Healing mineral water: take it correctly! Everything you need to know about mineral water: composition, benefits, contraindications We treat ourselves with mineral water correctly.

Which I talked about the other day is located in the village of Obukhovskoye. About two and a half thousand people live in it; it stands, like Kamyshlov, on the Pyshma River. The village is famous for the presence of a mineral water deposit (Obukhov mineral waters) and a sanatorium, which was built on the occasion of this deposit.

Mineral water

In my opinion, Obukhovskaya mineral water is one of the best. It is slightly mineralized (1.8-2.4 g/l), quenches thirst well, and has a pleasant taste. True, if you drink it directly at the source, the aroma and taste will be different; in particular, you will feel characteristic hydrogen sulfide notes in the aroma. Bottled water tastes better and can be called table water. It is sold in carbonated form, bottled at different fields and by different companies. One of the most famous is Obukhovskaya-11. A 1.5-liter bottle of this water costs about 20-23 rubles in Obukhovo and Kamyshlov. In addition, variants Obukhovskaya-1, -10, -12, -13, -14 are produced (by different companies).

Obukhov water can be bought not only in Kamyshlov and Obukhovo, but also in Yekaterinburg; Moreover, this water is one of the most popular mineral waters in the Sverdlovsk region. However, it does not reach Moscow: obviously, production volumes are more modest than in the cases of Narzan and Essentuki.

Deposits of Obukhov mineral water, by the way, were discovered a very long time ago: at the beginning of the 19th century. Soon after this, a sanatorium was built near them; Later, the water began to be sold in bottled form. Its full “chemical” name is sodium bicarbonate-chloride. It must be remembered that water has real healing properties only immediately after flowing from the source; There is no point in treating yourself with carbonated water from bottles.


The first sanatorium was built near the Obukhov mineral waters deposit back in 1858. After the revolution, it was nationalized and turned into a holiday home. During the war it became a hospital, and after the war it became a rest home again. Then, in 1978 - a boarding house; It was only in 1997 that it was finally renamed a sanatorium. In the 2000s, the sanatorium was greatly modernized: many new buildings were built, the territory was landscaped and expanded.

Reference Information:

  • Official site: http://www.obukhovskiy.ru
  • Telephone: Ekaterinburg - +7 343 376-59-60.
  • Treatment profiles: treatment and prevention of diabetes mellitus, kidney and urinary tract diseases, gastrointestinal tract diseases, skin diseases, mineral metabolism disorders.
  • Rest/treatment prices: from 32 thousand rubles for a place in a double room (including treatment, for 14 days).

Village Obukhovo

Obukhovo is located between the sanatorium and Kamyshlov. The buildings are predominantly one-story, but there are also two-story houses. On the territory of the village there is a post office, a Sberbank branch, several shops (grocery and household goods), car services, a medical center, a dental clinic, a hairdresser, a kindergarten, a school and a cafe-snack. In a word, the village is not small, with good infrastructure. However, this is not without reason: the fact is that the Siberian Highway passes through Obukhovo; and also in the fact that the city and the sanatorium are nearby.

There are no special attractions in Obukhovo - despite the fact that the village was founded back in 1680. True, some houses look as if they were built before the revolution - at the end of the 19th and beginning of the 20th centuries. Yes, and there is also the Church of Simeon of Verkhoturye, built in 1912, then closed and rebuilt under Soviet rule. It was reopened only in 2003.

Not far from Obukhovo there are forests in which live not only trees (mainly pine trees), but also mushrooms (boletus, boletus, boletus, russula, volushka), berries (raspberries, blueberries, strawberries) and various animals (hares, foxes, roe deer , moose, hedgehogs).


This is the name of the river on which Obukhovo stands. The river is small and non-navigable, quite shallow (there are very few places where the depth exceeds 1.5 meters - except on the beach). The banks are overgrown with willow and/or nettles in many places.

Bus traffic

There are buses (mostly PAZs) from Kamyshlov to Obukhovo and the sanatorium. The schedule is posted at every stop, but is not followed. They say that this year there are significantly fewer buses - due to the fact that minibuses (Gazelles) have almost all been cancelled.

