Who are the priests in ancient Egypt? Priests are great manipulators! Ancient Egyptian priests are popular.

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Priests(English Priest) embody a spirituality based on moral philosophy, the worship of a particular deity or belief in spirits, but not the reverence of the elements practiced by shamans, or the connection with the natural world that is supported by the druids. They act not only as respected and influential figures among their peoples, but also as powerful spellcasters, using divine magic to heal and protect allies or to defeat and weaken opponents. Clerics belong to a wide variety of peoples and organizations on Azeroth.

Sincere faith in their religion makes many priests embark on the path of courage and heroism. In dark times, the priests embody the Light (or other belief) as a reminder of the existence of powerful forces that are beyond the understanding of the inhabitants living on the lands of Azeroth. The strongest priests have a close connection to the revered deity or entity and use amazing abilities that help them in times of need.

Famous representatives

  • Akama is the leader of the broken draenei of Outland, who was a priest of Karabor before the orcs attacked.
  • Anduin Wrynn is the young prince of Stormwind.
  • Alonsus Faol is the late leader of the Church of the Holy Light and head of the Northshire Priests.
  • Archbishop Benedict is the current leader of the Church of the Holy Light.
  • Velen is the leader of the draenei.
  • Grand Inquisitor Isillien is the spiritual leader of the Scarlet Crusade.
  • High Inquisitor Fairbanks is a former adviser to Alexandros Mograine, the only non-living member of the Scarlet Crusade now destroyed.
  • Zabra is a troll who became a supporter and priest of the Holy Light, who participated in the events of the Ashbringer comic.
  • Iridi is a draenei priestess, a deceased member of a group of heroes who opposed Cyntharia in Outland.
  • Ishana is the High Priestess of the Aldors in Shattrath City.
  • Lady Liadrin is the leader of the Order of the Knights of the Blood, who was a priest before becoming a paladin.
  • Mara Fordragon was the High Cleric of Stormwind during the First War.
  • Moira Thaurissan is the leader of the Dark Iron dwarves and the clan's representative on the Council of Three Hammers.
  • Confessor Paletress is an Argent priestess in the Argent Tournament.
  • Rastakhan is the ruler of the Zandalar troll tribe, the king of all the trolls of Azeroth.
  • Sen "jin - the late leader of the Darkspear tribe.
  • Tahu Wisewind is a former tauren druid and apprentice of Hamuul.
  • Tyrande Whisperwind is the High Priestess of Elune.


The most common belief among the various races is the Sacred Light, which is common to almost all peoples of the Alliance, as well as blood elves in the Horde. However, many races have carried through the centuries or founded their own religions through which they are able to use divine magic.


Although the draenei were chronologically the first physical race to be connected to the Light, it was the Humans who first discovered the Holy Light on Azeroth and spread the new belief among other races, especially the high elves and dwarves. People have built many churches and cathedrals as places to study and worship the Light. The religion instructs its followers in virtue throughout their lives, although it is more philosophical than theistic, however, followers believe that devotion to the Light helps them to connect with some great and mysterious force in the universe. There are references to a certain divine entity called "hope", which guides the followers of the Light with an invisible hand.

Night elfs


This section contains reflections or conclusions

The spread of belief in the Holy Light also affected the dwarves, who were likely influenced by their allies, humans and dwarves. It is difficult to determine at what point in time this happened, but the events before the Sundering and the Cataclysm itself could push some members of the race to search for divine powers.

It's worth noting that Dwarf Priests were introduced as NPCs back in the Invasion of Northrend, where they acted as medics in the Howling Fjord. The title of "Doc" is also the first mentor of the priests, whom the gnomes meet at the beginning of their journey.

high elves

However, despite the Cult of the Forgotten Shadow, the priests of the Forsaken (or some of them) are still able to use the Holy Light.

“The Undead and the Forsaken in particular require tremendous willpower to manipulate the powers of the Light, as it is self-destructive. Therefore, such representatives are extremely rare. When someone from the undead passes a stream of Light through himself, he feels that his entire body is engulfed in righteous fire. Forsaken who are healed by the Light (regardless of whether the healer is a Forsaken or not) are also burned by the Light. Of course, the wound heals, but the cost is crippling pain. As such, Forsaken Priests are beings with unyielding willpower."

Developer Interview, Summer 2010


Most of the priests of Azeroth's various troll factions, including the Horde's Darkspear tribe, are followers of an ancient tribal religion known as Voodoo, which reveres and invokes powerful spirits called the Loa. After the battle, the voodoo priest often decapitates the opponent and dries his head in a special way so that his spirit cannot be released. Troll priests often become spiritual advisors to their tribe due to their ability to communicate with spirits and respect for the ways of their ancestors.

Some trolls have taken the path of followers of the Blood God Hakkar the Soul Eater, which is a tradition that has existed for generations among the trolls of ancient Tahu Wisewind made an interesting suggestion during a conversation with Aponi Brightmane. He stated that the night elves revere the moon goddess Elune so much only because they themselves are creatures of the night, and the tauren should maintain balance in everything, including the worship of the Sun or An "She, the second eye of Mother Earth, as described in myths. Tahu also said that Hamuul Runetotem, his mentor, was spreading among his people what the night elves had taught him.

Although at the time Tahu considered these talks to be only philosophy, he probably managed to spread his thoughts among enough tauren, after which the foundation of a new belief began. Thus arose among his people a paladin order of the Sunwalkers and priests who might be characterized as "solar druids".

