Glue for tiles - choose the best in terms of characteristics, purpose and manufacturer. Adhesive for floor tiles: which one is better, which layer to apply Types of tile adhesives

At present it is very difficult to imagine modern renovation without the use of dry building mixtures. Adhesive mixtures for various decorative elements are most in demand, the main of which is finishing tiles. It is about mixtures for tiles and will be discussed in our article.

Historical roots

Even the Romans noticed that a mixture of lime and some volcanic materials had some adhesive properties. As such materials, they used volcanic ash, crushed bricks and hardened lava deposits. Regardless of their origin, all these elements contained various oxides, which, reacting with lime, cause a hydration process. With the advent of cement, the original adhesives were a mixture of cement and sand, in a ratio of 1:3. Later, polymeric additives were added to such a mixture, which significantly changed its properties. The amount of modifying polymer affects certain characteristics. This made it possible to diversify the range of adhesive mixtures that are used in modern construction.

Types of tile adhesive

The variety of adhesives on the market is very large. It can be a liquid tile adhesive, a paste-like substance, or a dry mix. Which tile adhesive is best will depend on the conditions of its use. There are mixtures that exclude the preliminary preparation of the base, or vice versa, requiring careful surface treatment. Some adhesives, in addition to their main purpose, perform additional tasks: can be grout or anti-fungal protection. It can be quite difficult for an ordinary layman to independently determine which glue to choose for a tile. Therefore, most often, the choice of tile adhesive is provided to the foreman of the builders performing the finishing work.

Types of tile adhesive


Can be used for tiling with dimensions from 100×100 to 150×300 mm. It is the most common adhesive in construction. It is used mainly for interior decoration, where it is not required to solve challenging tasks on design, and there is no aggressive environment.


It is used for facing works, in places with a high static or dynamic impact on the coating: the movement of equipment, people with loads, the presence of heavy furniture. The standard size of a tile can be 300X300 mm and more. A feature of this adhesive is increased adhesion to the base.

moisture resistant

Designed for use in wet rooms, with a high concentration of water vapor in the air. This is an adhesive for ceramic tiles in the bathroom, kitchen, car wash. Moisture-resistant tile adhesive has waterproofing properties and immunity to evaporation, which makes it suitable for arranging swimming pools and saunas. Products of such brands may contain antifungal additives that prevent the appearance of mold.

For transparent decorative elements

This is a white tile adhesive based on light cement. Basic adhesive for mounting transparent, smoky tiles and mosaic wall blocks.

For outdoor work

Regular tile adhesive sub-zero temperature quickly loses its qualities, cracks and does not hold the lining. Therefore, grades were developed that are immune to complex natural conditions. These include a frost-resistant outdoor tile adhesive that can withstand repeated cyclic temperature changes. It is also used in unheated rooms, and for the installation of underfloor heating.

Main characteristics

The main parameters characterizing tile adhesive include:

  • Consumption of tile adhesive per 1 m2. This is an indicator indicating how much tile adhesive is needed per 1 m2 of surface. It should be noted that the rate of consumption is not always a constant value. It will depend on the degree of preparation of the finished base. The worse the preliminary work is done, the greater the expense will be. adhesive mixture;
  • Drying time for tile adhesive. Standard universal glue dries within a day. But it is recommended not to disturb the finished surface for at least another 24 hours. To date, some manufacturers are positioning stamps with drying in a few hours;
  • Slip resistant. The term that determines the likelihood of slipping facing material. The bulk of the compositions provides for slipping by no more than half a millimeter, but there are also glues, with a minimum of 0.1 mm;
  • Correction time. The length of time during which it is possible to correct the position of the cladding after gluing;
  • Shelf life of tile adhesive. The period of time during which the mixture does not lose its useful qualities and can be used for finishing work.

Before the release of finished products on the market, manufacturers conduct a test of tile adhesive, according to the results of which all characteristics are determined. In the future, they are indicated on the factory packaging, and determine how to work with tile adhesive in certain conditions, indicate what the tile adhesive consists of.

Features of the bases

Depending on the characteristics of the surfaces to be finished, they are divided into simple and complex, which determines the use of one or another brand of adhesive mixture. After all, cladding glass is much more difficult than gluing ceramic tiles to concrete. Simple reasons include:

  1. concrete;
  2. brick;
  3. cement-sand screed;
  4. cellular concrete.

All other types of surfaces are complex:

  1. glass;
  2. wood;
  3. plastic;
  4. metal;
  5. drywall.

This also includes surfaces subjected to vibration loads, prone to deformation and already tiled. The complexity is due to the adhesion index of a particular base. There are several ways to increase the adhesion of tile adhesive:

  • Mechanical. Sanding and thorough cleaning of the base from grease and debris.
  • Physical. Putty and primer surface.
  • Chemical. Additional components with high adhesive properties, for example, the addition of PVA to tile adhesive.

Popular brands

Today, Heinkel is a leader in the production of adhesives. Ceresit's most common cladding adhesive is CM 11. This is a cement-based, non-shrinking tile adhesive for interior use. Can be used as an adhesive for wall tiles up to 30x30 or for flooring.

CM 117 - adhesive for clinker tiles, can be used for cladding inside and outside buildings, facades, has medium elasticity.

CM 17 is a non-shrinking tile adhesive for all sizes, indoors and outdoors. Possesses high adhesion, elastic, steady against slipping. The most expensive in its line, but with the most extended scope.

CH 400 - adhesive for quartz vinyl tiles, made in paste form, can be used for carpet and textile materials.


The second largest manufacturer of dry mixes. Knauf tile adhesive is represented by four main brands that differ in scope. Knauf fliesen tile adhesive is similar in its characteristics to CM 11, but can withstand several cycles of frost resistance. The adjustment period does not exceed 10 minutes.

Knauf flex - adhesive for natural and artificial stone, also used for gluing heat-insulating materials.

Knauf mramor - adhesive mixture for marble slabs and mosaics.

EK 3000 is a tile adhesive designed for laying small and medium-sized ceramic tiles made of natural and artificial stone. It can be used for both vertical and horizontal cladding. It can be used for underfloor heating, as well as for leveling bases with a layer of up to 5 mm. It has a relatively high adjustment time - up to 20 minutes.


