Birth card - Seven of clubs (crosses). Values ​​​​of cards when divining 7 clubs value

All Sevens are highly spiritual cards, but a person must show this spirituality and turn negative tendencies into genuine achievements and personal freedom on their own. Otherwise, the influence of the Seven will only bring him trouble. The problems of the Seven of Clubs relate to the negative aspects of thinking, causing anxiety, doubt and pessimism.
Clubs Sevens are endowed with innate intuition and insight, but if they do not follow their inner impulses, the influence of Saturn will bring them many disappointments and sometimes even long-term depression. The Sevens of Clubs have enough strength to cope with their problems and achieve the fame and recognition that they secretly strive for, but for this they need to put a lot of diligence. It is likely that at different periods of her life, the Seven of Clubs will receive large sums of money, but she tends to spend this money with incredible ease. Wise financial management is not among the abilities of the Seven of Clubs. The Eight Tambourine, as a Karmic Card, inspires the Seven Clubs with a desire for fame and recognition, but at the same time it can turn it into a spender and spendthrift. The Seven of Clubs squanders money faster than it earns.

Brief description of the meaning of the card:

  • independent consciousness
  • spiritual knowledge
  • revealing bad thoughts and beliefs
  • positive thinking
  • openness to new knowledge and points of view
  • fear of the future
  • gossip
  • intrigue, abuse, insults
  • fear of judgment
  • criticality

The reasons for these troubles lie in her way of thinking. Therefore, the Seven of Clubs is simply obliged to follow their thoughts, avoiding the slightest despondency and pessimism. It is always positively influenced by contact with spiritual teachings or ideals. The second task of the Seven of Clubs is to develop honesty and moral purity in oneself. This is related to her second Karmic Card, the Jack of Spades, sometimes referred to as the "thief's card".

Seven of clubs (cross) - Card of people born:
March 29 April 27 May 25 June 23 July 21 August 19 September 17 October 15 November 13 December 11

If the Seven of Clubs allows her thirst for success to prevail over moral principles, she will have to suffer hard, especially in the field of love and family relationships.

Relationships with other people

The love karma of the Sevens of Clubs is neither good nor bad. The story of their love life will largely depend on how they cope with other areas of activity. If they find a worthy use for themselves, they will be able to master their feelings and romantic attractions more easily than any other card in the deck.

Of course, they still have some kind of karma, and this karma can be expressed in two tasks: to learn to free oneself from personal attachments to other people or to develop in oneself the right attitude towards a partner, as well as to all other areas of life. Sevens of Clubs always feel better when they get married. Then they get the opportunity to achieve greater financial and professional success. Therefore, among the Clubs of Sevens there are few bachelors.

The love relationships of the Clubs of Sevens-men are influenced by their second Karmic Card - the Jack of Spades. Many of them accept the role of a romantic celebrity actor. This leads to inconstancy and deceit in love, as well as extramarital affairs that help the Seven of Clubs feel like a special person. If the Seven of Clubs actually achieves the desired fame, this makes her more indecisive in choosing a partner for marriage. This situation can lead to divorce and remarriage.

Compatibility with other birth cards

Clubs of Sevens have very special, unique relationships with women of the Spade suit or hardworking and determined women, regardless of suit. Club Sevens-women often dream of men of their own suit, and relations with male Tambourines are not easy for them, since the Card of Pluto at the Clubs Seven is the Jack of Tambourines. The ideal partner for the Seven of Clubs-woman can be a man-Spades.

Bill (Seven of Clubs) and Hillary (Nine of Hearts) Clinton

In many ways, Bill and Hillary are the perfect couple. The Seven of Clubs and the Nine of Hearts stand side by side in the Life Set. This in itself is already an excellent indication for marriage. But that is not all. The Seven of Clubs is located in front of the Hearts Nine. This means that the Seven of Clubs is the Map of Mercury for the Nine of Hearts, and the Nine of Hearts is the Map of the Moon for the Seven of Clubs. This is a wonderful combination in which the partner standing "behind" allows his lover to play the role of leader in the relationship. In this case, Hillary seems to be quite content with her position as an assistant and gives Bill the opportunity to lead (or so it seems at first glance). The facilitator partner can provide invaluable support to the lead partner in their work. Hillary, being a Scorpio with a Semi-Fixed Birth Chart, is undoubtedly just such an assistant for Bill, helping him maintain self-confidence and a sense of security. Bill, being Leo and Seven of Clubs, is doomed to fluctuations in the feeling of self-confidence. Sevens of Clubs very often fluctuate between two extremes, moving from a feeling of absolute happiness and good luck in everything to pessimism and anxiety. Hillary's stable character, no doubt, helps Bill to maintain inner balance and mitigate these differences.