It is difficult to determine how divine powers are received from the Sun, but there are two main theories - either the Sun means a certain deity, An "she, similar to Elune, in which the priests of the night elves believe, or the Sun is just a tauren perception of the Holy Light, widespread among the races of the Alliance.


This section contains reflections or conclusions rather than official information.

Determining the exact affiliation of Goblin Priests to any faith is difficult to determine due to lack of information, however, from some tasks, the appearance of Goblin Priest Trainers and the fact that they were present on Kezan, it can be concluded that the main religion of Goblin Priests is The Holy Light, which they could become familiar with through the Alliance races. Kezan is one of the largest ports on Azeroth, where representatives of any race could be located, having reached here by ship. It is possible that the situation is similar to the gnome priests who are introduced as medical NPCs, since the first mentor of goblin priests has the status of "Sister", reflecting either medical or religious themes.

If we recall the situation typical for goblin shamans, we can assume that the Holy Light has become one of the ways for them to achieve their own goals and additional benefits, and this is confirmed by some remarks of the goblin characters. Thus, the goblins become the second race of the Horde, among which the belief in the Light is widespread (the first is the blood elves).

Do not forget the fact that jungle trolls lived nearby for a long time, from which the goblins could learn about Loa and voodoo, however, the game world does not reflect this fact. Similarly, an interesting situation that developed after the Bilgewater Cartel joined the Horde is not reflected - goblin priests can fall under the influence of several common beliefs of various races of the Horde at once and possibly join one of them - Darkspear voodooism, worship of the Tauren Sun and the Forgotten Shadow Forsaken.


  • World of Warcraft Official Site - Game Class Description

Little by little, I am coming to the end of this project, and today we have priests in line.

Priest... in the generally accepted sense, this is the name of the servant of the Eternal Light, who devoted his whole life to prayer and humility, heals the sick and distanced himself from worldly pleasures. Few people know that among them there are those whose name is cursed and forgotten for centuries, as well as those who use their skills not only in the cell of the monastery but also on the battlefield. Let's figure it out.

Light Priest.
The "standard" priest turns to light magic in order to cure the patient's illness, protect him from the curse of envious people, and so on.
Such priests are divided into Acolytes, who have just begun to realize the teachings of Light, and Priests of Light, who have already fully felt its divine influence. But often, priests leave their monasteries for wanderings in order to carry the Higher Will to the people. And not always these wanderings are peaceful. Even the most righteous of them have to fight for their lives - sometimes by themselves, sometimes by hiring a warrior, a rogue or, for example, a paladin as a companion, who protect them in battle. The priest, on the other hand, heals the wounds of his intercessor and continues his journey. The most powerful of them are able to call upon pillars of the purest light, upon touching which the life force fills the touched one, while others can delay their death, temporarily reviving in the form of healers of Souls and pouring all their power into allies. Even fledgling Acolytes can shield their friends with mighty shields, keeping out the blades and spells of their enemies. It would seem that everything is so simple... But there is a dark side, which all the priests used to keep silent about...

The Priest of Light wears white robes adorned with lots of gold jewelry. Gold and whiteness are considered properties of Light and purity. Most of all, they carry with them a sacred hammer and a book of the Great Light, or a blessed staff on which they lean. A soft warm light emanates from them, bringing peace and lightness to a tormented soul.

Shadow Priest
All priests by nature fight evil. They hate darkness, and by all means try to eradicate it. Sometimes they come across so ardent of them that they put their whole lives on the altar of the fight against evil and darkness. And that's when the mistakes start. First of all, they are guided by the principle "know thy enemy." They begin to study the dark arts, communicate with warlocks, appear at dark rituals. And after all, all this is with a noble goal - the better you know what to fight, the more effectively you fight. Now he knows the Darkness better than any of the little cultists he hangs out with. He allows the creature of Darkness to survive in order to extract knowledge from him. The last step is the edge when the Priest becomes Dark. He begins to realize that all means are good to fight evil, he begins to use Darkness against Darkness. Most of the time, he doesn't even realize what he's become. Sacrifice a thousand people, so that it would be possible then to save a million (as he thinks) is not a problem for him. Most often, the path of all the most powerful priests leads to the abyss of darkness...

If a light priest radiates with a warm, dim light, then a dark priest is permeated through and through with the purest Darkness. She surrounds him like a veil, not allowing even facial features to be recognized. His very presence inspires fear and horror in people. Most often, they are armed with a ritual dagger and a tome of dark prayers, or with terrible runestaves. Darkspawn from the Twisting Nether squirm at their feet, their minds poisoned by the whispers of daemons. The once snow-white cassock is torn and stained with mud, decorations and scrolls praising the Light have been torn off.

Perhaps the most instructive story is told to young novices, and it concerns the events of a thousand years ago. A priest served in the lands of Azeroth, whose name has been erased through the centuries. Oh, perhaps it was the most powerful of the priests. His legendary staff, nicknamed Thanksgiving, was able to accumulate holy light in huge quantities, people were healed just by barely touching it. hundreds of people walked day and night, wanting to see a miracle, and the great priest did not refuse anyone. But one day the greatest war broke out. By chance, the priest fell on her, and saw how the people whom he healed with hatred and joy bite into each other's throats, cut and maim innocent people. The priest was filled with such rage that flying into a heap of battle, he called on the magic of Light and began to mow down the combatants by the thousands. The eternal light, unable to withstand such an insult and sin, left the priest, but Darkness instantly took its place, pouring into the staff with tripled power. the survivors fled in horror from the battlefield, but some saw the priest, laughing madly, rise into the air in the streams of darkness and disappear, and his staff, later called the cursed Anathema, fell to the ground. No one knows what happened to this weapon, but they say that it was not lost, but the demon that settled in it will drive anyone who touches it crazy, and only the most reckless will go in search of it ...

