When to visit the temple for Christmas. Why don't you go to church? January 7 go to church

The clergyman, rector of the Open Orthodox University of Hagia Sophia-Wisdom GEORGY KOVALENKO told Apostrophe about the preparation and celebration of the Nativity of Christ, his attitude towards and evil deeds, as the only thing that really cannot be done on religious holidays and not only on them.

- What is the most important thing to remember when preparing for Christmas?

At Christmas, the main thing is not to forget that this is the birthday of Jesus Christ. Christmas is not just a beautiful winter holiday, not just a time of some spiritual or earthly joys. Christmas is not just a feast (on the eve - Lenten or not Lenten already on Christmas Day).

Christmas is the birthday of Jesus Christ, and gifts on this day should be given to Christ. How to do it? Let us remember what He himself said. Once, speaking of the Last Judgment, He said: "If you have given drink to the thirsty, fed the hungry, sheltered the homeless, visited the one who is in the hospital or in prison, you have done it for Me." That is, we can meet Christ when we see a person in trouble, and if we give him something, then we give it to Christ. Everything else is the joy of having met Christ. Moreover, on this day there are many non-obvious, but very relevant meanings for us. If we remember the events of Christmas, we can immediately see them.

First, Christmas is a day to remember the homeless. Why? Because once Joseph and pregnant Mary came to Bethlehem and did not find a place to stay. They stopped in a wretched cave.

On the other hand, Christmas is a time to pray for peace. Remember what the angels sang: "Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, goodwill toward men." Such a beautiful word "favor"! If we translate it into modern language, then this is "good will." Christmas is a time for people of good will, we all need to do something to restore peace between people. And then we can give praise to God.

On the other hand, Christmas is a time to remember the orphans. After all, what is the Holy Family? This is Mary, the Christ child, named father Joseph. There are a lot of families in our country where the father is a step-parent. And just Joseph is an example and patron of such parents, and the Holy Family is the patron of such families. We also have enough families where there is no father at all. When we look at the Virgin Mary with the baby Christ, we understand that this is the Son of God, and his father is God. Similarly, for a child who does not have a father, God must be the father, and when we read the Lord's Prayer in such families, this prayer sounds very different.

Remember when Joseph and Mary fled with the baby to Egypt. This event is called the flight to Egypt and is the subject of many works of art. But if you translate it into modern language, then the Holy Family were refugees, and this is another important and relevant meaning today. Because in fact, refugees are people who are not like us. They may have a different mentality, a different culture, but when we meet them, we must remember that we also meet Christ in them.

And remember also: the Magi bring gifts to Christ. The Ukrainian and Russian word "Magi" has a somewhat negative connotation, but if you remember these biblical Magi, you should understand that, on the one hand, they were kings, on the other hand, scientists, astronomers, astrologers, sages, magicians (speaking in English language). And these people bring prophetic gifts to Christ. They understand that this is an unusual person, and give him gold - as a king. I think that we should also give Christ gold - the gold of our pure heart and perfect life. They also give him frankincense, which is a resin that is used in the church in order to have a good aroma. Likewise, we must give Christ the incense of our prayer, that is, pure prayer. And the third gift of the Magi to the infant Christ is myrrh. This is a mixture that was used to smear the body of a deceased person. That is, in fact, they predict his sacrificial death. So you and I must sacrificially serve our neighbor.

This is everything you need to know and not to forget at Christmas. And only then we sit down at the table, then we pray in the church, then we sing carols, passing on knowledge about Christmas to each other in a very simple and perfect folk form, and only then we celebrate until Epiphany.

Adults teach many from childhood that it is impossible to do some work on certain holidays. What not to do at Christmas?

Although I am a priest, I do not know the answer to the question of what cannot be done on religious holidays, because on religious holidays one must do good. And, probably, it is not necessary to do anything evil. If we do good in a certain way, then, perhaps, any deed or action aimed at helping our neighbor should be welcomed. Superfluous, I think, will be an action that takes away our time for good deeds, for glorifying God or for fellowship with our neighbor.

- According to your observations, the number of people who go to church, celebrate Christmas, increases over the years?

Sociology says that about 70% of people in Ukraine call themselves believers. Almost 70% of them are Orthodox. All these people celebrate Christmas. If we look, on the one hand, at the filled churches, we can consider that we are all really believers, religious people, Christians. But if we look around, we will see that our country still does not live according to God's commandments.