Bill's first Karmic Card is the Eight Tambourine. The Sun card, located in the center of the top row of cards in the Life Set. This means that Sevens of Clubs have a strong, though often hidden, desire for fame. It is especially pronounced when the Seven of Clubs was born under the solar sign of Leo, also associated with the Sun Map. The influence of Leo enhances, and sometimes exaggerates the thirst for leadership and fame, power and authority. On the face of it, Bill is preaching a philosophy based on a spiritual foundation (the Seven of Clubs is a card of spiritual knowledge). But additional cards that affect his personality reveal true motives, which may turn out to be no more difficult than the usual thirst for recognition and admiration. That is why Bill bases his politics on popularity ratings, and not on any clear philosophy or ideology.

Hillary is influenced by similar motives. Being a Scorpio, she has two Planetary Rule Cards: this is the Queen of Spades and the King of Clubs - signs of authority and leadership. It is curious that the Queen of Spades is the first Karmic Card of the Eight of Diamonds and that in the Spiritual Set she is the Card of the Sun. Therefore, we can conclude that Hillary is also endowed with remarkable leadership abilities and also strives for power and a leadership position. With such an explosive combination of energies, it is not surprising that she has made such impressive progress in life. The Nine of Hearts is the "savior card". That is why Hillary is putting so much effort into developing America's healthcare system. This is quite consistent with the Nine of Hearts, which is called the "card of universal love." In many ways, Hillary is a much more effective leader than her husband, as she truly believes in her cause and is not as sensitive to the issue of popularity.

The first Karmic Cards of Hillary and Bill - the Eight and the Seven of Tambourines - are united in the Life Set by an excellent connection on Venus. This means that the spouses are extremely close to each other emotionally and that their love is truly deep. This love gives them strength to work together. The Venus connection also indicates that Bill and Hillary share common values. They strive to combine their life goals in order to support each other in work and in achieving what they want.

The number of the card "Seven of clubs (crosses)": 20

Birth card - Seven of clubs (crosses)

For those born on March 29, April 27, May 25, June 23, July 21, August 19, September 17, October 15, November 13 and December 11 restless and spiritual personality.

All odd cards (and people, respectively) are restless and very mobile, each in its own way. The Sevens of Clubs is no exception.

All Sevens are highly spiritual cards, but a person must show spirituality and process negative character traits into positive ones on their own, without outside help. And he will also have to fight for his freedom. Otherwise, the birth chart will bring him nothing but trouble.

The problems of the Seven of Clubs relate to negative thinking, causing anxiety, doubt and pessimism. Clubs of Sevens have a wonderful innate instinct, they are endowed with insight and intuition, but if they do not pay attention to their natural gift and begin to be guided only by reason, then disappointments and long-term depressions are possible.

People with this birth card have the strength to cope with their problems and achieve recognition and even fame, which they strive for with all their hearts, but they need to make a lot of effort for this.

At different periods of their lives, Sevens of Clubs can receive a lot of money, but they spend this money incredibly quickly and easily. I must say that prudence and wisdom in relation to money are completely uncharacteristic of them. They are real spenders, squandering money faster than they earn. The reasons for all the troubles lurk in the way of thinking of the Seven of Clubs. She just needs to monitor her thoughts, avoiding despondency and pessimism.

Sevens of Clubs need a spiritual mentor or teacher. They also need to develop honesty in themselves, become morally pure, as they have a tendency to dishonesty and fraud. If the thirst for success prevails over moral principles, then the Seven of Clubs will suffer, especially in personal and family relationships.

The love karma of people with this birth card largely depends on their work on themselves. If they find themselves in this life, then personal relationships can develop quite successfully.

Sevens of Clubs need to learn to free themselves from attachment to other people and develop the right attitude towards a partner.

They need to get married. There are few bachelors among the Sevens of Clubs, because without a partner they cannot succeed in their professional life. But many men with this birth card may not take place in love. However, they are prone to multiple extramarital affairs, as multiple victories make them feel special. Remarriages and divorces are possible if the Seven of Clubs really achieves fame and recognition.

