Roofing of panel houses. What are the types and shapes of house roofs - from simple to complex

Flat roofs are often used in the construction of modern high-rise buildings, administrative and industrial buildings, suburban construction. In the latter case, they are most popular when creating low-rise buildings or outbuildings.

Basic requirements for flat roofs

Increased roof strength is very important for regions with heavy snowfall. IN winter periods it will have to withstand significant stress as a result of the formation of a thick layer of ice and snow. This indicator is also very important in the case of creating a serviceable roof.

A flat roof should perform functions reliable protection from rain and melt water and have a sufficient slope so that precipitation does not linger on it.

The structure should not deteriorate under the influence of severe frosts and scorching rays of the sun, sudden temperature changes and heavy hail.

It should cope perfectly with the heat-insulating function.

All materials used in the construction of the roof must be fireproof.

Pros and cons of flat roofs


  • Flat structures have a much smaller area than pitched structures, which allows for significant savings on materials and during construction and installation work.
  • A smaller area helps optimize costs.
  • The construction of such roofs can be completed in less time short time than with a pitched structure, since all the required materials can be placed in close proximity - literally at your feet.
  • Due to the same feature, maintenance and carrying out are simplified. repair work: their implementation on a flat horizontal surface is greatly simplified.
  • On the roofs flat type It is convenient to carry out installation and necessary service work that requires the use of special equipment: solar panels, air conditioning systems, antennas, etc.
  • When creating a flat structure, you can get additional meters usable area and use them as a recreation area, sports ground, or arrange a flower bed or garden. Currently, it is possible to cover the roof with paving stones or paving slabs through the use of special technologies. A roof paved with high-quality tiles in combination with garden furniture, a green area, and a gazebo will become an ideal place for a family vacation.


  • during heavy snowfalls, a snow mass will accumulate on the surface, which, when melting begins, often leads to the formation of leaks;
  • there is often a need to use gutters;
  • in the cold season there is a risk of internal drainage freezing;
  • the drainage system often becomes clogged;
  • mandatory requirement is mechanical cleaning surfaces from snow mass;
  • periodic monitoring of the condition of the insulation is necessary to prevent its moisture;
  • From time to time it is necessary to check the integrity of the coating.

Types of flat roofs

There are four main types of flat structures:

Operated roofs

Their peculiarity is the need to create a rigid base - otherwise it will not be possible to maintain the integrity of the waterproofing layer. The base is a screed based on concrete or corrugated sheeting, which is necessary to create a certain slope for water drainage. Used when constructing an exploitable roof thermal insulation material will be subject to significant static and dynamic loads and must have a sufficient level of compressive strength. If the insulation is not very rigid, a cement screed will be required on top.

Unused roofs

When installing this type, there is no need to create a rigid base in order to lay waterproofing material. There is no need for rigid insulation. For further maintenance of the roof, bridges or ladders are installed, the function of which is to evenly distribute loads over the roofing surface. The construction of unused flat roofs will cost much less, but they will not last as long as exploited ones.

Traditional roofs

Structure traditional types roofing requires the placement of a layer of waterproofing material above the thermal insulation material. The base for the roof is a reinforced concrete slab, and water is drained from the roofing surface by creating an inclined screed made of expanded clay concrete.

Inversion roofs

Inversion type roofs have practically solved the problem of leaks - the main drawback of flat structures. In them, the thermal insulation is located above the waterproofing carpet, and not under it. This technique helps protect the layer of waterproofing material from the destructive effects of solar ultraviolet radiation, sudden temperature fluctuations, the process of freezing and subsequent thawing.

Compared to other types of roofing, inversion roofing is more durable.

In addition, it is distinguished by increased functionality: you can lay a lawn on it and make tiled laying. The optimal angle of inclination of such roofs is considered to be from 3 to 5 degrees.