The question then arises: are we really believers? Are we really Christians? Do we really celebrate the birthday of Jesus? Are we gathering at His festive table? Do we hear what He tells us? Do we meet Him on the street, at home, at work, on social networks? Strange as it may sound, but the Lord himself says: "Where two or three are gathered in My name, there I am among them."

How is He among us? Then, when we remember Him, then, when we know His commandments, then, when we do something good to those who are next to us. Then we give it to God.

Because we are used to thinking that God is our helper, and He wants us to be His helpers.

Last year, Ukrainians received an additional Christmas day off on December 25th. What do you think of this innovation?

It is very good that in Ukraine they do not oppose December 25 and January 7. We have two Christmas days and must fill them with Christmas meanings. If we talk about January 7, then everything is clear here - this is our Christmas, these are our traditions, this is what is passed down from generation to generation, what is being revived today.

On the night of January 6-7, Christmas services are held in Orthodox churches. And how do they prepare for Christmas in the Orthodox Church?

In the Parish of St. Michael the Archangel in Minsk, correspondents are met by the rector of the parish, Archpriest Igor Galak, and Deacon Dmitry.

Christmas Eve, or the Eve of the Nativity of Christ, among Orthodox believers, it is customary to celebrate January 6th. On this day, after the morning service in the temple, believers refrain from eating until the first star appears in the sky, which is a symbol of the star that rose over Bethlehem at the time of the birth of Christ.

One of the main places in the church is the lectern (a high narrow table on which an icon, cross or Gospel is placed) in the center of the temple. On it is an icon of the Nativity depicting the sacred moment of the birth of Christ.

By the lit star of Bethlehem, the magi were able to determine where Christ was born. The Jews were waiting for the birth of the King of the world, who could deliver them from slavery and help create their own state. But not an earthly king was born, but a heavenly one. As gifts to him, the Magi brought incense, myrrh and silver - symbols of wealth and kingship. The Mother of God Mary is depicted with the baby Jesus in her cradle. Joseph and Mary went to the census and, as they had to travel a long distance, they spent the night in a cave in a barn. That is why the moment of the birth of Christ is depicted in a barn among animals.

The lectern with the icon of the Nativity

Jesus Christ was born at night, which is why a night liturgy is held from January 6 to 7. The icon of the Nativity is in the temple from January 6 to January 13 and before the evening service it is decorated with a spruce wreath, a symbol of an evergreen living tree.

The feast of the Nativity of Christ lasts until the Circumcision of the Lord. Then comes the period of Baptism. All these holidays are connected with the life of the Lord Jesus Christ and cover the period from January 7 to 18. In the church they are called Svyatki. The clothing of priests during church holidays is different from clothing during regular services. So, for example, at Easter it should be red, and during the period of Christmas services, the Baptism of the Lord and Christmas time, black robes are replaced by white ones.

Priest's clothes for the Christmas service: phelonion, handrails, belt and stole

There are carolers in the Orthodox tradition, but they differ from the usual "pagan" ones. In the church, such people are called Bogoslavs. They do not dress up in such costumes as carolers and come to their friends, sing church hymns during the Christmas season.

General view of the altar inside the temple, decorated for Christmas

In some churches, for the holiday, cribs with figures of a baby, lambs and wise men are placed, symbolizing the birth of Christ.

The evening Christmas service in the temple begins at 6 am on January 6th. This service is called the Royal Hours. On Christmas Eve, a special liturgy of Basil the Great is served. Starting with the evening service, the feast of the Holy Nativity comes, since in ancient Jerusalem it was believed that the day starts at 6 pm. Until Christmas, believers follow a 40-day fast. On the 6th, it is customary to drink water and not eat food. In the evening there is an anointing with special oil, illumination of bread, millet and wine.

Special dishes, tools for communion and prosphora, located in the altar (photo from the archive of the Parish of St. Michael the Archangel)

Traditionally, the Christmas service is held with the Holy Doors open so that everyone can see what is happening in the altar. At this time, the Proskomidia is performed in the altar, the first part of the liturgy, during which preparations for the Divine service take place: they put special dishes, tools, wine, prosphora, and read prayers.

Liturgical prosphora with seals and Christmas bread

The bread commonly used in church is called prosphora. It is prepared in a special prosphora with the help of flour, baptismal water and yeast. First, leaven is made, dough is kneaded with prayer, and special breads are baked. One of the prosphoras is specially prepared for communion.