They produce glue for vetonit tiles of several brands:

  • Optima is a standard interior adhesive;
  • Easy fix - for ceramic tiles and mosaics;
  • Granit fix - for natural and artificial stone;
  • Mramor is an adhesive mixture for marble.

No less popular in the construction environment is bergauf maximum tile adhesive, which has a wide range of applications: large-format ceramics, mosaics, marble and transparent panels. It is possible to lay natural stone on the floor, but wall cladding is excluded. In rooms with high humidity, it is advisable to use sopro tile adhesive. It is perfect for lining pools, loggias and balconies, and as an adhesive option for underfloor heating.

Preparation of the glue mixture

In the process of tiling the working surface with tiles, the preparation of the adhesive mixture is divided into separate batches, at the rate of 1 batch per 3-4 m2. Otherwise, excess glue may harden and lose its properties. To prepare one batch, it is necessary to fill a 20-liter construction bucket with water, about a quarter. Then, based on the consumption of material, half of the factory packaging of glue is poured there, this is 11-12 kg of dry mix. After stirring the suspension construction mixer, the mixture is left for 10 minutes to ripen (the dry component will absorb water). If this is not done, water will be absorbed after gluing, and the tile will fall off. Depending on the consistency obtained, water or a mixture is additionally added to the container, in too thick or too liquid, respectively. To work with a comb, the average consistency of the finished mixture is suitable; for laying thick layers of glue, a thick one is needed.

How to make tile adhesive at home? It is enough to have cement, sand and PVA glue. Cement-sand mixture made at the rate of 1:3, part of cement to three parts of sand. Then water is added there, with PVA diluted in it. 0.5 kg of PVA falls on a bucket of finished glue. Then all this is thoroughly mixed with a mixer. It must be remembered that tile adhesive hardens very quickly, and it must be prepared immediately before starting work.


Choosing a tile adhesive is necessary based on the following parameters:

  1. tile material;
  2. tile size;
  3. features of operation;
  4. type of base.

If you plan to cover a large area with tiles, then it makes sense to purchase tile adhesive in bulk. This not only saves money, but also guarantees the purchase of glue from the same batch, since experience shows that different batches of the same glue can have different qualities and characteristics. The consumption of glue is greatly influenced by the skill and experience of the tiler, the ability to apply a thin layer without losing the quality of adhesion of the material.

When buying building materials, including tile adhesive, you should never skimp on quality. Subsequent alteration, as a rule, is much more expensive.

Finishing walls and floors with tiles, which until recently was almost a luxury, today is an indispensable attribute of both city apartments and private households. Accordingly, building materials are developing and improving. Tile tiling involves the use of tile adhesives that ensure reliable installation of tiles for a wide variety of purposes.

When choosing a tile adhesive, first of all, pay attention to factors such as:

  • type of tile;
  • installation location;
  • type of room;
  • terms of Use.

For different conditions, different adhesive compositions are also used, so for ceramic products You will have to choose from the following types:

  • Cement-sand mixtures. As the name implies, these adhesives are based on mixtures of Portland cement and quartz sand. The mixtures always contain various modifying polymeric additives to impart special properties to the adhesive, such as plasticity, water resistance, the range of permissible deformations and the degree of adhesion to the surface to be covered. Release form - dry mix in packs different capacity. To prepare, it is enough to dilute with water in the recommended proportion. The consumption of tile adhesive largely depends on the correct consistency of the solution.
  • Dispersion adhesives. The price of such materials is noticeably higher, which is offset by an almost twofold decrease in consumption per unit area. Such adhesives are characterized by higher adhesion to the surfaces to be glued, which allows them to be used for the installation of tile coverings on non-traditional materials, such as wood, plastic, wood, metal surfaces or drywall. Effective on vertical and sliding planes. Release form - plastic containers, since the adhesive masses are sold in a ready-to-use form.

  • epoxy mixtures. It is usually produced as a two-component, while the hardener is sold in a separate bottle and added to the composition immediately before use. When using, you need to make sure that drops or lumps of glue fall only on the place of gluing. After hardening, random drops will be very difficult to remove later, after polymerization. Epoxy adhesives are often used outdoors, withstanding temperature extremes and moisture well. The hardened adhesive mass is chemically inert.

  • "Liquid Nails". A relatively new adhesive material with the inclusion of artificial rubber. It is made on the basis of neoprene and has increased strength in the connection. The composition is toxic and has an unpleasant odor that persists long time. Harmless adhesives of this type water based does not have moisture resistance sufficient for its use in rooms with high humidity, such as baths and bathrooms. It is most widely used in the production repair work small volume and for restoring surfaces with a mosaic finish.

Group division by international rules as follows:

  • compositions for indoor work - the most cheap option adhesives used for finishing ceramic tiles on the walls of domestic premises. They practically do not use improving additives, however, the fastening of tiles to concrete or brick surfaces occurs with a sufficient degree of reliability. When using it, avoid temperature extremes or high humidity in the room;
  • adhesives of increased fixation - they are distinguished by strength and a high degree of fixation. The composition layer is able to endure suspended dynamic loads and high temperatures, it keeps well on the paint system. Well suited for fastening and oversized tiles;
  • universal adhesive compositions - the most popular when performing both tiled outdoor work and inside the house. It is undesirable to use them in conditions of temperature fluctuations, with a high moisture content in the air and heavy loads. Not recommended for tiling larger than 30 x 30 cm;
  • mixtures for laying tiles on the floor - differ from standard ones in a high content of plasticizers. This allows you to most fully fill the defects of the base surfaces without the formation of voids. Not used for wall cladding, the tiles on them may move.

adhesive compositions with moisture-repellent properties - used for wall cladding in bathrooms, laundries, swimming pools. Modifying additives are aimed at imparting hydrophobicity to the compositions. Adhesive mixtures of this type are noticeably more expensive than others, so the method of laying tiles on standard compositions is often used, followed by sealing the gaps between them with these compositions;

  • specialized compositions - are used in specific operating conditions for their intended purpose. An example is white cement-based mixtures, which are used for lining heating devices, transparent and translucent tiles, for laying marble cladding or making mosaic interiors.

