When are the February school holidays? Holidays in quarters

At school, spring break for Russian schoolchildren will take place on different dates. Although the spring holidays will take place on more or less similar dates, even in the country's two largest cities - Moscow and St. Petersburg - spring holidays will take place on different, albeit adjacent, weeks. Let's figure out when spring holidays begin in the 2017-2018 academic year for Russian schoolchildren in different cities of the country and in schools with different forms of organizing the educational process, and how long they will last.

When will spring break be in the 2017-2018 school year in Russian schools?

The vacation schedule in schools is left to the discretion of regional education authorities, and sometimes the right to set vacation dates is given to the head of the educational institution - the school principal. Therefore, in principle, there is no general vacation schedule for the entire country.

There is a reason for this policy of the Ministry of Education. Russia is a country of vast territories, and in many cases it is better known locally when it is best to set holidays for children. Only a few rules remain common to the entire country, which relate to the number of rest days for schoolchildren during the school year.

Sometimes the dates of spring holidays may be shifted or this holiday itself may be completely canceled due to quarantine during winter flu epidemics. This is done to ensure that schoolchildren have time to complete the program.

Another nuance regarding the holidays is related to the fact that some Russian schools (and, of course, the majority of them) continue to divide the academic year into the usual four quarters, but there are also those where the year is divided into trimesters. In schools with three trimesters, vacations are provided not only at the end of the trimester, but also in its middle, so vacations in schools with different forms of organizing the educational process coincide only in the summer and on the new year. In autumn and spring they diverge quite noticeably.

We will not be able to tell you about the school holiday schedule in all cities of Russia - this is an almost impossible task. We will give just a few examples of when spring break will be in some cities of the country and give one useful tip on how to clarify the vacation dates at a particular school that interests you.

Let's start with schools, the majority of which are those where the school year is divided into quarters. Here are some examples of when the spring holidays of the 2017-2018 school year will begin in different cities of the country according to documents adopted by local educational departments:

  • Moscow – from April 1 to 8.
  • St. Petersburg - from March 24 to April 1.
  • Tomsk - from March 22 to April 1.
  • Sarov (Nizhny Novgorod region) - from March 26 to April 1.

This extremely short list demonstrates only one thing - in none of the four cities that we took almost at random, the vacation dates coincide with other cities.

As for schools that use trimesters, the bulk of them are located in Moscow, so let’s contact the capital’s education department to clarify when spring holidays begin and end in such schools:

  • From February 18 to 25 there will be holidays, which can be called both late winter and early spring.
  • from April 8 to April 15 – spring vacation in such schools.

Please note that holidays from February 18 to February 25 are also provided in Moscow for first-graders in schools that use the traditional four-quarter teaching mode.

The only advice we can give you if you are interested in spring break is to check the start and end dates at your school. As a rule, such information is published on the school’s website (if it is maintained more or less conscientiously). If there is no such information there, you can check the dates of the holidays with the school secretary or your child’s class teacher. Of course, this will be especially useful if, for example, you are planning a family vacation or some other trips during your child’s vacation.

Vacations are the most favorite time for students. And even those who left the school a long time ago remember the times of rest with a cheerful smile. Both students and their parents are looking forward to a break in the educational process, and they look forward to the autumn break - the very first - with special impatience.

When do autumn holidays start in 2018?

Many students, and their parents, notice that in different educational institutions the autumn holidays fall at different times. The reason for this discrepancy is the teaching process adopted in each particular school. The academic year can be divided either into four parts - quarters, or into three - trimesters. At the end of each part there must be a short break. The 2018-2019 academic year is no exception.

When studying at school in quarters, the recommended rest periods in schools, gymnasiums and lyceums are 7 calendar days in the fall, 2 weeks in the winter and 1 week in the spring. Two additional days, at the discretion of the administration of the educational institution, can be added to the autumn or winter holidays, taking into account public holidays (November 4 and New Year).

This means that the holiday schedule for 2018-2019. may include the following vacation dates:

  • autumn - from October 27 to November 5, 2018;
  • winter - from December 26, 2018 to January 8, 2019;
  • spring - from March 23 to March 31, 2019

Where to find information about holidays

The vacation schedule in schools in various Russian regions may undergo minor changes during the school period due to the postponement of holidays and decisions of the local school administration. Only in Moscow does the Department of Education establish a unified educational schedule for students using the traditional and modular system.

The exact school holiday calendar for the 2018-2019 school year can be found out in the most appropriate way:

Go to the official information portal of the educational institution, where there is a calendar schedule for the academic year.

The child’s electronic diary should also contain information about rest periods in the information section for parents or in the news and announcements section.

The class teacher is obliged to provide such information to parents, since the curriculum is drawn up in the summer, so the vacation schedule is approved in advance.

Information about rest periods during the academic year can be obtained from the secretary by calling the reception office of the educational institution.

