When to plant blackberries in spring. Blackberry garden planting and care

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Choosing a landing site

​Trellises must be built for blackberries.​

  • Hybrids of blackberries and red raspberries
  • ​All varieties of this berry can be divided into several types.​
  • ​Significantly more sundew seedlings can be obtained by propagating them using horizontal layering.​

​, green and root​

​Seedlings of straight-growing blackberry varieties are placed according to the scheme 0.8-1×1.8-2 m.​

Planting blackberries

​Blackberries are planted in early spring to avoid freezing during snowless periods with alternating frosts and prolonged thaws.​

​Planting rules​

If the next year after planting you cut off the inflorescences that appear, you will give the plant the opportunity to spend all its energy not on fruiting, but on the formation of the root system. Next season it will thank you with a bountiful harvest.​

It is better to plant blackberries in early spring. However, you can postpone this procedure until the fall, but in this case, to prevent young plants from freezing, the above-ground part must be shortened to 20-30 cm and well covered for the winter.​

Blackberries are not yet as popular among gardeners as their closest relative, raspberries. However beneficial features This berry deserves gardeners to pay attention to it. The key to a rich blackberry harvest is correct landing shrubs and caring for them.​

​For creeping varieties​

​often formed by natural crossing of blackberries and raspberries. Due to the fact that the receptacle (white core) is torn off along with the fruit, the berries are mainly classified as blackberries. Popular varieties include boysenberry, loganberry, and tayberry.

Seedling care

Creeping or climbing blackberry



​Weakly growing creeping varieties are placed in a row every 2.5-3.5 m, with a distance between rows of 2-2.5 m.​

Plants of winter-hardy varieties can be planted in the fall, covering the soil in the planting areas with humus or peat with a layer of 10-15 cm.


How to plant blackberries in the fall?

The correct landing sequence is:

How to plant blackberries correctly in the fall?

Planted blackberries will need to be fertilized no earlier than the third year. Before this, you can feed the plant with bird droppings diluted with water.​

​But it’s better to prepare the soil for spring planting in the fall. Dig up the area reserved for blackberries to a depth of 50 cm and add organic and mineral fertilizers. On 1 square meter you will need 50 g of potassium fertilizers, 100 g of superphosphate, 10 kg of humus. If the soil in the area is clayey, add a little sand and peat.​

​When choosing a place to plant blackberries, you should first of all be guided by characteristic features this culture.​

  1. ​Try a two-wire system by running the top wire at a distance of 1.5-1.8 m, and the second line 45 cm below the top wire. After the first year, fruiting stems will grow along the wires. Tie the young shoots in a close row below the fruiting stems. This task will be simplified if you direct all the shoots in one direction. After the berry harvest period, trim the old fruiting stems to the ground. However, unless they are very sick, it is best to wait to remove old fruiting shoots until a significant portion of them have died back. This will allow dying branches to send nutrients back to the crown and roots. After removing the old stems, tie the young shoots to the wires. Work with one or two branches at a time, tying them in a spiral around the trellis wires. The stems of neighboring plants may overlap slightly. There is no need to trim young shoots. In areas with low winter temperatures, leave young branches on the ground over the winter where they can be mulched for additional winter protection. In the spring, when the danger of damage from extreme cold has passed, tie the young stems (now older) to the wires. Avoid working with shoots in cold weather as they will be more brittle.​
  2. ​For best fruiting, choose an area that receives full sun, if possible.​
  3. ​has powerful one-year-old shoots that come from the crown of the plant, and not from the roots. The two-year-old stems produce highly aromatic, elongated berries with relatively small seeds and an intense flavor. They do not survive in northern climates and suffer damage at temperatures of 6-7ºC in mid-winter and 10ºC in late winter/early spring.​

The blackberry variety was developed in America. It is distinguished by large berries, abundant fruiting, smooth ripening of fruits, absence of thorns, and resistance to pests and diseases. The shoots are tough, up to 4-5 m long. The bush is semi-erect. The berries are black, weighing 5-8 g, oval. The harvest ripens from early August to early September. The berries are first sour, then sweet and sour, then fresh and sweet. Needs shelter for the winter.​


How to plant and propagate blackberries?