Principles for selecting tile adhesive

Basically, three fundamental approaches should be followed:

  1. Operating conditions. Need to be guided functional purpose premises. For example, for a kitchen, a standard room adhesive or an all-purpose adhesive is suitable, you can also use floor adhesive, since the tiles for the kitchen are selected in a light design and limited overall dimensions. For finishing the walls of the pool, glue with water-repellent properties will be the best, for use on the porch - a frost-resistant composition.
  2. Foundation features. Depending on this parameter, an adhesive should be selected that has maximum adhesion to a given surface. Simple bases include such as concrete, brickwork, cement strainer, aerated concrete plane and some others. In this case, the adhesion index is sufficient in the range of 0.2 - 0.55 MPa. For atypical surfaces, such as glass, plastic, metal, drywall, this characteristic should be at least 1.0 MPa.
  3. The dimensions of the lining material. Adhesive manufacturers indicate a direct relationship between the value facing tiles and adhesive strength. This is especially important when facing walls, although according to established practice, large-sized materials are not used for this. When working with floor tiles, it is quite possible to rely on universal compositions, given their lower cost.

Features of the choice of glue for underfloor heating

Given the growing popularity of underfloor heating, let's dwell on the features of the selection of tile adhesive for this particular option. They are as follows:

  • the properties of the adhesive should allow its operation without destruction at elevated temperatures;
  • a prerequisite is water resistance, which is mandatory when using film and roll heating elements for underfloor heating in order to avoid shorting the electrical circuit;
  • increased requirements for the strength of the composition, if there is a stitching of individual tiles, this can lead to a violation of the integrity of the conductors;
  • the thermal conductivity of the adhesive must be sufficient so as not to serve as a heat-insulating material for the floor;

Given the above, many manufacturers have developed special adhesives for underfloor heating. Attention! All compositions for underfloor heating have a special mark about this on the packaging of mixtures.

These compounds are able to work in the temperature range from -30 to +70 degrees. The basis for their production are epoxy resins, characterized by plasticity, water resistance and good adhesion. In addition, plasticizers are introduced into the composition of these adhesives to avoid cracking when heated.

Laying tiled flooring produced in several stages:

  1. Leveling the base of the floor by grouting irregularities or leveling screed.
  2. Laying out a film or rolled heating layer.
  3. Laying tiles, followed by grouting with waterproof grouts.

The main objects for the installation of such floors with tiled lining are kitchens, bathrooms, bathrooms.

The most popular brands of heat-resistant adhesives:

  • adhesive compositions "Ceresit" - has the necessary plasticity and resistance to high and low temperatures;
  • tile adhesive "Litokol" - a composition that is resistant to temperature changes;
  • the composition of the domestic manufacturer "Eunice" - suitable for any type of underfloor heating.

Other criteria when choosing a gender

Which is better to choose a composition for facing works depends on many factors:

  • the main limitation in this case is the texture of the surface to be coated. For cement, you will need an adhesive composition based on a cement-sand mixture, and for drywall, you will have to choose from epoxy materials;
  • the second factor will be the cost indicator, which determines the consumption of tile adhesive per 1 m 2 of cladding, knowing it is easy to determine the cost per unit area in rubles;
  • Another criterion is the quality of the base surface. If the surface is uneven, the thickness of the tile adhesive will be forced to increase during operation to level the surface;

Important! When buying tile adhesive, you need to focus on the normative consumption of the mixture indicated by the manufacturer on the package. But it is better to increase this value by 10 - 15%, guided by the reasons stated above.

Preparation of tile adhesive

We will not consider the process of dosing a mixture of constituent components, since the bulk of adhesives are sold in the form of ready-made mixtures.

For their proper dilution of the dry composition with water, it is necessary:

  • study the instructions for diluting the glue in terms of the dosage of water and the mixture;
  • pour into container required amount water;
  • pour the dry mixture in a thin stream into water with continuous stirring;
  • when all the dry part is poured in, it is better to continue mixing mechanized way using a special nozzle for a drill;
  • having achieved a uniform composition of the mass, let the solution stand for about 15 minutes;
  • Stir the mixture again until smooth.

The consistency of the adhesive is checked as follows: do not dial on the trowel a large number of glue and turn it upside down. If it separates from the tool, you need to add the dry mixture and mix thoroughly again.

The best conditions for finishing work with tiles are 10 - 25 degrees.

Note! Many types of glue begin to harden after 2 hours, thickened glue cannot be restored. Therefore, it must be prepared in the appropriate amount.

The idea of ​​how much knauf, cerezit, unice and other types of adhesives from the domestic market dries is very important, but it is impossible to give exact recommendations. It depends not only on the type of composition, but also on the specific conditions of use. In any case, this period is at least a day, but it is better to let it stand for another day.

Applying glue to the surface is as follows:

  • a portion of glue is laid out on the surface with a trowel and leveled with a notched trowel. The frequency and size of the teeth of this tool depends on the consistency of the adhesive and the thickness of the composition layer, which is selected based on the quality of the surface and the type of material;
  • glue is also applied to the tile. Peculiarity! The direction of the adhesive grooves on the wall and on the tile should be relatively perpendicular. This will ensure that it is evenly distributed under the tile and that there are no air bubbles.

Floor tiles in some rooms are very practical option. But high-quality material costs a lot and therefore tile adhesive must be chosen high-quality. And the price is one of the last criteria. Although it is, of course, important, but by saving a little on glue, you can then spend a large amount to replace tiles.

Choosing a tile adhesive for the floor is necessary depending on the base and size / type of tile. The larger and heavier the coating, the more strength the adhesive must have. Everything is more or less simple here. The description indicates with what materials and sizes this composition can be used. The bases are a little more difficult. It is necessary to look at the type, stability, strength, whether it is afraid of moisture or not. In general, to choose, you need to know the types of tile adhesive. According to the type of binder, they are of three types: on cement, dispersion and acrylic two-component.

Cement based adhesive

The most popular is cement-based tile adhesive. If you need to lay tiles on a stable base - such as concrete slab or - cement compositions are optimal in terms of price-quality ratio. They are relatively inexpensive and good performance. They are used for laying tiles, porcelain stoneware and mosaics on solid bases - concrete,.