On Christmas Day, a special round Christmas bread is baked at the church. Baking such special bread is a very long and painstaking process that takes a whole day. They prepare it, as the prosphora women say, according to the will of God and with the word of God.

What should the holiday table look like? Can you drink alcohol during Christmas? Is it necessary to go to church on this day? Archpriest, Associate Professor of the Minsk Theological Academy, Press Secretary of the Minsk Diocesan Administration answered these and other questions from readers Sergei Lepin.

- Tell us, please, how to celebrate a bright holiday?

Christmas is one of the biggest holidays in the Christian calendar, and believers start preparing for it long before January 7th. Christmas is preceded by a 40-day fast, during which Christians try to cleanse their souls by repentance, prayer, and reading the Holy Scriptures. Of course, at Christmas you need to attend a church service. We should not forget that Christmas is not our birthday, but Christ's, so His God-manhood should be the main theme of our reflection on this day. The time of holidays is a time of pure good deeds, therefore, the one who finds the opportunity to congratulate his loved ones, visit the sick, prisoners, give alms or do any other act of mercy will do the right thing.

- Father Sergius, is it possible to celebrate this holiday at the laid tables?

They are not only not forbidden, but also commendable. True, in everything you need to know the measure. The holiness of Christmas does not excuse gluttony and drunkenness, table gossip and gossip.

- What should be put on the table? Do you have any recommendations from the church?

The main thing is to remember that the celebration of Christmas should not overshadow the idea of ​​the holiday itself and the holiness of this day. On this day, you need to think more about Christ, and not about salads. There are no guidelines for what should be on the table. Everything we love and can afford. On Christmas Day, any food is allowed. The main thing is to avoid excesses and superstitions.

- Can I drink alcohol during Christmas? If yes, then what?

From the point of view of the church charter, alcoholic beverages are an ordinary food product that must be properly treated and used correctly. Drinking alcohol is not generally prohibited on Christmas Day, but there are people who should be advised to abstain from alcohol in private. For dependent people, it is better not to drink at all on this holiday, so as not to offend the born Jesus with their ugly appearance and scandals.

During fasting, pensioners are not allowed to swear with daughters-in-law and sons-in-law

During the New Year, I could not resist and ate a salad and smoked meats. Is it a very big sin to break the fast? Explain why the post refers to New Year's Eve, when the temptation is so great?

New Year's Eve falls on the post only because once our state switched to a new style. If we now lived according to the old style, then the New Year would not have come yet and we would be the first to celebrate Christmas, which is why now we are forced to fight temptations. The fact that you could not resist and broke the fast is a sin. Let's not talk about how big or small it is. In violation of the posts, you need to repent and try to still control yourself. Fasting continues - keep fasting! If you are celebrating the New Year, then prepare lenten dishes for the table.

My grandmother is 85 years old, she fasts, but I see that it is very difficult for her to limit herself in food. Father Sergius, should all believers fast, or are there any exceptions?

Sometimes age and disease require a revision of the lean diet. It must be coordinated not only with the priest, but also with the doctor. I think that strictly observing a physical fast at such an advanced age is not entirely correct. It's one thing if a grandmother lives in a wealthy family and can, under the supervision of doctors, compensate for the lack of calcium with other products, such as seafood. But the situation looks completely different if an elderly person does not eat, for example, dairy products and at the same time he has a bunch of chronic diseases associated with digestion, blood circulation and cardiac activity, osteoporosis, etc. It is wrong to articulate the idea of ​​fasting from these people from the gastronomic side. I think it would be better for such people to pay more attention to the spiritual side, for example, pray more, judge less, express dissatisfaction with life, swear with sons and daughters-in-law, and so on. Fasting should be observed by everyone, but in no case should you reduce fasting to food! In such situations, one should contact the parish priest for specific recommendations based on knowledge of the individual situation.

On the eve of Christmas, it is better for a child to give up sweets and cartoons.

- Father Sergius, what is Christmas Eve?

