Do-it-yourself drip irrigation made from plastic. Do-it-yourself drip irrigation from plastic bottles: photos and videos

The summer heat is a real test for summer residents and amateur gardeners. Almost all planted plants are very difficult to tolerate high temperature and lack of rain. To avoid death vegetable crops, it is necessary to constantly water all the beds with a hose. If in urban conditions daily watering does not cause any inconvenience, since the site has a centralized water supply, then for residents of villages and dachas this is a real problem.

In order not to torment yourself with carrying heavy containers of water, home craftsmen came up with effective way constant supply of moisture to the root system - drip irrigation. With its help, you can constantly saturate your plants with water, even when no one is at home. For home use experts recommend installing ready-made purchased structures or homemade devices. This article will tell you how to make your own drip irrigation system from plastic bottles, which are in every household.

The drip system has a large number of advantages, which make it so popular among summer residents. Among the main advantages are:

Homemade drip irrigation systems, available materials for their manufacture

To install a drip irrigation system in your garden, you can use not only purchased products, which are very expensive, but also homemade designs. The most popular of them:

  • from plastic bottles;
  • from droppers.

Important! If a homemade drip irrigation system has more complex design, then from plastic bottles - simpler and more understandable.

Since almost every family has plastic bottles in their household, craftsmen have come up with worthy uses for them. There are several simple ways manufacturing homemade drip irrigation systems, each of them is designed using a specific technology.

Submersible drip irrigation system

Such drip systems are ideal for irrigation, etc. Their design is quite simple and straightforward and does not require an application special effort.

Types of drip irrigation

To work you will need:

  • plastic bottle (preferably large volume);
  • nail or sharp awl;
  • garden shovel.

Manufacturing and installation technology of a submersible drip irrigation system:

  1. In a selected area of ​​the garden, a hole is dug to accommodate the structure.
  2. Holes are made on a plastic bottle using an awl or a hot nail (the more, the better).
  3. Immerse the product in the ground and carefully cover it with earth (up to the neck).
  4. Carefully pour water into the finished homemade system and close it tightly with a lid (the water will evenly seep into the soil, thereby saturating the plants with life-giving moisture).

Watering can type drip irrigation system

It's also enough simple system, to make it you will need to spend 10-15 minutes of free time.

Required tools and materials:

  • sharp stationery knife;
  • nail;
  • fire source (eg gas burner);
  • bottle with cap;
  • garden shovel.

Watering can type drip irrigation system

Manufacturing technology:

  1. The nail is heated on fire.
  2. They make 2-4 holes on the cap of a plastic bottle (than more holes, those stronger water will penetrate into the ground).
  3. Carefully cut off the bottom of the bottle using a sharp knife.
  4. A small hole is dug in the garden bed to place the bottle.
  5. The prepared vessel is immersed in the ground to a depth of 10-15 cm and securely fixed.
  6. Pour water for further watering vegetables

Rod type drip irrigation system

This is another “dripper” for watering. She has an interesting appearance, very similar to a hedgehog. To construct it you will only need available materials.

Scroll necessary tools and materials:

  • plastic bottles;
  • old ballpoint pens;
  • matches;
  • nail or awl;
  • a source of fire for heating a sharp object.

Rod type drip irrigation system

Manufacturing technology of a drip irrigation system for a summer cottage:

  1. The ink refills are removed from the ballpoint pens and the caps are removed.
  2. Using an awl or a hot nail, holes are made to accommodate the housings of the handles.
  3. Prepared handle housings are inserted into the finished connectors, and a match is inserted into one side of the handles.
  4. Carefully pour water into the prepared bottle and close it with a lid.
  5. The finished structure is placed on the garden bed so that it does not fall and damage the planted plants (water will slowly flow down the rods into the ground, thereby watering the selected plants).

Homemade drip irrigation systems from plastic bottles - unique free designs that allow you to replenish water around the clock root system vegetable crops and other plants. Make garden “drippers” with your own hands at home from available materials, and you can check all the delights of their work without leaving home.

There are ways subsoil dosed irrigation, allowing, with a minimum amount of water, to deliver precious water directly to the roots, ensuring a continuous supply of moisture to a wide variety of plants - flowers, bushes and trees.
Intrasoil watering is also preferable in greenhouses - it allows you to keep the surface of the ridge dry, weeds do not grow, the soil does not bake, especially if it is covered with mulch, it does not need to be loosened, as the soil breathes. Less fumes and less disease.
They especially love root watering tomatoes.