Compositions are available with laying on a thin layer - for even bases, and with curvature - with a layer of up to 2.5 cm (LITOFLOOR K66). Thick-layer tile adhesive is not very common. The set up is way too expensive. It is cheaper to pre-putty the recesses, cut off the humps. By preparing the base in this way, you will significantly reduce the cost of tile adhesive.

Cement adhesive for tiles is diluted with water before use. The proportions of glue and water are indicated in the instructions and on the packaging

Fast drying cementitious adhesive can be used on prefabricated substrates, but after a primer to reduce absorbency. Polymers are added to some formulations to improve or change properties (to increase elasticity). But this is regulated by the manufacturer - where it is possible, which ones, in what quantity. Cement adhesive is sold in dry form, before work you need to add water and mix.

Cement tile adhesive is one of the most common. Even one manufacturer has a dozen types for sure. How to figure it out? There are numbers in the marking of cement compositions. They show the strength of the composition. The larger the number, the higher the strength characteristics. The increase in strength is achieved by the addition of polymers. And the numbers represent the amount of additives.

For example, consider the popular brands of Ceresit tile adhesive. They have a ruler with the letters CM and different numbers. So. CM11, CM14, CM16 and CM17 - the number of polymers almost doubles from one to another. To make it clearer: in CM16 there is twice as much polymer as in CM14. Therefore, CM14 is more “rigid” during operation, and its “adhesion” to surfaces is much less than that of CM16. Now it is clear why the price of glue also increases with the increase in the “number”. The cheapest is CM11, the most expensive in this line is CM 17.

Dispersion adhesive

Dispersion tile adhesive is good because you can lay both large and small tiles. It is possible to lay porcelain stoneware, natural or artificial stone. Base - concrete, cement, gypsum, plaster, prefabricated bases, GVL, heated floors. Provides a waterproof finish. Sold as a ready-to-use dispersion - in buckets of various capacities.

Dispersion adhesive - clean, durable, waterproof

Floor tiles and porcelain stoneware are waterproof materials. But, if placed on regular cement tile adhesive, water will seep through the joints. In those places where the appearance of puddles is not too likely - in the kitchen, in the corridor - you can save the day using a waterproof grout.

Where water can stand for a long time - in showers, in wet areas of the bathroom, on the balcony - it is better to use dispersion adhesive. If you are looking for moisture resistant glue, see this category. He won't let the water through. Dispersion adhesive can be used in showers without a tray, bathrooms, swimming pool cladding, kitchens.

Two part epoxy adhesive

The hardest thing to find tile adhesive for wooden surfaces. Good adhesion is needed, and it is also necessary that the composition remains elastic after drying. Wood changes its dimensions due to humidity and temperature. Yes, and wooden floors can "walk" underfoot. For such cases, look towards a two-component tile adhesive.

Two-component tile adhesive must be mixed before use

Epoxy tile adhesive is suitable for laying any type of material on non-traditional substrates such as plastic, wood. Possesses the increased elasticity and excellent coupling. "Tensibility" and elasticity allows you to lay tiles on metal, glass, tiles. The composition is resistant to vibrations, can be used when facing stairs and "walking" bases. The composition does not contain water, so it is recommended for substrates that do not tolerate moisture well. The base can be wooden floor, plywood, CSP, glass-magnesite sheet and so on.

Types of glue by area of ​​\u200b\u200buse

It is necessary to choose glue taking into account operating conditions. Be sure to pay attention to this moment. Any compositions are suitable for premises. But if you need floor glue in a seasonal dacha, in a bathhouse, in a gazebo, other objects on the street or in unheated rooms, you must also pay attention to the temperature range. For such purposes, tile adhesive for outdoor use is suitable.

So, here is what gradation according to special properties can be:

A few words should be said about specialized tile adhesive. These are compositions with additives of polymers that change / improve the properties of cement. For example, glue for floor tiles with improved adhesion is used when laying tiles on smooth substrates. Compounds that remain elastic after drying - for laying tiles on wood, etc. In the bathroom or shower, in the kitchen you need increased resistance to moisture. Here you will need to look for moisture-resistant tile adhesive. When laying on the street - on the porch, terrace, in the gazebo, in an unheated cottage - frost resistance will be needed. There are also such compositions. In principle, every problem today has a solution. You can find tile adhesive even if you want to tile on tile.

The best adhesive for tiles

Choosing the best adhesive for laying tiles is another task. On the one hand, you do not want too expensive, if you can get by cheap. On the other hand, you will save a little due to cheaper glue, and in a couple of years you will have to change the tile, because it “swells” or bursts, or some other irreversible processes. Therefore, carefully approach both the choice of the manufacturer and the choice of a specific composition. In principle, a normal manufacturer in the description indicates everything that is needed:

If you look at this information, it will already be good. It is important that all conditions are met. Also important are parameters such as the time of work with the mixture and the time to adjust the position of the tile. They, of course, depend on the density of the batch, the humidity in the room, the presence of drafts, but all the same, the more time for laying, the easier it is. For beginners, this is very important.

Layer thickness

On the one hand, a thin layer under the tile is a low consumption, which means less money is required for glue. But cheap glue is "weaker" in the sense that its strength is lower. And the weaker the glue, the worse it behaves on a thin layer. So laying floor tiles on a thin layer - only on expensive compositions.

The thickness of the tile adhesive layer is selected based on the curvature of the base, but not only

For example, if the adhesive layer is 2-3 mm, it is worth taking a higher grade adhesive. If you choose between Ceresit CM 16 and CM 14, 16 is better for a thin layer. If the adhesive layer under the tile is 4 mm or more, you can take CM 14. And it's not just about Ceresit. This approach is also preserved for other brands: for a thinner layer, tile adhesive of a higher brand, with higher strength, is taken.

By tile size

In general, the cheapest glue is taken if the following conditions are met:

  • tiles are laid in a heated room;
  • on a concrete or cement base;
  • size no more than 250*250 mm;
  • no floor heating;
  • normal humidity.

Subject to all these conditions, you can not worry and take cheap glue. But better - cheap from a trusted manufacturer (Plitonite, Kreps, Osnovit). It may well happen that after drying, the glue can be crushed with a finger. There are fakes like this. If you do not know if you can trust a particular composition, before purchasing the entire volume, buy the smallest possible amount. Shut at home, lay a test tile. In the process, evaluate how easy or difficult it is to work, see how long the mixture will “live” in the container where it was kneaded. After drying (the period is indicated on the package), evaluate the strength of the composition. If everything suits you, you can buy the entire batch.

