Which mattress to choose for a child of 3 years. What to look for when buying a baby mattress

Every parent wants their child to grow up healthy and happy, boast perfect posture and avoid common spinal problems. To do this, it is very important to provide the baby with excellent sleeping conditions and choose the right children's mattresses.

For newborns

A mattress for a newborn should be firm, even, hypoallergenic and hygienic, non-absorbent, easy to clean and dry, ready for children's surprises. In the first years of life, the child's spine is weak, does not have natural curves. A soft bed interferes with the proper formation of bones and muscles, moreover, it can limit the flow of air if the baby rolls over on his stomach.
The unique BabyKeeper mattresses have been specially developed for the little ones. In Europe, they are recognized as medical products, that is, they have therapeutic and prophylactic properties and protect the respiratory tract. BabyKeeper mattresses are easy to clean and have optimal firmness.

Other, more affordable options are springless mattresses made of coconut coir (hard) or polyurethane foam (softer). These are hygienic, hypoallergenic models that give the necessary support to the spine of the newborn.

For children under 3 years old

On a hard mattress, a child should sleep at least up to 1.5–2 years. If, upon reaching this age, the baby began to fall asleep worse or be capricious, you can choose a slightly softer option - medium-hard. But still the surface should be flat. A great way to save money and take care of your child's health is to buy a universal children's mattress with two sides of rigidity made of coconut coir and natural latex or polyurethane foam. On the hard side, a newborn can sleep up to 1.5–2 years, and then it will be enough to turn the mattress over with the softer side up.

For children 3-7 years old

As the child grows, his needs for comfort, as well as movement, active games grow. It is better to buy a children's mattress ready for non-standard loads. For example, spring models will perfectly support the spine and at the same time become the baby's favorite trampoline. You won’t be able to jump so much fun on a springless mattress, but from an orthopedic point of view, it will do just as well. In any case, the mattress should be thin (7-10 cm), medium-hard.

For children 7-12 years old

Children 7-12 years old need a medium firm mattress 10-14 cm thick. Springless models made of polyurethane foam or natural latex are perfect. It will be no less comfortable on a high-quality anatomical mattress with independent springs. But cheap models based on the Bonnel spring block will have to be left in the past. Under the influence of the increased weight of the child, the springs will sag, affecting the neighboring ones and creating a “hammock” effect.

For teenagers over 12 years old

Adolescents spend a lot of time at the computer, sit for a long time studying, are more prone to scoliosis and other curvatures. Therefore, a mattress for a child over 12 years old should allow you to relax the spine as much as possible. An excellent option is springless models made of polyurethane foam of medium hardness with a thickness of more than 14 cm. Among spring mattresses, it is worth giving preference to blocks with independent springs that are not connected to each other, more accurately adjust to the shape and curves of the teenager's body. Children over 12 years old can also choose a suitable quality mattress from the collections for adults.

Mattress size and bed linen

The size of the mattress is chosen according to the size of the bed. To find out the required numbers, you need to measure the length and width along the inside of the sides with a tape measure. It is important that the mattress does not dangle (otherwise the baby may fall into the gaps with his hand or foot) in the box and at the same time not be deformed.
The right mattress will perfectly complement children's bedding made of high-quality natural 100% cotton. A bright drawing depicting favorite characters and reflecting the tastes of the child will attract his attention, make the bed original and unique.
A high-quality children's mattress and bed linen are important components of caring for the spine and general health of the child.

Which mattress to choose for a child from 3 years old is a rather urgent question. The development of the baby's spine begins in the womb. From the moment of birth, creating favorable conditions for its further formation is the task of parents. A crooked spine and bad posture are illnesses that often come from childhood. There are many reasons for the development of these diseases, and one of them is an incorrectly selected mattress. A huge range of products and offers sometimes leads to confusion and confusion. But everything is not so difficult. It is enough to know a few important nuances.

From the moment of birth, creating favorable conditions for the health of the child is the task of parents.