Christmas Eve is the day before Christmas. It comes from the word "sochivo" - a dish made from wheat or rice, to which honey, raisins and walnuts are added. Christmas Eve is a day of strict fasting, it used to be customary not to eat food until the first star, it is a prototype of the Star of Bethlehem, which led the Magi to the manger of Jesus Christ. However, if age, health and fasting habits do not allow abstaining from food for a long time, then you can eat some fruits or vegetables. Christmas Eve is not only a day of strict physical fasting, but also special spiritual preparations and prayers. On January 6, you can’t go to entertainment events, arrange feasts.

We have a small child in our family. Does he have to fast too?

You have the right to decide how to feed your baby. I think that until the age of seven, a child should be taught the idea of ​​fasting, but only occasionally, without fanaticism. I think that it is better to recommend that children partially or completely give up sweets, computer games, cartoons than healthy food for their age. It is good to articulate the children's attention on spiritual reading during Lenten time.

For several years now, my girlfriends and I have been guessing on Christmas night. It's just fun for us, but my grandmother says it's a sin. Tell me what's wrong with that?

The church has always treated divination as a sin. By this we do not glorify Jesus Christ, but only offend. Divination is a legacy from pagan times and has nothing to do with Christianity. Holy Scripture excludes divination, fortune-telling, witchcraft, considering all this as attributes of idolatry and, therefore, a violation of the first and second God's commandments. Divination is a betrayal of the purity and holiness of the Christian doctrine, it is a blasphemy against Christ.

Spouses need to abstain from intimacy for 40 days

- Is it possible to pray for the dead during Christmas?

Of course, nothing forbids us to pray on holidays for relatives who have gone to another world. At Christmas, it is especially felt how we miss those people whom we love and who have already departed to another world. Another thing is that on this day there is no memorial service for the dead, but the church always commemorates the dead during the liturgy.

My husband and I constantly discuss the same question: is it possible to have sex on the eve of Christmas? How does the church feel about this?

On the eve of the bright holiday, as well as during the 40-day fast, one should not enter into intimacy. The idea of ​​fasting includes restrictions on more than just food, outward lifestyle, prayer, and so on. It also includes those restrictions that are associated with physical pleasures. Spouses are advised to refrain from intimacy during fasts, as well as on the eve of Sundays and holidays.

This is a very individual matter and you should contact your local priest for a personal recommendation. Speaking generally... The Apostle Paul writes that even for fasting and prayer we should not deviate from each other, without mutual agreement, so that Satan would not tempt us. Husband and wife should be able to negotiate, to compromise. However, these concessions should not be a one-sided game. There is a time for concessions on the part of the wife, but there must also be a time for concessions on the part of the husband! A husband should be attentive to the religious needs of his wife.

Do not give cards with the face of Jesus

January 7, my father turns 50 years old. We would like to celebrate the anniversary, but since the birthday falls on a bright holiday, we don’t know if it’s possible to celebrate the anniversary noisily or is it better to postpone the celebration to another day?

It is better to postpone the birthday celebration to another day. Even in church tradition, sometimes the memory of one or another saint can be transferred to another day if it coincides with a great holiday. The same applies to ordinary people. Christmas should not be confused with a personal holiday. You will have a wonderful excuse to get together another day.

- Father Sergiy, please advise what to give your loved ones for Christmas.

The main thing is that this gift will bring joy to your family. But personally, I would not advise giving any Christmas souvenirs or cards that have momentary significance, but contain sacred images. More than once I had to see how they were carelessly thrown away, and yet they depict Christ, the Virgin Mary, holy angels ... Sacred images and symbols must be treated with reverence! In general, the topic of the commercialization of Christmas is a special topic! Avoid empty, useless purchases, do not succumb to the hysteria of sales. Christ says: whatever we gave to the poor, we gave to him. It would be great if the idea of ​​Christmas would encourage people to make not just pointless purchases, but do good deeds.

Many Orthodox people are wondering when to celebrate Christmas. In fact, they celebrate Christmas, and from December 4 to 25, and from January 6 to 7 - so when to visit the temple and how to do it, what traditions to follow?
We will talk about this in our article.

Why is Christmas celebrated on different days?

In the main Christian Churches, the church calendar is divided: the Orthodox Church celebrates holidays and commemoration days of saints according to the old style (Julian calendar), the Catholic Church - according to the Gregorian (this is due to astronomical phenomena).

