DIY landscape design. Decorative honeysuckle: description and photos of varieties for a summer cottage

Among the honeysuckles there are many decorative species, but domestic gardeners are rather poorly aware of them. One of these rare, but very interesting varieties is honeysuckle Cap. Her natural habitat Habitats: mountainous regions of central and western China. It is there that the bush reaches its greatest picturesqueness.

Honeysuckle Cap came to us from distant China

Botanical description of the species

Shapochnaya honeysuckle was introduced into culture at the beginning of the last century. Thanks to the unusual appearance, the variety quickly spread throughout Europe, and then penetrated into Russia, but took root only in the southern and middle regions.

A low evergreen shrub in the conditions of its native China reaches a meter in height, but in the climate of Moscow it grows only up to 30 cm. It is distinguished by a flat, spread-out crown with a diameter of up to 1.5–2 meters. Rigid, non-bending shoots spread along the ground, easily taking root at the point of contact with the soil.

This is interesting. Chinese honeysuckle is resistant to urban environments, easily tolerates air pollution and is not affected by pests.

The leaves are small, oblong, lanceolate, glossy, dark green above, and pubescent along the veins below. The petioles are thick and short. In its homeland, Cap honeysuckle blooms with fragrant white flowers of a tubular-funnel shape. In September-October, fruits appear - round berries of a red or purple hue.

In Russian conditions, Chinese honeysuckle barely reaches 30 cm in height

Honeysuckle refers to evergreen shrubs. If the microclimate of the area allows, you can try planting this amazing plant. Thanks to its outstretched crown, it will overwinter under the snow, and in the spring it will delight you with bright green foliage. But the crop will not bloom or bear fruit.

Planting and propagation

Most honeysuckles are not picky about soil composition, but prefer loam. The Chinese guest is not original in this regard either. The form grows well in any well-drained soil with an alkaline or neutral environment. Feels great in the sun, but prefers light partial shade.

Hat honeysuckle is planted only in the fall, with the beginning of leaf fall. This is due to the early awakening of culture. Already in mid-March, the buds on the bush swell and the roots begin to function, which are easily damaged during spring work.

Landing rules

Planting and Capping is not as difficult as it may seem. There are several simple rules, compliance with which guarantees a good result:

  1. Holes for young plants are prepared in advance. The selected area is cleared of weeds and debris and limed if necessary.
  2. They dig holes with a diameter of 40x40 cm at a distance of 2 meters from each other. The top layer of soil is mixed with a bucket of humus, a glass of ash and 2 tablespoons of superphosphate are added to the mixture. The composition is shoveled and placed back in the hole, covered from the rain.

Step-by-step process for planting Cap honeysuckle:

  1. Nutrient soil is poured into a pre-prepared hole with a cone.
  2. A seedling is placed on top, the roots are straightened and covered with light soil. Container plants are transferred along with a lump of earth.
  3. The soil is compacted and watered well.
  4. The tree trunk circle is mulched with peat or sawdust.

After planting, young seedlings are not pruned. The formation of the plant begins in the second year, removing diseased and broken shoots.


Cap with green cuttings and layering. An adult bush easily takes root at the point where the shoots touch the ground.

Advice. To speed up the process, the selected branch is pinned to the soil, watered and covered with film. After 2–3 months, the young bush will grow a powerful root system and will be ready for transplant.

Caring for Chinese honeysuckle

Honeysuckle cap requires moisture only at a young age. Mature plants easily tolerate lack of water and dry air. They try to time the watering of the crop to coincide with the morning or evening hours, adding 10–15 liters of liquid under each bush.

Loosening of the tree trunk zone is carried out to a shallow depth, since the roots of adult honeysuckle often rise to the surface. For 5-6 year old plants it is better to use mulching.

The first fertilizing is carried out 2 years after planting. In early spring, 25–30 grams of ammonium nitrate are applied to each bush. In July, the crop is fertilized with organic matter at the rate of a bucket of compost per 1 m². In the fall, 1–2 cups of ash are placed in the root zone and Matchbox double superphosphate.

Pruning honeysuckle cap

The Chinese guest tolerates pruning well. During sanitization remove dry, frozen and damaged shoots. This heals the bush and enhances branching.