How to get there

From Yekaterinburg - by bus (about 320 rubles) or by train to Kamyshlov (about 130 rubles) and from there by bus (about 20 rubles). Or by car along the Siberian Highway to approximately 132 kilometers from Yekaterinburg in the direction of Tyumen (sanatorium) and 133-135 kilometers (Obukhovo itself).

Time to visit

If you are going to the Obukhovsky sanatorium, then you will have plenty of time for the visit, and you will have time to thoroughly explore the village itself, as well as the city of Kamyshlov and its surroundings. If you are just passing through Obukhovo, then in an hour you can leisurely walk around the territory of the sanatorium and then just drive/walk through the village itself.

Mineral water: a harmless drink or a medicine that you need to be careful with? The controversy has been going on for a long time, and now we will try to dot the i's and evaluate all the pros and cons.

Mineral water is natural underground water (rarely surface water), which has special physical and chemical properties and contains gases, salts, and organic substances that have a healing effect on the human body.

The main difference between such waters is a higher level of mineralization compared to fresh water (can range from 1 (0.1%) to 50 grams (5%) of solids per 1 liter of water).

Based degree of mineralization, Such waters are divided into:

  • low-mineralized (1-2 g/l);
  • low mineralization water (2-5 g/l);
  • medium mineralization (5-15 g/l);
  • high mineralization (15-35 g/l);
  • brine water (35-150 g/l);
  • strong brine water (more than 150 g/l).

It should be noted that water with a mineralization of 2-20 g/l is suitable for internal use.

The formation of mineral water is a long process. Essentially, it is rainwater that has accumulated in various layers of the earth's rocks for thousands of years. It acquires its special properties thanks to the minerals that dissolve in it. And the degree of purification of mineral water is indicated by the depth of its occurrence: the deeper the water goes into the rock, the higher the degree of purification and the content of carbon dioxide and useful substances in it.

Composition and types of mineral water

In addition to the level of mineralization, the chemical composition plays an important role. Depending on the combinations of six main components (macroelements calcium, magnesium, sodium, as well as chlorine, bicarbonate (HCO 3) and sulfate (SO 4)), mineral waters are:

  • sulfate;
  • chloride;
  • hydrocarbonate;
  • calcium;
  • magnesium;
  • sodium;
  • mixed.

The main features of the chemical composition of various mineral waters are, in fact, reflected in the names. So, the main feature sulfate waters– significant presence in their composition (more than 25%) of sulfate anions with the concentration of other anions less than 25%. Included chloride mineral waters are dominated by chlorine anions, in hydrocarbonate, accordingly, the content of hydrocarbonate ion (HCO 3) is high. Calcium, sodium and magnesium waters– these are mineral waters with a predominance of the corresponding cations and their inherent qualities.

However, most often the waters are mixed, that is, they have a set of different cations and anions, which ultimately determines their benefit or harm to human health.

Another important component of mineral water is carbon dioxide(or carbonic anhydride), which is formed by the interaction of carbon dioxide with underground rock and contributes to the formation of the beneficial properties of the drink. Carbon dioxide softens the taste and stabilizes the chemical composition, and this helps to quench thirst faster and indicates the benefits of mineral water for human health.

Mineral water can contain all the elements from the periodic table, but in very small quantities. The most significant in quantitative terms are iodine, fluorine, copper, iron, manganese, cobalt, lithium, bromine.

Based on the concentration of mineral salts, they are distinguished:

  • table mineral water;
  • medical dining room;
  • medicinal.

IN table water the lowest salt content (no more than 1 g/l), healthy people can drink it without restrictions and cook food with it (there is no specific taste or smell).

IN medicinal table waters the degree of mineralization is higher (1.5-7 g/l), they are divided into two groups, which differ in the severity of the therapeutic effect. Water of the first group does not have it, but medicinal table water of the second group, on the contrary, is medicinal: it must be used carefully, no more than 0.5-1 l/day, and cannot be subjected to heat treatment.

The highest degree of mineralization is characteristic of medicinal mineral water(from 7 g/l), which contains essential microelements. Only your doctor can prescribe such mineral waters (usually no more than 200 ml per day).

