What is the point of serving in the army? Why do men need an army? Why does the state need a strong army?

Answer from Return of the Great Hare[guru]
so that, using the example of chess, the top would feel their power, controlling them like chess. I don’t see any more goals, we need an army of the will of the people, and not one where children shoot at their parents, some for money and some without understanding

Answer from Oksana Klimenko[newbie]
To make men out of boys

Answer from Vovka Sharapov[expert]
In the Army they make Men out of Boys!

Answer from Yoereg???riv??ss[guru]
What if they attack us tomorrow, how can you know... And they serve so that if a war starts, we would be ready for this and would know at least how to shoot a weapon

Answer from Alexander Tsar[expert]
will help a lot. makes smooth ass out of fagots

Answer from Denis Vasev[expert]
so that he is not a green snot, but a courageous, strong man!

Answer from Ioman Bogatov[guru]
you have seen a lot of eyewitnesses))) and do you really think that if there is no war, then soldiers are not needed?)

Answer from Yomanov Alexander[guru]
“Uncle” will defend the Motherland for you. You are a wimp, my dear, not a man.

Answer from Loser[guru]
Army (from Latin armare - to arm) - part of the armed forces of the state; for example, the Red Army and the Red Army, the Soviet Army and the Navy, the invasion army, the active army, the covering army, the expeditionary army

Answer from Sottabych[guru]
so that the children of the poor can take up arms at the right time and defend the interests of the poor....

Answer from MaKsOH[guru]
I think that before there really was an army... But now there is hazing, there is no discipline, etc. Just rubbish
And now the army is only for the tick of our Country, like we are so strong, blah blah. Just for show

Answer from Dmitriy[guru]
So don’t push, but in normal troops the weapon will be pressed across the throat!

Answer from Seawolf[guru]
Russia only needs the Strategic Missile Forces with crews of officers with the rank of no lower than colonel...))

Answer from Victor Santa[guru]
so that everyone who leaves there receives a disability certificate

Answer from 8kostil8[guru]
Now it gives you the ability to peel potatoes and miss sex. They would have done it long ago on a contract basis. Pros should serve in the army, not green youths. What can you master in a year?... It’s just a waste of a year that could have been used to earn money or study. My personal opinion. .
Here they are still talking about courage; you can buy it on the street. If you were a seal in life, then no army can correct you..

Answer from Msu[guru]
We need riot police more.

Answer from Yergey Biryukov[guru]
If you want to live in peace, prepare for war.

Answer from I'm a cat[newbie]
Countries that invest a lot of money in the army are usually militaristic. Their constitution smacks of militarism

XXIV city competition of research works of students and pupils "My first discoveries"

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution of Kudymkar “Child Development Center – Kindergarten No. 17 “Solnyshko”

Completed by: Bratchikov Kim, student of the preparatory group, MBDOU No. 17

Head: Lidiya Leonidovna Fedoseeva, teacher at MBDOU No. 17 Kudymkar - 2015

On February 23, our country will celebrate Defender of the Fatherland Day. Every year on this holiday, girls in kindergarten, sisters, mothers, grandmothers at home congratulate us, they call us defenders, women congratulate men. On TV they talk about the army. They often say about boys - a future defender, if you go to serve in the army, you must be strong and brave. I began to wonder, what is an army anyway, why is it needed and why should it be strong? I think this is a very important question, because even though we are now in peacetime, I know that very close to our country, in Ukraine, there is a war going on, military weapons are being fired and people are dying. What will happen if someone attacks our country?

Goal: learn more about what an army is and why it needs to be strong


Object of study – army

The subject of the study is the importance of the army for our country

Hypothesis: If I learn more about the past and present of our army, I will be able to explain to other children why our country needs a strong army in peacetime and who is now defending it.

Research methods – searching for information on the Internet, conversations, interviews, surveys; collection, analysis and synthesis of information.

Expected results:

– understanding the importance of the army for the country and each of its residents, as well as its role in defending the Motherland.

Increasing parents' interest in developing a sense of patriotism in children.

The novelty and practical significance of my work is that thanks to it, I and my peers will learn how important a strong army is for our country and for each of us, we will be able to prepare for the fact that when we grow up, we will go to serve in the army, because forewarned is forearmed.

