Viburnum buldenezh botanical description. Viburnum Buldenezh: description, planting, care and reproduction

Viburnum buldenezh is a widespread tree in the middle zone. High decorativeness and undemanding conditions made it an honorary guest in gardens and parks. This ancient variety was valued by gardeners even under Catherine II for its lush white inflorescences, similar to a snowball. The name of the variety - Boule de Neige - is translated from French and means “snowball”. The first description of viburnum buldenezh was made by the French breeder Lemoine, who developed this variety.

Description of the variety

Viburnum buldenezh is a variety of common viburnum and is a wide-spreading tree up to 4 meters high. At good care this plant lives up to 50 years or more and delights with long-lasting flowering every year. Buldenezh blooms with spherical inflorescences in early summer. Flowering is long-lasting, from 2 weeks to a month. The blooming flowers first have a greenish tint, then become bright white, and turn pink at the end of flowering.

A characteristic feature of the variety is the complete absence of odor in the flowers. The plant is winter-hardy, but in severe winters it can partially freeze out. The root system is of superficial type.

Planting a seedling

The lifespan of Viburnum buldenezh and its flowering largely depend on the correct planting site and subsequent care. The most appropriate place for her - well-moistened soil and light partial shade. It is advisable to replant in spring or autumn, since seedlings take root worse in the summer heat. The landing site is prepared in advance:

  • dig a hole measuring at least 0.5 x 0.5 meters;
  • drainage is laid at the bottom - brick fragments, crushed stone, sand;
  • prepare a nutrient mixture from compost, ash, and garden soil.

The seedling is immersed in a hole on a mound of nutrient mixture, the roots are straightened, the root collar is buried a few centimeters and covered with the remaining soil. After planting, water abundantly and add more soil after settling. The top of the planting site can be mulched so that the soil does not dry out quickly.

In group plantings, each seedling needs at least 4 square meters, since the tree is very spreading.

Viburnum care

Caring for viburnum buldenezh consists of spring and autumn pruning and regular watering during dry periods. In the spring, the tree is inspected and broken, dry and diseased branches are cut out. In the fall, formative pruning is carried out - excessively thickening and inward-growing crowns are removed. With the help of formative pruning, a tree can be turned into a bush - the trunk can be cut down to the level of the stump. In spring, numerous side shoots will begin to grow from the root.

All cuts after trimming should be disinfected with a solution copper sulfate and cover with garden varnish.

In the middle zone in October, abundant moisture-recharging watering of viburnum is carried out. Its purpose is to stimulate increased root growth and prevent them from freezing in winter. It is advisable to feed the tree before watering.

Fertilizers and fertilizers

For abundant and long-lasting flowering, Viburnum buldenezh needs to be fed regularly. In the first 2-3 years, the plant has enough nutrients contained in landing hole. In subsequent years, it is fed in the spring or compost, and in the fall with phosphorus and potassium. Fertilizers can be scattered in the tree trunk circle, loosened with a rake and watered abundantly. To ensure that all nutrients get directly to the roots, another method is used:

  • along the entire circumference of the trunk circle, make holes in the ground 20-30 cm deep using a garden drill, crowbar or wooden stake;
  • a little fertilizer is poured into each;
  • the entire norm calculated for the tree is divided by the number of holes;
  • then the tree trunk circle is spilled with water.

The fertilizer rates indicated on the packaging should not be exceeded. The plant will not be able to absorb them. This will lead to the growth of weeds and contamination of the soil with nitrates and other chemicals.

Before flowering, viburnum can be sprayed with a complex fertilizer containing boron. This microelement stimulates abundant flowering.

Reproduction options and methods

Reproduction of viburnum buldenezh is possible only vegetative way, since it is sterile and does not produce seeds. It is propagated in three ways - layering, dividing the bush and cuttings.

In order to get a new plant by layering, you need to do the following:

  • in the spring, dig longitudinal grooves next to the bush;
  • lay branches in them;
  • press to the ground with wooden brackets;
  • cover this place with soil and keep it moist all summer.

By autumn, the cuttings will form their own roots, and in the spring next year sprouts appear. In another year, when the cuttings have become stronger and have expanded the root mass, the new plant can be separated from the mother plant by cutting the buried branch between them with a sharp shovel.

