Summary of a lesson on speech development letter s. Summary of a lesson on speech development and preparation for learning to read and write “Sounds,”

Goal: To teach the child to select sounds (s - s) in isolation, in syllables, in words, in sentences by ear and use them correctly.


Strengthen the correct execution of articulatory exercises;

Reinforces the correct pronunciation of sounds s – s;

Develop phonemic awareness, memory, thinking, soft motor skills;

Exercise children in determining the place of sound in a word (beginning, middle, end);

Teach correctly, indicate the softness and hardness of a consonant with the appropriate color (blue and green trailers);

Practice composing sentences with the sounds s and s;

Practice intonation expressiveness of speech in tongue twisters, in pure tongue twisters;

Fix the visual image of the letter “c”.

Material: pictures with sounds s and s", boy Sasha and girl Simona, sun, bird hats for sounds s and s", blue and green vase, flowers for sounds s and s", blue and green trailers, 3 pieces each, syllables, colored threads and flannelgraph.

IN.: Guys, in order for the language to work well, in class we will do gymnastics for the tongue.

1. “Delicious jam”: imagine that you are eating jam and have stained your lips. You have to lick them carefully. Smile, open your mouth, don’t close your mouth, “lick” the jam from your upper lip. Try not to support your tongue with your lower lip.

2. Swing: Let's swing your tongue on a swing: smile, open your mouth, on the count of “one” lower the tip of your tongue behind your lower teeth, on the count of “two” - lift your tongue behind your upper teeth. Repeat five to six times.

3. “Watch”: Let’s show how the clock works: smile, open your mouth, alternately reach to the left corner of your mouth, then to the right. Repeat five to ten times.

4. “Pancakes”: Let’s show you what kind of pancakes there are. Smile, open your mouth, place your wide tongue on your lower lip and hold it motionless for an adult count of five to ten.

Finger gymnastics:

1. The fingers carried a lot of luggage.

And, of course, we were tired.

Let's massage your fingers

To rest quickly.

(children rub all their fingers several times in a row).

2. We will put our hands together,

It's like they were blinded with dough.

We begin to lower

Just don't unclench!

(Children put their hands together, fingers pointing up, elbows pointing in different directions.)

Breathing exercises.

1. “Pumps”: The large pump works with inhalation and exhalation “C”, the small pump inhales and exhales “C”. Repeat often.

IN.: I will read a poem to you, and you listen carefully.

The sun is getting warmer and warmer,

It starts dripping.

Snow flows from the fields in streams,

Did you guess the time? /Spring/

What kind of mood do you guys have in the spring?

Children: Joyful, cheerful, sad, sad, gloomy, angry......

IN.: The spring sun rolled out in the sky and melted the snow in the clearing and beautiful flowers bloomed. Sasha and Simone picked flowers and brought them to the group, but they couldn’t arrange them in vases. Let's help them distribute the flowers correctly. We will put those flowers in a blue vase if the name of the flower has a hard “C” in it, and in a green vase if we hear a soft “Сь”.

Children: Narcissus - put in a blue vase, lilac - green, gladiolus, aster, iris, etc.

IN.: Look at the smell of spring flowers, who came to us?

Children: Wasp.

IN.: She brought us an interesting game of pure language. Do you want to play?

SA - SA-SA, flew to us, Who? /Wasp/

Repeat children again clearly.

CO - CO - CO, what's wrong with the car? /Wheel/

SY - SY - SY, catfish...? /Mustache/

ISKA - ISKA, on the table.....? /A bowl/

AC – AC – AC, did you buy…..? /Kvass/

IN.: The boys Sasha and Simone love to play with trailers. Sasha’s trailer is blue and has three windows, if you hear the sound “C” at the beginning, then there is 1 window, if in the middle, then there is a 2nd window, if at the end, then there is a 3rd window. And Simone has a green trailer (the same actions, only with the sound “Сь”).

Physical education minute “Birds”

Birds fly, flapping their wings,

They bent over the water and shook their heads.

They know how to hold themselves proudly and boldly

Quietly, silently they sit on the ground.

IN.: Guys, birds flew to us to bask in the warm rays of the sun, they are unusual, but talking.

Children: I am a swallow in my name there is a hard consonant sound “S” /The artist has a mask, the soldier has a helmet/.

I am an owl in my name there is a hard sound “S” / Sanya’s dad is an artist, he is a soloist in the play /.

I am a tit, my name has a soft consonant “Сь” /Spring has come, the pine tree has grown/.

