Coffee divination what does the bridge mean. Interpretation of fortune-telling on coffee grounds

People know a lot of fortune-telling, one of the most popular ways to find out what awaits you in the near future is coffee fortune-telling. Its prevalence is largely due to the ease of implementation and reliable results. But the most important part in this procedure is to establish the correct designation of the figures that appeared on the coffee grounds in the process of divination.

If you want to seek advice on the future of your coffee drink, stock up on the following tools:

  • a porcelain cup of a single color;
  • ground coffee;
  • coffee pot.

Also, before embarking on the divination procedure itself, you will need to sit quietly for several minutes, moving away for a moment from the whole world around you and mentally hold the question that worries you.

Pour grains into a coffee pot or a special Turk ground coffee bring them to a boil. Then pour the resulting drink into a cup and, when the coffee has cooled down a bit, drink it. And then turn the coffee grounds on a plate. Then take the cup in your hands, again concentrate on the topic of your question and turn the cup three times in a circle in a clockwise direction. Do this vigorously enough.

Then you need to carefully study the resulting pattern. So the spots located on the walls of the cup will tell you about the near future, and the images on the bottom will tell you about past events. Next, we will tell you how to correctly interpret the result.

Deciphering patterns on coffee grounds

People and body parts:

  • Eyes - changes will burst into your life.
  • Head - in the circle of your acquaintances there is a very positive guy who will have a good effect on your future.
  • Head in profile - you have very good protection.
  • Female head - get ready, soon love will come into your life.
  • Male head - portends you separation from your loved one.
  • The head is turned up - you have a powerful patron.
  • The head is turned down - you should be more careful, you are in danger.
  • Mouth - wait for positive news, you will also receive support from your friends and relatives.
  • Two heads that are located in the center of the cup - you will soon get married.
  • Two profiles that the line crosses - such a pattern promises a quick quarrel with a dear person.
  • A lot of goals - if it’s hard for you now, don’t worry - soon help will come from loved ones.
  • An old woman - her appearance indicates a strong love affair and a happy married life.
  • Hand - something will cause you disappointment, you will part with your illusions.
  • Man and animal - in the circle of your acquaintances there is a person who is ready to provide you with care.

Animal world

  • Butterfly - they will write a love letter to you.
  • Bull - beware of danger.
  • Camel - soon you will achieve material success.
  • Dove - you have a very good, sincere friend.
  • Raven - see him unfortunately.
  • Hare - personifies a rhinestone, the inability to correctly understand current events.
  • The snake is an insidious person who wishes you harm.
  • Cow - luck patronizes you, you will soon become happy.
  • A cat is not a very favorable symbol, to material losses, ruin.
  • Chicken - you will have to help a new person in your environment.
  • Swan - quite unexpectedly, you will receive a large amount of money.
  • Leo - powerful friends, power.
  • Fox - you will encounter cunning, insincerity, lies.
  • Frog - see her to receive good news.
  • Bear - be careful - you are in danger, but you can still protect yourself from it.
  • Ant - appears on the coffee grounds to the hassle, fuss.
  • Fly - you will soon gain an inheritance, get rich.
  • The deer is a symbol of honesty, wisdom and openness.
  • Eagle - now you are forced to fight with someone, but you will certainly win this fight.
  • Spider - you will receive a nice present.
  • Rooster - promises good news, happy events.
  • Fish - get ready for a pleasant trip and positive news.
  • Elephant - acts as a symbol of strength, portends material success.
  • Dog - you have a faithful companion.
  • Owl - a serious illness is not ruled out.
  • Tiger - aggression.
  • The lizard is a nice surprise, a surprise.

See how fortune-telling is performed on coffee in this video clip


  • Oak - indicates victory.
  • Willow - portends depressive states with tears.
  • Clover - believe me: very soon there will be no trace of your problems.
  • Bush - the business that you set about will soon end in failure.
  • Forest - you have chosen the wrong path in life or your partner.
  • Lily - if she is located along the walls, then she promises stability in relations, and if at the bottom - conflicts.
  • Get ready to put on your wedding dress.
  • Violet - marry a rich man.
  • Chrysanthemum - love will come to you in adulthood.