Which mattress is best for a child

For an adult, a healthy person, 8-9 hours a day is enough for sleep. For children, this figure is higher. Recent research has led to the following daily sleep guidelines:

  • Preschoolers (3-5 years old) - 10-13 hours
  • Junior and middle school age (6-12 years old) - 9-12 hours
  • Teenagers - 8-10 hours
  • High school students - 8-9 hours ("adult norm" of sleep)

For an adult, 8-9 hours a day is enough for sleep, for children this figure is higher.

Considering how much time a child has to spend sleeping, the question of getting the “right” mattress is important. Sleeping on an uncomfortable surface interferes with full muscle relaxation, disrupts blood circulation in the neck and causes the spine to take on unnatural curves. All this, as a result, leads to violations of the development of the musculoskeletal system.

Sleeping on an uncomfortable mattress, as a result, leads to developmental disorders of the musculoskeletal system.

A lot has been written about hard mattresses for babies aged 0 to 3. The anatomical properties of the mattress for babies are useless. The cartilaginous spine of newborns requires orthopedic support in the form of rigid, with a layer of soft surface coating.

The cartilaginous spine of newborns requires orthopedic support in the form of rigid, with a layer of soft surface coating.

The S-shaped bend of the spinal column completes its formation by the age of three. The cervical bend (up to 7 years) and the lumbar region (up to 12 years) continue to form. Actively developing internal organs, muscles and bones begin to add mass to the body. The hard surface now becomes uncomfortable. Very soft - also unacceptable. Medium-rigid, low product - an excellent combination of anatomy and orthopedic effect.

Medium-rigid, low product - an excellent combination of anatomy and orthopedic effect.

Anatomy - the ability of the mattress to take the shape of the body (as accurately as possible). Orthopedic effect - along with the presence of anatomy, the ability of the product to provide support to the spinal column (helping it stay straight).

Fortunately, today the risk of acquiring the “wrong” mattress at specialized points is small. Nevertheless, the question of how to choose a mattress for a child should be approached carefully, taking into account the following points:

  • filler material
  • The degree of rigidity of the sleeping surface
  • Mattress size
  • Coating material
  • Availability of a quality certificate

Check for a quality certificate.

Spring or springless options for a child?

Children's mattresses are divided into 2 categories:

Spring group.

It is based on a high-strength steel spring block.

  • At the heart of the classic Bonnel block is a system of dependent (fastened together) springs.
  • At the heart of the improved "Pocket Spring" block is a system of independent springs, where each individual spring is enclosed in an individual case. Independent elements act pointwise, autonomously bending with body parts.

In both versions ("Bonnel" and "Pocket Spring"), the spring block is covered with a layer (or several) of filler from above and below.

The spring block is covered with a layer (or several) of filler from above and below.

It cannot be unequivocally said that the spring group is unacceptable for children aged 3+. Modern, branded mattresses in this category are quite elastic and are of good quality. However, some nuances can still be classified as unacceptable or simply impractical. Eg:

  • Models with a layer of filler (on top of the block) made of foam rubber and cotton wool are not recommended. They have insufficient rigidity, tend to accumulate and retain moisture. Vata, among other things, tends to "roll" and lose shape.
  • Children aged 3-5 years are very mobile and active. During this period of life, the temptation to use the mattress as a trampoline is very great. Models like "Bonnel" are great for jumping. But how long the product will withstand such a load without losing quality characteristics will directly depend on the quality of the spring block and the temperament of the child. Springless models in this respect are the undisputed leaders.
  • The “Bonnel” type variant, due to the dependent system of connecting elements, creates a wave effect when rotated. Poor-quality models may well turn out to be a “hammock” that bends the spine and creates disturbing noise.
  • The space inside the springs is a "double-edged sword": on the one hand, it allows the product to "breathe", on the other hand, it contributes to the accumulation of dust (over time).
  • Before adolescence, a model with an independent block ("Pocket Spring"), in most cases, will not be able to fulfill its intended purpose - due to the low weight of the child. So, it will be useless and will create a feeling of a hard, not comfortable surface.