By origin, mineral water can be:

The creation of mineral water by enriching ordinary tap water with the necessary salts, minerals and carbon dioxide is actively practiced. Such a drink, of course, will not harm your health, but there is little benefit from it. Even if it complies with sanitary standards and rules, such water is not an active medium, but only a lifeless solution of salts.

When purchasing natural water, remember: even if all extraction and storage conditions are met, during long-term transportation in mineral water liquid crystals can be destroyed, resulting in loss of beneficial properties.

The benefits of mineral water

High-quality natural mineral water, which has a unique mineral composition, can energize the body and help fight viruses and infections.

Positive properties of mineral water, influence on the human body:

  • intake of essential microelements into the body;
  • activation of enzymes;
  • strengthening body cells;
  • strengthening bone tissue and tooth enamel;
  • regulation of acid-base balance indicators;
  • strengthening immunity;
  • improvement of well-being.

Mineral water brings no less benefit as a means for effective cleansing the body, as it is capable of removing waste and toxins in a short time. It also normalizes metabolism, which helps reduce body weight.

Mineral water helps increasing body tone, and this is very useful under increased physical and mental stress.

In addition, drinking mineral water normalizes blood pressure and strengthens the nervous system. And when heated, this healing drink can become an assistant in the fight against inflammation, pain and stomach cramps.

Mineral water helps liquefying the contents of the gallbladder and the outflow of bile.

If consumed regularly, mineral water will bring tangible benefits to your health!

Sparkling and still water

Obviously, the main difference between carbonated mineral water and still drinking water is the presence of carbon dioxide. Let us remind you: carbonated mineral water It is beneficial if consumed in moderation. It not only quickly copes with thirst, but also promotes faster digestion of food and increased production of gastric juice - feel free to drink carbonated mineral water after meals.

Mineral soda does not cause any harm as such. However, it should be remembered that carbon dioxide increases acidity and flatulence, so people with problems with the gastrointestinal tract, as well as small children, should refrain from drinking water with gas.

Drinking still water
Available in the first and highest quality categories. Their main difference is that if water of the first category should simply be harmless to human health in terms of radiation, chemical and microbiological indicators, then water of the highest quality category should also be complete in terms of the content of macroelements. Therefore, read labels carefully.

Rules for use without harm to health

  • First of all, you need to decide what kind of water to drink. Medicinal and medicinal table mineral water, as stated earlier, should be prescribed by a specialist according to the indications.
  • Secondly, you need to decide on the amount of water. The optimal volume of consumption of table mineral water is 500 ml per day. However, this applies to people who do not have problems with joints, gastrointestinal tract and kidneys. The permitted volume of medicinal table and medicinal mineral waters depends, again, on the doctor’s recommendations.
  • Thirdly, how long can you drink medicinal waters? The duration of the course depends on the nature of the disease, but the maximum period is 1.5 months. Most often it is recommended to drink mineral water before meals.

Thus, the benefits and harms of drinking mineral water are determined by its quality and quantity. Remember that everything is healthy in moderation. The main thing is to listen to your body.

Possible harm and side effects

Since an excess of minerals entering the human body is no less harmful than its deficiency, you need to be extremely careful.

So, you should not use mineral water as a regular drink. It is justified to use it in hot weather, as it perfectly quenches thirst, and during great physical and mental stress, but in limited quantities. That is, in cases where there is a risk of dehydration and loss of mineral salts.

The use of medicinal mineral waters without the supervision of a doctor is also fraught with overdose; they must be consumed in courses in strict accordance with the instructions.

An increase in salt content in the body due to excessive consumption of mineral water can negatively affect the condition of the kidneys and joints.

It is very important to observe the body's reaction. If after drinking mineral water you notice hand tremors, surges in blood pressure, heart rhythm disturbances, insomnia and nervousness, immediately stop taking mineral water and consult a specialist.

For what diseases is drinking mineral water effective?

The benefits of drinking mineral water are determined by its unique chemical composition.