1. Main part

1. 1. A little history

“If you want peace, prepare for war” (lat. "Si vis pacem, para bellum" ) - I heard such a strange phrase once and did not understand at all what it meant. Why prepare for war if you want to solve everything peacefully, negotiate, and not fight? And why do we need an army, and a strong one at that, if we don’t have a war in Russia? My parents and I began to look for information about this phrase on the Internet and learned that these words a long time ago, more than two thousand years ago, said one ancient Roman historian named Cornelius Nepos. Roman military writer Flavius ​​Vegetius had similar words in his book "A Brief Summary of Military Affairs" . Here's what he wrote:

“Whoever wants peace, let him prepare for war; whoever wants victory, let him diligently train warriors..." .

It turns out that a strong army will, as it were, scare away enemies - those who want to conquer the country and take possession of its wealth. No one will simply mess with a strong army.

Whatever the times and wars, Russian soldiers always stood up to defend their native land and even if the forces were unequal, they differed from the enemy in their ingenuity and courage. For example, when 700 years ago German knights attacked our country, Russian warriors, who were much outnumbered by the attackers, under the leadership of Prince Alexander Nevsky during the battle pushed the enemy back onto the spring ice of Lake Peipus. The ice could not withstand the knights and horses in heavy armor and they drowned.

Now that there is no war, the military helps civilians in their country, for example, those affected by natural disasters, catastrophes or terrorism. They also provide assistance to other countries. For example, they accompany convoys of humanitarian aid for civilians in Ukraine, where there is currently a war going on.

Russia is a very rich country, we have a large territory, a lot of minerals and other resources, which probably appeal not only to us, but also to someone else in the world. And this someone - some other state - may one day try to seize our lands and wealth. To prevent this from happening, we need a strong army, ready at any moment to repel an enemy attack.

1. 2. Survey of children

Then I thought: “What is an army anyway?” . It turned out that not all the boys from our kindergarten know about this. My mother and I conducted a survey in three groups of our kindergarten and found out that out of the 22 children we asked, 10 did not know what the army was. What is it? To begin with, we decided to visit the library and museum.

1. 3. Visit to the library and museum

Together with teacher Lidia Leonidovna and the children, we went to the children's library. There we were shown a presentation about the branches of the military and given books to look at.

I learned that there are 12 branches of the military in our army: ground forces, reconnaissance and signalmen, air force and naval forces, and others. At the museum we were shown an excerpt from a war film and various items belonging to soldiers. To learn more about the army, I decided to talk to my grandfather. He served in the army, I know.

1. 4. Grandfather’s memories of the army in which he served

My grandfather Sergei Ivanovich Bratchikov said that he served in the army for 2 years from 1978 to 1980. My grandfather was a border guard, he served in a unit in the Far East, near the borders with China and Korea. He said that he studied to be a soldier for six months in a training unit, then he was a border guard and went on patrol so that no one dared to cross our border, and then he was the head of a field communications center. In general, the army, as I understood from my grandfather’s words, is like this: every grown-up boy, when he turns 18 and becomes an adult, must join the army (exception: if you are sick, you don’t have to go). There he learns to be a soldier, so that, if something happens, he will be able to protect his homeland, and therefore his relatives. Military science in the army is studied from books (grandfather says that at one time he learned about 600 pages from various military regulations (these are army rules that you need to know by heart)). Of course, in the army they also train - they march, do exercises, conduct exercises, as if there was a real battle going on, in order to learn how to behave correctly and win. There, for example, when you wake up, you have to get dressed while the match is burning. Discipline in the army is strict: you have to get up and go to bed on time, always wear a neat uniform and strictly follow all the orders of your commanders. There is no way you can do without this in the army - otherwise everyone will get confused and run away during the attack, and the war will be lost and the country will be conquered. Yes, soldiers study and train a lot, it’s not for nothing that they say that boys go into the army and men return. Grandfather says that a strong army is needed so that no one can capture us and take away our land.

1. 5. Visiting the military commissar

To learn more about the army, my mother and I went to the main military man in Kudymkar. This is the military commissar - Andrei Vasilyevich Rychkov. I asked him questions about the army. He said that our army - the Russian Armed Forces - is a large and complex structure in which there are a lot of soldiers and commanders, and the main commander is the President of Russia. For an army to be strong, you need a lot of weapons, resources, knowledge, and most importantly, reliable people. There are many different weapons in the army, and you need to be able to control them. And soldiers must be able to manage. The army has its secrets - and you need to be able to keep them. Military affairs is a whole science - and you need to know it if you want to defeat the enemy in the event of an attack.

I learned that they only serve in the army for one year now, but you can choose military affairs as your profession. And serving the Motherland will become the real work of life. Serving in the army is not an easy task, but it is honorable. The Russian soldier is famous for the strength of his spirit.