Some nuances of spring models can still be classified as unacceptable or simply impractical.

There are no spring options in the line of the age category 0-3!

Springless Models

Springless models can be monoblock or multilayer options. Mattresses with natural and artificial fillers are on sale. From the main ones:

  • Latex (natural and synthetic)
  • Coconut fiber (coir)
  • PPU (polyurethane foam)
  • Memory materials
  • holofiber

Mattresses with natural and artificial fillers are on sale.

Less commonly: cotton wool, foam rubber, seaweed, buckwheat husks, sisal, flax fibers, abaca (manila hemp) and others. The springless model is a win-win. Some benefits:

  • No dust is collected in the interior;
  • There is no risk when turning to feel the effect of the "wave";
  • There is no "hammock" effect;
  • Wear resistance - not damaged by jumping;
  • Latex models (natural) are the most durable and in all respects - the ideal solution for children (the characteristic does not apply to those who are allergic to latex).

Latex models (natural) are the most durable and in all respects - the ideal solution for children (the characteristic does not apply to those who are allergic to latex).

But there are several nuances:

  • In some children, natural ingredients (coconut fiber, latex, and others) can provoke allergic reactions;
  • Conventional foam and cotton options are unacceptable.

Orthopedic mattresses for children

“Informed” modern parents are increasingly asking the question: does a child need a special, orthopedic mattress? The question is dictated by care and concern for the well-being of the son or daughter. Therefore, there is a need to touch it.

Modern parents are increasingly asking the question: does a child need an orthopedic mattress.

In a narrow sense, the term "orthopedic" refers exclusively to professional medical devices. This certificate today has 2 factories - "Ascona" and "Toris". If a child has real problems (disturbances) in the formation or operation of the musculoskeletal system, a professional orthopedic mattress can be recommended to him.

If a child has real disorders in the formation or functioning of the musculoskeletal system, a professional orthopedic mattress may be recommended to him.

In all other cases, the term "orthopedic", found in the catalogs of finished products, is simply borrowed from the medical dictionary. But that's no reason to worry. Fortunately, the days of downy feather beds and wadded mattresses have sunk into oblivion. The modern industry strives to bring sleep products as close as possible to medical standards. Branded children's mattresses take into account all the features of a developing child's body. Making a purchase at specialized points of sale, having a certificate and choosing from a category labeled "children" will ensure quality sleep and harmonious development.

Making a purchase at specialized points of sale, having a certificate and choosing from a category labeled "children" will ensure quality sleep and harmonious development.

What mattress firmness is best for a child?

By the age of 3, the body begins to actively gain weight, the baby sleeps more on its side. If you do not switch from a baby mattress to a new model, there is a real threat of spinal curvature.

  • On a surface that is too hard, the shoulders, hips, and lower back will be at the same level, and the spine will arch upwards unnaturally.
  • A surface that is too soft, on the contrary, will sag under the weight of the body (like a “hammock”) and the spine will inevitably bend down.
  • Medium to moderate firmness is a great option. Heavier parts of the body (shoulders, hips) sink deeper, due to which the spinal column remains in a horizontal position.

So: starting from the age of 3, children's mattresses are subject to criteria similar to those for adults. By and large, children's models of category 3+ differ from adults only in size, height and higher requirements for the quality of materials.

Heavier parts of the body (shoulders, hips) sink deeper, due to which the spinal column remains in a horizontal position.

Coconut mattresses for children

Coconut filler is a latex (impregnated with latex) or pressed coconut fiber. The rigidity of the product depends on the percentage of latex in the composition. Moisture resistant, wear-resistant material. More categorized as hard. A good option for overweight children (you need to consult a doctor).

It is better to consult a doctor before buying a mattress.