Propagating viburnum using the second method - dividing the bush - is much faster, but more painful for the entire plant, since the roots are more damaged. This method is only suitable if it is formed as a bush and there are many branches coming from the roots. To do this, the root system is partially dug up with a shovel and the bush is cut so that each part contains both roots and branches. Then all parts are planted separately. After planting, the seedlings are watered.

The easiest way to propagate decorative viburnum buldenezh is by cuttings. For cuttings, healthy branches removed during spring pruning. Each cutting should have several buds. They are buried in the ground obliquely so that half of the buds are in the ground. From them, roots are subsequently formed. The cuttings are watered regularly. When a young bush with roots and branches is formed from the cuttings, it can be planted on permanent place or leave it the same.

The soil around the seedling should be kept moist and loose so that the roots have enough moisture and oxygen.

Viburnum pests and their control

The leaves of Viburnum buldenezh are severely affected by three pests: the leaf beetle, scale insects and aphids.

The leaf beetle gnaws leaves down to the veins and is capable of destroying the entire bush. To combat it, viburnum is sprayed with karbofos 2 times a season: in May to destroy the larvae, in August to get rid of the adults.

To destroy scale insects and aphids, the plant is treated with Aktara, Fufanon, and Agravertin. With a small lesion you can get by folk remedies: infusion of garlic or ash with laundry soap.

Viburnum buldenezh also suffers from. A set of measures will help against this fungal disease:

  • spraying with 0.5% copper sulfate solution in early spring before the leaves bloom;
  • reduce watering, water only at the roots;
  • treatment during the growing season with Bordeaux mixture;
  • destruction of weeds that carry powdery mildew, primarily wheatgrass.

The incidence of viburnum is affected by crowded plantings and a thickened crown. Any photo of a healthy viburnum buldenezh tree shows that it grows freely, the crown is quite sparse, and the grass under the tree is mowed.

Following these simple recommendations will help you grow healthy and beautiful tree. Decorative viburnum will live in your garden for a long time and will delight you with an abundance of lush snow globes every year.

In its snow-white outfit of caps, this plant is simply mesmerizing. And if you ever see several of these beauties nearby, you will clearly not be able to take your eyes off the light inflorescences gently swaying in time with the wind. Much has been written about ornamental viburnum, planting such a plant and caring for it (it is this name - ornamental viburnum - that is better known in wide circles).

Buldenezh can be seen both in the form of a tree and a bush. Translated from French it means snowball. Viburnum with such a specific name is a sterile form of our common viburnum. The sterile flowers first have a slightly greenish tint, and then transform into a bright white lump. Such hats can have a diameter of 8–10 cm.

During the period of prolonged flowering of this plant, which lasts from 25 to 40 days, viburnum is very beautiful. Designers often use it to decorate a site, planting it in the form of a tree, for example, next to a pond or in front of a house. Also, such bushes look good next to other bushes, and flower balls quite often decorate expensive bouquets.

Viburnum is propagated vegetatively: by layering, dividing the bush, cuttings. If you decide to grow viburnum as a shrub, then the next year after planting in early spring, you need to cut all the branches short. Shoots will grow from the buds, and they will form the basis of the new bush. If you want to get a small tree, then leave only one stem. Others, as unnecessary, are better cut to the ground and the side buds removed. So only those at the very top will remain. It will take you at least three years to get a normal-sized trunk. It is important that branching occurs only at the top of your tree. Well, if you notice new growth from the ground, you will need to cut it off, otherwise you will get the same bush again.

Planting viburnum in the spring will not give you any special worries. This ornamental plant considered unpretentious. It grows quite quickly, and already at 3 years the plant reaches about one and a half meters. By the age of 12 – more than three. Once you plant a tree, you don’t have to worry that it won’t withstand cold temperatures. This plant is winter-hardy and does not require special shelter.

The growth of a tree or bush depends on. Thus, viburnum prefers soil near water bodies and, in fact, is a coastal plant, but quite often it can be seen in normal conditions towns and cities. Grows well in fertilized and moist soil. This tree loves open sunny places, although direct rays of the sun are undesirable for it, like many plants. Doesn't like shadows. As for recommendations, viburnum buldenezh, in addition to treatment against insect pests, also needs fertilizer.

In the process of growing this species, it is advisable to feed it with complex fertilizers 2 times a year - in autumn and spring.