Serving in the army is the duty of every young man. Defender of the homeland - that sounds proud. Only a healthy, brave, strong person, a reliable comrade who is not afraid of difficulties, can be a true defender.

Mom and I conducted another survey in the kindergarten after we talked a little about the army. Of the 22 guys, 13 said they wanted to join the army. And in order to serve, you need to develop the best masculine qualities in yourself - courage, strength, endurance, ingenuity, mutual assistance, and for this you need to play sports and take care of your health now. After all, the real defense of the Motherland begins small.


After studying this topic, I realized that a strong army is needed so that our country will always be free. So that we can decide for ourselves how to live. And our strong army can stand up for a weak country that is being attacked and cannot cope with the enemy. In peacetime, the military participates in eliminating the consequences of natural disasters and catastrophes. In general, our army is a protector. It exists in order to repel the enemy's blow in the event of an attack, but does not attack itself. I wanted to learn even more about the past and present of our army and its exploits, and tell the guys from our group about it, and then they, like me, would want to serve in the army and defend their country when they grow up.

Sources used

  1. A. Barto "At the Outpost"
  2. A. Mityaeva “Why is the army dear to everyone?”
  3. A. Usachev, source http
  4. 3. Alexandrova "Watch"
  5. L.A. Kondrykinskaya: For preschoolers about the defenders of the Fatherland. Methodological manual on patriotic education in preschool educational institutions

Future defender

Every boy can become a soldier
Fly across the sky, sail across the sea,
Guard the border with a machine gun,
To protect your homeland.

But first on the football field
He will protect the gate with himself.
And for a friend in the yard and school
He will face an unequal, difficult battle.

Don't let other people's dogs near the kitten -
More difficult than playing war.
If you didn't protect your little sister,
How will you protect your country?

Entertainment for Defenders of the Fatherland Day

February 23 is Defender of the Fatherland Day. Once called the Day of the Soviet Army, now this holiday has acquired a completely majestic sound. It's worth thinking about. A Defender of the Fatherland is a person without whom his (our) country may simply not exist. The Defender of the Fatherland is the protector of that little kid who is now playing in the snow, that pretty, happily smiling girl with flowers in her hands, that elderly couple who is so touchingly walking arm in arm along the park alley. Defender of the Fatherland is the defender of our cities, villages, streets, houses.

The Fatherland needs a Defender not only in case of war - he is no less needed to prevent war from happening, because he exists, he is smart, strong and courageous, he knows and can do a lot - so is it worth attacking what what is dear to him?

How to become a real defender of the Fatherland? We asked people about this, who answered this question based on personal experience.

Archpriest Alexander Dubasov, vice-rector for educational work at the Yekaterinburg Theological Seminary, father of five children. He served in the army as part of the contingent of Soviet troops in Germany (Air Force, flight support service, 80s).

– Provides an opportunity to go through a school of developing courage, honesty, honor, overcoming difficulties, educating oneself in difficult conditions of restrictions and deprivations. Today we have no cold, hunger, devastation, or war. But becoming a person, especially a man, should not be completely without difficulties. Many people are tempted to spend the time they need to devote to service for some benefit - to study, to get settled in life. But all this is incomparable to the benefits that a young man will receive during a year of service.

– How do you advise preparing for army service?

– External training consists of physical education. The length of service in the army is now short, only a year, so there is no time to build up, you have to come already prepared. It happened in my life that while I was in grades 9-10, the boys and I constantly practiced on the horizontal bars. Therefore, I came to the army well prepared in this sense; for me, the army standards did not present any difficulties. Therefore, I would recommend such physical exercises as running and exercises on the horizontal bar.

Internally, we must remember that everything that is given to a person in life is given for his benefit. Therefore, it is wrong to look for an easier place, to evade, to be lazy. You just need to serve, honestly fulfill your assigned duties. You need to treat your superiors with respect. To old-timers - also with respect, but not with servility. A believer who goes into the army must remember that they are praying for him, that it would be good for him to make some effort towards this. Today it is probably not so difficult. Maybe not from the first day, but you need to find an opportunity to go to church and pray.

– What would you tell the parents of new recruits?

– Remember that this is service to the Fatherland, the Motherland, that this service is necessary. In addition, such conditions cannot be created at home for the development of male character. A young man will soon have to become the head of a family, bear responsibility, raise children, and military service is a school that prepares him well for this.

Oleg Olegovich Savin, head of the children's Sunday school of the Church of St. Vmch. Panteleimon, father of two children. In 1991 he graduated from the Simferopol Higher Military-Political Construction School. Geography of military service - Far East, Tula region, Yekaterinburg. Since 2008 – retired lieutenant colonel.

