Panic button how to use. Panic button (PTS) for security alarm

Any security alarm is usually turned on at the time when the institution's personnel have left their workplaces and the office has closed. But very often, attackers break into the premises of commercial enterprises or banks in work time. An alarm button is used to send an alarm to the rapid response service. It can be stationary or portable, radio channel.

Alarm organization

Panic button connected to the system burglar alarm, is her necessary element. According to current rules, some categories of objects cannot be submitted into operation if the security alarm system does not have panic buttons. This primarily applies to organizations where personnel work with cash and material assets.

Workplaces of employees of banks, pawnshops and jewelry stores are required to be equipped with panic buttons. Any facility where illegal actions may occur must have a panic button.

The alarm button of the security alarm is a regular contact pair, which operates to open or close, depending on the loop operation algorithm. The security alarm control panel consists of a certain number of loops into which sensors are connected that are triggered by a specific event. This could be a door or window being opened, glass breaking, or a stranger entering an area monitored by infrared motion detectors.

To ensure correct operation panic button, to connect it, a separate loop is allocated, which must always be in active mode, unlike other loops that are activated when the alarm is armed. In some cases, to connect panic buttons, it is installed completely separate device. The button is connected through an end-of-line resistor, similar to a magnetic contact sensor that operates to open (break the circuit).

When an alarm is triggered, control panel must perform the programmed action. This could be turning on a sounder (siren) or sending a message to the central monitoring console. The security console operator immediately gives the command for the rapid response team to leave and notifies all radio-equipped vehicles. Group arrival time can vary from 5 to 15 minutes. Often the car can be in close proximity to the object, while the arrival time is reduced.

Installing a panic button

Installing an alarm button determines the reliability of the entire system as a whole.

When conducting installation work are guided by the following principles:

  • Wired lines must be carefully hidden
  • The location of the button should ensure that it can be pressed unnoticeably
  • It is necessary to prevent accidental alarm signaling

The alarm system is an autonomous circuit that is independent of other systems, and all panic buttons can be divided into three groups:

  • Stationary button
  • Mobile button
  • Hidden trap button

Stationary button for alarm can be located at the workplace or on the floor, so that it can be pressed unnoticed by the attacker, without causing aggressive actions on his part. At the same time, it is necessary to exclude the possibility of accidental pressing, as this will trigger the arrival of a rapid response team.

The foot switches are a pedal that can be pressed quickly and discreetly, while the pedal mechanism is designed in such a way that it is very difficult to press accidentally.

Installation depending on model

There are models of wall panic buttons with locking or key. One of the promising areas in organizing alarm systems is the use of mobile buttons. This device is a small keychain that contains a transmitter and a power source. The current consumed in standby mode is very small and one battery lasts for a year or two. In addition to key fobs, the radio channel panic button can be made in the form of a bracelet worn on the wrist.

The stationary control panel is equipped with a receiver that receives an alarm signal at a distance of up to 100 meters. The security alarm system using mobile buttons has big advantage before other systems. Thanks to low cost of such devices They can be provided to all office personnel, and in the event of illegal actions, any employee can press the button and sound an alarm. A promising modification of panic buttons isGSMdevice. Such a panic button is quite expensive, but allows transmission to various mobile devices.

Hidden panic buttons are widely used in some environments. This button consists of two elements:

  • Contact pair controlled by magnetic field
  • Small permanent magnet

The contact pair is usually mounted in the tabletop, and permanent magnet can be disguised in any object located on the table. It could be a book, a stack of bills, a folder with documents and much more. This button could be active during the day when the office is working, but most often the system is turned on at night, when there are no employees in the institution. As soon as the attacker takes a stack of bills from the table or moves an object equipped with a magnet, an alarm will immediately go off.

Silent alarm system

It is not uncommon for intruders to enter a security post of an institution at night and, at gunpoint, demand that the alarm in one of the premises be turned off. Modern control and control devices, which are controlled from a separate remote control, allow you to sound an alarm without attracting the attention of intruders. Arming, as well as disarming, is carried out by typing a digital code on the keyboard.

If the “Silent alarm” mode is activated in the device, then the operating algorithm is as follows. The guard dials the disarming code by changing just one, the last character of the digital code. The LED indicator switches to the mode of disarming the object. When intruders enter this room, the siren does not turn on and the display on the device does not change. In fact, when the code symbol changes, an alert signal is transmitted to the rapid response group, and local audio and light elements security alarms are not turned on, thereby lulling the attention of intruders.

Installation work

Installation of the alarm system is carried out by representatives of the security company with which an agreement has been concluded for installation and Maintenance. The security system device is mounted on the wall in one of the service rooms, in close proximity to the power supply system. In order to ensure continuous 24/7 operation alarm, it should be. The built-in battery ensures the system operates during power failures for several hours. An alarm signal can be transmitted to the security company's console via a telephone line, radio channel or using a GSM module.