Unfortunately, the risk of running into a fake is high. Due to the high price of natural latex, dishonest manufacturers are replacing it with compounds containing toxic components. You can recognize their presence "by eye" by a suspicious smell and too low a price, but these are not the most reliable methods. Having a quality certificate and buying from trusted manufacturers is a more guaranteed option.

Hypoallergenic mattress for a child

Allergic children are the most vulnerable category. It is important to understand what factors cause allergies. These are usually dust, dust mites, fungi and microorganisms. Materials prone to the accumulation of the listed allergens - foam rubber, cotton wool, batting, wool - are unambiguously unacceptable. Natural ingredients - horsehair, sisal, latex, coir, jute - also cause unwanted reactions in some children.

Polyurethane foam mattress.
  • In the presence of a quality certificate;
  • Make sure that the composition does not contain "dangerous" components;
  • The fact that the product has passed: antifungal, antimicrobial, anti-mite and anti-mold impregnation.

The mattress of a child with allergies should be chosen in the version with a removable cover that can be washed frequently. Hypoallergenic mattress pad - reliable protection against dust and epidermis - particles that serve as food for bed mites that cause allergies. Regular care (ventilation, vacuuming, etc.) are additional measures against allergies.

Hypoallergenic mattress pad - reliable protection against dust and epidermis - particles that serve as food for bed mites that cause allergies.

How to choose the right mattress for a child?

When deciding how to choose a mattress for a child, you need to consider a number of factors:

  • the stiffness and characteristics of the filling material must correspond to the needs of the age and weight of the child;
  • environmental friendliness and breathability of the coating material (upholstery);
  • the dimensions of the mattress and crib must match perfectly;
  • when buying a model for a child with an allergy, you need to consult a doctor, and when buying, clarify the list of all the components that make up the composition and make sure that there is a certificate for the product;
  • when a child has serious health problems, consultation of a pediatric orthopedist is required in the matter of choice.

When choosing a mattress for a child, you need to consider the above factors.

Which mattress to choose for a child from 3 years old?

Unlike the baby, who needed a thin mattress with a hard surface, starting from 3 years old, a product with good anatomy (a surface that follows the contours of the body) is required. This means that we are talking about a moderate or medium degree of hardness:

  • High-quality spring construction (budget option);
  • Either springless - monobloc or "puff" model

Standard sizes of children's mattresses

The mattress should ideally match the size of the crib. If the model turns out to be longer and wider than the bed box, bumps and bulges on the sleeping surface cannot be avoided. A narrow or short mattress will shift as you move while you sleep. The handle or leg can get into the cracks formed on the sides and be injured. The height of children's models varies from 6-13 cm.

The mattress should ideally match the size of the crib.

What will determine the size of the new mattress (after the baby)?

  • If it is planned that the child will continue to sleep in the bed for a newborn for some time, then the size, respectively, is selected according to the size of the bed. Standardly it is 60x120-140 cm.
  • The bed for a preschooler is longer and wider. As a standard, the internal dimensions of the box vary between 70-80 cm in width and 130-160 cm in length.
  • Starting from the age of 11-12 years, a full (adult) bed is recommended - one or one and a half. The standard dimensions of the mattress will be corresponding - 80-120 cm in width and 190-200 cm in length.
  • For non-standard cribs, many companies offer a custom-made service.

European and American standards are different.

European and American standards are different.

Children's orthopedists and pediatricians emphasize that the fragile skeleton of children is very sensitive to sleep on the "wrong" surface. Too hard and soft options deform the spine, which entails a number of far-reaching consequences. To give a child a good posture and to rid him of orthopedic problems as much as possible is in the power of parents. The choice of a sleeping surface is a crucial moment.

Children's orthopedists and pediatricians emphasize that the fragile skeleton of children is very sensitive to sleep on the "wrong" surface.

A good mattress for a child aged 3+ should be:

  • perfectly matched to the size of the bed;
  • have an average degree of rigidity;
  • be eco-friendly.

To give a child a good posture and to rid him of orthopedic problems as much as possible is the task of parents.


