Minced chicken breast cutlets recipe juicy. The Rules for the Best Soft Chicken Cutlets Recipe

It is very easy to cook chopped chicken cutlets at home: with mayonnaise, or starch, in a pan or in the oven.

The difference between such cutlets is that they are prepared with finely chopped chicken fillet, and some cooks call them “sissies”. Why - "Nezhenki"?

I think they are called so more because of the delicate taste of the cutlets than because of their appearance, but one way or another, a dish worthy of any home menu.

Products to a minimum, time also does not take much, so let's start cooking chopped chicken cutlets

  • Chicken fillet - 500 g.
  • Egg - 2 pcs.
  • Onion - 1 pc.
  • Starch - 1 tbsp. spoon
  • Dill - 1 bunch
  • Mayonnaise - 100 g.
  • Vegetable oil
  • Spices to taste

Cut the chicken fillet into pieces as small as possible so that they look like minced meat.

Peel and finely chop the onion.

Wash and then chop the dill.

Now mix the chopped pieces of chicken fillet with onions and herbs, break 2 eggs, add mayonnaise and a tablespoon of starch. You can also throw in another piece of butter and crush a clove of garlic.

Mix all ingredients well until smooth.

We form cutlets, I always do it with the help of my hands.

We heat the pan with a normal amount of vegetable oil and fry the cutlets on both sides until golden brown.

Cutlets are ready, you can start tasting. As a side dish, I used boiled potatoes and sliced ​​\u200b\u200band fresh cucumbers and tomatoes.

Recipe 2: Homemade Chopped Chicken Breast Cutlets

Very juicy soft chicken breast cutlets. Prepare quickly and easily!

In our cutlets, the chicken breast is chopped into pieces with a knife, and not with a meat grinder. And thanks to yogurt (or sour cream), the meat is tender and juicy. You will be surprised how delicious chicken cutlets can be.

Cooking cutlets is also frankly pleasing - they are made in a few minutes. Just prepare a large sharp knife in advance. With it, the cutting process will be even easier. Children really like these cutlets, and chicken meat is good for them! And, of course, girls who watch their weight. What about men? And men like everything from meat! Especially if you prepare some other sauce or gravy for cutlets especially for them. So fry cutlets for the whole family!

  • chicken breast - 300
  • chicken egg - 1 piece
  • thick unsweetened yogurt without additives (or sour cream) - 2 tablespoons
  • ground black pepper - to taste
  • table salt - to taste
  • vegetable oil - for frying meatballs

Let's prepare the chicken. If you have it ready, there will be no hassle. Just defrost (if you bought frozen), wash in cold water. Then we dry it, let the water drain itself, putting the meat on a towel, or dip it with a dry cloth that does not leave lint.

If you need to cook the fillet yourself from whole chicken, there is no problem either. We take the chicken (it is better to leave it slightly frozen) and with a large sharp knife we ​​cut off part of the breast on one side, and then on the other. If you have picked up a bone or cartilage, cut them out. We remove the skin. That's all! Now finely chop the meat with a sharp knife. Breasts are a pleasure to work with. It cuts easily and doesn't slip out of your hand.

Put the meat in a deep bowl. The main part of the work is done. Only little things remained.

Now we measure two tablespoons of sour cream or yogurt into the meat. We emphasize once again that yogurt (if you use it, and not sour cream) should be thick, the one that is eaten with a spoon, not drinkable.

Salt minced meat, sprinkle with black pepper or other seasonings to your taste.

Stir thoroughly.

We wash the egg and break it with a knife into a bowl with meat. We look so that pieces of the shell do not fall.

And mix thoroughly again.

We put a frying pan with vegetable oil on the stove, heat it up. Cutlets are not formed in advance, otherwise they will spread. As soon as the oil heats up to the desired state, we scoop up the minced meat with a spoon and send it to fry.

We fry for two or three minutes on each side, i.e. very fast.

This should not bother you, because. chicken meat, especially chopped, is fried really for a short time.

If suddenly cutlets fall apart in a pan for some reason, try making them smaller or put starch or flour (just a little bit) in the composition.

All is ready! Place patties on paper towels to drain excess oil.

Serve with your favorite side dish!

Recipe 3: chopped chicken cutlets at home

  • Chicken fillet 300 gr
  • Chicken egg 2 pcs
  • Flour 2 tbsp
  • Mayonnaise 2 tbsp
  • Dill 1 tsp
  • Salt 1 tsp
  • Allspice 0.5 tsp
  • Vegetable oil 3 tbsp

Rinse the chicken fillet, pat dry with paper towels and cut into small pieces.

Add eggs, mayonnaise, flour, salt, pepper and mix well.

Add dried dill or parsley and mix everything again.