  • Car - promises pleasant trips, travel.
  • - you will have a mutual feeling.
  • Angel - get good news, someone will pleasantly please you.
  • Fork - testifies to material well-being, luxury.
  • Coffin - portends unfortunate events.
  • The coffin and the cross are death.
  • A coffin and a bed - someone will soon become seriously ill.
  • Door - you will be successful in all your new ventures.
  • Home - you will find marital happiness.
  • Dagger - you have enemies, aggression towards you.
  • The key is that you can safely take on any new business - they will end in success.
  • The wheel is an interesting adventure.
  • The ring is for the wedding.
  • Hammer - you will make decisions at random, but everything will end well.
  • Knife - you will face loss, damage, you will have to sacrifice yourself.
  • Scissors - promise well-being.
  • Shoes - beware of danger.
  • A tool - to serious quarrels and scandals.
  • Folder - things will end in success.
  • The loop is a very unfavorable symbol, it predicts bad events and death.
  • Glove - old love will return to your life.
  • Horseshoe - to good luck and success.
  • Dishes - meet an old friend unexpectedly.
  • Candle - to dreams.
  • Chair - money, a good career.
  • Flag - warns of possible danger, act thoughtfully.
  • The hat is a sign of success and glory.
  • The anchor is a symbol of good luck, happiness, success with a clear picture and problems in the love sphere with a blurry picture.


  • Arc - the appearance of an insidious enemy.
  • Star - you will get rid of what is bothering you.
  • Square - you will not need anything.
  • The cross - to bad news (if it is solid) and to a successful married life - if it has clear contours, and is white inside.
  • Circle - you easily make new acquaintances.
  • Oval - promises a quick wedding, marriage.
  • Dots with strokes - happy events are coming, success.
  • Triangle - you will suddenly be very lucky (if it is closed), the appearance of a patron in life (if closed).
  • Dash - change jobs.
  • Quadrilateral - you are lucky in the love sphere.


  • One is you are loved.
  • Two - to failure, adverse events.
  • Three - to successful transactions, financial profit.
  • Four is success.
  • Five - to empty talk, gossip.
  • Six - get married soon.
  • Seven is a mutual feeling.
  • Eight - quarrel with a loved one.
  • Nine - new acquaintances.
  • Ten and one hundred - to luck and success.
  • 101 and more - to longevity.

Knowing how to correctly guess on coffee, you can lift the veil of the future a little, and find out what fate has prepared for you in the near future. The main thing is to sincerely believe in him and adhere to all the rules described above.

Man has always tried to look into the future and find out in advance what awaits him and what he should be afraid of. At all times, people used certain objects or phenomena to receive predictions from the Higher Forces for the day, month, and even years ahead. There were times when such people, with the gift of foresight, were equated with Gods and extolled. There were eras when witches and other "unclean" were persecuted and destroyed. Everything was used as a "predictor", from natural phenomena, stars and eclipses, to dice, cards and, of course, coffee. As soon as this drink appeared in Europe, they immediately began to use it for divination and fortune telling, although coffee grounds, which folded into bizarre patterns and ornaments, were used as a “fortune-telling tool” long before that. It's in Europe coffee beans were brought relatively recently, but in other countries, especially in the homeland of coffee plantations, they and their mystical qualities have been known for a very long time.

There is a stereotype that only a person of a certain specialty can guess or predict the future, who, in addition to purely technical knowledge and skills, is gifted from above with a certain talent for foresight. Perhaps this is true. But fortune-telling with the help of coffee, or rather the thick, is different in that it does not require a person to have any gift, talent, or skills. All that is needed is coffee, a table of interpretations of patterns and a good imagination in order to “see” a symbol or finger of fate in the usual thick of coffee.

A bit of history

The history of predicting the future is probably no less years old than the history of mankind. After all, as soon as a person appeared in this world, the desire to know what will happen tomorrow or in a month was "born" in him instantly, along with him. As for coffee divination specifically, its origin falls on the era of the Turkish sultans and, oddly enough, the Russian tsars. Divination with coffee is one of the types of tasseography, which, despite its venerable age, has not lost its popularity, and given its simplicity, on the contrary, its popularity among modern lovers of looking into tomorrow has only increased.

By the way, divination (any) evolves with a person. Today, the magical books of antiquity cause confusion in modern man, since half of the ingredients are not known to him at all, and the second part of the components necessary for various rituals either no longer exists or is difficult to access. Another thing is coffee - this product is still in large quantities is available to everyone and does not require any unique additional components. If we talk about changing the technique of divination, then to a greater extent this affected not the principle or process, but the number and types of drawings. So, if our ancestors guessed at letters, numbers and certain objects, then modern man included in this list new gadgets and devices that simply did not exist in everyday life before. Today, by visiting special Internet resources, you can use a simple program to tell fortunes on coffee grounds. At the same time, you do not need to brew coffee or understand the thick of it - everything will be done by the computer. True, the reliability of the prediction in online mode is doubtful, and you can’t get pleasure from the process.