Device Features

The main subtleties of constructing flat roofs are as follows:

  1. Vapor barrier is created using a bitumen-polymer membrane, fiberglass reinforced. Another option is to lay a vapor barrier film over the screed.
  2. Along the edges of the roof there is a layer vapor barrier material is wound up vertically so that its height is more height insulation layer, after which the seams are sealed.
  3. Insulation is laid over the vapor barrier (in the case of a traditional roof).
  4. A protective carpet is laid over the insulation, which is made from waterproofing materials with bitumen base.
  5. If expanded clay is used as insulation, it must be made cement strainer. Waterproofing is laid on it in two layers.
  6. When installing lightweight structures that do not require significant loads, it is necessary to glue a waterproofing sheet along the entire roof perimeter.


A flat roof cannot be installed strictly horizontally - it must be observed minimum slope at least 5 degrees. This requirement is due to the need to ensure the drainage of rainwater and snow from the roofing surface. Another important point: it is necessary that the slope be created not only by the coating, but mainly due to the correct execution of expanded clay or slag bedding. Even if the slope angle reaches 10 degrees, this will not interfere with the uniform laying of the heat-insulating material.

Lightweight flat roofs

When constructing such roofs, the work is divided into several stages.

As a result of the work done, a warm and fairly reliable flat-type roof is obtained: in cross-section, it resembles a multi-layer cake based on several components.

Hard roof installation

When creating floors of this type, expanded clay is best suited as a thermal insulation material. Minimum thickness its layer should be 10 cm. Above the laid expanded clay it is necessary to perform cement-sand screed thickness from 40 to 50 mm. To ensure greater strength, a reinforcing mesh is placed in its middle layer. This measure is necessary to maintain the integrity of the coating while people are on it during repair, maintenance work, etc. In addition, these roofs are optimally suited as a base for constructing a swimming pool or recreation area.

The production of beams of such structures is most often carried out on the basis of a metal channel, since parts made of wood will not withstand significant loads.

Another requirement when installing roofs in use is the sufficient thickness and strength of the walls of the house.

Methods for constructing flat structures

There are several main ways to create flat roofs:

  • Through installation concrete slabs ceilings Such work can be completed in a fairly short time, but special lifting equipment will be required. Application this method involves the implementation of insulation. The material can be laid both inside and outside.
  • Using metal channels or I-beams, on top of which it is necessary to lay boards: their thickness should be 25-40 mm. A layer of expanded clay is poured on top, then a concrete screed is created.
  • The creation of the ceiling is carried out through monolithic concreting. This requires high-strength formwork with thick supports. The supports are fastened together using jumpers. This type of floor also needs to be insulated.
  • Using large ceramic blocks: they are laid on top of metal beams. Such blocks replace wood flooring. The main advantage of this method is the use of ceramics, characterized by increased mechanical strength, resistant to moisture and having excellent sound and heat insulating properties. Large ceramic blocks do not require additional insulation: when using them, you can limit yourself to such a measure as creating a concrete screed.


  • Flat roofs are often used in the construction of modern multi-storey buildings, administrative and industrial buildings, in suburban construction.
  • Flat structures must have increased strength - especially if they fall out large quantity precipitation.
  • Flat roofs have a much smaller area than pitched roofs, which allows for significant savings on materials and during construction and installation work.
  • The main disadvantage of such roofs is that during heavy snowfalls, snow mass accumulates on the surface, often leading to the formation of leaks.
  • Flat roofs can be used, non-used, traditional and inverted.
  • Inversion type roofs have practically solved the problem of leaks - the main drawback of flat structures.
  • A flat roof cannot be installed strictly horizontally - a minimum slope of at least 5 degrees must be observed to allow precipitation to drain off.
  • The installation of flat roofs of lightweight construction is fundamentally different from the process of installing solid roofs.
  • Flat roofs can be created in several ways.

In the video you can see how to organize drainage with flat roof with a non-flammable Rockwool insulation system.

Nowadays people know their rights. They know that if the roof of their house leaks, they can, through the court, demand that the person responsible legal entity compensation for repairs and moral damage. Moreover, they know that this, as they say, is a sure thing - the court in the overwhelming majority of such cases will be on the side of the plaintiff.