Pour a little vegetable oil into a heated frying pan and spread the minced meat with a spoon.

Fry on both sides for a few minutes until golden brown.

Allow to cool slightly and serve with a side dish or vegetables. Bon appetit.

Recipe 4, simple: chopped chicken cutlets with mayonnaise

The beauty of chopped chicken cutlets is that they cook very quickly, they can be served for breakfast or dinner. Such lazy chicken cutlets do not require a meat grinder. Although their “laziness” is relative - cutting fillets into cubes is more difficult than passing them through a meat grinder. But you will love the result. Chopped cutlets can be served as a separate dish, or with a side dish. It would seem ordinary products, but it is not a shame to serve such a dish on the festive table.

And one more feature of the dish: the longer the minced meat is infused and marinated, the tastier and more tender the cutlets will be.

  • fillet - 500 gr.
  • mayonnaise - 3 tbsp
  • potato starch - 3 tbsp.
  • chicken egg - 2 pcs.
  • parsley - to taste
  • garlic - 2 cloves
  • salt, pepper - to taste
  • vegetable oil for frying

We will start with the fillet, thoroughly wash it and dry it with a paper towel, cut the prepared fillet into pieces, and each of the pieces is already in small cubes, the smaller the cube, the better. We put everything in a separate bowl.

We take two eggs, medium and break into a bowl with food.

Instead of parsley, you can take dill, I do not recommend using cilantro and basil. Finely chop the parsley and add the fillet to the cubes. Fill everything with mayonnaise. Mayonnaise should be chosen not very fatty, chopped tender cutlets will be so tastier. But I do not recommend replacing it with sour cream, not at all.

Add starch and mix everything. Stir very carefully so that all the ingredients are mixed together, especially the eggs.

Squeeze the garlic cloves through the garlic cloves into this dish, and again mix everything thoroughly. do not forget to salt and add black pepper. Minced meat is ready, but you can’t fry cutlets right away, because. he must persist. It is recommended to keep it in the refrigerator for at least 1.5 hours. The longer the meat is infused, the richer the taste of the cutlets will be. If you cover the minced meat with cling film, then it can be kept in the refrigerator for three days, the taste will not suffer from this, and it will even be better.

Pour a little oil into the pan (the minced meat absorbs it well) and pour a little minced meat with a spoon to make oval cakes. Do not worry that the stuffing will spread, this will not happen. You need to fry on medium heat so that the cutlets do not burn. On each side, fry the chicken fillet cutlets for about 5 minutes, the cutlets will be ready when they have a golden crust.

We spread them on a towel so that the paper absorbs excess fat. Ready! Lazy chicken cutlets can be served with any side dish, hot or cold. Bon appetit!

Recipe 5: Chopped Chicken Cutlets with Starch (with photo)

It turns out an amazing meat dish in which the chicken breast will be juicy and very tender. Chopped chicken cutlets are called chopped because the chicken fillet is not twisted into minced meat, but cut (chopped) into small cubes. Due to this procedure, pieces of meat are felt in ready-made chicken cutlets, and they are juicy and not at all dry.

According to the recipe, I note that I give the basis for the preparation of chopped chicken cutlets from chicken breast. You can also add shredded cheese, fresh bell peppers, canned corn, and other ingredients that you like to minced meat.

  • chicken breast - 500 gr
  • chicken eggs - 2 pcs
  • sour cream - 2 tbsp
  • potato starch - 1 tbsp.
  • salt - 0.5 tsp
  • ground black pepper - 1 pinch
  • vegetable oil - 80 ml

The dish is very simple and we will cook it very quickly. First of all, quickly rinse the chilled chicken breast under cold running water (let the frozen one thaw completely) and dry it thoroughly. Then cut the meat into small cubes - preferably no more than 1 centimeter. Place the breast pieces in a mixing bowl.

Then just add the rest of the ingredients on the list: potato or corn starch (if not available, use wheat flour) for hitching, a couple of chicken eggs, sour cream of any fat content. Salt and pepper to taste - as you like.

It remains to mix everything thoroughly to get such a kind of minced meat, like dough for pancakes. With a hand or a spoon, it doesn't matter. Taste for salt, add more if needed.

We heat the pan with refined vegetable (I have sunflower) oil and spread the prepared minced meat with a tablespoon. Adjust the thickness of the chicken cutlets yourself. Fry them over medium heat until the underside is browned.

Then we turn over the chopped chicken cutlets and bring them to readiness (it is possible under the lid) on the second side. For everything about everything in one pan, it will take no more than 8-10 minutes. Similarly, prepare the rest of the meatballs. From the indicated amount of ingredients, I got 13 medium-sized cutlets.