In general, the larger the tile, the stronger the adhesive needed. For the floor, the “lightest” glue is not used at all. If you look at the description, glue of medium grades and higher is used for laying on the floor. The division is:

All this is true for laying tiles without heating. If you put it on a screed, but with heating, you need a composition with increased elasticity - when cooling / heating, the materials increase and decrease. In order for the tile not to crack and not bounce, it is necessary that the adhesive retains elasticity. Then he compensates for all changes.

On the walking surface, warm floor

As mentioned above, for underfloor heating or surfaces that have significant thermal or moisture expansion (prefabricated screeds), you need a tile adhesive that remains elastic. And, anyway, even with such glue, it is better to use a small tile on the floor. Less chance of breaking it.

For laying on a warm floor or DSP, LSU and other similar bases, the following compositions can be used:

These are far from all possible options, but these are those that have shown themselves to be at least good in operation, and even more convenient when applied. The list includes both cement-based compositions with polymer additives and dispersion compositions. There are different price ranges. If your budget is tight, start here. If the budget is not too tight or the amount of work is small, you can choose according to technical criteria. After there are a few left that suit you in all respects, then already look at the price.

Over waterproofing and tile on tile

If the base is treated with waterproofing, it is better to take glue of the same brand. This is not required, but more likely to succeed. Especially if there is no experience. So you can be sure that the materials will be compatible.

It is worth observing one more rule - the more polymers in the waterproofing, the higher the brand of tile adhesive should be.

For marble, glass tiles and mosaics

Adhesive for laying marble, mosaic or glass tiles differs in that it is made on the basis of white cement. This component is very expensive, and since it also contains additives to increase strength, the price is not entirely humane. But other compositions - based on ordinary gray cement - cannot be used, as the color will change.

In general, serious manufacturers all have similar materials. Choose the ones available in your region. And, again, look at the operating conditions, layer thickness, viability of the solution, etc.

Of all the facing materials, it is ceramic tiles that are the most difficult to install. For its fastening to the surface of walls and floors, a special solution is used - tile adhesive. It has high characteristics and properties necessary to work with it and provides reliable fastening tiles to the surface.

Before starting work, it is important to know what properties the adhesive for ceramic tiles should have, composition, varieties, and calculate the consumption. Based on this, choose the best tile adhesive: Knauf (Knauf), Ceresit (Ceresit), BERGAUF KERAMIK PRO on which you can lay tiles.

When choosing a composition for decorative tiles, it will be useful to find out its main characteristics. The adhesive composition must necessarily meet the listed requirements, otherwise you should not buy it. Choose mixtures of well-known brands with necessary properties. Otherwise, no one gives a guarantee that the adhesive for ceramic tiles will securely hold it on the surface and it will not fall off after a month.

What to consider when choosing

1. Plasticity. This indicator should be moderate. If the composition spreads, then you will not be able to make a layer desired thickness. Plasticity is a property of the adhesive that should not change, no matter how thick the solution is made.
2. Spreadability. Consider this characteristic when choosing an adhesive for floor tiles. When applied to a surface ready mix should fill in all the gaps. If they remain, the tile will fall off or crack easily when subjected to a point load.
3. Adhesion characteristics. An indicator of the adhesive strength of the mortar with any surface and the ability to hold tiles of any size and weight. This property is very important, some formulations include additional additives that accelerate setting. Such mixtures are used when laying porcelain stoneware tiles.
4. Return of water. It shouldn't happen too fast. When laying, it is important to be able to adjust the tile, exposing it to the established level. This characteristic allows the tile adhesive to gain the necessary strength during drying.

Benefits of tile adhesive

Only high quality components and their correct ratio in the mixture, provide the adhesive tile mortar with the necessary specifications and benefits such as:

  • Low level of hydrophobicity;
  • Frost resistance - in specialized types of mixtures for outdoor work;
  • Heat resistance - depends on the brand and allows you to withstand significant temperature changes;
  • Durability - the ability to serve for several decades;
  • Environmental friendliness - the absence of harmful substances and volatile compounds in the composition;
  • Affordable price
  • Composition of tile adhesive

    Types of adhesive for ceramic tiles differ in composition. The following are the types of compositions depending on the constituent components:

  • Cement-based adhesives. Very popular due to affordable price. The main components in their composition are cement and sand. Today, manufacturers add polymer additives to them to improve the properties of mixtures. They also increase the characteristics of the adhesive - its plasticity, water resistance, adhesion of tiles to the facing surface. All ingredients are eco-friendly and hypoallergenic. Glue is sold in dry form, packaged in bags, during work it is diluted with water to the desired state of viscosity.
  • Dispersion adhesives. Such compositions differ in a higher price, which is compensated by the lower consumption of the finished product. adhesive composition. Special additives and additives increase the properties of adhesion to the surface. Such a composition can be used when laying tiles even on wooden, plastic and metal wall surfaces. A significant advantage is that it is not even required to prime or grind the base. Dispersion adhesives for ceramic tiles are sold in special containers ready for use.
  • Epoxy adhesives. This is a multicomponent composition, in which, before the tiles are fixed to the surface, a catalyst is added, which is packaged in separate containers. When using it, avoid getting the finished mixture on the surrounding objects and facing material. If this happens, immediately remove it from a clean surface before it hardens, then it will not work without consequences. Epoxy glue provides high fastening strength, it can be used for cladding exterior walls and in rooms with high humidity. Resistant to alkalis and temperature extremes. Liquid Nails. This adhesive is relatively new. As a rule, it contains polymers with synthetic rubber.
  • Neoprene Liquid Nails- have high adhesion strength. The downside is that it is a toxic material with an unpleasant pungent odor. Impractical and quite expensive if used for cladding large area. It is more practical to use for partial repairs, when you need to glue a few tiles that have fallen off or add small elements. Not afraid of exposure to water, can be used in the bathroom. Sold in finished form in special tubes.
  • Types of adhesive for tiles

    The adhesive for tiles presented today for sale is divided into types, depending on its purpose and scope. These are the following compositions:

  • Specialized
  • Universal
  • Finishing experts recommend taking a responsible choice and not immediately taking a universal mixture. To make a high-quality and durable surface cladding, you should choose the type of tile adhesive designed for a specific application.

