When tomatoes sprout: we take into account all factors. How long does it take for tomato seeds to germinate and what to do for excellent germination How long does it take for tomato seeds to germinate for seedlings

The main requirements for growing tomatoes are freshness and quality. seed material. Some people prefer to buy seeds in a store, others prepare them themselves. In both cases, keep in mind that the seeds of the first and second years of storage germinate first - after about 4-5 days, three to four year old material will sprout in a week and a half, while stale seeds may not sprout at all.

Size also matters: large, full-fledged seeds germinate quickly and quickly, while small, overdried ones lag behind and produce weak sprouts. Seed sorting by specific gravity carried out as follows:

  • Dissolve 1 teaspoon of regular water in a glass of lukewarm water. table salt.
  • The seeds are immersed in the solution for 20-30 minutes.
  • The seeds that float to the surface are discarded, those that sink to the bottom are removed and washed thoroughly under running water.

As a rule, manipulations with brine are carried out in relation to independently harvested seeds, since material from large agricultural companies is sorted before packaging.

The topic of tomato germination, how long it takes for seeds to germinate, worries summer residents. After all, the timing of planting seedlings in the ground and obtaining ripe juicy fruits depend on this. It is no coincidence that before planting, the seed is carefully sorted, separating weak, non-viable grains from large and healthy ones. Experienced gardeners carefully select soil mixtures for seedlings, understanding that this will determine the timing of growth and harvest.

Much has already been said about the selection of seeds, but apparently not enough. If the bet is placed on purchased material, then he must be highest quality. Compliance with the future “place of registration” (region) is required climatic zone, timing of fruit ripening. If “homemade preparations” are used, that is, seeds from tomatoes collected on one’s own plot, then they are dried and sorted, not forgetting the criticality of shelf life.

Seed material loses its quality over time. The same applies to purchased seeds, the expiration date of which is indicated on the packaging. On average, fresh, one-year-olds germinate in 4 days, three-year-olds - in 7. Overdried seeds will germinate in approximately 10 days. The smaller and more diseased the material, the lower its chances of sprouting.

What kind of soil is needed?

In fact, everything that is present (or absent) in the soil affects the future plant, its growth, size and taste of the fruit. Acidity of no more than 6.5 units according to the standard pH module is one of the fundamental success factors. Sandy loams are more suitable in nature than loams. Excessively “greasy” soil is diluted river sand.

Be sure to add organic matter - compost or humus. Manuring is carried out carefully, making sure that the fertilizer is rotted. Suitable minerals include superphosphates and potassium complexes. And it is necessary to loosen and dig up the soil to ensure access of oxygen to the seeds and the future root system.

Germination conditions

For future tomatoes, it is very important to provide the required conditions for the development of the embryo. These are temperature (in “cold” soil, development time slows down), humidity conditions, illumination of seedlings, as well as soil density. Failure to comply with at least one of the conditions will immediately affect the result.

Optimal temperature for germination of tomato seeds: 20... 25 °C, maximum 30 °C. At 10 °C and below, seedlings may not appear. Therefore, do not keep the boxes with crops on the windowsill, move them to a warm place. It can be found near the radiator, behind the refrigerator, in the hanging kitchen cabinet, in an unnecessarily standing incubator or on a heating pad.

Tomatoes remain viable for quite a long time - on average 4–5 years. If you collected the seeds yourself, do not forget to indicate on the bag in which they will be stored the date you received them.

To maximize germination, you need to take seeds that have been stored for no more than 5 years

Many vegetable growers want their seedlings to germinate very quickly. In order for tomato seedlings to grow faster, you need to plant the seeds correctly.

The expiration date is checked to find out how long after purchase the seeds cannot be used. Their optimal time storage is about five years. However, there are some varieties that can be used after 15 years from the date of purchase. For planting, it is recommended to use non-expired planting material.

Get rid of the bad planting material This is absolutely necessary, since it is impossible to determine how long it takes for seeds that were not pre-selected for planting to germinate. To sift out non-germinating seeds, the seed is placed in a glass filled with saline solution. The seed is kept in the liquid for about 20 minutes. During this time, seeds that will not germinate well will rise to the surface.


