Kate moss biography personal. Kate Moss: the style and rules of life of a successful top model

Fashion model Kate Moss was born on January 16, 1974 in the British city of Croydon. The modeling career developed rapidly: she became the face of a famous cosmetic brand, starred in several films, entered the top three top models in the world. But her personal life developed rather uneasy, it had ups and downs and not very successful times. Today, this famous woman is still popular.


Kate became a model by accident. She was 14 when the girl was noticed by Sarah Dukas, the owner of a modeling agency. She saw the angular teenager as the young girl was driving home from Barbados. I called to the competition, the girl came, she was accepted. At first, model work was just an interesting pastime for the girl. Here she made many friends with whom she actively entertained. At parties, Kate Moss tried alcohol, tobacco and sex. When the girl was 17, she began to live with Mario Sorrenti, who was a photographer.

All photos 14

A bright moment in the life of Kate Moss was her photo shoot for the British magazine The Tate. The girl starred topless: it turned out that she had practically no breasts. Her photo caused a storm of emotions. Accusations of pedophilia rained down on the editorial office, as well as that this image could provoke young girls to lose weight excessively in an effort to look like a thin fashion model.

Beloved Kate, Mario, introduced her to Calvin Klein. He invited her to participate in the advertising of perfumes. This was the beginning of the girl's career as an elite level model with a fee of up to 10 thousand dollars a day.

Then the girl realized that the small breasts, which were the subject of her experiences in her youth, were a gift from nature. After all, it was this part of her appearance that became a bright touch of her uniqueness. Kate Moss said that she follows the traditions of the supermodels of the 60s of the XX century.

After her modeling career began in 1990, two years passed - and the beauty already had a contract with the Calvin Klein brand in the amount of $ 2 million. In the mid-1990s, she was earning $10,000 a day. At the beginning of the 21st century, the model became very famous in the world, she climbed the same step where Cindy Crawford and Naomi Campbell were.

Kate began to inspire authors to create films and books. She participated in shows of major fashion houses. As the editors of Forbes stated, the girl became the second most famous top model after Gisele Bündchen.

Kate Moss has starred in several films: TV series and soap operas. She appeared in music videos and sang in "Babyshambles" as a duet.

One day, Kate decided to leave the fashion catwalk. The reason for such an unexpected step was a great disappointment in the modeling business. It seemed to her that all life is an endless "Groundhog Day".

But soon the girl returned and continued to work as a top model. This was facilitated by the fact that many famous fashion designers and representatives of fashion houses called her back. Kate returned to the world of fashion as an adult, stopped participating in unthinkable bohemian parties, and began to take her health more seriously.

Personal life

In personal terms, the fate of the model is not so cloudless. Her first partner, Mario Sorrenti, is a thing of the past. And Johnny Depp appeared in life, whom she met later. The actor had a difficult streak: he did not have a permanent job, he used heroin. They started dating, but the relationship didn't last long. Depp began to live with Vanessa Paradis, who became his assistant in getting rid of drug addiction.

And Kate Moss dated other men.

A serious romance took place with Jeffeson Hack, who owned a publishing house. In 2002, the model had a daughter together with Heck - Lila Grace. However, the couple soon broke up.

In 2005, the girl began an affair with Pete Doherty, who sang in the Babyshambles band. It so happened that once during a party in honor of the release of the next album of the group, the model was photographed while sniffing cocaine. The photos ended up in the Daily Mirror - this caused a scandal. Many fashion houses refused to cooperate with the model.

The girl was treated for drug addiction in an Arizona clinic, where she had to spend a whole month. Many of her colleagues and friends came to her defense. Defenders included Stella McCartney and Elton John.

After some time, Kate Moss returned to business again. Her face shone on magazine covers, contracts with fashion houses were renewed.

Today they are talking about the engagement of model and guitarist Jamie Hince, who gave her a wonderful gift - a piano worth 38 thousand dollars, promising to teach her beloved how to play this instrument.