Serve them hot with any side dish of your choice, fresh vegetables and herbs. By the way, such chopped chicken cutlets are tasty not only warm, but also cold. Take off you can make sandwiches.

I am sure that you will like this easy-to-prepare, but tasty and juicy chicken breast dish. Moreover, it is prepared in just half an hour.

Recipe 6: chopped chicken cutlets with cheese in the oven

Delicious, juicy, tender chicken fillet cutlets with cheese, baked in the oven. Chopped chicken breasts combined with the creamy taste of cheese make this dish incredibly tasty!

  • Chicken breast fillet - 500 g
  • Bryndza cheese (or other cheese of your choice) - 60 g
  • Sweet red pepper - 150 g
  • Onion - 50 g
  • Egg - 1 pc.
  • Butter - 40 g
  • Salt, ground black pepper - to taste
  • To grease the mold:
  • Vegetable oil - 1 tbsp. spoon

Put the sweet pepper on the grate of the oven preheated to the maximum. Bake until black marks appear, flipping, 10 minutes.

Transfer hot peppers to an airtight plastic bag, close and leave for 10 minutes.

Cut the cheese into very small cubes.

Chop the onion.

Ready pepper to clear from the skin and core. Cut the pulp into small cubes.

Wash the chicken breast fillet, pat dry.

Finely chop the fillet, then chop with a heavy knife or cleaver into coarse minced meat.

Combine minced meat, sweet pepper, onion and cheese. Add softened butter, raw egg, salt, pepper and mix until smooth.

Wetting your hands in water, mold the minced meat into small elongated cutlets. Lay the patties on a greased baking sheet.

Put the baking sheet in the oven, preheated to 190 degrees. Bake 20 minutes.

Cutlets can be served with any side dish or salad. Bon appetit.

Recipe 7, step by step: chopped chicken breast cutlets

Any good housewife has more than one recipe for delicious homemade cutlets. The popularity of this dish is understandable - there are no hard-to-find products here, and cutlets are prepared quickly enough, and they always turn out to be surprisingly appetizing and satisfying. Today we will replace the traditional pork / ground beef for this dish with lighter poultry meat and cook simple, but surprisingly tasty chopped chicken breast cutlets with herbs. Try it too! Perhaps this recipe will become your “favorite”!

  • chicken breast - 500 g;
  • bulb - 1 pc.;
  • garlic cloves (optional) - 1-2 pcs.;
  • eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • sour cream (or mayonnaise) - 4 tbsp. spoons;
  • flour - 4 tbsp. spoons;
  • dill - a small bunch;
  • vegetable oil - 2-3 tbsp. spoons;
  • salt, pepper - to taste.

My chicken breast, get rid of excess moisture - dry on paper towels / napkins, then remove the skin and bones. Cut the bird fillet into small cubes, put in a deep container.

Sprinkle with salt, pepper, add raw eggs, sour cream (or mayonnaise). Lilac or ordinary white onions, after removing the husk, cut into small cubes or chop with a blender, and then put in a container with chicken meat. Optionally, for a rich flavor, add garlic cloves passed through a press. Clean and dry dill, finely chopped, also spread to the meat.

We mix the meat mass, and then pour in the flour so that the cutlets keep their shape and do not spread during frying (you can replace the dosage of flour with 2 tablespoons of starch). Mix chicken meat again and leave it like this for 20-30 minutes.

After the specified time, we collect the chicken mixture with a tablespoon and spread it in the form of cutlets on a hot, oiled surface of the pan.

Fry the blanks over medium heat for about 3-5 minutes on each side. Next, reduce the heat and, covering the pan with a lid, bring the chicken meat to full readiness for 10-15 minutes.

Chopped chicken breast cutlets are a hearty and tasty main course, served with any side dish, vegetable cuts or pickles, as well as herbs.

Recipe 8: Chopped Chicken Breast Cutlets (Step by Step Photos)

From chicken fillet or breast, you can cook a very tasty and simple second course - chopped cutlets. This recipe will especially appeal to those who do not have a meat grinder at home.

Amazingly juicy minced chicken cutlets are a delicate dietary dish. It is liked not only by adult connoisseurs of gourmet delicacies, but also by small gourmets. This is not surprising, because in such chicken cutlets, tender, juicy meat is very thinly and organically adjacent to a crispy crust, which is created thanks to breadcrumbs. Delicious minced chicken cutlets will be a wonderful addition to almost any side dish: rice, buckwheat, mashed potatoes, pasta, etc. In addition, there are many recipes for this dish. So you can always experiment and serve this culinary masterpiece in a new way.