/The car mechanic brought a pump for the dump truck; A sprout appeared - a leaf blossomed; Table with scales, sun from the heavens of amii; Fox with a rolling pin. Sveta with a skipping rope; Sanya has a dog, and the dog has a nose; There is a vacuum cleaner next to the carpet, a pump next to the wheel; There is sauerkraut in the bowl, but the empty pan is empty./

Game "What's with what?"

Garden with plums and apricots;

An airplane with wheels and a tail;

Scales with butter and cheese;

Soup with beans and garlic;

Sandbox with sand and a dustpan;

Bag with cabbage and radishes;

Sunflower with leaves and petals;

Dining room with tables and chairs;

Bridge with a bus and a trolleybus;

Tray with glasses and bowls;

Bowl with cabbage and beets;

Puff pastry with butter and sugar;

Glasses with currants and lingonberries;

Bench with pussy and dog;

Forest with bushes and pine trees;

Tablecloth with stripes and patterns;

Chair with back and seat;

Kvass with sugar and breadcrumbs.

Game “Make a sentence based on pictures.”

For example:

Sasha and Vanya collect plums, apricots, and currants in the garden.

High school students plant beets, radishes, and garlic.

The fox and the owl quarreled.

There's crucian carp in the net.

The snowman is made of snow.

Reading the syllables SI, SYU, SY, SE, SIO, SO, SA, SU, SYA

IN.: Guys, what sound did we get acquainted with today?

Children:"C" and "Сь"

IN.: Let's guys come up with colored threads on a flannelgraph to create the letter C and give it to our guests, Simone and Sasha, as a souvenir.


1. “Learning to speak” V.V. Gerbova, Moscow 2000.

2. “Classes on speech development in kindergarten” O.S. Ushakova, Moscow 1993 “Enlightenment”.

3. “Child in kindergarten”, magazine No. 3, 2006.

4. “Preparation for teaching literacy in kindergarten”, N.S. Vorontsova, N.S. Starshinsky.

Topic: “Sound and letter Sh”


1. Strengthen the skill of clear pronunciation of the sound Ш in syllables, words, phrases.

2. Learn to select signs and actions for nouns.

3. Decline a phrase from an adjective and a noun by case.

4. Learn to select related words for the word bear.

5. Strengthen the skill of reading syllables, words, sentences.

1. Develop skills in sound analysis and synthesis.

2. Strengthen the skill of identifying sounds at the beginning, middle, and end of a word.

3. Determine the place of sound in a word.

4. Develop phonemic hearing, memory, attention.

5. Develop gross motor skills and coordination of movements.

Equipment: individual pictures, a guide for reading syllables, letter boxes, a typesetting canvas in the form of a steam locomotive, a series of plot pictures, sentence diagrams, a toy bear, pictures for composing words.

    Organizing time.

Educator: "Hello guys! I am glad to welcome you. Let's start our lesson with a chant:

We always speak beautifully

Clearly and leisurely

We definitely remember

What was taught in class.

The one who names the words with the sound Ш will sit down.

2. Announcing the topic of the lesson.

Guys, today a teddy bear came to visit us. We will show him what we have learned and repeat the sound and the letter Sh.

3. Work on the topic.

1) Articulation and characterization.

The bear still doesn’t know how to pronounce the sound Ш. Let’s teach him?

What do our lips do when we pronounce this sound?

(Pulled out with a tube)

Where is the tongue? (Upstairs behind the upper teeth)

What is he like? Narrow or wide? (tongue wide, cupped)

Does it sound hard or soft? (He's always hard)

Vowel or consonant sound Sh? (Consonant)

Tell Mishka what sound is Sh? (The child gives a description)

What color house does he live in? (The sound Ш lives in the blue house.)

2) Reproduction of syllabic series, pure phrases.

Game “Listen, remember, repeat”


SHA-SHA-SHA - our Masha is good.

SHU-SHU-SHU - I'm wearing a new fur coat.

SHI-SHI-SHI - Misha and Masha are babies.

3) Game "echo"

Replace the first sound in words with the sound Ш.



Lips - fur coats

sorry - shawl

soap - awl


4) Selection of signs and actions for the subject.

Guys, do you think the bear liked your answers?

Let's see what he is like? (plush, eared, playful, clumsy, toy, nimble)

What is he doing (walking, staggering, hearing, hurrying, dancing, making noise,

5) Selection of related words.

Choose related words to the word bear. (Mishutka, teddy bear, teddy bear)


Let's take our bear on the train.

Look, you have pictures in the envelopes. Think of it like train tickets. Select a picture whose title contains the sound Ш.