    Specialized mixtures for tiles are divided depending on the purpose into:

  • Waterproof with antiseptic additives- not affected by water. They are used for masonry in rooms with high humidity and where a fungus can appear - a bathroom, a swimming pool, a shower room.
  • heat resistant- Withstand extremes and high temperatures. They are used for tiling fireplaces, stoves and other hot surfaces.
  • frost-resistant- Capable of withstanding low temperatures. Demanded for outdoor work, facade cladding, balconies, loggias.
  • Universal tile adhesive- in demand for home renovation in dry rooms, suitable for wall and floor surfaces. Affordable, durable, subject to proper use and operation.

    Which tile adhesive is best

    Of course, I want to choose the best one in order to install tiles with high quality. Ensure the reliability and durability of the fastening of the cladding. There are many manufacturers of adhesive tile mixtures. We have chosen brands that have proven their quality and reliability. Here are the names of brands and their advantages, tested by professional tilers.

    Tiles are the best material for bathroom cladding, where there is always high humidity and temperature. But in order for the finish to be strong and durable, you need to choose the right composition for fixing the tiles. Once it was “planted” on an ordinary solution of cement with sand, and real craftsmen added PVA glue there for strength. True, such a mixture still did not provide good adhesion, so the tile often lagged behind.

    Today, kneading the solution yourself, accurately calculating the proportions, is not at all necessary - there are special compounds that ensure the reliability of the finish. They also include fractionated sand and cement, and in addition, special modified additives - thanks to their characteristics, tiles can last for years. The range of such mixtures on the market is very large, so those who are going to tile the bathroom need to know some product selection criteria.

    There are several criteria to consider when choosing a tile fixing mix.

    1. The basis on which the tiles will be laid: old tiles, drywall, concrete, plaster, etc. Special attention you need to pay attention to such features as underfloor heating and thin walls, which are subject to increased vibration - in this case, you need to think carefully about the choice of glue, otherwise the tile will quickly fall off.

      Ceramic tile base - tips and tricks

    2. The area of ​​​​one tile and the size of the entire surface that will need to be faced. It is better to lay a large-sized tile on glue with increased adhesive characteristics - the weight of such a tile is much greater than that of a regular tile, so it can not only fall off, but immediately “float” along the wall surface.
    3. Dry or ready-mix: Most often, consumers choose dry formulations, since wet formulations are more expensive, and in addition, the latter can only be laid on a perfectly smooth surface.
    4. Cement-based mixtures dry out faster, that is, it is better to work with them with some experience, as well as at moderate air temperatures.
    5. If the cement mixture contains a large amount of plasticizers, it will dry out much faster.
    6. Plasticizers in the composition of the adhesive are necessary if the tile will be laid on the floor, since in this case the coating must withstand sufficiently large loads.
    7. If the person who will be laying the tiles is not very experienced, it is better to choose mixtures that do not dry too quickly, as the installer will need a certain amount of time to level each unit well. In this case, one-component adhesive (for example, dispersion), sold in the form of a paste, can be called the best option.
    8. Two-component mixtures must be made independently, but at the same time they are considered the most reliable or durable.
    9. If the question arises of using a universal adhesive or a specialized one, it is recommended to give preference to the second option. Universal adhesive can be safely used in the simplest cases, that is, when laying ordinary ceramic tiles on a flat cement or concrete base. In addition, it is better to use a separate type of adhesive for walls and a separate one for the floor - this approach not only saves money, but also increases the reliability of the finish (flooring is usually exposed to high loads, and also suffers more from moisture).

      Tile adhesive K-11 "Universal"

    10. Product shelf life. Even for the sake of economy, you should not purchase glue with an expired shelf life, broken packaging, or one that was stored in improper conditions (at high or low temperatures, high humidity, etc.). Such mixtures lose their qualities, so the tile will not hold well and will eventually fall off or crack.

    In addition, when buying glue for laying tiles, it is important to consider the type of mixture, since the final result, that is, the strength of the future coating, depends on this.

    Types of tile adhesive

    There are not so many types of adhesive mixtures for tiles (unlike brands and manufacturers): these are cement, dispersion, elastic and epoxy mixtures, however, each of them has its own characteristics and characteristics.

    cement mixtures

    As the name implies, these mixtures include cement. They are considered one of the cheapest on the market and are sold in the form of powders that need to be diluted with water, and sometimes other components (liquid latex, resin, etc.) are added. In the first case, the mixtures are called modified, since all the necessary ingredients are added already at the production stage.

    What you need to know about the choice of cement mixtures? Packages of such products may be marked "thin-layer tile adhesive" or "thick-layer tile adhesive". The first option is suitable when the tiles are laid on a flat surface with differences of no more than 10 mm. But thick-layer mixtures are used when the walls or floor are uneven, with large gaps or cracks.

    knauf tile adhesive

    Dispersion mixtures

    Dispersion solutions have increased adhesion, therefore they are excellent for working with complex surfaces, as well as with those that do not absorb various substances too well: drywall, painted surfaces, old tiling. But for concrete bases, it is better to choose another option. They are mixtures of acrylic with binders and artificial resins.

    Such products are sold in finished form, in sealed plastic containers, and cost a little more than cement, but at the same time they have a number of valuable advantages:

    • do not require self cooking mixtures, that is, they allow you to avoid errors when observing proportions and save time;
    • work is carried out without excess dirt and dust;
    • a sufficiently large "setting" interval, so that individual tiles can be well aligned.

    Elastic blends

    This type of adhesive mixtures - best option for laying tiles on surfaces that are completely devoid of the ability to absorb moisture, as well as on moving substrates. They are often used for facing underfloor heating, as the adhesive withstands the expansion and contraction of surfaces due to high temperatures.

    Epoxy mixtures

    Epoxy glue is the least commonly used for laying tiles in residential areas, since, firstly, it is quite expensive, and, secondly, it requires some experience. In addition, there are some conditions that must be observed when working: support for a certain temperature regime, strict observance of proportions, etc. Most often, epoxy mixtures are used for lining saunas, swimming pools and other similar premises, as they allow laying tiles on any surface, including metal. After hardening, they become absolutely waterproof, and also resistant to acids and chemical solutions.