Planting is carried out in early spring. You can try planting a plant and late autumn, before frost. In the second case, the seedlings will have enough time to adapt, but they can only be planted by dividing the root. You will need to find the side shoot of the young growth and separate it from the bush. This must be done carefully so as not to damage.

If you plant by layering, you will need to bend the lower branch of the plant to the ground and secure it with a wire bracket, and sprinkle earth on top. The plant must be kept moist in this position until the shoot takes root. After this you need to separate the branch from big bush and then transplant to another place.

It is much more difficult to plant this shrub using cuttings. This process will take you much longer. So, first, a branch of a young shoot with about eight buds is cut off and planted in fertile soil. This must be done in a greenhouse, watering should be moderate and the air temperature should be maintained high. In such conditions, the cuttings should remain until next spring, and only then planted in open ground.

For convenient watering, use a unique garden watering system!

Its main difference from ordinary viburnum is in the structure of the inflorescences. U common viburnum they resemble umbrellas, and large white sterile flowers are located only at the edges. In buldenezh, the inflorescences are collected into a strong ball, similar to a snowball - hence the name.

When it blooms

In Viburnum buldenezh, all the flowers in the inflorescence are sterile (it does not produce berries) and are collected into a dense ball with a diameter of 8-10 (sometimes up to 15) cm, similar to a snowball or pom-pom. The “snow globe” blooms in late May - early June, blooms for 2-3 weeks.

First greenish, then creamy and finally snow-white inflorescences (there are forms with pink flowers) hang at the ends of branches gracefully curved under their weight.

"Snow globe" does not form fruits, therefore, in the fall it is decorated only with foliage that acquires red tones and does not fly off the branches for a long time.

Where does it look better?

Buldenezh is frost-resistant and requires shelter for the winter only in the north Middle zone Russia. Single bushes and small groups of this viburnum look especially good against the backdrop of a well-groomed green lawn at the corners and turns of the paths, near a well, bench or gazebo.

Groups can consist only of viburnum or include other shrubs, such as low spirea or dwarf red-leaved barberry: these plants will cover only the lower part of the stems of the viburnum buldenezh, allowing you to admire its inflorescences and shading them dark color foliage.

Choosing a landing site

"Snow Globe" is not very picky about soil conditions and lighting. However, shading, dry and poor soils significantly affect the size and number of inflorescences.

Landing: Having chosen a place for planting, you need to dig a hole 40x40 cm (if the soil is fertile) or slightly larger, up to 60 cm, where the soil is poor. The pit is filled with nutritious compost, to which rotted manure can be added, and mineral fertilizers are applied.

Seedling preparation: the seedling must also be prepared for planting. To do this, the shoots are cut to 1/3 - 1/4 of their length. At spring planting this is done immediately, and in the autumn - in the spring of next year. The ends of the roots are cut off so that they fit well in the hole and grow more actively.

Planting a bush

The bush is planted so that the root collar is 2-3 cm below the soil surface. Then the plant is watered abundantly and the trunk circle is mulched with peat or rotten leaves (layer 6-7 cm) or simply hilled up.

In this case, it is necessary to regularly loosen the soil in the tree trunk circle so that a crust does not form. Under mulch, the soil remains in normal condition for a long time, so only weeding and watering are necessary.

Watering the plant

It is useful to water adult snow globe bushes at least once a year, at the beginning of flowering. In cold and rainy summers you can do without watering, but in hot and dry summers you should water several times. It must be borne in mind that excessive dryness and heat lead to a reduction in flowering time.

Viburnum buldenezh will grow in neglected areas, but this will make caring for it more difficult or will negate its results. In order for watering and fertilizing to benefit the “snow globe” bush, the trunk circle with a diameter of 1 m must be free of weeds.

Top dressing

Depending on the condition of the plant and the nature of the soil fertilizing is carried out annually or every two years, in the spring, after the soil dries. One bush requires 5-8 kg of nutritious compost, 25-30 g of ammonium nitrate, 40-50 g of superphosphate and 10-25 g of potassium salt.

Mineral fertilizers can simply be scattered evenly under the bush and incorporated into the soil by loosening. If the tree trunk circle is kept under mulch, then it is removed during watering and fertilization.

Pruning viburnum Buldenezh

Viburnum buldenezh, like any shrub, needs pruning, which is carried out to form, thin out and rejuvenate the bush.

When starting pruning, you should remember that the flower buds of this shrub form on the shoots of the second year of life, so a heavily pruned bush will not bloom next summer. But in a year it will delight you with a particularly lush cascade of flowers.