  • If the mineral water contains iron, it will be indispensable for people suffering from anemia.
  • Water with a high iodine content is recommended for people with diseases. thyroid gland.
  • For normalization of blood pressure You can use water containing sodium.
  • At urolithiasis The use of hydrocarbonate water is indicated.
  • For stimulation of metabolic processes in the body and improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, in the presence of gastritis with low acidity, dyskinesia of the gallbladder, it is advisable to use chloride, chloride sulfate and chloride hydrocarbonate waters (Narzan, Essentuki No. 4 and No. 17).
  • At peptic ulcer stomach or duodenum, chronic gastritis with high or normal acidity, hydrocarbonate sulfate waters with a low content of salts and carbon dioxide (Borjomi) are suitable.
  • If you suffer from chronic inflammatory diseases of the large and small intestines (enteritis, colitis, enterocolitis) with diarrhea, then you are recommended to drink hydrocarbonate sulfate waters with a significant concentration of calcium salts and an average or low content of carbon dioxide and other salts (Nabeghlavi).
  • In cases when in inflammatory diseases of the large and small intestines, peristalsis is sluggish, give preference to chloride and chloride sulfate waters with a high or medium concentration of mineral salts and carbon dioxide (Essentuki No. 17, Druskininkai).
  • Hydrocarbonate, hydrocarbonate chloride and hydrocarbonate sulfate waters with medium and low content of mineral salts and carbon dioxide (Nabeglavi, Borjomi, Essentuki No. 4 and No. 17) contribute stimulation of the liver and gallbladder, so they can be drunk for diseases of the biliary tract, chronic hepatitis, obesity, diabetes mellitus, after suffering from Botkin’s disease, cholelithiasis, as well as chronic bronchitis, laryngitis and laryngotracheitis.

It is important to choose your mineral water correctly so that it only benefits your health.

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Treatment with mineral waters, especially their internal use, is finding more and more followers. Still would! After all, mineral waters improve blood microcirculation in the stomach, liver, intestines, stimulate the secretion of gastrin, bile, as well as pancreatic secretion, and treat many diseases.

Mineral waters are divided according to their composition into table waters, medicinal table waters and medicinal waters. And if, as the name logically implies, table mineral waters are nothing more than a pleasant drink, then medicinal table waters and medicinal waters have a healing effect on the body. What is their fundamental difference? Contains salt!

  • medicinal-table water - this water can contain from 1 to 10 grams of salts per liter of water. The advantage of medicinal table mineral waters lies in their versatility: they can be consumed as a table drink and systematically for treatment;
  • medicinal water is the most saturated in salt composition. This category includes mineral waters with mineralization - more than 10 grams per liter, or waters with a high content of active microelements, for example, arsenic or boron.

That is why medicinal mineral water should not be drunk according to the principle “the more, the better.” If you drink more of this water than the doctor recommended, you can cause considerable harm to the body:

  • chemical elements and free carbon dioxide contained in all medicinal mineral waters, if taken into the body in excess, can disrupt the secretory and motor functions of the stomach, bile formation and excretion, and acid-base balance in the body;
  • mineral salts irritate the kidneys and bladder;
  • sodium salts are especially harmful for those suffering from chronic nephritis, hypertension, and heart disease accompanied by edema.

It is very dangerous to give medicinal mineral water to children to drink if they do not suffer from diseases for which this water is indicated.

Self-medication with mineral waters is just as unacceptable as with medications.

In addition, those who drink much more mineral water than recommended cause the heart to work twice as hard; and in people with heart disease, edema also develops or intensifies,

Usually mineral water is drunk three times a day for 24-30 days, followed by a break for three to four months. Indiscriminate intake of mineral water from time to time does not have a therapeutic effect.

Drink medicinal mineral water only as prescribed by your doctor!


Type of mineral water

Therapeutic effect




medical dining room

Used for the prevention of gastritis with normal, increased and decreased secretory function of the stomach, uncomplicated peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum, chronic colitis and enterocolitis, chronic liver diseases, biliary tract and chronic pancreatitis, metabolic diseases, urinary tract diseases.

medical dining room

Indicated for diseases such as: chronic gastritis, peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum, colitis and enterocolitis, diseases of the liver and biliary tract, pancreatitis, metabolic diseases

medical dining room

The mineral composition has a beneficial effect on all metabolic processes in the body, on the restoration of neuromuscular conductivity, on the restoration of myocardial contractile function, on lipid and cholesterol metabolism.