With regard to the Nativity of Christ, the Gregorian calendar is more convenient: after all, the week of holidays begins on December 24-25 with Christmas and continues with the New Year, but the Orthodox should celebrate the New Year modestly, calmly, in order to observe fasting. Nevertheless, an Orthodox person can also have fun on New Year's Eve, trying not to eat meat or any especially tasty things (if he is visiting). Also, children in Orthodox families should not be deprived of the New Year holiday, the joy of Santa Claus. It's just that many Orthodox families try to emphasize the significance of Christmas with more expensive gifts, more active joint visits to events, etc.

Note that Christmas is celebrated on December 25 and a number of Orthodox Local Churches, but Easter is celebrated by all Orthodox on the same day (this holiday shifts depending on the phases of the moon). The fact is that only on Orthodox Easter is the descent of the Holy Fire in Jerusalem.

Christmas - the twelfth holiday

Each church holiday has a special instructive, educational meaning. The feasts of the Church preserve the true purpose of the feasts - it is a renewal of life, a reminder of special events, and not just drunken fun, unbridled fun.

Many church holidays have become truly popular, omens were timed to them, they began to bring certain seasonal fruits for consecration, that is, the blessing of God in the church, to pray for certain things related to the holiday.

In the annual church cycle there are twelve holidays, called "twelfth" (in Church Slavonic duodecimal). These are the days dedicated to the most important events of the earthly life of Christ and the Most Holy Theotokos, as well as the most important historical events of the Church.

The traditions of their celebration have evolved over the centuries, and today they are celebrated all over the world, and, due to their prevalence, they cover even the lives of non-religious people. This is a church sermon, the glory of the name of Christ, which goes beyond the church fence.

In every Orthodox country, these holidays reflect traditions, national mentality and historical culture. So, in Russia and Greece, on different holidays, earthly fruits are brought for blessing. Elements of Slavic ritualism have been preserved, for example, in the traditions of caroling on the Christmas holiday in Ukraine, Russia and Belarus.

Thanks to the tolerance and love of the Orthodox Church, many ancient good traditions have come down to our days.

These days are like spiritual bright milestones of the year. Remembering this or that event, giving praise to the Lord and the Mother of God, we rejoice in God's love for people and again look at ourselves from the outside, trying to be worthy of this love. Believers try to confess and take communion on the Twelfth Feasts.

The twelfth holidays are divided according to their content:

  • Lord's (Lord's) - eight holidays,
  • Mother of God - four,
  • commemoration days of sacred events.

It is interesting that Christmas belongs to the Lord's holidays, and the priests' robes on this day are Mother of God, that is, blue and silver. This is a tribute to the Mother of Christ, because this is Her holiday.

What is celebrated on Christmas - a story

Christmas is the birthday of the Lord Jesus Christ Himself. The Gospel tells that because of the census, Joseph the Obrochnik and the Most Holy Theotokos were forced to come to Bethlehem, Joseph's homeland. Due to a simple household detail - the overflow of hotels for the poor, there was no money for expensive rooms anymore - they were forced to take refuge in a cave along with livestock, with domestic animals. Here the Virgin Mary gave birth to the Son of God and laid him in a manger, in straw. Simple shepherds called by the Angels came here to bow to the Child, and wise magicians led by the Star of Bethlehem.

It is historically attested that at the time of the birth of the Lord Jesus Christ there was a certain new star in the sky, a celestial phenomenon - perhaps a comet. However, it lit up in heaven as a sign of the coming into earthly life of the Messiah, Christ the Savior. The star of Bethlehem, according to the Gospel, showed the way to the Magi, who came thanks to it to worship the Son of God and bring their gifts to Him.

At Christmas, they ask the Lord for the gift and upbringing of children, remember the simplicity of the Birth of the Divine Infant and try to do good deeds during Christmas time - the week between Christmas and Epiphany.

Christmas Eve

The day before Christmas, January 6, is Christmas Eve. On this day, until the "evening star", that is, until dusk, according to the Charter of the Church, they did not eat at all, they could only drink water or tea. In our time, it is difficult to fulfill such a strict fast. Try, especially if you did not fast during the Christmas fast, to make a small sacrifice to the Lord - refrain from meat and dairy products, from fish (even from at least one thing, including sweets) this morning. Interestingly, there was a historical joke when Count Suvorov did not eat anything during dinner with Catherine II before Christmas. When she asked why, the courtiers explained that it was impossible to reach the first star. The Empress called the servants and bestowed an order - "a star to Count Suvorov."