Recipe for minced chicken cutlets in a pan

Many hostesses often do not know what to cook for dinner or lunch. If such a question arose, then it is solved unambiguously: it is best to make chicken or cutlets from it. This dish is prepared simply and quickly. It turns out easy, tasty, dietary.

Cooking time - 30 minutes.

The number of servings is 8.


To prepare hearty and mouth-watering cutlets in a pan, you need to prepare the following set of ingredients:

  • minced chicken - 0.5 kg;
  • white bread - 2 slices;
  • egg - 1 pc.;
  • milk - 3 tbsp. l.;
  • vegetable oil - 50 g;
  • onion turnip - 1 head;
  • pepper, dried herbs, salt and spices - as needed.

Cooking method

There are no difficulties in cooking minced chicken cutlets in a pan. This recipe is very easy to make.

They can be served with fresh vegetables and herbs.

Recipe for minced chicken cutlets in the oven

Minced chicken cutlets are surprisingly fragrant and tasty if you bake them in the oven. At the same time, you can immediately make a side dish for meat. Then you don't have to worry about adding.

The number of servings is 2.


To make delicious diet cutlets, you need to prepare the following ingredients:

  • ground chicken fillet - 0.5 kg;
  • processed cheese - 100 g;
  • egg - 1 pc.;
  • breadcrumbs - 4 tbsp. l.;
  • medium-sized potatoes - 1 pc.;
  • onion (optional) - ½ pc.;
  • vegetable oil - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • salt and other seasonings - to taste.

Cooking method

Using this recipe for minced chicken cutlets, it will not be difficult to cook them.

On a note! If you do not fry the cutlets beforehand, then in the process of baking in the oven they must be turned over once.

Delicious minced chicken cutlets with zucchini

Incredibly tender, tasty and juicy minced chicken cutlets with zucchini and herbs are obtained. Taking note of this step-by-step recipe with a photo, you can not worry about your figure. She is in no danger.

Cooking time - 1 hour.

The number of servings is 6.


To make these light and incredibly juicy cutlets with a delicate taste, you do not need to purchase any rare and expensive ingredients. Everything is extremely simple and quite affordable:

  • minced chicken fillet - 900 g;
  • cilantro - 1 bunch;
  • medium-sized zucchini - 1 pc. (about 200 g);
  • dill - 2 sprigs;
  • egg - 1 pc.;
  • parsley - 1 bunch;
  • salt - 1 tsp;
  • vegetable oil - 20 ml;
  • onion - 100 g;
  • ground black pepper - 1/3 tsp.

On a note! In this version of minced meat, you can not add bread. Tender meat and without it will allow you to get a juicy dish.

Cooking method

This minced chicken nuggets recipe is super easy despite the list of ingredients being overwhelming. There is nothing to be afraid of! Using a step-by-step recipe with a photo, everything will certainly work out.

Ready cutlets can be decorated with sprigs of fresh herbs, tomato slices and slices of sweet pepper.

How to cook steam chicken cutlets

Chicken cutlets are very light when steamed. This is a wonderful option for a dietary dish that can be prepared for a child or someone who is sick. In addition, such chicken fillet cutlets are an integral part of the diet of people who adhere to therapeutic diets and strive to lose weight.

Cooking time - 40 minutes.

The number of servings is 5.


What do you need to cook such tender chicken cutlets in a double boiler? Here is a list of ingredients that you will need in the process of creating an easy but nutritious dish:

  • chicken fillet (or breast) - 350 g;
  • egg - 2 pcs.;
  • salt - 1-1.5 tsp;
  • hard cheese - 80 g;
  • vegetable oil - for frying;
  • onion - 100 g.

Cooking method

Easy steamed chicken cutlets are quite easy to make. It doesn't take much time to cook though.

Chicken steam cutlets are being prepared for half an hour, after which they can be safely served at the table with any greens, fresh vegetables or other side dish of your choice.

Chicken cutlets with oatmeal

However, not only steam chicken cutlets are very refined and light. The fitness menu should also include original fillet cutlets with the addition of oatmeal.

The main ingredient of minced chicken cutlets is chopped poultry meat. It is considered an indispensable source of proteins, vitamins, amino acids and must be included in the menu during the diet. Chicken breast in any form is recommended for both athletes to build muscle mass and people who adhere to the principles of proper nutrition. The calorie content of this part of the bird is only 101 kcal. In ready-made cutlets, the calorie content will be much higher. In this case, everything depends on the method of their heat treatment.

If we talk about cutlets in general, then the dish cooked in the oven or steamed will be the most useful for the body. The calorie content of such products per 100 g will be 115 and 120 kcal, respectively. In our article we will tell you how to cook cutlets from minced chicken in a pan, in the oven or steamed. The choice of housewives below are interesting recipes for dishes with the addition of zucchini, cheese, oatmeal and semolina. Detailed step-by-step descriptions will avoid difficulties in the cooking process. As a result, cutlets will turn out juicy, lush and appetizing in appearance.

