Landscaping in the garden. Original design solutions of a landscape nature, implemented in country gardens and personal plots

Today, a summer cottage is used not only to grow fruits and vegetables. This is a desirable place to relax, where you can have a good time in nature with friends and family.

The design of the garden and vegetable garden must be carefully thought out. If you approach the design of the site correctly, then a beautiful landscape created with your own hands will look harmonious.

Site planning

To realize all your garden design ideas, be sure to draw up a site plan. It is necessary to display on paper where residential buildings, gazebos, beds, trees, flowers, paths will be located.

Dividing the site into zones will help you cope with the planning task:

  • the area adjacent to the house;
  • garden;
  • relaxation area in the garden.

It is necessary to highlight the nuances of their design.

Local area

As a rule, this area includes the front garden. Decorating a garden with your own hands is one of the most important tasks. It is better not to plant tall plants in front of the house. Optimal solution plant a flower garden there. Low-growing shrubs can also decorate the facade.

A canopy in the yard provides good protection from the scorching sun. If you put a table under it, you can dine outdoors.

It is better to fence off the yard from the rest of the area. You can build a wicker fence as a fence. This design fits perfectly with the exterior rustic style.


How to design a garden is the business of every summer resident. The owner can plant fruit or ornamental trees.

Whatever the garden is, it should have shrubs and flowers. They are planted between trees, which makes the site more attractive.

A recreation area is being set up in the garden. You can put a gazebo on the lawn and make decorative pond. Kebab lovers allocate a place for barbecue. The lawn is being decorated ornamental shrubs and flower beds.

Along the perimeter of the dacha plot they arrange hedge. The green fence will hide from prying eyes.

Attention! Decorative design The garden presupposes a systematic arrangement of bushes and trees. The main thing is not to overdo it so that the area does not turn into impenetrable thickets.


Sometimes owners of summer cottages enthusiastically take up beautiful design garden, without paying due attention to the vegetable garden, which does not fit into the overall design of the landscape. This approach must be abandoned.

If you plan correctly, the design of your garden in summer will be in harmony with the design of your vegetable garden. You should plan in advance which plants to plant and how to arrange the beds.

There are vegetables that look like decorative flowers, not inferior to them in the richness of the color palette and variety of shapes.

Decorative paths - another one important element. Paths are made not only for the purpose of decoration, they facilitate access to any garden bed. The beds can be fenced so that they are combined with paths.


Decorative elements for decoration

Various ideas can transform the landscape. Photos of garden design will help you choose the right ones design solutions.

Flower beds

Flower beds serve as effective decoration for a site. Practical owners make them from scrap materials.

  • Car tires can find a new life. Figures are cut out of this material, and flowers are planted inside.
  • Natural stone, if used to cover a flower bed, is an excellent option for fencing it. A multi-level flower bed looks impressive, where flowers and low-growing shrubs are located next to each other.

  • Old barrels can be used as decorative elements. By placing them side by side and decorating them, you can make a train that will become a pleasant vacation spot, especially for children.
  • Unnecessary furniture is an opportunity to be creative and create unusual flower beds. And they can be placed throughout the site.

Garden sculptures

Funny figures and sculptures enliven the garden and vegetable garden. On the market there is big choice decorative ornaments for garden. The owner will be able to choose what will be combined with the style of the landscape.

Garden sculptures are made from the following types of material:

  • wood;
  • gypsum;
  • copper;
  • polyuston.

There should not be too many figurines in the garden. A pile of sculptures can spoil the impression of the landscape.


Funny figures are made from car tires. You can cut them yourself.

A stuffed animal is a decorative element that has a practical function. Old dishes can also find application in the garden. The stump will become a mushroom, on the cap of which you can draw white circles and turn it into a cute fly agaric.

Artificial pond

If you put a gazebo near a small pond, you can spend time in it whenever you want. As a rule, you can arrange friendly gatherings near an artificial reservoir.

DIY garden design photo


Just a few years ago, only a few plots of land near the house were distinguished by a pre-thought-out attractive layout. Basically, more emphasis was placed on practical value. Therefore, it was not uncommon to have continuous vegetable fields or densely spaced beds with the most useful and necessary species for proper nutrition. The current trend in the design of local areas is radically different. Regardless of the chosen direction, most owners of private houses with special attention refers to landscape design, emphasizing artistic appeal. Moreover, this principle of arranging a site applies not only to gardens, lawns and flower beds; the vegetable garden is no exception.