In fact, in the Charter and the saying “it is impossible until the first star” does not mean the appearance of heavenly stars, but the singing of the words of the troparion in the church, prayers in honor of the feast of the Nativity of Christ, where the word star is mentioned.

“Your Christmas, our God of Christ, shone to the world as the light of reason: in it the servants of the stars (magicians) learned to worship You with a star, the Sun of Truth, and to know You, Coming from the height of the East. Lord, glory to Thee."

That is why on Christmas Eve it is advised to fast until the evening Christmas service, visit the temple, and then break the fast at the festive table.

This is not as difficult as it seems: after all, many people spend December 31st, forced to fast: the wife does not have time to eat in the chores in the kitchen, and the family, looking into the refrigerator, hears from her mother: “Don’t touch it, it’s for the New Year!” But fasting on Christmas Eve on the eve of Christmas has a deeper meaning, a spiritual purpose that is different from just “creating a festive mood”.

How to get ready for Christmas?

Looking forward to Christmas, it is worth paying more attention to meaningful preparation for the holiday, rather than dinner. Prepare, for example, for Confession and Communion by prayer and remembrance of sins. Confess the day before, because on the night of January 6-7 and even on the morning of January 7, churches are crowded. Confession will be difficult, but communion is a doubly holiday, a double grace.

If you do not plan to take communion, read the Gospel aloud, with the whole family, or tell the children about the worship of the Magi, about the singing of the Angels and the joy of the shepherds, looking at the Christ Child, the King of the World, humbly lying in a manger. The writer Ivan Shmelev wrote about the traditions of preparing for Christmas and festive pre-revolutionary customs in his amazing novel “The Summer of the Lord”, written on behalf of a child. You can also read the Christmas chapters from it yourself on Christmas Eve.

How to enter the church

Many people who do not yet know much about the Church are getting used to being "goers" - to come in when it is convenient, put candles and not pray at divine services. However, the Lord Himself speaks of church prayer during a common service: “Where two or three gather in My name, there I am in the midst of them.”

The original meaning of the word "Church" is the assembly of Christ's disciples, Christians; in translation - "assembly". It is interesting that the first Christians often gathered not only in buildings, it is important that they were together even in the open air and could perform the Sacraments and pray.

Therefore, try not only to come to church on Christmas, but also to pray, and even better, prepare and take communion at the Liturgy. The main service in the church, the main sacrament is the Liturgy. The most powerful prayer is any commemoration of a person at the Liturgy and, of course, communion itself. During the Sacrament of the Eucharist, the whole Church prays for a person. Communion, people receive great power and grace from God.

The Church blesses to take communion at least once a year: about once a month is better.

Length of service in the church

Note that not in every Orthodox church there is a night service from January 6 to 7. There may be options, and you can go to the temple that is more convenient for you to visit, on the schedule that you are ready for. Be sure to check at the temple stand

It must be said that temples and cathedrals open at different times, and services are performed at different times, depending on

  • Region, location;
  • At the monastery whether the temple or the parish;
  • The seasons are in small, rural churches.

Before Christmas, a solemn evening service will be performed - the All-Night Vigil. The name is just a tradition, the service does not go on all night, but for about 2-3 hours in different churches.

All-night vigil begins either at 17 or 18:00. Sometimes - in rare cases, in a village, in a remote monastery - at 16:00. In monasteries, divine services and the Liturgy and the All-Night Vigil go on longer.

The next day in the morning, at about 9 or 10:00, the Divine Liturgy will be celebrated, during which you can partake of the Holy Mysteries of Christ. Accordingly, you can go to both services, or just one.

However, there is another option. On the evening of January 6, the divine service of the saint will begin at 23:30. Then during the night they will perform an all-night vigil, hours and Divine Liturgy.

The All-Night Vigil begins with Compline, at which prophecies and psalms are read, and in the middle the choir sings the solemn festive chant "God is with us." It includes the singing of verses from the prophetic book of Isaiah that the great God himself, the Father of the future age, is present with people today. This hymn begins with the words "God is with us, understand the nations (that is, peoples) and repent (submit to the power of God), as (because) God is with us."

Immediately following Great Compline, a festive Christmas Vespers is served. It begins with a litia, a part of the service, at which bread, vegetable oil (oil), wheat and wine are consecrated. Then the divine service of the festive matins is performed, at which the choir performs many solemn hymns. At Matins, an excerpt from the Gospel is read, which tells about the event of the Nativity of Christ. “Hours” (short services consisting of reading three psalms and some prayers) join Matins. Thus ends the festive All-Night Vigil. It will take about one and a half hours.