Another feature that distinguished coffee divination from all other methods is accessibility. That is, it was this type of fortune-telling that was in demand both among the lower strata of the population, and among the nobility and kings. Today, wealthy businessmen, and even politicians, and show business stars turn to professional fortune tellers. And this is not surprising, because a person, regardless of his status and wealth, so wants to be sure that life will be long and happy.

In the entire history of various predictions, it was the "divination" on the thick of coffee that was considered one of the most harmless, and even the harsh Inquisition did not punish this way to find out the future.

By the way, in the East, coffee divination was trusted along with astrological forecasts court astrologers, which confirms its significance and, possibly, veracity.

What should be done and how?

To tell fortunes on the thick of coffee you need:

  • Turk (it is in this vessel that you can make true fragrant and very tasty coffee). After all, the process of divination itself should bring pleasure, and what a pleasure from bitter coffee ...;
  • a cup of coffee (the choice of dishes has its own characteristics). So the shape of the vessel must be correct (rounded). The surface of the inner edges should be perfectly even, smooth. As for the color, it is better if it is a white or yellowish tint (the contours of signs and symbols are more clearly visible on it). The outer surface can be any, even ribbed, but on condition that this does not affect the ideal smoothness of its inner part. The roughness or unevenness of the inner walls will not easily distort the outlines of the signs, but will also spoil the interpretation itself;
  • saucer (also white or yellowish);
  • and, of course, freshly brewed natural coffee.

If you are not a professional fortune teller and do not know by heart the meanings of letters, numbers and other symbols, it is better to stock up on an interpreter book in advance or use information from the Internet.

Learn the future step by step

After everything is ready for predicting the future in the thick, you need to formulate a question to which you want to get an answer. Ideally, the question should be formulated before you start preparing. But perhaps, in the process of making coffee, the question you are interested in will change. It doesn't matter what you "ask" the coffee grounds for, it matters "how" you do it. The question for divination with coffee should be formulated with purely mathematical precision and conciseness. The result of the prediction does not depend on the type of coffee, but on the correctness of the formation of the question, and this must be remembered.

After everything (including the question) is ready, you can proceed directly to the process. For this:

  1. we make coffee;
  2. pour the finished drink into a cup;
  3. we drink, but not to the last drop, at the bottom of the vessel you need to leave a little black liquid;
  4. take the vessel left hand and make them three movements in a circle. Moreover, women "lead" the vessel counterclockwise, men - clockwise. The movements should be strong enough to shake the contents well. You can “lead” the vessel more than three times, the main thing is that the number of circles be odd. But do not get carried away, three honorary circles are usually enough;
  5. we cover the cup with a saucer and turn it over, and you need to turn the dish on the saucer in the “away from you” format;
  6. after giving a little time to “slide” thicker on the saucer, we carefully turn the vessel over and begin to determine and interpret the pattern that, as a result of these simple manipulations, was formed both on the saucer and inside the cup. The pattern that has formed at the bottom of the cup is able to tell about the present and about what is happening in the soul of a person on this stage. Patterns that are located farther from the center of the vessel tell about what awaits a person in the future, and the farther the pattern is from the edges of the vessel, the more distant the future is.

Features of making coffee for fortune telling

Instant coffee is categorically not suitable for prediction. The drink must be brewed in a Turk so that the thick is thick. By the way, after the coffee is ready to “insist” it is not necessary, but it is necessary to immediately pour it into the chosen vessel and drink it, slowly enjoying every sip and thinking about the question of interest. By the way, if two people are involved in the process of determining the future - a fortuneteller and the one who wants to get an answer, he does not voice his last question, but keeps it secret.

The recipe for fortune telling coffee also has its own specifics, and involves mixing two tablespoons of a coarse ground product with one tablespoon of finely ground coffee.

Interpreting symbols correctly

So that fortune telling does not turn into just entertainment, you need to adhere to certain rules and use special interpreters.

So, the traces of the thick, which formed on the saucer, mean the past and are able to tell about the events that took place in past times. Spots (traces) thick on inner surface cups tell about the present and the future.

Interpretation begins with drawings that are located closer to the edges of the vessel. As for the interpretations themselves, they are based on the image of animals, objects that surround us, people, numbers and letters. Drawings can be conditionally divided into "good" and "bad". But in divination there is no only black and white. In order not to harm, it is better to use special literature, which is now available, including on-line. Those people who perceive all predictions as something inevitable, “karmic” need to be especially careful.