Planting blackberries

After planting, the plant is watered and

​Before landing​

The area you have chosen for planting blackberries must be completely cleared of weeds. Pour compost or humus into the holes, the width of which should be approximately 35 centimeters, and mix it with the soil. Then the seedling is placed in a hole so that its roots are spread out in different directions. The rest of the care comes down to weeding and loosening the soil. And, of course, do not forget to water the bushes; during the period of active budding and growth of shoots, you need to do this more often.​ ​Like raspberries, blackberries are planted in holes or trenches. The size of the planting holes is 40x40x40 cm. The distance between them is from 0.5 to 1 meter, depending on the shoot-forming ability of the variety. Fill the holes two-thirds with fertile soil. If you have not pre-prepared the soil in the fall, you need to do it now. Fertilizers added to each hole should be thoroughly mixed with the soil to prevent direct contact with the roots of the seedlings.​

Firstly, blackberries are a light-loving plant. In the sun or partial shade it will bear fruit well. There is a significant shortage sunlight will lead to crushing of berries and deterioration of them taste qualities. Young shoots under these conditions will stretch upward strongly, shading the fruiting branches. Shoot formation may last until late autumn, and, as a result, frost resistance will decrease.​

​Upright blackberry​

The soil must be fertile and have good drainage. Add organic fertilizer to enrich your soil.​

​Upright blackberry​

​“Oregon Thornless”​ ​Creeping varieties - by apical and horizontal layering and green cuttings.​​mulch​

​The soil is deeply loosened​​By filling it with soil, you need to periodically compact it from the edge to the center of the bush. Please note: the top bud of the planted bush, which is located at the base of the stem, should be no less than 2 cm above the ground. If you want to plant blackberries with cuttings, then you need to place the cuttings in a furrow and cover them with soil, the layer of which should be approximately 7 -8 cm. In the fall, it is necessary to prune overly elongated and weak branches. For those who have experience growing raspberries, this procedure is familiar. When preparing the plant for wintering, the branches should be untied from the trellises and bent to the ground. Even if you belong to the category of not the most hardworking gardeners, this must be done in the first autumn so that young and still weak bushes have a chance to survive winter frosts and winds. When sprinkling the roots of the seedling with soil, make sure that the growth bud located at the base stem, was buried no more than 2-3 cm. If it is at a greater depth, then fruiting may be delayed for a year until new buds form closer to the surface. Secondly, this crop does not tolerate waterlogged soils, therefore areas constantly flooded by storm or melt water are not suitable for it. Depth groundwater in the place where blackberries are planted there should be more than 1 meter, otherwise the plant may simply die. In addition, the growth period of shoots in waterlogged conditions will be prolonged, which means they will not have time to prepare for winter.​

​has strong, short shoots that extend from the crown and roots (forming hedge). T-shaped trellises work well for supporting such bushes. Straight-growing blackberry requires summer pruning. Trim the tops of young branches by 2.5-5 cm when they reach 1.2 m in height. This causes the stems to branch, thereby increasing next year's harvest. It will be necessary to make several pruning passes to trim each shoot when it reaches its height. specified value. Young branches growing on the outside of a hedge should be removed regularly. In winter, trim dead old fruiting stems from hedges. Also shorten the side shoots to a size of about 45-75 cm.​

​Make sure you plan to plant your blackberries away from wild blackberries, as they can carry viruses.​

​has strong arched stems that are partly self-supporting. However, they are much easier to manage when they are trimmed and well cared for. One-year-old shoots should be pruned in the summer to encourage branching and increase berry production on two-year-old stems. The plant may become aggressive towards its surrounding area as it creates new shoots from the roots.​

The variety was created on the basis of a European variety. The berry cluster is branched, drooping, contains 25-70 medium-sized berries weighing 3-3.5 g. The taste is sweet and sour, when fully ripe it is sweet, with a subtle pleasant aroma. The berries tolerate transportation and short-term storage. The bush is creeping, powerful. The shoots are thornless, faceted. The plant withstands winter without shelter when laid on the ground.​

​Apical layering is obtained by hilling the tops of shoots bent to the ground at the end of summer.​

​soil, humus or peat. After planting, the above-ground part of the stems is cut to the soil surface.​, 5-6 kg of rotted manure or compost, 100-150 g of superphosphate and 40-50 g of potassium fertilizers are added to the planting hole.
​After planting, be sure to water and mulch with whatever you have on hand. The distance between upright bushes should be 1 m in a row and at least 2 m between rows. And varieties that creep need to be planted at a distance of 3-3.5 m. As you can see, the technology for planting blackberries does not present any particular difficulties. And if you plant this plant on your plot this coming spring, within a year you will be able to please yourself and your loved ones with delicious fresh berries or aromatic blackberry jam.​
To better capture rain and irrigation water, make holes around the bushes. Mulch the soil by adding a small layer of humus, rotted sawdust or a mixture of sawdust and peat. Don’t forget to do this every spring. Thirdly, when choosing a location, you should take into account the low winter hardiness of blackberries. This means that the planting area must be well heated and protected from cold winds.​