Starting from the age of 5, anti-aging pruning begins. Every year, 1–2 old shoots are removed, replacing them with young ones. Frozen branches are shortened to the point of damage. The procedure is carried out after the appearance of a green cone. During this period, frost-damaged stems are clearly visible.

How to properly prune Shapochnaya honeysuckle can be seen in the photo.

Scheme of molding pruning of honeysuckle

Winter hardiness of the crop

The Chinese form can withstand temperatures down to -23.0° C, which corresponds to the south and center of Russia. In other regions, bushes must be covered and additionally covered with snow. However, even such measures will not help grow Chinese honeysuckle in the northern regions of the country.

Diseases and pests

The crop is rarely affected by insects and, but in damp, cool summers, fungal infections and viruses may appear on the plant. The first includes powdery mildew and rust. The most common viral disease is reticular mosaic. Young succulent shoots are often attacked by aphids, leaf rollers, moths and spider mites.

To combat fungal and viral diseases, systemic fungicides are used:

  • Vectra;
  • Topaz;
  • Speed;
  • Gamair.

From harmful insects get rid of with the help of Inta-Vir, Fitoverm, Aktara, Aktellik, Fufanon.

Honeysuckle Cap can be used as a ground cover, creeping plant. This unpretentious and frost-resistant crop is especially good in the foreground in a composition with conifers. Single bushes can be planted on alpine roller coaster or decorate retaining walls with them.

Evergreen honeysuckle (Lonicera sempervirens) is a beautiful vine that blooms profusely in warm, sheltered locations throughout the summer with bright red and orange flowers.

This climbing evergreen or semi-evergreen shrub reaches a height of up to 3 m. The shoots are bare.

Elliptical or ovate leaves, 3-8 cm long and 1.5-5 cm wide, sit on short petioles. The upper side of the leaves is smooth, dark green, the lower side is bluish-gray, sometimes with soft pubescence. Often 1 or 2 pairs of leaves under the inflorescences grow together into a round or slightly oblong disc.

Evergreen honeysuckle flowers are odorless. Their color varies from yellow to orange-red. The corolla is 4-5 cm long. The stamens and style protrude slightly beyond the bend. The color of the berries is scarlet red.

Evergreen honeysuckle is widely distributed in North America. Introduced in 1686. Introduced into our country in 1816.

In the European part of the USSR, young shoots of this type of honeysuckle suffer from frost. Quite justified for Central Asia, the Caucasus, and Ukraine.

A more stable hybrid of evergreen and rough honeysuckle is Brown's honeysuckle, which has forms with flowers of red, orange-red, dark orange-red shades.

Brown's honeysuckle blooms annually in Moscow; secondary flowering is often observed in early autumn, but fruits are often not set.

Having our own garden, we want to arrange it so that it pleases the eye. All gardeners, even amateurs, by planting climbing honeysuckle on their plot, will receive a beautiful decorative decoration gazebos, arches, fences.

It will delight you not only with its rich greenery, but also with its abundant color and excellent aroma.

Types of climbing honeysuckle for vertical gardening

The choice of varieties is quite extensive, so experienced gardeners, and beginners will be able to choose a honeysuckle bush to their liking. Here is a description of the most famous varieties:

Decorative: a dense vine, abundantly covered with bright green foliage and flowers that exude a wonderful aroma. Basic decorative element– fruits are dark red.
Flowering: June – October, fruit ripening in August.
Features: flowering and fruiting occurs 3 - 4 years after planting.
Don't worry if the shoots are a little frozen. Flowers form on this year's shoots
Soil: moist and fertile soils.

2. Honeysuckle Dropmore Scarlet.

Decorative: a beautifully flowering vine, the young shoots of which have a green-blue tint, and in the sun turn into burgundy. Honeysuckle blooms long flowers raspberry – orange color.
Flowering: June – first frost.
Features: growth during the year is 50 cm.
Soil: Suitable for all types of soil.

3. Honeysuckle Golden Trumpet.

Decorative: spreading, climbing plant, has bright light green leaves. Flowers without scent yellow color, turning into a golden-copper color.
Flowering: from early June until September.
Features: having good support, it can grow up to 4 meters in height.
Soil: usually well-drained and fertile.

