Attaching the platband to the frame. Instructions for attaching the accessory to the box

Installation of a door leaf often involves the design of slopes for the purpose of decorating and leveling them. The optimal solution This task involves the additions, which are installed on the wall near the box. These structures are small planks made of wood or plastic. Before installing such products, you should learn the specifics of installing extensions on doors. This will simplify and speed up all installation operations.

The need for extras: pros and cons

Extensions are small planks or boards that are attached to slopes. They are used only on openings that are significant in width, and the box itself is not able to close them. Technically, these elements are not required attributes of the input or interior door. You can do just fine without them, but you will need to create a wide slope, which is not always convenient or practical.

Door trims have several advantages over other finishing methods:

  • Possibility of installation on uneven surfaces. Therefore, the additions eliminate additional wall finishing, which reduces the cost of materials.
  • High-quality protection against contamination.
  • High mechanical strength. This is especially true for products made from natural wood, from which extensions are most often made.
  • The strips installed on the slopes additionally strengthen the door frame, preventing it from loosening or warping.
  • Versatility. Extras are being released today various thicknesses and width, which allows them to be used for finishing almost any type of slope. This is especially true for telescopic models, which can be sewn together like wooden lining.
  • Variety of designs. The structures are made from various materials, which are designed according to certain style directions.

Mounting methods

Installation door trims involves fixing them to the wall. This process is relatively simple and can be done in a few basic ways:

  • Fastening directly during installation door frame. In this case, the additional board is attached directly to the door frame. For this they can be used various ways. The most simple option is to knock them together using an inner board, which is attached to the frame and the box. When performing installation, it is important to align the planes of both elements to obtain a flat surface. But if the slopes have significant differences, then without certain skills it will be difficult to fit the elements very evenly with minimal damage.

To hide the joint between the frame and the extension, a tongue-and-groove joint is cut out at their ends. In this case, the board goes inside the door frame, which hides it underneath. This option is more common, as it allows you to get a beautiful and decorative surface.

Today, the extensions themselves at each of the ends are supplemented with similar grooves. This allows you to combine them into a more aesthetic system. But for metal doors It is impossible to make such a connection after installing the box. This is due to the fact that it is technically impossible to form a groove in metal using a router.

How to do it yourself?

Extensions are ordinary planks or boards that perform a decorative function. Therefore, you can make them yourself from various materials. They are often formed from natural boards small thickness or sheet products (chipboard, plywood, etc.).

The process of making accessories at home can be divided into several successive stages:

  • Initially, measurements of the opening are taken. It is important to measure slopes in different places to eliminate inaccuracies in dimensions. This procedure must be carried out for each side of the slope separately.
  • Based on the data obtained, a workpiece should be made. To do this, the dimensions of the future addition are marked on the board. Please note that it is best to provide a small margin so that after installation, gaps do not form at the joints. When the markings are ready, the boards are cut into pieces. It is better to perform such operations using circular saw, as it will provide a more even and high-quality cut.
  • The procedure ends with fitting and finishing of the frame. If the board is slightly larger, then the ends should be leveled using an electric plane. To add some extra unique design, the wood needs to be sanded and painted with stain or varnish. If laminated chipboard is used, then care must be taken to cover the ends with special tapes. They are glued to the material using an iron or a special hair dryer.

Manufacturing extensions allows you not only to save money, but also to obtain a durable system that will be adapted to specific operating conditions.

How to install correctly?

Installing door panels is a simple operation that, if desired, can be done independently. But before installing such elements, it is advisable to read the instructions for their installation. This will allow you to deliver them much faster and with better quality.

Required Tools

Installation of extensions is an operation that requires a minimum amount of skills. But to get a high-quality result, you should use an auxiliary tool, including:

  • Hand or circular saw. The best option would be a grinder with a special wood circle or a jigsaw. It is advisable to use saws with small teeth to obtain a smooth joint without burrs.
  • Milling machine. With its help, grooves are formed for joining the box and the additional board. Please note that installation can be carried out without this operation. But it is impossible to get accurate and invisible ends without it.
  • Clamps. These mechanisms are used to fix the grinder to the chair. This will allow you to get a mini-circular saw, which will make it easier to trim the extension in the right place.
  • Pencil and a long ruler.