7) Determining the place of sound in a word.

In the first carriage, put pictures where the sounds Ш live at the beginning of the word, in the second - in the middle, in the last - at the end of the word. For example: “I will put a hat in the first carriage, because in the word hat the sound Ш lives at the beginning of the word. »

(Children put up pictures and line up on the train.)

4. Physical exercise.

The locomotive whistled

And he brought the trailers

Shu-shu-shu, shu-shu-shu

Girls and boys

I'll pump it quickly. (children imitate the movement of a train)

5. Certificate

Introducing the letter.

What is the difference between a sound and a letter? The sound “sh” is indicated by the letter “sha”. Compare big and small. What does it look like? Think of words that start with the sound "sh".

6. Summary.

Well done boys!. Which letter did you meet? What did you learn about the sound “sh”?

Subject: Speech development. For children of the senior group of preschool educational institutions
Meta-subject tasks:
1. Learn to act according to a plan or instructions
2. Strengthen the ability to distribute tasks among team members.
Subject tasks:
Strengthen skills in composing a fairy tale.
1. Organizational moment.
Q: Guys, look how many guests came to us today. Let's say hello to them.
D: Hello!
Q: How else can you say hello?
D: Good morning! Good afternoon Good evening!
Q: How are you feeling now? (Good). And I'm in a good mood too.
- Guys, look, I have a ball in my hand. Would you like to play a game? (Yes) The game is called “Say it the other way around.” I will name the words, and you come up with words - “on the contrary”, words with the opposite meaning.
Good evil
Bravery - cowardice
Hard work - laziness
Scary - beautiful
Weak – strong
Brave, modest – boastful
Difficult - easy
Angry - affectionate
The beginning is the end.
The group receives a letter from Dunno: “Guys, please help. The fact is that I’m in a fairy tale country, and I can’t return home until I come up with my own fairy tale. Your teacher will tell you how to come up with fairy tales.”
- Guys, can we help Dunno? (Yes)
- Can you? (Yes)
Go to the tables
- Tell me, please, where do I need to start in order to consistently remember the plot?
- Of course, first you need to make a plan. Let's try.
-Remind me what parts a fairy tale consists of? (Beginning, middle, ending.) - Guys, your fairy tale should have a fairytale beginning.
- Guys, how do you understand the fairy tale beginning? How do fairy tales usually begin? (Once upon a time...In a certain kingdom, in a certain state...It happened a long time ago...)
- What else is said in the first part? (About the characters and the main theme.)
- Who will tell you about the middle part, how it differs from other parts? (The middle is the largest part; it lists the events that happen to the heroes.)
- And what heroes appear in the fairy tale (good and evil)
- Guys, what good and evil fairy tale heroes do you know? (Baba Yaga, Koschey the immortal, Good fellow.)
- In a fairy tale there must always be some kind of magic? What magic do you know? How can you draw this?
- What is the ending? (It tells how it all ended.)
- What words does it end with? (They began to live and live well and make good money. That’s the end of the fairy tales, and whoever listened, well done!) - And now the guys have all come up to me, I suggest you turn into real storytellers. Let's say the magic words: “Turn left and right and turn into storytellers!” Well, now you are real storytellers.
-And today, guys, we will invent fairy tales in teams.
There are circles on this table, take the circle and go to the tables and find your place and your team.
- Let’s come up with a team name, and I’ll write it on the board.
- Guys, let's start work. Don't forget about our plan.
- Guys, we’re finishing inventing a fairy tale.
-Dear storytellers, now agree who from each team will tell a fairy tale. And I will record it to send to Dunno.
The team that finished first was... Let's listen
(Tales invented by all subgroups are listened to in turn; the teacher, if necessary, invites members of the subgroup to add to the story.)
- Did you guys manage to complete the task? Let's check if your fairy tale is drawn up according to plan. Then the teacher notes whether the genre features of the fairy tale were taken into account when compiling it and according to the plan. “Let’s, guys, Dunno, also teach how to compose fairy tales.” Guys, remind us what parts a fairy tale consists of, what is said in each part, where the work begins. I am sure that now Dunno, according to our plan, will be able to become storytellers himself.
And each of you, according to your own personal plan, can tell it to your parents at home.

Attached files

Yulia Kurbatova
Summary of a lesson on speech development “Sound and letter” and “”

Subject: Sound and letter I.

Target: consolidation of the concept "vowel sound» ;

highlighting a given vowel sound from a stream of vowel sounds;

at the beginning and at the end of a word; in words from the text;

acquaintance with letter I.