Crown formation

Young 2-3-year-old plants, planted in a permanent place and having a sparse above-ground part, require formation pruning. To obtain a lush bush, cut off each shoot, leaving 3-4 pairs of buds from the base.

This is done annually until the bush reaches the desired density and shape. Adult plants are subjected to formative pruning only to correct the crown after damage or to reduce its size.

Plant thinning

Thinning is carried out as needed and consists of removing weak and dead branches or parts of branches in too dense areas of the crown. Inspection of bushes of all ages must be carried out every year.

Rejuvenation: old, poorly growing and flowering bushes need rejuvenation. To do this, the plants are pruned, or rather, cut “to the stump” at a height of 15-30 cm or more.

After this operation, the dormant buds located below the cut begin to grow, forming strong young shoots. Such a rejuvenated plant requires formative pruning.

Pruning of all types is carried out in early spring- start care when the entire above-ground part is free of snow cover. After pruning, the bush needs to be well fed, then the young shoots will be strong and strong.


Unfortunately, viburnum buldenezh suffers greatly from pests, especially from the larvae and beetles of the viburnum leaf beetle and from the viburnum leaf roller aphid.

As a rule, these pests do not appear on bushes every year, but if this happens, then you have to admire not a “snow globe”, but a bare bush with the remains of leaves hanging here and there.

However, modern means plant protection allows you to avoid misfortune. If in the spring, before the buds open, you spray the bushes with a solution of nitrafen or Inta-Vir, then the viburnum will not be afraid of any pests.

Propagation by cuttings

The “snow globe” is propagated only vegetatively: with green (summer) cuttings, which are used for the shoots of the current year that are beginning to lignify. They bend well, but don't break. Severely lignified shoots are not suitable.

Cuttings 4-5 cm long with 1-2 internodes are cut with a sharp knife. The cuts should be oblique, the lower one under the kidney, the upper one above it.

The cut cuttings are immediately planted in a greenhouse in a layer of humus 8-12 cm thick, covered with 3-4 cm of sand on top. Planting depth is 1.5-2 cm. Cuttings should be sprayed and watered, shaded from bright sunlight.

It shouldn't be too cold in the greenhouse. Rooting begins after 2-3 weeks, and during this period frequent spraying with water is especially important.

In the second half of August, when the cuttings have sufficiently developed the root system, they are transplanted to a garden bed, where they have time to become stronger and take root well before the onset of cold weather.

Video on the topic

Also watch a video that talks about growing viburnum buldenezh. Our Garden program.

Viburnum is an ornamental plant. Belongs to the Honeysuckle family. Viburnum is very popular among domestic gardeners. The Buldenezh variety deserves special attention. What Buldenezh viburnum looks like: planting and caring for it, the most popular varieties - the article will tell you about all this.

Buldenezh is an ornamental viburnum, distinguished by large white spherical flowers. Each bud, when open, has a diameter of 15 to 20 centimeters. The bush is lush, blooms profusely, but not for long (about 2-3 weeks). Serves good decoration for a garden or summer cottage.

The plant appeared in Russia thanks to Empress Catherine II. Buldenezh was grown exclusively in royal greenhouses, parks and gardens. So this type should be called aristocratic. Often such viburnum is also called sterile, and this is due to the fact that its flowers are sterile.

What the decorative viburnum Buldenezh looks like is presented below:

What varieties are there?

Fruit varieties of viburnum are presented in wide range. And Buldenezh has several subspecies. All of them have high decorative qualities.

Viburnum Buldenezh includes the following popular varieties:

  1. Ordinary. It is considered a sterile form of the common red viburnum. Has a shape that allows you to create interesting compositions. Due to this, the common viburnum Buldenezh has gained considerable popularity among summer residents, gardeners and landscape designers.
  2. Decorative. It differs from the ordinary one in its more compact size.
  3. Roseum. Viburnum Buldenezh Roseum is characterized by double inflorescences of unusual shape. Blooming viburnum At first the buds are white with a green tint, and towards completion they acquire a soft pink tint. The shrub grows more than 3 meters. It is usually used in standard plantings.

How to grow Buldenezh?

Viburnum is planted in early spring. In the fall, such work is performed if the Buldenezh viburnum seedling was obtained by dividing an adult bush. With good care, the bush will grow about 1.5 meters in height. If you do not carry out formative pruning, you can get a full-fledged tree more than 3 meters high.