The bottom of a plastic bottle (2.5 liters) is cut off by one third so that it can be used as a lid (the lid is needed so that the water evaporates less). The cork is screwed tightly, and in it drilled two holes with a diameter of 2 millimeters or burnt through hot nail (100-120) hole.
In general, the number of holes must be selected empirically, taking into account that To water one vegetable plant, an average of 0.25 liters of water per day is required.

The next step is to place the bottle directly near the root of the tomato or pepper. Best time installation - directly during landing. But don’t despair, it can be installed in a few weeks.
We retreat 15-20 cm from the tomato stem, carefully dig a hole 10-15 cm so as not to damage the roots of the tomato plant. Next, insert the bottle with the lid down at an angle of 30-45° and carefully bury it.
To prevent the irrigation hole in the plug from becoming clogged (which especially often happens on heavy clay soils ah), place dry grass, burlap or fiberglass at the bottom of the hole under the neck of the bottle, or secure it all directly to the neck by pulling a nylon stocking over the bottle.

Watering is as follows: we walk through the beds and fill the bottles with water; when watering from plastic bottles, the water will slowly flow directly to the roots of the tomato. You can also feed the plant, saving fertilizer.
You can also use these bottles to water cucumber, pepper, eggplant, pumpkin and many other plants in your garden.
The method of watering from plastic bottles is suitable for those who cannot visit the garden or dacha every day.

If you use a purchased long plastic nozzle, you don’t have to bury the bottles. But in this case there is a danger that the bottles will be blown away by the wind.

It is impossible to grow cucumbers without watering. Saturating plants with moisture is daily painstaking work. Will help make it easier to care for when growing healthy vegetables homemade design from plastic bottles for drip irrigation of cucumbers, which you can make yourself.

Drip irrigation is the organization of timely watering of plants using storage containers and water. Simple, effective method moisture supply directly to each sprout. Water easily passes through the top layer of soil, filling the roots with life-giving moisture.

Experienced gardeners know firsthand that a good harvest depends on the quantity and quality of timely irrigation. Cucumbers require warm water large volumes. Drip irrigation will be an excellent help throughout the entire vegetable ripening season.

Water consumption for growing cucumbers is on average 5 liters per 1 m2.

Overwatering threatens the development of fungal diseases. Drip system – alternative solution. Specialty stores sell a variety of prefabricated irrigation systems. They take time to install. Not everyone likes the pricing policy.

Install drip irrigation yourself using plastic bottles - a solution that does not require financial costs. Using available materials, it is easy to make such a system for anyone.

Advantages and disadvantages of a bottle watering system

All the pros and cons collected by gardeners will help you make sure of the need for such an installation on your site.

First, about the advantages of the bottle system:

  • tangible saving water(a watering can or hose is used more);
  • autonomous operation systems (you can safely leave the garden bed unattended for several days);
  • versatility: the possibility of application does not depend on the type of soil, the method of growing vegetables (greenhouse, vegetable garden);
  • availability of material;
  • ease of installation and maintenance;
  • targeted targeted moisture ingress;
  • absence of hardened earthen crust around the plant;
  • reducing the need to loosen the soil around the bush;
  • slow evaporation of moisture (only on hot days will you have to monitor the condition of the plants: do they need additional watering);
  • saving money;
  • facilitating human labor;
  • the top layer of soil is not washed away;
  • roots get warm liquid(has time to warm up under the rays of the sun);
  • simplification of application of fertilizing (only to seedlings).

Weeds rarely germinate in such an area.

A homemade drain system often gets clogged. To prevent such a situation, old nylon tights - best option creating drainage. The material does not rot in the ground and has excellent throughput.

Now let's talk about the disadvantages:

  • frequent clogging of holes;
  • impossibility of applying such a system to large plot: you will need a lot of containers, the garden does not look aesthetically pleasing;
  • limited volume liquids;
  • difficult to use on heavy soils (bottles often become unusable when they become clogged);
  • on hot days, plants receive little moisture from such a supply.

