Combined house designs. Houses made of stone - unique charm and reliability

A private, beautiful spacious house, built with your own hands, attracts many. But it's one thing to dream about own home, and it’s completely different to erect a structure from the foundation to the roof. Today, residential buildings made of stone and wood are very popular.

The chalet style is gaining momentum and becoming fashionable direction in construction. Designers offer a variety of projects combined houses belonging to the elite, middle and economy class. In most cases, future owners of private housing are interested in inexpensive projects combined houses made of stone and wood.

In addition to low cost, combined chalet houses made of stone and wood attract many advantages. Among these, it should be noted:

  • Durability of the structure.
  • High level of wear resistance and strength.
  • Fire safety.

Plus, wooden structures are cozy and heat-preserving. And in combination with brickwork, such a structure looks beautiful and solid. To ensure that the materials used are not wasted, craftsmen recommend thinking in advance in what way they will be used. The most popular is the project of a combined house in the chalet style.

Not good options

Designs of combined houses are different. Reviews from masters claim that not all of them are successful. For example, an option in which a brick structure is first built and then lined with wood paneling can ultimately lead to damage to the materials. Let's not forget that brick and wood have different coefficients of thermal expansion. If brickwork When clad with wood correctly, sufficient distance must be left between the materials. But over time, insects and rodents may appear in this space.

The opposite option is also possible, in which a wooden structure is faced with brick. But rearranging the sequence of materials used does not change the essence. Between layers of materials, mold, mildew, and bark beetles can form.

Best projects

Reviews about turnkey combined houses made of stone and wood claim that the most optimal combination of materials is floor-by-floor, as shown in the photo. For example, a project for such a structure might look like this:

  • The first floor is a brick building in which utility rooms are located - kitchen, dining room, boiler room, guest room with a fireplace.
  • The second floor is made of wood. A bedroom, a nursery, and guest rooms are located here. The delicate aroma of wood will promote relaxation and tranquility.

Reviews from craftsmen claim that to create an ideal combined house project, it is necessary to take into account the requirements and wishes of the customer. In any case, the master must warn the future owner that it is better to place engineering Communication on the first floor. Considering the lightness of wood, there is no need to build from of this material first floor. The supporting walls must be made of stone so that the house as a whole is strong and reliable.


Combined house stone wood turnkey economy class, can be built from concrete monolithic foundation, ceramic bricks and pine wood. Since the house is two-story, stairs inside the structure are a must.

An excellent choice is wooden stairs inside the house and monolithic ones outside. A magnificent addition to the building is the attic on the second floor, which has decorative finishing similar in color to the decoration of the walls of the first floor.

Economy-class projects of combined houses made of stone and wood in the chalet style must necessarily include a spacious terrace. This structural element is distinctive feature such housing. Another must-have element successful project in the chalet style, is the presence of a flat roof with a wide wingspan. Thanks to this solution, the wood part of the structure is protected from moisture and precipitation.

In modern times, there are many ideas that are taken into account in the matter of construction. A house made of foam block and wood often becomes the choice of owners of land plots who want to construct an unusual, at the same time budget-friendly and aesthetically beautiful structure for living or recreation.

House project made of foam blocks and wood

Such designs have many advantages. Those who have already become the owner of a house made of foam block and wood will be able to especially note them. Such buildings serve long years and never cease to amaze with their remarkable and reliability. This shelter can rightfully be called excellent option, and also a wonderful place for permanent residence.

Often a material such as foam block is chosen. This material has a lot of factors that favor the choice of this particular raw material for the construction of a residential building structure. Reasons why they are popular:

All these advantages of foam concrete blocks indicate that it is not for nothing that many rely on this type building material.

Disadvantages of foam concrete blocks

Along with a huge number of advantages, like everyone building materials, foam concrete blocks They also have a number of disadvantages.

Existing types and sizes of foam concrete blocks

These are:

As you can see, there are significantly fewer disadvantages than advantages, and besides, you can handle the material in such a way that you don’t even have to remember the disadvantages.

An example of a house built entirely from foam concrete

What are the advantages of timber houses?

Often found on private property. Projects for timber structures are presented in a wide range on the modern market. It is not surprising that such houses are built by people with different levels of financial capabilities. In addition, such material has whole line advantages due to which the bet is placed on it:

These advantages help owners of land plots to decide exactly what exactly such structures are worthy of having their place on the territory of their plots.