And the amount of compensation can reach hundreds of thousands of rubles. To every owner! Of which there are from 12 to 24 in an average apartment building - according to the number of apartments on the upper floors. And this doesn’t even include legal costs!

The reason that roofs leak as scheduled is the practice of waterproofing roofs with cheap roll materials based on bitumen, which has not been eliminated since Soviet times. Every spring, residents thunder with anger at the management organizations, but the situation is still the same.

But if previously the matter was dealt with only by complaints, now more and more often the culprit has to pay in rubles. We have already said that people now know their rights well! The desire to save on material when waterproofing a roof in our time can easily cause bankruptcy of the organization responsible for operating the house.

Well, roofing felt cannot resist cold weather and seasonal temperature changes for long! It will definitely crack and begin to leak water. As a result, the waterproofing has to be renewed almost every year. It's getting ridiculous - the multi-ton cake is already half a meter long, and water flows through the cracks in it, like through a sieve.

However, if you are one of the people responsible for roof repairs in apartment buildings, you already know all this well. You may also know that materials have long been invented that make it possible to create simply indestructible waterproofing that will never leak during the entire life of the house!

We are talking about waterproofing based on so-called elastomers - polyuria or, as it is called in our country, polyurea, as a substrate under the waterproofing layer of which polyurethane foam is sprayed, which acts as a heat insulator.

Finally, forget about complaints and lawsuits from residents forever!

Well, it's true! How long can you step on the same rake every year!? After all, polyurea is guaranteed protection against leaks.

She resistant to severe mechanical stress: crows feasting on the roof, snow removers and other “saboteurs” will have to seriously sweat in order to somehow damage the waterproofing layer based on it. In other words, by sending a team to the roof to clear the snow, you no longer have to fear that, after these idiots have frolicked there, you will traditionally receive a barrage of complaints about turning living rooms into showers.

This kind of coating frost-resistant and easy tolerates temperature changes— normal operating mode is in the range from -40°C to +80°C. Which, by the way, cannot be said about many other coatings, for which, as we have already mentioned, this is generally a sore point.

Frost resistance is achieved, firstly, by the fact that the coating is completely seamless: there are no cracks into which water can penetrate and, upon freezing, expand them. Secondly, polyurea, along with strength, also has incredible elasticity, which is almost unaffected by low temperatures. Polyurea film can be stretched more than 20 times before breaking!

If you love the Russian winter and the biting frost, then for the first time you will be able to calmly enjoy them without the underlying thought that, perhaps, right now the waterproofing on the roofs of the houses under your control is cracking. But it will be possible to check this only in the spring!

In addition, the coating is also stable... So, stop... Perhaps it would be easier to list what it is NOT resistant to. There will be only one item on this list - ultraviolet. Under its influence, polyurea gradually fades. However, this problem can be solved in the simplest way: on top of the waterproofing layer you need to apply protective mastic- and the coating will become simply invulnerable.

And one more important point. Adhesion(the ability of the applied material to “stick” to the surface being treated) of the coating is very high. It firmly “grows” to almost all types building materials. For example, the adhesion index to concrete is 19 kg/cm2. That is, to tear off a piece of coating with an area of ​​one centimeter applied to concrete ceiling, you need to hang at least 19 kg on it.

Waterproofing based on elastomers can last more than 30 years, and often much longer. To be honest, the house is more likely to go out of use than there will be problems with roof waterproofing. And by that time, most likely, you will already have a well-deserved pension, surrounded by love and honor: because, if a person knows how to think about others, it does not go unnoticed.

Polyurea and your career growth!

Unexpectedly, really! What connection? However, if you look at it, it becomes quite obvious.

Usually people move along career ladder in two ways: either through connections, or thanks to one’s personal qualities and the reputation acquired with their help. These qualities include not only professionalism and the ability to conduct business, we are also talking about a person’s worldview and his position in life.