– Why do you need military service?

– Firstly, this is a good school of life. When a young man leaves his family to serve in the army, he acquires independence, patience, endurance, and even humility to some extent. This gives good skills for further independent life and for starting a family.

– And if a guy for some reason does not go into the army, he cannot acquire these skills without it?

“You can’t say that only in the army can you become a real person, a real man.” But the army, especially in our time, is an institution that allows you to perfectly acquire these qualities necessary for life, develop the ability to make decisions, and behave correctly under stressful conditions. It is very important for a man to be able to make decisions and bear responsibility for them.

Now, in my opinion, the authority of the army by the media has dropped “below the plinth.” Nowadays, young people are afraid of the army, because the media has made it a monster that only maims and kills. But the army is a mirror of the people.

If there is a place for violence, bribery, hazing in society, then in the army all this manifests itself in an aggravated form. And, naturally, young people are afraid of this. Of course, there are excesses, but these are isolated cases, and this has always been the case. Now it has been inflated - supposedly, it is everywhere. No, this is not everywhere, the entire army cannot be bad.

– How should a young man prepare himself for the new conditions of military service?

– I believe that you need to prepare both physically and mentally from school. Because there is no such thing as easy service, because any work is work, and work involves putting in effort, overcoming some kind of load. In the same way, the army for a young man is hard work, it is a duty to the Motherland, to his loved ones. After all, he not only serves for the state, he also serves for his relatives.

A soldier needs to be able to endure heavy loads, endure hunger and thirst. If a person is not physically ready for this, and cannot complete some task in the army, then in real combat conditions he faces death. If a person is not ready for service, either physically or mentally, it will be extremely difficult for him.

– What would you like to say to parents who are turning their children against military service?

“Our mothers and fathers are trying with all their might to protect their children from serving in the army. But they forget that if we do not want to serve and feed our army, then others will simply come and conquer us, and then we will have to feed foreign soldiers and serve in a foreign army of a foreign country. If we do not pay due attention to our army, then we as a state are worthless.

Priest Vladimir Pervushin, head of the Orthodox Service for Helping the Homeless, father of four children. Served in the airborne troops in 1994-1996. The geography of the service is from Omsk to the Moscow District.

– What does the army give to a young man?

“Just as repentance makes a person different, so the army promotes repentance, although you don’t understand this during service.” The person does not realize this, he feels bad, it is difficult, it is difficult, there is a great temptation to avoid service. Only years later does a different understanding come, if, of course, a person has made some conclusions and appreciated the gift that the Lord gave him. Drawing conclusions, now, if I returned back, I would serve differently, more seriously, and treat service as a sacred duty. Apparently, some kind of maturity was missing, and he served anyhow.

– Does everyone need to serve in the army?

– Yes, because a man is, first of all, a defender of his city, his Fatherland. Reading the Holy Scriptures, you can see that it is not women who swing the sword, they are not the ones who “carry the sword on the hip.” And to be a defender, you need to be able to defend, be able to use weapons - and where can you learn this, except in the army?

– What would you advise the guys on how to prepare internally and externally?

– One of the most important aspects is to prepare for physical fitness, not only in terms of muscle development, but also in terms of handling weapons, especially since there are now many different military-patriotic clubs where you can do this. Most modern children know weapons only as toy, plastic ones, and do not understand the simple thing that you cannot point a weapon - even a toy weapon, even when joking or playing - towards a person. Because guns need to be taken seriously. If a poker shoots once a year, then what can we say about weapons? If a boy has only seen toys since childhood and has not developed a real idea of ​​weapons, how will he then pick them up? Like something unknown. It may happen that after just six months of service he will be assigned to perform combat missions, where he will risk his life. And he remained just like a boy with a plastic pistol. You should at least shoot with a pneumatic gun.

On the other hand, a person must prepare himself spiritually. There must be a spiritual basis. I’m talking about the Orthodox, but it will be difficult for the godless, because a warrior without a spiritual basis is just a killer. After the Great Patriotic War, there was no such thing as “Great Patriotic War syndrome,” but there is a syndrome of the Afghan and Chechen wars. And this is for the simple reason that people who participated in the Great Patriotic War were still brought up on Orthodox values. Therefore, they survived spiritually and were not spiritually damaged. Because it is a truly terrible sacrifice when you are forced to commit a sin - to kill other people. But you do this for the sake of your neighbors and the Fatherland. You need to be prepared for this feat. You need to perceive such a violent feat as a cross that the Lord gives you. If you go to serve in the army with such an attitude, then our army will be a holy army, as it has always been since the time of the holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Prince Vladimir.