Designing a decorative vegetable garden own plot is one of the new trends in landscape design. Therefore, the resulting result will not only give you aesthetic satisfaction when contemplating the landscape, but will also allow you to keep up with modern fashion, which will certainly be appreciated by experts in land development, guests, and neighbors.

In addition, one cannot fail to mention the usefulness of such a solution. Ecologically clean products without harmful artificial impurities in our technogenic time - this is truly valuable.

What to consider when arranging the territory?

To ensure that the resulting result certainly meets your expectations, be attentive to the design process from the very beginning.

In what style should you decorate your garden?

Since an ornamental vegetable garden is a full-fledged landscape form, choose the appropriate style. In this regard, pay close attention to the harmonious combination with the rest of the design of the site and the architecture of the house itself.

There are the following most popular forms of ornamental gardening:


Watch a video that contains some original ideas designing a decorative garden.

How to choose a place to plant a vegetable garden?

When choosing a site for decorative vegetable beds, consider the following recommendations:

What plants are suitable for an ornamental garden?

In order to create a decorative garden with your own hands, they most often use crops that are not very demanding to care for, since the main goal of creating this form of landscape design is beauty.

By correctly combining shape and color, taking into account development features, it will be possible to ensure the attractiveness of the site for almost all seasons.

Let us note the most popular types of plants for arranging an ornamental garden:

View the attached ornamental garden diagrams below to get a clearer idea. possible options site design.

How to prepare the soil for a vegetable garden?

This process consists of two stages:

Carry out all the work as follows:

How to plant plants and care for them?

When planting the selected crops, pay attention to the following nuances:


As you have probably already seen, the entire process of arranging a decorative vegetable garden on your site, although quite lengthy, is not particularly difficult. The main thing is to carefully study the characteristics of the selected crops in advance in order to plant them correctly and observe basic rules care In this case, the created unusual landscape will certainly cause tenderness and will bring invaluable benefits after harvesting.

Every owner of a garden or summer cottage always uses it to grow vegetables for further consumption. However, in modern times, this obsessive goal for the soul has become not enough. Many summer residents and gardeners embody garden design, delighting its neighbors and many lovers of fantastic natural originality, which makes their eyes run wild.

Photos of original landscape design options for a garden at the dacha

The vegetable bed fits beautifully into the garden lawn, delighting with the richness of the grown spicy crops, cabbage, parsley in combination with flower plantings.

An ordinary constructed greenhouse, which will eventually turn into a hill of beautiful clubs, at the base of which low-growing flower plants will grow, and vegetable seedlings will form into the green top of a flower garden with beautiful ripe fruits.

An original solution for arranging garden beds within a lawn using the most beautiful wooden design created vegetable beds that are very easy to care for. This option involves growing onions, celery, herbs, lettuce, dill, parsley and even beets - a summer bright green attractive vegetable oasis near the house.

Cultivated garden plot using decor from paving slabs, implying constancy. In such a curly, interesting landscape format, you can annually change the positions of growing vegetables, giving the created flowerbed a completely different look.

A similar composition can be created using building bricks.

This is a surprisingly comfortable option for arranging a large garden plot; several created wooden flower beds are planted annually with a varied number of vegetables, the order of which can be alternated, ensuring effective crop rotation and soil fertilization. The aesthetic arrangement of seedlings will ultimately give a beautiful result before harvesting.

A garden plot is not necessarily flat and flat; often slopes are also suitable for cultivation and cultivation. Here clear example successful execution of original planting of vegetables with a combination color range the developing foliage of plants creating amazing garden beauty that evokes a beastly appetite.

And this is another clear example of how vegetable crops look great in combination with flowers in decorative flower beds.

Vegetable beds can be successfully decorated with both flowers and shrubs, creating neat curly green fences from them.

A vegetable garden is an area where you can grow everything - trees, shrubs, vegetables and flowers, which in one single tandem create a real green, blooming fairy tale. Timely care for all grown plants throughout the entire growing season, it gives the land an attractive, rich appearance.

Landscape design vegetable gardening is a real art, depending directly on the imagination of the owner of the land plot, who, thanks to his ingenuity and agrotechnical knowledge in matters of cultivation vegetable crops is able to transform his work into a real creative process.