As you know, in 1998, Kate Moss was treated in a clinic specializing in psychiatry. There, according to the official version, she was undergoing a course of rehabilitation due to exhaustion, but, as people in the know say, the reason for her stay in the institution was alcoholism. The girl left the hospital with a slightly increased weight - she added four kilograms and stopped drinking alcohol.

In her gastronomic preferences, the model likes to break the rules prescribed in this business. She loves to enjoy sausages and chips. She likes traditional British mashed potatoes, rice puddings and fish. The model also appreciates Italian cuisine - she loves spaghetti. Due to the peculiarities of the body, a girl may not be afraid to gain weight: she can eat whatever she wants without gaining weight.

With Calvin Klein, the girl stopped being friends after it became known about her alcoholism. The fashion designer who helped her become a star did not want to continue communication.

In 2008, the model starred for three well-known brands - Yves Saint Laurent, Roberto Cavalli, Donna Karan. At the same time, the fragrance "Kate" from "Coty" was released. And a book with photos that she especially liked. English artist Mark Quinn cast a golden sculpture "Siren". Now it is part of the exposition of the British Museum.

“She goes against everything she should be. She is small, she has a hard look, an irregularly shaped face, and this is actually her advantage, because people see themselves in her. She falls out of the aloofness and duplicity of the fashion world." So wrote the British publicist Morley about Kate Moss.

Kate Moss - height, weight and photo shoots

Kate Moss's height is about 170 cm - very low for a model, her weight ranges from 48 to 53 kg - in the early 1990s she was considered too thin, her figure is too flat and Kate herself looks more like a boy than a feminine beauty. But despite all this, Kate Moss has become one of the most popular models in the world. And one of the richest. Among the top models only gets more Kate. And Kate Moss managed to adjust fashion for herself, yes, yes, that's right. After all, it was largely thanks to Kate that the unisex style came into fashion in the 1990s.

Kate Moss was born on January 16, 1974 in Croydon, England. When she was 13 years old, her parents divorced. After the divorce, her mother had to work as a waitress in order to have at least some money. According to one version, at the age of 14, Kate, with her younger brother and her mother who managed to save money, went on a trip to Bali. According to another version, it was a trip to the Bahamas, but not with his mother, but with his father and younger brother. But these two stories have in common that Sarah Douglas, an employee of a modeling agency, approached Kate at the airport and suggested that Kate try herself in the modeling business, come to the casting.

Kate at first considered this offer a joke, because she always considered herself an ugly girl, but she still came to the casting. At first, Kate was not so popular. In the late 1980s, she starred mainly for commercials, but in the early 1990s she gained popularity. At that time, very thin models appeared on the catwalks more and more often, models that looked almost like teenage girls. There were quite a few girls aged 14-16 among them. Androgyny has come into fashion - the blurring of differences between men and women in appearance (thin thin bodies, long hair, the same clothes).

Kate begins to collaborate with the American brand Calvin Klein and soon becomes one of their main models. At 20, she will earn her first million. Kate has also collaborated with famous brands such as Gucci, Dolce & Gabbana, Louis Vuitton,. She starred for Harper's Bazaar, Vogue, Cosmopolitan, ELLE magazines.

Recently, Kate Moss has taken up design herself. She signed a contract with Topshop, which manufactures and sells clothing and accessories. Kate becomes the designer of their fashion line. So, according to Kate, she was inspired to create one of the collections for Topshop by trips with friends to hot summer countries. Kate believes that a summer, vacation wardrobe is undoubtedly important. Kate has also been involved in the creation of cosmetics for Coty.