To see the image in the coffee grounds, you need a well-developed fantasy and imagination. The ancient peoples believed that the symbols seen at the bottom of the vessel or along its edges are the key that allows you to slightly open the doors of fate. specific person. But in order to answer the mentally posed question and see fate, the picture must be perceived as a whole, and not in fits and starts, and this is the main difficult prediction with coffee.

You need to examine the images slowly, and very carefully, and from different angles. When divining with coffee grounds, not only the drawings themselves are important, but also their location. So even the ancient "foretellers" believed that the hand of a person who holds a vessel by the handle has a special individual energy, therefore all patterns and drawings concentrated precisely in the area of ​​​​the handle are very important. If the symbols and signs are located "towards the handle" - this indicates profit, arrival and other positive things. If the drawings are located in the direction “from the handle”, their meaning is opposite and speaks of losses, departure, and other losses and losses.

Despite the fact that some skeptics do not believe in predictions, experienced fortune-tellers compare this type of fortune-telling with mathematics or other exact science. This is due to the fact that each image is interpreted in its own way, and taken together, the drawings are able to describe in detail what was in the fate of a person, what is and what will be.

The meaning of the numbers on the thick coffee

If a number is clearly visible on a saucer or cup, then you can go to the Internet or use a special book for its interpretation.

  • So zero means that at birth a person received from the Higher Forces a guiding lucky star that accompanies him through life and protects him from all troubles.
  • The unit will ask you to pay attention to your surroundings, as among acquaintances or friends there is someone who treats you not at all friendly, but experiences stronger and deep feelings. We saw a unit - look around, your love is nearby.
  • Deuce is not the best good sign, and if she appeared on a cup or saucer, it is worth preparing for an illness or other trouble.
  • The three will please business people, as it portends the conclusion of a profitable deal and making big profits.
  • Four - to good luck, and five - to empty talk and gossip.
  • The number six means that the wedding is just around the corner, and the number seven predicts family happiness, success and love. The lucky ones run the risk of "seeing" a combination of these two numbers on the cup.
  • If a figure eight looms on the cup, you need to be prepared for a quarrel or conflict with loved ones.
  • Nine speaks of new and interesting meetings, but ten combines all the pluses of zero and one and symbolizes luck.

What do the letters mean?

How many letters there are in the alphabet, so many predictions exist, since each of them has its own specific interpretation. By the way, almost all nations have letters sacred meaning. So in Hebrew there is a certain numerology, which implies the presence of a number for each letter of the Hebrew alphabet. On the basis of this, a whole scientific and magical trend developed - the Cabal.

In Cyrillic, each letter has its own meaning and interpretation. If one of the letters was formed from the thick, for her correct interpretation you can use a special fortune-telling dictionary, something similar to a dream book.

The interpretation of the Cyrillic letters looks like this:

  • letter A - to victory;
  • letter B - symbolizes power;
  • letter B - to trouble or grief;
  • the letter G "advises" to light a candle to St. George;
  • the letter D speaks of money problems;
  • the letter E is drawn for those who have a clear conscience;
  • F warns of a possible conspiracy against you;
  • the letter Z calls to look at life as pleasure and entertainment;
  • And warns against rash actions that can lead to unpredictable consequences;
  • K portends the trials of fate and strongly "recommends" to purchase a cross;
  • L is definitely love;
  • the letter M portends financial well-being and prosperity;
  • H talks about anxiety;
  • O - "calls" to distant countries and portends an interesting and long journey;
  • the letter P symbolizes the insincerity that surrounds you. Be vigilant and careful;
  • the letter P gives out a drinker in a person;
  • the letter C portends disputes and quarrels;
  • the letter T appears on the cup if an interesting and pleasant acquaintance is coming;
  • Y, like C, denotes quarrels and conflicts;
  • the letter F speaks of hopes that are not always realized;
  • the letter X portends an imminent marriage;
  • the letter C indicates career growth;
  • probably, the letter H is the last one that I would like to "see", since it means the loss of a loved one or a loved one;
  • letter Sh for a truce;
  • a "soft sign" to flirt;
  • a solid sign warns of guests;
  • the letter E asks to be more careful, as theft and loss of things is possible;
  • Yu portends a disease, but the letter I reassures that a bright streak in life is just around the corner and everything will work out.

It is simply impossible to describe the interpretation of all the signs, since there are a huge number of objects that surround a person. But there are certain groups of so-called "good" symbols and "bad" ones. But in peeping into the future with coffee grounds the main thing is not to overdo it not only with the definition of drawings, but also with their interpretation, and not perceive the result as something categorical and irreversible. There are several ways of divination in the thick, each of which has its own characteristics. But it is better for novice predictors to use the classical technique.