Rules for planting viburnum

For Buldenezh, a semi-shaded place is considered ideal, and in the sun the flowering period is significantly reduced.

In the shade, the buds will be incomplete, and the plant will begin to suffer from frequent attacks by insect pests. In one area, viburnum can grow for up to 60 years. It is difficult to replant an adult plant. Therefore it is better to choose a good place straightaway. Buldenezh grows quite well along reservoirs. In urban conditions it also feels normal.

It is desirable that the soil is non-acidic, loose and nutritious. Clay and heavy substrates are lightened and cultivated by adding humus, peat and sand. For a young seedling, dig a hole measuring 50x50 or 60x80 centimeters. A layer of drainage made from tree bark and stones is laid at the bottom. Next, pour a mixture of sand, compost, soil, ash, peat and fertilizer. Among nutritional mixtures, it is better to give preference to potassium-phosphorus sets. For example, Agronal, Agricola, diammofoska, nitroammofoska.

The distance between bushes should be maintained at 2 meters. A cone-shaped tubercle is made in the hole. Place the seedling on top and carefully straighten the root zone. Sprinkle with earth, compact, and irrigate abundantly. The root collar is buried 5 centimeters. The soil around the plant is mulched with peat.

Caring for viburnum in open ground

In the first two years, it is recommended to cover the root circle with mulch or humus during the winter. It's a good idea to plant around the plant. lawn grass. It will become protection for Buldenezh on frosty days. In extreme cold, shoots sometimes freeze slightly. But, if the root zone is healthy and strong, viburnum quickly recovers.

The viburnum bush loves moisture, so it needs frequent and abundant watering. Irrigate at least twice every 7 days. For one mature plant it takes up to 20 liters of water. From early spring to late autumn, nutrient mixtures are added. In the spring they feed with nitroammophos, and in the fall with potassium nitrate and superphosphate.

To protect against diseases, spraying is carried out. It is effective against gray spotting and powdery mildew. Viburnum is often attacked by insect pests. Aphids are fought with a soap solution. And the viburnum leaf beetle is destroyed with an infusion of onion, garlic, wormwood and soap.

How to prune viburnum? In the second year after planting, viburnum Buldenezh is pruned in landscape design in order to form a spherical bush. Trim short, leaving 3 buds. A ball is made from strong young shoots by pinching their growing point at a length of about 30 centimeters. If you plan to give the viburnum the appearance of a tree, leave one powerful stem, and cut off all the lower and side branches.

Held sanitary pruning viburnum Buldenezh in the spring: all broken, dried and frozen branches are removed.

Viburnum propagation in the garden

How to propagate viburnum in the garden? The flowers do not produce seeds. Viburnum Buldenezh is propagated exclusively by vegetative methods: by dividing the bush, cuttings or layering.

Propagation by cuttings is carried out using shoots of the current or last year. Trim them to summer time. Optimal length cuttings is 8 centimeters. It is important that they have two pairs of kidneys. All lower leaves are cut off. The upper cut of the cutting is made straight, and the lower cut is oblique. To speed up the root formation process, treat with the drug Heteroauxin, Kornevin or another growth stimulator. The cuttings are planted in a loose substrate of sand and peat, deepening them to 2 centimeters.

Reproduction by layering is carried out like this. In May-June, young flexible shoots are selected and bent to the ground. They are placed in grooves about 10 centimeters deep, pinned, and sprinkled with soil. Then water regularly and abundantly. When the seedling takes root, it is separated from the mother bush and transplanted into a shrub.

How is Buldenezh used in landscape design?

Any landscape designer sooner or later has the idea to use viburnum of the Buldenezh species in his work. After all, the plant looks luxurious and is considered a win-win option. Viburnum Buldenezh can be grown in landscape design as a standard tree or a single bush. It is used both as an individual object and to create an original composition. A good idea is to plant the plant near a fountain or pond. The reflection of flowers in water creates an interesting picture, adding originality to a park or garden.

Viburnum is used to decorate high fences. For this purpose, Buldenezh is planted along the fence as a tree or bush. The standard crown begins to form when the bush is still young.