Notable personalities

Prophet Velen.
Approximately 25,000 years ago, the fallen titan Sargeras appeared to the powerful Eredar race of mages, who invited them to join his Burning Legion and become masters of many worlds. The home world of the Eredar, Argus, was then ruled by three wise and strong friends: Archimonde, Kil "jaeden and Velen. Archimonde and Kil" jaeden were ready to immediately agree, but Velen doubted the true intentions of the stranger. Then he received a vision in which he saw the future of the Eredar who would agree to become part of the Legion - they would become demons, or in the language of the Eredar, Eredunu - man "ari, which meant "wrong monsters." Velen tried to warn his friends about this, but they were already intoxicated with dreams of power, and Velen realized that from that moment he had lost them. In desperation, he asked for help from heaven, and he was answered by a creature named K "er, a member of the race of energy creatures - the Naaru. The Naaru are enemies of the Legion and supporters of the Light. They secretly gather all the races that oppose Sargeras in order to one day create a single invincible Army of the Light. Velen agreed to swear allegiance to the Light if K'er would help his people. At the appointed hour, Velen gathered a handful of like-minded people and barely managed to escape from the forces of Kil'jaeden, who had already turned into a demon and considered Velen a traitor not only to his race, but also to their friendship For millennia, fugitives roamed the worlds on the interdimensional ship of the Naaru in search of a new home, where they would never be found by the Legion. To distinguish themselves from their former man "ari brothers, the fugitives began to call themselves draenei, which means "exiles" in Eredun. Having visited many worlds, Velen and the draenei had to run away from the pursuing forces of the Legion. Along the way, K "er taught the draenei strength and magic of the Light.
Tyrande Whisperwind
Tyrande Whisperwind is a night elf who became the High Priestess of Elune after the death of her mentor Dejana. She took an active part in the War of the Ancients and during the second coming of the Burning Legion to Azeroth. Tyrande's husband, Malfurion Stormrage, spends most of his time immersed in the Emerald Dream, and she is the ruler of the night elves. Tyrande is the fiery and sometimes reckless leader of the Guardians and the night elves. Also a High Priestess of the Moon, Tyrande admires Elune and serves her faithfully. She loves Malfurion Stormrage and will stop at nothing to help him or protect him. Tyrande has a very kind heart, and will gladly do everything in her power to protect those she loves or is sworn to protect. She is very determined and sometimes makes decisions that others may not agree with, but she always puts the well-being of Kalimdor first.
Akama is a formerly one of the Draenei Priests of Karabor, now a Broken, ruler of the Ashtongue Tribe and leader of the Ashtongue Servant faction, stationed at the Warden's Cage in the Ashtongue Lair of Shadowmoon Valley. The Ashtongues have joined Illidan's forces to become his servants, but this is a hoax. Akama was once an elder of the draenei who lived in the wastelands of Outland. In order not to die at the hands of the orcs, the ashtongues became part of Illidan's army and helped him overthrow Magtheridon. Akama later realized that Illidan was no better master than a deposed lord of the underworld. Outwardly, Akama was still a servant of Illidan, but secretly he tried to end the Betrayer's reign. Teaming up with Maiev Shadowsong, of whom he was the jailer, Akama and a group of adventurers infiltrated the Black Temple and made their way to its summit to fight Illidan and win. Akama now hopes that the Sacred Light will return to the dark halls of the defiled temple of Karabor.
Archbishop Benedict
Archbishop Benedict is the leader of Stormwind's Church of the Holy Light, based in the city's Cathedral of Light. Once the archbishop bore the name Jarl, but according to church tradition he left him after taking communion with the church and took a new, sacred name. In his youth, he was the youngest son of a wealthy Lordaeron merchant, and it was believed that he would continue the family business and become a merchant. One day, almost dying, Jarl was healed by an old traveler and found the Holy Light for himself. After his recovery, he wanted to join the parish and was immediately accepted. The Jarl became an apprentice to the religious leader of Lordaeron, Archbishop Alonsus Faol. For many years he studied religion under the archbishop and quickly rose to the rank of senior priest. During the Scourge's attack on Lordaeron, the Jarl fought the undead and helped evacuate citizens from the fighting. Later, along with the church, he ended up in Stormwind, where he was nominated for the position of religious leader of the city. He took an active part in the creation of one of the brightest monuments of the Holy Light - the Cathedral of Light in Stormwind. Now that Alonsus Faol has died, the council has granted Jarl the new position of Archbishop, and he himself has taken the name of Benedict and vowed to continue all the pious deeds that his master had done.
Tahu Wise Wind
Tahu Wisewind is a young tauren who began training as one of the druids, but took a different path and was introduced as a mentor to the priests of Thunder Bluff after the Sundering. Tahu was a student of Hamuul Runetotem and learned the art of druidism from him, eagerly listening to all the words of his mentor, until the knowledge gained allowed him to think and turn to a new theory. At first, he shared his reasoning only with Aponi Brightmane, but later became the founder of the tauren belief in the Sun, thanks to which they were able to become paladins and priests.

