Baked potatoes with meat and mushrooms. Oven-baked potatoes with meat and mushrooms

1. Rinse the potatoes well under running water, peel them. Pour water into a saucepan, put on medium heat and put potatoes in it. Add bay leaf and allspice peas. Boil for about 15 minutes after the water boils.

2. Peel the onion and cut into half rings. If you do not like coarsely chopped onions, then cut into small pieces. Onions must be fried in a pan until golden brown, this is about 5-7 minutes over high heat.

3. Rinse the mushrooms thoroughly under water, dry with a napkin. Cut not large, but not quite small, pieces. Add to the frying pan to the onion, fry all together for another 5-7 minutes over high heat, stirring constantly. Salt and pepper at the end.

4. Take a deep baking dish, grease it on the inside with a little vegetable oil. Lay out a layer of boiled potatoes, cut into wedges. Next, lay out a layer of roasted onions and mushrooms. Top evenly with cream.

5. The next layer of meat, the recipe uses boiled-smoked brisket, you can use any meat of your choice. If it is raw, then fry it in a pan first.

6. Put the sliced ​​tomatoes on top of the meat. The final layer is cheese. It can also be grated on a coarse grater, or cut into thin slices, as in the photo.

Calories: Not specified
Cooking time: Not indicated

The potato itself is delicious and easy to prepare vegetable. So many things can be made from it! It goes well with almost all vegetables, meat, fish and spices. In addition, potatoes have one more, most important advantage - affordability for all consumers. No wonder the common people call it the second bread.

Potato dishes are versatile and suitable for all occasions. It all depends on the method of preparation and presentation of the dish. If, and even with meat, onions, mushrooms, pouring everything with mayonnaise or sour cream and generously sprinkling grated cheese on top, then you are guaranteed to get a hearty, tasty dish that will not be ashamed to serve even to the festive table.
Potatoes with meat and mushrooms baked in the oven - a delicious recipe of the day.

- Potato 7 pcs.,
- Pork 400 g,
- Champignon mushrooms 500 g,
- Mayonnaise 100 g,
- Hard cheese 300 g,
- Vegetable oil 1 tbsp,
- Spices to taste,
- Greens for decoration,
- Bulb 1 pc.
- Vinegar 1 tsp

How to cook with a photo step by step

Wash mushrooms thoroughly with water, dry and cut into slices.

We cut the peeled onion into half rings, put it in a bowl and pour 1 tsp. vinegar.

Cut the meat into pieces 5 mm thick. Then wrap in cling film, put on a cutting board and beat well on both sides.

Sliced ​​mushrooms are fried in vegetable oil until excess moisture evaporates from them.

Peel the potatoes, rinse in water and ring mode. Put the chopped potatoes in a deep bowl.

Sprinkle the potatoes with spices (in my case, salt and pepper to taste), season with two tablespoons and mix thoroughly. An alternative to mayonnaise can be fat-free sour cream.

We take heat-resistant dishes in which we will bake potatoes with meat and mushrooms. All products that are intended for this dish will be laid out in layers. The first layer - we put pieces of meat. Salt the pork on top, sprinkle with black ground pepper and grease with a thin layer of mayonnaise.

The second layer - put the onion on the meat. We set the form aside for 30 minutes so that the pork marinates a little along with mayonnaise and onions.

The third layer - evenly distribute the fried mushrooms.

The final, fourth layer - lay out the potatoes. Preheat the oven to 200 degrees and set the dish to bake for 20 minutes.

Grate hard cheese. After 20 minutes, take the potatoes out of the oven and sprinkle grated cheese on top. We return the form with potatoes back to the oven and cook until the cheese on top is browned. From time to time glancing at the dish in the oven. This should take another 20 minutes.

We take out the form with the finished dish from the oven. Potato baked in the oven with meat and mushrooms is ready to serve. If desired, decorate with a little greenery before serving.

Meat with mushrooms and potatoes in the oven is the perfect combination that everyone will like. Since a modern woman does not have enough time, you try to cook something quick. But I really want it to not only cook quickly, but also turn out tasty, nutritious and satisfying.

Therefore, it is so important that in your culinary piggy bank there are those very unique recipes. One such option for a quick, but incredibly tasty dish is meat with mushrooms and potatoes in the oven. This recipe has been used in the distant past. Of course, the ingredients and cooking methods have changed, but the essence of the recipe remains the same. Today, this recipe has many variations. First, you can change the layers the way you like best. Mushrooms can be used in a variety of ways. If it is butter or mushrooms, then it is best to fry them first.

An important step in preparing a delicious, satisfying meal for the whole family is the correct and competent choice of meat. For this recipe, it is better suited, such as a neck or. A low-fat tenderloin or spatula will not work, as it will become tough during the baking process.