The alarm button is connected to the device via a two-wire line using a KSPV wire or similar. Workplaces where installation of a panic button is desirable for safety reasons:

  • Hotel reception desk
  • Hospital reception
  • Security guard post in an educational institution
  • Places for receiving and issuing correspondence
  • Cashier jobs in retail establishments
  • All jobs in bank offices, pawnshops, jewelry stores

System Maintenance

Alarm maintenance is carried out by representatives security company based on a contract. At the same time, they check technical means installed on site, and the receipt of an alarm signal is checked at the central monitoring console. IN mobile panic buttons The supply voltage is checked and if it decreases, the batteries are replaced.

When concluding an agreement with a security organization, it specifies specific services, the timing of their implementation and the responsibilities of the parties. For example, some security companies charge a fine for sending a rapid response team to a false call. If the panic button and security alarm are installed by one company, the price will be lower, so it is better to carry out such work as a complex. The cost of installing a stationary panic button can vary from 3,000 to 5,000 rubles.

The approximate cost of security company services for servicing a panic button is as follows:

  • Office of a company not related to material assets – 4,500 rubles per month
  • Trade enterprises – 5,000 rubles per month
  • High-risk objects – 7,500 rubles per month

This includes round-the-clock monitoring, an unlimited number of alarm team visits, technical support and a guarantee for all types of work for a period of at least one year.

Portable service " Mobile panic button» (alarm system) is an extraordinary solution for ensuring personal safety. Service management is as convenient and simple as possible for the average user; it is implemented with using ordinary mobile phone with SOS button, make just one click on the button and in just 3-7 minutes Delta's rapid response service (RRT) will be on site!

How does a GSM panic button work??

When connecting to the service, there is no need to install any special equipment; for it to work, it is enough to have a smartphone with a proprietary application installed on it. Depending on the necessary needs of the client, the service " Mobile panic button» can work in 2 versions: individual access and collective access.

Using individual access Just enter your username and password in the application, click the “Next” button, after which the alarm button will be available to you. In case of an emergency, you press the panic button, and at the same moment, the alarm signal is sent to the Delta alarm panel. A rapid response team will arrive at your location within 5–7 minutes.

Shared access characterized by the fact that you give access to the panic button to any third-party trusted persons (relatives, employees, friends). To do this, in the application, on the “SOS” page, click the “Add” button and enter the data of your authorized representatives. This action enables access to the service for the specified users. At any time, you can block access to the service by removing the user from the list.

What is the price?

To buy a GSM panic button, contact Delta. For those who are already our clients, the cost of the service will be only from 50-100 rubles. per month. In this case, the panic button will be connected to the serviced client object.

New clients have the opportunity to activate the service for a subscription fee of 500-1000 rubles. per month. The service will be connected to as soon as possible without installation.

A special feature of the service is free connection and an unlimited number of additional users for all our clients.

About Delta

Federal company Delta provides a full range of security services in 30 cities of Russia. Its scope of activity includes the security of real estate (apartments, private houses, company offices), as well as the installation of security alarms and related equipment. Every day, the company's employees service more than 140 thousand real estate properties. Technical service support works 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, operators resolve issues of any complexity in the shortest possible time. The company bears full financial liability for any damage caused by the fault of its employees. With the Delta company, any of your real estate will be in maximum security under the close supervision of professionals!

A standard range of services for the security of retail and commercial premises, cafes, restaurants and other similar institutions necessarily includes the installation of a set of alarm equipment to sound an alarm when a danger is detected. Signaling equipment includes a coded alarm system, as well as hardware and technical means for calling a rapid response team (RRT) using a panic button.

Panic button - what is it?

Many inexperienced entrepreneurs immediately ask themselves a question: a panic button: what is it and why install it? Often, an alarm button is a key hidden from prying eyes for instantly signaling danger, which can be pressed at any time by a salesperson, waiter, or any other employee of the enterprise if illegal actions occur in a protected area.

Based on type and configuration, panic buttons are divided into two main types:

  • stationary alarm buttons - made in the form of a round button, pedal or block with pressing. Stationary buttons are mounted in a certain place in the room - usually directly under the counter, cash register, near the workplace of the manager or employees of a secured establishment;
  • mobile type panic buttons – can also have different kind, however, they are equipped with a function of free movement within the premises, which simplifies calling security in case of danger.

The panic button is included in the overall comprehensive security system for the premises. Installing a panic button helps ensure the complete safety of employees and visitors of the establishment.

What is the panic button for?

The purpose of a panic button is clear from its very name. Experienced entrepreneurs understand the importance and necessity of installing such a button, which allows them to quickly call the security service into the premises. In turn, for security department employees who are at the control panel of enterprise security systems around the clock, the panic button is a way to notify about the occurrence of an incident that requires their immediate arrival at the site.