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The priests of Egypt were the main keepers of the sacred secrets, traditions and culture of Ancient Egypt, they possessed ancient, secret, powerful knowledge in the field of astronomy, physics, chemistry, mathematics, and medicine. The priests headed their schools in Memphis, Sais, Thebes and Heliopolis. Possessing secret knowledge, they initiated only their students in them. This knowledge was not available to the common people. Studying for the priesthood was difficult, training began when the future priest was not four years old, and ended by the age of twenty. Priests of the highest ranks were awarded the title Ur - "high, exalted". The most famous priest of Maa is Imhotep, the builder of the step pyramid of Djoser. He was the chief seer and held the highest title of Ur Maa.

A special role was played by the priests of Ur Heku - "the owner of sacred powers." They were the keepers of the Divine Power and could transfer it to objects - “sanctify”, as well as help the sick in healing. The priests of Kher Cheb performed the duties of temple scribes and were keepers of sacred books. They were responsible for copying and preserving the scrolls of the temple library and were revered as the keepers of the "words of power" - sacred words with special powers.

The priests chose a favorable time for sowing and harvesting, they determined the exact time of the flood of the Nile. In making forecasts, data from temple libraries were used, where detailed observations of astronomical phenomena were stored. The ancient Egyptians were skilled physicians and the healthiest people in the ancient world. However, medicine was not just a profession for them, but a sacred science. The Egyptians believed that the recovery of the patient depends not only on medical skills, but also on divine will. Therefore, the healers of Ancient Egypt were not only doctors, but also priests, in addition to the wisdom of treatment, they studied sacred texts.

The priests owned ritual funeral magic and served necropolises and tombs. The ancient Egyptians believed that after the death of the physical body of a person - Kat, his name remains to live - Ren, the soul - Ba (eternal life) and the energy counterpart of a person - Ka (astral plane). Ka-leaves, like the Sun, to the country of darkness to the west - the Duat (the underworld), where the souls of all the dead reside. It was believed that the priests could influence the posthumous existence of Ka with secret mystical spells and ritual magic. They knew how to mummify the bodies of the dead, placed near them special figures - "ushebta", depicting a person who protected Ka in the afterlife.

The priests used secret mystical psychotechniques of spells and witchcraft. There was a culture of amulets, potions, magical images and conspiracies that protected against various diseases. Treatment was carried out taking into account astronomical factors - the location of stars, constellations, the Sun, Moon and planets. The ancient Egyptian priests mastered the art of prediction, magical control of the weather and astronomical phenomena.

The first priests of Egypt were the Atlanteans, who could communicate with the Spiritual Cosmic Mind - God, and it was they who built the pyramids of Khafre, Cheops and Mikkerin, in which they laid the knowledge of the ancient Atlanteans. The priests used the pyramids for mysteries, which are still held secretly today. The priests of Atlantis lived up to 500 years, they knew that God is one and gave the Egyptians knowledge about the journey of the soul in the other world, setting them out in the Egyptian Book of the Dead.

The pyramids of Giza, built by the Atlantean priests, act as guardians of the Earth, they are like antennas, they receive and transmit the energies of the Cosmos.

Pyramids fulfill God's plan. They enable a person to think about the meaning of life, feeling the grandeur and mystery of unusual structures. They contain encrypted knowledge that will be revealed to people as they grow spiritually. Inside the pyramid of Cheops there is a capsule containing documents confirming that the pyramids were built according to the drawings of the priests - the Atlanteans, and when this knowledge is revealed to people, a new stage in the development of civilization on Earth will begin.

The Egyptian pyramids contain many secrets and mysteries, they serve as the most important source of information about events that took place in the distant past. The Great Pyramid of Cheops is oriented so that on the days of the spring (March 20-21) and autumn (September 22-23) equinoxes, the sun at exactly noon appears on the top of the pyramid, as if crowning a huge Temple. In the Great Pyramid, Egyptian priests performed the mysteries of Osiris and Isis.

The initiation of disciples took place in underground rooms, which were located under the pyramid. After the adept acquired a certain amount of knowledge, he was subjected to tests in underground labyrinths. Then, the student chosen by the priests fell into a secret sanctuary, where, under pain of death, he swore never to share his knowledge with the uninitiated. Only after that did the priests reveal to him the main secrets, the first of which was the dogma of a single God. In addition, the priests taught the newly initiated to predict the future by the stars and to make contact with cosmic forces.

Drunvalo Melchizedek, scientist, ecologist, esotericist, writes in the book "The Secret Egyptian Mystery"; “Ancient Egyptian mysteries teach that divine energies emanate from the top of the Great Pyramid, which is likened to an inverted tree with a crown at the bottom and roots at the top. From this inverted tree, divine wisdom spreads down the sloping sides and spreads out over the world. The triangular shape of the pyramid is similar to the posture of the human body during traditional meditations. The big pyramid, according to the plan of the priests, was likened to the Universe, its top - to a man reaching out to God. Through the mystical corridors and chambers of the Great Pyramid, the initiates passed, they entered as people, and left as Gods. Some researchers of the Egyptian pyramids believe that the priests used their ability to predict the future for the benefit of not only their contemporaries, but also future descendants. And in order to convey important information to us, they used the pyramids. As proof of such a theory, scientists cite the results of comparing the sizes, proportions and location of the secret inner rooms in the pyramids, the fact that the pyramids are oriented relative to the cardinal points, the regularity in the coincidence of their numerical designations with known dates in the history of human development.

Based on this, the researchers concluded that the true purpose of the pyramids, which, in their opinion, is the desire to warn humanity about impending cataclysms and is associated with the prophetic predictions of the Egyptian priests, as well as with messages encrypted not only in letters, but also in the very proportions of the pyramids. and their orientation to the cardinal points. Keeping in touch with the Cosmos, the Egyptian priests were able to calculate future events many millennia before they happened.