To optimize your work, you will also need long table or several stools. They are used as supports on which boards are laid during processing.

How to calculate?

Installation of extensions always begins with measuring the thickness of the wall. The choice of type and quantity of consumables depends on this parameter.

  • First you need to get the width free space on the wall near the box. Measurements are carried out using a ruler or a corner. The latter option is more accurate, since it is necessary to take into account the angle between the door frame and the board. It is advisable to find out the width along the entire perimeter of the opening.
  • The next step is to measure the thickness of the door frame. This is necessary in order to select the appropriate addition, under which you will need to place a minimum number of supporting elements.
  • The procedure ends with the calculation of the number of additions. This takes into account not only the width of the board and the opening, but also their height. It is advisable to take these parameters with a small margin, so that you can then adjust the canvas to the dimensions of the opening. Please note that all additions on the market have standard sizes. Therefore, when choosing, you should focus on them.

What can be used instead of supplements?

Extras are factory-type products that are produced with certain technical parameters. But no one bothers to replace finished goods improvised materials that every owner can find:

  • Solid wood board. The best option for making accessories. The material perfectly withstands high loads, and is also strong and durable. In this case, you can use different types of wood to make the structure. This will allow you to adapt the final product to the style of the frame and door leaf.
  • MDF. Wood chip products that are used to make doors. Sheets of this material are also great for additions. But the substance resists moisture very poorly, so such elements can only be installed indoors with minimal humidity.
  • Chipboard and fibreboard. Sheets made from wood waste that can be adapted for additions. They are quite easy to work with, but they are also susceptible to moisture, which limits their use.
  • Plywood. There are several types of such substances that are moisture resistant. Plywood is best option for the manufacture of accessories, as it has an optimal price-quality ratio.

If you don't have these materials, you can make an extension from scraps plastic lining. Although it is not so durable, it is very easy to cut and is not afraid of moisture.

How to increase?

There are situations when the width of one standard panel is not enough to close the doorway. The solution to this problem is only to build up the fabric.

This process consists of several sequential steps:

  • Initially, additional boards are installed near the box itself. It is important to fix them efficiently and evenly.
  • After this, a second row of material is applied to them, which will protrude slightly beyond the edge of the wall. This will allow you to mark along the entire length of the board. An alternative option is to measure an uncovered piece of slope and then transfer the dimensions to a new piece.
  • When the marking is done, you need to saw off the extension. Please note that cutting is only done on the side that does not meet the previous board. This is important when telescopic types of coverings are used for extension, since they are initially equipped with grooved connections.

When direct extensions are used, the side of their cutting does not matter. The main thing is that when docking they form a minimal gap.


The add-on installation algorithm consists of the following sequential actions:

  • Initially, all measurements are taken and the dimensions of all elements are adjusted. It is important that the joints of the boards have minimal gaps, as this will not only be unsightly, but will also lead to the formation of drafts.
  • On at this stage adjust the board to the wall. This process involves aligning it in the same plane with the door frame. If the slope is uneven, then wooden planks of varying thicknesses are placed under the decking. They should be attached to the wall using self-tapping screws and dowels.

When the slopes are located at an angle, then it is advisable not to align them parallel to the box, but to form them with a slight slope. In this case, the angle should be the same on both sides of the opening.

  • The procedure ends with the installation and finishing of the extensions. To close the ends, with outside they have platbands, which are also made of the same material.

During the installation of interior doors, it may be necessary to aesthetically design the installation site. This problem becomes especially relevant in the case when the thickness of the walls of the opening is greater than the width of the door frame, as a result of which the end sections of the walls remain uncovered.

Of course, the solution to this problem can be implemented in several ways, among which we should highlight the production of door slopes (from gypsum plasterboard, plastic, plaster mortar) or the use of specialized fittings, or simply add-ons. Well, in view of the fact that in previous information materials we have already introduced the reader to the method of constructing slopes, today we would like to focus the attention of users on how to attach extensions to an interior door.

Choice of extras

Currently, manufacturers of specialized door hardware offer consumers a wide range of door accessories, differing in type of material, design and price. Whereas it is very important for the contractor to select products that fully satisfy existing requirements in all of the above areas.