When a call is received and an employee of a protected institution presses the alarm button, a group of operational officers immediately goes to the scene to eliminate the danger and apprehend the criminals. A security agency that monitors the premises around the clock guarantees the arrival of a rapid response team as soon as possible.

The panic button can be installed separately or in combination with modern system alarms to increase the safety of both workers themselves and visitors to public institutions.

Appendix to the contract No.___from "___" _______________200_g.

The alarm button (ALP) is designed to prevent crimes by transmitting an “ALARM” signal and an emergency call to the police. The departure of the police squad, when the CTS is triggered, is carried out within the period of time agreed upon by the parties, according to the annex to the contract (list of services).

The performance of the CTS is monitored by a daily check before starting work with a mandatory mark in a separate log “Checking the CTS”; the log indicates: the time of the test, the number of the operator who received the control signal when checking its functionality, and the result of the test. Checking the functionality of the alarm pedal is carried out in the following order:

Before starting work, call the duty officer at the central monitoring station (CMS) at tel. _________, provide the address of the object, name;

Warn the duty officer about the control check of the operation of the CTS;

Press KTS;

Make an entry in the control check time log, note the time and number of the operator who received the control signal. To avoid accidental activations, do not touch the CTS unless necessary, do not disclose information about the assigned number on the monitoring station and the time of protection of the object.

Memo “If you find a suspicious (explosive) object”

Signs of explosive objects may include:

An ownerless bag, briefcase, box, package, part, any item found at school, in the entrance, at the door of the apartment, under the stairs, in the car and public transport;

Stretch wire or cord;

Wires or electrical tape hanging from underneath the car.

Remember that ordinary household items are used as cover and camouflage for explosive devices: bags, packages, packages, boxes, toys, etc.

In all of the above cases it is necessary:

Do not touch, do not open, do not move the find;

Move to a safe distance;

Report the find to the teacher, parents, police officer, driver, train driver.

When entering the entrance of a house, always pay attention to ownerless items. Don't touch them! Report them to the police!

Memo “If you are taken hostage”

Get a hold of yourself, calm down and don't panic.

If you are tied up or have your eyes closed, try to relax, breathe deeper.

Don't try to run if there is no complete confidence in the success of the escape.

Remember as possible more information about terrorists, their number, level of armament, features of appearance, topics of conversation.

Detailed information will subsequently help in identifying the terrorists.

According to various criteria try to determine your location.

Be sure that the police and intelligence services are taking necessary measures for your release.

Relationships with the kidnappers

From the very beginning (especially the first half hour) do it all the orders of the kidnappers.

Take a position of passive cooperation.

Do not offer aggressive resistance, do not provoke terrorists to rash actions.

If you have health problems, tell the people who captured you about this in a calm manner.

Behave yourself calmly while maintaining self-esteem.


Equipment and installation with a guarantee - price 13,900** rub.

*** Price Supplies upon completion of installation

Business "Panic Button"

RUB 18,000**

Set contents:

Equipment and installation with a guarantee - price 18,000** rub. Price includes annual service maintenance alarm system. Our specialist will visit the site within 72 hours if a malfunction of the security system is detected.

** If the object is located outside administrative boundaries Moscow, connection cost increases by 1000 rubles.
*** Cost of consumables upon completion of installation

Wired CTS

The alarm button is intended for use as part of security and alarm systems.
Forms manually alarm notifications (for the departure of a rapid response team or the police) in the event of any alarm situation, attack on an object

Connecting a panic button to any security panel operator of your choice. The advantage of our security systems is the ability to preprogram and reconnect to any of the operators, without changing equipment. Monthly service see tariffs on operator pages rub./month

GULFSTREAM security systems
DELTA Group of Companies

Caesar Satellite
Console security monitoring station RADUGA
Group of companies "KRONA"

Installing a panic button to obtain a license to sell alcoholic beverages and jewelry

For commercial establishments trading alcoholic products, installation of a panic button is directly required by Russian legislation. Otherwise, a liquor license will not be issued.

Connecting an emergency button to call the police.

Connecting an alarm button to call the police (militia) will allow you to be confident in the safety of a specific object protected by this simple but very useful device.

Installation of KTS (alarm button) in shops, supermarkets, schools and apartments has become widespread in Russia, since the greater the influx of visitors served by a given outlet or facility, the more likely occurrence of conflict or emergency situations. An alarm with a button helps to quickly solve these problems.

It is worth considering that activation of the alarm button is possible only by people directly present in the room. Therefore, to provide comprehensive security solutions, it is recommended to additionally install a security alarm operating 24 hours a day. Formula of Protection LLC will develop for you a plan for the protection and security of your premises and will carry out high-quality installation of security systems and alarms of any complexity.

Panic button (CTS)