Healthy sound sleep contributes to the good mood of the baby. The comfort provided by the right mattress prevents problems such as curvature of the spine. Therefore, the question of which mattress is better to choose for a child and what to look for when buying worries most modern parents.

Varieties of mattresses and fillers

It is very difficult to choose the right option on the go, since the stores have a wide selection of mattresses that differ in the material from which it is made and in the technique of execution. Mattresses in which springs are installed are in demand, as they allow you to actively “breathe”. The springs used in mattresses can also be different: they are independent of each other and make up one single common unit.

And parents who do not trust such equipment can choose an option without springs. The inside of the mattress is filled with polyurethane foam or latex. Recently, mattresses filled with coconut fiber have become very popular. Each product has a number of positive characteristics, so parents themselves weigh what is preferable for them, after which they make a purchase.

Choice according to age

Newborn baby

The issue of choosing a mattress for newborns should be approached with the highest degree of responsibility, because the child will not be able to independently assess the level of comfort or complain about inconvenience. The first thing pediatricians pay attention to is the naturalness of the components, because artificial material can cause irritation and allergies. It is not advisable to purchase a foam-based mattress: it retains unpleasant odors for a very long time, and absorbs moisture very poorly. An overly soft mattress can harm the delicate spine of the baby, so cotton mattresses should be immediately excluded from the list. So, the most important criteria that parents must pay attention to when choosing a mattress for a newborn:

  • the presence of a hard surface;
  • excellent breathability;
  • good moisture absorption.

An ideal option that fully meets all of the above requirements is a coconut-filled mattress. He has one drawback. It is easily wrinkled, so the life of such a mattress most often does not exceed three years. And in order to extend this period at least a little, the mattress is turned over several times a week.

Orthopedic mattress filled with coconut fiber for the youngest children

Note! In EU countries, mattresses filled with coconut fiber are difficult to find on sale, as recent studies have shown that such mattresses are not entirely safe for the health of the baby. The fact is that as a filler in these products, a mixture of coconut fiber with a synthetic rubber latex emulsion is used. You can determine the presence of synthetic material in the filler by smelling the mattress. If there is a smell of rubber - in the filler, in addition to natural components, there are synthetic impurities. In our country, you can find mattresses, the filler of which is 100% coconut fiber. However, these mattresses lose their shape (fall off) very quickly during use.

Age from 6 months to 3 years

If you look at the obvious drawback of a mattress with coconut filler (quick creasing) in a slightly different way, then you can ignore it at all, because after six months it is advisable for a baby to change the mattress, of course, if the family has the means to do so. From six months to three years, preference should be given to a mattress that is half filled with coconut shavings, and half latex. This combination makes the mattress less rigid. It should be noted that both fillers belong to the category of natural components. This mattress is classified as orthopedic, sleep on it is much stronger and more comfortable.

A three-year-old child can already assess the level of comfort himself, so he can tell his parents whether it is comfortable for him to sleep on such a mattress. You should not buy a softer mattress, because the spine is still actively developing at this time. Orthopedic mattresses are the best that will help solve the problem of choosing a comfortable mattress for children 3-4 years old.

Children's orthopedic mattress with combined filler

Note! Mattresses with foam and cotton filling are the cheapest, so most parents prefer to buy them. However, these fillers not only quickly absorb moisture, but also break down, becoming a favorable environment for the reproduction of harmful bacteria. When choosing a budget option for a children's mattress, parents must follow the basic rules for using this product so that it is as safe as possible for the health of the child.

Children from 3 to 6 years old

Until the age of six, cartilage tissue continues to move from a soft state to a strong bone tissue. A child at this age loves to sleep, and given that the weight of the child increases, the pressure on the spine also increases. In this regard, the mattress should be with the same fillers as for smaller children (latex and coconut flakes). It is preferable to have a mattress whose height is not more than 12 cm. It would be useful for store employees to ask about the quality of the product, get acquainted with the quality certificate, and also look for the inscription "for children" on the mattress itself. Such marking will confirm the correctness of the choice.

