Glue for prefabricated models: Basic concepts. Basics of paper modeling What glue is best for assembling a model

Modeling is a fun and rewarding hobby for children and adults. By assembling models of cars, ships, airplanes with your own hands, your imagination and creative thinking, attentiveness and perseverance.

There is a large selection of sets and individual parts in model shops for gluing, so it won’t be difficult to find interesting ideas for yourself or your child.

It's a rare modeling process that can be done without glue. Manufacturers offer big choice options. Let's figure out what types of mixtures are suitable for this hobby.

Types of glue for assembling models

  • Universal standard glue. It has been used since Soviet times for working with plastic models. It is based on polystyrene and butyl acetate. It works due to the so-called welding effect. First, partial dissolution of the plastic occurs on both surfaces when the edges of the parts are connected. After the connection between the parts and the composition itself hardens, a solid joint is formed, that is, the two parts become one. The polystyrene included in it also provides grip. A special feature of this glue is that it is recommended to apply it to the products before joining, that is, first the mixture must be kept for a couple of minutes on each part, and only then connect them.
  • Superfluid glue. Characterized by increased penetrating ability, liquid composition. The parts are held together by partially dissolving the plastic. The advantage of this glue is its ability to penetrate between folded parts. Another important plus is that it leaves almost no traces after hardening, only a slightly rough, cloudy surface remains. This glue for models of airplanes, cars, ships sets very quickly. For ease of use, it is recommended to use a synthetic brush.
  • The glue is transparent. Designed for working with transparent parts. The parts are held together not due to the welding effect, but due to the base, which becomes transparent when dried. The mixture is applied to the surfaces of the parts for 5-10 minutes and then combined.


  • Cyanoacrylate glue. In our country it is better known as superglue or Super Glue. It was invented in the USA during World War II by scientists who were looking for transparent plastics for optical sights. The substance was not used then; this only happened in 1951, when the Americans needed a heat-resistant coating for the cabins of military aircraft. Then, after another seven years, the composition hit store shelves and literally amazed everyone. Today it is produced under the brands “Clayberry”, “Second”, “Monolith”, “Super Moment” and others. This is an instantly setting adhesive; maximum bond strength is achieved after two hours. Suitable for working with porous and moisture-containing materials. In modeling it has taken a leading place, as it allows you to fasten parts from different materials. In stores you can buy super glue of regular and gel consistency. The second option is more convenient to apply, as it does not spread.
  • Epoxy glue. Epoxy resin, when mixed with a hardener, holds items made of fiberglass, wire, and wood well, but dissolves parts made of polystyrene. Epoxy two-component adhesives are presented not only in ordinary tubes, there is also packaging specifically for modeling. For example, with “Contact” glue, you can squeeze out both the resin and the hardener at the same time, and they will be mixed in a special compartment in equal proportions.

The choice of modeling tools is very large. Let's look at the most popular ones.

Models of any complexity are made from plastic - airplanes, ships, cars. High-quality glue for this material should not spread over a smooth surface, so it must be selected carefully.

There are many manufacturers producing adhesives specifically for plastic. So, you can safely use polystyrene compounds from Revell, Italeri, Tamiya, Zvezda. Despite the similarity of properties, they can be divided into three groups:

  1. Liquid - sold in polyethylene bottles with a convenient applicator.
  2. Medium density - presented in glass jars with a brush on the lid.
  3. Thick ones are packaged in tubes. They harden the slowest, so they allow you to work without rushing.

  1. You should not add too much mixture to the junction of parts; you risk staining your hands, tools and the parts themselves with the leaking excess,
  2. if a drop gets on a part, do not try to wipe it off, wait until the composition dries and sand this area,
  3. the liquid glue should not get under the masking tape, otherwise, after completing the work and removing the film, you will find that the plastic underneath has “floated”,
  4. the place where the super glue is connected turns out to be fragile, so it is better not to touch it, you can additionally degrease it,
  5. follow the instructions for use indicated by the manufacturer on the packaging,
  6. use the products strictly for their intended purpose and only for the materials for which they are intended,
  7. When working with toxic compounds, it is recommended to use protective gloves.

Gluing various models is a type of collecting. What distinguishes him from the rest is the pleasure he receives more from creating the model itself than from the fact of purchasing it. A person who has at least once tried to glue a model of an airplane with his own hands will no longer be able to refuse it.

People have long dreamed of conquering the heavens. The idea of ​​creating perfect aircraft occupied the minds of many eminent scientists and philosophers. To this day, aircraft designers are improving technology and honing their skills every year.

But what should mere mortals do, for whom piloting an airplane is just a pipe dream? The answer is simple - design. Moreover, today this does not require much effort. You just need to visit our online store that sells aircraft models or, without leaving home, order your favorite model for gluing or assembling an airplane in the online store.