Decorative: bright green vine with violet-purple flowers, which has an excellent aroma. The fruits have a rich red color.
Flowering: early flowering variety. The first flowering is in May - June, the second flowering is from July until the first frost. Fruit ripening is September – October.
Features: frost-resistant honeysuckle.
Soil: preferably fertile soil.

5. Honeysuckle Hekrota.

Decorative: 4-meter green vine, long time pleases with two-color large flowers, an additional decoration are shiny red fruits.
Flowering: from June to the first frost, fruit ripening - August - October.
Features: non-frost-resistant variety, requires mandatory shelter for the winter.
Soil: fertile and moist soils.

6. Thälmann's honeysuckle.

Decorative: bright green vine, capable of reaching 7 meters in length. Prized for the beauty of its orange-golden flowers. The yellow fruits are small in shape.
Flowering: June – July, fruit ripening – July – September.
Features: demanding of the conditions of its existence.
Soil: well-drained, moist, sufficiently fertilized.

Below we invite you to watch a video about honeysuckle blooming decorative variety"Primorskaya":

Types for ground cover landscaping

The following ground cover plants are used for landscaping:

Decorative: shrub with spreading branches. The main decorative element is white double flowers.
Flowering: mid-June – first half of July.
Features: used as hedge.
Soil: feels great on all types of soil.

2. Honeysuckle American Beauty.

Decorative: shrub with large orange flowers that are odorless. Bright orange fruits complement the beautiful picture.
Flowering: during the summer and until September, berry ripening - August - October.
Features: tough shoots, weakly wrap around the support.
Soil: well fertilized and drained soil.

3. Brown's Honeysuckle.

Decorative: deciduous vine with dark green foliage. Abundant flowering bright and fragrant flowers.
Flowering: like the previous variety, from June to late September.
Features: ground cover vine.
Soil: All types of soil are suitable.

Decorative: a beautifully flowering vine with dark green foliage, beautifully set off by dark red flowers, which fill the entire garden with their aroma.
Flowering: June – August, fruits ripen in July – October.
Features: used as beautiful bush or ground cover plant.
Soil: moist, well-drained soil.

5. Honeysuckle Graham Thomas.

Decorative: an evergreen vine of dark green color that retains its appearance even in winter. The flowers are collected in yellow-red inflorescences, filling the garden with aroma. The fruits have a red tint.
Flowering: June – September, flowering repeats in September, bears fruit from July to October.
Features: in the south it is suitable for vertical gardening, in the north it is used as a ground cover plant.
Soil: moist, fertile soil.

Common forest honeysuckle, or wolfberry. The fruits are used in folk medicine

Note: The fruits of decorative honeysuckle are inedible!

Planting honeysuckle

For the vine, you need to choose a well-lit place for planting. The plant will also feel good in partial shade.
Before planting, you need to decide how honeysuckle will be used:

  • for landscaping gazebos, arches;
  • like a hedge;
  • as an ornamental ground cover plant.

Once the purpose of the plant has been chosen, it is necessary to prepare the planting site.
Most species need fertile, well-drained soil, so a mixture of soil, mineral fertilizers and humus should be poured into the prepared hole.

It is important to know: if you want the vine to grow significantly in area in the future, you need to plant the cuttings not in a hole, but in a trench, which also needs to be prepared for planting.

Caring for climbing vines

The plant is easy to grow and if followed certain rules, available beautiful decoration your garden to be admired long years. During the hot season it is necessary to provide good watering, but do not forget about drainage when planting. You need to water when there is no bright sun: in the morning or evening.

After watering, it is necessary to loosen the soil under the plant to prevent crust formation. Curly young shoots must initially be carefully attached to the support; over time, they will become woody and will firmly adhere to the supporting structure.

The vine should be pruned in the second year after planting. If you leave it in the form in which it grows, then honeysuckle will very quickly turn into a tangled clump of branches. Frosted shoots are cut off. If you occasionally renew the plant by pruning the branches, you will get lush and long flowering.

Honeysuckle needs to be covered for the winter, even if it is winter-hardy. This needs to be done late autumn, before the first frost.

Note: The plant should be placed in front of the shelter not on bare ground, but on boards or a dense layer of leaves.