For cucumbers and tomatoes, drip irrigation using bottles will not replace a full-fledged one: Depending on the weather, the sprouts will need additional moisture.

Description of drip irrigation of cucumbers and tomatoes

Such a life support system for vegetables is entirely justified. It makes it easier to achieve good harvest cucumbers or tomatoes. There are many ways to install such a structure. Let's look at some of them.

Lid up

A universal option. Common among summer residents. Suitable for greenhouse and open area.

Craft diagram:

  1. Measure 3 cm from the bottom. With an awl, a gypsy needle (whatever is in the house) pierce holes lengthwise to the point where the narrowing begins. The number of holes depends on the type of soil and container volume. On average - 10.
  2. Make a hole near the bush so that the dishes fit up to the neck (the conical tapering part should protrude above the ground).
  3. Wrap the bottle in cloth, place it in the hole, fill it with water, and close it with its original cap.

When empty, plastic containers may shrink under soil pressure. This can be avoided by simply piercing the lid and replenishing the liquid in a timely manner.

Lid down

Cut off the bottom completely. Screw the lid all the way, pierce it in a circle. Bury the dishes near the stem without damaging the roots. Wrap with gauze to protect from debris.

Root watering

Choose small flasks - 1.5 liters. Pierce the lid with a hot needle. Place nylon fabric between the lid and neck and screw tightly. If planned this system in advance, first dig the bottle halfway into the ground with the cut bottom up. Pour in the seeds and fill the container.

The seedlings are planted - no problem. The flask can be placed at a slight angle by pushing the neck closer to the roots. Cut the bottom accordingly as well, maintaining a certain angle (more liquid can fit in).

A more expensive option is to screw the lids instead special nozzles(sold at garden centers). It is convenient to stick them near the root. Minus - strong wind capable of turning such a structure over.

Another method of root moisturizing requires cocktail straws, juice. Place the container between two stems. The required length to the root is measured from it. One end of the tube goes inside the container. A plug is placed on the other. A tube is pierced from the bottom of the seedlings so that the liquid flows to the desired place.


For small bed cucumbers will do hanging option. Make a frame of timber and wire along the row. Pierce the bottles with a through hole on both sides. Thread the twine. Screw to the wire above the seedlings. Pierce the bottom.

Uniform moisture supply adjust required quantity punctures. Make sure that drops do not fall on the leaves. Otherwise, a burn is guaranteed.

How to organize a system of plastic bottles in a country house or greenhouse

For a summer residence, larger containers should be selected. This will allow you to leave the area for longer, without fear that the bushes will die.

The experience of summer residents shows that liter bottle feeds cucumbers and tomatoes 5 days, three-liter - 10 , 6th – 15 .

Provided that there is accurate knowledge of the predominant type of soil. From it the calculated number of holes is calculated and the size of the container is selected. All that remains is to choose suitable option drip irrigation installations. Prepare tools, materials, dishes. Take the time, install and enjoy the work done.

There are no boundaries for perfection. Having set aside a day to install such a structure, you can actually come up with your own version and you won’t have to water the plantings with your hands. The garden will thank you for your efforts with a generous harvest.

In the spring, many gardeners are itching to plant as many crops as possible: they want to eat fresh vegetables, enjoy berries, and decorate their favorite dacha with flowers. Planting all this is not difficult, but it will require regular care, one of the obligatory elements of which is watering. It is especially relevant in the spring, during the initial growing season, and in the summer, in hot weather. However, not all gardeners can often come to the site, and there are a lot of things to do over the weekend, but they can’t wait for planting. A good solution in this case would be drip irrigation. It is not at all necessary to buy ready-made expensive systems - you can use plastic bottles.

What is drip irrigation

This is a system for delivering moisture to the roots, in which water is supplied in small portions, literally drop by drop (hence the name of the method).

  • The advantages of such watering over conventional watering are obvious:
  • only the plant itself receives moisture, not the weeds;
  • water is saved because it does not spread throughout the entire bed;
  • the system works even when there are no people on site;
  • can be used in a greenhouse and in unprotected soil.

Many methods of drip irrigation from bottles have been invented; every gardener can choose the one that suits him best.

However, the method also has disadvantages:

  • difficult to use over large areas;
  • not suitable for heavy clay soils - the holes will become clogged;
  • In extreme heat, such watering is not enough; you will still have to water it manually with a hose.