In both options you will receive widest choice different in scale, type, complexity of assembling models.

In addition, you can purchase ready-made radio-controlled models.

Today, in the age of the Internet, people involved in aircraft modeling can communicate with each other on forums, share drawings and literature, and organize competitions.

For many of them, modeling became the embodiment of a childhood dream of heaven. And for some, it’s just a pleasant way to spend leisure time.

This article, like the entire column, was inspired to be written by my friend, who, together with his son, decided to assemble a model, although he has not yet decided what.

And to his question: “What kind of glue should I buy?” I began to explain at length what model glues there are and how to use them. And so, I decided to post all my fabrications here. So, there are several types of glues for models. Conventionally, they can be divided into several groups.

Polystyrene adhesives

This group includes, for example,glue for models Zvezda or Akan companies; world-famous modeling companies, for example, Revell and Tamiya, also produce their adhesives.

This category of adhesives is most widely used among modellers who make prefabricated plastic models. These formulations are based on butyl acetate. Over time, polystyrene glue may thicken; you can return it to its previous consistency by diluting it with butyl acetate.

The operating principle of this category of adhesive is based on melting the polystyrene surface, which will then be glued to another polystyrene surface. Subsequently, when two parts are connected, mutual melting of both surfaces occurs and particles of the substance penetrate from one half of the product to the other. Then, after the glue evaporates, the molten surfaces harden. The glued product can be used after a few hours, but for complete readiness it is better to wait a day. The product readiness time also depends on the thickness of the applied layer of glue. After complete drying, the product has very good adhesive strength. These adhesives have a significant drawback: they only glue polystyrene. For example, they are no longer able to glue plexiglass either with plastic or with itself. Dichloroethane can be used for these purposes. You can buy it in stores for radio amateurs. A 30 ml bottle like this costs 30 rubles.

The substance is very toxic and harmful, but if you work with it carefully, then this glue is quite suitable for use. It is necessary when, for example, you need to glue a canopy drawn from plexiglass to a fuselage made of polystyrene, or it is well suited for making by dissolving pieces of polystyrene in liquid.For beginning modelers to build their first plastic models We can recommend adhesives of this particular group. Specifically, it will fit perfectlyglue for models Zvezda company, as it is the cheapest and very accessible.

Superfluid adhesives.

This category of adhesives is characterized by increased fluidity and penetrating ability. The principle of operation is the same as the above compounds. This glue is good for working in hard to reach places, you can glue cracks, etc. It leaves virtually no marks on the surface of the model. This type model adhesives It dries quickly, so you need to work with it quickly. For ease of application, it is best to use a brush. The composition is based on the same butyl acetate, so for work you can use this substance in the absence of proprietary superfluid glue. And on sale you can find an inexpensive composition from the Akan company - superfluid model glue Akan-profi.

Glue for transparent parts.

It is designed for gluing transparent parts. It often happens that when installing a lantern, as luck would have it, glue flows onto the transparent part and you have to remove it and polish the part. To avoid such troubles, there is a special adhesive composition. Its principle is not based on melting parts, but on using a base; in a liquid state it is cloudy- white, which becomes transparent when dried. This composition is applied to the surfaces of the parts and after 10-15 minutes they are connected. Representatives of this category are Aqua glue for transparent parts from Akan or the Micro Kristal Klear composition from Microscale.

Cyanoacrylate modeling adhesive (CA)

This group includes a large number of all kinds of superglues, which are even sold in stalls.

It is based onCyanoacrylate, a substance obtained back in 1942. It glues very quickly and quite firmly, but does not hold the shear joint well. The catalyst for CA glue is water, so at high humidity it hardens quickly and is poorly stored. Long-term storage requires conditions with low humidity and low temperatures from +5 to +10°C. In a domestic environment, a refrigerator is suitable for this. The quality of the glue depends on its purity; the more cyanoacrylate and fewer impurities, the higher the strength of the product being glued. This type of adhesive is used for gluing Resin Kits (add-ons to resin models), assembling full resin models, assembling photo-etch and gluing it to the polystyrene parts of the model. It is also widely used in the construction or repair of radio-controlled models. It is very convenient in the field when repairing a model due to the speed of drying and strong connection. Some modellers use cyacrine as glue for plastic models. Cyacrine glues also vary in thickness; the thinner the glue, the faster it hardens.

Therefore, if you want to correct a part or move it during the installation process, it is better to use a gel. There are also activators and retarders that allow you to speed up or slow down the process of gluing the product.When working with cyanoacrylate, you should try not to inhale its vapors, as they can cause irritation to the mucous membranes. In case of contact with skin, an allergic reaction may occur. Contact of cyacrine with cotton fabric is also dangerous. When they interact, heat is generated, which can lead to burns or even fire. To make it easier to work with a large-capacity tube, you can put a syringe needle on the spout. With each subsequent use of cyanoacrylate glue, the needle is warmed up well, for example with a match or lighter, and the substance is again ready for use.