But the personal life of Kate Moss, unlike her career, did not develop so smoothly. At the age of 17, Kate began dating fashion photographer Mario Sorrenti. She then dated actor Johnny Depp. She also had affairs with Billy Zane, Anthony Langton, Jack Nicholson. Kate began a serious relationship with publisher Jefferson Hack. In 2002, their daughter Lila Grace was born. But the wedding never took place. Then Kate met with musician Pete Doherty. They planned to get married, which Doherty announced right during one of his concerts. But their wedding fell through.

In 2007, Kate Moss met Jamie Hince, the guitarist of a rock band. And on July 1, 2011 in London, Kate Moss finally went down the aisle. They merried. Among the bridesmaids was Kate's daughter Lilu Grace. And among the invited guests is the father of her daughter, Jefferson Hack. for Kate was created, shoes - Manolo Blahnik. The groom wore a sky blue YSL suit with a double-breasted blazer.

Kate has been repeatedly called a style icon. According to Kate herself, she never really thinks about how to dress up more stylishly, she just combines things from her wardrobe and sees what goes with what. She certainly has impeccable taste. And Kate also loves "smoky" eye makeup, which, according to her, nothing can beat. And at 38, Kate is still a real beauty and supermodel.

Yes, the current Kate is no longer a thin and airy elf, the paparazzi sometimes tactlessly indicate age, a “floated” figure and a unkempt appearance. This once again proves that supermodels are “mere mortals”, with everyday problems and everyday worries. But they are super because each makes a revolution in the fashion world and changes the idea of ​​​​beauty. Moss is the first who did not fit into the ranks of goddesses with ideal proportions.

“She is like a woman and a child at the same time. It is this type of sexuality that fascinates, ”said designer Calvin Klein about Kate.

Childhood and youth

Katherine Ann Moss was born in January 1974 in Croydon, one of the districts of London. Shortly after the birth of their daughter, the second child appeared in the Moss family, son Nick. When Kate was 13 years old, her parents separated. The mother, who worked as a waitress, had a hard time, because she had two young children in her care. The girl had to help her mother, and at a very young age she earned money by selling tickets for rides and carnivals. A little later, the model worked as a salesman in toy stores.

One day, Linda Rosina Shepherd saved up some money and gave Kate and Nick a gift - she took them on vacation to the Bahamas. Then 14-year-old Kate looked like a nondescript thin teenager with a frown. There was no interest from the boys.

But it was precisely such an awkward girl that the owner of the little-known London agency Storm, which was engaged in the selection of models, drew attention to. Sarah Dukas, who saw Kate at New York's Kennedy Airport, suggested that she visit the agency upon arrival home and try herself at the casting. Moss has arrived. Thus began a bright podium biography of one of the most sought-after, albeit with a controversial reputation, supermodels in the world.

Modeling career

Short, with high cheekbones, with an indifferent expression of her eyes - at first glance, Kate Moss did not fit into the model parameters. Linda Evangelista, Claudia Schiffer and Nadia Auermann reigned on the catwalks. But Kate was destined to break the traditional and already somewhat outdated understanding of model parameters. The girl appeared on the crest of a wave of androgyny (blurring between the sexes), which soon swept the world of high fashion.

Best of the day

At first, Kate Moss's career did not actively develop. But she was also happy with this, not understanding what she was doing in the world of fashion and beautiful people, to whom she had never considered herself. Kate had a lot of complexes about an unfeminine figure and an atypical appearance. But now Moss's parameters fully complied with accepted standards (in her youth, with a height of 170 cm, the girl's weight was 46 kg). The angular teenager did not even suspect that she would soon become a real supermodel, and the fees would be more solid than those of Naomi Campbell.

The wave of androgyny that invaded human minds was noticed in time by one of the trendsetters - Calvin Klein. The designer was the first to popularize the unisex style, for which the completely “flat” and short Kate Moss, who embodied “genderless”, fit perfectly. The girl becomes the face of a new perfume from Calvin Klein called "One" (CK One).