Equipment: mirrors, house for vowels sounds, red circle, letter Both large and small (for the house, stripes divided into three parts for each child and for the teacher, red circles and letters I to these stripes; boy doll; pouch, items: turkey, toffee, raisins; Pictures: sleds, skates (or objects); cards with the inscription Ia, Aui, Iua, Uia.

Progress of the lesson.

1. Children stand around the teacher.

Guys, remember what sounds we learned from the past class? (Sounds a, y).

Do you remember what these are? sounds? Vowels. Why are they called vowels? sounds? Because they can be sung with your voice.

2. Game "Repeat".

A boy doll appears. A boy came to visit us. Let's ask, what's his name? What is your name? Ivan. Guys, what is the boy's name? (Ivan). Which sound did you hear this word first? (AND). Right, sound and. Guys, what do you think about this the sound can be sung? Let's let's try: and-and-and. Look in the mirror, your mouth is smiling, the tip of your tongue behind your bottom teeth. Sing it long and drawn out. Air flows freely. You guessed which one it is sound? (Vowel sound) . What circle will we use to denote sound and? (Red). Show the red circle.

Today you and I will say a lot of words with with the sound and and we recognize the letter and.

3. Game "Catch sound» .

And now you and I will catch sound and palms. Clap your hands only when you hear sound and.


4. Game "Present".

What is the name of our guest? (Ivan). Ivan brought us gifts. Let's see, what is this? They come out of the bag items: turkey, toffee, raisins. Name them. Where did you hear sound and - at the beginning (At the beginning of the word).

Turkey – Show on the strip where it is sound and? (At the beginning of the word). Place a red circle in this place. Toffee. Raisin.

There are still some items in the bag. Name them. Get toys or Pictures: sleds, skates. Where did you hear sound and - at the beginning, in the middle or at the end of a word? (At the end of a word).

Skates - show on the strip where it is sound and? (At the end of a word). Place a red circle in this place. Sled.

5. Game "One-many".

The children stand in a semicircle. The teacher says that now there will be a fun game with a ball. "One-many". The teacher throws the ball to each child in turn.

I tell you one object, and you tell me when there are many of these objects.

Ball - balls, sock - socks, hat - hats, fork - forks, spoon - spoons, cup - cups, leg - legs, arm - arms, shoulder - shoulders, elbow - elbows. Guys, where did we hear? sound and(balls, socks? (At the end of words.)

6. Physical education minute "Present".

We brought you gifts,

Whoever wants it will take it.

Here's a doll with a bright ribbon,

Horse, top and plane.

One of the children imitates the action of a wind-up toy, and the others repeat it.

7. Letter I. A house for vowels is exhibited sounds and the letter I.

The teacher introduces children to letter.

This - letter I. Letter And he will live in a red house, because sound and – vowel, and vowels sounds What color do we use? (Red).

I got a hammer from some planks knocked down a letter.

How many planks are there? - Three!

Which one letter? –(AND.)

We write letter Both big and small.

Who can tell me how the donkey talks? (Eeyore). How many sounds you heard? (two). Which sound first? (AND). Second? (A). Read what is written here? (Eeyore).

Listen to me tell you. Aui. How many sounds you heard? (Three). Which one is the first? sound? (A). Second? (y). Third? (AND). Read what is written on the card. That same: Iua, Uia.

8. Summary. A game "Guess the word".

Using a card divided into 3 parts, the teacher puts at the beginning of it letter And he invites the children to guess what word is intended.

I will pronounce part of the word without sound I. You will complete it sound And say the whole word. _zbushka, _ndyuk, _zum, _grushki, _tools, _nzhir.

Then letter And moves to the end of the strip and the same task is given with words without the last sound. Skate_, sled_, stick_, fork_, plate_, bag_.

Sections: Speech therapy

  • To consolidate children's knowledge of consonant and vowel sounds, the skill of distinguishing between hard and soft consonant sounds.
  • Introduce the sounds [В], [В‘], the letter В.
  • Learn to determine the place of sounds [В], [В'] in words.
  • Develop the ability to divide words into syllables in different ways.
  • Develop skills in analysis and synthesis of syllables.
  • Practice writing sentences with prepositions.
  • Develop thinking, attention, fine and gross motor skills.


KuklaVarya, pictures are symbols of sounds (symbols of sounds are used from the manual by R.N. Buneev, E.V. Buneeva, T.R. Kislov “On the Road to the ABC”.