Step by step video recipe

Many housewives complain that minced chicken breast cutlets are too dry and flat, like pancakes. That is why, instead of healthy dietary meat, they still use fatty pork when preparing this dish. The following recommendations will help correct the situation. Using them, you will easily learn how to select ingredients and learn how to cook minced chicken cutlets correctly so that they turn out juicy and lush.

  1. When preparing minced chicken for cutlets, it is important to observe certain proportions. For example, for 1 kg of minced meat, you should not take more than two eggs. Otherwise, the formed products will begin to disintegrate in the pan and turn out to be tough. The ideal amount of bread crumb in the cutlets is 250 g per 1 kg of minced meat.
  2. To make the dish juicy, certain ingredients are added to the chopped poultry meat. These include: bread crumb, preferably soaked in milk, raw or fried onions, zucchini or carrots, cheese, crushed ice, and even butter.
  3. For homemade minced meat, skinless chicken breast is ideal, since it is the skin that contains a significant amount of fat. During the frying of cutlets in a pan, it begins to melt. As a result, the finished dish turns out to be too fatty.
  4. Cutlets will be more tender and will definitely not fall apart in a pan when frying, if you first beat off the minced meat. To do this, a small amount of minced meat should be placed in the palm raised to a height of 40-50 cm from the table, and thrown back into the bowl with force. Similar actions should be repeated 5-10 times.
  5. Ready minced meat before sculpting cutlets is recommended to be kept in the refrigerator for half an hour.
  6. Breading will help keep the juiciness of the cutlets during frying. To do this, the formed products are rolled in ground breadcrumbs and only after that they are laid out in a pan with sunflower or corn oil.
  7. First, the cutlets are quickly fried over high heat on both sides, which allows you to seal all the juice inside the products. And they are brought to readiness already on low heat and under the lid.
  8. You can add fresh and dried herbs, aromatic herbs, spices to minced meat. The main thing is not to overdo it with spices, so as not to clog the taste of chicken meat in finished products.

The recipes below will help you find the perfect cutlet recipe for yourself. Step-by-step descriptions allow you to cook them quickly and effortlessly.

Chicken cutlets according to a traditional recipe in a pan

All stores sell ready-made minced meat. It can be used not only for cutlets, but also for cabbage rolls, meatballs, casseroles and other minced meat dishes. But the quality of such a semi-finished product is often not credible. For example, not only fillet is added to minced chicken, but also cartilage, fat, veins and skin. Accordingly, products from it will definitely not turn out tender and dietary.

The most delicious homemade minced chicken cutlets in a pan are prepared only from fillets. It is recommended to grind it through a meat grinder or using a blender. And at the same time, along with the meat, other ingredients for cutlets are twisted. The traditional step-by-step recipe for minced chicken cutlets consists of the following steps:

  1. Cut off the crust from a slice of stale white bread (150 g), and soak the crumb in 50 ml of milk.
  2. Peel the onion and garlic (2 cloves). Cut them into several pieces.
  3. Pass through an electric meat grinder 500 g of fillet, onion, garlic and crumb squeezed out of milk.
  4. Add 1 egg, salt and black pepper to the minced meat. Mix thoroughly with your hands. If desired, you can use the recommendations of professionals presented above and beat the minced meat with your hands. This will make the meatballs more tender and juicy.
  5. Pour sunflower oil about 5 mm high into a frying pan.
  6. Form cutlets with wet hands, roll them in breadcrumbs and fry over medium heat for five minutes on one side and the other.

To serve the finished dish, any side dish is suitable, including mashed potatoes, rice, or any fresh vegetables.

Cutlets with minced chicken cheese in breadcrumbs

Ground crackers, in which the formed products are crumbled before frying, help preserve the juiciness of the finished dish. But in the following recipe for minced chicken cutlets, a couple more ingredients are used for this. Firstly, for juiciness, grated hard cheese is added to the minced meat, and secondly, chilled cream with a fat content of 10% is poured into it. There is no doubt that the finished dish will definitely not turn out dry.

You can learn how to cook minced chicken cutlets from the following step-by-step instructions:

  1. Fillet (500 g) is crushed in any convenient way.
  2. Bread crumb (100 g) is soaked in water for 10 minutes.
  3. The onion is finely diced with a sharp knife.
  4. All three ingredients are combined in a deep mixing bowl. Grated cheese (2 tablespoons), cream (3 tablespoons), egg, salt and pepper are also added here. Minced meat is well kneaded by hands, beaten off and sent for 30 minutes in the cold. It is recommended to pre-tighten the bowl with a film.
  5. At this time, the breading is being prepared. A pinch of turmeric, Provence herbs and other spices are added to ground crackers (5 tablespoons). In such a breading, the crust of the cutlets will turn out to be bright, crispy and fragrant.
  6. Cutlets are formed from the chilled minced meat, rolled in breadcrumbs and laid out in a pan with vegetable oil.
  7. Finished products are dipped in a paper towel from excess fat and served hot to the table.