Extension design

Depending on the operating conditions and individual factors of the room, extensions made from various materials can be used to decorate the end sections of the opening. Wood, plywood, chipboard and even plastic can be used in this direction. However, the most popular option today are door panels made from MDF. And this circumstance is connected with the fact that such structures have the correct geometric shapes and are available in a wide range of overall dimensions (up to 250mm wide).

Special attention You should also pay attention to the design of the addition. Indeed, depending on the hardware manufacturer, these elements can be equipped with a mounting tongue or groove, or they can be produced without additional devices (in this case, the groove must be in the body of the box). Therefore, it is advisable to purchase additional accessories together with the box and door leaf.

In addition, the color range of extensions made from MDF completely coincides with color shades door frames, which allows you to recreate a visually unified design (the colors of the frame and extensions will not differ).

Advantages and disadvantages MDF dobor

If we talk about the advantages of finishing doorways with the help of additions, the following can be distinguished:

  • The impeccable appearance of the opening is achieved by creating a single design: box + extension + casing;
  • Speed ​​of finishing work;
  • The ability to do the work yourself (by eliminating “wet operations”);
  • Long service life of accessories.

If we talk about the limitations of this finishing method, it should be noted that MDF boards have low mechanical strength and instability to moisture. In addition, due to technical features material, there is a possibility of cracking of the extensions when they are fixed (for example, with nails). Therefore, the mounting holes should be drilled first.

Door installation technology

It should be noted right away that all installation operations should be carried out only after installing the interior door. Moreover, taking into account the specifics of the design, the door frame should be mounted in such a way that its end side opposite to the plane with the mounting groove is flush with the wall in the area of ​​the doorway.

The very algorithm for installing extras involves performing construction operations in the following sequence:

First of all, the places where the extensions are installed (the end of the frame, the opening) must be cleared of mounting foam, debris and all elements that may interfere with the installation of door hardware. Particular attention should be paid to the mounting groove, which should also be cleared of foreign materials.

Next, according to the existing dimensions of the doorway, the horizontal extension should be cut so that it can be easily recessed into the mounting groove of the frame. After which, fixing the horizontal extension (for fixation you can use masking tape) in the installation position (by level), the side trims can be cut to a given size. To do this, it is enough to measure the distance from the floor to the horizontal extension.

After this, you will need to cut off the extensions longitudinally so that their end faces are flush with the wall. For this reason, first all the accessories are fixed in the mounting position. And then, on the wrong side, an even thin strip is applied to each of them (you can use the rule), which is in contact with the wall. And markings are applied at the point where the slats come into contact with the trim.

However, before cutting off the extension, the resulting line should be mirrored to the opposite edge of the extension. This is done so that the cutting line is located inside the mounting groove, and the factory end can be visually open area flush with the wall. Cutting off the extension is best done with a jigsaw, using a file with small teeth.

On next stage It is desirable to ensure a mechanical connection of the accessory elements with the base box. For these purposes, recesses with a diameter of 0.7 - 1 mm are drilled at the ends of the extensions (from the cutting side), which are located in increments of 20 - 30 cm from each other. And then, nails (1-1.5 mm in diameter) with pre-cut heads are installed in these holes. That is, a structure is obtained that can be nailed to the box.

In the future, the extensions should be installed in the mounting positions so that no excessive gap is formed between them and the body of the box. Moreover, in order for the nails to fit into the body of the box, it is enough to slam the extras manually along the entire perimeter.

At the next stage, using building level and a square, it is necessary to achieve such a condition that the extensions are located perpendicular to the mounting base of the box. And for the convenience of further work, it is recommended to wedge the extensions in the installation position using wedges.

On final stage it is necessary to foam the voids formed between the base opening and the wrong side of the extension. For this purpose it is recommended to carry out operations in the following sequence:

  1. Using a sprayer, lightly moisten the area where the foam is laid (we recommend finding out which foam to choose);
  2. Applying mounting gun, it is necessary to lay polyurethane foam in the technological gap (along the perimeter) between the extension and the opening at the point where the extension enters the groove of the box;
  3. You should wait until the polyurethane foam first hardens;
  4. It is necessary to make the final fixation of the elements by placing foam rollers between the trim and the opening in increments of 100 - 120 mm (to prevent deformation of the finish when the material hardens).
  5. After the foam has completely hardened, all excess should be cut off and the cashing elements should be secured to the end part of the mounted extension (using specialized nails).

