of schizandra in fresh or dried form, immunity increases, performance and memory improve, and sensitivity to learning increases. It is recommended to take lemongrass in courses of 30 days.

The beneficial effects of schizandra berries are not limited to their effect only on the central nervous system. A unique plant heals the entire body:

  1. Restores the cardiovascular system.
  2. Improves liver function and protects it from the effects of industrial poisons and toxins, alcohol, medications, and improves the condition of patients with hepatitis.
  3. Accelerates recovery from respiratory diseases, bronchial asthma, pneumonia, tuberculosis.
  4. Normalizes hormonal balance, facilitates menopause, regulates the monthly cycle.
  5. Increases potency in men, improves the quality of seminal fluid, makes sexual intercourse longer, and sensations more vivid.
  6. Increases visual acuity, stops the development of cataracts.
  7. Facilitate the course of diabetes mellitus and reduce insulin dependence.
  8. Improves blood composition.

Schizandra fruits are especially beneficial for women. With their low calorie content and ability to boost metabolism, they are great for weight loss. And increasing your body tone will help you do your best in training and lose a few more kilograms.

Schisandra helps well with vegetative-vascular dystonia, from which many representatives of the fairer sex suffer. Morning tea with a spoonful of juice or jam will help you wake up, give you strength and saturate your body with useful elements.

This is interesting. In the East, lemongrass berries are considered a powerful aphrodisiac, so adding them to your regular diet will help you look great and preserve your beauty for many years.

How does lemongrass affect blood pressure?

Often, adherents of a healthy lifestyle who want to improve their well-being without pills are interested in whether schisandra berries increase or decrease blood pressure? This question arises especially often among middle-aged and older people. There has been no debate on this issue for a long time. Official and traditional medicine recognizes the invigorating effect of the fruit.

Schisandra chinensis, being a natural adaptogen, tones the body and has a pronounced stimulating effect on the vascular system. Essential oils and schisandrin, of which almost 0.013% are found in fruits, help her in this. Thus, it becomes clear that the berries have a good hypertensive effect and will be especially useful for low blood pressure.

From this video you can learn about the healing properties of Schisandra chinensis:

Contraindications and side effects

Although Schisandra berries are a unique remedy that has been used in Eastern medicine since time immemorial, you should consult your doctor before taking them. They have a number of contraindications that need to be remembered:

  • individual intolerance to components;
  • high blood pressure;
  • nervous excitement, insomnia, emotional stress;
  • mental illness, schizophrenia;
  • epilepsy;
  • heart rhythm disturbances;
  • acute inflammatory processes;
  • increased gastric secretion.

It is not advisable to give lemongrass pulp to children under 10 years of age without consulting a pediatrician. The drug is a powerful stimulant and can negatively affect the child’s condition.

Advice. Schizandra fruits are best taken in the first half of the day. If consumed late, they will cause central nervous system stimulation and insomnia.

In case of an overdose, headaches, chest discomfort, increased heart rate, allergies, and stomach problems are noted. If such symptoms appear, you should stop using lemongrass and consult a specialist.
In addition, it is not recommended to take fruit pulp together with sedatives and hypnotics, since they are antagonists.

Schisandra chinensis - features of use

Schisandra berries are widely used in alternative and classical medicine. At home, they are consumed fresh and dried, the juice is squeezed, and jam and drinks are prepared.

The pharmaceutical industry does not lag behind traditional healers. On the shelves of pharmacies you can find many medicines based on schizandra. The most famous of them is lemongrass tincture with alcohol.

Schisandra berries in medicine

The unique properties of the fruit pulp have found wide application in official pharmacology. Prepared from Chinese berries:

  • dietary supplements – Schizandra Plus complex, Terra-plant, Schizandra with blueberries;
  • Schisandra extract in tablets;
  • syrup. In addition to schisandra berries, the product contains rosehip extract and ascorbic acid;
  • tincture of schizandra seeds and fruits;
  • powder from the berries of the plant, which is consumed dry or dissolved in water;
  • dried fruits;
  • herbal teas In addition to lemongrass, they contain rose hips, blueberries, chokeberries and other medicinal plants.