If coffee grounds remain at the very bottom of the dishes, this is a bad sign that warns of future negative events in a person’s life. In terms of importance, it is the symbol that formed on the bottom of the cup that is the central point of the entire prediction, from which the rest of the line is “built”.

In addition to the symbols and signs themselves, their location, their size plays an important role in interpretation. So a large symbol is considered dominant, the so-called main of the whole prediction. It is the largest sign that will become the starting point from which all other drawings (spots, contours) are interpreted.

In order for fortune-telling to be as accurate as possible, it is necessary to correctly combine large, medium, small and barely noticeable signs. Very rarely, but it happens that two or even three large symbols appear on the cup. The task of the predictor is to determine which great sign refers to one or another smaller character.

If you do not take into account small, barely noticeable drawings, then fortune-telling will not be complete. A small symbol may not carry any semantic load, but at the same time it acts as a link, without which it is impossible to connect larger signs. Even a tiny dot located near a symbol with distinct contours has a meaning and must be correctly interpreted and explained, because it can change the basic meaning of the sign.

Divination on coffee grounds is different in that there are no trifles or minor details in it.
That is, you need to consider:

  • picture size (large, medium, small);
  • the image of the spot itself (what it looks like in appearance);
  • location of patterns (allows you to determine the time lag);
  • link patterns.

Only by bringing together all these aspects, you can find out the fate of a person, as well as events from past years, which are of decisive importance for the events of the future.

You should not blindly believe in any fortune-telling, including "coffee", but it will not hurt to take into account some warnings of fate.

If there is no book with the interpretation of images at hand, you can start from the theory that the symbols that exist in divination for coffee are similar in meaning to the signs that surround a person in his daily life.

So, to see a gun on the walls of a vessel portends danger, however, as real life. The parrot is a scandalous and very talkative bird. Therefore, to see the contours of this bird on a vessel means that gossip, quarrels and scandals are coming. The dog is a symbol of friendship both in dreams and in life, and in the form of a drawing on fortune-telling dishes. As long as she doesn't attack or bite.

Fortune telling on coffee grounds is one of the most popular among all kinds of fortune telling. The magical process of magical manipulations over a cup of coffee does not cause any difficulties. It is only necessary to be able to see the mysterious figures and unravel their meaning. We'll show you how.

What do we have to do

Important: for divination in thick, you will need natural (not instant) coffee. If it is in grains, you need to grind it with a coffee grinder. An instant drink is not suitable, because the granules dissolve completely, no thick and foam remain. Therefore, you will not see any figures at the bottom of the cup.

You will also need:

  • Cezva (Turkish)- special utensils for making natural coffee. It is a mini bucket on a long handle with a wide bottom and narrowed top.
  • Porcelain coffee cup. Usually they are miniature, designed for 30-50 ml of drink.
  • porcelain saucer. It is better to look for dishes without patterns and convex surfaces, the saucer should be smooth

First you need to make coffee. It's easy to do - pour water into the Turk and pour in coffee (one teaspoon per cup of invigorating drink). Put on the stove. Follow the Turk until the liquid begins to rise. It is necessary at this very moment to remove the coffee from the stove, not allowing the drink to boil.

Coffee is ready! You can start divination in the thick and immerse yourself in the interpretation of mysterious symbols.

But before that, you need to taste freshly brewed coffee. It is undesirable to add sugar to the drink. Slowly drink a cup of coffee so that all the grounds remain at the bottom of the dish. Then take the saucer in your left hand and begin to slowly pour the thick on it, while rotating it clockwise. After that, the cup must be placed upside down on the saucer with a sharp movement so that the thick continues to drain.

The video clearly shows how to prepare for the ritual:

As a result, peculiar bizarre patterns, figures and symbols will appear on the walls of the cup, which will need to be explained.

Symbol interpretation

Now the fun begins - the interpretation of the symbols that formed from the coffee grounds on the walls of the bowl. Keep in mind that different people in the same picture can see completely different things. Therefore, the person to whom they are guessing should call the symbol and look for its interpretation.