We will need:


Cut pork into small pieces. Transfer to a large bowl. Separately: mix soy sauce, spices and vinegar. Pour the resulting sauce over the meat and leave for two hours in the refrigerator to marinate.

Lubricate the baking dish with oil and lay out the potato slices in the first layer. On top we place a layer of pickled meat, on it - chopped onion rings. Next comes a layer of chopped mushrooms. Pour everything with mayonnaise sauce with garlic and herbs. We place in a heated to 180 gr. Oven for half an hour.

While everything is cooked three cheese on a grater. We take out, sprinkle with cheese and bake for another 10 minutes. You should get a nice cheese crust.

This recipe is a great option for a delicious and hearty family dinner after a hard day's work. Everyone's favorite products are combined here: meat,.

Recipe number 2. simple recipe

We need:


Cut into small slices. Cleaned cut into slices. We finely chop the greens. We cut the meat and beat it a little.

At the bottom of the form we lay a layer of meat, sprinkle with spices. Then lay out the onions, and on top - the mushrooms. Salt and pepper. Sprinkle everything with herbs. Put potatoes on top, add seasonings and grease with mayonnaise. Add cheese as the last layer to form a crispy golden crust.

We heat the oven to t 200 degrees and bake our dish for about half an hour.

Cook for 30 minutes at t 200 gr., then 30 minutes at t 160 gr. This method of cooking will help the dish to bake better and become more tender.

Recipe number 3. Dish for a family celebration



Step 1. First, we begin to prepare the meat. It must be washed, dried with a towel and cut into pieces no more than 2 cm thick. The meat is cut across the fibers. Each piece to give juiciness and tenderness. If desired, pork can be sprinkled with dry red wine. Then we rub the pieces with spices and leave it to marinate.

Step 2. Prepare vegetables. Wash mushrooms, clean and cut into slices. Onion cut into half rings. In a frying pan heated with sunflower oil, fry the onion and mushrooms. We add some spices. Cook until the onion is soft.

Fried mushrooms will give the dish a brighter taste and a spicy note.

Step 3. Cut the potatoes into circles about 0.5 cm thick. Add the necessary seasonings. We do all this quickly so that the potatoes do not darken.

Step 4. Cut the remaining meat with fat into small pieces and transfer them to the bottom of the mold. Lay the potatoes on top and evenly distribute them throughout the form. We spread pieces of marinated meat with seasonings on the potatoes. We shift the fried onions with mushrooms to the meat. We make a mayonnaise net.

Mayonnaise can be replaced with a less fatty sauce. Cream and sour cream are ideally combined with potatoes. And if you put a small piece of cream in the dish. butter, you get a special and unique taste.

final step

We turn on the oven and warm it up to t 200 gr. We rub the cheese, in this version it is best to use a hard one with a spicy taste. Sprinkle generously with our prepared dish with cheese. We put the dish in the oven, where it should languish for about 30 - 40 minutes. Readiness is checked by potatoes. When it is soft, it means the dish is completely ready.

If the cheese crust has begun to burn, but the dish has not yet been cooked, then use the little tricks. For example, grease the top of the dish with sour cream or mayonnaise. Cover the mold with foil. Or just make a new cheese layer.

A simple dish, but very successful and always loved by everyone This is meat in the oven with mushrooms and potatoes. The traditional combination of products tested by time and generations does not make it unique. But delicious doesn't always have to be complex and intricate!

Most often, pork is baked in the oven, but other types of meat can be used. Baked pork with potatoes, mushrooms and cheese crust in many families is called "meat in French", although this dish is not related to the national French cuisine. It would be more correct to call it "home-style meat", since in the post-Soviet space this is one of the favorite home-made dishes.


  • A piece of pork (better neck or tenderloin) - half a kilo;
  • Champignons (frozen or fresh) - 300 g;
  • Potato - 8 tubers;
  • Semi-hard cheese - 150 g;
  • White onion - a couple of pieces;
  • Vegetable oil (preferably sunflower) - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • Salt - to taste.
  • For marinade:
  • Vinegar (apple or table) - 70 ml;
  • Soy sauce - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • Mustard (preferably Russian, spicy) - 1 tsp;
  • Salt, pepper - to taste.
  • For filling:
  • Sour cream (fatter) - 200 ml;
  • Garlic - a couple of cloves;
  • Ground nutmeg - 1/4 tsp;
  • Dill, salt - to taste.


You need to start working with this wonderful dish by preparing the meat. It needs to be marinated. This additional operation will make it incredibly soft, juicy and tender.