Epoxy adhesives

The principle of their operation is that epoxy resin under the influence of the hardener it hardens, forming a strong connection between the parts. This type of adhesive is well suited for the construction of radio-controlled models; home renovation, manufacturing individual components and parts of the model by molding them from fiberglass. Some epoxy resins allow you to make entire models from them and clone parts. Use epoxy resin asglue for models made of plasticit won't work, because of chemical features polystyrene, the cured resin will not stick to the plastic. Epoxy adhesives are well suited for models made of wood, resin and fiberglass, and for mounting metal parts to the above materials. The curing time of epoxy glue depends on its type and brand, it can be from one hour to a day. Heat exposure reduces this time. Before starting use, you must read the instructions for use of the specific composition. So different epoxy adhesives diluted in different proportions (resin/hardener). For example, EPD epoxy resin is diluted in a ratio of 1:10, that is, one part of the resin (the contents of a large bottle) is one part of the hardener (the contents of a glass bottle).

But the epoxy glue “Moment” Super Epoxy is diluted in a 1:1 ratio, that is, one part of the glue is one part of the hardener. For ease of use, both tubes are made in the form of syringes, which are convenient for squeezing out the same amount of compounds.

Glue for paper models

A separate type of modeling is paper and cardboard models. There are some peculiarities in work, assembly and painting. For example, PVA glue is best suited for assembling such models. It is usually a thick, white, practically odorless liquid. To achieve the required density, PVA can be diluted with water. But if it has completely hardened, then, unfortunately, it can no longer be diluted. You can also use PVA glue to glue wood or veneer, for example, when building bench wooden ship models. Before using PVA, it is necessary to shake or mix thoroughly, as the composition will separate over time.

All of the above adhesives, except PVA, are quite toxic and should be worked with in well-ventilated areas, avoiding contact with the mouth and eyes. But if this happens, they should be immediately rinsed with running water and then it is advisable to consult a doctor. On the other hand, if safety precautions are strictly observed, there will be no harm to health. Therefore, before using anyglue for models It is necessary to read the instructions for use and strictly follow the prescribed precautions.

Have you decided to get into modeling, but don't even know where to start? In this article we will try to talk about the key nuances of the process, as well as give some tips for beginners that professionals should also refresh their memory of. First of all, we note that modeling requires enormous effort and a lot of time. Assembling models hastily means turning them from potentially perfect products into a pitiful semblance of a cheap Chinese knockoff. If you are ready to work hard to create a real work of art, welcome to the world of modeling! So let's get started.

Where does modeling begin?

Of course, with the purchase of the model itself. The catalog of our store contains a lot of kits for beginners and professional modelers. If you don’t understand anything about military equipment, choose a model that you just like and seems easiest for the first assembly. If you are interested military equipment and are well versed in it - you will probably find in the catalog exactly the model that you have always dreamed of seeing in your collection. If the model of the desired equipment is not available, contact a consultant; it is quite possible that it will be delivered to you on an individual order.

So, the model has been chosen - it’s time to start choosing tools. What do we need? Absolutely everything that is sold in the store, but it is often not possible to buy everything at once, and to assemble one model you may not need the tools that are needed to assemble another. There is a joke among modellers: “Choose tools intuitively, you will still forget to buy the most important thing.” Therefore, let us draw your attention only to the key and most necessary tools and materials.

The first thing every modeler should buy is glue, and a professional one at that. Superglue and PVA definitely won't work. It is advisable to purchase several glues at once in order to learn to understand the difference between them already in the process of assembling the first model - it is better to take second, helium and classic model glue. Next, we purchase a primer, a needle file, sandpaper(both with large and very fine grains). Now pay attention to paints and enamels - for starters, you can buy colors that match the scheme of your model. However, in the future you will need absolutely all the paints and enamels presented in our catalog, you can be sure of that.

Next, we move on to one of the main tools - brushes. It’s worth starting experiments from the very beginning, so buy a dozen brushes at once different sizes, types, forms and manufacturers. It may be more convenient for you to paint using an airbrush (spray) - if you have the money, you can buy that too. Don't forget to purchase a compressor for your airbrush. If you are not afraid of expenses, purchase all materials in the maximum variety. A novice modeler, like no one else, should conduct experiments and form his own style of assembly, priming, and painting.

Meet the model

As soon as you brought the model home, get ready for one of the most pleasant moments and hurry to lay out all the details on the table in front of you. It is at this time that you can plunge headlong into amazing world modeling and feel all its charm. Carefully look at all the details presented, understand how creative, complex and at the same time exciting the assembly process will be. It is very important that in the process of getting acquainted with the details you correctly assess the scope of the upcoming work.