This is where the dog is buried! When you waterproof your roof with roofing felt, your attitude towards the residents can be formulated in the words: “Here you go and get rid of it. I don’t care if you have to renovate your apartment again next spring!”

If you choose polyurea, you will get reputation as a problem solver, looming over your head for years like the sword of Damocles. Decide quickly and forever.

Reputation. It is impossible to overestimate her! Reputation among residents. Reputation with management. These things are interconnected: there are no complaints - and higher authorities cease to perceive the area under your jurisdiction as a constantly aching tooth; there are thanks - believe me, people know how to be grateful - and management will definitely pay attention to you, because such personnel are truly worth their weight in gold.

Well, and of course, your professional reputation also cannot be discounted: conversations in higher-ups about you as a competent business executive who understands technologies and materials, will definitely bear fruit!

Something more about technologies and materials

As we have already mentioned, a cake of waterproofing up to one and a half meters thick often forms on the roof. Its weight can be tens of tons! If a similar situation has developed in the houses under your control, then you understand that this can be fraught with various consequences, including roof collapse.

In my mind, of course, it is necessary to remove all this, but circumstances do not always allow it. In this case, polyurea is a real godsend:

  • Except in some special cases you don't have to touch the old pie;
  • Coating applied very light- it will not significantly affect the load carried by the roof;
  • Waterproofing based on polyurea will become the last layer of the pie— the annual increase in load on the bearing structures roofs.

Another important point: the use of this technology allows you to achieve not only smooth, but also flawless aesthetic coverage point of view. In addition, if you wish, you can choose color, suitable for the overall design of the house.

Why is this necessary? But it may happen that after some time a high-rise building will be built nearby, the residents of which, from the windows of their apartments, will contemplate the fruits of your waterproofing labors day after day. If the roof has a color that is not in harmony with the overall design, it will create the impression of a looming “eyesore”, which is unlikely to contribute to the formation of a favorable opinion of you and your organization.

If we talk about the aesthetic component, then we need to mention something else. During the coating spraying process, we use a special robotic installation. It completely controls the thickness of the layer, which not only allows you to avoid the appearance of even minor unevenness, but also to prevent excess material consumption. For large areas this significantly affects the cost of coverage.

An added bonus to the variety of benefits you will receive by waterproofing your roof with polyurea are: thermal insulation properties of the coating. We have already mentioned that a layer of polyurethane foam is used as a primer. Just two centimeters. Only! But, excuse me, these two centimeters have their own thermal insulation properties equal to masonry two bricks thick!

As you know, a significant part of the heat from an apartment on the top floor comes out through the roof. After such waterproofing, heat loss will be reduced to a minimum. In cold weather you will no longer need to use electric heaters, and in summer you will have to turn on the air conditioning less often. This is a major bonus for residents!

Oh, this notorious vapor permeability!

I would like to separately touch upon such an issue as vapor permeability. Yes, polyurea has very low vapor permeability and is about 0.8 g/m2/h. That is, through a coating film with an area of ​​one square meter In an hour, only 0.8 grams of moisture passes through in the form of steam. But let's figure out whether vapor permeability of the roof is generally necessary on such an object as an apartment building.

Now it is fashionable to talk about “breathing” walls that allow steam to pass through, resulting from various household processes - breathing, cooking, etc. However, in essence, only... a canvas tent can be called a breathing house. It really “breathes” and allows steam to pass through. All other houses, even if they are made entirely of wood, cannot “breathe”. This is just a myth invented by log manufacturers in order to increase sales.

Any house, unless, of course, the wind whistles through cracks in the walls, must have an exhaust hood. Otherwise, condensation will certainly accumulate inside and mold will form.

The volume of steam passing through a brick or panel roof apartment building, is simply insignificant compared to the volume discharged through the hood. Therefore, the vapor permeability indicator of polyurea has absolutely no meaning in this case.

Three pillars on which the waterproofing of your roofs rests: equipment, materials and skills of workers

Did you know that even a slight inaccuracy when mixing components can lead to a deviation of the coating properties from the calculated ones?..