To improve the germination of tomato seeds, a technique is used, the essence of which is to soak the tomatoes in a special nutrient solution. To do this, you can use store-bought products or prepare everything yourself. Experienced gardeners Most often they use the second option, since it is more economical. So, how long to soak the seeds and what needs to be done for this?

Why don't tomatoes sprout?

In addition to favorable temperatures, for seedlings to emerge, moisture and breathable soil are needed. Additionally, seeds may not germinate if you sow them too deeply.

Errors due to which seeds do not germinate, how to prevent or correct them:

  • It was sown in poorly moistened soil or it dried out during germination and became crusty. Dig up a few seeds, if the seedlings have not yet appeared on them, then water them, cover the crops with film or glass so that the soil does not dry out anymore, and wait for the seedlings to appear. If you dig up and see that the seedlings have appeared, but have dried out or rotted, then sow the tomatoes again.
  • The earth was flooded and turned into mud. The seeds, being in such conditions for several days, most likely suffocated and rotted. Re-sow in loose, moist soil. Containers with crops must have drainage holes to drain excess water.
  • They deepened it a lot. Sow tomato seeds to a depth of 1 cm. If you think that tomatoes do not sprout for this reason, then try to get to 1-2 seeds, gradually raking the soil towards the side. Check: at what depth are they located, are there any seedlings. If the seedlings are already making their way to the light, then loosen the top 2–3 mm of the soil to help them overcome the border and wait. In the worst case, you may find seeds without sprouts and covered with mold, then you need to re-sow.

It is very important to know on what day the planted tomato seeds germinate. This information will be needed to transplant sprouted tomatoes into the soil in time. The germination period of seeds directly depends on the planting material used. If in open ground When dry seeds are planted, they take quite a long time to sprout. In this case, planted tomatoes begin to appear only after ten days.

Some people treat the seed with special solutions before planting. This is done to speed up the appearance of the first shoots. Treated tomatoes will appear within 5 days after sowing.

Every gardener, amateur or master of his craft, wants to harvest an impressive harvest of tomatoes. Everyone wants to pick large and juicy tomatoes, not small and tasteless fruits. There are a number of subtleties that should be taken into account when growing this vegetable.

Very often, plant growers ask questions: “In how many days will the seeds sprout? When to sow? How many days does it take for seeds to germinate? and so on... Knowing the germination time of vegetables is strategically important for determining the time of sowing seeds for seedlings.

So, let's look at what techniques we need to use to be sure that our tomatoes will germinate in a few days.

First we select the seeds. If you are a beginner gardener, do not buy rare varieties tomatoes that require extra care or non-standard conditions. Give preference unpretentious species who are not so picky. Pay attention to the production and storage times indicated on the packaging. For example, three-year-old seeds most likely germinate no faster than in a week, but the same A year-old variety will germinate in 3-4 days.

In order to ensure that by the time the seedlings are planted permanent place, it has grown to the required parameters, you need to know how many days it takes for tomatoes to sprout. Tomato seeds are almost identical and their germination rate is almost the same. Dry grains planted in open ground will germinate only after 10 days.

But you can reduce the germination time of tomatoes if you organize them optimal conditions. The seeds must be placed in water for several hours, and then transferred to the prepared soil. Then you need to cover it with film and take it to a warm place (25 0 C).

The timing of their germination will depend on the variety and quality of the seeds. Most often, the first shoots appear 5-7 days after planting. However, in order to achieve the desired result, it is necessary to maintain a temperature regime of 18-20 0 C. With colder air, the germination time of seeds will most likely be longer.

Planting depth is also important. Small seeds need light to germinate. Therefore, they need to be barely covered with soil.

Dates for planting tomato seeds:

  • early March - for growing tall varieties in greenhouses;
  • early April - for early and low-growing varieties that are planted in open ground.

Sowing tomato seeds should be done in half-liter cups. Seeds (1 piece) are planted in each container, deepened 1 cm and watered. It is permissible to plant several plants in one large container, and after germination, pick them up into separate glasses.

Before planting seeds, it is possible to germinate them in advance. The seed material is placed in a slightly wetted cloth and wrapped in 2-3 layers. Place in a warm place and periodically wet the cloth. After about 5-7 days, small shoots will appear. Following their appearance, the seeds are planted in containers and watered with water. Subsequent care of tomato seedlings includes organizing timely watering of the plants immediately before transplanting either into a greenhouse or into open ground. Please note that planting must be done with special care; under no circumstances should the roots or stems of the seedlings be damaged. Support is also needed temperature regime and periodic ventilation of the room, which prevents blackleg disease.