– What would you say to those parents who do not want to let their children serve?

– Look at the Mother of God, at Her icon, at that Baby Whom She holds in Her hands. From the very beginning, She knew what would happen to Her Son, and all her life She carried this pain in her heart and raised Him. Our Orthodox mothers need to remember this. You won’t be able to keep your son near your skirt all your life. What will he grow up to be if he doesn't become a man? An egoist and an alcoholic will grow up who does not know what sacrifice is, who does not know such a thing as “laying down one’s life for one’s friends,” which should be natural for an Orthodox warrior, for a man.

Vladimir Kolesnikov, 28 years old. Works in the field of communications construction. He served in the army in 2008 in the signal troops. Geography of service - Moscow region.

-Are you preparing for military service?

“When I received a summons from the military registration and enlistment office, I was afraid of the service and turned away. A few years later, I began to become a church member, and one experienced priest advised me to go serve. So, without unnecessary worries and preparation, having received a blessing, I left to serve in the army. When I got into the unit, it was very difficult at first. And so I call this priest and say: “Father, I feel bad here, I hope for your prayers.” And he answers me: “Trust in God...” And, in general, in the army there is definitely no one else to rely on, only God.

– How did your loved ones react to this decision?

“They didn’t understand why I needed this.” But now I can answer why. Firstly, military service is the duty of every healthy man. The army develops courage, self-confidence, and the understanding that you are capable of doing more than you think. The army is a constant overcoming of yourself, your weaknesses and your fears, and when you return home, you realize that you have become stronger, you have become a better person.

Secondly, it was in the army that I realized how dependent my attitude towards my loved ones was. I realized how dear they are to me and what they mean to me. My loved ones came to me from many kilometers away and were very supportive during the first, most difficult period.

– What, first of all, helps you cope with the difficulties that arise during your service?

– Faith in God, patience and a sense of humor helped. Of course, anything can happen, but this does not mean that you always need to throw your fists into defense, you need to endure it, wait it out. At the same time, there are times when you need to stand up for yourself. It's a kind of science. In the army, as in civilian life, you need to try to be a decent person, not betray your comrades, and sacrifice your interests for the good of your friends. This is appreciated everywhere.

In the army, you should not boast, no matter how old you are, what education you have, or how much money you have. This was all left at home. And here everyone is equal. Therefore, you need to force yourself, calmly carry out all your duties, endure and move forward gradually. Of course, it's not easy.

– Your wish to young people of military age.

– First of all, you should never be afraid of anything. For the most part, what they say about the army, how hard and bad it is there, is an exaggeration. There is more order in the army than on the city streets.

A person will never regret that he fulfilled his duty. He will remember this all his life. Military service is an invaluable experience in communicating with people. This will help and inspire a person to new achievements. And the last day in the army is the biggest holiday that has happened in my entire life. But a little sad because of parting with his comrades. No matter how hard it is in the army, there are always many moments that you later remember with a smile.

Igor Vladimirovich Pyzhyanov, master of sports, 12-time absolute champion of the Urals in arm wrestling, prize-winner of Russian championships, head of the Sports and Patriotic Department of the Ekaterinburg Diocese. He served in the army as part of a group of Soviet troops in Czechoslovakia (missile forces, 1988-1990)

– What does serving in the army give a young man?

– He studies in practice those simple truths that in theory, perhaps, did not reach him before. In the army, a soldier must endure and not complain. You can’t steal, you can’t eat something “on the sly” - otherwise you’ll degrade. No matter what difficulties you experience, be patient! When you endure all this, learn to solve your problems, then in your future life outside the army you will have an order of magnitude fewer of them (in the family, at work, and in everyday life), difficulties will no longer break you.

But first you need to humble yourself, that is, demonstrate one of the Christian virtues. If a young man does not have humility, then the army is the best way to acquire it, as well as patience, meekness, and love.

– How can young people prepare for military service?

– Firstly, a system is needed to prepare a young man for the army. Moreover, he must think through the system for himself in high school and methodically implement it with the help of adults. For example, if a young man is physically undeveloped, then he needs to enroll in a boxing, wrestling or martial arts section. Even if you don’t achieve Olympic results, in the army you will be able to protect yourself and others, fight back aggression, and then teach this to recruits.

In an agricultural country, young people from childhood plowed, mowed, knew how to ride horses and fight, that is, they were physically developed. Today a young man is sitting at the computer or lying on the sofa. Not only his body, but also his brain is relaxed. We can say that he is not only unsuited to the army, but also to life in general. A young man must understand that his father and mother are not eternal, they cannot feed and care for him for life. After all, the time will come when he will have to take care of himself, and even about his family. You need to start taking care of yourself not at the age of forty, after the first heart attack, but in adolescence.