Interior and design of a timber cottage

Disadvantages of houses.
Along with the advantages, there are also a number of disadvantages. You should weigh everything so that you don’t end up in the red later:

Advantages of combined houses made of foam block and wood

The ideal solution for those who cannot decide on the choice of material for construction is the construction of combined houses made of foam blocks and wood. It is fundamentally new idea, which will help eliminate all possible disadvantages of the two materials and use only their advantages. Positive aspects, which are dominated by combined houses made of foam blocks and wood are:

  • Rational use of both materials;
    Decorating a house made of wood and foam blocks

  • Thanks to the combination, the first floor is durable and not subject to corrosion. The second floor, the main material of which is wood, creates a harmonious atmosphere in the space and provides the design of the house with new trends in architectural ideas;
  • A building constructed from combinations of two materials is advantageous in terms of pricing. Both types of raw materials are quite affordable in price, and their the right combination will help to avoid possible disadvantages that each of the materials has;

  • have a harmonious and aesthetically pleasing appearance. The exterior of such structures looks attractive and modern;
  • Also houses made of wood and foam concrete blocks, thanks to new technology, combine durability and environmentally friendly space.
    Option for the design and construction of a combined two-story cottage

In general, we can say with confidence that combined houses are a worthy solution for those who prefer durability and reliability, and also like to manage their budget wisely.

It is the combined houses that become the choice of those who prefer reasonable expenditure of funds and the organization of a harmonious, thoughtful space.

Features of the construction of combined houses made of foam block and wood

Of course, the construction of combined houses has its own characteristics. Due to these features, the choice often falls on this type of building. These are:

  • Construction speed;
  • Erect combined house It’s quite easy for even a person who has no previous experience in construction to cope with the task. Of course, if you have no skills at all in the matter of construction, then it is better to seek help from professionals;
    An example of a second floor design with a closed balcony

    The process of constructing a foam block building

  • Construction of a combined house according to a pre-selected project will not be difficult... The most important thing is to think through all the details at the stage of choosing a design;
  • When a house is built according to a project, the owner of the land plot will not have to purchase materials for the house with a reserve. This will help you significantly save your budget and become the owner of a magnificent “fortress” in which both relaxation and life are unusual and filled with harmony;
  • Combined houses should be built in stages. This will allow the structure to take the necessary stability and adapt to environment;
    The process of building a combined house made of timber

  • First of all, of course, it is organized. Due to the lightness of the design, a “pillow” for a building will be inexpensive. Materials that do not give high load based on the structure, will allow significantly;
  • The next stage in the construction of combined structures is the laying of foam concrete blocks. This material must be handled very carefully. This will help you avoid incurring additional costs for purchasing additional units of raw materials that have deteriorated during the laying process;
    The process of laying foam concrete blocks

  • After the foam concrete blocks have been laid, it should be a short time leave the design. Foam concrete blocks must become resilient and adapt to the prevailing climatic situation;
  • Then you can begin construction of the second floor. Sometimes in combined houses it is assumed that the entire structure will be built from wooden beams, and then finishing the finished structure with foam concrete blocks on top of wood. In this case, the steps of action are clear.
    If each of the blocks (foam concrete blocks and wood) are separate, then the construction of the second floor will require additional efforts from the owner of the land plot or from construction company. Combined houses made of foam blocks and wood must be built thoughtfully, carefully fulfilling the requirements for density and adhesion of materials;
  • After the second floor is ready, the owners of the land plot can move into a residential building.

Design and design of a residential country cottage

These are just some of the features of combined houses. It is best to obtain a complete list of instructions on the construction of such buildings from experienced craftsmen in this matter. Video review of a combined house made of wood and foam blocks.

The construction of combined houses is a promising direction in private housing construction. It allows you to combine the advantages of two types of materials and reduce the cost of building a house. One of the common varieties is combined houses made of foam blocks and timber - this option will allow you to build a warm and durable building, while significantly reducing costs.

What are the advantages of such houses

A combined house made of a thermal block and timber is usually a two-story building or a house with an attic, in which traditional masonry is used to create the lower part, and the upper part is assembled from timber using classic log house technology. A house made of timber and foam blocks will cost relatively inexpensively, and this is one of the main reasons for its popularity. However, it also has other advantages:

  • Environmental friendliness is combined with durability: any concrete buildings do not contribute to normal air exchange, and life outside the city will not be different from living in an ordinary city apartment. However, the upper floor made of timber will make it possible to eliminate this drawback, and the building will be pleasant to breathe and comfortable to be in.
  • AND aerated concrete blocks, and timber is classified as a lightweight building material, so the building will have a relatively light weight. This will give the owner the opportunity to save on the foundation, since a light foundation will be enough.
  • A combined house made of blocks and timber is built relatively quickly. Both materials are very convenient to use: the foam block can be easily cut, and due to its large size, you can complete the masonry much faster than using brick. It does not shrink, so the first floor of the house will be immediately ready for finishing; in addition, it has high thermal insulation characteristics.
  • The tree is also warm material, and the building will end up cooling and warming up very slowly. It will be comfortable at any time of the year.