But not if you work with our company. After all, we use high-tech equipment firms Graco, Gusmer and Gama, distinguished in this matter by jewelry precision.

If you want to make sure of the quality of the materials used, then upon your first request we will provide you with certificates, indicating that you are not in danger of any surprises from this side. In addition, you can familiarize yourself with them in the corresponding section of our website.

And finally, the most important thing - the skill of our workers. The founder of the company, Mikhail Kucherenkov, has been spraying elastomers for more than 15 years. He worked for eight of them in Spain, learning from the experience of foreign specialists. Practice, experience and his own tricks, which he taught to all operators of our company’s polyurethane foam installations, are the guarantee that the coating will be performed at the highest level.

So that you can see everything for yourself, on our website and on the YouTube channel we post videos of work on spraying polyurethane foam and polyurea. In addition, the site header contains announcements about upcoming online broadcasts from sites where we will perform thermal or waterproofing. Look - in order to evaluate the work of a professional, in this case you do not need to be a specialist.

Minimum inconvenience during the waterproofing process

The uniqueness of waterproofing based on polyurea is that it will not only relieve you of headaches about roofs for almost half a century, but will also cause a minimum of worry when carrying out the work itself. See for yourself.

Coating speed

Oh, she is truly lightning fast! Both polyurethane foam and polyurea cure in less than a minute. After just five minutes, the layer acquires all those properties that will remain unchanged for many decades. There will be no need to wait until the first layer dries, then the second. Everything is done in hot pursuit.

It will take some time for the mastic to dry, which is needed to protect the coating from exposure to ultraviolet radiation. If one layer is applied, it will take 5-6 hours, if two - a day.

Thanks to this speed of work, you will, firstly, be able to quickly satisfy the complaints of residents, and secondly, if the scope of work is large and the houses are not in Moscow, but somewhere in the region, the living expenses of our workers will be minimal.

No traces except high-quality waterproofing

When performing all types of work, we adhere to simple principle: after we leave, nothing remains but quality work done. We leave no waste. If something was dismantled, moved or displaced to complete the work, we return everything to its place.

Simply put, you will not need to send another brigade to restore order after us.

Why clients not only choose us, but also hold on to us with both hands

Since we are talking about the benefits of working with us, we need to say one more thing. Kucherenkoff & Co is family business. What does this give you? Confidence that all employees are motivated to carry out waterproofing to the highest standards maximum level quality.

In other companies, it often happens that workers are not personally interested in maintaining the impeccable reputation of their employer: the main thing for them is to get paid. That's why they often steal and mess around - after all, no one may even notice the thinner layer and unevenness.

It’s not like that with us: all our employees are relatives or friends, and we all understand perfectly well that a good reputation is our capital! After all, our financial well-being depends on it!

Our second point is pedantic adherence to the deadlines specified in the contract. You won’t have to make excuses to residents or management for delaying solving the problem of leaking roofs. In addition, we try to respond to requests as quickly as possible when urgency comes first.

Another plus, which is important for many of our clients, is consulting support. As in any business, there are many subtleties in the spraying of elastomers that only a specialist knows about. This applies to both application technology and the objects on which the work is carried out.

It is precisely on the second point that we provide consultation: we warn about possible difficulties, explain how to complete preparatory work, and much more. You can be absolutely sure that you are insured against any unpleasant surprises associated with waterproofing!

This is all good, of course, but polyurea is expensive!

Of course, this is one of the main objections that comes to mind when it comes to polyurea waterproofing. But, if you look at it, you get an interesting picture. Just for fun, add up the money spent on waterproofing with bitumen roll materials, at least over the last 10 years. Compare the amount received with our prices and, believe me, you will look at the problem differently: after all, waterproofing will no longer require repairs!

By the way, about our prices. You can do the calculation right now using the calculator below.