When a vine has been living in your garden for quite a long time, you should not unhook the stems from the support and wrap them up, because it has already formed suckers that have grown to the support, thereby you can injure the plant along its entire length. Choose from 2 options:

  • vertical shelter;
  • mulching the soil around the bush (Mulching - covering the soil various materials, for example, sawdust).

You need to open the honeysuckle in early spring when the threat of frost has passed, somewhere in mid-April.

Honeysuckle propagation

There are several types of honeysuckle propagation:

  • direct planting of seeds in the ground in spring;
  • cuttings from a 2-year-old shoot (sprinkle with soil in spring);
  • rooting in June - July in moist soil (herbaceous cuttings).

As you can see, the choice of honeysuckle varieties is quite large and caring for it is no more difficult than for other vines. It is recommended to use honeysuckle in combination with climbing roses and clematis.

We invite you to watch a video on how to properly plant and care for wild honeysuckle:

Synonyms: Honeysuckle evergreen, Lonicera evergreen, Lonicera sempervirens L. var. hirsutula Rehder, Lonicera sempervirens L. var. Sempervirens, Phenianthus sempervirens (L.) Raf., Lonicera sempervirens L. var. minor Aiton

Honeysuckle evergreen(Lonícera sempervirens) is a popular species of the genus (Lonicera) of the Honeysuckle family (Caprifoliaceae). From North America. Introduced into culture in 1686.

It is a tall climbing shrub with bare shoots, reaching a length of 3 m. The shoots are bare. The leaves are elliptical or oval, to oblong, leathery, 3-8 cm long and 1.5-5 cm wide. The upper side is smooth, dark green, the lower side is bluish-gray, often with soft pubescence, evergreen. 1 or 2 pairs of leaves often grow together to form an oblong or round disk on which the inflorescences are placed.

Flowers large, sessile, grow in groups of three on long peduncles in apical spike-shaped inflorescences, red or orange-red, less often yellow, odorless. The corolla reaches 4-5 cm in length. The style and stamens protrude slightly beyond the bend. Blooms from May to September.

Berries small, pea-sized, scarlet-red.

Shapes: f. superba Re gel (superior - with brighter red colors and large leaves), f. sulphurea J aq. (var. flava R e g e 1) (sulphurous - with yellow flowers).

Varieties:"Magnifica" (flowers red outside and yellow inside), "Sulphurea" (flowers yellow), "Superba" (flowers bright scarlet).

Frost resistance zone: 3-9. IN winter period Possible slight freezing of shoots, which then quickly recover.

Location: not demanding on soil, unpretentious. Grows well in moist, loose and fertile soils under cover tall trees, but not in the shade. Optimal acidity soil pH 7.5 - 8.5. Does not grow well in poor sandy and heavy damp soils. Can grow in sun or partial shade, in a well-ventilated place.

Trimming: It is recommended to carry out in the fall (after the leaves fly off) or early spring (March). Every 2-3 years it is necessary to carry out anti-aging pruning and thinning of the crown. To do this, it is necessary to remove old and small branches, leaving no more than 5 powerful trunks, while new shoots are actively formed. After 6-7 years, only sanitary pruning is necessary

Landing: The transplant is tolerated well. Planting is recommended in late autumn. Plants with a closed root system can be planted from spring to late autumn. The recommended distance between plants is 1.5-2 m. Soil mixture: turf soil, humus, peat or sand in a ratio of 3:1:1. Root collar at ground level. Depth landing pit 25-30 cm, diameter - 25 cm for 2-3 year old bushes, for 5-7 year old bushes - the depth and diameter of the hole reaches 50 cm. To set fruit, you need to plant at least 3-5 bushes different varieties. When planting, you can add 5 - 7 kg of manure, 50 - 80 g of superphosphate and 40 - 50 g of potassium salt per bush. Drainage layer of broken brick or gravel with a layer of 5-7 cm.