Alternative methods of fixing extensions

Sometimes fixing the extensions is carried out using alternative methods, which include mechanical fixation (using liquid nails or regular carnations). However, performing work of this kind is associated with certain difficulties. Indeed, in addition to the need to construct an additional retaining frame, it will be necessary to perform preliminary drilling of the extensions (to prevent them from cracking) in the case of installation on nails.

You can see the options for installing accessories in the following video:

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Modern methods of interior decoration are aimed at simplicity and manufacturability, increasing the speed of work and creating an attractive appearance all elements of the room. Almost no room is complete without doors that perform two main functions: dividing the various areas of the apartment among themselves according to their functional purpose and participating in the creation of the individual interior of each room. But when buying a new beautiful interior door that ideally matches your plans for decorating the apartment, a problem often arises - a discrepancy between the thickness of the door frame and the thickness of the opening in the wall.

Most walls are much thicker than the door frame (usually 80mm). Previously, such problems were solved by plastering the remaining (not covered with frame) part of the wall, followed by puttying, painting or wallpapering. This method took a lot of effort, time and money. Using extras is a more rational way to solve the problem. Before we figure out how to attach the extension to the box, let's look at the advantages of this method.

Benefits of use

  • Refusal of “wet” finishing processes that adversely affect the wood of doors.
  • Simplicity and high speed of installation door block together with extras.
  • Long service life without the need for intermediate repairs.
  • Creating Integrity door design and giving it a presentable appearance.

It is advisable to choose additions at the same time as purchasing doors. This will give you the opportunity to verify the accuracy of the match color range and surface textures of the door frame and extensions. Only in this case will you get a harmoniously designed doorway with a finished look.

To simplify the installation of the extension to the door frame, it is desirable that the manufacturer provide a special groove of the required width. This will allow you to get a tight connection between the frame and the extension without the use of additional fasteners, wedges and supports.

To calculate the width of the extension, you need to measure the width of the wall and subtract the width of the door frame from it, then add the depth of the groove to the result. The thickness of the wall is not always the same along the entire perimeter, so measurements must be taken at least in 4 points and the thickness of the additional material must be selected according to the maximum measurement.

Let's take a closer look at how to attach the extensions to the door to create a holistic, aesthetic design.

Installation procedure

You can fasten the extensions before installing the door frame or, if it is more convenient for you, then after its installation. Most often, extensions are attached on the side opposite to the side of the hinge installation. This allows the door leaf to easily open to the maximum angle without resting against the door. If you do not need to fully open the door, you can deviate from this rule.

Installation "in the groove"

The first step is to measure in several places the distance from the installed door frame to the plane of the wall along the perimeter of fastening the extensions and add the depth of the groove to it. Next, you should mark the required width and saw off the extension. If the width of the wall has differences, then the gaps between the wall and the platbands can be reduced by using materials with a special telescopic fastening system.

Installation should begin with the vertical parts, on which the horizontal upper part fits tightly.

If there are large gaps between the walls and the finishing (more than 3 cm), it is necessary to perform step-by-step foaming. This will avoid deformation of the frame.

Using temporary fixing bars or wooden slats is guaranteed to prevent deformation of the extensions during the foaming process. After the foam has hardened (after 24 hours), it is necessary to cut off the protruding parts, putty the ends together with the wall and cover it with wallpaper. Installation of the platband is carried out after finishing the walls.

Quarter installation

When a “quarter is selected” in the door frame, you can use several methods of attaching the extensions:

First way. front side, the accessory to the box is wedged from the reverse side.

Second way.

It comes down to forming a kind of groove using one solid strip or several small strips on each post of the box by screwing them.

If the door frame does not have grooves or quarters, then it is necessary to cut the groove with an electric router, and this can be done directly at the installation site.

If you manage to choose accessories that are ideally suited to your door and carefully install them, then as a result you will quickly and easily get a perfectly assembled door that harmoniously fits into the overall interior of the room.