    Ceresit CM 74. Technical information. Download file

    How to choose glue for different types of tiles?

    Diversity different types and there are a lot of tile colors today, and this is another criterion for choosing an adhesive mixture. The simplest and most affordable option is gray glue, which is suitable for porcelain stoneware and ordinary ceramic tiles.

    If the bathroom is planned to be lined with glass mosaic or marble, it is recommended to choose white mixes. Contrary to popular belief, it does not have the best performance, but marble can absorb adhesive and subsequently change its color. When using glue white color the lining darkens much less, which means it will look much better.

    But the composition for the mosaic should have a fairly fine grain size, since this material is laid on a thin layer of glue, and for a better appearance, this layer should be compressed even more.

    The most common and high-quality (according to consumer reviews) brands of adhesive mixtures for tiles include:

    • Ceresit (Ceresit);
    • Knauf (Knauf);
    • Kerakoll (Kerakoll);
    • Sopro (Sopro);
    • Litokol (Litokol).

    How to calculate glue consumption?

    Glue consumption is usually indicated in the instructions for a specific product, but in reality it is not so easy to calculate it. The amount of mixture that will have to be spent on laying tiles is affected by whole line factors and conditions.

    1. Glue type. All of the above adhesive mixtures and their varieties have different characteristics: some are thicker, and the second are more liquid. For example, the consumption of cement-based adhesive, which is diluted with water, is from 1 to 1.9 kg per square meter.
    2. Tile features. The surface of porcelain stoneware absorbs the least glue, glazed tiles absorb a little more, and maximum amount will absorb facing material called cotto and handmade tiles.
    3. Surface to be tiled. Perfect Surface for tiling, it must be absolutely even and smooth - in this case, a minimum amount of glue is required. In addition, the surface of the base on which it is planned to lay the tiles has a different ability to absorb moisture: the higher the porosity of the material, the more it absorbs the adhesive mixture.
    4. Weather. Optimum temperature, at which you can lay tiles - from 18 to 25 degrees. If the room is too hot, then the moisture from the solution will evaporate too quickly, and the consumption of the mixture will increase. At sub-zero temperatures, it is not recommended to veneer surfaces at all, since the adhesive may lose its characteristics.
    5. Technique of work and qualification of the stacker. The amount of glue mixture consumed is largely influenced by the laying technology, the experience of the master (a person with the appropriate skills and qualifications will use less glue than a beginner) and even the type of spatula with which the work will be performed. Skilled installers claim that the best way to lay mortar is with a V-shaped tool, followed by a U-trowel in terms of economy. But most often spatulas with square teeth are used for work, which, in turn, come in different shapes. Required size the teeth of the tool must be selected depending on the size of the tile - accordingly, the consumption of glue in each individual case will be different.

    Glue consumption

    The size of one side of the tile, see.Spatula tooth size, mm.Recommended consumption of glue, kg/sq.m.
    Less than 53 1,9
    5 to 104 2,5
    10 to 206 3,8
    20 to 308 5
    30 to 4010 6,3
    40 12 7,8

    However, there is one caveat here - when using this table, you need to take into account the characteristics of the surface. If the base is uneven, it makes sense to slightly adjust the above parameters: for example, when laying tiles 30 by 30 on a surface with a lot of cracks and potholes, it is better to take a spatula with not 8, but 10 mm teeth. In addition, the tool must be held in a certain way: an angle that is as close to perpendicular as possible will allow you to create a thicker layer of glue.

    There are three options for calculating the amount of glue required for wall and floor cladding, from which you should choose the best option in a particular case.

    Option number 1. This solution is suitable for those who already have experience with a mixture of a particular brand. To calculate the consumption of glue, you can look at the instructions or go to the company's official page and use a special calculator: enter size data consumable, the surface area to be coated, as well as the type of adhesive mixture.

    Option number 2. This option allows you to calculate the amount of cement-based adhesive - it is not very accurate, but will give at least some point of reference for inexperienced installers.

    Initial data: weight of the ready-to-use adhesive mixture, tile dimensions, layer thickness, conditions (temperature, base surface) that are most favorable for tiling. For example, the weight of the adhesive is 1.5 kg, the size of the tiles is 30 by 30, the standard layer thickness is 4 mm. It is necessary to multiply 1.5 by 4, the result will be 6 kg - this will be the required consumption of glue per square meter. Accordingly, under other conditions and parameters, the amount of the mixture may increase or decrease.

    Option number 3. It allows you to find out how much glue is needed for a particular type of tile - it is best if the material is already available. Half the thickness of one tile in millimeters must be multiplied by the average consumption of a particular brand of glue (you can find it out from the instructions or on the manufacturer's website), but the result can be very approximate.

    Step by step instructions for laying tiles

    Today, when it is very easy to prepare tile laying mixes, it is quite possible to lay tiles with your own hands even without experience and relevant knowledge. However, in order for the tiled surface to turn out to be even and attractive, you must clearly follow the appropriate instructions.

    Stage one. Tile preparation

    • the length of one row does not always coincide with the total length of the tiles (especially where there are niches, sinks, pipes, etc.), it will need to be cut - this is done using a tile cutter or glass cutter;
    • after determining the required number of tiles, it is recommended to add 10-15% to them - in case any tiles are damaged, for future repairs or in case of defective products.

    Before starting work, it is necessary to determine the technique for performing the work and draw up a laying scheme (especially if you plan to lay out any pattern or ornament). If you need to tile the walls, work starts from the far lower corner, but in the case of flooring cladding options can be different (from the middle, from the walls, from the corner).

    Stage two. Foundation preparation

    This is one of the key points on which the final result largely depends. Skilled craftsmen divide surfaces into simple and complex: the first type includes smooth surfaces that practically do not absorb glue, and the second type is uneven, with serious differences, as well as those made of porous materials. Accordingly, the preparation of the base for the tile depends on its type and features.

    uneven surface

    Laying tiles on an uneven surface is the most expensive, sometimes not only in the amount of adhesive, but also in future repairs if the work is done incorrectly. Before proceeding with the cladding, you need to inspect the base well, remove the old finish from it and clean up the problem areas - for example, if there are pieces of concrete or brick on the wall that can fall off along with the tile, it is recommended to remove it and seal the holes with putty.