What did the Egyptian priests, the Atlanteans, leave us as a legacy? Egyptologist Basil Davidson managed to decipher the text of the Coptic manuscript, in which the ancient builders of the Great Pyramid transmitted information received from the priests about the achievements of science, the position of the stars and the events that took place in Egypt. The information contained in the manuscript coincides with the information obtained by comparing the proportions of the pyramids.

John Taylor, the founder of the science of pyramidology, in 1859 “realized that the architect of the Great Pyramid was not an Egyptian, but an Israelite who acted according to divine command. Perhaps it was Noah himself. The one who built the Ark was the most qualified person to direct the building of the Great Pyramid." In 1864, renowned astronomer Charles Piazzi Smith put forward the idea that the Great Pyramid held the secrets of understanding biblical prophecy from the beginning of time until the second coming of Christ.

In 1993, Belgian scientist Robert Buvel made a startling discovery. He noticed that the location of the three pyramids of Giza corresponded to the position of the three main stars in Orion's belt, which are above the horizon only when they cross the Giza meridian. Bauval's computer analysis showed that the placement of the Giza monuments matched the sky map as it appeared around 10450 BC. e. This allowed scientists to conclude that it was then that the pyramids were erected. The famous soothsayer Edgar Cayce claimed that the Sphinx was built around the same time as the pyramid of Cheops. “The Sphinx faces exactly that point in the sky,” he said, where, around 10450 BC, three stars from Orion’s belt shone in a strictly defined place above the horizon. The Sphinx is a pronounced "additional marker" pointing to this point. Edgar Cayce wrote: “The most important information for modern mankind should be found at the base of the Sphinx’s left forepaw, but not in the underground tunnels below it. The information is embedded in the cornerstone of the foundation of this paw. The tunnels under the Sphinx, which are not yet known to you, also carry an informational load in their configurations. However, the capsule with the message to posterity is under the left front paw…”.

The tunnels under the Sphinx have indeed been found. Using seismic equipment, the researchers found a chamber under the front paws of the Sphinx, from which a tunnel emerged, in one of the wells at a depth of 32 meters, an entrance to the tunnel was found. There was a black granite sarcophagus. However, nothing is known about the “capsule with a message to posterity”. A lot of unsolved mysteries and mysteries were left to mankind by the Atlantean priests, having encrypted them in the most ancient structures - the pyramids.

Humanity follows the path of the adept who seeks initiation into the mysteries of the Egyptian mysteries. At the same time, the path for the adept and humanity is the same, it is encrypted in the architecture of the Great Pyramid. There is only one difference, the path that the adept passes in the space of the Pyramid, humanity passes in Time.

Temples in ancient Egypt were important for the state, they were considered the place where deities live. And the Egyptians revered the gods and treated them with special respect. Within the temple walls there were many ministers - priests, who had a considerable range of functions in the country.

Priests in Ancient Egypt

People - servants of the temple were equated with the upper class in ancient Egyptian society, and such service was well paid. The priesthood was often hereditary. The process of learning the priesthood was not easy and long, for example, the high priest Bakenkhons under Ramses the Great studied for about 16 years. The priesthood played an important role in preserving traditional values ​​and customs. The clan of priests had great power both over ordinary people and over the pharaohs, implementing the laws and rules for the existence of the community. Everyone unconditionally listened to their advice, since they were considered conductors of the will of the gods.
While the kings and nobles of Egypt dressed with conspicuous luxury, on the contrary, they looked rather modest. From clothes they wore only aprons and bandages on their hips, only occasionally, on the occasion of a big holiday, they could dress themselves in white robes. Their hairstyle was also extremely simple - a perfectly shaved head, rubbed to a shine with oil.

What were the functions of the priests of ancient Egypt?

The clergy of the ancient Egyptian temples observed the correct execution of all rites and rituals in honor of the gods. But this was not only their responsibility. The class of priests was the bearer of colossal knowledge and experience of previous generations, but all this information was secret and was transmitted only to the elite.
Among the priests there were many gifted doctors and (mathematicians, astronomers, chemists). They treated various diseases, made forecasts of favorable periods for sowing and harvesting. Many detailed observations of nature and phenomena were recorded by the priests on papyrus and kept in the libraries of the temples. Also, the Egyptian clergy were engaged in magical practices and studied the ancient science of astrology, with the help of which they predicted the future. The pharaohs, before starting any significant business, would certainly turn to the temple for the advice of the priests.

No matter how unpleasant it may seem to any of us, but a new young doctrine, wishing to pave the way for new great principles, must first of all turn to the weapon of criticism in relation to everything old.

A. Hitler

Retreating into the depths of Time, we came to the understanding that those who kept the secret knowledge inherited from the gods must have been present. Despite the fact that gods can be considered both aliens and representatives of a more developed human tribe, who fell into the wild tribes and taught them everything they knew and knew. And one of the first cognitions during these contacts was the knowledge of God, that is, the veneration of the highest rational power. It can be said that believers of all religions known to us (with a few exceptions) agree on the following points: a) there is a certain Supreme Deity, b) a person depends on invisible good and evil forces, but has a will, c) human behavior to one degree or another must be subject to the commandments established by God, which are protected by a religious cult, d) following the will of the Lord, a person can achieve the absolute (happiness / bliss). At the same time, different religions offer us their hypotheses of prospects: an endless cycle of reincarnations; detachment in Nirvana; Last Judgment and Eternal Life; Heaven and hell. We may not share any of these hypotheses, or change the faith at our discretion, but at some point we all understand that we are dependent on the Lord God and conform our lives to his installation commandments.