How to plant blackberries in the fall | Time for useful tips

​If your upright blackberry produces fruit on one-year-old branches, then​

Types of blackberries

​If you are planting semi-upright varieties, then leave space between the seedlings of at least 1.5-1.8 m. If upright varieties - 0.9 m. If creeping varieties - 1.5-2.5 m. Place the rows at a distance of approximately 2.5 m apart.​

​Upright blackberries can also produce berries with relatively large seeds. Its taste and aroma are not as pronounced as those of creeping varieties. It is moderately hardy in climates with rapid spring temperature changes. Some straight-growing blackberry varieties produce fruit on young, one-year-old shoots. This makes caring for the plant much easier, since its stems can be cut back to the ground every winter.​ ​“Black Satin”​

Already a month after hilling, adventitious roots form at the apical buds. Straight-growing blackberries are propagated

​Before applying the fertilizer, mix it well with the soil and fill the holes with this mixture to 2/3 of the volume.​

​If you plant blackberries correctly, they will definitely reward you with a good harvest.​​Autumn planting of blackberries should be done before the onset of frost. Many people have a question: how to plant blackberries correctly? There will be no difficulties when planting strawberries, but where exactly you need to plant blackberries on the plot, you need to think about it in advance so that later it will give you good harvest.​

​When planting blackberries, you should remember that this shrub strives to conquer areas that were not originally intended for it. To avoid this, dig slate sheets along the entire planting strip. Moreover, this must be done not only from the side of your plot, but also from the side of the fence - suddenly, your neighbors’ plans did not include cultivation of this crop. It should also be added that blackberries prefer loamy soils and do not tolerate carbonate soils well. But this fact is unlikely to influence the choice of landing site, since given the small area summer cottage we can safely say that the composition of the soil is identical at all points.​


  • ​Prune all stems close to the ground in late winter for best fruiting. In summer, when the height of young shoots is 1 m, cut off 15 cm of the top. Young stems will branch and, therefore, will bring a larger harvest in the fall.​
  • ​Plant shallow: about 2.5 cm deeper than they grew in the nursery.​
  • Semi-upright blackberry bushes
  • ​The variety was obtained in America. The plant is semi-cresting, without thorns. The shoots are powerful, rise to a height of up to 1.5 m (then move to a horizontal position), round in cross-section, hard, cannot be bent, up to 4-5 m. The berries are black, shiny, oblong-round, weighing more than 5-8 g The taste is sweet and sour, with a slight aroma, pleasant.
  • ​Young plants are covered with an insulating layer of peat or humus for the winter or covered with soil, and in the spring they are separated from the mother bush and planted.​
  • ​root suckers​


​After this, a layer of fertile topsoil is made in the hole, placing the roots of the plant on it, and finally covered with unfertilized soil.​


When you go shopping for seedlings, you can purchase both plants with an open root system and those planted in containers. The main condition for the right purchase is that the roots are well developed. Do not buy a variety blindly, ask about the care features, varietal advantages and disadvantages, because proper planting depends on this.

Blackberries are not very demanding on soil fertility, but for planting you should select areas that are well-warmed by the sun, protected from eastern and northern winds.

A close relative of the raspberry is moisture-loving, but waterlogged soils are destructive for it, since the roots die from lack of oxygen. Therefore, drained loams are best suited for blackberry plantings. But an increased content of limestone in the soil is fraught with yellowing of leaves and a decrease in yield. During the initial growing season (April-July), it is important to ensure regular soil moisture, for which drip irrigation is best suited.

Planting blackberries in the spring - helping the plant take root!

Planting blackberries in the spring begins with clearing the place where the plant will be planted of weeds and deep digging the area. In the spring, it is best to plant varieties that do not have high frost resistance, and in the fall, winter-hardy varieties will take root under a layer of humus or peat. The hole for the seedling should be dug to a depth of 50 cm, even if the seedling is small. Half a bucket of well-rotted compost or humus should be added to the hole, which is mixed with 40 g of wood ash. Then a little soil is poured onto the fertilizer, forming a cushion on which the roots are laid. Before planting, they should be thoroughly inspected, damaged ones should be cut out and too long ones should be shortened.