    As soon as it dries, the surface must be well cleaned of dirt and dust. After that, treat the surface with a primer (the choice of brand depends on the adhesive for the tiles) and make markings.

    An important point: if the wall is very uneven, a thick layer of glue will have to be applied to some areas, because of which the tile may slide even before the mortar “grabs”. In this case, you should use a rail that will hold the tiles in place - it is screwed with screws in the place where the bottom row will be.


    If the concrete base is even, then laying the tiles will be a fairly simple process - you need to clean it well, put a primer, and then go directly to the cladding.


    It is best to remove old paint from walls, even if it is a laborious and time-consuming process. Today, there are many solutions that allow you to get rid of the finish - just treat the wall with them, and then remove the paint with a spatula, scraper or building hair dryer. If the surface is painted, as they say, in good conscience, that is, it holds very firmly, there is an alternative option - to make notches with an ax with an interval of 2 cm.


    Laying tiles on plaster is possible only when following conditions: it is applied with high quality, with preliminary cleaning of surfaces and coating with a primer, laid at least two weeks before the start of work, and the height difference does not exceed 3 mm.

    Old plaster that has partially crumbled or is crumbling is best cleaned off.


    The main problem with tiling drywall walls is that the sheets can warp and the tiles fall off. To prevent such a defect, it is recommended to strengthen the surface - for this, special guide strips are used, which are stuffed at intervals of 40 cm (if the drywall is too thin, the distance can be reduced).

    For similar purposes, a polypropylene mesh is used, which is glued to sheets or fastened with staples, and some craftsmen use both strips and mesh for reliability. Another option is to install another layer of drywall.

    Important: you need to apply a primer on a drywall wall in two layers, and each of them should be allowed to dry for 40-60 minutes.

    Old tile

    As in the case with old paint and plaster, it is best to remove the old tiles from the walls. This is not the most technically difficult, but laborious and noisy process, for which you will need a small hatchet with a wide blade, or a hammer with a chisel (sometimes a puncher is used). You need to beat off the tile, starting from the top row and gradually going down. Sometimes the first tile has to be completely broken, after which the work will go easier - you just need to drive the hatchet blade or chisel between the tile and the glue, and then try to separate the tiles from the wall with strong but gentle blows.

    If for any reason it is impossible to dismantle the old tile, new tile put on top of such a finish. In order for the lining to hold firmly and reliably, a number of conditions must be met. First of all, carefully tap each tile: if the sound is deaf, it will hold well, and if it is sonorous, it is better to dismantle it. Before starting work, treat the surface well with a special primer, and use only elastic adhesive with a high degree of adhesion to fix the tiles so that the adhesion strength is as high as possible. If you use a hard mixture, the new lining will crack over time.

    Wood and plywood

    Laying tiles on a wooden surface is a rather difficult, but doable task. The first option for performing work is the installation of drywall boards on top of a wooden covering, after which the surface is prepared as described above.

    The second method consists of several stages: first, the tree is processed antiseptic formulations to avoid rotting. Next, a roofing material or roofing felt is laid on it so that the base does not crack or warp, after which the walls are sheathed wooden slats, attached to the frame plaster mesh, apply cement mortar and plaster the entire structure (the layer of plaster should not exceed 20 mm). After complete drying, you can start tiling.

    Video - Screed on a wooden surface

    Video - Bathroom in a wooden house

    As a base for tiling walls, it is not recommended to use gas and foam concrete bases, as well as chipboard. Aerated concrete and foam concrete are too porous, loose surfaces that need to be treated with expensive waterproof compounds, and the finish will hold very poorly even when using an expensive adhesive. If there is no other alternative, the base should be covered with prefinished plywood sheets. Chipboards also require careful processing, so finishing this material with tiles is not economically feasible.

    Stage three. Preparation of the adhesive mixture

    The first thing to remember when preparing the glue is that the rest of the mixture will have to be thrown away, as it will harden and will not be usable. That is, in order to save money, it is necessary to correctly calculate the amount of glue that will be required for work. If powdered adhesive is used, it should be diluted with water, sometimes with the addition of other components. On average, the proportions are as follows: 25 kg of the mixture per 5.5-6 liters of water (more precisely, you can see it on the package). Mix the solution manually or mechanically, vigorously enough for at least 5 minutes, until a homogeneous creamy mass is obtained.

    Applying adhesive to the wall

    It is not necessary to apply the mortar to the tiles, but some types of tiles (for example, bicottura) are recommended to be moistened with water before laying. Seams 2-3 mm thick are left between the tiles - so that they are the same and even, you can use forming crosses.

    If the tile needs to be cut, then this is done as follows: it must be laid on a flat surface, mark the place of the cut, draw a glass cutter or tile cutter over it, then gently hit it flat on the floor. The tile should split at the cut point.

    After laying each unit, it must be pressed with your hands or with some object and remove the remnants of the mortar until it has hardened. After finishing work with five rows of tiles, you need to take an hour break so that the glue grabs well and the lower rows do not slide down under the weight of the upper rows.

    Performing work, you should regularly check the evenness of laying with a level. In order for the tile to be laid as evenly as possible, it is best to initially mark the zero level and mark it with building level. After the surface is completely lined, you need to wait until the glue hardens well (usually it takes about 24 hours).

    Mistake in laying tiles - uneven seam

    Stage five. Filling joints with grout

    Grout for joints can also be purchased at any store and prepared as follows: pour the mixture into a bucket of water in the proportions indicated in the instructions, mix well, let it brew for 5-10 minutes and mix again. Next, fill the seams with the mixture with a rubber spatula, wait 25-30 minutes and remove the excess mortar with a sponge. Grouting plays a special role - it not only gives the surface an aesthetic appearance, but also allows you to mask laying defects.

    Tile grouting and technique, steps 5-8

    Facing a bathroom with ceramic tiles is not an easy and rather time-consuming task. However, when right choice adhesive mixture and compliance step by step instructions works, the tile will hold firmly and reliably, and appearance rooms for a long time to please the eye.

    Video - How to choose an adhesive for ordinary tiles, porcelain tiles, natural stone or mosaics?