Five-story panel houses series 1-464

Large-panel 4-5-storey residential buildings of the series of standard projects 1-464 are the most common prefabricated buildings first generation. The design of the houses in the series under consideration is based on a cross-wall structural system.

The main load-bearing skeleton of the buildings are transverse reinforced concrete walls located at intervals of 3.2 and 2.6 m, due to which houses of this type are called houses with “narrow” spacing of transverse load-bearing walls. They rely on them reinforced concrete slabs floors the size of a room. They also rest on the outer and inner longitudinal walls, which absorb part of the vertical load, while simultaneously providing the longitudinal rigidity of the building.

The floor slabs, laid in 3.2 m increments, are designed and work as supported along the contour. Since all the internal walls separating the rooms bear the load from the floors and the floors above, it is impossible to move these walls and thereby change the width of the rooms. For the same reason, removing external walls in steps of 3.2 m is excluded, without ensuring that the floor slab is supported on a short external wall.
The external walls are made of panels - three-layer, consisting of two reinforced concrete shells and a layer of insulation between them, or single-layer panels (made of lightweight concrete). Internal load-bearing walls with a thickness of 12 cm and floor slabs with a thickness of 10 cm are reinforced concrete flooring of a continuous section. Roof - combined with a roll roof soft roof or attic rafters with corrugated asbestos cement roofing.

When redeveloping houses of the 1-464 series, the need arises to construct new or expand existing openings in the transverse walls. This is possible to a limited extent, but requires confirmation by calculations.

When modernizing a building, interfloor slabs cannot be dismantled. However, when adding to the building, the floor slabs above the existing fifth floor can be partially dismantled. Construction of new openings in them is possible, but large sizes Such openings may require reinforcement of the ceiling.

In the series under consideration, balconies are placed at intervals of 3.2 m. Balcony reinforced concrete slabs 10cm thick and 90cm wide are mounted according to two schemes. During the initial period of construction they relied on outer wall and were held in the designed position by two metal rods, which, passing through the joint between the outer walls, were attached to the end of the inner wall panel. In later projects, this solution was abandoned and, calculating the balcony slab as a console supported on the outer wall, it was connected to the floor slab using welded embedded elements.

Five-story panel houses series 1-468

Standard designs of residential buildings of the 1-468 series were initially developed at the Gostroyproekt Institute, and since 1961 - at the TsNIIEPZhilishcha.

The load-bearing skeleton of the houses of this series are transverse load-bearing walls located in plan with a step of 3 and 6 m, due to which, unlike the houses of the 1-464 series, the houses of this structural system were called houses with a “mixed” pitch of transverse load-bearing walls.
The most common representative of houses in this series is a five-story, four-section residential building. Its external wall panels are made of autoclaved cellular concrete or lightweight concrete, and hollow-core reinforced concrete floors rest on transverse load-bearing reinforced concrete walls. The longitudinal walls of the building are self-supporting. The roofs of such houses were erected in two versions: combined with roll roofing and attic rafters with a roof made of corrugated asbestos-cement sheets.

The main advantage of the houses in this series is that the floor panels do not rest on the longitudinal walls of the building. Therefore, these walls, except for certain sections interior wall adjacent to the staircases and ensuring the longitudinal stability of the building can be in in certain places dismantled. It is this circumstance that opens up wide opportunities for eliminating planning deficiencies when modernizing such buildings. existing apartments by adding additional volumes to the building. The construction of new and expansion of existing openings in load-bearing transverse walls is possible only if the “contours” of the openings are confirmed by calculations and strengthened.

Five-story panel houses series 1-335

Five-story residential buildings of the series of standard projects 1-335 are representatives of the frame-panel structural system. Typical projects of this series were initially developed by the team of authors of the Leningrad design bureau, and then were continued at the LenZNIIEP Institute.