Orthopedic mattress for children aged 3 to 6 years

Age from 6 to 12 years

After six years, the child sleeps much less, he becomes more active. In addition, the baby begins to go to school, where the load on the spine increases, so the mattress should be such that it excludes the same load during sleep. From six to twelve years old, children get mattresses based on springs. These can be springs connected into single blocks, or independent separate springs. The height of the mattress is slightly, but increases and is 13 cm.

When a child reaches the age of twelve, the spine can "express" its claims. When the first "bells" appear, you should immediately visit a doctor in order to start solving problems in time. At this age, it is best to purchase an orthopedic mattress, which, of course, will not be able to completely eliminate the problems that have arisen: it does not heal, but it will allow you to remove the tension accumulated during the day from the spine. With the development of the child, the height of the mattress also grows, after 12 years the mattress can reach a height of up to 18 cm.

Spring-based mattresses are the best option for children from 6 to 12 years old.

Important Notes

Due to the fact that the use of orthopedic mattresses is recommended for most ages, it will not be superfluous to know what you should pay attention to:

  • Spring block. An orthopedic mattress consists of spring blocks, in which a special cover is put on each spring, allowing them to act autonomously, adjusting to the body of the child. This approach eliminates unnecessary squeaks that can disturb light sleep.
  • Springless mattresses should be made on the basis of latex, which will not allow the mattress to be excessively soft.

In general, it is considered to be an orthopedic mattress if it allows the child's spine to remain straight during sleep, therefore, when choosing a mattress, it is even important to pay attention to weight. For a full child, a mattress with greater rigidity is selected, and for a thin, lightweight one, with less rigidity.

Video: Dr. Komarovsky on choosing a mattress

The choice of a mattress that benefits the child is an extremely difficult task, but it should only be decided correctly, since the most expensive thing is at stake - the health of the child. It is much more difficult to treat than to prevent serious problems, and given that a good sound sleep contributes to a good mood and well-being of the child, the effort to choose a mattress will not be wasted.

Sound and healthy sleep contributes to the well-being and mood of the child. It is very important that he has a comfortable bed. Therefore, for the baby must be approached with all responsibility. Doctors directly attribute spinal problems to the wrong mattress. When buying it, it is necessary to take into account a number of factors: the age of the child, his needs, the design of the mattress and the quality of the material being filled. In order to accurately answer which one is for a child, it is worth studying its variety. There are several models on the market: with dependent and independent springs, and latex-coconut.

Types of mattresses

Models with dependent springs are a block of bonded springs. Such mattresses meet all quality standards, are inexpensive and have proven themselves among consumers. The spring block provides the product with excellent breathability. This model will be a good solution if in the future the child will have a full-fledged "adult" bed.

Mattresses with an independent block of springs are the most popular among the Russian population. There is an opinion that they are harmful to children, since "spring vibrations" can harm the children's spine. According to experts, not a single study has confirmed this, and such a concept does not exist in science. If the above facts do not reassure parents, then they can purchase a good springless mattress filled with high-quality polyurethane foam or latex, which is less common.

It is considered an economical model. It is made of holofiber and does not have springs. Its low price is due to the low service life due to the thin layer of coconut coir. Therefore, only parents can choose which mattress is best for the child: spring or springless.

Materials used

Safe materials are used for the manufacture of children's mattresses. When buying, you should pay attention to the stuffing of the product and the cover. Natural fillers are considered the safest, as they do not cause allergies, are not confirmed to rot and perfectly pass air. The most popular natural filler is coir, but the product made from flax filler is not inferior to it. It is distinguished by strength, elasticity, and thermal bonding is even higher than that of coir. In addition, such material does not crumble and does not wrinkle, which increases its service life.

The impurities added to the natural filler should also be taken into account. Today, latexized coconut fiber can hardly be called safe, since the formaldehydes contained in such a mattress can harm the health of a child. Therefore, many manufacturers have abandoned such a filler.