This video shows the installation process of the extensions.

Quite often, when installing a door frame, there is an urgent need to cover the remaining part of the slope with something. Often, for frontal tasks, “extras” are used, which are usually purchased together with door leaves, as well as platbands. Still, in the vast majority of these additional elements need to be adjusted, because the addition must be attached to the box as tightly as possible, and strictly according to the dimensions of the visible part of the slope.

Types of door frames

There are two types of door frames to which extensions are often attached - with and without a groove. In the first option additional element

it is necessary to insert the long side into the groove of the box, and the other side should be unattached. In the second case, the extension will need to be attached to the slope, without fixing it directly to the door frame.

Classification of extras

Extensions are nothing more than planks made of laminated MDF. The coloring of the elements in question often matches the color of the door frame itself, as well as the trim. However, if you want, you can get accessories of a different color, if in this situation your room looks more stylish.

The different widths of the extensions make it possible to select them for slopes of essentially any possible width. The most important thing is that the additional element is not already necessary. Often a situation arises when it is not possible to choose the necessary accessory that would be ideal. In such a situation, you can simply trim it. However, it is not recommended to do this yourself - it would be better to contact a good furniture maker. There you also need to order a sticker for the edge tape for one or two ends of the trim.

Installation of extensions with a groove

First, let's look at how to attach the extensions to the door if the door frame has a special groove:

  • First you need to install and secure the door frame in the opening. You can even hang the door - this will not affect the work with the extensions.
  • Then you need to cut the extensions to the required length.
  • Then you need to measure the distance from the outer edge of the wall to the door frame. This must be done in at least three places. If it happens that the distances do not converge, then the extension will need to be trimmed by a specialist. You need to glue the edge tape to one of the good tors to which you are going to attach the platband.
  • Now you can insert the extensions directly into the grooves of the door frame. This should be done in the following sequence: first insert the top horizontal one, and then you can insert the side vertical ones. The extensions must be placed strictly at right angles to the surface of the door frame.
  • After this, make sure that they are horizontal and vertical.
  • Now you need to stick masking tape in 4-5 places around the perimeter of the extension. Moreover, do this in such a way that it can be used to fix the accessory in the desired position.
  • After this, the gap between the wall and the extension should be filled polyurethane foam.
  • When the foam hardens, you can cut off any excess foam that appears.
  • Finally, attach the trim.

Installation of extensions without a groove

After installing the door into the doorway, you will need to measure the remaining uncovered part of the wall, that is, the slopes. If the extensions need to be trimmed, then again, you will have to go to a furniture workshop.

In the case where the slopes have not yet been plastered, the installation of the extension should be done as follows:

  • It is necessary to get a wooden plank (a small beam will do) and attach it to the slopes so that it would be possible to attach the extension to this plank on top.
  • Make sure that the vertical and horizontal extensions and the 90-degree angle between it and the surface of the door frame are strictly observed.

If the slopes are smooth and plastered, then you don’t need to resort to help wooden plank. However, this is the case if there is no need to leave space between the extension and the wall.

Installation of the top panel

  • First you need to attach the extension to the bar
  • Then fill the voids between the wall and the ceiling with polyurethane foam
  • Remove any remaining foam
  • Secure the trims.

Why is it better to use extras?

As you may have already noticed, the technology for installing extensions makes it possible to bypass such a tedious process of plastering slopes. If you choose the right additional element, it can easily make the slope perfectly smooth and beautiful.

We also note that if you cannot purchase factory-made additions, you can make them yourself from laminite or MDF panels.

If you manage to choose accessories that are ideally suited to your door and carefully install them, then as a result you will quickly and easily get a perfectly assembled door that harmoniously fits into the overall interior of the room.

Not everyone knows what a door panel is and what it is needed for. This is a kind of “extender” of the door frame. In fact, this is an ordinary strip, matched to the tone of the frame and trim, which allows you to quickly and aesthetically tidy up the doorway when installing a door or during repairs.