Bold ideas come to life in garden plots thanks to skillful hands and the desire to create a unique environment around you. cozy corner, warming the soul with its attractive appearance. When creating non-standard garden landscape projects, you want them to be durable and retain their original appearance. For this purpose, to improve the planned areas, it is necessary to carefully select a material that will not be too bulky, will easily withstand the effects of external climatic factors and will delight you with its quality for a long time.

The main materials with which you can create are gravel, paving slabs, wooden logs, pegs, plastic bottles, natural stone.

Where to start and how to design a vegetable garden with your own hands?

  1. Firstly, to translate ideas into reality, you should draw up a paper project for placing the entire set of crops in certain areas of the garden or personal plot.
  2. Secondly, give these areas the desired shape, that is, the boundaries within which they will pass the entire growing season development. These can be completely different squares, rhombuses, petals of various dimensional characteristics, as well as their original combination.
  3. Thirdly, you need to think about how to provide access to these areas for the purpose of caring for beds, watering and using the crop. After all, it’s not always sunny outside, allowing you to get to the garden bed without getting covered in mud. Great option, delimiting the beds are wooden paths, paths made of paving slabs or natural stone or brick.
  4. Fourthly, you need to take care of drawing up an estimate for the purchase of all the necessary available tools and materials to begin work on landscaping garden plot.

When all four stages have been completed, you can safely begin work. An excellent time of year to start work is early spring; it is the spring period that will allow you to plant vegetable seedlings in ready-made plots and already in the first months of summer enjoy the most beautiful landscape design of your garden, made by yourself.

Features of garden garden design at the dacha

Designing a small vegetable garden is much easier to complete compared to a huge plot of land. A small area is in perfect harmony with all kinds of homemade figurines, fences, vines, crafts that can be made from clay, stones,

There are a huge number of examples of landscape design for a garden in a country house. But, arranging your land plot, each owner always adds his own individual flair to its design. There are no limits to human imagination, create with pleasure, because only work you enjoy brings true pleasure in life.

Design of a vegetable garden at the dacha video

More and more often, owners of garden plots are shifting their emphasis from the possibilities of growing vegetables and fruits to decorating their land and designing their garden plot. They earn money in the city, and come to the dacha to relax. Of course, fruit trees and shrubs, vegetable beds-all this may be present, but they are also subject to the rules of landscape design. Entrusting a project to a professional seems great... but professionals often end up with overly ordered, cold landscapes. Self-designed gardens, although not ideal, are much cozier and you feel much better in them.

Where to start: planning

It all starts from the stove: you need to correlate your desires with reality. To do this, first sit down and write down what you need on the site. Just a list of what you and your loved ones want to have. Then you take a site plan with dimensions and begin to place what you simply cannot refuse. Usually this is a playground or carport, some kind of vegetable garden - at least a few beds, if there are children - a playground.

Place the carport closer to the gate - less space will go to the driveways, the playground in direct visibility from the windows, and most likely from the kitchen windows: it’s not all the time to sit with them, and so, the children are under supervision, and you get the job done. You will have to be smart with the placement of the playground: it needs to be free of drafts, and some of it should be in the shade, some in the sun. To have the best conditions.

Therefore, there is no need to hide it. It will still be a decoration for your site and you will be proud of it. For this you will need a sunny piece of your site.

Now we need to find a place for technical and auxiliary premises. You will definitely need it, and also compost pit. They can be taken to the backyard, but it’s better to be closer to the garden. If you plan to heat the house, you need a place to store firewood. For this they do, and they can be attached to the barn, or they can stand separately, and some specimens can also be decorative element. Somewhere in a secluded corner you will need to install a shower. The toilet is also a hassle: you need to take into account the distance to neighboring areas (at least 2 m), and also the prevailing wind direction - so that odors do not bother you.

Next comes the turn of what you really want. Usually this is a gazebo or fountain. A pond and a fountain can be combined, and a gazebo can be placed nearby. To the point that one of its edges can hang over the water. On the other bank, you can put a bench by placing an arch next to it or building a pergola (the same arch, but more solid). Near the gazebo you can make a small canopy and place it, as you choose. It is best to allocate the lowest area under the pond or where the groundwater is closest. Everything else will fit into the free space.

A pond and a gazebo nearby are a good combination

It seems that these are all the main objects. If you managed to fit them all into the site plan, great: you can plan. You need to manage and make a minimum number of paths, but they must connect all the main buildings. Paths may lead to auxiliary structures. It's even more romantic. And along the way, look for places for flower beds, flower beds, rock gardens, and decorative slides. You can even specially bend the paths to fence off the space for the flower garden. This, by the way, is one of the favorite techniques of professionals. They almost never use straight lines. Only in elongated areas to visually bring the far edge closer.