Mattresses with springs also require close attention. The material separating the layers, the springs, must be very strong, as it protects the remaining layers of the mattress and does not allow it to sag.

Which mattress is best for a child from 2 years

For children of this age, the requirements for a place to sleep are the most stringent. Many parents of young children often ask the question which mattress is best for a child from 2 years old. Pediatricians note that for babies of this age it is better to choose a hard option. You should forget about batting, since cotton wool tends to fall off, form holes and bumps. On such a surface, it is difficult for a child to find a comfortable position for sleeping. The same problem with a foam mattress. In addition, it is too soft, and a two-year-old baby will simply drown in it.

Doctors recommend buying a hard mattress. The fact is that young children do not have physiological deflections of the spine, and in order to form a more rigid model is more suitable. The best option would be a mattress filled with coconut flakes. Such a product will provide the necessary elasticity and rigidity, in addition, it is absolutely safe for the baby, since coconut shavings are hypoallergenic. Also, coir does not absorb odors, does not absorb moisture and perfectly passes air. A sound and healthy sleep is guaranteed for the child. If parents are in doubt, you should consult with a specialist, he will always tell you which mattress is best for the child.

The best option for a two-year-old baby will be a double-sided mattress. Its advantage is that one side is filled with coconut flakes, which is great even for newborn babies, and the other side is made of latex foam. Latex is similar to coir, it is a completely safe material that does not cause allergies. In addition, polyurethane foam will serve its owner for a long time.

Baby is three years old

Children grow very quickly, so parents have to change the bed according to the age of the baby. In this regard, it is necessary to buy other bedding. When choosing them, parents are lost, because they do not know which mattress is better for a child from 3 years old to buy. For this age, it is better to choose an orthopedic mattress, as it is able to ensure the correct position of the back while the baby is sleeping. It should be checked that it is not too hard, as children do not get enough sleep on such mattresses. Older babies do not spend as much time in bed as newborns - their sleep has been reduced to about 8-9 hours. Orthopedic doctors allow you to use a slightly softer mattress. By the age of three, the baby's body has changed a little - strong bone tissue has replaced elastic cartilage tissue, but physiological curves still continue to form. By the age of 7, the cervical bend is usually established, and by 12 - the lumbar. Therefore, in order to support the shaping spine, you should choose a mattress that is not too hard.

four year old baby

Closer to four years, for a baby grown out of a baby bed, they buy a more spacious bed. Not all parents choose the teen option, and rightly so. The bed should not be too big for the child. As he grows, his comfort needs change. The kid becomes active in movements, games. Therefore, parents should think about another bed and which mattress is best for a 4-year-old child. Experts recommend choosing a mattress that is already ready for non-standard loads. Spring models will perfectly support the spine and replace a trampoline for a child. Springless mattresses are medically recommended, but you won't have fun on them. In any case, whatever mattress is chosen, it should be of medium hardness and a height of 7 to 10 centimeters.

The child is 5 years old

In fact, there is no definite answer which mattress is best for a child of 5 years old. Some doctors argue that for a baby of this age, you can already buy spring mattresses, which are of two types: with a block of dependent springs and independent ones. It is better to refuse the first category, since such a mattress does not provide the necessary support for the spine. The fact is that the dependent springs are interconnected, and with the weight of the child they bend, so it cannot be called orthopedic. But the mattress of the second category has an orthopedic effect due to a special design. Each spring is, as it were, “packed” and pressing one does not cause the deflection of other springs. Which mattress is best for a child, parents decide. But do not save on the health of your kids.

It should be noted that a springless mattress is also suitable for a five-year-old child. But it should be of medium hardness, made of latex or polyurethane foam. Of course, not every family can afford natural latex, since this is an expensive material and is used mainly in elite models. As an option - artificial latex, which is not inferior to natural latex in quality and properties, but its cost is much lower. A polyurethane foam mattress is even cheaper, but it meets all the requirements that apply to children's mattresses. Due to the strength of the material and high elasticity, springless mattresses are durable.