Care: early spring you can fertilize mineral fertilizer(20 - 30 g/sq. m). Before flowering, you can add liquid Kemira-universal (20 g per 10 liters of water). If the growth of young plants is weak, it is recommended to carry out foliar feeding(0.1% urea, 1% superphosphate, 0.5% potassium chloride). Responds well to summer sprinkling of the crown. In the fall, you can add wood ash (100 - 200 g/sq. m) for digging. Watering is moderate, 2-3 times a season, in hot weather 8-10 liters per plant. Without watering, bitterness may appear in the fruits. It is recommended to remove weeds by loosening the soil to the depth of a shovel (20-25 cm). Mulch with peat near the plants in a layer of 3-5 cm.

Diseases and pests: practically not affected by diseases or pests.

Reproduction: seeds are 100% viable. Summer cuttings take root completely.

Usage: used for vertical gardening of trellises, building walls, balconies and other objects.

There are approximately 200 species of honeysuckle in nature. Honeysuckle is unpretentious, winter-hardy, its flowers are very delicate, and its berries are very impressive, and some are even edible. IN natural conditions Honeysuckle varieties are unevenly distributed. Most species are concentrated in South-East Asia. In general, honeysuckle grows in the northern hemisphere, occupying large areas in Europe and Asia.

Varieties of honeysuckle

Can be found in deciduous, mixed and coniferous forests of temperate climates. Of course, by adapting, a shrub can have different shapes growth and demand different conditions to moisture, soil, light. In the tropics there are evergreen species of honeysuckle, which are not suitable for a temperate climate with its cold winters.

Unfortunately, not most of the decorative types of honeysuckle are used in today's gardens and parks. Besides such very famous plants, like Tartarian honeysuckle and honeysuckle, exists a large number of various and resilient honeysuckles worthy of special attention.

Honeysuckle root system

In honeysuckle it is located close to the surface. Honeysuckle foliage is opposite. As a rule, they are uniform in shape, entire or with a wavy edge, elliptical or oval. The top of the leaf can be pointed or rounded, less often pointed. Honeysuckle flowers are honey-bearing and fragrant. Honeysuckles have species with yellow, cream, white, crimson and pink flowers.

Flowers of climbing honeysuckle species are collected in capitate inflorescences, usually without pedicels. The inflorescences are surrounded by oval or round discs formed by the fusion of leaves.

Honeysuckle berries are red, orange, blue or black. These are berries with very small seeds.

Edible varieties of honeysuckle have dark blue berries of variable shape.

Even for the most novice gardeners, honeysuckle is an ideal tree species: it can delight with flowering and vitality, and tolerates dry, urban climates.

Types and varieties

Honeysuckle brilliant

This honeysuckle comes from Western China. Shining honeysuckle is a beautiful evergreen, densely branched shrub, 2 m tall, with shiny, small, ovate, leathery leaves. It blooms in spring with white, small, fragrant flowers. The fruits are purple, spherical.

Loves a little shade. Withstands haircuts very well. Undemanding to soil. Propagates well by seeds. Honeysuckle is a heat-loving plant. A charming shrub for edges, borders, and edging groups.

Honeysuckle blue

Grows in the undergrowth of mountain forests, in swamps, on slopes. Under natural conditions it is found in the north of the European part of Russia, but is not used in landscaping in the central regions, although it is a wonderful honey-bearing shrub.

Blue honeysuckle is a spreading shrub with brown-red shoots. The leaves of blue honeysuckle are oblong-lanceolate, rounded at the base, with a blunt tip, about 8 cm long. Blue honeysuckle is valuable for its dense crown. This honeysuckle is a valuable early honey plant.

The dark blue berries with eight seeds ripen in July. Blue honeysuckle grows slowly, but forms dense bushes, is shade-tolerant, and frost-resistant. Sensitive to drought. The fruits of this honeysuckle are considered medicinal

There are many forms of blue honeysuckle:

Gracefully colored - with thin red shoots and oblong leaves, the flowers are thinner than those of the main species.

The edible form deserves special attention. Grows in humid mountain forests, preferring calcareous substrates, on Far East, V Eastern Siberia, Korea, China, Japan.

Straight shrub with brown bark. Leaves different sizes and shapes. The flowers are yellow or yellow-white. The fruits are almost black with a bluish tinge and taste like blueberries. The shrub begins to bloom and bear fruit at the age of 4.

Winter-hardy, unpretentious. Recommended as fruit bush. Excellent propagation by cuttings and seeds. Blue honeysuckle is not only a beautiful, but also a very useful shrub that is now familiar to many, because it began to be grown in gardens as a fruit and berry plant.