Don't forget about trees and bushes. By the way, they can serve as a screen for an unsightly fence. And you will have it all around the perimeter. It can be partly decorated with hanging flower beds, partly covered with trees and shrubs. While the trees are growing, you can put a lattice in front of the fence on which to grow climbing roses, clematis, or any other similar plant.

Garden plot design: choosing a style

In most cases, the style of garden design is very difficult to determine. Most often it can be described as “modern”. Are used interesting solutions different “nationalities” and different style trends, and sometimes these combinations are very, very successful and interesting. The good thing about independent design is that you can create it intuitively beautiful landscapes. But to register a plot in a certain style in a way it’s simpler: you know for sure whether this idea will work or not. Let's look at some design options for a garden plot in a specific style. The easiest way to work is with ethnic trends.


Chinese and Japanese cultures have significant differences, but regarding the design of a garden plot, it is difficult, almost impossible, for a non-specialist to distinguish between these two directions. For ease of perception, we will combine them into one style: oriental.

Decoration in Japanese style - an abundance of stones, interesting combinations of hardwood and softwood

Achieving maximum harmony is inherent in these cultures. What's great about Japanese or Chinese style garden designs is that they use a lot of crushed stone and pebbles. If it is difficult or expensive to get pebbles in the right quantity, then there are much fewer problems with crushed stone. Maybe you’ll be lucky and you’ll even be able to agree on the color - the meticulous Japanese use pebbles of the same size and the same color when backfilling, or form them into different shapes.

Great idea for decorating a yard near garden house: crushed stone and pebbles, slabs as a path - dirt will not rush into the house

Large stones, near which boxwood bushes are planted, a small fountain in the traditional shape. A very interesting idea with a border made of painted crushed stone. Only if you do something like this, make sure that the water that flows from the plant has somewhere to go: under the pebbles and crushed stone there should be dense soil with a slope towards the plantings or an exit to drainage system— this is how water drainage is organized.

A small fence is made extremely simply. Another good thing about bamboo is that it doesn’t rot.

To make your Japanese-style garden design truly traditional, you can use bamboo. A small fence and gate are extremely simple to make. A couple of stakes are driven into the ground, bamboo crossbars are tied to them, and thin bamboo is tied to the crossbars. It turns out to be a bamboo picket fence.

Paths are very characteristic - rounded stones at a distance of a step from each other, slabs of stone, or even concrete plates, but they are not square, as we are used to, but long. Please note that the gaps between the stones/slabs are overgrown with grass, moss, or filled with pebbles.

Often in Japanese gardens there are fountains. But these are not pompous structures with sculptures and upward jets, but combinations of bamboo and stone through which a small amount of water flows. It’s easy to make them even yourself, but read how here.

Several photos of Japanese-style garden design are collected in the photo gallery. Eat interesting ideas, which are easy to implement with your own hands. Moreover, the costs are minimal))

The right selection of plants is half the success. Japanese maple - how can you ignore it? Slabs, stones, crushed stone, plants - all this against the backdrop of a lawn

Rustic style (rural or country)

The more urbanized our cities become, the more we want something simple, natural, without clear lines and edges, which are already boring in the city. That’s why many people began to build houses from logs: they exude comfort. If your country house built from logs, a natural continuation of the idea would be to design the site in a rural or rustic style. In this case characteristic features- the use of various kinds of old utensils and their elements in the decoration of flower beds and flower beds, wattle fences, simple, often deliberately rough, made of logs.

The design of a garden in a rustic style can be easily recognized by the presence of wheels from carts, baskets, ceramic dishes, old barrels, logs and flowering stumps

On a village plot, there’s no way everything can be too smooth and orderly. The paths are overgrown with grass, with stones laid for convenience, and boardwalks thrown in. And to make the “boards” always look like new, you can use decking - this is a wood-composite material that looks and feels very similar to wood, but does not rot, does not darken, and retains its original appearance over the years.

Fences inside the site can be made from dead wood cut from the forest. Fences made of birch or okha with its light green bark look very decorative.

Wicker fences are traditional for this style. They can be made for beds, flower beds, to fence off areas inside the site, and even as the main fence, separating the garden from neighbors and from the street.