Secondly, you need to join the army with your first draft. And this is not only because a person must fulfill his duty. When a young man runs away from the army for several years, and then he is finally found, he ends up in a team where the grandfathers are younger than him. In such a situation it is much more difficult to serve. Therefore, if you turn 18, go immediately to serve.

– You started talking about a “sore” topic – hazing...

“Today people are intimidated by media reports about hazing in the army, and it seems that the entire army is “so scary.” Mothers are afraid to let their sons serve, and sons are hiding from military registration and enlistment offices. In the army, in which I myself served in the early 90s, there was terrible hazing, but I am still convinced that it is possible and necessary to serve and survive hazing. Where men are gathered in one place, where they are next to each other around the clock, there will always be bruises and scars, because such is the fallen nature of man.

And the fear of hazing... It seems that in the army the masters of sports are afraid of the little boy - and why? Because he is a grandfather. But isn’t he similar to the famous hero of Chukovsky’s fairy tale “The Cockroach”, who intimidated all the hippos and elephants? And run from the army because you are afraid of this cockroach?

Who are the grandfathers? These are young people who have served half their sentence; these are former conscripts who were also afraid or did not want to join the army. But they came there, suffered bullying from the old-timers and became grandfathers themselves. It turns out that the experience of violence is passed on from generation to generation, and a kind of continuity arises.

When did this experience of violence begin? From books, articles, and memoirs, we know that hazing was an extremely rare occurrence in the tsarist army; a different system of relationships was built there between old-timers and recruits. When a young man joined the army, an old-timer taught him military affairs, the life of a soldier, and how to build relationships with colleagues. In addition, we must remember that people were predominantly Orthodox by upbringing, therefore, they were aware of responsibility for each other before God. It was a good educational system that conveyed the experience of survival.

But in the 20-30s of the 20th century, people with a camp, convict past came to power. This power forms a team and transfers to it its own camp system of values ​​and norms of behavior. The army is changing: the previous officers have been destroyed or are in exile; the army is called upon not so much to defend the Motherland as to suppress internal discontent, destroy dissenters, and so on. This is how the experience of violence was introduced into the army and is passed on to this day.

And anyone can stop it, who, having become a grandfather, will not continue it, but will try to teach something to the young. I have a friend who remembers his service in the army this way: when he became a grandfather, he gathered young people and warned them that he would not beat or mock them. But they must adhere to the principle “do as I do!” And every morning he ran 10 km in full uniform, after that he went to the crossbar and did pull-ups 40 times. And they, willy-nilly, also had to do this.

Good hazing is needed. I am convinced of this. After all, it is known that the best plant director is the one who started as a simple mechanic, who knows working life from the inside and in every detail, who feels responsible for the workers, since he himself was one. Such a director or shop manager can really help solve some problems of workers. But first, you need to rise to the rank of shop manager or director by working honestly as a mechanic.

It’s the same in the army: when a young man begins to serve, he needs to show obedience and patience, otherwise he will not learn anything, will be useless, and even get injured. Who will help him adapt to new living conditions and master the art of war? Only an old-timer. But for this to happen, hazing in the army must be healthy.

The survey was prepared by Evgeny Alabushev, Oleg Vasyunin,
Svetlana Kislova, Ksenia Kabanova

I admit, I didn’t even think about the need to touch on this topic, because quite simple truths were explained to us back in school, and even now, in science classes, children are explained quite clearly and understandably why an army is needed and why it is maintained. But some comments to my completely harmless post - a photo of a toy soldier from the series “Polite People”, prompted me to the fact that a science lesson still needs to be taught.

It seems to me that it’s worth starting here with the question: “What is war and what are its goals?”

There are many encyclopedic definitions of this term, but one thing unites them - war acts as a means of imposing one’s will on an opponent by force, as a result of which it forces him to renounce freedom, the rights to any property, his ideology, etc.

It turns out that war inevitably needs to be viewed from both economic and political points of view. After all, the global economy presupposes an inevitable increase in competition between countries, which means that in the end the winner is the one who has large natural resources and sales markets.

If we project the above onto Russia, it turns out that today our country is extremely inconvenient for the entire West. Why?

The government has absolutely no intention of transferring natural resources to Western transnational corporations, contrary to the path of turning our country into a colony and a raw material appendage of the West, which was laid out by would-be reformers since perestroika and the 90s. Russia is not the countries of Africa and the Middle East, dancing to the tune of an overseas master. In recent years, our country has begun to actively and firmly defend its position.