If you follow these simple rules, the long-awaited sprouts will not keep you waiting long.

To everyone who has started sowing and is waiting - when tomato seeds sprout, when to expect seedlings to sprout, what affects germination time: the experience of tomato growers and unexpected facts. And what to do when the deadlines have passed, but the shoots have not yet arrived.

When tomatoes sprout: it's simple

Germination time depends on the following factors:

  • Preparation (soaking, bubbling, treatment with growth stimulants);
  • Embedment depth;
  • Composition and density of the soil mixture;
  • Microclimate: t air and soil, humidity.
  • Variety: some varieties (hybrids) are distinguished by an incredible germination rate, while others are slow. However, given the range of terms, the difference is not critical - 2-3 days.

In how many days will they sprout? Thermometer to the rescue! And a ruler

How many days does it take for tomato seeds to germinate: it all depends on the thermometer: look at the temperature of the air.

Permissible air temperature is from +23 °C, optimal up to +25…+27 °C.

  • At t +25…+27 °C, seedlings will sprout on the 4-5th day;
  • At t +23…+25 °C – for 5-7 days.

And lower? Increase the air temperature urgently: they are cold! They may not rise. And this is the ground temperature.

  • At soil temperature +23…25 °C, tomatoes sprout in 4-5 days;
  • At +20…+23 °C – loops appear in 6-7 days.
  • Below +8 °C you can’t wait for them.

Depending on the sowing depth:

  • When planted to a depth of 0.8-1 cm after 7-10 days;
  • All other things being equal, to a depth of 1.5-2 cm in 4-6 days.

What and how affects the germination rate

The age of the seeds plays almost no role. Germination is up to 5-6 years, and when stored in refrigeration chambers and up to 7. The germination percentage in the first two to three years of cutting for high-quality seeds is up to 90%.


Tomato seeds do not have a rough seed coat soaked in essential oils: they do not need long water procedures.

View " water procedures” does not affect the development of seedlings: it will simply speed up the opening of the seed valves - the so-called. pecking. And the composition is not important: you just need moisture.

Submerging tomato seeds in water is a bad practice. And leave it in a damp cloth for more than 12 hours, too.

Why? The seedlings may rot. And leaving them in water for more than 24 hours is barbaric.

Place the seeds in damp (!) foam rubber on a cotton pad. And at room temperature, after 12 hours, wait for the doors to open. The maximum is 24 hours.

And you shouldn’t wait for long sprouts to appear: they have no place in the light.

The doors opened, a white spine of 1-2 mm is visible - put them in the box!

About stimulants

In how many days will they sprout? Timing taking into account all factors: temperature, soil, depth. What else affects seed germination?

They are not needed without need. Why? It's like taking medicine when you're healthy. Or to grow up and grow old faster.

And this is not an exaggeration: biologically active drugs- not nutrition, but stimulation of hormone production, depletion of seed reserves for rapid germination.

They are needed when growth is slow as a last resort. From side effects: Having spent the reserve on express germination, seedlings slow down their development.

Plants will require intensive care in the form of additional food: your reserve has been exhausted.

When tomato seeds sprout: timing of sprouting in days, taking into account all factors. And some useful tips.

Stimulation of growth cells leads to premature aging of tomato plants and more.

  • This is early lignification of the stem;
  • Yellowing of foliage;
  • Poor tying.

This problem occurs with frequent use of dietary supplements, but it is better not to take risks: if the seeds are of high quality and calibrated, they will sprout in due time. And if they don’t sprout, it’s for the best: it will save you the hassle of dealing with unproductive plants.

About potassium permanganate

They have already outgrown it. And they will rise slowly.

It's better to forget her. Antibacterial activity is minimal: it does not affect fungal spores or viral diseases.

What about late blight? And tomato seeds infected with late blight will not sprout: nature has taken care of us.

Bathing seeds in potassium permanganate is fraught with a burn to the embryo during long-term procedures, and is pointless during short-term ones.

This is the opinion of many experts. Even Dr. Mittleider, known for his unconventional approach to agricultural technology, does not recognize the method as necessary.

