When will the closing ceremony of the Olympics take place in Rio? The colorful closing ceremony of the Summer Olympics took place at the legendary Maracanã stadium in Rio.

The Summer Olympics in Brazil are over. The Olympic flame has gone out, the athletes are going home. The final chord was the colorful closing ceremony in Rio de Janeiro and, as part of it, the parade of athletes. Now that the competition itself is behind them, they can finally allow themselves to relax a little and immerse themselves in the atmosphere of the carnival. Even the pouring rain did not spoil the mood.

Our Olympians went to the closing ceremony in high spirits. The gold medalists in synchronized swimming set the tone. They entertained their teammates all the way. At this time, the stage at the Maracanã stadium blossomed with strange flowers, which first formed the main attractions of Rio de Janeiro, including the famous Corcovado mountain, topped with a statue of Christ, and then the Olympic rings. The closing ceremony, as it should be in Brazil, was like an endless carnival, not only on stage, but also behind the scenes.

You can study geography using the inscriptions on the form. All the world's national teams gathered in this cramped room, waiting for their turn to enter the stadium. Here, an athlete from the Canadian wrestling team lifted a volleyball player who was twice her height on her shoulders as a bet. Nearby, our canoeists are preening before the ceremony. And the athlete from Singapore was so tired of waiting that he simply fell asleep right there next to the trash can. But the main entertainment for athletes after the competition is the exchange of badges. They are collected and worn around the neck.

The ceremony was watched through the doorway. At this time, the climax is approaching on stage. National flags are brought out. Russian - for the first time in the history of the domestic Olympic movement in the hands of two athletes at once, five-time Olympic champions in synchronized swimming Natalya Ishchenko and Svetlana Romashina. But, as luck would have it, the weather turned bad, heavy rain poured down, and if the seats for spectators are located under the roof, then even the plastic raincoats carefully provided by the organizers cannot save the athletes. The Russian team enters the Maracana stadium. There were moments at this Olympics when Russian athletes were whistled and stomped, but now 80 thousand people in the stands are welcoming the Olympians. Athletes did not compete in teams, but in a mixed pattern, which, according to the organizers, should symbolize the unifying power of sport.

Meanwhile, the action unfolds on stage, telling first about the ancient peoples who inhabited Brazil, which we know only from excavations, and about folk crafts, about which almost nothing is known outside Brazil - lace weaving and clay toys that come to life as the action progresses . At the same time, the athletes cannot see what is happening on stage. Many stand on chairs or climb on each other's shoulders.

After the traditional awarding of the marathon winners, Elena Isinbaeva appears at the stadium, who, along with three other athletes, was elected as a member of the IOC Athletes’ Commission. The Olympic flag is lowered and the baton is passed to Japan. In a brief but powerful introduction to the host country of the next games, the Japanese Prime Minister made a surprise appearance as the famous video game hero Super Mario. However, the athletes no longer saw this - having completely gotten wet, everyone headed out and, to the sounds of samba coming from the stadium, stood in line for a long time for the bus.

The Olympic Games are over, and athletes can now relax at least for a while and even allow themselves to deviate from the strict championship diet.

And at the stadium they extinguished the Olympic flame, which burned throughout the 16 days of the competition, and staged a traditional Brazilian carnival with bright costumes and fiery samba. The culmination of the ceremony was a colorful fireworks display.

Anyone who did not have time to watch the night broadcast from the Maracanã stadium in Rio will be able to watch the closing ceremony of the Olympic Games in the recording. Repeat - immediately after the news release.

Closing of the Rio 2016 Olympics watch online. The Olympic Games in Rio de Janeiro are coming to an end. The official Closing Ceremony of the Olympics will take place tonight. Due to the 6-hour time difference with Brazil, it will be possible to watch the Ceremony in Russia at 01:15 Moscow time, that is, on Monday, August 22. The closing ceremony will take place at the Maracana Stadium. This majestic stadium seats over 80,000 people. All participants, as well as the winners of these Summer Olympic Games, will walk through the stadium. In total, 11 thousand athletes from all over the world were at the Games, but many of them had already gone home.

For Russia, the Rio Olympics turned out to be more than successful. No one from the Russian Sports Federation expected such victories from the athletes. And the world is quite surprised at the number of medals that the Russians have won. After all, on the eve of the Games it seemed to the whole world that Russia was broken. Some athletes were allowed to participate only at the last moment, and there was no opportunity to fully train. We did not take part in athletics, many of our athletes were not allowed to participate in the 2016 Olympics. And, despite this, Russia performed well, winning fourth place in the overall medal standings.