House designs made from foam blocks and timber are distinguished by great design diversity and rich planning possibilities: they allow you to implement almost any option. In addition, the house can have a variety of finishing options: timber and block walls will be smooth, so you can use any decorative coating options for them.

The lower part of the building can be finished with tiles, natural stone, and other materials. Timber walls can be left unfinished, but it is recommended to additionally protect them from rotting with paint and varnish materials. In addition, treatment with antiseptics will be required: special compounds will protect the wood from rotting.

Features of the construction of combined houses made of timber and blocks

The project of a combined house made of foam blocks and timber can be standard and individual: according to traditional scheme on the lower floor there is a living room, kitchen and other common areas, and the upper floor is reserved for bedrooms, children's rooms, and a work room can be placed on it. The use of combined materials in this case becomes especially advantageous: foam block is durable non-flammable material, which will become a reliable foundation for the house, provide good heat and sound insulation and become the best solution for the lower part of the house.

It does not decompose from water and easily tolerates temperature changes. With proper finishing, it will be additionally protected from the vagaries of the weather.

The upper floor, reserved for bedrooms, will help create a particularly cozy atmosphere. Many people like the look timber walls, so they are left unfinished; you can varnish them on water based or paint.

At the same time, on the top floor the atmosphere will be especially light and pleasant, and it will be comfortable to stay in the bedrooms. This is the main advantage of the combination of materials with proper waterproofing, the timber will be protected from moisture, and it will retain its beneficial properties for a very long time.

Is there an economic benefit?

Foam concrete itself is inexpensive material, and yet the use of timber will further reduce costs. The economic benefit depends on which version of the timber the owner chooses:

Using a combination of timber and foam blocks will make the building more durable without additional costs. This is a more democratic option compared to brick building, but it will be no less reliable.

Combined houses made of foam blocks and wood are buildings that combine strength, comfort and excellent thermal insulation qualities. Combining two materials in one house gives good results. This direction in construction is becoming more and more popular and widespread. There are quite good reasons for this trend.

Advantages of combined houses

Until recently, a common combination option various materials there were houses made of brick and wood. Such structures were distinguished not only by their strength, but also by their significant weight. It took a lot of time to build the first floor out of brick. In addition, under brick walls it was necessary to lay a powerful and heavy foundation, which significantly increased construction costs. The use of foam blocks has significantly influenced the technology of construction of two-story buildings for various purposes.

Houses made of wood and foam blocks have the following advantages:

  1. Affordable price. Foam block is a relatively inexpensive material. Compared to brick, foam block masonry will cost several times less. Since the stones have precise shapes, only a small amount of adhesive is used when laying the wall.
  2. Ecological cleanliness. In the construction of combined houses, materials are used that are completely safe for human health.
  3. High construction speed. Big sizes stones and timber contribute to the fact that walls made from them are erected very quickly. Foam blocks do not shrink. For this reason, immediately after finishing the masonry, you can begin building the second floor and installing windows and doors.
  4. Breathability. Both foam concrete blocks and wood are highly breathable. In such a house, optimal air humidity and a comfortable microclimate will always be maintained.
  5. Low thermal conductivity. For both materials this characteristic is at the proper level. This helps reduce heating and cooling costs for the building.
  6. Ease. The structure is relatively light in weight. There is no need for a heavy and bulky base for it. A light strip foundation is sufficient.

The finished walls have an almost perfectly flat surface. There is no need to align them. This factor significantly reduces the costs of external and interior decoration. The use of lightweight materials removes almost all restrictions on the design and layout of combined buildings.

Design options

Combined houses consist of two floors made of different materials.

The walls of the first level are made of durable stones that do not shrink and are able to withstand the weight of the second level.

The first floor can be used for equipment:

  1. Store. This is quite convenient, since there is no need to go to work and waste time on lunch breaks.
  2. Workshop. The space on the first level is quite enough to install several machines, a sawmill, and auto repair equipment.
  3. Residential premises. It is quite possible to plan a kitchen, living room, bathroom, dining room and pantry. Considering the specifics of these rooms, it is advisable to lay out the floors in them with tiles, having previously installed a “warm floor” system.

Aerated concrete blocks have sufficient thermal insulation qualities to ensure that a comfortable microclimate is constantly maintained on the ground floor. The stones are non-flammable and do not deteriorate from high humidity and temperature changes.

As for the second floor, built of wood, there is only one option - to use it for arranging living quarters. On the upper level it is advisable to place a bedroom, a nursery and an office. The wood has a pleasant appearance. Walls made of timber do not need finishing. You can emphasize the structure of wood using varnish or stain. Wooden walls will create a pleasant and light atmosphere of peace and comfort.

Can be used to build a house standard projects or bring it to life own ideas. You should take into account construction and sanitary rules so as not to endanger the lives of yourself and your loved ones.