About soil and depth

Germination depends on the mechanical composition: it should be moderately light and free-flowing. This is a mixture of peat, purchased (garden) soil, sand or sawdust, and coconut fiber. And it must be moist when sowing. For what?

Watering washes away the seeds and sinks them to an unknown depth. This will delay germination time. Spray from a spray bottle to create fog under the film. Not for moisturizing!

Deepen to 1.5-2 seed heights - or 2-2.5 diameters. But no more than 1.5 cm, or 2 cm taking into account the layer of earth crushed on top.

They can also be sown superficially – up to 1 cm. The method has disadvantages.

Seedlings need layers of soil to get rid of the seed coat. During germination, the embryo bends into a loop, extending the cotyledons.

The higher the soil layer, the faster the cotyledons will be freed from their shells due to mechanical friction.

What if there are no shoots? What to do?

When they sprout, and what influences the speed of emergence of looped seedlings. And what to do if there are no shoots.

  1. Temperature contrast: place in a cool place (+12…+15 °C) for 1-2 hours, then in a warm place up to +25 °C: several times.
  2. If t does not match, place the box in a warm place, on a warm windowsill. Do not keep it on heat sources: this dries out the soil.
  3. Check the soil and air humidity: if it’s dry, no greenhouse effect- inject. But no condensation needed!
  4. Lightly pour (spray) any stimulant: half measure, because will bury the seeds, and they must be completely immersed in the solution.

What if it doesn't help? This means you are lucky: there will be no hassle with barely alive bushes. And quickly - replant!

Knowing, Let's hope the experience will be more successful. Let the seedlings grow strong, the tomatoes grow sweet, and there will be a good harvest!

For many vegetable growers, growing tomatoes is the most important thing during the spring and summer months. This one begins exciting process from sowing seeds to seedlings, and with the onset of heat, the strengthened plants are transferred to open ground under temporary shelter or to a greenhouse. To correctly determine the timing of replanting, you need to know how long it takes tomato seeds to germinate and take into account all the factors that affect the germination of the seed.

Seed quality and shelf life

The main requirements for growing tomatoes are the freshness and quality of the seed. Some people prefer to buy seeds in a store, others prepare them themselves. In both cases, keep in mind that the seeds of the first and second years of storage germinate first - after about 4-5 days, three to four year old material will sprout in a week and a half, while stale seeds may not sprout at all.

Size also matters: large, full-fledged seeds germinate quickly and quickly, while small, overdried ones lag behind and produce weak sprouts. Seeds are sorted by specific gravity as follows:

  • Dissolve 1 teaspoon of regular table salt in a glass of lukewarm water.
  • The seeds are immersed in the solution for 20-30 minutes.
  • The seeds that float to the surface are discarded, those that sink to the bottom are removed and washed thoroughly under running water.

As a rule, manipulations with brine are carried out in relation to independently harvested seeds, since material from large agricultural companies is sorted before packaging.

Pre-sowing seed treatment

To speed up the emergence of seedlings, it is recommended to thoroughly warm up the seed material shortly before starting work: 2 days at + 30 °C, then another 3 days at +50 °C. If you buy seeds from the same trusted manufacturer for several years in a row, you can skip the disinfection stage, but it is advisable to still pickle the material you prepared yourself or unfamiliar to it in order to prevent the seedlings from becoming infected with destructive viral, fungal or bacterial diseases.

There are several ways to disinfect seeds:

  • add 1 drop of the drug “Fitosporin” to 100 ml of water and place the material selected for sowing into the resulting solution for 1-2 hours;
  • aloe juice is diluted with water in a ratio of 1: 1 and put in the refrigerator for 5-6 days, after the time has passed, tomato seeds are soaked in the infusion for a day;
  • the material is immersed in the solution for 24 hours baking soda(1 g/200 ml) - such treatment not only helps to destroy pathogenic flora, but also stimulates the early formation of fruit ovaries in the future;
  • the seeds are tied in gauze and kept in a 1% solution of potassium permanganate for 15-20 minutes.