To frame the wide doorway, they came up with the idea of ​​installing a special board - an extension

Most modern factory-made boxes are produced in a width of 7-8 cm. In most cases, the walls are much thicker. It is in order to quickly and beautifully cover the area that the box does not cover, and there are extensions. Almost all manufacturers make a groove at the end of the box to install this board. Then there are no difficulties during installation at all: cut a strip of the required width from the board, insert it into the groove (you can coat it with glue), and you can install the platbands. In any case, installing the extensions yourself is possible. To do this you need a saw, nails, a hammer, or self-tapping screws and a screwdriver, polyurethane foam, and a miter box. That's the whole tool.

Most often, the additional board is made of MDF, covered with veneer or laminated with PVC film. The color and texture are matched to match the door leaf and door frame. It’s easier to do this right away when purchasing a door: compare shades and appearance on the spot.

The dimensions are as follows:

  • board thickness - from 5 to 30 mm;
  • its width is from 30 mm to 250 mm;
  • length is usually about 2.10-2.2 m.

You need to take it with a margin of length and width - the walls are rarely even, so you often have to cut the plank not straight, but “to a cone”.

There are even special, width-adjustable door frames - telescopic. They come already with additions and platbands. Very convenient, and no problems with choosing colors, textures or joining.

Installation Methods

Installation methods depend on whether the box has a groove or not. If there is a groove, installation is very simple: the bar is inserted into it. All. Great view, no problems. In this case, the depth of the groove is 10 mm. Due to this, you can correct a small error in the thickness of the wall, if any.

If there is no groove, there may be several options:

Choose one of the options that seems more acceptable to you. The result will be the same: a beautifully designed doorway.


Now you need to figure out how to put the extensions on the door. This can be done in two ways: in the form of the letter “P” or by filing the ends at 45 o.

Cutting the strips to width

First of all, measure the required width. You will need three planks: two long on the sides and one short on the top. For each, take measurements separately, at three or four points. Cut each extension to the maximum width for that side. The excess can then be removed with a plane, but it will definitely not be possible to grow it. If there is a groove in the box, do not forget to add 1 cm to the measurements - this is its depth.

Installation procedure

With a “U”-shaped installation, you support the top bar from below flush with cut side strips. In this case, it is important to guess the height of the side elements down to the millimeter, otherwise there will be a gap. It is better to grind it down a little by hand if necessary.

When measuring, pay special attention to ensure that the bar rests evenly, with its entire plane, on the floor. At the same time, make sure that there is no debris, even grains of sand, under it. This is the only way to install the extensions with your own hands without any gaps.

Installing an additional board is not the most difficult thing

Carefully, with a very sharply sharpened pencil, or better yet, a knife (the line will be thinner), make a mark in the place where you need to start cutting (where the top bar begins). Then saw off at exactly 90 o. Place the top bar, then the side bar. If everything is fine, move on to the next one. It must also be measured carefully. Do not make a copy of an existing one; most often, there is at least a small difference. And even one or two millimeters will result in a noticeable gap.

When cutting corners at 45 o, the order of work is different: first one side plank is attached, then the top one, then the second side one. Afterwards, everything is assembled for fitting, adjusted if necessary, and only then installed finally.

With this option, the accuracy of the marks is no less important, but it is also necessary to accurately file the corners. When using professional equipment this is not particularly difficult, but without it you will have to try. You definitely need a carpentry device for cutting boards at different angles - a miter box. By securing the bar in it, you can cut it at the desired angle with sufficient accuracy. Just use a metal blade: this will give you a smoother cut and fewer nicks.

After fitting, you install all the planks completely: with glue, nails or screws, depending on which method you chose. Almost everything, just a few touches remain and the doors will be ready.

Final touches

Having installed the extensions on the doors, they are wedged at the joints with wooden wedges, pressing tightly at the joints. Now you need to foam the gaps between the wall and the extension. Take a can of polyurethane foam and blow it in small portions with foam. Squeeze out the foam little by little. Better later add, than the foam, expanding, will move your structure from its place (and such a possibility exists if there is too much of it). After it dries, the excess is cut off with a knife flush with the wall. You can install platbands.

Watch the installation process in the video. This is what professionals do. You can learn. Very precise and neat.


Door extensions (additional boards and or strips) allow you to beautifully design a doorway if the width of the wall is greater than the width of the door frame. If you have minimal skills in handling a saw, glue, nails and foam, you can install them yourself.