  • Compatibility with other birthday cards:

Clubs of Sevens have very special, unique relationships with women of the Spade suit or hardworking and determined women, regardless of suit. Club Sevens-women often dream of men of their own suit, and relations with male Tambourines are not easy for them, since the Card of Pluto at the Clubs Seven is the Jack of Tambourines. The ideal partner for the Seven of Clubs-woman can be a man-Spades.

  • At the age of Mercury, up to thirteen years, the Sevens of Clubs develop their attitude towards money. Of course, at this age they still cannot earn them, so they save them, and then spend them, and save them again ...
  • At the age of Venus, they need to develop willpower in themselves, which will help them achieve success in any business.
  • In Mars (before thirty-nine) they are at the peak of creativity, their ideas can be progressive and ahead of their time.
  • In Jupiter, they will have to learn how to treat spending correctly in order to learn the true law of the arrival and departure of money. Knowledge of this law will give them the patronage of the Higher Forces, which in turn will help in acquiring various material benefits.
  • Under Saturn, they need to muster up the courage to reveal their hidden fears and get rid of the complexes that they did not have time to free themselves from before.

A brief description of the Seven of Clubs card: independent consciousness, spiritual knowledge, disclosure and transformation of negative character traits. People of this birth card need to identify all their negative qualities, honestly admit to themselves all bad thoughts and get rid of all this filth, only in this case happiness and success are possible. The affections of these people often manifest themselves in some painful experience. We need to understand where bad thoughts and prejudices are hiding, to reconsider our attitude towards people. New thinking will bring joy and freedom into their lives. They are desperate debaters, sometimes they can be called demagogues. And how often they do not hear the voice of reason!

  • The first Karmic Map (the map of the Sun) shows the traits of your character in a past life that need to be improved in the current incarnation. Being the Card of the Sun, the Eight Tambourine has the opportunity to rise to the very pinnacle of success. Regardless of whether she strives for fame or not, she will always be respected. Diamond Eights love to "shine" and be admired by other people.

The strength of the Eight and position in the crown top row of the Life Set endow this card with a desire for independence and a "punching" character. Eights Tambourines are able to squander a huge amount in the blink of an eye. However, they can achieve everything they want, thanks to their innate intuition. If the Eight of Diamonds learns to turn its power on itself for the purpose of personal transformation, it will gain stable inner harmony and self-control - the key concepts of its Karmic Card, the Queen of Spades (the card of a witch or a femme fatale).

  • The second Karmic Card (the Actor's card) is an experience acquired in a past life. Possessing an excess of powerful mental abilities and creative talent, Jack of Spades could be both a mystic, seer and spiritual leader, as well as a skilled swindler.
  • Karmic Cards:

Each person was in a past life associated with many people, represented by various cards of fate. Having met such people, you will instantly feel a connection with them, and when communicating with such people, energy is transferred, the first card of the karmic set is the person to whom you transfer energy, the second is the one who sends it to you. It is desirable to know these people in order to understand when meeting with them in which direction the main flow of energy occurs during communication.

Clubs or crosses in divination on playing cards are business cards. they mean something related to work, negotiations, affairs, business. In combination with other cards, clubs add a business note to the value of the layout.

Six crosses- travel or business trip. Treat this journey with full responsibility - your future career depends on it.

In combination:

with a dozen crosses - an unexpected departure;

with an ace of hearts (with a figure) - a date in the morning;

with an ace of tambourine - a date in the afternoon;

with the ace of crosses - a date in the evening;

with the ace of spades - a date at night.

Seven crosses- you have to conduct business conversations. This may mean a conversation with superiors. Now it is difficult to say about the result of this conversation, but if the spade suit is nearby, unfortunately, the conversation will not end well for you. A close road, news of success, an inheritance, thoughts of a lady of the crosses.

In combination:

with an ace of clubs - a successful completion of the trial, victory;

with ten crosses - wealth and happiness (the same as nine and eight of crosses);

with an eight peak - the fortuneteller is changed by his "second half";

with a jack of hearts (with four ladies and sevens) - the near birth of a son;

with a dozen of hearts (with the other three sevens and queens or jacks) - the birth of a child.

eight crosses- a meeting awaits you, on which your future fate will depend (talk about work). It is highly likely that you will be offered a new job. If you see a king of any suit nearby (except spades), according to the value of the cards during fortune-telling, this is due to the fact that you need to agree with the proposal, after which you will achieve great success.