All lemongrass-based products can be freely purchased at any pharmacy without a doctor’s prescription.

Attention. According to the latest data, schizandra fruits prevent the development of cancerous tumors. The Russian remedy Lycaol will be useful for older people to maintain health and prevent tumors.

How to take schizandra fruits correctly?

So, how to prepare and how to use lemongrass berries? It is recommended to consume fresh and dried fruits both independently and as part of drinks and desserts. They prepare from them:

  • herbal teas;
  • decoctions;
  • tinctures;
  • compotes, jelly, jam.

If you overdo it with the use of lemongrass drugs, even such seemingly harmless ones as various treats, adverse reactions may develop.

Healing remedies based on schizandra have a cumulative effect, so they need to be used for a long time.

Tea and infusion

To get the best results from your treatment, you should learn how to brew lemongrass berries correctly. To prepare tonic drinks, take a spoonful of dried raw materials and pour a glass of hot water. It is better to infuse tea in a thermos for at least 35–40 minutes.

If using fresh berries, cover the hot mixture with a lid and leave for 5-10 minutes. Before adding boiling water, the fruits can be mashed with a spoon until the juice appears.

To prepare the decoction, dried raw materials are used. It is placed in an enamel bowl and heated over low heat for 10–12 minutes. The finished mixture is infused overnight and consumed during the first half of the day.

Schisandra tea is useful for respiratory diseases and improves immunity. To prevent colds, it is recommended to drink the healing drink regularly. And if you add a slice of lemon and a spoonful of honey to it, the effectiveness of the treatment will only increase.

Attention. Taking schizandra during epidemics reduces the risk of respiratory infections by 5–6 times.

For people with a weakened body, loss of strength, or after long-term illnesses, traditional medicine advises preparing an infusion of schisandra berries with mumiyo and dodder. For the potion, take the pulp of the fruit and dodder seeds in equal proportions and pour boiling water over it. A mummy the size of a millet grain is added to the mixture and left for half an hour. The finished drink is filtered and taken in the first half of the day. The course of therapy is 20 days. After the same break, the treatment is repeated.

Chinese lemongrass juice

Fresh or canned schizandra juice is often used to prepare medicinal drinks. The product has the same properties as the pulp of the fruit. The finished nectar is poured into jars and stored. Use it with tea, adding a spoonful of concentrate to a glass of liquid.

Schisandra juice goes well with honey or sugar. The fruit pulp, passed through a juicer, is mixed with the delicacy, heated without bringing to a boil, and sealed. This product can be stored for a very long time.

Schisandra fruit tincture

The therapeutic effect of taking alcohol tincture is no worse than from fresh fruits. It is used as part of a complex treatment for many diseases:

  • diabetes mellitus;
  • asthenic syndrome;
  • disorders of cardiovascular activity;
  • pathologies of the liver and gall bladder;
  • to restore the body's strength.

You can buy the finished drug at the pharmacy, but it is better to make it yourself. To do this, dry lemongrass berries are poured with vodka and left for 7 days. The resulting product is not filtered. Take the tincture twice a day, diluting 30 drops of the product in a glass of liquid. The course of treatment is a month. After 15–20 days, therapy is repeated.

Collection and storage of Schisandra chinensis fruits

How effective the treatment will be depends on the correct preparation of raw materials. To preserve all the healing properties, the berries are collected in September-October, after they have fully ripened. You can harvest the fruits before the first frost. The brushes are cut from the bushes with a sharp knife or scissors. You can't tear them off. This can damage or break the vine.

Remove the fruits from the clusters and process them preferably within 24 hours. If there is no time to prepare, the product is frozen. At the same time, all useful qualities are fully preserved.

Chinese lemongrass berries are a truly unique gift of nature. But it should be used wisely and with caution. The powerful tonic effect of the fruit can not only help, but also harm if used incorrectly.

Attention. The article is for informational purposes only. Specialist consultation is required.

All materials on the website are presented for informational purposes only. Before using any product, consultation with a doctor is MANDATORY!