You can decorate a pond in the same vein - a small mill or bridge next to a long pond wouldn’t hurt. And if there is a difference in height on the site, you can make a cascade of watering cans and buckets - a very original idea.

A waterfall along the steps, only in an unusual design: a fountain made of watering cans and buckets

Even the toilet can be made in the same style. Of course, it’s unlikely that anyone will bring it to the fore, even in a stylish design, but you won’t have to worry too much about making sure the building isn’t visible.

Such a toilet is a hut that you don’t have to hide very much

The design of a garden in a rustic style is not demanding on geometry or selection of plants. It is important that you feel comfortable and cozy and that the plants feel good. Then even the simplest compositions will delight the eye and heart. See the photo gallery for several design ideas for different zones.

An unusual flowerbed - a flower stream Carts and wooden wheels - traditional elements of a country-style garden A gazebo covered with reeds and sculptures from ceramic pots - interesting design finds in garden design Wattle fence - a good fence, and the style supports the design of the well

Garden plot in modern or modern style

The design of a garden plot in the Art Nouveau style is international. It contains elements from different cultures. The basic rule is harmonious combination shapes and shades. Most often, straight lines and rounded shapes are combined.

Is it difficult to create such a corner in your own garden? Tiles can be replaced with concrete or stone slabs or wooden flooring, the main thing is that the geometry is preserved. Flowerbeds of unusual shape - smooth edges both at ground level and high. There are seats between two high flower beds, and to make it really convenient and comfortable, you can make the border higher and nail a board on the back. All this cubism is broken up by a round ceramic plant pot. Instead of a pot, you can make a small fountain in the form of a stone ball through which water flows.

This fountain is not difficult to make. The main thing is to find suitable stone and drill a hole in it

As you can see, the fountain is close in style to Japanese style. Slightly modified, it fits perfectly into modern design garden And this is not the only stylized element. For example, wicker furniture is often used. But it has a different shape - either cubic or with curved surfaces, but only in one plane. Looking at the photo below, you will understand what we are talking about.

And again, notice how the hard straight lines are broken up by rounded ones: in the bottom photo this is pyramidal arborvitae, on the top there is a round flowerbed table ( extraordinary solution, by the way) and the curved lines of the chairs.

This is where lovers will find freedom raised beds, so it is precisely when designing in this way: it is more convenient to set straight lines using high boxes. They are made from wood, stone, concrete. The material must be combined with the main finish or be an addition.

It is designed in approximately the same traditions local area and areas near the pond. Make a flooring from boards, plank or decking, install characteristic furniture - part of the garden is decorated.

By the way, you can make a gazebo in an unconventional manner.

There are a lot of ideas, and they are all interesting in their own way. Check out some photos in the gallery below. Maybe something will be useful for your garden.

Practical design of the pond - you can even sunbathe on the decking Smooth paths are a sign of style, but the execution is unusual

Ideas for decorating fences and walls

Whatever one may say, there is always a fence. And it is not always a decoration of the garden. More often than not, it’s quite the opposite: it’s the owner’s headache: how to disguise it or give it a more acceptable look. There are actually quite a lot of solutions, and for different tastes.

If you know how to draw, and the fence is at least relatively straight, paint it with some scenes. It is clear that choosing a suitable plot is not easy, but you can rely on general style site design.

The funky fence and site design style are easy to guess))

You can use the fence as a time for vertical flower bed or vegetable garden. It's beautiful and useful. This idea will especially please owners of small plots. But this can only be used if the summer in your region is cool. In all other cases, the plants on it burn.

Approximately the same idea will be useful for decorating the wall of a house. Only here flowers are planted more often, and mostly hanging ones, but nothing can stop you from planting, say, aromatic herbs or just beautiful flowers into the lower tier, and at the top let there be hanging hanging lashes.

Wall design option - metal baskets lined with jute fiber, inside - soil

Very often, simple decorations or some unusual elements distract attention from the not-so-attractive surface that the fence represents. These can be homemade flowers made of colored plastic or a whole cascade of different boxes in which you can either plant flowers or put them in pots.

Simple decorations, but they serve their purpose - they distract attention from the unsightly surface

Ideas in photo format

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Arrangement of a garden and landscape design on a personal plot directly depends not only on the number of acres available at your disposal, but also on the shape of the plot. For example, ideas for arranging a garden on a strictly square plot will be unacceptable for the territory irregular shape, and the design of an elongated summer cottage will not fit into the spherical landscape at all.