The fragrance will soon break sales records, and Kate's face with her trademark aloof "wolf" look is known everywhere, because now such photos are on all advertising banners and magazine covers. The trend for "heroin chic" (sickly, emaciated and sexless fashion models) brought many models of the same type as Moss to the catwalks. But Kate was the first, and it was worth it. And in the truest sense of the word. Model fees are exorbitant.

The girl began to play in films and television series, but only as a cameo and without being indicated in the credits. In the role of herself, Kate Moss appeared in dozens of paintings. She received her first episodic role in the TV series Inferno. In 1999, Kate featured supporting characters of Maid Marian and Queen Marian in the short film Black Adder Back and Forth.

Moss made her first million dollars at the age of 20. In 2000, she becomes one of the world's highest paid models. Only a 4-year contract with Chanel brought the girl $ 5 million. According to Forbes magazine, work on the podium replenished the bank account of the androgynous beauty by $ 14.8 million.

In 2005, Moss collaborated with Topshop - he made his debut as a designer and released his own clothing line. 14 collections of the brand with Kate have been released. This collaboration increased the model's net worth by another $5.2 million.

In 2006, Moss received recognition in the arts. British sculptor Mark Quinn has cast a bronze sculpture called "The Sphinx" depicting a supermodel in a yoga pose.

In 2007, Kate Moss tried her hand as an actress again and appeared in the short fantasy film The 4 Dreams of Miss X, where she played the main character.

After the supermodel left the Topshop brand, she was invited to participate in shows of famous fashion houses, including Louis Vuitton, Dolce & Gabbana, Gucci, Chanel, Dior, Versace and others. According to the information of the same Forbs, Moss becomes the second largest fortune, only behind his colleague Gisele Bündchen.

In the spring of 2008, Kate Moss became the face of several global brands at once. The supermodel collaborated with Yves Saint Laurent, Roberto Cavalli and Donna Karan. The result of the collaboration with Coty is the fragrance Kate.

Inspired by the unusual beauty of Moss, British artist Mark Quinn again turned to the image of the model and cast a golden statue of the "Siren" with the features of a girl, which became the main exhibit of the British Museum.

In 2011, the supermodel created and launched her own line of lipstick shades in collaboration with the Rimmel brand, which Kate has represented since 2001. Cosmetic products Rimmel Lasting Finish Lipstick by Kate Moss received positive reviews. As consumers admit, the reason for the enthusiastic reaction was not even the famous name of the supermodel. I liked the lipstick with a set of unusual shades, bright and saturated, but at the same time not flashy and suitable for everyday makeup. Fans of the brand consider the Rimmel. Kate Moss "pearl of the firm's collection.

In February 2016, Kate Moss reappeared on the big screen in a cameo role in the fashion comedy Model Male 2. In March, she starred in the musical short Massive Attack: Ritual Spirit. In June 2016, Kate appeared as herself in the crime comedy Just Amazing about two bohemian friends who caused a media scandal.

In March 2017, the short comedy Red Noses Day premiered, in which Kate Moss again played a cameo.

The supermodel did not officially announce the end of her catwalk career, although she terminated her contract with the Storm Models agency, with which she had collaborated for more than 25 years. Images of Kate are still regularly published in glossy publications, and various projects bring in up to £ 6 million a year. In addition, a commercial vein woke up in Moss. She even turned her own name into a source of income, having received a special patent prohibiting the use of the phrase "Kate Moss" without her permission, if further profit is meant.

Kate opened a modeling school for those who "do not have to be extraordinarily good-looking, but can sing and dance and have acting talent." The half-sister Charlotte, who also dreams of becoming famous on the podium, has studied there and finds the support of her famous relative in this desire. Moss Jr. collaborates with Storm Model Management, who once opened Kate, and the House of Karl Lagerfeld, became a Victoria's Secret "angel", starred for the covers of L "Officiel and Harper's Bazaar. In an interview, Lottie invariably talks about how influenced Kate's choice of profession.