In combination:

with the ace of clubs - success;

with the king of crosses - rumors about events at sea, the death of a ship;

with a lady of the crosses - the help of a relative or close woman;

with a jack of crosses - an unexpected turn of happiness in favor of a fortuneteller;

with a dozen crosses - the imminent acquisition of real estate, inheritance, wealth and happiness;

with a jack of hearts - talking about losses;

with seven crosses (in front of your card) - unexpected happiness;

with seven of clubs and an ace of hearts - a happy marriage or inheritance.

Nine of clubs- an interesting map. In most cases, it means a change in life. The rest can be judged only after you consider the neighboring cards: - spades - troubles, diamonds - a big purchase, worms - changes in personal relationships. Inheritance, doubts; with a figure indicates that it will disappear from your life.

In combination:

with nine or ten worms - success in love;

with tambourines - the correct receipt of money and their useless spending on pleasure;

with worms - mutual love;

with a ten peak - a nuisance in terms of money;

with a jack of hearts - a journey;

with the king of crosses - an influential person, a supportive person;

with a dozen crosses - fun with loved ones, surprise;

with ten and eight or seven of crosses - good luck, luck.

Ten of crosses- great card! Big profits await you, winning the lottery, a bonus, an inheritance, or something like that, which is directly related to finances.

In combination:

with seven crosses - joy, news of business;

with a six of crosses - a sudden departure;

with a ten tambourine - an indispensable receipt of money;

with a dozen worms - success in love;

with nine crosses - fun with loved ones, surprise;

with eight crosses - inheritance, wealth, happiness;

with nine and eight or seven of crosses - one of the happiest combinations, means well-being in all areas of life;

with an ace of clubs - a change for the better;

with seven spades - deceit, tears;

with seven and six of clubs - a large society.

Jack of Crosses- a person in uniform or a military officer below the rank of officer, a friend, intercessor and friend; without an ace or without a king - big trouble. If the Jack of Clubs falls first in fortune-telling, then the prediction will come true. Probably one of them needs your help.

In combination:

with a seven peak - misfortune due to the machinations of enemies;

between two ladies - an unfaithful wife;

with a ten tambourine - success in money matters;

with eight crosses - a military man;

unexpected joy;

between two jacks - a troubled future.

Lady of the Crosses– unimportant card: if next to it:

tambourines - we are talking about your employee, who is hostile to you;

worms - probably your husband has a mistress;

peaks - you will quarrel with your mother-in-law or a neighbor, moreover, the scandal will be very loud and unpleasant.

In combination:

with the lady of spades - bad circumstances, courts, troubles due to marriage;

with the eight of crosses - the help of a relative or close woman.

King of Crosses- Most likely, we are talking about your boss. But if you do not work, then such a card means an elderly man (father-in-law or father). Military; true friend.

In combination: with crosses - a loved one, friend, husband, groom, lover;

in general, portends happiness;

with nine crosses - an influential person, a supportive person;

with eight of crosses - rumors about enterprises at sea, the death of a ship;

with the ace of crosses - a happy outcome of the planned business, the fulfillment of desires;

with a jack of clubs with your card (if you are not a cross suit) - great grief;

with one of the sixes - a road with a specific purpose;

if the king of clubs does not fall out in divination - failure.

Ace of clubs- evening, autumn; such a fortune-telling card means your business relationship or place of work. By the way, it is possible that you will receive some important news related to finances.

In combination:

with the six - the railway;

under the king - immodest love, courtship;

with seven of crosses - winning the case, victory;

with nine of worms - tender love;

with a six of crosses - a date and conversation on the street, on the road, in the evening;

at peaks - death;

with a nine peak - a profitable event;

with the king of crosses - a happy outcome of the planned enterprise, the speedy fulfillment of a desire.