The choice of style is dictated by many factors: the original size and configuration of the site, the terrain, the features of the natural environment and, of course, your own taste preferences. The amount of investment and your own practical skills in carrying out construction and landscaping work also play a role.

This material is devoted to arranging a garden and do-it-yourself landscape design in areas of different shapes.

It is better to plan a rectangular or square summer cottage plot in a regular style. This style came from France, where it became very widespread in the 18th century. Imitation worldwide famous gardens Versailles spread throughout Europe, and in Russia the regular style became popular during the time of Peter the Great. Suffice it to recall our world-famous Peterhof, the Catherine Palace in Pushkin or Summer garden. Peter's courtiers, naturally, also rebuilt their estates in a regular style, and some of them have survived, albeit in poor condition, to this day.

When landscape designing a rectangular or square plot, straight paths are laid and plantings are done in rows, which, of course, makes caring for the plants much easier. Trees are placed along the boundaries of the site, retreating, as expected, from the neighboring one by three to four meters. And so that the land does not go to waste, they plant berry bushes- raspberries or black currants, with an indentation of one to one and a half meters from the border. Raspberries and apple and pear trees are friendly plants. When arranging such a garden at the dacha in the landscape design of a rectangular plot, it is well adjacent to pome crops and black currant. In addition, the depth of the roots of these trees and shrubs is different, so their roots will not oppress each other.

Apple trees and pears prefer soil with a neutral reaction, which is very suitable for raspberries, and black currants, although they prefer slightly acidic soils, feel quite good in neutral ones. Over time, the trees will grow greatly and can cover the bushes with their shadow, but this is not a problem, because both raspberries and black currants tolerate partial shade without problems.

This arrangement of the garden will immediately dictate its artistic design.

As shown in the photo, in the design of a square or rectangular area, a central, through, straight path should run along a row of trees, running no closer than 2.5–3 meters from the tree trunks:

In addition, it must be wide enough for a wheelbarrow to pass. And then there is nothing else left but to plant perennial flowers along it, when choosing an assortment of which only two points should be taken into account. They should prefer slightly acidic or neutral soils and bloom well in partial shade. When arranging such a garden, planning the design of a square or rectangular plot, plant a border of low-growing or ground cover plants along the very edge along the path.

Remontant strawberries, whose elegant bushes are strewn with bright white flowers and red berries all season long, will grow and bear fruit beautifully. These strawberries, which also feel good in soil with a neutral reaction, although they prefer slightly acidic ones, will have to be taken special care of. The bushes must be divided and replanted every three years, otherwise it will wither.

In the landscape design of a dacha plot of a square or rectangular shape, the space under the trees should also not be empty, because the soil exposed to the sun and wind dries out and is destroyed, in addition, a holy place is never empty, it is immediately occupied by weeds, and even such a luxury as empty land , we can’t afford it on six acres. So, contrary to generally accepted recommendations, do not keep the tree trunks fallow, do not dig up the soil under them, but plant them with earthworm (hybrid garden strawberries with strawberries) or sow with bentgrass, or even better, with white clover.

Earthweed and bentgrass love moisture, don’t forget about this, and therefore water your plantings abundantly. All of these plants for arranging a garden with your own hands have approximately the same requirements for soil conditions, moreover, they are all moisture-loving, and therefore caring for them is approximately the same, which makes the work much easier.

When planning the design of a rectangular or square plot, you should take into account the almost complete lack of decorativeness of plums. These plants are usually unsightly, and in the North-West they also rarely bear fruit, so do not put them in the foreground. But cherries are very decorative, so they don’t have to be hidden in the background. At the moment of flowering, both plums and cherries are very elegant. It should be noted that cherries greatly inhibit raspberries, so it is better to place them in different parts of the garden. In addition, pome trees (apple trees, pears) and stone fruits (cherries, plums, apricots, cherry plums) do not coexist well with each other. Therefore, in the landscape design of a square or rectangular area, it is also better to place them in different parts garden

When arranging a garden for a vegetable garden, you should leave the western side, separating the economic zone with a row of decorative tall shrubs or pergolas entwined climbing roses, clematis and other vines, arches or apple and pear trees. And on the eastern side, create a recreation area in landscape style.

Look at these photos for examples of beautiful landscape design for a square or rectangular area:

Ideas for arranging a flower bed on a square or rectangular area

It is easiest to place flower beds on a square or rectangular area.