Since we cannot look into more ancient times, in order to reveal the theme of the very first cult ministers who were the forerunners of the servants of the religion of Christ, we will have to turn to the more or less well-known history of the Ancient World.

Speaking about the ancient kingdoms, it should be noted that the ancient Egyptian civilization was formed in the XXVIII-XXIII centuries. BC e. In a series of local wars, one can recall the one that took place in the 17th century. BC e., when the Egyptian lands are conquered by the Hyksos (Egyptian “hikhaset” - “shepherd kings”, also: “foreign kings”, “foreign kings”). The invaders were nomadic pastoral tribes. Having delved into the Bible, created after many, many centuries, we will find a rather strange coincidence: Jesus Christ is called not only the king of the Jews, but also a shepherd, moreover, the shepherd of human souls. The Hyksos, having crowned one of their commanders, founded the XV dynasty; reigned for some time in the North, simultaneously with the Theban dynasty, which reigned in the South. And such a coincidence: the supreme Egyptian god Aton (Ra, or Aton-Ra) was drawn with a solar disk on his head; the same tradition will appear in Christian icon painting. Before Aton-Ra, representing monotheism, defeated the old beliefs, there was the Amon-Ra system - a system representing polytheism. Russian historian

V. Vodovozov in the “Book for Primary Reading”, published in 1878 and intended “for the self-education of ordinary people”, wrote: “The most important caste, controlling everything, was the caste of spiritual or priests. They ordered the king (i.e. pharaoh) how to live and what to do ... The supreme deity of the Egyptians was Amun. Four deities united in his face: the substance of which everything in the world consists, - Goddess No; a spirit that animates matter, or a force that causes it to form, change, act, - god Neph; infinite space occupied by matter, - goddess pasht; infinite time, which seems to us with constant changes in matter - god Sebek. Everything that exists in the world, according to the teachings of the Egyptians, comes from substances through the action of the invisible strength, occupies space and changes in time, and all this is mysteriously united in the fourfold being, Amun. The consonance of Amun/Amun and Amen is too clear to deny a possible installation certain name).

It should also be said that the most ancient beliefs of the Egyptians are based on even more ancient cosmogonic myths, which can only be restored bit by bit, according to the fragmentary and chaotic fragments contained in later sources, as well as the iconography of the gods in later images. Cosmogonic myths are the myths of the ancients about the structure of the universe; are a synthesis of the primitive sciences. I will add that ancient Russian cosmism is rooted in ancient Aryan traditions common to many modern Eurasian peoples. Experts know that what the constituent parts of Egyptian beliefs carry, such as: Theban cosmogony, Memphis cosmogony, Germopol cosmogony, Heliopolis cosmogony, through the centuries turned out to be invested in biblical texts. Whereas the ancient kingdom of Israel, according to the Bible, was founded in the 11th century BC. e. King Saul (Shaul).

One of the leading civilizations of antiquity, Ancient Rome, which got its name from the main city of Roma, in turn named after the legendary founder Romu-la, was known in the 5th-4th centuries. BC e.; and its heyday came at a later time. Here, on the territory of the Roman Empire, in the 1st century AD, the religion of Christianity was born. The overthrow of the last emperor of the Western Roman Empire, Romulus Augustus, by the German leader Odoacer on September 4, 476 is considered the date of the fall of the Roman Empire. And another curious nuance: Ancient Rome at the time of its fall in the 5th century. n. e. already approached typography; paper, printing ink, prints and seals were invented, typesetting was developed. In the lyceums of Ancient Rome, wooden cassettes were used to teach literacy, into which metal letters with letters were inserted. It was necessary to take a small step: to replace the existing letters with mirror ones, anoint them with printing ink and press them to paper, and there would have been a revolution in science in the ancient world. These possibilities in governing the state would certainly have extended the existence of Rome for centuries or millennia and would not have allowed it to collapse under the onslaught of the Germanic tribes. Rome fell, and printing arose a thousand years later, in 1445 in ... Germany. Amazing laws of development of History; it turns out that the illiterate Germans wrested from the educated Romans a chance to prolong the existence of the empire and only after a thousand years did they see the light themselves.

But it is believed that at that time the best minds of earthly civilization were gathered in Rome, which, with more favorable opportunities, could create printing in the 5th century. It happened exactly as Adolf Hitler put it: “In a difficult struggle, when the fate of people and nations is being decided, it will not be the one who knows less, but the one who is weaker and who does not know how to draw practical conclusions even from the little that he knows that will be defeated.”

From the history of the Ancient World, we know that the most God-fearing and religious people were the ancient Egyptians. The unity of Egypt was embodied through the power of the pharaohs; the pharaoh was the head of the cults of all the gods of Egypt and was himself deified. All Egyptian rulers called themselves the sons of the sun god Ra. Majestic tombs - pyramids - were built for them.

In the formation of an advanced Egyptian society, in the development of an amazing culture, the keepers of sacred traditions - the priests - played a positive role. Priests - these are, first of all, clergymen, revered as intermediaries in the communication of people with the world of gods and spirits. The name itself comes from the Old Slavonic "zhrti" - "to sacrifice."