Seven speaks of an illusory success, an unsuccessful attempt or plans that may burst at the last moment due to carelessness, indifference or premature calm before a result is achieved. If Seven of Clubs is in the upper left corner of the layout, then some goal that the Client is striving for is quite achievable, but only if he shows vigilance, the greatest caution and unflagging energy on the way to it. The client must drive away the thought of prematurely admitting defeat or postponing and not succumb to disbelief in his own strength. If Seven of Clubs located in the upper right corner layout, the Client is at risk of loss due to inattention or negligence. The client may have been too confident of success or busy with other things and failed to take care of the matter that is really important to him. If Seven of Clubs is in the center of the alignment, it speaks of the inability of the Client to put the plans into action. The client seems to be in the habit of taking on many undertakings, but never completing them. He tends to quickly change his interests, it is useless to dissipate energy. Seven of Clubs warns the Client that real success will accompany him only if it is achieved by hard work. If Seven of Clubs located in the lower corners of the layout, then this symbolizes a specific situation. So, in combination with a picture card, it can be a warning about carelessness and inattention on the part of comrades and colleagues. The client should be advised to think carefully about his undertakings in which he is vitally interested before undertaking them. Seven of Clubs is between the worms, this is a hint of a preference for pleasure to the detriment of business. If it is located between tambourines, the Client's calmness may be disturbed by monetary litigation or someone else's envy. The client should be advised not to disclose his secrets to everyone indiscriminately, and most importantly, not to make hasty statements about their successful implementation. The client can easily convince himself that success is assured. His self-confidence can end in an unfortunate failure and aggravate the blows of fate. The reader should inform the Client that Seven of Clubs is a warning of a danger that can be avoided, not a sign of an imminent disaster.

Fortune telling on the cards do not lose their popularity. Today, card layouts for fate and the future are made even by those who have nothing to do with magic. Anyone can learn to read cards. To do this, you just need to learn several ways of fortune telling on playing cards. In addition, you need to know the meaning of the cards in the layout. This will be discussed. So, what do the cards mean when divining, and what is the meaning of combinations of cards?

Ace of Spades- trouble, loss, night, blow, fright. In combination with the ace of clubs means fear. With ten spades - unexpected money. Ten tambourines - a quarrel over money. If the ace of spades lies next to the six of any suit - a long trip.

king of spades- enemy, enemy, rival, competitor, influential person who wishes you harm. In combination with a lady and a jack of any suit - the help of an influential person. With an eight of spades - a black streak in life. Next to any card, a peak is a harbinger of good. With clubs - hostility towards you. With worms - friendship. With tambourines - a good disposition of a person.

Queen of Spades- a woman with bad intentions, a rival. Gossip, intrigue and obstacles. In combination with the nine of hearts - happiness in life. With tambourines - envy and harm from a woman. With peaks - a kind woman of mature years. With clubs - an evil woman. With worms - help.

Jack of Spades- aggression, an unpleasant person, bad intentions of an imperious master, illness of loved ones, bad news. In combination with the lady of spades - a fight and a scandal. With an eight peak - trouble in love. With any peaks - a meeting with a like-minded person. With clubs - a meeting with a deceiver and a gossip. With tambourines - news, drunk man. With worms - a friend.

Ten of Spades- illness, problems. In combination with the ace of spades - unexpected money. With a king or a queen of spades - an influential person is interested in you. With a lady or a king of other stripes - failures that are not fulfilled desires. With an ace of diamonds - bad news. An ace of other suits is false news. Clubs ten - recovery. With a nine peak - grief. With the eight peak - the deterioration of health. With a seven tambourine - an offer.

Nine of Spades- loss, road, surprise. In combination with the ace of spades - a disease. With an ace of clubs - harm. With an ace of hearts - intimacy. With an ace of diamonds - deception of loved ones. With a queen or king of spades - love. The king of other suits is desire. With a ten spade - unexpected profit.

eight of spades- conversation, boredom, bad luck, illness. In combination with all the kings - a party. With a jack of hearts - bad news. With nine clubs - trouble. With seven clubs - treason.

Seven of Spades- deceit, loss, tears, parting. With a lady - pregnancy. With a jack of clubs - an enemy, malicious intent. Six tambourines - problems in the family.

Six of Spades- road, night, loss. In combination with peaks - good luck on the road. With clubs - failure on the way. With worms - a meeting. With tambourines - a road in order to get money.

Ace of diamonds- day, good changes, good news. With clubs or spades - worries and problems. With tambourines - quick profit. With hearts - a love letter.

king of tambourine- bachelor, young man, acquaintance, stability. With hearts - joy, parting with the past. With ten tambourines - support. With a six tambourine - the fulfillment of a desire.

lady tambourine- a young woman, a traitor. With a jack of tambourine and a ten of spades - an unpleasant guest. With a ten of hearts - theft.