Having set sail on her own in the sea of ​​business, Moss founded Tilly Church and Skate LLP, which must be contracted by those who approach her with business proposals. Thanks to this approach, in 2013 alone, the supermodel earned over £ 11.6 million.

The book The Kate Moss Book, in which Kate shared the secrets of success, is also in demand, which means it brings income. In 2005, the official biography of the star Kate Moss: Model of Imperfection was published, from the sale of which a certain amount is probably transferred to the heroine's account.


The "heroin chic" that Kate Moss embodied led the model to a lifestyle that the fashion gurus so inadvertently popularized. The girl really began to abuse alcohol and drugs. In 1998, Kate ended up in a private psychiatric clinic. According to the official version, Moss was treated for exhaustion. In fact, as it turned out later, from alcoholism.

After leaving the clinic, Kate gained 4 kg and looked healthier and refreshed. Moss, as before, did not adhere to diets and consumed chips, sausages, spaghetti, puddings and fish with pleasure. However, she did not last long: a healthy lifestyle soon got bored. Kate has been spotted using cocaine. An incredible scandal ensued. Fashion houses terminated already signed contracts with the model.

Moss entered an Arizona drug addiction clinic to recover from a vicious addiction. After rehabilitation, stars stood up for Kate, including Stella McCartney and Elton John. The girl again appeared on the covers of tabloids and shows. But after the treatment of the supermodel, one of the main fashion designers who discovered the star to the world stopped working with her. It was Calvin Klein.

In October 2015 there was a new scandal. The paparazzi tracked Kate Moss at a party hosted by her friend Rita Ora. On the black dress, the beauties noticed characteristic spots of white powder. Mass media again started talking about the fact that the supermodel returned to its former life.

Personal life

Unlike her professional career, Kate Moss's personal life is not as brilliant. At the beginning of her work as a model, the girl lived for a couple of years with the photographer Mario Sorrenti, with whom she also had a working relationship. But after meeting with Johnny Depp, Kate broke up with Mario. The outbreak of a romance between two celebrities took place in a drug-alcohol dope. Depp was not filming during that period and consumed heroin. The relationship quickly ended, and Johnny went to Vanessa Paradis, who helped the actor recover.

After breaking up with Depp, Kate Moss met with other gentlemen. The media names Anthony Langton, Billy Zane and Jack Nicholson. In 2002, Kate gave birth to a daughter, Lila Grace, with publisher Jefferson Hack. But this union also quickly fell apart.

In 2005, Kate Moss began a high-profile and scandalous romance with musician Pete Doherty. The relationship was accompanied by wild parties and problems with alcohol and drugs. 3 years passed in constant noisy quarrels and reconciliations, which took place in full view of the paparazzi. In the end, a high-profile relationship ended in an equally bright parting. Subsequently, Pete dedicated a number of lyrical compositions to Kate.

The connection with the musician of the Anglo-American indie rock duo "The Kills" Jamie Hince also became short-lived. In 2007, the model and the guitarist met, in August 2010 they got married in a circle of relatives and close friends, in July 2011 they threw a magnificent celebration with an invitation to 400 guests. Among them were Snoop Dogg and Stella McCartney, Iggy Pop and Jude Law. The dress for the bride in the style of the 20s was sewn by John Galliano. Fashion industry guru Mario Testino became the official photographer of the event. And soon her husband left Kate for model Jessica Stam.

Moss did not remain in debt: the tabloids again started talking about the new love interest of the supermodel, a descendant of Otto von Bismarck, photographer and Crown Count Nikolai. The chosen one is 13 years younger and, according to rumors, back in 2016, before Kate filed for an official divorce, he proposed to her.

The woman agreed, but later a crisis ensued in the relationship. The reason for the separation of the couple was the rampant lifestyle of Nikolai, media reported. The separation did not last long. In 2017, The Daily Mail suggested that the model still secretly became a countess. There have been no official confirmations or denials.