So, here are the most popular values ​​​​of the resulting figures:

  • If you only see one big dark spot - the fat is in the fire. Soon you will face misfortune. Get ready for the challenge
  • We saw in the thick of some utensil: a cup, mug, plate or something similar - to a nervous breakdown, regret and tears
  • Dark blurry mittens formed on the walls of the cup for a good event - you will meet your love or make a good friend
  • dreamed bike- get ready to go on a hard trip that will take a lot of strength and energy from you
  • See funeral wreath? auspicious sign- dizzying success awaits you in a recently started business. Good luck will accompany you in everything!
  • Noticed camel? The king of the desert dreams of near death. An old woman with a scythe will take a person close to you
  • But the black one is nasty crow portends a big profit. You can receive a large financial reward for your business, suddenly become rich or become the first heir to a wealthy relative
  • saw rider on a horse? Soon you will need help in some business, and you will receive it, moreover, from an influential and authoritative person.
  • Seen wide open eyes? Expect major changes in your life. They will affect either personal life or relationships with relatives.
  • Spotted the bird of the world - pigeon? Waiting for an offer to marry! Your chosen one will “ripen” for marriage and will lead you down the aisle
  • But if a few pigeons don't expect a wedding. But expect a big family celebration is worth it
  • Powerful tree with spreading crown- to positive emotions and well-being in love affairs
  • tree without leaves, crooked and ugly - to failures in personal life, discord with a loved one is coming
  • Structure: house, hut or barn - to unplanned large expenses
  • Wild animal- you will have ill-wishers, even enemies who will start plotting
  • big handsome lock- to gossip and false stories about you. Someone will start a series of rumors that will put your reputation at risk
  • Rabbit or hare heralds the emergence of a new interesting person in your life. It can be both a future lover and a good friend, with whom you will carry friendship through the years.
  • Reptile predicts imminent troubles: health problems, betrayal of a loved one, betrayal of a friend
  • Brick or other Construction Materials- to the betrayal of a lover, spouse or close friend
  • Cow or calf- to financial well-being. You'll get a large amount money (bonus, winnings, inheritance), but spend it all very quickly
  • Cross- to family trouble. A series of conflicts and quarrels is coming, which may well end in divorce or treason.
  • Round obscure objects- it is worth buying a pregnancy test, replenishment is expected in your family
  • Bush- to a long, tiring, but full of pleasant emotions journey
  • White Swan, if he is alone - to parting with a loved one, or to a long separation
  • Several swans on the contrary - to happy events in the family. Either wait for replenishment, or an unexpected surprise from the second half
  • Several trees- to a quarrel with a friend because of his deceit, betrayal
  • Fox- to meet a new person who will make an indelible impression on you. But be careful - his intentions are not pure, he is dodgy and cunning
  • Shovel- personal financial crisis. You will either lose your job, or you will have unplanned, very large expenses
  • Horse or carriage- for a long and tiring journey, get ready to pack on the road
  • visible human outline- there is some danger close to you, be vigilant in business relationships
  • Toad or frog- you will soon fall in love, but feelings will be unrequited
  • flower or bouquet- soon a person will appear in your life whom you will love
  • Elephant- the outlines of an elephant portend well-being in all areas of life. You will be successful in love and career for a long time.
  • Dog- meet you soon a good man who in the future will become a faithful and devoted friend
  • Rooster or hen- to the appearance of rivals or rivals in personal life. Your other half will remain faithful to you, so don't worry
  • Lattice gets in trouble with the law. Behave prudently, otherwise sanctions cannot be avoided
  • Pillow- soon in some difficult life situation you will be supported completely strangers. Accept their help, and the situation will be safely resolved.

When divining on coffee grounds, symbols that appear most often have such meanings. Interpreting their meaning is not difficult at all, but try to see as many symbols as possible in order to get the most accurate prediction.

The ceremony on coffee grounds is a fortune-telling that allows you to find out the future of a person with the help of one of the most common and popular drinks. Various symbols and signs have the most different meaning, and their interpretation will differ radically.

So, say, a dragon, a heart, a circle, a fish - each of these symbols has its own meaning, unique and talking about the future.



A - (letter) - trouble, problem, trouble;

Diamond - happiness in love;

Angel - protection and help from a stranger;

Arch - receiving a gift or winning the lottery;


B - (letter) - power, potential, greatness;

Butterfly - a person who influences a fortuneteller;

Drum - fortune-telling on coffee grounds portends success;

Tambourine - problems and inconstancy in relationships;

Buffalo - suffering, grief;

Bottle - a warning, possible problems;


B - (letter) - trouble;

Bucket - success at work, in business;

Wreath - good luck and honor;

Broom - change, good news;

Rope - warning, caution;

Paddle - you will not get anything in return, even if you try;

Libra - litigation of a judicial nature;

Fork - prongs up - a rich life, prongs down - not the best value, problems and troubles;