For this recipe, you can use absolutely any part of the pork carcass. For example, it can be the back of the thigh.

Meat pre-wash, dry and cut into pieces of medium thickness. Put in a deep bowl and add all the necessary ingredients for the marinade - vinegar, soy sauce, as well as salt, pepper, Russian mustard. Stir and leave the marinated meat for a while. Instead of apple cider vinegar, you can use ordinary table vinegar diluted with water.

Using a vegetable peeler or knife, peel the skin off the potatoes and cut the tubers into thin slices. If you use a vegetable cutter, it will turn out neatly and quickly.

Rinse mushrooms under running water and cut into slices.

In the absence of fresh mushrooms, frozen ones are also suitable. The type of mushrooms can also be changed, forest mushrooms (boletus, white, boletus, boletus) or oyster mushrooms are suitable.

Onion cut into halves of the ring.

Grease a baking dish well with vegetable oil. Put the potatoes in the form, add a little salt to it.

Put the marinated pork on top of the potatoes.

The next layer will be mushrooms. Optionally, and for more flavor, the mushrooms can be pan-fried first.

To prepare the filling, mix sour cream (you can add mayonnaise), finely chopped garlic, nutmeg, dill (or other greens), salt. Spread the filling evenly over the surface of the dish.

Cover the form with a sheet of foil and place in the oven.

The cooking time in the oven for meat with mushrooms and potatoes will be about an hour at a temperature of no more than 200 degrees. It is required to assess the degree of readiness of the potato, piercing it with a knife, it should become soft.

It remains to grate the cheese and fill it with a cooked and already fragrant dish.

Return the pan to the oven and bake the top for another 10 minutes.

So that potatoes with meat and mushrooms in the oven do not fall apart into their constituent components, let the dish stand in shape and cool slightly.

Meat in the oven with mushrooms and potatoes in the sleeve

When you want to make some dish more dietary, less fat, but at the same time you want to get a baked crust, you often use a culinary sleeve. All the ingredients are put into the sleeve, covered with spices, mixed and placed in the oven. All juices remain in the dish, since nothing flows out anywhere, but remains in the sleeve. And in order for the crust to come out, at the end of cooking, the bag is cut and the food is browned.

The main dishes cooked in the sleeve are a real find for the hostess. The sleeve is very easy to work with. Usually this handy device is sold in a roll. It is necessary to cut off a large piece from the roll - about two lengths of the baking sheet. One length - actually for the dish, the second - for the strings. There are several ways to tie a sleeve. Firstly, you can make a standard knot, the second is to cut thin ribbons from the sleeve and tie the ends of the "sleeve" with them.


  • A piece of pork (neck or tenderloin) - 300 g;
  • Potato - 5 tubers;
  • Mushrooms (champignons) - 200 g;
  • Onion - 1 pc.;
  • Carrots - 1 pc.;
  • Soy sauce - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • Vegetable oil - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • Suneli hops - 3 tsp;
  • Salt, pepper - to taste.


  1. Rinse the flesh of fatty pork thoroughly, cut into pieces the size of a walnut. In other words, the hostess makes exactly the same size pieces of meat when she cooks goulash.
  2. Onions and carrots need to be washed and peeled. Cut the onion into half rings, carrots into cubes.
  3. My potatoes, peel, cut into large cubes.
  4. Mushrooms (it is better to take champignons, but other mushrooms are also possible), rinse thoroughly from sand, cut into plates.
  5. We put meat, mushrooms and all vegetables in the sleeve, add a little salt, pepper, suneli hops, pour vegetable oil along with soy sauce. We tie a polyethylene sleeve on both sides and mix all the ingredients thoroughly.
  6. We put the sleeve on a cold baking sheet, make a couple of cuts in the sleeve so that the bag does not explode in the oven.
  7. We send the baking sheet to a preheated oven and bake pork with vegetables for about an hour at a temperature of 200 degrees.
  8. Carefully remove the cooked meat from the sleeve and put it in one large plate. At the table, everyone will put pork and vegetables on their own plate.
Baked marinated meat with mushrooms and potatoes in the oven

Any meat is good not only in its pure form, but also flavored with some kind of marinade. Perhaps every good housewife has her own marinade recipe. Someone pickles meat in mustard, someone - in kefir, someone prefers soy sauce, mustard, table wine as a marinade. The easiest and most reliable type of marinade for any type of meat is onion juice. Try to make baked meat with mushrooms and potatoes in the oven using onions for marinating. The result will not disappoint!


  • A piece of meat (beef) - 300 g;
  • Mushrooms (oyster mushrooms, champignons) - 200 g;
  • Potato - 5 tubers;
  • Onion - 2 pcs.;
  • Salt, pepper - to taste;
  • Sour cream - 1 tbsp. l;
  • Vegetable oil - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • Parsley, dill - for serving.