You will understand that the All-night Vigil is over, because after that the priest will proclaim "Blessed is the Kingdom of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit." Thus begins the festive Liturgy. It will last about one and a half to two hours. If you get tired, you can leave the Liturgy.

star of bethlehem

Initially, the eight-pointed star on the icons denotes the Nativity or Bethlehem. It is historically attested that at the time of the birth of the Lord Jesus Christ there was a certain new star in the sky, a celestial phenomenon - perhaps a comet. However, it lit up in heaven as a sign of the coming into earthly life of the Messiah, Christ the Savior. The star of Bethlehem, according to the Gospel, showed the way to the Magi, who came thanks to it to worship the Son of God and bring their gifts to Him.

The star of Bethlehem is an elongated rhombus inscribed in a square, this is how its eight rays are formed. Such a sign was theologically interpreted on the icon “The Savior in Strength”, becoming a sign of the power of Christ - it is no coincidence that the star of Bethlehem became His star.

The eight-pointed star of the Virgin, the octogram is an equilateral star. It can be seen on most of the images of the Mother of God. On the one hand, this is an image of the Star of Bethlehem, on the other -

Most often, the icon of the Mother of God is painted on a golden background, symbolizing the Divine Light, or on a heavenly background, symbolizing Heaven, where She is located. The dark cherry outer garment of the Mother of God, the maforium, has an image of gold embroidery of the three stars of the Mother of God: above the forehead and on the shoulders. They mean that the Mother of God before, during and after the birth of the Son of God by Her remained and remained the Virgin, shining with the virtue of chastity and others.

On the icon of the Virgin "The Burning Bush" Her image with the Son is inscribed in an eight-pointed star (but this is not the "star of the Virgin"). This is a fairly late iconographic type; it carries the same symbolism as the icon of the Savior in Power.

DIY Christmas or New Year's toy

Today, the eight-pointed star is one of the most beautiful and bright symbols of Orthodoxy. She illuminates and consecrates many icon cases, church utensils, and decorations of pious Christian women. There is no sin in using it in home decor at Christmas, on the contrary, it is a very pious and beautiful custom. You can make it with your own hands by gluing, for example, a paper icon of the Nativity of Christ to the center.

The eight-pointed star reminds us of the power of God, and of the radiance of the Kingdom of God, and of our life path, along which we must follow the Bethlehem guiding star, like magicians towards the Infant Christ. One must be able to become a guiding star for people in this world with the help of good deeds.

May the Lord keep you with His grace, may the Infant Christ bless you!

Christmas has real meanings.

Priest, Rector of the Ukrainian Open Orthodox University of Hagia Sophia-Wisdom Georgy Kovalenko spoke about the preparation and celebration of the Nativity of Christ.

- What is the most important thing to remember when preparing for Christmas?

At Christmas, the main thing is not to forget that this is the birthday of Jesus Christ. Christmas is not just a beautiful winter holiday, not just a time of some spiritual or earthly joys. Christmas is not just a feast (on the eve - Lenten or not Lenten already on Christmas Day).

Christmas is the birthday of Jesus Christ, and gifts on this day should be given to Christ. How to do it? Let us remember what He himself said. Once, speaking of the Last Judgment, He said: "If you have given drink to the thirsty, fed the hungry, sheltered the homeless, visited the one who is in the hospital or in prison, you have done it for Me." That is, we can meet Christ when we see a person in trouble, and if we give him something, then we give it to Christ. Everything else is the joy of having met Christ. Moreover, on this day there are many non-obvious, but very relevant meanings for us. If we remember the events of Christmas, we can immediately see them.

First, Christmas is a day to remember the homeless. Why? Because once Joseph and pregnant Mary came to Bethlehem and did not find a place to stay. They stopped in a wretched cave.

On the other hand, Christmas is a time to pray for peace. Remember what the angels sang: "Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, goodwill toward men." Such a beautiful word "favor"! If we translate it into modern language, then this is "good will." Christmas is a time for people of good will, we all need to do something to restore peace between people. And then we can give praise to God.