The structural design of the house is a so-called “incomplete” frame, which consists of one row of reinforced concrete columns located on the middle longitudinal axis of the building with a pitch of 3.2 and 2.6 m and reinforced concrete crossbars located across the building and resting on one side on reinforced concrete columns , and on the other, onto metal support tables embedded in the body of load-bearing external wall panels. Reinforced concrete floor slabs the size of a room are laid on the crossbars, designed to be supported on two long sides. The columns are connected to each other by purlins that provide the longitudinal rigidity of the building.

In the houses of the system under consideration, load-bearing external walls were mainly used in layers. They have outer layer in the form of a reinforced concrete ribbed “shell” and an internal (insulating) one made of foam concrete 26 cm thick, the surface of which is plastered on the room side. There are no internal load-bearing walls in these houses, with the exception of rigidity diaphragms, which serve as the intersection walls of the staircases.

With the same dimensions and steps of houses of different series, the principle of “free planning” can be fully implemented in houses of the frame-panel system. The presence of crossbars under the floor slabs can be considered as a certain disadvantage that prevents the traditional formation of the interior of living rooms.

A modification of this structural system was the introduction of two more rows of columns - at the outer walls of the building to support the crossbars on them. Such houses are called “full frame houses”. Their external walls are self-supporting and can be dismantled during reconstruction.

Five-story brick houses series 1-447

The 1-447 series includes standard projects 4-5 storey brick residential buildings with three longitudinal load-bearing walls. The load-bearing skeleton of the houses in the series under consideration are three longitudinal load-bearing walls and transverse brick walls- external end and internal, between which are located staircases. Transverse brick walls act as rigidity diaphragms. All other walls (intra-apartment and inter-apartment) are non-load-bearing.

The floors are made in the form of reinforced concrete hollow-core slabs supported with their short sides on longitudinal brick walls. The most loaded is the middle wall, on which the floor panels rest on both sides. In external longitudinal walls, openings can be increased only by eliminating the window sill while maintaining the existing partitions. The lintels above the windows must also be preserved. IN end walls During reconstruction of buildings, it is possible to install openings.

Possible dismantling of partitions in series 1-447

First you need to figure out what a one-and-a-half-story house is. This is a house with an attic, that is, the upper floor of such a building has a smaller area, which is reduced due to the roof slopes. Because to the height attic floor walls are not understood, the roof of a one-and-a-half-story house simultaneously functions as walls, that is, it must not only protect from precipitation and effectively drain rain and melt water, but also serve as enclosing structures, reliably protecting the room from cold and noise.

First you need to understand what an attic is. Essentially, this is a living space located in the attic area and formed by the roof slopes. It is advantageous to build houses with an attic for aesthetic and economic reasons. The advantages of such buildings include the following:

  1. Without spending money on building a full second floor, the owners receive additional living space.
  2. The time to build a house with an attic is less than the time required to build a full-fledged one two-story house with the same living area.
  3. The attic floor can be equipped in an already inhabited house. At the same time, you do not need to move out of it during the installation of the attic.
  4. With proper arrangement of the attic, you can significantly reduce the heat loss of the building as a whole.
  5. Attic buildings make it possible to increase the building density, which is important where the amount of land allocated for housing is limited.

Important! Only a room in which the horizontal line of intersection of the slopes and walls is located from the floor of the upper floor at a height of at least 1.5 meters can be called attic. Otherwise, this space is called an attic.

Types of mansard roofs

A one-and-a-half-story house can be covered with different roofs. In many ways, the shape of the attic space depends on the type of roof chosen. The attic floor itself can have a triangular, asymmetrical or broken shape. Moreover, it can be located both over the entire area of ​​the house, and over its separate part.

The following types of roofs are suitable for one-and-a-half-story houses:

  1. The simplest option is pitched roof. This is an ordinary inclined plane that rests on two opposite load-bearing walls the buildings.
  2. Gable or gable design is used most often. It is quite reliable, easy to install and consists of two slopes running in different sides from the ridge.
  3. Broken roofing is a type gable system. Typically this option is used in small buildings. It is ideal for arranging an attic, as it allows you to maximize the usable area of ​​the room.
  4. Half-hip and hip design are a type hipped roof. If we talk about a half-hip roof, then it is more suitable for arranging an attic, since it allows you to make two vertical windows in the end walls under the shortened hips. Under hip roof the area of ​​the attic floor will be significantly smaller than the area of ​​the first floor.
  5. Pyramid, dome and conical roof are also suitable for these purposes, although it will be more difficult to arrange an attic under them.