Closing of the Rio 2016 Olympics watch online. The standard bearers of the Russian team at the Closing Ceremony will be Olympic champions in synchronized swimming Svetlana Romashina and Natalya Ishchenko. The girls brought two gold medals to the team’s treasury: in pairs and as part of a group.

The Closing Ceremony itself is still kept secret. However, given the way the Opening of the Olympics in Rio took place, it can be assumed that there will not be a colorful performance. The Opening Ceremony of the 2016 Olympic Games was sluggish and poor. However, Games fans are looking forward to truly Brazilian passion, a carnival night and a real celebration. It is already known that some famous stars of world show business will be present at the Ceremony, but their names are kept in the strictest confidence.

Closing of the Rio 2016 Olympics watch online. The Closing program includes awards for the strongest team in the world. This team ahead of schedule turned out to be the US team. They have more than 110 medals, almost twice as many as the athletes who are in second place. Then there will be a speech by sports officials, as well as a ceremonial extinguishing of the Fire until the next Games. It must be said that the event program also includes a colorful, bright fire show, which will certainly delight all those who will be in the stadium.

The event will start at 02:00 Moscow time

The next Olympic Games have come to an end! It was a busy two weeks: Rio de Janeiro seemed to have it all. And victories, and defeats, and scandals, and tears of joy, and hooligan antics, and failed doping tests... And the colorful closing ceremony will sum it all up! “MK” will closely monitor her, and invites all readers to our live online broadcast, which will begin exactly at 02:00 Moscow time!

We will not be able to forget how spectacular these Games were or how some athletes failed and how others triumphantly performed. But for now, we should all plunge into the atmosphere of celebration that the closing ceremony of the 2016 Olympics will give us. Analytics, interviews - all this later. Now - sports joy for everyone at the Brazilian expense!

Two weeks ago, Sergei Tetyukhin proudly carried the Russian flag, this time we are looking forward to it!

“MK” will begin a live online broadcast of this memorable event at exactly 02:00 Moscow time!

Last two weeks PEOPLETALK closely monitored the progress Olympics in Rio and kept my fingers crossed for our athletes. According to the unofficial medal standings, Russia takes only fourth place, but it has 56 medals, 10 of which are gold! Today XXXI Olympic Games have come to an end, and we are starting to conduct a live text broadcast from the closing ceremony! 02:00

« Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the closing ceremony of the Olympic Games.", - is heard at the stadium " Maracana” in three languages ​​of the world, and fireworks light up above it.

02:04 Dancers in bright yellow and green costumes line the stadium in the shape of the famous statue. Christ the Redeemer- one of the main symbols of Rio de Janeiro. 02:06 Here come the Olympic rings!
02:07 Let's welcome Thomas Bach- chapter. 02:10 A huge Brazilian flag appears in the stadium, and the audience rises before the Brazilian anthem is played.
02:14 The flags of the Olympic Games participants appear at the stadium, and we are waiting for our two synchronized swimmers to come out: Natalia Ishchenko And Svetlana Romashina. Today they have the honor of carrying the Russian flag. 02:17 There is an incredible number of athletes in the stadium. They are from different countries, but they have one thing in common - Olympic medals, which they cannot get enough of. 02:20 All flags have been taken out.
02:30 By the way, Greece is always the first to bring its flag to the stadium. Why? Because it was the Greeks who gave the world Olympic Games. 02:39 Meanwhile, there are more and more athletes in the stadium, but there is very little space left. 02:40 By the way, this is what the entrance to the stadium looks like now “ Maracana". The closing ceremony has been going on for 40 minutes, and the spectators continue to arrive.
02:42 The weather is not good. The rain is getting heavier. The most prudent ( including athletes) took raincoats with them.
02:48 By the way, Usain Bolt, the nine-time Olympic champion turns 30 today! In Rio, Usain won three gold medals! Not a bad birthday present, isn't it?
2:55 What do you think of the British illuminated sneakers? I think it's very stylish!
03:00 According to the plan, the parade of athletes was supposed to last 25 minutes, but in Brazil time is an elastic concept. We've been watching the champions rejoice for 45 minutes. 03:06 Briefly about the closing ceremony: rain, medals, smiles. 03:09 In the meantime, the athletes are having fun and continue to show off their medals, let's remember the fiery performance of the group One Direction(yes, they were still together then) at the closing of the 2012 Olympics in London. https://twitter.com/Olympics/status/767381902504304640 03:10 It's time we started talking about music! A young Norwegian DJ performs at the stadium Kygo and a blonde singer Julia Michaels. The guys perform a song Carry Me. 03:11 The presentation of the Olympic Channel has just taken place, which will begin broadcasting very soon!
03:12 This is beauty! Dancers in red depict various geometric figures to the accompaniment of national Brazilian music and resemble a living drawing. 03:17 And right now at the stadium they are performing the song “ I do not regret anything“, weaving national Brazilian lace and dancing merrily. 03:24 On the stage are animated pottery figures performed by Brazilian modern ballet. https://twitter.com/Olympics/status/767517334055559168 03:28 Spectators watch the golden moments of the Olympics in slow motion. How many tears of happiness have been shed in Rio over the past two weeks! 3:35 The winners of the men's marathon (42 km, 195 m) are awarded. Eliud Kipchoge(Kenya) gets gold Feyisa Lilesa(Ethiopia) - silver, and American Galen Rapp- only bronze.
03:40 And here it is Yelena Isinbayeva! Now she is a new member of the athletes' commission International Olympic Committee.
03:43 Look at this beauty! Simone Biles, winner of 4 gold medals at the Rio Olympics, is also trying to escape the rain as best she can. 03:47 Mayor Rio de Janeiro transmits Thomas Bach Olympic flag. 03:48 Passing of the Olympic baton Tokyo from Rio.
03:53 An incredibly beautiful performance called “ Thank you". 20 robots turned the stadium into one large Japanese flag. 03:57 A short presentation of the Japanese capital was prepared very well. Each dancer holds a large luminous cube in their hands, which either dissolves in the darkness or appears again.
Published 08/22/16 23:08