As you can see in the photo, when arranging a garden in a territory of this shape, you can choose any configuration for flower beds:

In the landscape design of a rectangular or square dacha plot, the following plants are usually used:

Look at the photo of flower beds in the design of a rectangular and square plot:

Landscaping of an elongated area: arranging a garden with your own hands

In the landscape of an elongated area, with such initial data, it is more convenient to place a vegetable garden on one half of the territory, and plan them in a purely regular style (more plants are placed this way), and use the second to build a house, places for recreation, sow a lawn and give this part a natural look (landscape) view. Visually, when arranging a garden with your own hands, the vegetable garden can be separated from the rest of the area, covering it with a neat row fruit trees.

Fruit trees can be formed in the form of a palmette, then their crown will not provide excessive shade. Trees will take up much less space under the sun.

Across the plot, approximately in the middle, plant trees 3 meters apart, placing them in a line. There will be a vegetable garden on the south side of the planting line. Leave space in the landscape design of an elongated area for passage to the utility area. Now your task is to grow trees with a flattened crown. To do this, you leave (or reject, or transfer fruiting) only those branches that lie in the desired plane, that is, across the site, and remove all those growing perpendicular to this plane, that is, along the site, as early as possible.

You will trim the crown annually in the fall. This will cause new shoots to appear on the trunk at the top. You will also form them in the plane of the crown. Along the trees from the south, you can plant a row of black currants across the plot, then a row of gooseberries, then a row of red currants, or place greenhouses or greenhouses in the center.

When planning the design when arranging such a garden, on both sides of the bushes you can make two vegetable beds(4 beds can easily feed small family), and in front of them from the south you need to leave space for either potatoes or garden strawberries.

In one of the corners, far from the apple trees, you can plant a group of cherries, and in the other - a couple of plums, but their shadow should not fall on greenhouses and garden beds. You can also plant red currants, raspberries or honeysuckle along the southern border.

In the design of an elongated area near the fence, the following plants can be planted:

These photos demonstrate how to arrange a garden with your own hands on an elongated plot:

Landscape design when arranging a garden near a house on an irregularly shaped plot

For landscape design of an irregularly shaped area, the landscape style is more suitable. This style came to Russia from England, and during the reign of Catherine II, instead of regular parks and gardens, the creation of landscape park ensembles began, in which the authors strive to arrange plants as naturally as possible, imitating nature.

Of course, such parks have nothing in common with natural landscape They don’t, but they are still much more natural in appearance. An example of such a park is Pavlovsky Park near St. Petersburg. And here gardeners face the danger of cluttering up their plot so that in a couple of decades it will become an impenetrable thicket, so that many plantings will have to be cut down. There is one more feature of arranging such a garden near the house: unlike regular French gardens, they are not located on flat terrain. If you imitate nature, then in everything, you have to form bulk hills, reservoirs of natural shapes, reminiscent of forest lakes, cascades, rocks and cliffs. An example of such a significant change in the terrain is the world-famous estate of the Pototsky nobles, Sofievka near Uman in Ukraine.

On six acres, of course, it is impossible to radically change the terrain, but what can be done is to change the visual perception of a flat surface by planting dominant plants with a vertical conical or columnar crown shape. Fruit trees for the design of an irregularly shaped area they are not suitable due to the spreading dome-shaped crown.

And what are these, dominant (accent) plants? These are single-planted, fairly tall or textured trees that immediately attract attention. Often coniferous plants such as thujas, junipers, blue or dove spruces are suitable for this purpose. All of them grow rather slowly, but in ten years they will grow significantly, and therefore when planting, keep in mind that they will require a significant feeding area and there will be quite dense shade under them, in which not all plants will be able to grow.

And, conversely, creeping forms coniferous plants, as well as weeping forms of trees and shrubs will emphasize all the features of the existing relief. If you do not like straight lines and prefer landscape design for your site, then a decorative tree group should be planted in one corner.

The planting area is usually at least three to four meters - usually more - so the plants will take up quite a lot of space. In this regard, you should not occupy the southern part of the garden, otherwise most of the territory will be in the shade. If you plant trees on the north side, then the problem immediately arises of protecting fruit trees from cold northern and northeastern winds. When arranging a garden at your dacha with your own hands, in an irregularly shaped area, you will have to plant bush plants, moving 3–4 meters away from the fruit plants.