After disinfection, the material is rinsed in clean water. It is advisable to soak stale, overdried or too small seeds in a solution of a growth stimulator (Emin, Zircon, Energen, Immunocytophyte). Old, hopelessly expired seeds are brought back to life by soaking them in melt water or bubbling ( oxygen treatment with help aquarium compressor). Excellent results are obtained by soaking the seed in the preparations “Ideal”, “New Ideal” or “Zaslon”. These fertilizers contain natural stimulants growth - humic substances that accelerate seed germination and stimulate the development of seedlings.

Soil preparation and sowing technology

The qualitative composition and structure of the soil also influence the rate of seed germination. Tomatoes sown in heavy, dense soil germinate slowly, and in a poor substrate, seedlings will suffer from lack of nutrition. To provide crops with maximum comfortable conditions, experts recommend preparing the soil mixture yourself. Here are some good options:

  • black soil + garden soil+ sand + vermiculite (1: 1: 1: 0.5);
  • sand + deoxidized high peat (1: 3);
  • peat + turf soil + rotted sawdust (7: 1: 0.5);
  • peat + humus + fermented sawdust + rotted mullein (3: 1: 0.5: 0.5);
  • turf soil, leaf humus, peat chips, sand (1: 1: 1: 1).

At the end of the work, the disinfected soil is watered with a 1% solution of the “Baikal-M” preparation (according to the instructions) or another EM fertilizer, covered with a thick film and left for 10-15 days in a warm place, so that by the time of sowing the beneficial ones have time to multiply in it. microorganisms for plants.
Ready-made soil mixtures are also suitable for growing seedlings, for example “Microgreenhouse”, “Tomato”, “ Living earth", "Special N 1".

Sowing tomato seeds for seedlings is carried out as follows:

  • The seedling container is filled with nutrient substrate.
  • Furrows are made in the soil 0.4-0.7 cm deep, at a distance of 3-4 cm from each other.
  • The seeds are placed in a furrow at intervals of 2-3 cm.
  • The crops are sprinkled with a layer of soil and watered with warm, settled water through a sprayer.

Upon completion of work, the container is covered cling film or glass and placed close to the heat source.


The germination rate of tomato seeds directly depends on the ambient temperature:

  • at +25…+30 °C the first shoots will appear 3-4 days after sowing;
  • at +20…+25 °C green loops will appear from the ground in 5-7 days;
  • if the room temperature is kept at +10...+15 °C, you will have to wait 2 weeks for seedlings.

With the appearance of young green shoots, the ambient temperature is lowered to +14...+16 °C so that the seedlings do not stretch out, and additional artificial lighting is provided for the growing seedlings.


Water the crops very carefully, since fragile tomato seedlings are prone to rotting. If you overdo it with watering, the seedlings will die before they even emerge from the ground. If the soil in the container retains moisture well, the seedlings do not need to be watered until the seedlings develop their first true leaf. If the surface layer of soil has dried out, it should be sprayed, preventing drops from getting on the stems of the seedlings.

Note! To water crops and growing seedlings, you should use soft water, filtered and settled for 24 hours, always warm (2-3 °C above room temperature). Tap water collected immediately before use contains a lot of lime and chlorine, which inhibit the development of embryos and slow down seed germination.

Sowing seeds in open ground

Traditional sowing of tomatoes and planting seedlings in the ground are carried out in early spring, but some gardeners practice summer cultivation of tomato bushes. This is done like this:

  • In mid-summer, in a sunny, wind-protected area, dig a trench 20-30 cm deep.
  • The trench is filled with compost mixed with soil in a 1:1 ratio, and the bed is generously watered with warm water.
  • Seeds of early ripe tomatoes are sown in moist soil to a depth of 0.5-0.7 cm.
  • The crops are covered with non-woven material.

In warm, humid climates, seedlings emerge from the ground within 5-6 days. Once they appear, the covering material is removed. Caring for summer-sown tomatoes comes down to regular watering and fertilizing of the plants, timely loosening and weeding of the soil.

When the seedlings grow up to 15 cm in height, the bed is completely covered with a thick film (you need to cut holes in it for the plants first) to prevent the roots from overcooling, and metal arcs are installed over the plantings, over which non-woven material to protect bushes from heavy rains and cold August dew. Tomatoes will begin to bear fruit at the end of summer. To extend this harvest festival until mid-October, in cold weather, fresh manure or stones heated over a fire are laid between the rows to warm the plants.