On the night of August 21-22, the closing ceremony of the 2016 Olympics took place in Rio de Janeiro. The medal standings of the 2016 Olympics in Rio, the table of medals on August 22, how many medals Russia has in Rio - in the Topnews material.

Closing of the Olympics in Rio de Janeiro 2016: XXXI Summer Games declared closed

The XXXI Summer Olympic Games 2016 have come to an end in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. The grandiose sporting event ended with catchy music and fiery dances of artists in colorful outfits, in a carnival atmosphere at the Maracanã stadium.

The athletes were the first to speak at the closing ceremony of the 2016 Olympics. The parade of athletes began immediately after the Brazilian anthem, performed by the choir, writes TASS.

This time it wasn't intkbbee clear division of teams into delegations. According to the organizers, this symbolized one of the main principles of the Olympic movement - the unity of athletes.

At the closing ceremony of the 2015 Olympics, for the first time in the history of the Olympic movement, the Russian flag was carried by two athletes at once - five-time Olympic champions in synchronized swimming Natalya Ishchenko and Svetlana Romashina.

After the athletes took their places around the arena, there was a short presentation of the Olympic Television Channel, an IOC project that is launched immediately after the end of the Games in Rio de Janeiro. The first heroes of the stories will be the participants of the Brazilian Olympics.

Rio 2016 Olympics Closing Ceremony: Japanese Prime Minister took part in the event dressed as Super Mario

Another important part of the ceremony was the transfer of the Olympic flag to the capital of the future Summer Games 2020 - Tokyo. Thus, the mayor of Rio de Janeiro Eduardo Paesa handed the flag personally into the hands of the governor of Tokyo Yuriko Koike, and after the Japanese delegation demonstrated an impressive spectacle in which the Prime Minister of the Land of the Rising Sun Shinzo Abe appeared before the public in the costume of the main character of the computer video game "Super Mario" .

Closing ceremony of the Rio 2016 Olympics. Watch online. VIDEO

The 2016 Olympics in Rio de Janeiro ended on August 21, 2016 with a mass samba performance.

Following this, the head of the IOC, Thomas Bach, declared the 2016 Olympics closed.

“We came to Brazil as guests, and we are leaving as friends. You will forever remain in our hearts,” said Bach and announced the closure of the competition. The fire of the Games, lit on August 5, soon died out. This happened to a lyrical composition performed by one of the Brazilian singers.

The holiday ended with a mass performance of samba, which the athletes themselves happily joined in with.

Medal standings for the 2016 Olympics in Rio: table of medals August 22, how many medals does Russia have in Rio

The Russian team took fourth place in the unofficial team competition, winning 56 medals (19 gold, 18 silver and 19 bronze).

The fifteenth medal day for the Russians was the most successful for her. In particular, Russian handball players won the gold of the Games for the first time in history, beating France in the final - 22:19.

The winner of the unofficial team event was the US team, which won 121 medals at the Games (46 gold, 37 silver and 38 bronze).

The second place in the unofficial team event was taken by the British team (67 medals; 27 gold, 23 silver, 17 bronze). In third place is China (70; 26-18-26).

The main hero of the Olympics was the American swimmer Michael Phelps, who won five gold medals, becoming a total of 23-time Olympic champion.

Jamaican sprinter Usain Bolt managed to win three gold medals in Rio and become a nine-time Olympic champion.