We will not give up our Arctic, a shelf rich in natural resources, to anyone. Where else will there be oil and gas, and where will there be a lot of it, when it is quite obvious that the resources of the Persian Gulf countries and the continental fields of Europe and America will dry up in the coming decades? About 90% of the entire area of ​​the Russian Arctic shelf falls on promising oil and gas bearing areas. In addition, according to various estimates, the shelf contains up to 80% of Russia's potential hydrocarbon reserves, which means that the extraction of oil and other valuable natural resources on the Arctic shelf is only a matter of time. I am already silent about fresh water reserves, forests, potential fertile lands, etc.

The country's loose screws are gradually being tightened. Mass theft from the Russian budget, essentially legalized by the liberals of the 90s, no longer exists. But that is precisely why Europe fidgeted at that moment. Gas now has to be purchased without the use of fraud. The government is committed to supporting domestic producers. Yes, this issue is not all smooth sailing. I myself have a lot of questions for some particularly outstanding “managers” in the government. But, nevertheless, it should be recognized that the country’s food market is no longer a huge trash bin of the 90s, where imported manufacturers and sellers from all over the world dumped low-quality goods.

There are no American military bases on Russian territory and, in addition, the country has actively begun to oppose the expansion of American bases in our neighboring territories.

All the loans that thoughtless liberals grabbed from the IMF were repaid. Now we are not dependent on the bondage of this “fund” and, accordingly, its “recommendations” to the country are not a decree. Financial policy has become more independent than before.

It turns out that Russia has ceased to be a convenient country for competitors: it has continued its nuclear development program; resuscitates the fleet; strives to develop its own production and agriculture, rather than rely on trade in resources alone; big business is no longer uncontrolled, and the state’s share in it has increased significantly.

But in the 90s we were a comfortable country. Everyone shook hands with the “government” of that time, but not their own people. Now the situation is reversed. Do you feel the difference? The country suddenly turned away from the path towards slavery and immediately voices from without began to cry out in unison with a handful of traitors within the country. Immediately, the West is making attempts to carry out a revolution in Russia in order to once again bring their protégés to power. But the Tunisian scenario did not work out for us, and we are too well armed for the Syrian scenario, and the Libyan picture is not about us at all.

Supporters of the idea that we do not need an army, that it is a waste of money and we need to develop agriculture and production first of all, argue that after 1945 Japan was deprived of the opportunity to have its own army and nothing - it survived and even rose economically... .

Have you forgotten that the same States first lent Japan for 100 years in advance, squeezed all the juice out of it, became the sole maritime master of the Asia-Pacific region right up to the Philippines, and then gave it the opportunity to engage in its own production? From a kind heart, did they let you set up production? No, because you have to repay the loans in full. And who is Japan now? That's right, just a puppet in the hands of the United States.

I say that a strong Russian army is simply necessary. And immediately I get the answer: “Where is our strong army? Are scandals with defense procurement, etc. not enough for you?”

I absolutely do not consider all these scandals and high-profile cases of corruption in the defense industry as a continuation of the cutting and collapse of our country. If they continued to fall apart, we would all sit as before and not realize that the defense industry has been rotting like this for decades. But the abscess was opened, which means that the country’s leadership has firmly taken charge of our army and defense industry.

The same is true in science. For decades, Russian “science”, accustomed to theft and cutting, suddenly suddenly indulges in criticism, and numerous complaints from scientists and people about the situation in the Russian Academy of Sciences and not only become publicly heard. After all, if we were to continue to derail everything, then we would continue to remain silent, as we have been silent since the 90s.

Recently, President Putin allocated about 23 trillion rubles for the development of the defense industry, of which 20 trillion will go to the development of the armed forces, and the remaining 3 trillion to the development of the defense industry. The amount by today's standards is comparable to the expenses of the USSR. I really hope that this money will be extremely strictly controlled, and that its spending will bring positive results.

Again I hear the phrase: “It would be better if this money was allocated to agriculture...” I will answer with the words of Napoleon: “A people who do not want to feed their army will soon be forced to feed someone else’s.” If it is not clear why Napoleon spoke this way, then re-read what I said above again.