Mandatory pre-holiday training

Before leaving for the holidays, all children must receive instructions on how to behave correctly during the holidays. Class teachers should explain to students what can and cannot be done.

A separate topic should be devoted to traffic rules, since a large number of road accidents involving children occur during the holidays.

If students go on summer holidays, parents must inform where and with whom their children will be staying. Before the summer holidays, parents must also listen to the instructions and sign for it.

Sergei Sobyanin promised that the Department of Education would balance the school holiday schedule, taking into account holidays. The mayor of the Russian capital, Sergei Sobyanin, said that the Moscow authorities intend to revise the vacation schedule for schoolchildren.

What to do during the autumn holidays 2018

Autumn holidays last only a week, and this is far from the best week of the year. It’s slushy outside, my mood is so-so, I want to sleep until lunch, bury myself in the TV and watch cartoons.

But the best vacation is a change of activity, so don’t waste time and take your vacation into your own hands.

A few rules for a good holiday:

In the first two or three days, which fall on the weekend, allow your child to be lazy and do nothing at all. Sleep, eat, get stuck on your tablet, take a walk to the nearest cinema - that’s welcome. Autumn holidays are needed for a break. A few days of seal rest will be just right.

Then you need to do your homework in order to forget about them, like a bad dream, until the end of the week and not remember every evening that the homework is not done, but time is passing.

And only then get serious about having fun.

The first year of school is the most important stage for every child, because not only his success in learning, but also his health depends on how successfully the child adapts to the new schedule of life.

Most kids look forward to the first bell with trepidation. But first-graders are looking forward to their first holidays with even greater impatience!

If this year your child sits down for the first time at one of the schools or gymnasiums of the Russian Federation, it’s time to find out how the educational process will go for the youngest schoolchildren and on what dates you can plan family vacations and joint trips so as not to disrupt the educational process. We are ready to tell:

Childhood is a carefree time, filled with joy, bright emotions and fascinating knowledge of everything that makes this world interesting for a child. Childhood for little fidgets does not end with graduation from kindergarten! That is why the main task of the school is to create comfortable conditions and a psychological climate for first-graders. And here the balance of study load and rest plays an important role.

SanPiN requirements clearly outline the features of the learning process for first-graders:

  • 5-day school week;
  • lesson duration in 1st grade – 35 minutes;
  • the first 2 months in 1st grade there should be 3 lessons;
  • from November to the end of the first semester - 4 lessons;
  • in the second semester - 4 lessons (5 lessons are allowed once a week, one of which is physical education).

To minimize stress and develop interest in the learning process itself, in the first grade they abandoned assessments and homework, and also gave the kids another additional February holiday.

Vacation schedule for schools and gymnasiums in Russia for the 2017-2018 academic year

According to the law, in the period from September 1 to May 28, students must spend at least 34-35 calendar days on vacation. This requirement is fully met by both the traditional semester system, according to which children studied for many years, and the new modular one, proposed relatively recently.

Vacations for the 2017-2018 academic year according to the semester system

If the weather does not make its own adjustments, then in 2017-2018, primary, secondary and senior schoolchildren will traditionally have four vacation periods, and first-graders will have as many as five:

  1. Autumn (from October 30 to November 6 inclusive). The postponement of National Unity Day from November 4 to November 6 will give restless people one more extra day off.
  2. Winter (from December 25 to January 9).
  3. Additional (from February 19 to 25). Only for first graders.
  4. Spring (from March 26 to April 1).
  5. Summer, traditionally starting immediately after the Last Bell holiday.

Holidays 2017-2018 according to the modular system

Studies show that by the end of long quarters, fatigue accumulates, which significantly reduces students' attention, memory resources and perception of educational material. In order to relieve children and create optimal conditions for effective learning, a modular structure of the academic year was proposed, which included the following vacation periods:

Important! The schedule proposed by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation is advisory in nature. This means that the final decision remains with the administration of schools and gymnasiums, which have every right to make adjustments to the announced dates.

Additional holidays for first graders

Everyone who went to school knows that the longest and most difficult is the 3rd quarter. This is a period of severe frosts and peak incidence of ARVI. That is why it was decided to hold additional holidays for the youngest schoolchildren in February. 7 days of rest should help babies regain strength and protect them from seasonal viral infections.

Thus, taking into account that out of 40 weeks of the school year, 5 fall during the holiday period, the kids have only 35 weeks to study!

School holidays are a time of long-awaited rest for any student. Both first-graders and future graduates count the days until the start of the holidays literally from the first days of the school year. After all, the 2017-2018 holidays are not just days free from school, but also a time filled with games, communication with peers, and vacation trips with family. The exact dates of the holidays are also important for parents, because many of them try to Keep your child busy as much as possible, send him on an interesting trip or take a vacation from work.