Wolf - the transfer of a serious illness;

Hair - secrets, secrets around you;

Question mark - doubts, questions;

Raven - misfortune;

Volcano - passions, jealousy;


G - (letter) luck;

Nail - your gift of persuasion will help you;

Eye - charm, attractiveness;

Eyes - changes, accomplishments;

Head - memories, thoughts, reflections;

The dove is a pure soul;

Mountain - achievements, victories;

Rake - happiness in the house, well-being;

Coffin - sadness, longing;

Mushroom - weight gain, height;

Pear - prosperity and wealth;

Lips - love, kisses, reciprocity;


D - (letter) financial difficulties;

Door - success in business;

Girl - love, joy;

Tree - inner strength, power;

House - reliability, confidence in a new day, if the house is strong, if frail - not the best interpretation, problems with money;

Road - news;

Dragon - happiness, luck, fiery dragon - victory in everything; dead dragon - slander, understatement;

Oak - triumph, strength, victory;

Arc - a traitor, an unfaithful friend;


E - (letter) sincerity;

Hedgehog - a warning against danger;


F (letter) - clarification of problems in the family, between relatives;

Toad - fast wedding in fortune-telling on coffee grounds;

An acorn is a good start;

Crane - longevity, health;


Z - (letter) housework, chores;

Castle - your problem is stubbornness;

Star - wishes will soon come true;

Snake - decision will bring benefits;


And - (letter) revealing a secret or mystery;

Willow - sadness at home or a loved one;


K - (letter) take time for the church and faith;

Drops - good luck in money;

Cabbage - difficulties that will soon be resolved;

Cards - new acquaintances;

Swing - parting with a lover;

Square - a happy and rich life;

Dagger - enemy, foe, enemy;

Whale - some profit;

Clover - happiness and luck;

The key is news that will cause trouble;

The book is quick guests;

Wheel - change;

Ring - whole for the wedding, torn - for parting;

Spear - you will need protection;

Rocker - disappointment in friends;

Bone - in fortune-telling on coffee grounds - means that you are a strong person;

A cat is not the best value, poverty, ruin, deceit;

Circle - changes in habitual life;

Pitcher - good health, longevity;


L - (letter) new feelings;

Lamp - strengthening intuition;

Swallow - a trip that you will remember;

Swan - random money;

Leo - you are lucky;

Forest - difficulties;

Ladder - good luck at work;

Lemon - envy gnaws at you;

The fox is a good sign that promises good luck;

Leaves - good health;

The horse is the road to a happy future;

Moon - good changes;

Frog - happiness, kindness, family;


M - (letter) ups and downs;

Lighthouse - leadership;

Medal - discovery, achievement;

Mill - fortune-telling on coffee grounds promises you success;

Lightning - the influence of outsiders is very strong;

Bridge - discoveries, new paths, good news;

Ant - anxiety, chores;

Fly - wealth, inheritance, gain;

Ball - good luck and success;


H - (letter) anxiety;

Insect - caution will help you;

Knife - loss, loss, sacrifice;

Scissors - moving;


O - (letter) loneliness, devastation;

Cloud - dreams will not come true;

Fire - a meeting with a relative, a dragon on fire - a solution to the problem;

Necklace - fortune-telling on coffee grounds portends the help of a relative;

Window - theft, loss;

Walnut - change of residence;

Weapon - scandal, fight, quarrel;

Island - loneliness;

Points - a danger is possible that it will be difficult for you to cope with;


P - (letter) deceit, insincerity;

Peacock - the deceitfulness of illusions;

Palm tree - prosperity and happiness await you;

Fern - success accompanies you;

Sail - a quick visit from a good friend;

Spider - financial success;

Web - fortune-telling on coffee grounds portends you a victory over all enemies;

Feather - quick wits that a fortuneteller knows how to use;

Rooster - family well-being;

The loop is an unfavorable sign;

Saw - problems and troubles;

Pyramid - your dreams will not come true;

A gun is a danger that will be solved safely;

Letter - business news from a partner, boss or employee;

Dress - soon you will become popular;

Gift - you are loved and will be happy;

Horseshoe - good luck in the business that you will soon start;

Pillow - in fortune-telling on coffee grounds - laziness that bothers you;

Crescent - empty hopes, illusions;

Dishes - tears, resentment;

Bird - good news at work;

Bee - good news, your opinion will be taken into account by others;

Spot - misfortune;


R - (letter) fast holiday;

Rainbow - in fortune-telling on coffee grounds - something good that awaits you very soon;

Fork - making the right decision;

Cancer - loss of strength, depression;