How to make a drip irrigation system from plastic bottles: different methods

Gardeners are inventive people. In order not to waste money, they came up with several options for making drip irrigation from plastic bottles. The containers you will need are not small - from 1 to 5 liters (depending on how much soil needs to be moistened). Many gardeners recommend mulching the soil in beds with drip irrigation - this way the moisture flowing from the bottles will remain in the soil longer.

Drip irrigation from two bottles

This method will require one one and a half liter and one five liter bottle. Make the system this way:

Water will evaporate from a small bottle, forming condensation on the walls of a five-liter bottle, which, flowing down, will provide the plants with the necessary moisture.

Using this method, you can not only water, but also feed the plantings with liquid fertilizers.

Video: drip irrigation device from two bottles

Drip irrigation from a bottle dug into the ground

There are two options for digging: with the bottom and the neck in the ground. For watering, you can use a bottle cap or a special nozzle.

Down to the ground This option will give best effect when combined with mulching.

  1. Procedure:
  2. Take a plastic bottle with a capacity of 1–5 liters (depending on the size of the roots of the plant being watered and what its need for water is).
  3. In the middle of the bottle, 2 holes are pierced using a hot sewing needle (up to 4 holes can be made in a five-liter bottle) on both sides.
  4. Dig the bottle near the plantings (at a distance of 15–20 cm) so that the neck sticks out.

Pour water into the container and screw it tightly to avoid evaporation of the water. For ease of pouring, you can use a funnel.

A five-liter bottle buried in the ground can provide several tomato bushes with water.

Water will flow through the holes in small portions to the roots.

To prevent water from dripping too quickly, the following technique is used: only two holes are pierced in the bottle. One of them is loosely plugged with a toothpick. Then the flow of water from the second will slow down due to the reduction in air flow into the bottle.

Neck into the ground

This method is more convenient for pouring - the bottom located on top is wider than the neck. However, in this case, water will flow only into the lower layers of the soil, whereas in the case described above - from top to bottom. They act this way:

  1. 3-4 holes are made in the cap of a 1-5 liter bottle with a heated sewing needle.
  2. The bottom is cut off.
  3. Bury the bottle at a distance of 15–20 cm from the plants to a shallow depth (depending on how deep the roots are located).
  4. Pour in water.

In a greenhouse, drip watering from bottles is especially important: the sun shines through the transparent walls and the soil dries out very quickly

It is important to correctly determine the depth of burial: if it is too deep, the water will only moisten the lower part of the roots, and if it is too shallow, the bottle may fall.

When I tried to make drip irrigation from a bottle, I failed: the small holes kept getting clogged with earth. On the Internet I read advice to put old nylon tights over the bottle. The measure helped: the earth stopped getting into the holes and the water flowed out well.

Using a nozzle

If you can purchase an elongated plastic nozzle with holes in the store, drip irrigation will be easier to organize. This nozzle is screwed onto a bottle with a volume of 0.5 to 1.5 liters instead of a cap and stuck into the ground. You can cut off the bottom or, when the water runs out, remove the bottle, unscrew the nozzle, pour in water and stick it back into the ground.

Plastic nozzles for drip irrigation are suitable for bottles with a volume of no more than 1.5 liters

A variation of the methods described above would be to place the bottle on the ground rather than bury it. This method is only suitable for mulched plantings because dripping water will be retained longer in mulched soil. In this case, holes are made on both sides for better flow of water: on the top - 1, on the bottom - up to 4 pieces.

It is better to cover the bottle itself for drip irrigation with a cloth or place it so that it is in the shade, then the water will evaporate more slowly through the holes

Drip irrigation from a bottle suspended on a frame

This method is good for low plants, but is more labor-intensive because you will need a frame for hanging bottles. Procedure:

  1. The frame is made from wooden posts or thick metal rods in the shape of the letter G or P. Its height should be such that the suspended bottle is approximately 10 cm below the plants.
  2. The frame is installed along the bed.
  3. In prepared bottles with a capacity of 1–1.5 liters (according to the number of bushes), make 2–4 holes in the lids with a thin needle. You can also hang five-liter bottles, but then the frame and fastenings must be made more solid.
  4. The bottom of the bottles is cut off, and wider holes are pierced along the edges - for wire or strong rope (twine).
  5. The bottles are placed on the frame so that the water flows not directly onto the bushes, but near them.