Despite the media, Kate Moss is probably not present on Instagram. The service does not show verified pages with this name. The largest account on demand honestly states in the description that this is a fan community where the latest and, as fans admit, rare photos of the model are published, including in a swimsuit.

Kate Moss now

In 2019, Kate presented a new advertising project for the Japanese cosmetic brand Decorté. Moss has been cooperating with the company since 2017, she started with the advertising of innovative serums, then she released a personal line of decorative products Kate Moss Favorites Set.

Now the supermodel has a different status - she holds the post of creative director. In addition, Kate edits British Vogue, starred in a new photo shoot for Harper's Bazaar, Stella McCartney and Vivienne Westwood and Burberry's charity collaboration, periodically creates capsule collections for Longchamp and Topshop.

Daughter Lila became the face of the brand Marc Jacobs Beauty and the main adviser to her mother in the selection of beauty products. Moss, by his own admission, no longer wants to be a fan of beauty, he tries to take care of himself more, and not to follow how the public perceives her.

Kate is a Goddess.
Walls 01.12.2008 02:17:49

She did well, it was hard for her, but she did not break.
She is my Goddess.
She taught me to love myself and see beauty.

Kate Moss

Model, actress Date of birth January 16 (Capricorn) 1974 (46) Place of birth Croydon Instagram @katemosslatest

Kate Moss is a film actress, supermodel, style icon of the 90s, one of the richest and highest paid models in the world. The size of her fortune is second only to the capital of Gisele Bündchen. At 43, she is still the most sought-after top model. Designers and photographers are in awe of her "wolf" look and ability to present ordinary things in a new way. Kate does not consider herself a beauty, she is sure that the secret of her success lies in her character and being different from others.

Biography of Kate Moss

The catwalk star was born in Croydon on January 16, 1974. She has a brother and a half sister. The childhood of the future model passed without vivid impressions. Parents constantly cursed, and the children were left to their own devices. Kate started drinking and smoking early. So she tried to brighten up boring everyday life and lack of attention. Kate experienced her first major shock when her parents divorced. The girl remained in the care of her mother. From a young age, she tried to help her by working part-time in stores.

In 1988, the Moss family went on holiday to the Bahamas. At the airport, the girl was noticed by the owner of a fashion modeling agency, Sarah Dukas. She was interested in the unusual face of a stranger. So Kate got into the Storm models, where her career began.

The young fashion model had many complexes about her appearance. At first, her career progressed sluggishly. In the late 80s, when the unisex style came into fashion, Moss became wildly popular. Her flat chest, strong thinness and empty look became incredibly in demand.

In the 90s, Kate's schedule was scheduled by the minute. She starred in films and television series, showed fashion collections, participated in photo and video filming of commercials. By 2000, she had become one of the most expensive models and the face of many global brands.

Moss's success was overshadowed only by her dependence on drugs and alcohol. She was repeatedly treated in clinics, trying to get rid of this problem. The last "heroin scandal" around the diva occurred at the beginning of the "zero". Because of him, Kate lost several contracts. To regain her name, she recovered and soon reappeared on the catwalks and covers of famous glossy magazines.

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Personal life of Kate Moss

Kate Moss had many lovers. The first public affair was with the famous photographer Mario Sorrenti at the age of 17. Soon she met Johnny Depp and left her lover for the actor. They dated for 4 years. The couple became famous for their scandalous antics and fun parties. After breaking up with Depp, Kate had many minor affairs.

Moss' next serious relationship was with publisher Hack. In 2002, their daughter Lila Grace was born. They planned to get married, but Jefferson dumped the model after he saw photos of a pregnant Kate using drugs.

From 2005 to 2007, the model dated Pete Doherty. They had a common problem - drugs. Kate was able to get rid of her, but Pete was not. Moss left Doherty due to infidelity.

In the same year, she met musician Jamie Hinsom. In 2011, they officially got married, and in 2015 they divorced.