Design features

Structurally, all attics can be divided into several types:

  • single-level system under a sloping or gable roof;
  • single-level attic with remote consoles;
  • two-level structure on mixed type supports.

Attention! When choosing a type of roof for arranging the attic floor, focus on the intensity of snow and wind loads on the roof surface.

When arranging an attic roof, the following requirements must be taken into account:

  • When choosing building materials and design diagram it is necessary to take into account the parameters and characteristics of the building as a whole.
  • It is important not to forget about the illumination of attic spaces. For this you can use attic and dormer windows, as well as ordinary vertical windows in the walls under shortened hips. When choosing the location of windows, it is worth considering the architectural appearance of the building.
  • It is worth not forgetting about the stairs, with which you can get to the attic. It must be located inside the house, have a normal slope and be safe.
  • You need to be very careful when choosing roofing, thermal insulation material for the roof, waterproofing and sealing all joints and cracks.

If the roof slopes intersect with the walls of the house very close to the floor level of the attic floor, then the rafter gap is sewn up lightweight structures to the standard height (1.5 m). The space behind the vertical cladding can be used to organize storage areas.

It is worth knowing: the width of the structure in which it is planned to equip the attic must be at least 4.5 m. The minimum area of ​​the attic floor is 7 m². The ratio of height to usable area should be 1 to 2.

A broken mansard roof is made if the dimensions of the room do not fit into the triangle, which is formed by a conventional gable structure. With the broken option, you can reduce the useless area that will be hidden behind the side lining to the required height.

The optimal attic height is 2.5 m. When used sloping roof it is easier to achieve the required parameter. In any case, it is important to remember that the greater the angle of inclination of the roof slopes, the higher and more spacious the attic will be. Optimal angle slope rafter system in this case it is approximately 45-60°.

Roofing pie for attic roof

To ensure that the living space under the roof is warm and quiet, the design should include the following layers:

  1. Must be attached to the bottom of the rafters vapor barrier film. It will not allow condensation to accumulate in the thermal insulation material due to the temperature difference in the house and outside.
  2. Thermal insulation material is laid between the rafters. To keep the attic warm, you need to lay insulation 200 mm thick. If the height of the rafters is not enough for this, a beam of the required section is nailed to them from below.
  3. Waterproofing must be attached to the upper edge of the rafters using a construction stapler. It will not allow rain and melt water to penetrate to the supporting frame and insulation.
  4. After the waterproofing carpet comes the counter batten. It is needed to form a ventilation gap, which is especially important for mansard roofs. A 30-40 mm high rake will provide ventilation of the space between the waterproofing and the roofing. It is nailed directly to the rafters on top of the waterproofing carpet.
  5. After the counterbatten, continuous or sparse lathing is performed. Its choice depends on the type of roofing used. So, under soft roofs roll materials(for example, flexible tiles) a continuous sheathing made of boards, OSB or moisture-resistant plywood is installed. The sparse lathing is made from boards 0.25 cm thick and is suitable for corrugated sheets, metal tiles, and ondulin. If the coating is heavy enough (slate, natural tiles), then the continuous sheathing is done according to eaves overhangs, in the area of ​​the ridge, valleys and ribs of the roof.
  6. The roofing covering must be selected taking into account the climatic characteristics of the region, the slope of the roof and the requirements for the room.

Important! In an attic covered with metal tiles or profiled sheets, it can be too noisy during rain and hail. It is worth considering this fact if you plan to place a bedroom there.

It is also worth remembering that the ventilation space created by the counter-batten will only be effectively ventilated if appropriate aeration openings are left under the face ridge element and at the bottom of the eaves overhang.