Egyptologists who study the priesthood of Ancient Egypt agree that it was the priests who played the main role in the formation and prosperity of the state and the development of the spiritual health of the nation. At the same time, the priests were not only the keepers of sacred secrets, doctors and magicians, but also secular administrators. From the biography of the high priest of the era of Ramesses the Great, it is known that his training began at the age of four, and ended at twenty. Priests of the highest ranks were awarded the title Ur, which meant "high", "exalted". All priests were divided into separate groups; for example, there were groups of Per Neter - "servants of the temple", Kher Cheb - scribes and keepers of sacred books, who were also revered as keepers of the Words of Power and were responsible for their correct pronunciation. Under Words of Power some sacred words are meant, which have special abilities, and therefore are hidden from the laity. Meanwhile, there is a hypothesis according to which a person could control the natural elements and perform miracles with the help of magic spells or even individual words. And that in ancient times the gods made megalithic constructions, as well as flew on unusual objects (imprinted in ancient drawings, including those of the ancient Egyptians) precisely with the help of certain magic words. It is not strange at all that the Bible begins like this: “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was God…” It can be assumed that the secret of ancient spells is kept in runes, and then the assumption becomes quite real that some of the deciphered runes became the property of scientists of the Third Reich, who worked within the framework of projects that were super unique for their time.

But isn’t the energy of the Words of Power sealed, say, in Taoist symbols (the most famous are yin and yang), preserved in Hong Kong, Singapore, Malaysia and Taiwan, can’t they carry the same functions as the Aryan runes? What does modern science know about esoteric Taoist writings? ... and about the symbolism of combined trigrams, each of the stripes and interrupted lines of which has its own sacred meaning? In this connection, a rhetorical question arises: what kind of knowledge was discovered by scientists from the Ahnenerbe, who visited with expeditions in areas where Taoism is practiced; or who visited the mysterious Tibet more than once?

But then another reasonable question arises: what is written on the monuments of Ancient Egypt, from those symbols that cannot be deciphered by modern scientists? And aren't all these writings more than just writing?!

Perhaps, having remarkable knowledge, the Egyptian priests included some Words of Power in Kekh (“address to God”) - prayers, which they uttered and which then sounded from the lips of ordinary Egyptians. From this comes the understanding that prayer is not a traditional, true "find" of Christianity, as one might assume due to the fact that for believing Christians their religion prevails over all other beliefs, and therefore the truth of its fundamental principle seems almost undeniable.

Due to the fact that prayers, undoubtedly, have an energy power beyond the understanding of our science, and regardless of what language they sound in, it can be assumed that now it is not so much the words that are of paramount importance as the Faith with which they are pronounced, and that those to whom they are intended - the mysterious forces of the invisible world (gods and spirits) - perceive the energy of what is said.

The priests of Ancient Egypt began their day with a prayer; in an ancient Egyptian temple, chants were also heard during temple prayers. This became a tradition much later in the Christian church.

“To serve God, one must be clean,” said the commandment in the time of the pharaohs. According to tradition, all the servants of the temples were required to perform four ablutions a day: in the morning, at noon, in the evening and at midnight. At the same time, one of the priests was obliged to sprinkle the people entering the temple with water. This was subsequently “invented” by the Jewish hermit John, known to us by his nickname the Baptist. So neither baptism with the waters of the Jordan, nor baptism in the temple is not a primordially Christian tradition, but a tradition stretching back centuries.

Among the priests were seers revered by all; astrologers and astronomers (the priests of Mer Unnut - "masters of the hours", were astronomers-observers; the priests of Amiya Unnut - "interpreters of the hours", dealt with agrarian astronomy, studied the effect of the luminaries on people's well-being, etc.). A special role was played by the priests of Ur Heku - "possessors of sacred powers"; they were the Keepers of the Divine Power, they could “sanctify” objects (which is given to do by their colleagues - Christian priests), help the sick in healing. By the way: medicine in ancient Egypt was not a profession, but a sacred science. According to Herodotus, the ancient Egyptians were the most healthy people of the ancient world, and their healing art knew no equal.

Among the various castes serving the priests is the caste of lay servants Sau - "caretakers" who play the role of guards. They became the forerunner of the knights, the warriors of Christ, as the special forces of the Lord.

Priesthood is associated with the emergence of religion. Among other peoples (Aboriginal Australians, Papuans, Fuegians, the peoples of the Arctic, etc.), religious and magical rites were performed mainly by the heads of tribal clans, as well as healers and shamans, who gained a reputation for having access to the subtle world of gods and spirits. The historical realities are such that over time the continuity of the priesthood is fixed, up to the hereditary transfer of the title. Priest-kings are already appearing among the leaders. This is the source from which the phenomenon subsequently appeared the leader's messianism. A deep source from which Nerons, Robespierres, Napoleons, Trotskys, Lenins, Stalins, Hitlers appear.

Temple priesthood in Ancient Egypt, Babylonia, Iran owned lands, slaves and huge wealth. In Judea VI-I centuries. BC e. the rule of the Jerusalem priesthood. In ancient India, the highest caste in society after the rulers were the Brahmin priests. In the most ancient civilizations of America - in Ancient Mexico and Peru, the priesthood also ruled over the souls of people. By the way: not so long ago in Peru, archaeologists discovered a crypt in which a high priest who lived in the Mochica era (1800 years ago) was buried. A tomb with a wooden sarcophagus measuring 1 by 2.5 meters was discovered in the Chiclayo region in the north of the country, but the mummy itself was not there.

The successor of the priesthood in the world's leading religions - Christianity, Buddhism, Islam - was clergy. But, having adopted the experience of their predecessors, did the clergy receive the secret knowledge of the ancients? And what are the main secrets of the priesthood supposed to be?