Sulfate narzan contains sulfides. They have a beneficial effect on the liver and have a choleretic effect.



improves the digestive and motor functions of the gastrointestinal tract, detoxification and biliary functions of the liver, normalizes the acid-base balance in diabetes mellitus.


medical dining room

for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, liver, kidneys, urinary tract, cardiovascular and nervous systems, diabetes, gout and other diseases


medical dining room

It is used for drinking treatment in some forms of anemia, stomach diseases, functional disorders of the intestines, and also as a table drink

Silver Dew

dining room

The balanced mineral composition of water normalizes the metabolism of the human body. Natural fluorine in its composition prevents the occurrence of caries.

Essentuki No. 17


A remedy for stomach diseases, chronic liver diseases, gall bladder, gout, obesity, mild diabetes.


medical dining room

For diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, liver, kidneys, bladder


medical dining room

Strengthens the secretory activity of the digestive glands; anti-inflammatory and antispasmodic effect. Also used for the prevention of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, liver, bile and urinary tract


dining room

Can be used in the treatment of urinary tract diseases

Mineral waters are natural waters containing high concentrations of certain mineral (sometimes organic) components, different types of gas (carbon dioxide, hydrogen sulfide, nitrogen, etc.).

They have been taken orally for medicinal purposes for quite a long time; this use of mineral waters has a centuries-old history. Today this has not lost its relevance. On the contrary, it is becoming an increasingly popular method of treatment, since waters with minerals are now consumed both at resorts and in non-resort life.

There are more than 3,000 different sources of mineral water in the CIS countries. The most famous are the Zheleznovodsk Essentuki salt-alkali, Batalinsky, Georgian Borzhom, Truskavets and many others.

Properties of mineral waters

Sometimes such waters have quite specific physical properties, for example, radioactivity, temperature, reaction of the environment. All this has a certain effect on the human body and has its effect. The waters of each given type have a pronounced biological effect, either physiological, medicinal, or toxic. The action depends on the combination of the above components and their concentration.

But it is worth remembering that not all waters with minerals are suitable for consumption and treatment. Those that are extracted from underground mineral springs in the places where they naturally emerge have a healing effect. They are also mined by drilling wells at various depths.

Despite the fact that much has already been discovered and researched about the influence of these waters on physiological functions and disease processes, not everything is yet sufficiently illuminated.

Methods of using mineral water, such as the rectal method of administration, gastric lavage, transduodenal lavage, are highly effective, but little studied and not as popular as we would like.

Main types

Drinking natural waters with minerals are divided into types such as table water, medicinal table water and medicinal water.

Drinking mineral waters can be consumed in unlimited quantities. They can increase appetite and quench thirst.

Medicinal table waters are used as a remedy. They drink it in courses. If such water is low-mineralized, then it can be consumed as a table drink.

Mineral drinking medicinal waters generally have a high degree of mineralization, which effectively helps in the treatment of various diseases. They are drunk as directed and in strictly limited doses.

Indications for use and treatment of diseases

Natural medicinal waters should be used for treatment only for the following diagnoses:

Anemia (Polyustrovskaya)
- Chronic gastritis (Esentuki 17)
- Chronic pancreatitis (Esentuki 4)
- Peptic ulcer of the stomach (Esentuki 4) and duodenal ulcer (mild form). (Smirnovskaya)
- Chronic colitis, enterocolitis (Lysogorskaya, Essentuki 4).
- Chronic diseases of the biliary tract (Borjomi), liver (Luzhanskaya, Slavyanovskaya, Lysogorskaya).
- Metabolic diseases (Yuzya, Sofia, Smirnovskaya).
- Gout (Donat Mg, Lysogorskaya).
- Diabetes mellitus (Borjomi, Berezovskaya, Slavyanovskaya, Dilijan, Jermuk, Essentuki 4, Dragovskaya, Kuyalnik, Krymskaya, Mashuk 19, Lastochka, Ploskovskaya).
- Kidney diseases (Jermuk, Obukhovskaya, Borjomi).
- Cholecystitis of any form (Essentuki 4.17, Morshinskaya, Naftusya).
- High and low acidity (Borjomi and Essentuki 17, respectively, Essentuki 4 for both groups, Naftusya source 2 for low, Naftusya source 1 for high).
- Pyelonephritis (same as cystitis).
- Constipation (Jermuk, Essentuki 17 with hypomotility, 4 with hypermotility, Slavyanovskaya, Batalinskaya).
- Bronchitis, Asthma (Borjomi).
- Cystitis (Essentuki 4.17, Borjomi, Luzhanskaya 1.2, Kislovodsk Narzan, Polyana Kupel, Polyana Kvasova, Smirnovskaya, Slavyanovskaya, Sivan, Sairme, Kashinskaya, Jermuk, Truskavetskaya low-mineralized).