You are now completely ready to assemble your first model. Prepare the work surface, separate the parts from the sprues. Try attaching several parts to each other. Understand how difficult this process will be, feel its beauty. Perhaps this is where you should end your first acquaintance with the model - put the parts in a box and put it aside. The time has come to begin professional training and create a full-fledged work surface and workplace modeler.

Creating a workplace

Assembling a good model requires proper preparation workplace. It is advisable to have, if not a separate office, then a separate desk. You can refurbish your existing workplace or desk. To do this, remove everything unnecessary from the surface and from the boxes; from now on here you will only be engaged in assembling models. Believe me, you will have to store it in and on the table and spend a lot of free time here, so moving things and tools from place to place is extremely inconvenient.

A special rug for modelers is spread on the table. If possible, give preference to A1 format material. We already lay out all the necessary tools on it. Remember that you are creating your own workplace, so you can independently determine their sequence, degree of significance and, in accordance with these parameters, place them on the table in any order. Next, we arrange paints, brushes and other materials-tools.

Getting ready for assembly

In our case, preparing for assembly involves the need to understand: many things that you previously thoughtlessly threw away will now probably be needed by you. First of all, start collecting on an industrial scale all kinds of wires and their trimmings, pieces of plastic, sticks, glass jars and even caps from beer and vodka bottles. Don’t be surprised - in the future they will be very convenient to use to create a palette of colors.

At the same time, let me prepare you a little psychologically. The fact is that very soon you will acquire a truly exciting hobby that will take up the lion's share of your free time. At the same time, most friends and family, for objective reasons, will not quite understand your passion for creating models. Try not to conflict with them and pay enough attention to your family and friends. Believe me, this hobby can be successfully combined with the opportunity to be a great son, friend, brother, husband, dad and colleague.

Purchase of an aftermarket

We invite you to sit down at the table again and study the features of the set you purchased. Look carefully at the instructions and the parts laid out in front of you. You may well find, and probably will, that many of them are either inaccurate, not well detailed, or simply not included in the set. That is why we suggest purchasing an additional detail kit (cockpit, photo-etching) in advance.

Working with afterlayout

Take a close look at the photo-etch kit you purchase and decide which design elements you will have to make yourself. We will not delve into the assembly process - there are instructions for this, and besides, the features of creating each new model are individual. Instead, let's note a few key nuances of the work that a beginner should definitely take into account and that a professional should not forget about. We will include the following points as such:

  • Careful attitude to instructions. Following it is the key to successful assembly of the model;
  • Multiple checks. Before work, look at how the parts fit on the drawings. If there are deficiencies, it is recommended to correct them immediately;
  • Remember the numbering. When cutting parts from the sprue, especially small elements, try to remember their numbering so as not to get confused in the future;
  • Detail the internal elements. Many modellers advise photographing the interior of a structure before it is built. final assembly;
  • Be careful with small details , it is almost impossible to find them on the floor - use boxes and crates for storage;
  • Don't be afraid to spend time fixing a part. with defects visible to you - it will be much more difficult to correct assembled model;
  • There is no need to be afraid of damage to the jointing during the grinding process., for example, primers - feel free to polish the surface, achieving it perfect condition;
  • Experiment with tools: Remember that many household items can be useful in model making.

Remember also that the materials, paints, varnishes and enamels you use are completely safe for human health. The only thing you should be wary of is paints with very pungent odors. These, for example, include nitro paints. They are recommended to be used only when the hood is running, and in rooms where small children have access, they are usually not used at all.

Features of painting the model

Painting a model is a creative and at the same time complex process from a technical point of view. We have already described it in one of the articles posted on our website, so we will only note the points unknown to you.

Firstly, trust the manufacturers, but always check them. On various forums you can find messages about the discrepancy between the colors specified by the manufacturer and the actual shades of the equipment. Therefore, do not be lazy to check the original and choose the color scheme yourself.

Secondly, take your time Special attention choosing a coloring option - some of them are presented in the instructions, some you will have to search on the Internet yourself. Make a choice in favor of the most complex design - only in this case will you be able to win your first “respect” as a modeler.

Third, always use a primer (of course, if you are not working with nitro paints). It will help not only reliably fasten the surface of the model and the layer paint and varnish material, but will also smooth out roughness, numerous irregularities and other flaws.

Fourth, secure the parts to be painted on the holders and never touch them with your hands - one awkward movement and all the work will have to be done from the very beginning.


Don't be afraid to experiment. We have to repeat this again and again. Modeling is a combination of creativity and scrupulous study of instructions. Only in the process of assembling models do you gain invaluable experience, which is reflected in your technique and allows you to shape it individual style. Listen to the advice of experienced modelers, but always check them in practice - no one can be considered the ultimate truth. Be creative, learn from your mistakes and create real masterpieces. And we, for our part, are happy to help you with wonderful models and tools highest quality, presented in an incredibly wide range.