Both parents and students should know that the schedule is a guideline. That is, officials from the ministry can only indicate the approximate dates for the start and end of the holidays, but when exactly the days of the cherished rest begin is determined by a school order. Thus, vacation days may vary from school to school, even if the school follows the same curriculum.

The only mandatory rules include that school holidays should begin on Monday and not be “shifted” from the recommended dates by more than two weeks in either direction.

So, the approximate school holiday schedule for the 2017-2018 academic year for schools teaching in quarters.

Autumn holidays

Autumn holidays. Late October – early November.

The end date of the autumn holidays is influenced by National Unity Day, celebrated on November 4. Since this holiday falls on a Saturday in 2017, the day off will be moved to Monday, November 6. Approximate dates of autumn holidays: 28.10. – 06.11. (inclusive).

Winter holidays

Winter holidays. End of December – first ten days of January.

The dates of winter holidays are the same for both types of study - both quarters and trimesters. At the same time, school holidays coincide with rest days for the New Year - the first working day after the holidays usually falls on January 9-10. Approximate winter holiday dates: – 25.12. – 09.01.
For first-graders who are just beginning to get used to the regulated life of school, additional holidays have been introduced. Additional winter holidays in 1st grade: 19.02. – 25.02 .

Spring break

Spring break. The end of March - the first days of April.

During this period there are no public holidays, and therefore the first and last days of the holidays depend solely on weekends. Approximate spring break dates: 26.03. – 01. 04.

Summer holidays

Summer holidays. From the first to the last day of the summer months.

Holidays by trimester

The situation is similar with the trimester education system - the Ministry of Education has not yet prepared recommendations on the start dates of school holidays. However, in this case, calculating vacation time is much easier: in such schools, education is based on the 5+1 principle. That is, five weeks of training (sometimes six) alternate with a week of vacation. 35 days of school, then 7 days of vacation - and the cycle repeats again. The only exception is the winter, or more precisely, New Year's holidays. This rest period in schools with a trimester system coincides with vacations in regular schools, where education is based on the principle of quarters. Approximate vacation dates in schools with a trimester system of education:

Schoolchildren who communicate with peers from other cities in Russia notice that the start and end dates of the holidays often do not coincide. Why is this happening? One country, one specialized department that manages the learning process - the Ministry of Education, and the 2017-2018 school holidays in Moscow, St. Petersburg and other Russian cities begin at different times.

The educational process can take place in schools in different ways. Some educational institutions study exactly according to the established plan, neither ahead nor behind the school curriculum. Others may fall behind the curriculum due to various force majeure circumstances.

A variety of factors can interfere with your studies. For example, for schoolchildren in Siberia, it is not unusual for an announcement like: “Today, due to severe frosts, schoolchildren from the first to the eleventh grade are not studying.” Due to low air temperatures, strong winds, snowstorms or blizzards, the municipal Department of Education may announce the cancellation of classes. Depending on weather conditions, only the lower grades or the entire school may miss classes. Less frequent, but also not something out of the ordinary, is the announcement of the cancellation of classes due to spring floods. Most reasons for missing school are force majeure, occurring due to circumstances beyond the control of the education department.
If only a few such “force majeure” days are announced per year - usually three to five - then there is an opportunity to “catch up” with the curriculum. However, when such “absences” accumulate quite a lot - from a week or more, then the school administration has to take unpopular measures among schoolchildren and reduce or postpone the time of school holidays. Such force majeure is the reason why the right to set rest times is left to the school director, and is not regulated by direct order of the ministry.

Additional holidays in the 2017-2018 academic year

Unforeseen vacations are a great joy for most schoolchildren, while their reasons are not at all cheerful. Additional vacations may be assigned or planned dates may be postponed for the following reasons:

  • severe frosts (at -25, classes are canceled in elementary school, at -28 in middle school, and, at -30, in high school);
  • if the air temperature in the classrooms drops below +18;
  • exceeding the epidemiological threshold for a particular disease.

Vacations in 2017-2018 for students

In universities there are only winter and summer holidays between semesters. Moreover, unlike schools, their dates can vary significantly, depending on the curriculum of each particular institution. In addition, students need to undergo summer internship. In most cases, winter holidays for students in 2017-2018 will fall from the end of January to mid-February, and summer holidays will begin in July.

Could there be innovations in the 2017-2018 academic year?

Now the idea is being actively discussed that it is necessary to return to the old rules, when the dates of all holidays were the same for schools throughout the country. This is convenient for organizing Olympiads, various competitions, children’s conventions, etc. In order to find out public opinion in the capital, they even conducted a survey with the following points:

  1. leave everything as it is;
  2. move from quarters to trimesters, increasing the duration of vacations between them;
  3. on the contrary, divide the school year into five parts, with a week's rest between them.