According to the candidate of technical sciences, Major General of the Space Forces Konstantin Pavlovich Petrov, who wrote the book "The Secret of Mankind Control", the most important secret of the priests of Ancient Egypt is the substitution of concepts and the concealment of truth. As a result, instead of a mosaic worldview, people began to use a kaleidoscopic one. In fact, it looks like this. Let's say we have a certain number of squares from which you can make a complete picture (mosaic), or you can put the same number of composite particles into a kaleidoscope and twist it, expecting to see something whole. Those people who have kaleidoscopic world view(and the vast majority of them) see the world through such a pattern: a) everything happens by chance, 6) there is chaos all around, c) there are no causal relationships in events. Whereas for those with mosaic worldview, everything is clear, because for them: a) the world is one and whole, b) everything is interdependent and interconnected, c) all processes and phenomena in the world are manageable.

This is a very simple way to represent the global processes taking place on our planet through concepts familiar to everyone. I confess that, as the author of this book, I am also trying to find the cause-and-effect relationships not only of the rise of Adolf Hitler and the emergence of Nazism, but also to understand what ideology is embedded in the Christian Book of Books, and why the most odious ruler of the 20th century tried to rewrite this Book, the postulates of which seem unshakable to all believers.

To reveal how thousands of years ago the mosaic worldview was replaced by a kaleidoscopic one, K. Petrov cites an example from the book of the outstanding Russian publicist of the early 20th century V. Shmakov “The Holy Book of Thoth. The Great Arcana of the Tarot. Having become acquainted with Shmakov’s conclusions, Petrov claims, “we learn that for the “especially initiated”, for the “chosen ones”, a different idea of ​​the universe was given three thousand years ago, and that this was first indicated in the Sefer Yetzirah (“The Book of Creation ”), which is an integral part of the Talmud. Simply put, the ancient priesthood was able to separate previously inseparable concepts and make a person think not in general, but in a separate way, operating not as a whole, but as a particular one. Thus began the control over the consciousness of people by the "chosen ones", the shepherds of human souls. It turns out like in a well-known fable, when instead of an elephant walking through the streets, the blind, who determine the beast by touch, see only its separate parts, and terribly scold, arguing what the outlandish beast is: either a snake-trunk, or a pillar-leg , or a dangling stump-tail, otherwise you still don’t understand what ...

Speaking of the same, Petrov draws the following conclusion: “But a person is so arranged that he can consider and operate with these “components” of the inseparable “holy trinity” each separately ... Using this feature of a person, MATTER was given to science, INFORMATION - to religion, and MERA was hidden from humanity. This was done in the deepest antiquity - in Ancient Egypt. And the ancient Egyptian priesthood did this, giving people a wrong idea about the world around them, spreading and maintaining a “kaleidoscope” in the heads of millions of people through a controlled education system for centuries. This concealment made it possible to manipulate the consciousness of each person individually and of all mankind as a whole for many centuries. The author continues: “The Qur'an reveals the essence of this deception: “And so we gave Musa (Moses) the scripture and discernment. Maybe you'll go the right way." This is how the Qur'an tells about what was given by God through Moses to the ancient Jews in order for them to bring to all mankind. The result is the same: it was hidden from mankind measure, thanks to which each person would easily separate lies from truth and would have the methodology of independent (not imposed) knowledge of the world. “A person is looking for truth where he can never find it, because it is simply not there. Man was given a choice of one lie out of two. This is what underlies the principle of "controlled conflict", the principle of "Divide and rule!" This is how materialism and idealism are opposed. And on all this Judaic foundation the world religions and beliefs are built. Parties and movements build their ideologies from the standpoint of these false philosophical teachings. Some are ready to give their lives "for the king" (Judeo-Christianity - based on idealism), others "for the Secretary General" (Judeo-communism - based on materialism). Neither “Jesus is risen!”, nor “Allah Akbar!”, nor the Jewish god of communism, Lenin, is wrong,” Konstantin Pavlovich assures categorically. Adding: "It is precisely the setting of such a false choice that lies in the opposition of religion and religion, science and religion."

So we came to understand that religion, and any religion, is in a certain sense a tool of control.

It turns out that for the beginning of the countdown of modern civilization, you need to take the time from which the substitution of concepts begins, or rather, the substitution of the vision of the world. Some researchers argue that “the beginning of modern civilization can be considered 12,000 BC. e. - from this point, many world religions count the mythological time (although in the Bible the time of creation of the world is considered to be 5500 BC). However, we are accustomed to live not even by the concept of 12,000 years, but by a much shorter time (a time in which there is clearly no measure)- from the birth of the Jewish baby Jesus, from the Nativity of Christ.

But what happened before that? Probably, after the Universal Catastrophe (presumably the displacement of the earth's axis by 180 degrees), as a result of which the developed proto-civilizations perished, the development of cultures began again on different continents; moreover, the process went on almost simultaneously and, most importantly, stemmed from the same root, from the same great-ancestors (maybe Atlanteans, maybe Aryans). The remains of ancient sciences, astronomical and mathematical discoveries were restored and preserved by the priests of Egypt, Babylon, Sumer, India, China, America, and the ancient Russian priesthood. By the way, if such a catastrophe took place, then it was possible that some part of intelligent humanity could be saved in underground cities-cache. And this is consistent with the "Hollow Earth" hypothesis shared by the Nazis and believed in by Adolf Hitler. It is possible that an underground civilization exists to this day, and its representatives are fundamentally different from us, not only externally, but also significantly ahead of us in development. So it is possible to explain, say, the appearance and disappearance of strange aircraft, which we call UFOs, and it is simply impossible to deny the presence of which is already simply impossible due to the mass nature of this strange phenomenon.