Straight-growing varieties, which are also called brambles, should be planted in a row at a distance of 1 meter with a row spacing of up to 2 m. Rosyanika (creeping varieties) should be planted at a distance of two or three meters, maintaining a row spacing of up to 3 m. If the seedling was pruned before purchase, it does not need additional shortening, but if you bought it without pruning, you should leave 2-3 buds on one branch and remove the rest.

Fertilizing blackberries in the spring - for delicious berries in the fall!

Blackberries have won the love of many gardeners with their high productivity and unpretentiousness. But for a good harvest, regular irrigation is necessary, in which case the plant will develop well and produce large berries. To prevent the soil in the hole from becoming clogged from constant watering, it is imperative to cover its surface with mulch: hay, straw, leaves...

Sawdust is undesirable for mulching - wood absorbs nitrogen, which large quantities bushes need it.

The mulch layer should be at least 3 cm - this not only helps retain moisture and inhibits the growth of weeds, but also protects root system from overheating in the summer heat. Feeding blackberries in the spring with nitrogen fertilizers is one of the mandatory measures if you want to get a good harvest. In autumn, potassium and phosphorus fertilizers are applied. One bush requires up to 100 g of superphosphate, 60 g of saltpeter, 7 kg of humus and a half-liter jar of ash.

For blackberries, you should prepare a support in advance, the same as for. The garter should be carried out as it grows, so that by the time the berries ripen the shoots are firmly fixed. may be different, the shape of the bush may also be different, but gardeners most prefer the fan formation - young shoots are placed on one side of the “fan”, while branches from last year bear fruit on the other side. In the fall, branches that bear fruit are cut off, making way for next year's young shoots.

Blackberries are an unpretentious plant and can grow in any soil. It can be planted both in autumn and spring. But it is also worth noting that autumn planting must be done before the onset of frost. At autumn planting It is also necessary to take into account that the roots of the plant still have time to take root before frost.

Planting blackberries in the fall. Video #1

Planting blackberries in autumn

The first thing we need to do is clear the area allocated for planting from weeds. Then we make holes or furrows (30×30), into which we add compost or rotted manure mixed with the fertile layer of soil. Next, we need to place the seedling in a hole, straighten its roots and cover it with fertile soil, after which we carefully begin to compact the soil from the edges to the center.

At the same time, you also need to remember that the upper bud, which is located at the base of the stem, should be 2-3 cm above ground level. This is explained by the fact that the soil at the site where our seedling is planted will gradually settle.

Planting blackberries in the fall. Video No. 2

If blackberries are planted using cuttings, then we will need to place them in a trench (furrows) and cover them with a 7-8 cm layer of soil. And after the entire process of planting blackberries is completed, we begin watering, and then mulching. Peat, sawdust, dry grass, etc. can be used as mulching agents.

Straight-growing varieties of blackberries must be planted with a distance from each other (in rows) of 0.8 - 1 meter. And between the rows there should be at least 2 meters. Between creeping varieties we leave a distance of 2.5 to 3.5 meters.

How to prune blackberries?

Once the fruiting period of the blackberry ends, it begins to gradually dry out. Therefore, it is advisable to cut them out immediately. But you can do this a little later. Dried shoots are cut out at the root. But if there are stumps left, you can be sure that pests will settle there for the winter.

Then we proceed to cutting out young, weak shoots.

Planting blackberries in the fall. Video No. 3

We leave the strongest ones, which will be able to bear good fruit next year. But we also need to pin them or cut them to a height of 1.7 to 2 meters.

See also:

Blackberries can be classified as a garden crop, which in principle does not require special care and the attention of the summer resident. In order to grow a full-fledged nutritious blackberry on your plot, it is enough to plant the plant correctly, in the right place!

If you want to start growing blackberries, the first thing that inexperienced summer residents begin to ask is when is the best time to plant the plant, and this is not in vain! The time of year in which a plant enters new soil is important and is directly related to the success of growth and fruiting.

When to plant blackberries?

The best time to plant blackberries is still considered to be spring, as soon as the soil layer warms up enough. This period provides an opportunity for weak seedlings not only to get stronger and take root sufficiently, but also to grow significantly and get used to the new soil composition. All this will make it easy to overwinter and next year please your owner with the first harvest!

Autumn planting is also possible, but in this case the summer resident must be prepared for the fact that the bulk of the seedlings will not survive this winter! This is especially true for those climatic zones where winter is very severe and does not skimp on icy winds and frosts with little snow.

