bw calendar. Calendar templates or how to get a tool without downloading anything? Calendar print and download

What accompanies you in your daily routine? Where do you write down all your affairs and how do you even determine what day it is? Of course, all this - with the help of a calendar. A good calendar is hard to find, but I hasten to congratulate you - you are closer than ever to the goal.

Today we are talking about the rules for maintaining a calendar and give excellent calendar templates; not only for a year and a month, but also for ... a day! Intrigued? We, too!

About the calendar: how to keep up with everything

In general, the calendar in its usual sense is already hopelessly outdated. No one needs a huge wall photo album with a list of the days of the current month. It's boring, inefficient, and doesn't produce much results. But a well-implemented calendar with glider elements and the ability to make a to-do list right inside is a thing; he is the future.

What queries should your pocket calendar answer:

  1. I need a place where I will record all meetings, presentations, etc.
  2. I always want to understand what date is today and what awaits me tomorrow.
  3. It should fit in my bag, and not disfigure the wall.

We have a solution both paper and electronic! And if we come to the second a little later, then we will begin to deal with the first right now. Go!

print daily calendar template

Is A4 format right for you? Il is still preferable to A5? Yes, what, in fact, the difference if the template is beautiful and so and so.

This calendar, or rather most of it, will help you navigate your affairs during the working day and evening: enter all the tasks into it, distribute them by hours and minutes and start working!

You will need hard interaction with yourself in order to follow your plan. This requires control and lack of laziness. Do you have them? Then definitely download it.

By the way, when working with such a one-day calendar, we recommend using one of the planning techniques - or, in other words, the time management technique. For example, the “Wheel of Life” - distribute each of your tasks into 1 of 8 areas of your life:

  1. Health and sports
  2. Friends and environment
  3. Family and relationships
  4. Career and business
  5. Finance
  6. Spirituality and creativity
  7. Personal growth
  8. Brightness of life

Once you've assigned tasks to each of these areas, it's time to take stock and identify the weak points in your life: which area is the busiest? And what - remained without your attention?

Print weekly calendar template

We figured out the calendar for the day. Now we proceed to a closer to the usual version - a calendar for a week. Here you have to distribute all your affairs and tasks for 7 days ahead, so as not to dig into these tasks, but complete everything and get out of the water.

What is important to remember when working with a weekly calendar:

  1. Plan no more than 3 important tasks for 1 day. So, you will always be sure that their implementation is not far off.
  2. Allocate no more than 1 hour for each task. If one of the tasks will still last more than 1 hour, then break it into subtasks so that the duration of each of them does not exceed 60 minutes.
  3. I also recommend leaving free 30 minutes every 3 hours, so that there is time to complete all the cases, if one of them is still delayed.

Thus, your task is to fill your entire 7-day day with business. Another good tip is to keep your free time to yourself. After all, successful people plan not only their working hours, but also after-work rest.

This is how the weekly calendar template looks like:

Want this printable template? Click on the "Download template" button:

Print monthly calendar template

And here is a more familiar calendar template for the month ahead! But you don't need to print it out and hang it on the wall, no. You need to plan each of the upcoming days of the current month. Moreover, plan in such a way that there is also enough time for additional tasks that will definitely appear within a month and in a larger volume than you expect.

When working with a calendar for the month ahead, you will definitely need one of the time management techniques. Here we would recommend working with the Gantt Chart - a tool that will allow you to control the timing and execution of certain tasks. In general, it is a regular graph with sliders of different colors, reflecting the real state of affairs in terms of your success.

Working with planning for a month is much more difficult, as I wrote above. In fact, if you are not sure that you can handle such a volume of tasks, then it is better to give your preference in favor of the daily or weekly plans.

Watch a short video on how to work with the Gantt Chart through the LeaderTask service:

And here is the actual calendar:

Want this printable template? Click on the "Download template" button:

Printable calendar template for 2018

The year has just begun! Its not too late to plan it monthly. It is for such purposes that we have provided a calendar template for 2018, consisting of 12 monthly sheets. But again - no need to hang it on the wall and forget it. It is intended for those readers who really want to achieve more in their professional activities.