Bottles can be hung with strong wire so that water drips next to the plants

Bottles can also be hung upside down; to do this you will need to make 2 holes in the bottom.

One of the disadvantages of drip irrigation from plastic bottles on a frame is that water flows out too quickly. Inventive gardeners have figured out how to solve this problem - using a regular medical dropper. It is attached to the neck of the bottle and makes it possible to regulate watering.

Video: watering from a bottle suspended from a fence using a dropper

Drip irrigation using a “wick”

This design is more difficult to make, and is usually made for watering house plants or seedlings in cases where the owners leave home for more than two days. Manufacturing procedure:

  1. A plastic 1.5-liter bottle is cut in half.
  2. A hole is made in the lid of such a width that it is possible to thread a woolen thread - a kind of “wick”.
  3. A thread 3–4 cm long, folded in half, is threaded into the lid and tied with a knot from the inside.
  4. The upper part of a plastic bottle with a twisted cap and a thread sticking out of it is inserted into the lower part with the neck down.
  5. Water is poured into the lower half of the bottle so that it completely covers the “wick”.
  6. IN top part The bottles are filled with soil, watered well and the seeds are planted.

The liquid rises through the “wick” and provides the soil with moisture.

When the water runs out, add it only to the bottom half of the bottle.

Photo gallery: drip irrigation using wool thread

A wool thread is suitable for the wick, as it absorbs water well
For greater stability, it is better to make the top part of the bottle shorter than the bottom
A device made from a plastic bottle and woolen thread retains moisture for a long time

Comparison of different types of drip irrigation from plastic bottles

You can do drip irrigation in your garden in different ways; everyone will have their own method. To better navigate which one to choose, let’s consider their advantages and disadvantages.

Table: comparison of drip irrigation methods from plastic bottles

Way Advantages Flaws
From two bottles
  • Easy to make;
  • no additional devices are needed;
  • The water will evaporate for a long time, no need to add it often
Too little water will enter the ground with condensation
From a bottle buried bottom in the ground
  • Easy to make;
  • can be used for plants with any root depth
  • The holes become clogged and need to be cleaned periodically;
  • water flows quickly
From a bottle buried upside down in the groundConvenient to add waterNot suitable for plants with shallow root systems
Using a nozzleQuickly produce
  • You need to buy a nozzle;
  • Does not fit all bottle sizes
From a bottle suspended on a frame
  • You can water low plants;
  • the holes in the bottle do not become clogged
More difficult to do compared to other methods
Using a "wick"
  • Convenient for seedlings;
  • lasts a long time
  • More difficult to do compared to other methods;
  • can only be used at home

When growing any crop, it is necessary to properly organize watering, because even weeds die without water. Summer residents come up with various ways to make your work easier and at the same time give enough moisture to the plants for growth and development. One of these are plastic bottles, with which you can make drip irrigation or bury a container near each bush so that the water flows evenly and gradually. We will tell you in detail how to water your garden using plastic bottles.


Drip irrigation of beds using plastic bottles, as well as any point irrigation system, has a number of significant advantages:

  • water consumption is 3-4 times less than with conventional watering from a hose or watering can;
  • the targeted effect of water specifically on the root system of the plant “de-energizes” the weeds, they dry out and are easier to pull out;
  • with a well-organized system, plants can be left for several days, and during this time watering will be complete and uniform;
  • water does not get on the leaves, and therefore there is no risk of burning them.

It is worth noting that with abundant watering and intense sun, the soil is often taken so-called. a crust through which air does not flow to the roots. Drip irrigation allows you to avoid this problem - in the place where water is collected, the soil is always moist and quite loose.

A drip irrigation system, unless made with your own hands from scrap materials, is a rather expensive purchase. On average, a set of 10 beds of 10 meters each will cost 9-12 thousand rubles, depending on the configuration.

You can assemble such devices yourself using drip tape, fittings and connectors. So its cost will be less (about 6,000 rubles), which also cannot be called a cheap pleasure.