Mineral waters are also successfully used for weight loss. They can be used during pregnancy, especially during the first trimester, to alleviate the condition caused by toxicosis. Inhalations with mineral water are no less useful. Such inhalations are used to treat infectious diseases of the larynx, nasopharynx, trachea, and they also use water with minerals for gargling.

Thus, we can conclude that mineral waters, the indications for use of which I have briefly given here, have many beneficial properties, and therefore successfully help in the treatment of many diseases, and are suitable for use by both children and pregnant women. But only a doctor should prescribe such water to you, who will take into account not only the main disease, but also others from your “bouquet” of ailments.

Mineral water "Obukhovskaya" has a low mineralization of 1.8-2.4 g/liter and contains a large amount of organic substances. Doctors recommend drinking water directly near the source, since during transportation the water loses its healing properties.

Obukhovskaya mineral water is regularly checked by the sanitary and epidemiological service, a full chemical analysis is done once a month, and once a year it is sent for a full detailed study to Yekaterinburg.

Mineral water "Obukhovskaya" affects metabolism, water-salt balance, promotes tissue restoration, has an antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and diuretic effect.

At the first appointment, the doctor describes a regimen for taking mineral water, depending on the disease. The minimum recommended course is 14 days, the optimal is 21 days. With a 21-day course of mineral water taken orally, its diuretic and choleretic effects are manifested, which leads to cleansing of the urinary and biliary tract.

Properties of mineral water "Obukhovskaya"

Under the leadership of the head of the department, member of the Academy of Technological Sciences of the Russian Federation, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor V.N. Zhuravleva, the doctors of the sanatorium performed a number of scientific and practical works. On the basis of the department, they are trained in methods of diagnosis and treatment of urological patients. Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor L.A. Kozlova, having studied the properties of Obukhovskaya water, confirmed its high therapeutic effect on patients with chronic diseases of the liver and biliary tract.

Invaluable assistance to “Obukhovsky” was provided by the head of the department of the Ural State Medical Academy, laureate of the USSR State Prize, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor V.A. Kozlov. With his help, advisory assistance and training for doctors of the sanatorium were organized on the basis of the city clinical hospital No. 27 of Sverdlovsk (now the city clinical hospital No. 1 of Yekaterinburg).

Significant creative work to study the properties of Obukhov mineral water and organizational work to create a polyclinic base for the sanatorium was carried out by the chief physician of the Medical Scientific Center for Prevention and Health Protection of Workers of Industrial Enterprises, Candidate of Medical Sciences, Yu.V. Kochergin.

With the support of the Sverdlovsk City Department of Urology and with the personal participation of its head, Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor V.I. Miroshnichenko, the health resort is conducting research to substantiate new methods of treating diseases of the genitourinary system.

1 dm 3 of Obukhovskaya mineral water contains:

Mg Mg-eq % mEq
Sodium 661,7 28,78 91,7
Potassium 8,3 0,21 0,7
Ammonium 5,5 0,3 1,0
Calcium 21,6 1,08 3,4
Magnesium 12,3 1,01 3,2
Iron 0,2 0,01 0,0
Sum 709,5 31,4 100,0
Fluoride 0,38 0,02 0,1
Chloride 895,2 25,25 79,6
Bromide 4,7 0,06 0,2
Iodide 1,00 0,01 0,0
Sulfate 3,7 0,08 0,2
Hydrocarbonate 341,7 5,60 17,7
Carbonate 12,0 0,40 1,3
Nitrate 18,1 0,29 0,9
Nitrite 0,03 0,00 0,0
Sum 1105,9 31,71 100,0