  1. Wash the meat, cut into small pieces.
  2. We clean the onion, cut into half rings.
  3. Put beef, onion, salt and pepper in a deep bowl. Mix all ingredients thoroughly with your hands. Cover the bowl with cling film and refrigerate for several hours, preferably overnight.
  4. Take a heat-resistant form with high sides, coat it lightly with vegetable oil, put the meat on it along with the marinade.
  5. Rinse the mushrooms well, cut into slices. Put them on the meat. You can also lightly fry the mushrooms in a frying pan with a drop of vegetable oil before laying them out in a mold.
  6. Wash potatoes, peel, cut into thin circles. Put slices on mushrooms.
  7. Brush the potatoes with a thin layer of sour cream. Sour cream can be replaced with mayonnaise if desired.
  8. Preheat the oven to 200 degrees, put the meat with a side dish in it for 1 hour.
  9. When serving, sprinkle the baked meat with mushrooms and potatoes with finely chopped herbs.
Meat in the oven with mushrooms, vegetables and potatoes with sour cream

You can bake meat in the oven in many sauces. But perhaps the most classic will be the use of ordinary sour cream for this purpose. It will give the meat, as well as the vegetables that are baked with it, a unique creamy "note". You can “finish” the taste of sour cream sauce with a variety of spices that are selected for one or another type of meat. For example, nutmeg and rosemary are good for pork, cumin and coriander for beef, turmeric and paprika for chicken. You can also add a mixture of dried herbs to the sauce. One of the options for cooking meat in the oven is with mushrooms, vegetables and potatoes with sour cream sauce. The dish turns out bright, fragrant, with a multifaceted taste due to the large number of ingredients.


  • Meat (beef) - 300 g;
  • Mushrooms (champignons, oyster mushrooms) - 150 g;
  • Potato - 3 tubers;
  • Tomato - 1 pc.;
  • Zucchini - 1 pc.;
  • Onion - 1 pc.;
  • Sour cream (15%) - 200 g;
  • Tomato paste - 1 tbsp. l;
  • Dry herbs (Italian, Provence) - to taste;
  • Salt, pepper - to taste;
  • Vegetable oil - 1 tbsp. l.


  1. Rinse the meat thoroughly, then cut into pieces the size of a walnut.
  2. We wash the mushrooms from the sand, cut into plates.
  3. My potatoes, peel, cut into thin slices.
  4. Cut the tomato and zucchini into slices.
  5. We clean the onion, cut into rings.
  6. We collect all the ingredients in one heat-resistant form with high sides. We coat the edges of the form with vegetable oil. We lay the beef in the first layer, put the onion on top of it. The next layer is potatoes, and then mushrooms, previously fried in a pan. Next we put the zucchini, and the top layer will be circles of tomato.
  7. We're preparing the sauce. We shift sour cream into a deep bowl, add tomato paste to it, then dry herbs, salt and pepper. The sauce must be thoroughly mixed. If the sour cream was thick, then you need to slightly dilute the sauce with water.
  8. Pour sour cream over all the ingredients in the mold.
  9. In an oven preheated to 200 degrees, send a form with meat and vegetables. Bake for an hour.
  10. When serving, you can decorate the dish with finely chopped fresh herbs, which is available.


  • In addition to potatoes, it is good to add zucchini, eggplant, bell pepper to meat when baking. Tomatoes have a sour taste, so it is not recommended to put them directly on potatoes, otherwise the potatoes will be raw. It is better to lay layers of zucchini and eggplant between these vegetables. Potatoes can be put not only raw, but also slightly cooked, then it will be less tough in the dish.
  • If the oven does not work, then you can cook meat with vegetables in a slow cooker. In this case, you need to select the "Baking" mode. This may increase the cooking time by up to 20 minutes.
  • All types of meat are perfectly baked in the oven - be it pork, beef, lamb or leaner types: chicken, turkey, rabbit. To make any meat better cut into pieces, you can slightly freeze it or not completely defrost it if frozen meat is used.
  • A microwave oven is also a good replacement. To best reproduce the recipe for baked meat with vegetables, you should use a sleeve. You need to put the sleeve on the tray of the microwave oven and cook for 30 minutes at medium power. The main thing is not to forget to pierce the sleeve in some places, otherwise there may be an "explosion".
  • Almost any sauce for baked meat with vegetables can be made. It can be not only sour cream, sour cream with tomato paste, but also ketchup, cream, as well as classic bechamel sauce. It is good to add garlic to sauces. It can be put both fresh and as a dried or granulated spice.