In what places is the plant planted?

If a blackberry is planted in an area that is bad for it, then it doesn’t matter what time of year it was planted - the plant will get sick in any case, even in the summer it will remain lethargic and lifeless, not producing the proper harvest and obviously not pleasing its owner! When choosing a place for the future growth of blackberry bushes, they give preference to areas heavily illuminated by the sun. Weak shady lighting will lead to a rapid stretching of young plants, which will not allow them to grow stronger, and in the future, if the blackberries overwinter without problems, the fruits will be covered with long branches, which will significantly reduce the yield, and the berries themselves will take a long time to ripen.

In order for blackberry bushes to be sufficiently prepared for winter, it is recommended to plant them only in well-fertilized soil. All are considered as fertilizers modern substances mineral type and organic matter obtained naturally in summer cottages.

What exactly to add to the selected area is usually decided by summer residents on their own, taking into account the characteristics of the soil layer. They try to plant according to all the rules so as not to destroy the young weakened roots of the plant.

Insulation for the winter

Regardless of which type of blackberry yours “prefers” climate zone, usually for the winter the bushes are completely wrapped, especially since even spring planting does not guarantee that the plant is strong and fully prepared for a harsh winter. The covering material allows you to protect the blackberry roots from freezing as much as possible, and it will also help preserve the part of the plant that is on the surface of the ground!

Cover young blackberries from above, bending the branches as much as possible to the ground, with straw, a layer of fallen autumn leaves, boards, rags, you can sprinkle with humus. It is important in early spring, as soon as the snow melts, to remove everything with which you covered the blackberry bushes and not allow the plant to disappear!

The popularity of blackberries among gardeners is steadily increasing, because these aromatic sweet berries are superior in taste and healing properties raspberries, and also have high yield potential. In addition, blackberries are quite unpretentious plant, which does not require special care.

The following groups of blackberries are distinguished:

  • Dewberry is very productive, with long spiky shoots and large fruits, the weight of which reaches 12 grams; these plants do not produce root shoots;
  • Kumanika is more winter-hardy, with powerful, erect stems;
  • Semi-cresting blackberry is a plant with long creeping shoots without thorns and medium-sized berries.


Bush garden blackberries are propagated by dividing the bush, cuttings or root suckers.

Bush division is used for varieties that do not produce offspring. The dug up bush is divided into several fairly developed sections, which most often easily take root in a new place.

Valuable varieties are propagated by cuttings. In the first half of summer, cuttings are taken from the upper third of the blackberry shoot. Each cutting consists of part of the stem, leaf and bud. The cut of the resulting cutting is treated with a root formation stimulator and placed in containers with an earthen mixture consisting of peat and perlite. Then the plants are placed in a greenhouse and after about a month, when the cuttings form their own roots, they are planted in a permanent place.

The easiest way to propagate bush blackberries is by root suckers, which form around the bush every year. At the end of spring, shoots at least 10 cm high are transplanted to a new place, where the plants successfully take root before the onset of cold weather.

creeping garden blackberry propagated by horizontal and apical layering.

A very simple way - propagation by layering. The climbing shoot can be easily bent to the ground and buried. The plant quickly produces roots, and the buds that appear underground produce new shoots. Over time, the shoot is separated from the mother plant.

Selection of seedlings

Properly selected seedlings should be strong and healthy, have a developed root system and 1-2 stems. If wrinkles appear on the bark, it means that the seedling has been dug up for a long time and has less chance of taking root than a recently dug specimen. To check, you can carefully pry off the bark - if green tissue is exposed, then the plant is suitable for planting, but if it is brown, it is no longer suitable.

Saplings with an open root system should not be dry, and specimens with closed roots should be in moist soil.

Varieties of garden blackberries

Oregon Thornless– decorative thornless blackberry with average yield. This late variety, bearing fruit until winter. The berries are small, sweet, with a pronounced aroma.

Agawam– time-tested unpretentious variety, drought-resistant and shade-tolerant, easy to care for. Sweet, juicy berries ripen in August.

Thornfree– a mid-late variety with thornless, semi-creeping shoots, which is easy to care for. Large sweet and sour berries tolerate transportation well.