Rice. 1

Consonant sound map (represents a 25x25 cm square, consisting of blue and green stripes (Fig. 2); pictures whose names contain the sounds [В], [В'], individual notebooks with schematic images of words, plasticine.

Rice. 2

Progress of the lesson

1. Organizational moment.

Formation in a circle. Game “Pass the ball in a circle, say the first sound in your neighbor’s name.”


– What sounds are [P], [M], [N], what? (Consonants, hard.)

– Sounds [D’], [K’]? (Consonants, soft.)

– What sounds are [A], [O], what? (Vowels.)

The questions use the sounds that were the first in the children's names.

2. Formulating the topic of the lesson, setting the educational task.

Children are asked to sit down on the carpet.

– I’ll tell you the story that happened with the Varya doll.

– In the spring, Varya went out into the yard and heard a drawn-out howl V-V-V-V. She hurried to the howl and saw her friend Vova.

- Why are you howling like that Vova?

- I sing the song of the spring wind.

“But that’s how a wolf howls.”

A picture symbol of the sound B is displayed.

– And the cheerful spring breeze sings: V’-V’-V’-V’.

The sound symbol B’ is displayed.

- Say how a wolf howls as you exhale. Inhale deeply and say V-V-V as long as you have enough air.

- Now it’s like a breeze. Inhale – B’-B’-B’. (Exercises are performed standing)

– What sounds will we talk about today? ( We will talk about the sounds [В], [В']).

- What sound is B? ( hard consonant). What about the sound [B’]? ( soft consonant).

3. Work on the topic of the lesson.

Work in notebooks.

- Sit down at the tables.

- Open your notebooks. Look at the pictures.

Sounds in a word disappear and appear again.
The sounds of the word change, they themselves change.

– You and I will look for the place of sounds [В], [В’] in words – names of pictures.

– In the word crow, what sound do you hear? [ В] or [В‘]?

– Where is the sound in a word? ( The sound [B] is at the beginning of the word.)

– Color in the first square on the word diagram. What kind of pencil will you need? ( Blue.)

- Say the next word. ( Cow.)

– What sound do you hear in the word [В] or [В]’?

– Where is this sound? Color the corresponding square.

- Say the next word. ( Door.) What sound is in this word? ([IN']). Where is this sound located? Color the corresponding square. Think about what color pencil you need.

The same work is done with the word - cherries.

– Close your notebooks. Move to the edge of the table.

Game “Lay out the pictures”.

– Take four pictures from the tray. Consider. If the name of the picture has the sound B, put the card on the blue stripe, if [B’] - on the green stripe.

Be careful, sounds can be at the beginning, in the middle and at the end of the word.

Come out onto the carpet. Do with me:

A vowel sound makes friends with a consonant.

(Clap your hands above your head.)
Forming a syllable together.(They hold hands.)
The guys and I walk, we count parts of the word.(They walk.)

– Count the number of syllables in the word VA-GO-NY in steps – all together.

– Now stamp your foot in the word SO-VA.

- With claps in the word VO-DO-LA-ZY. Palm to chin, in the word VO-RO-NA.

Working with sound cards.

– Take cards, symbols of sounds. Find the sound symbol B.

– Lay out the syllable VA. What sounds form this syllable? (B, A.)

– Replace the sound A with O. What syllable did you get? (IN.)

– Swap the sounds B and O. Say what syllable you get. (OV.)

- Remove the cards.

Preposition V.

– The sound B also means the small word B. It is used when an object moves or hides inside. Varya and Vova love to play hide and seek, but they don’t hide themselves, they hide their toys. Come to me, tell me who hid the toys where. (Varya hid the bear in a box. Vova hid the robot in a truck.)

– Make up other sentences with the word B.

Introducing the letter V.

– The sounds [B], [B’] are indicated by a letter. Showing a letter.

Here the letter B is visible in the distance, beautiful, twisted.
As if they had baked a pretzel, waiting for guests to come into the house.

– Name the elements that make up a letter. (A stick and two semicircles.)

– Let’s show you some finger exercises about letters and sounds.

There are many sounds in the world,

(clench and unclench fists)
The rustle of leaves, the splash of waves.
(Clapping alternates with fist bumps.)
But there are sounds of speech,
We need to know them for sure.
(Fingers shake hands, starting with the thumb.)
We pronounce sounds clearly,(imitate pronunciation, listening)
We listen carefully,
We read the letters correctly,
(download index fingers of both hands).
We write them carefully.(Imitate writing.)

- Sit down at the tables. Make the letter B from magic plasticine.

– Admire the letters.

Rice. 3

Rice. 4

- Well done, you worked well in class.