Chicken cutlets and oatmeal

The juiciness of the next dish is not provided by the bread crumb soaked in milk, but by a completely different ingredient. Instead of a slice of stale loaf, this recipe uses steamed oatmeal. Minced chicken cutlets are tender, dietary and healthy at the same time. They can be served at any time of the day, not only for adults, but also for children over three years old.

Step by step minced chicken cutlets with oatmeal are prepared in the following sequence:

  1. Oatmeal (½ cup) is poured with boiling water (½ cup), after which the bowl is covered with a lid for 15 minutes. During this time, the oatmeal should become thick and soft.
  2. In the finished minced meat (500 g), onion chopped in a blender and a garlic clove squeezed through a press are added.
  3. Cooled oatmeal is added to the minced meat along with a raw egg. The mass is thoroughly kneaded by hand, salted and peppered.
  4. Formed products are fried over high heat on both sides. You can cook minced chicken cutlets with or without breading, or use regular wheat flour instead of ground crackers. To do this, the products formed by hands moistened with water are crumbled in a dry mixture and immediately laid out in a pan.
  5. Fried cutlets are stacked in a saucepan.
  6. As soon as all the products are ready, a little water is poured into the bottom of the pan. On low heat, cutlets are stewed for several minutes or until the liquid has completely evaporated.

Steamed chicken cutlets

Poultry meat for the next dish is best chopped in a blender. Then the minced meat will have a more delicate texture, which is very important for steam cutlets. You can not add an egg to the crushed mass. Steamed minced chicken cutlets and without it perfectly keep their shape and do not fall apart during the heat treatment. By the way, you can cook them in different ways. The ideal option is to use a steamer. But since not everyone has such a technique in the kitchen, you can cook cutlets directly in a sieve by setting it over a pot of boiling water. Another way is to pour water into the pan and cook the products under the lid until the liquid has completely boiled away.

The step-by-step recipe for steaming cutlets is as follows:

  1. Chicken fillet (300 g) is crushed into minced meat along with onions (20 g) and bread crumb pre-soaked in milk and then squeezed out (50 g).
  2. Grated parmesan (30 g) or any other cheese is added to the prepared mass, as well as salt, pepper and herbs to taste.
  3. Cutlets formed with wet hands are laid out on a sieve, in a double boiler or in a pan and steamed for 30 minutes. It is recommended to serve them still hot with sour cream or a side dish.

Chicken cutlets baked in the oven

Many housewives do not like to bake cutlets, because with this method of cooking they often turn out to be too dry. But this problem is completely eliminated in the following recipe. Minced chicken patties come out juicy on the inside and crispy on the outside. A step-by-step recipe for their preparation consists of only a few steps:

  1. Processed cheese (100 g) and raw potatoes, previously grated on a coarse grater, are added to the fillet twisted through a meat grinder (0.5 kg).
  2. 1 egg, half an onion chopped with a knife and spices to taste are added to the minced meat.
  3. Then 2 ways of cooking cutlets are allowed. In the first case, the products are fried over an above-average fire on both sides for 1 minute, then laid out in a baking dish and sent to a preheated oven for 30 minutes. The last 10 minutes they should be cooked in convection mode.
  4. The second way is to immediately bake the minced chicken cutlets in the oven on a greased baking sheet. In this case, they are cooked first for 20 minutes on the first side, and then another 10 minutes on the other.

Diet cutlets in the oven from chicken breast

When baking the next dish, not a single gram of fat is used. According to this recipe, diet minced chicken cutlets can be made especially for children. Dried breadcrumbs are used as a breading for products, which makes it possible to achieve a beautiful and crispy crust. In addition, the breading protects the cutlets from overdrying.

The cooking sequence for this dish is as follows:

  1. Chicken breast (350 g) without skin and fat is cut into small pieces and sent to the blender bowl.
  2. A small onion cut into several pieces is also added here.
  3. In the blender bowl, the ingredients are ground into a homogeneous minced meat with a delicate texture. If desired, instead of a blender, you can use a meat grinder.
  4. The breast chopped with onions is transferred to a deep bowl. 100 ml of sour cream and large bread crumbs dried in the oven (½ tbsp.) Are added to the minced meat. Salt and spices are used to taste. All ingredients are thoroughly mixed.
  5. A bowl of minced meat is tightened with cling film and sent to the refrigerator for 30 minutes.
  6. Next, from the prepared mass, you need to form cutlets and roll them in crumbs. Ground breadcrumbs are not suitable for this dish. What is needed is a large crumb, which can be obtained from bread dried and crushed with a rolling pin.
  7. In the oven, minced chicken cutlets are baked for no more than 25 minutes at a temperature of 180 ° C. In the process of cooking, the product can be turned over once to the other side.