Try to paint in the same way as the previous template for each subsequent month of 2018. Of course, you should not count on the fact that you will impeccably follow the plan. It is practically impossible, especially in the current conditions.

However, such a calendar is perfect for those people who are often on the road and on business trips. Write down on the calendar each of your trips during the year and the theme of your visit to a particular city, country (I hope not the planet).

You can print the calendar template for 2018 right now by choosing one of the formats from the links below. But this is not our last piece of advice. In general, we recommend that you read the article to the end to find out how you can save both paper and ink in your printer, and maybe even forget about printouts forever, like a nightmare.

Do you still want to print the calendar template for 2018? An archive of 12 monthly templates is waiting for you here:

The perfect generational change

LeaderTask is a service that allows you to control all your affairs right now and for the year ahead. Scatter all your tasks for the day, week, month and year in advance, and the program itself will remind you of upcoming tasks in time.

In LeaderTask, you can combine all the information about a task in one place, no more long searches for a particular document! We highly recommend using the application for Windows, Android, iOS or Mac, and you can even start without downloading anything - through the Web version. Ready to be more successful? Then click.

By changing the settings of the Calendar 2018 for printing, choose the most convenient format for you, the layout of months, weeks, language, color and list of holidays. Use the drop-down menus to change calendar settings. By pressing the button " Calendar 2018 printable"A new window will open for printing.

Format and layout
Calendar 2018 supports 5 print sizes: A4, A5, A3, Letter and Legal. You can print the calendar in both portrait and landscape orientation.

List of holidays
By default, the list of holidays is printed under Calendar 2018. You can change the location of the list or turn off printing of the list of holidays.

Days of the week
Possible location of the list of weeks on the top or on the right

Calendar cell format
Printing of 6 various formats of blocks of months is supported. Some cells may not display correctly.

Holiday list type
By default, Calendar 2018 prints out a list of public holidays and weekends. Choose any list convenient for you or turn off printing of the list in the "List of holidays" setting.

Week Format
2 formats of the 2018 Calendar weeks are supported: Russian or Western (weeks start on Sunday).

Calendar color
Choose from 10 calendar color layouts

Holidays on the calendar
Using this setting, you can enable or disable the highlighting of holidays in the calendar grid.

Calendar language
Calendar 2018 can be printed in Russian, English, German, Spanish or Italian.

Since our site is dedicated to everything that can be printed, we could not ignore the question of how to print a calendar. On the Internet you can find a lot of materials on this topic, as well as download ready-made calendars, even with an inscription.

However, if you want to create and print your own unique calendar, then this page is for you. Here you can download and print calendar grids in vector format and on a transparent background. We made the calendar grids ourselves, so we placed them directly on our website, without using file hosting. You can download or print calendar grids completely free of charge, without SMS, etc.

Calendar print and download

You can download vertical and horizontal calendar grids in vector format and PNG bitmap format with transparent background. You can overlay a calendar grid on a picture and make an original calendar with your own hands.

Vertical Grid Calendar

Download backgrounds for calendars nature

You can make your own calendar using some pretty image as background. Below you can find several options for background images for calendars on various topics. To view a full-size color image, click on the thumbnail image.

It is not always possible to find a color printer at hand that can boast of clear and bright printing. With black and white calendars it is easier: with a good quality template, the printout is contrasting and well readable from any distance.

Vertical black and white 2019 calendar template

The calendar used a readable sans-serif Arial font. The template is ready to be printed on a standard sheet of writing paper made of or . The calendar grid is in Russian and weeks start on Monday.

Quarterly calendar 2019: black and white

The difference of this calendar is that the calendar grid is divided into quarters and placed on 4 sheets of A4 format. There were no weekends or public holidays. To print, you will need to download the calendar file, and to be able to make changes - .

Horizontal black and white calendar for 2019

If you are used to using a calendar that is placed horizontally on a sheet, then this template for 2019 is for you. It remains only to download