When and how to plant blackberries

Can be planted both in late summer and spring. Most favorable time for planting - the second half of August. The place for planting blackberries should be protected from the wind and well lit. The soil should be fertile and well drained. It is advisable to add mineral and organic fertilizers . Two weeks before disembarkation prepare planting pits 40 cm deep, at a distance of a meter from each other. Then humus, superphosphate and potassium sulfate are added, mixing with fertile soil.

When the hole is 2/3 filled with earthen substrate, a shrub is placed there, the roots are straightened and covered with earth, slightly below the soil level, in order to create conditions for optimal hydration of the plant. Please note that the roots should be positioned freely and not break or bend. The root collar is buried 2–3 cm so that the root buds do not dry out. Then each seedling must be watered, this will take approximately 3-4 liters of water, and mulched with humus or sawdust.

You can plant blackberries in the fall. In this case, after planting, all above-ground shoots will have to be cut off, leaving about 30 cm, and the plant will have to be covered with spunbond for the winter.

Plant support

Even erect blackberries do not always support the weight of the crop, and even for creeping ones, support is absolutely necessary.

Growing on a trellis has many advantages:

  • The berries and lower shoots do not touch the ground and, accordingly, do not get dirty;
  • The plant is less likely to suffer from fungal diseases, as it is well ventilated;
  • Happening accelerated maturation fruits due to uniform illumination;
  • It simplifies the care of the bush and speeds up harvesting.

The trellis is a structure made of supports and wire attached to them, to which blackberry lashes are carefully tied. It is convenient to place the bottom wire at a distance of 80 cm from the soil level, and then stretch another 2-3 wires every 40 cm. The simplest shape on a support is a fan shape. At the same time, the growing and fruiting shoots are separated and tied up separately, securing them to a support as they grow.


Cumanica needs double pruning. In the first year, the tops of the shoots are shortened by 10 cm, which will increase the fruiting zone. In the second year, the side shoots are shortened by 30–40 cm to make them compact.

Other groups of blackberries are pruned as follows: damaged and old shoots are removed, and young shoots are shortened in the fall, leaving 5–6 buds.


Plant care involves fertilizing with nitrogen every spring to stimulate the growth of new shoots. At the same time, under each bush, 50 g of ammonium nitrate and organic matter with a high nitrogen content are added to a depth of 10 cm. Other macronutrients are added every three years. This feeding ensures good fruiting and optimal growth rates of the bush.


Watering blackberries should be sufficient and regular.. During active growth The plant requires a lot of moisture for shoots and fruit set. At insufficient watering The berries become smaller and the yield decreases. In addition to watering, care involves regularly loosening the soil and killing weeds.

Pests and diseases

Blackberries may suffer from white rot, powdery mildew and gray rot. In this case, the plant is treated with Bordeaux mixture.

The main pests are raspberry and spider mite, as well as aphids. The fight against them comes down to treatment with drugs such as Fitoverm and.

The decision about whether blackberries need to be covered is made based on the region where the plant is grown. In the south it is recommended to cover only young plants; in all other regions winter shelter Necessarily.

To prepare the bush for the onset of cold weather, in the fall the stems are bent to the ground and secured with hooks. It is important to do this before the first frost, otherwise the stems lose their elasticity and begin to break. Then the blackberries are covered with hay, sawdust or peat. Foliage fruit trees not used for shelter, as pathogenic microorganisms accumulate in it.

Upright varieties are very difficult to bend. In this case, preparation for winter begins by installing arches on the rows of blackberries and then covering them with dense white spunbond. As the weather gets warmer, the ends of the shelter are opened slightly, and then the covering material is completely removed.


The blackberry bush begins to bear fruit in the second year after planting. The shape of the berry resembles a raspberry fruit, but more dark color. Ripe fruit becomes dull and loses its gloss. This juicy berry has a sweet and pleasant taste. Blackberries for sale are picked when they are not fully ripe, since their transportability and shelf life are low. If you follow the maintenance rules, you can get up to 30 kg of berries from one bush.

Beneficial features

The characteristic color of blackberries is given by iron and potassium, which this berry is rich in in abundance. In addition, blackberries contain phosphorus, magnesium and manganese.

Thanks to the high content of vitamin C, blackberries perfectly strengthen the immune system and fight free radicals, allowing you to prolong the youth of the body. Vitamin E, which is also found in berries, normalizes arterial pressure and has antioxidant properties.

For flu and colds Eating blackberries effectively relieves symptoms by quickly reducing high fever.

Dried blackberries brewed as tea are an excellent sedative and tonic. Blackberry juice is useful for sore throat, bronchitis, tracheitis and pharyngitis.