As an alternative, assemble it from separate sections of pipes, droppers and fittings, we talked about this in the article “”. You can also organize watering using plastic bottles. This is the simplest and, most importantly, cheapest device, especially since almost everyone at their dacha has a N number of empty water bottles. And it will take at most an hour to assemble the entire structure.

It should be noted that plastic bottles are a universal option from which you can make amazing things.

VIDEO: 56 ideas from plastic bottles

What tools and materials will you need?

Even a set of tools with which drip irrigation will be done is available to every self-respecting summer resident:

  • sharp knife for cutting the bottle;
  • an awl or nail with which the holes will be made;
  • a piece of clean rags; if you have nylon tights or stockings, they will also work;
  • used rod from ballpoint pen;
  • plastic bottles according to the number of bushes - up to 2 liters in volume, if for several bushes - 5-liter plastic bottles or canisters are suitable.

Option number 1 - Neck down

To implement this method, cut off the bottom of the bottle at a distance of 5-10-15 cm, depending on the volume of the container and the depth of the plant’s root, if you plan to dig it in and not hang it over the garden bed.

To ensure an even cut, close the neck of the bottle with a lid.

Make several holes in the roof or neck - their diameter and number will depend throughput. If you make holes with a hot nail or awl, they will turn out large and with rounded edges, and water will flow out faster. You can pierce it with a cold awl, and then the liquid will seep out gradually.

The watering speed will depend on the number and diameter of holes in the lid.

A hole is dug near the bush, into which the bottle is inserted with the neck down, then a wad of nylon or cotton fabric is placed inside, on which grains of sand, dirt and other particles that can clog the holes will settle.

At the bottom of the container there must be an improvised filter - a piece of fabric in 2 layers, one straightened, the second in a lump

If the bed is straight or long, much more in a convenient way It will be easy to hang the bottles upside down as well. In this case, you can do without a “filter”, since the earth will not be able to get inside the container.

For convenient fastening, you can drive stakes or sticks in several places directly along the beds. Pull and tie a string tightly to them or place another stick on top as a crossbar, to which the bottles will be attached.

If the container hangs above the garden bed, it is much more convenient to water and control the remaining water

Option #2: Holes in the bottom

This is the most basic option you can come up with for watering using plastic bottles in a greenhouse or vegetable garden. To do this, make 2-3 holes 3-4 cm from the bottom of the container. Dig a hole near the plant, insert a bottle there, sprinkle crushed stones or stones around the edges so that the earth does not clog the holes, and pour water.

This method of watering, despite the fact that it is the simplest, is not the most reliable. Gradually, the earth clogs the holes, and water stops flowing out in the required volume. Carefully monitor the condition of the bushes. When it becomes clear that there is not enough water, the bottle is dug up and replaced with another.

In such a container you won’t need fabric or nylon, just add water and cover the neck with a lid

To fill the water, you should use a watering can with a long “spout”. Since the bottle itself is not visible, water is added regularly.

If the bushes are located on the site in islands, you can bury a canister or a 5-liter bottle, but make holes only from the side of the bushes. It is very convenient and allows you to water immediately small area garden, and not each bush separately.

There is a more advanced way to avoid contamination. At a height of 10-15 cm from the bottom, make a hole, insert a rod from a pen into it (clean it with alcohol) or a rigid tube, secure it in the hole with plasticine and direct it under the root of the plant. The bottle itself is lightly sprinkled with stones or buried in the ground so that it does not fall from a gust of wind.

Inserted into the bottle cocktail straw, fix it and direct it to the root zone

Option number 3: For the laziest

Garden stores sell special tips for plastic bottles of any size. They are convenient to use and do not become clogged with clods of dirt. To add water, remove the container along with the nozzle and pour new water(at the same time you can wash the tip) and put it back into the ground.

Special bottle attachment - easy to insert and not clogged with soil

It's just short list how you can adapt ordinary plastic water bottles, of which, as you know, there is simply a mountain in the country, for watering plants.

You can complicate the watering system at your discretion by inserting a hose and making holes in it so that water flows to several bushes at the same time. In this case, the container should be more spacious, but the essence remains the same.

To make caring for plants easier, you can add liquid fertilizers to the water, and then, at the same time as watering, the plants will receive the necessary elements.

VIDEO: Drip irrigation with bottles - everything is ingenious and simple!