On the other hand, Christmas is a time to remember the orphans. After all, what is the Holy Family? This is Mary, the Christ child, named father Joseph. There are a lot of families in our country where the father is a step-parent. And just Joseph is an example and patron of such parents, and the Holy Family is the patron of such families. We also have enough families where there is no father at all. When we look at the Virgin Mary with the baby Christ, we understand that this is the Son of God, and his father is God. Similarly, for a child who does not have a father, God must be the father, and when we read the Lord's Prayer in such families, this prayer sounds very different.

Remember when Joseph and Mary fled with the baby to Egypt. This event is called the flight to Egypt and is the subject of many works of art. But if you translate it into modern language, then the Holy Family were refugees, and this is another important and relevant meaning today. Because in fact, refugees are people who are not like us. They may have a different mentality, a different culture, but when we meet them, we must remember that we also meet Christ in them.

And remember also: the Magi bring gifts to Christ. The Ukrainian and Russian word "Magi" has a somewhat negative connotation, but if you remember these biblical Magi, you should understand that, on the one hand, they were kings, on the other hand, scientists, astronomers, astrologers, sages, magicians (speaking in English language). And these people bring prophetic gifts to Christ. They understand that this is an unusual person, and give him gold - as a king. I think that we should also give Christ gold - the gold of our pure heart and perfect life. They also give him frankincense, which is a resin that is used in the church in order to have a good aroma. Likewise, we must give Christ the incense of our prayer, that is, pure prayer. And the third gift of the Magi to the infant Christ is myrrh. This is a mixture that was used to smear the body of a deceased person. That is, in fact, they predict his sacrificial death. So you and I must sacrificially serve our neighbor.

This is everything you need to know and not to forget at Christmas. And only then we sit down at the table, then we pray in the church, then we sing carols, passing on knowledge about Christmas to each other in a very simple and perfect folk form, and only then we celebrate until Epiphany.

Adults teach many from childhood that it is impossible to do some work on certain holidays. What not to do at Christmas?

Although I am a priest, I do not know the answer to the question of what cannot be done on religious holidays, because on religious holidays one must do good. And, probably, it is not necessary to do anything evil. If we do good in a certain way, then, perhaps, any deed or action aimed at helping our neighbor should be welcomed. Superfluous, I think, will be an action that takes away our time for good deeds, for glorifying God or for fellowship with our neighbor.

- According to your observations, the number of people who go to church, celebrate Christmas, increases over the years?

Sociology says that about 70% of people in Ukraine call themselves believers. Almost 70% of them are Orthodox. All these people celebrate Christmas. If we look, on the one hand, at the filled churches, we can consider that we are all really believers, religious people, Christians. But if we look around, we will see that our country still does not live according to God's commandments.

The question then arises: are we really believers? Are we really Christians? Do we really celebrate the birthday of Jesus? Are we gathering at His festive table? Do we hear what He tells us? Do we meet Him on the street, at home, at work, on social networks? Strange as it may sound, but the Lord himself says: "Where two or three are gathered in My name, there I am among them."

How is He among us? Then, when we remember Him, then, when we know His commandments, then, when we do something good to those who are next to us. Then we give it to God.

Because we are used to thinking that God is our helper, and He wants us to be His helpers.

Last year, Ukrainians received an additional Christmas day off on December 25th. What do you think of this innovation?

It is very good that in Ukraine they do not oppose December 25 and January 7. We have two Christmas days and must fill them with Christmas meanings. If we talk about January 7, then everything is clear here - this is our Christmas, these are our traditions, this is what is passed down from generation to generation, what is being revived today.

If we talk about December 25, then, for example, we at the Open Orthodox University perceived this day as Open Christmas, the day when we open the world Christmas, when we open the traditions of other peoples, the day when we are open and hospitable to those in Ukraine celebrates Christmas on December 25th. Today among us there are representatives of various foreign companies, embassies, missions, just tourists, and in general there are people in Ukraine who celebrate Christmas on December 25th. We can visit them, or we can, having a day off, go to another country and see how they celebrate there.

Moreover, I think we should know that 9 out of 14 Orthodox churches celebrate Christmas on December 25th. In addition, both these churches and our church celebrate Christmas exactly on December 25 - just according to different calendars. And therefore, even when calendars divide us, even when traditions divide us, even when we are divided in dates, we must be united in Christ. Therefore, both December 25 and January 7 - Christmas, this is a holiday when we can talk about our faith and can do good deeds.