The shell - or shell - are excellent symbols for creative people, talking about the rise;

Child - chores associated with children;

Hand - feelings;

Belt - your prospects are very vague;

Rhombus - happiness in love;

Hand - palm - to luck, back side - to problems;

Mermaid - caution and foresight are your best helpers;

Fish - good news, a gift, a journey, something new in divination on coffee grounds;

A glass is an extraordinary person;


C - (letter) talent, creativity;

Salute - a gift of fate, winning the lottery, a find;

Airplane - frivolity and windiness;

A candle is an excellent sign that speaks of the insight of a fortuneteller;

Pig - your desires will soon come true;

Heart - happiness in love, if the heart is even and beautiful, parting, if the heart is torn;

Skeleton - in fortune-telling on coffee grounds - health problems, poverty;

Elephant - you need the help of a friend most of all now;

The dog is a faithful assistant in work;

Owl - severe illness, death is possible;

The sun is the sign of leadership;

Spiral - new discoveries, achievements, good interpretation;

The old woman - in fortune-telling on coffee grounds - strong love;

The table is a mess and confusion in the soul and thoughts;

Arrow - you yourself know the answer to your question;

Chair - promotion, good luck;

Steps - of all symbols, this one speaks of good luck at work;

Chest - letter, message;


T - (letter) difficult choice;

Plate - softness with others will help to avoid conflict;

Tiger - internal forces will help to achieve the goal;

One of the most common divination methods is fortune telling on coffee grounds. Thus, they tried to find out the future back in the 18th century, no less popular this method divination even today.

Fortune telling with coffee is convenient because you can perform the ritual at home without resorting to professional fortune tellers and soothsayers. You will need natural coffee, a Turk, a saucer and a cup.

How to guess on coffee

Brew natural coffee in a Turk. For divination, coarse and finely ground coffee in a ratio of 2/1 is suitable. It is impossible to use sugar, milk, cinnamon and other additives in coffee intended for divination. Pour the prepared drink into a porcelain cup, drink it, leaving a small amount of coffee at the bottom of the cup. Turn the cup upside down and pour the rest on the saucer. The thick that remained in the cup is the right ingredient for divination. Remember to think about your question while drinking coffee.

Designations of letters on coffee grounds

Each letter visible on the coffee grounds carries its own designation. This is a kind of symbol that suggests what awaits the questioner in the future and answers his question. It is necessary to carefully consider the sediment in the cup and decipher each letter. For convenience, we divide the notation of the letters of the Russian alphabet into vowels and consonants.


A - you will win, get ready for triumph.

E - do not worry, your conscience is clear.

And - do not commit rash actions, be careful, otherwise failure will overtake you.

O - indicates an ambulance trip, a business trip, a trip.

U - quarrels and conflicts with loved ones are inevitable.

E - loss of money, theft. Be vigilant and keep a close eye on your belongings.

Yu is a protracted illness.

I - luck awaits you soon, life will get better, and problems will be resolved safely.


B - the solution to the problem depends entirely on your actions and actions.

B - sadness, anxiety, tears.

G - reminds of spiritual development. Go to the Temple of God and light a candle to St. George.

D - financial difficulties that will last quite a long time.

F - they plot against you, plot intrigues, surround your life with gossip.

Z - fun, meeting guests, a feast.

K - you need to go to the temple and buy an illuminated cross, it will help in solving your difficulties.

L - love and happiness in family life.

M - stability and well-being in financial matters.

H - worries and troubles on pressing issues await you.

P - someone from your inner circle is not sincere with you, keep your eyes open.

R - Excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages will negatively affect your body.

C - quarrels and squabbles with loved ones or work colleagues, be more restrained.

T - a pleasant acquaintance, new friends. For free man- meeting a life partner.

F - hope for a favorable resolution of a complex issue.

X - get ready for the wedding, marriage is just around the corner.

C - pleasant meetings with friends, joint trips and travels.

H - loss native person, sorrow, death in the family.

Ш, Ш - reconciliation with the person with whom you for a long time could not find a common language.

b - flirting with a person of the opposite sex, a romance at work is possible.

Kommersant - get ready to meet unexpected guests. The letter also portends the receipt of news from distant lands.

In addition to the letters of the Russian alphabet, when fortune-telling on coffee grounds, you can see numbers, images of people and animals, geometric figures And various items. In one of the articles on our website, you can read the interpretation of these symbols and understand what they mean. It is impossible to create a description of all the characters, so first of all, focus on your imagination, look at the location and number of characters, try to read the largest of them.