Conclusions about growing viburnum Buldenezh

Thus, viburnum Buldenezh is a good option for decoration garden plot, dachas. Large and snow-white buds will not leave anyone indifferent. The plant looks beautiful even after flowering, since it has large and spectacular foliage. It is easy to grow, the main thing is to follow the rules of planting and care. Check out the article: .

29.05.2018 3 761

Viburnum Buldenezh - planting and care, photos in landscape design

The gorgeous viburnum Buldenezh, planting and caring for which is the basis for beautiful and luxurious flowering, requires attention and compliance with certain rules, in particular, creating a fertilizer application schedule. Proper pruning, pest and disease control will help you grow a beautiful and strong bush.

Description and varieties

The ornamental plant was brought to the territory of our country by Catherine II. During her reign, this incredibly beautiful shrub could only be found in imperial gardens and parks.

The flowering period of the plant lasts only 15–20 days. The bush blooms in late May and withers by mid-June. The branches bend gracefully under heavy snow-white balls of flowers.

Externally, the tree is easy to recognize; it reaches a height of three or even more meters. The branches first grow vertically, but under the weight of large inflorescences they bend in different sides, forming a spreading crown. To make the plant look even more effective, experienced site owners form the crown in the shape of a semicircle during pruning.

The flower caps can reach 15 cm in size; there are no stamens, so viburnum will not bear fruit. As soon as the buds begin to bloom, the petals have a delicate greenish tint. After a few days they turn pink or acquire a creamy tint, and only when fully opened do they become dazzling white.

viburnum boule de neige - in the photo balls of viburnum Buldanezh - in the photo

The foliage of the shrub is also lush, so it does not lose its decorative function even after flowering. The leaves are large, bright green, with distinct serrations.

A variety of the variety is Viburnum Roseum. This variety belongs to terry and has differences in the form Pink colour caps-inflorescences.

Planting and care, methods of reproduction

The tree usually reproduces in open ground vegetative method. The three most popular methods are:

  • layering;
  • cuttings;
  • dividing the bush.
    The easiest way to propagate is by sprinkling layerings. This is done in the spring in several stages:
  1. grooves are broken in the soil in the direction from the main bush, the depth of which should not exceed 10 cm;
  2. branches no older than one year are carefully bent towards the ground and placed in prepared grooves;
  3. the shoots are covered with compost from above, compacted and well watered with cool water;
  4. as soon as the first shoots appear on the surface, they must be earthed up, then optimal humidity must be constantly maintained;
  5. in the fall, the shoots that have taken root are separated from the main bush and placed in a prepared container for the winter. Bushes are ready for planting in a permanent place only when they are root system got stronger, that is, after 2 years.

viburnum Buldenezh in landscape design - pictured

Planting is done by cuttings; this method is more labor-intensive than the previous one and should be started in the summer months, simultaneously with pruning the bush. Young branches with two living buds are suitable as cuttings.

The sequence of actions is as follows:

  1. young viburnum branches are cut off, leaving one node with buds on them, the remaining leaves must be removed;
  2. cuttings prepared in this way are left for half a day in a special solution that promotes root growth;
  3. prepare the soil for planting cuttings. It should contain turf soil, sand and compost in equal proportions. The soil should not be dry;
  4. bury the cuttings in the soil no deeper than 2.5 cm;
  5. cover future bushes with film or a transparent plastic canister, creating a greenhouse effect.

In order for the crop to quickly take root and bloom profusely, it is important to choose the right place for its permanent growth and time of year.

The timing of planting largely depends on which propagation method was chosen. Common practice is to plant in spring. In spring, it is optimal to plant by layering, and divide the mother bush into separate shoots better in autumn. In the autumn months, when there is frequent precipitation outside and the temperature drops lower and lower, shrubs planted from cuttings or layering may not take root.

It is better to choose well-moistened soil. It's good if it's lowland. If there are no low-lying areas on your site, give preference to the semi-shaded side. In the shade, viburnum will, of course, bloom, but the caps will be smaller.

Shrub care

A hedge of viburnum Buldenezh is sure to attract everyone's attention. However, in order for it to look truly rich and beautiful, it is necessary to properly care for the crop - take care of soil moisture, its nutritional value, crown formation and creation protective barrier from diseases and pests, etc.

flowering viburnum Buldenezh - in the photo

Plantings need to be watered regularly, especially if the weather is dry outside. Special attention should be given to young individuals. If watering is carried out correctly, the tree will delight you with lush, abundant flowering.