Construction stages

Despite the significant amount of work, the construction of a combined house is a relatively simple undertaking. First of all, it is necessary to select a building material.

Foam blocks are available in various configurations. You need to choose stones from which you can lay out walls 30-40 cm thick. This layer is quite enough so that the house does not overheat in the summer and does not freeze in the winter cold. To fasten the blocks, it is advisable to use a cement-based adhesive solution.

Wood that can be used in construction deserves special attention. IN Lately houses built according to frame technology. Despite their obvious ease, they have low price and excellent thermal insulation qualities. When constructing the second level using frame technology, timber, OSB boards and mineral wool are used.

Today there is a certain selection of types of timber that can be used in construction:

  1. Ordinary. This is the most cheap material. Its disadvantages include severe shrinkage and a large number of cracks and cracks that appear during the operation of the building.
  2. Profiled. The use of this material allows you to avoid the formation of cracks and gaps between the rims. The price of such timber is higher.
  3. Glued. This material is resistant to pressure and dampness. Cracks will never appear on it. But the cost of laminated timber is quite high.

For finishing foam blocks they are used ceramic tile, a natural stone or siding. If the house is being built in an area with a cold climate, then the walls can be insulated. For this you can use mineral wool, ecowool or polyurethane foam.

The main stages of building a combined house are as follows:

  1. Drawing up a project.
  2. Preparing the construction site.
  3. Construction of a strip foundation. Its depth should be below the freezing level of the soil. The base must be raised above the ground at least 40 cm.
  4. Laying out walls from foam blocks. Every 3 rows, reinforcement rods are laid between the stones.
  5. The top trim is made. For this purpose it is used steel frame and concrete solution.
  6. Stacked ceiling beams. A subfloor is being made for the second level.
  7. The walls of the second floor are being built.
  8. The ceiling of the second floor is being manufactured.
  9. Done rafter system and sheathing.
  10. Roofing material is being laid.

The final stage is the interior and exterior finishing of the building, arrangement of floors, ceilings and communications.

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The stone is solid, strong, durable, does not rot or deteriorate from moisture, and is fireproof. But in a stone building, many people feel a lack of comfort, and city stone apartments are quite boring. In addition, the stone takes too long to heat up if, say, you need to come to an unheated dacha in winter.

Wood has a beneficial effect on the psychological climate in the home, creating an atmosphere of warmth and comfort, and perfectly regulates the humidity in the room (“breathes”), creating an optimal microclimate for people. IN wooden house a different, more personal and emotional perception of the home arises than in a typical cell of a metropolitan high-rise building. But what frightens many people is that wood is a very flammable material; In addition, wood is afraid of moisture and microorganisms.

By combining a stone bottom and a wooden top in one building, we have the opportunity to “kill two birds with one stone” by dividing the functions between the stone and wooden parts in such a way as to take advantage of all the advantages of these materials. And the externally combined house looks unconventional and very beautiful. Therefore, projects of combined houses are deservedly popular.

Where is wood used and where is brick?

The first floor of a combined house can be built of brick (and in this case the most profitable solution- with external insulation using the “ventilated facade” method) or from foam or aerated concrete blocks. As a rule, it contains such “flammable” rooms as a kitchen, boiler room, fireplace room, sauna, and garage.

Second, attic floor is built from wood: rounded logs, glued or profiled timber, unplaned timber with external insulation and external finishing. Far from the wet ground and sheltered from the rain by large overhangs of the roof, and also treated with a protective and decorative composition, the wood lasts a long time, does not deteriorate and does not age. On the second floor, with its comfort and ecology, there are usually living rooms.

The interior decoration of a combined house is based on a “dialogue” of two main materials - stone and wood, which harmoniously combine with each other, at the same time creating variety and originality. Typically, the interiors of a combined cottage are designed in one of the varieties of “country” style, designed to emphasize the beauty natural materials and natural forms.

Chalet style houses

A combined cottage is a very beautiful and time-tested type of construction. Since the Middle Ages, similar buildings have been erected in the Alps, initially as shepherd's huts. Subsequently, brought to perfection, alpine style combined “chalet” houses have gained enormous popularity in Europe. It has bright and recognizable features, such as sloping gable roof with large overhangs and a canopy, spacious terraces, often located outside the perimeter of the house and supported by columns. But at the same time, the “chalet” architectural style gives the widest scope creative imagination. For example, the second floor can be made either in the form of a log house or in the medieval “half-timbered” style.

By the way, in pre-revolutionary Russia such houses were also held in high esteem. Practical merchants, for example, often installed residential wooden frame to the stone ground floor, where the store, warehouse and utility rooms were located.

Specific choice of building materials and constructive solutions allows you to flexibly and widely vary the budget for the construction of a combined country house. We offer you both standard projects and the construction of turnkey combined houses based on individual projects.