Also, 3 other Far Eastern species of honeysuckle are desirable with it in ornamental gardening: Kamchatka honeysuckle, Turchaninov honeysuckle, Altai honeysuckle. All three species have edible fruits.

Brown's honeysuckle

Brown's honeysuckle is a hybrid of rough honeysuckle and evergreen honeysuckle. A climbing shrub with shoots about 2 m long. Brown's honeysuckle is very decorative due to its bright colors of flowers and their unique shape. Flowering is abundant, inflorescences appear in early July.

This loach does not climb very high on the support, but it looks very beautiful when laid on the ground. Brown's honeysuckle is decorative during the flowering period.

Used for landscaping low fences; in winter, a small shelter is desirable.

Honeysuckle climbing

Under natural conditions, it is widespread in Southern Europe.

A climbing, tall shrub 5 m in height, with great variability of leaves. Flowers of climbing honeysuckle are in dense capitate inflorescences, white inside, with a carmine corolla outside.

It begins to bloom in July and continues until September. The red fruits of climbing honeysuckle ripen in August. It begins to bloom and bear fruit in the 3rd year.

The shrub grows quickly, therefore, the form is well restored after annual shoots freeze in winter, and since climbing honeysuckle will bloom on the shoots of the current year, its

It has decorative forms: golden - golden leaves at the beginning of development; Belgian - with more plump leaves than the previous form, purple flowers.

But the climbing late honeysuckle deserves special attention - a vine about 3 m in length. Annual shoots are slightly pubescent or bare, yellowish or red at the top. The foliage is dark green above, bluish below, ovate.

The flowers of this honeysuckle are two-lipped, dark red on the outside, then turn pale, and yellow on the inside. Climbing honeysuckle blooms profusely and for a long time, from June to August. The berries are red. Gardeners really like it. In Russia in middle lane It is recommended to remove the shoots from the supports in the fall and cover them with spruce branches and dry leaves on top.

There are varieties of climbing honeysuckle:

("Belgica ") "Belgica " - the flowers are white with red stripes, then they turn yellow.

("Graham Thomas ") "Graham Thomas " - white flowers turn yellow when they fade.

("Serotina ") "Serotina "- the flowers are creamy white on the inside, purple on the outside.

("Minister ") "Munster " - the flowers in buds are dark pink, when they bloom white-pink, then become cream.

Thälmann's honeysuckle

Thälmann's honeysuckle is a hybrid between Honeysuckle evergreen and Honeysuckle honeysuckle.

A liana with oblong leaves, green above, bluish below. Under the inflorescence, the upper pair of leaves are fused. Thälmann's honeysuckle flowers b cm, orange-golden. It blooms very beautifully and profusely for about 12 days. The berries are yellow-orange.

Thälmann's honeysuckle is valued for lush flowering and dense foliage. Used for vertical gardening. Demanding on soil fertility. Light-loving, but can also bloom in partial shade. In cold winters it can be damaged by frost. To avoid this, it is necessary to remove the vines from the supports and cover them with spruce branches.

Honeysuckle Hekrota

Hekrota honeysuckle is a hybrid of American honeysuckle and evergreen honeysuckle.

The liana rises to a height of 3 m and is very elegant in flowering: its inflorescences consist of a huge number of large flowers, each about 6 cm in length, the flowers of Hekrota honeysuckle are purple on the outside, almost yellow on the inside: it blooms from June to August. To prevent Hekrota honeysuckle from frosting, it should be planted on the south side.

Japanese honeysuckle

It is a very fragrant semi-evergreen vine. Anyone who was in the Caucasus probably saw it along the roads and near housing. Japanese honeysuckle is native to Korea, China or Japan.

Japanese honeysuckle grows quickly and produces many layerings. Blooms luxuriantly in June. The flowers are white, with a purple tint, and very fragrant. In the middle zone it can only grow in the sun.

However, even with excellent care It won't bloom every year. If desired, Japanese honeysuckle can be grown indoors.

Japanese honeysuckle has a very graceful shape- with delicate leaves in a yellow mesh - "Aureoreticulata". This variety can also be grown indoors.