Recipe for chicken cutlets without bread

When preparing the next dish, it is recommended not to use fillet, but meat from other parts of the bird. The fact is that since no crumb is added to the minced meat, minced chicken cutlets without bread can turn out dry. More fatty and juicy meat, for example from the thighs, will help to correct the situation. The skin must be removed from them, the bone must first be removed, and the remaining pulp must be passed through a meat grinder or ground in a blender. The result is an excellent minced meat for chicken cutlets.

A delicious dish according to this recipe is prepared very simply:

  1. In home-cooked minced meat (700 g), an egg, chopped onion, salt and spices are added.
  2. Finely chopped parsley and cilantro and added to the cutlet mass.
  3. Minced meat is well kneaded first with your hands, and then beats against a bowl 10-20 times. So it will become more uniform and tender, and the formed products will not fall apart in the pan.
  4. After 30 minutes, you can start sculpting cutlets. They are formed with two wet spoons and laid out on a hot frying pan.
  5. Cutlets are fried first on one side, and then turned over and cooked under the lid for another 5 minutes. This method of heat treatment allows you to guarantee the complete roasting of products. There is no need to additionally stew the cutlets in water or sauce. You can serve the dish to the table on a pillow of fresh vegetables or boiled rice.

Juicy chicken cutlets with zucchini

According to most housewives, one of the ingredients that makes minced meat juicy is a young zucchini. But the most interesting thing is that it is absolutely not felt in the finished dish. The result is very tasty minced chicken cutlets, juicy, tender and with a lot of greens inside. By the way, the zucchini in this dish can be replaced with raw carrots, grated on a fine grater. Products with the addition of this orange vegetable are not only tasty, but also look appetizing and presentable.

You can learn how to make juicy minced chicken cutlets from the following step-by-step description:

  1. A young zucchini (200 g) is rubbed on a fine grater right with the peel. A small onion is chopped in a similar way.
  2. Minced meat (850 g) is prepared from the chicken breast in a blender or in a meat grinder.
  3. An egg, finely chopped dill, cilantro and parsley (10 g each) and grated vegetable mass are added to the chopped meat. A lot of liquid will stand out from the zucchini, which you do not need to pour into the minced meat. Otherwise, it will turn out to be too liquid, and it will be difficult to form cutlets out of it.
  4. All ingredients are mixed together, as well as with salt (1 tsp) and pepper (½ tsp).
  5. In vegetable oil, cutlets are fried literally for a minute on one side and on the other. The fire must be strong enough.
  6. During this time, the oven heats up to 180°C.
  7. Ready cutlets are laid out on a baking sheet covered with foil or parchment. In the oven, the products are brought to readiness within 15 minutes. After that, cutlets can be served hot with a side dish. But even when cold, they are no less tasty and appetizing.

Recipe for fluffy chicken cutlets with semolina

Most often, cutlets made from tender chicken meat are quite flat. To make them more magnificent, it is recommended to add one secret ingredient to minced meat. They are semolina. To some, this combination of products in minced meat may seem strange. In fact, the semolina in the finished dish is not felt at all. But it turns out lush minced chicken cutlets and tender inside. The recipe for this dish consists of just a few steps:

  1. Onion (3 pcs.) And garlic clove are crushed with a blender or meat grinder.
  2. 3 eggs, semolina (7 tablespoons) and mayonnaise (5 tablespoons) are added to minced chicken (1 kg). The last ingredient can be completely replaced with sour cream. You can also use their mixture in any ratio. Chopped onion-garlic mass is also added here.
  3. The stuffing is well kneaded, but it is not necessary to beat it off. Optionally, any herbs, spices, Provencal or Italian herbs and salt are added to it. Now it needs to be left on the table for about 30 minutes. During this time, the semolina will swell, and the finished chicken cutlets will turn out to be lush as a result.
  4. Minced chicken products are formed with wet hands and rolled in breadcrumbs or flour.
  5. Minced chicken cutlets with semolina are fried in the traditional way in vegetable oil. If desired, they can be additionally stewed with a little water under the lid to make them softer.