Of the canopy plants, preferable are those that have a more or less deep-lying compact root system or, conversely, a superficial one. These can be: rowan, serviceberry, sea buckthorn or chokeberry (Chokeberry). Chokeberry, of course, is not a tall plant, but apple trees can also have their crown reduced to two and a half meters annually autumn pruning both as a central conductor and by trimming the ends of the remaining skeletal branches, which, by the way, benefits the trees and makes harvesting easier for you.

What are the advantages of such trees? Compact root system and a compact crown, larger fruits and early fruiting (3–4 years after planting).

What are the disadvantages? Just because of their small root system, they are easily pulled out of the soil. strong wind, and therefore they must be tied not to stakes, but to three driven to a great depth metal pipes. Yields, naturally, are low on dwarfs. It is much better to plant trees with a dwarf insert. That is, first, a cutting from a dwarf tree is grafted onto the rootstock of a vigorous tree with a powerful root system. Then, after a year or two, a cutting of the variety you want is grafted onto it. There are no problems with such a tree; its powerful root system will hold it in the soil in any wind and provide high yields, but the growth of the tree will be limited to 3–3.5 meters.

You can plant spruce trees as a protective curtain, but only outside the boundaries of your property, behind a ditch, on the side of the road, so that the roots of the spruce trees do not destroy the apple trees. There is one caveat when planting canopy crops. The wind flows around a dense barrier at the top, but then the cold air descends to the ground at the so-called “cold point,” which is located at a distance equal to three times the height of the barrier. So, if the height of the chokeberry bush is 2–2.5 m, then heat-loving crops cannot be planted at a distance of 6–7.5 m from its plantings in the direction of the cold wind, because they will constantly freeze.

To avoid wasting space between trees planted in a group, it is recommended to surround each apple tree with a “crown” of raspberries, placing the bushes 50 cm apart from each other along a circumference 1–1.5 meters from the trunk. Or plant black currants or gooseberries between the trees.

You can, as mentioned above, fill the entire space under the apple trees with earthworms. This strawberry-strawberry hybrid has taken over resistance to partial shade from the parent variety of wild strawberry, since in natural conditions grows under the forest canopy. Let it grow in a continuous carpet, like in a forest, without special care. If the yield decreases, the plantation should be renewed.

In the case of landscape (or rather, landscape) garden design, the paths should be made winding and narrower than straight. They should flow around the trees, winding between them to seem like paths in a park or forest. This arrangement of plantings and paths, as noted earlier, visually increases the space of the garden.

With this type of garden design, traditional rectilinear vegetable garden beds are far from the best option.

As you can see in the photo, when arranging a vegetable garden in such a garden, small mini-beds measuring only one square meter, placed here and there throughout the area, wherever there is a place in the sun, will look much more elegant:

Such compact beds are much easier to care for. In addition, they can be made decorative if you combine planting herbs and vegetables on them with such useful and elegant flowers as nasturtium (of course, only bush form), calendula or marigolds.

You should not plant apple and pear trees separately in different corners of the garden. This does not create a single composition, besides, apple trees and especially pears are cross-pollinated plants, so a group of at least two apple trees or two pears is needed. To place them you will need an area of ​​at least 16–20 square meters. m. You can, of course, plant apple and pear trees separately, but then it will be difficult to place stone fruit crops, which, I emphasize again, do not tolerate the proximity of pome trees well.

As mentioned above, a regular vegetable garden is not suitable for a landscape-style plot. The location of flower beds should be well thought out, since planting perennials in rows, as is usually customary in garden plots, is also not good. Ornamental plants better placed in groups or individually in different places garden, so as not to disturb its overall composition “under the landscape”.

In addition to ridges or mixborders, you can arrange rockeries, that is, rocky slides, and also use solitary plantings on lawns. By the way, a lawn, or at least a small lawn or lawn, is an indispensable element of a landscape garden, so provide a place for them in advance. Lawns look best in front of the house.

Instead of ordinary flower beds with different perennials and annuals, monochrome flower beds look better. In such plantings, different types are used flower plants same color, but different tones.

An elegant white flower bed can be created by planting perennial daisies different types, white peonies different periods blooms, pyramidal white phlox, large-flowered perennial white bells, dwarf mock orange variety, black cohosh, low white delphinium "Galahad", small-flowered shrubby relict clematis, white-flowered Japanese anemone, daylily with white flowers, cornflower and aquilegia, a group of white tulips and small-bulbed ones with white flowers as a lining to the flower border, autumn aster, white polyanthus roses (blooming twice during the summer) and many other plants.

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