Jack of tambourine- young guy, boy, good news, well-being. In combination with the king - a deceiver and a hypocrite. With the lady of clubs - a nuisance. With a nine tambourine - aggression and enmity. With the six of clubs - an unexpected trip.

ten tambourines- a blow from a loved one, money, a gift, a date. In combination with the Ace of Spades card - a quarrel over money. With a jack of clubs - success in money. With tens or nines of any suit, except for spades - making a profit. With the seven of hearts - an inheritance. With a six tambourine - fulfillment of desires.

ten tambourines- imminent important events, if with a heart suit - for money, if with any black suit - for problems.

Eight tambourine- dreams, talk about money, hatred. With a king or queen of spades - a deceiver. With a ten tambourine - unexpected profit. Seven of tambourines - instability.

Seven tambourine- business, chores, money transactions, a gift. With any heart card - a chance, luck. With a ten of spades - an offer. With a dozen tambourines, money troubles.

Six tambourine- happiness, fulfillment of desires. With ten tambourines - profit. With nine spades - bad news. With ten peaks - the death of a familiar person. With a seven tambourine - family troubles.

Ace of clubs- work, luck, evening, illness. With the king - a love affair, courtship. With the king of clubs - the fulfillment of desires. Nine of spades - benefit. Seven of clubs - win, victory. With a six of any suit - to the road.

King of clubs- problems in the family, betrayal, betrayal, a military man. With clubs - joy. With an ace of clubs - a wish will come true. With nine clubs - human help. With six - the road.

Queen of clubs- an influential lady, a friend, illegitimate children. With the lady of spades - problems in the family, the court. Eight of clubs - the help of a relative.

Jack of clubs- military, friend, protection, help. Between the ladies - treason. Between jacks - hectic life. Seven of spades - harm from enemies. With a dozen tambourines - profit from a profitable business.

Ten of clubs- changes. With peaks - material need, work. With hearts - win, profit, easy money. With an ace of clubs - a good change. With a ten of hearts - mutual love. With ten tambourines - money. With nine clubs - entertainment, company. With the six of clubs - a trip.

Nine of clubs- doubt, inheritance. With tambourines - money spending, wastefulness. With hearts - mutual sympathy, love. With ten spades - a nuisance. With a heart nine or ten - happiness in love. Clubs eight, seven or ten - good luck. Jack of Hearts - the road.

Eight of clubs- a society of influential people, the death of a loved one. With an ace of clubs - good luck. With the lady of clubs - the help of a relative. With a jack of clubs - a successful completion of the situation. With a jack of hearts - a loss. With a seven of clubs or an ace of hearts - luck, inheritance, problem solving.

Seven of clubs- inheritance, trip, news. With an ace of clubs - victory in court. With a jack of hearts - the birth of a child. With an eight peak - treason.

Six of clubs- road, meeting. With a nine of clubs - an unexpected trip. With aces - a date. Between the peaks - a celebration, a party, a change of residence or work.

ace of hearts- wedding, family home, spring, morning, gift. With an ace, a tambourine is good news. With a jack of hearts - good news. C ten peak - bad news. With a nine of spades - a party, friends.

King of Hearts- love feelings towards you, good news, meeting. Peaks are a nuisance. With any hearts - success. With tambourines - profit. With clubs - chores. With a lady of hearts - a meeting with a married man.

Queen of Hearts- Family, love, married woman. With a ten of hearts - a meeting with a friend. With any hearts - reciprocity. With other suits - achieving the goal.

Jack of Hearts- good news, success in business, wait a man with blond hair. With any hearts - success. With an ace of hearts - a confession of feelings. With a king or a lady - a guest. With a nine of clubs - the road.

ten of hearts- wedding, happiness, joy, city. With a king of any suit - devotion to a woman. With a lady - devotion to a man. With a dozen tambourines - quick profit. With the eight of hearts - a date. With nine clubs - mutual feelings.

Hearts nine- event, news. With a king or a lady - love. With the lady of spades - joy. With a ten of hearts - love and marriage. With a hearts eight or seven - a date. A six of any suit is an unexpected meeting.

Eight of Hearts- pleasure, interesting conversation, road. With a jack of hearts - a conversation. With a ten of hearts - intimacy. With the nine of hearts - a meeting.

Hearts seven- change, fun. With four kings - a conversation. With a ten of spades - an offer. With a Cheov ten or nine - a meeting, a date.