None of the points received a clear majority; most schools consider the current system correct, when they can independently adjust the dates of the holidays proposed by the ministry. Most likely, no significant changes are expected in the structure of the 2017-2018 academic year.

Well, it's October, and that means fall break will start very soon in many schools. Of course, schoolchildren are looking forward to them with great impatience, because they are so accustomed to writing and reading little during the three months of summer vacation! Below we will talk about the time of school holidays: both for educational institutions in which education is conducted in quarters, and for those institutions where there are trimesters, the site’s editors report.

  • Autumn holidays in 2018-2019 – from October 29 to November 5 inclusive.
  • The last day of school in the first quarter is October 26 or 27. The second quarter will begin on November 6...

The autumn holidays of the 2018-2019 academic year will last a little more than a week, since they fall on a national holiday - National Unity Day. In 2018, the holiday falls on Sunday, November 4, so it is moved to a weekday - Monday. November 5th. The autumn holidays for schoolchildren will begin on Saturday, October 27, and will last until Tuesday, November 6. Students will return to their school desks on Tuesday, November 6th.

The Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation does not set exact dates for children's holidays in all educational institutions, but is only limited to recommendations on the timing of rest periods for Russian students, taking into account their education in quarters or trimesters. There are also schools and gymnasiums that provide children with additional vacation periods, and for first-graders, in addition to general ones, a 7-day vacation in February is mandatory.

The reasons why regional education departments can make changes to the timing of the educational process, according to the website, may be the following:

  • changes in weather, such as severe frosts or floods. If the air temperature is -25⁰ C, then classes for primary school are stopped, at -28⁰ C – for middle school and -30⁰ C – for high school students;
  • if the air temperature in the room is insufficient, that is, less than 18⁰ C. Such standards were established by the Ministry of Health;
  • influenza epidemic and other diseases in which the permissible morbidity limit of 30% of the total number of students is exceeded.

When are the autumn holidays at school in 2018-2019 in October and November for schools with training in trimesters.

Many Russian schools, with the consent of parent committees, have switched to trimester education, which involves dividing the school period into 3 parts. This entails a change in the rest time of schoolchildren compared to students in quarters.

With trimester training, calculating the start of the break is somewhat easier. In this process, rest time and study time alternate with enviable regularity: four or five weeks of study are followed by a week off. That is, a short break in the middle of the trimester and rest at the end of the trimester. It may seem to some that with such a training system there are more days off than with a quarterly system. In fact, the total rest time in both systems is almost the same - the difference can be literally a couple of days.

Students on the trimester system will be able to rest twice in the fall - at the beginning of October and at the end of November.

  • Autumn holidays 2018-2019 in the middle of the term - from 8 to 14 October
  • Autumn holidays 2018-2019 at the end of the term - from November 19 to 25.

School plans: study and recreation

How is the school year schedule prepared? Why does the study break fall on a different date every year? Is it really impossible to once and for all set out strict dates for the first and last days of rest in school rules, so as not to ask the question every year when rest will begin? Let's try to figure it out.

The school administration ultimately determines the time period during which the break in studies occurs. This right is assigned to educational institutions at the legislative level. The reason is simple: schools do not always have the opportunity to follow the curriculum “from start to finish,” clearly following every letter and every number written in the documents. In fact, sometimes force majeure circumstances occur, due to which plans have to be adjusted during the training process. Accidents (for example, a sewer or heating pipeline break), natural disasters (severe frosts or rains that threaten flooding), a state of emergency in the region, disease outbreaks (flu quarantine, for example) - there can be a lot of reasons. And in order to ensure that the educational process does not suffer from force majeure, schools have the right to change the schedule - reducing or postponing the start and end dates of quarters or trimesters.

Before the start of the school year, the Ministry of Education issues an order indicating the total duration of study time and rest time. Thus, in 2018-2019, a total of at least 30 days are allocated for vacations. And regardless of whether training is conducted in trimesters or quarters, students in all schools in the country will have to rest for at least a month for the entire year (not counting the summer break).

Where to find information about holidays

The vacation schedule in schools in various Russian regions may undergo minor changes during the school period due to the postponement of holidays and decisions of the local school administration. Only in Moscow does the Department of Education establish a unified educational schedule for students using the traditional and modular system.

The exact school holiday calendar for the 2018-2019 school year can be found out in the most appropriate way:

  1. Go to the official information portal of the educational institution, where there is a calendar schedule for the academic year.
  2. The child’s electronic diary should also contain information about rest periods in the information section for parents or in the news and announcements section.
  3. The class teacher is obliged to provide such information to parents, since the curriculum is drawn up in the summer and the vacation schedule is approved in advance.
  4. Information about rest periods during the academic year can be obtained from the secretary by calling the reception office of the educational institution.

Having all the necessary information, parents can plan their upcoming holiday with their child in advance.