Delicious and juicy minced chicken cutlets. Sometimes pork cutlets get bored and you want to cook lighter and more tender diet poultry cutlets. This dish is less fatty, great for children, and just delicious. Garnish can be mashed potatoes, various cereals, pasta, baked vegetables and, of course, you can serve a salad of fresh vegetables.

If you have purchased minced chicken, we recommend cooking cutlets according to our recipe, softness and juiciness are guaranteed! This dish is also suitable for a festive table. The advantages of such cutlets are availability, ease and speed of preparation, and most importantly, excellent taste! And if you prepare a creamy mushroom sauce and pour cutlets on it, then the dish will turn out to be truly royal!


  • Chicken mince - 500 g
  • Egg - 1 pc.
  • Onion - 1 pc.
  • A piece of white banana- 2 pcs.
  • Milk - 3 tbsp
  • Vegetable oil- 50 g
  • Salt and ground pepper- taste


Prepare minced meat. You can buy it ready-made, or make it yourself by scrolling chicken fillet through a meat grinder.

Pour milk over the loaf and let stand for a couple of minutes. Then you need to squeeze out the liquid and scroll through the meat grinder.

We also chop the peeled onion in a meat grinder.

So, we grind the ingredients, now they need to be mixed.

Mix the onion, minced meat and loaf and add the chicken egg. Salt and pepper, mix well again.

Now you need to form cutlets, they need to be beaten off well, this is done by throwing minced meat from one hand to another. So that would be a slap.

Heat a frying pan with a little vegetable oil and lay out the chicken cutlets. Fry on all sides for three minutes.

Then add a little water to the pan, reduce the gas to a quiet one and cover with a lid. Simmer under the pan for 10 minutes.

That's all, delicious and juicy minced chicken cutlets are ready!

Can be served at the table. With mashed potatoes and fresh cucumbers - the best option) And you can also pour a delicious sauce of cream and champignons.

Bon appetit!

  1. You can add a little garlic, passed through a press, to the minced meat. If you like garlic flavor, this is your option, as garlic pairs well with chicken.
  2. Also add a little chopped greens to the minced meat, then the cutlets will become more attractive.

Quite often we all eat at home cutlets. They are made quickly enough, tasty and convenient - if you want to eat it right away, if you want to eat it cold, you can take it to work or make sandwiches. You don’t have to think for a long time what side dish will be combined with them, since almost any one is suitable.

But most often cutlets are made from minced meat, unfairly leaving behind poultry cutlets. Here is one of the cooking options.

Ingredients for chicken cutlets:

  • Chicken mince. 600 gr.
  • Onion. 2-3 small onions.
  • Dried bread. 3-4 pieces.
  • Egg. 1 PC.
  • Milk or cream or water.
  • Salt. Taste.
  • Freshly ground black pepper. Taste.
  • Vegetable and butter for frying

Cooking chicken cutlets.

A few words about minced meat.

Stuffing - it is best to do it yourself, of course. Many often use only chicken breast meat. With them, of course, the least fuss, but cutlets from them are the most dry. For me it is more convenient and best to make cutlets from chicken thighs. With them, too, a little fuss - except to cut the bone, but cutlets from this meat are tender, tasty and not dry. You can, of course, take the path of least resistance and buy ready-made minced meat, but in this case you may encounter a situation where a huge amount of chicken skin goes into minced meat. As a result, there is a lot of fat in minced meat, which is rendered in a frying pan and cutlets “float” in fat. So minced meat should be bought only in trusted places. But in any case, it is better not to be lazy and do it yourself.
Due to the fact that there is a very good butcher shop not far from the house, and the sellers do not save on minced meat - in this case, the minced meat is purchased, but very, very worthy.

So, if you don’t have minced meat, then we take it, deboned chicken meat and scroll it through a meat grinder or chop in a blender. If the minced meat is already ready - bought or cooked on your own - then:

  1. We throw dried bread into the blender bowl and pour it with about half a glass of milk / cream / water - underline the necessary.
  2. Cut the onion and throw it in there

Add salt, pepper, egg to the blender bowl

We turn on the blender at maximum speed and grind everything together into a kind of liquid mass.

The photo shows that all the components fly around the blender bowl

We are trying to achieve something similar:

After that, add minced meat to the onion-bread mass and turn on the blender again, but not at turbo speed, but at low speeds. The main goal is to mix everything well and beat the minced meat again.

Minced meat was specially made quite liquid. In this case, the cutlets are juicy, and after cooling they do not lose their juiciness and softness. Something like a dense but tender chicken soufflé.

Due to the fact that the minced meat turns out to be quite liquid, it will not work to form cutlets with your hands. So put the minced meat in a frying pan with a tablespoon. Do not try to fit as much minced meat in one pan as possible. Leave space between the cutlets - it is better to fry the minced meat in 2 passes.