In addition, even after 23 trillion injections into the army and our military budget has increased 10 times since 2000, Russia continues to remain the seventh country in the world in terms of arms spending. And the United States continues to be the leader. It’s strange, but no one blames the US authorities for such wastefulness, even against the backdrop of the fact that the US public debt exceeds 100% of GDP. An extremely interesting picture, isn’t it? Especially against the backdrop of American attempts to say that Russia spends too much on weapons, this looks simply ridiculous. And it’s even more surprising that in our country there are smart, funny people who criticize the Russian Government for funding the army...

Why were we denied Mistrals? The fact is that we really don’t need the helicopter carriers themselves at all, that’s true. But together with the helicopter carriers, we were supposed to receive from the French the NATO Zenith-9 system and all the licenses and technologies attached to it. The study of this combat information and control system by our scientists and military would allow our air defense to become even more advanced and accurate. This is the simple answer. And not at all Ukraine with its situation and Poroshenko. Why did the NATO countries prevent the sale of technology and ships, since the army does not decide anything?

The emphasis in the development of the Russian army and defense industry as a whole today is precisely on air defense systems and aviation for absolutely understandable reasons - protection from a potential external aggressor.

If there is complete protection, there will be an opportunity to invest in agriculture and everything else. Investing in agriculture without an army means one thing - the same wheat will not grow for us. Or do you want to have a developed agriculture, but one that feeds other people's mouths?

Any country needs a strong army, first of all, to defend its peaceful position, to preserve the competitive advantages that we have, to calmly create, and not lose at one moment everything that we strived for and created.

In conclusion, I would like to remind you of some facts about the Battle of Borodino. Only Kutuzov’s timely reinforcement of Bagration’s army did not allow the French to realize their plan. And Mikhail Illarionovich himself said: “Even with the loss of Moscow, Russia is not yet lost, but with the loss of the army, Russia is lost.”

It is no secret to many that in the modern world young people are wary of serving in the Armed Forces, and all this is due to the fact that they do not know what does the army give. The reasons for this, in principle, are known: in the present, the army has lost its former prestige, the collective lives according to concepts, and what is the cost of “hazing”, which is talked about so much. Now, service in the Armed Forces is intended to frighten careless students who are steadily threatened with expulsion from the university. And you know, it works. Not always, of course, but most of them “come to their senses” so as not to end up in the barracks and not to trample the “combatants” on the parade ground.

What will the army give you personally?

This is a dubious advantage of the existence of the army as such. True, the true goal of military training is completely different: general military service is a necessary thing, otherwise who will protect the elderly, women, children and the borders of our vast Motherland? A man who is unable to protect his family, relatives and friends is not a man. But keep in mind that many young men are skeptical about this state of affairs: “If I have to, then I will defend my family to the last drop of blood, with a machine gun in my hands, and I don’t need any army for this!” - they answer.

Loud words!

It is difficult to comment on such a loud statement. We are adults and understand perfectly well that such “heroism” is only for the time being. Agree, it is difficult to perform one of Bach’s symphonies, simply, without knowing the musical notation. So it is here. There are very few young people who have ever held a machine gun in their hands, not to mention those who can use it to hit a target right on target. True, this medal also has a downside: not everyone who served had the opportunity to shoot from an AKM, jump with a parachute, or study in practice the performance characteristics of military equipment - some had to dig, paint and carry. Well, this is the harsh reality, the so-called side effect in this process, which is the turning point that turns a boy into a man and educating his character. The following problem arises: few young men are interested in such a transformation.

Is an army needed at all?

Why then do they go there at all? Interesting fact: conscripts are usually divided into three categories. The minority of them are those who went to serve of their own free will, a slightly larger part are those who could not hide from the “persistent” military commissar, the rest came for the sake of a red book - a military ID. After all, without such a ticket it’s difficult to even get a job, let alone start a family and live in peace. There are, of course, exceptions, but they only confirm the rule.

The state is trying to get new “recruits” using dubious methods: they force them to voluntarily surrender to the “uncle in uniform”, driving them into a corner and leaving no other chances. What kind of prestige can we talk about? The conscript simply does not understand What to him will give service in army, except for lost time, a stamp in the passport and the opportunity to calmly, without looking back, walk next to the military registration and enlistment office building. Although, there are still some advantages: for example, in many universities in the country, an applicant who has completed military service is included in the university lists without competition. Of course, this is all theory; in practice, few people need this, since the majority of those demobilized, upon returning home, begin to look for work and live “like adults.”

But there is something that the army gives without any benefits or legislation - invaluable life experience, male character and the ability to overcome difficulties. The character of each soldier is tempered like steel, and no matter by what methods: be it everyday physical activity or relationships in a team. As a result, each fighter will notice something new for himself; he will come to realize what was previously beyond understanding. You know what, this experience is priceless.