From five years and above

If the child is already 5 years old, then a model with a block of independent springs or a springless mattress of medium hardness is recommended. The filler in this model is coconut coir, latex or ortho-foam foam. On the forums you can often find the question of which mattress is best for a child from 5 years old. Recommendations are different. But still it is better to consult with a pediatrician, taking into account the needs and characteristics of the child.

The child is 7 years old

Compared to young children, the spine of a seven-year-old child does not need a hard coconut-filled mattress. Now the baby can choose the mattress for himself. Parents can only check the quality of the product and choose the appropriate size.

But still, it’s worth figuring out which mattress is best for a child of 7 years old. As already mentioned, latex models without springs last longer for their owners. To provide support for the spine, the height of the mattress must be more than 11 centimeters. Experts advise choosing models of well-known manufacturers that have proven themselves, then the bed will keep the child healthy posture. Of course, for any age, a double-sided mattress, with different stiffness, is suitable. At first, it is better for the baby to sleep on the harder side, but if he wants to feel comfort (mother's warmth), you can turn the mattress over.

Steel springs for children's mattresses are formed into blocks that provide an orthopedic effect: in those places where the weight of the body is greatest, the springs must sag, and where it is less - provide support. The principle of operation is the same as in products for adults, but there are differences.

The body weight of the child is much less, therefore, to achieve the desired effect, the springs must be softer and have a smaller size. The rest of the characteristics are similar. So, spring mattresses for children can also have dependent or independent spring blocks covered with sheet material. Although there are no outward differences, the properties of dependent and independent blocks differ significantly.

Springs for such children's mattresses are woven in a continuous way. They were the first to appear on the market, and are often referred to as "bonnel" after the name of the first manufacturer. Different companies produce models that differ in the number of turns in the spring itself, the diameter and the number of springs per square meter. The smaller the diameter and the higher the density (the number of springs per unit area) - the higher the quality of the mattress. But in any case, the "bonnel" is inferior to the "independent" models.

  • Small price;
  • Good ventilation.
  • Weak orthopedic support;
  • Noisiness;
  • Short service life;
  • The surface of the entire mattress oscillates with any movement;
  • It has the effect of a hammock: the pelvic region is lower than the rest of the body;
  • In addition, in cheap models, a thin layer of felt, foam rubber is used as a flooring - springs can be felt through such a coating.

If you need to choose a mattress for a child from 3 years old, it is better to give preference to other types of mattresses.

In models of this type, each spring is placed in a separate fabric case. If one of them shrinks, the neighboring one does not react to it in any way, which provides good orthopedic support. The models themselves differ from each other in the size and diameter of the springs, the density of their distribution and the type of installation (there is a variant of "double springs" when one of them is inserted into the other to provide greater rigidity).

The weight of a child is much less than the weight of an adult, so he does not need particularly strong springs, and their number may be less. For example, a variant with a density of 250 with a spring diameter of about 4 cm is quite suitable, and it will cost less than a variant with a density of 500 or more.


  • Provides full orthopedic support due to the even distribution of the load;
  • No noise;
  • The surface remains motionless during the movements of the sleeper;
  • The best value for money.


  • Large height, which is not always convenient when used in a crib;
  • The mattress is quite heavy, it is inconvenient to carry it for cleaning, and such a need can occur quite regularly.

Children's mattresses from 3 years old, made on the basis of independent spring blocks, will provide the child with the correct development of the musculoskeletal system and comfort, and the relatively high cost will pay off with a long service life.

Springless orthopedic mattresses for children from 3 years

General practitioners believe that such models are preferable for a child. There are several reasons for this:

  • They don't make noise;
  • Do not contain metal parts, can not cause injury;
  • Relatively light, which makes it easier to clean.

For both adults and children, such mattresses are made by combining sheet fillers into single blocks. By varying the materials for fillers, they achieve different stiffness and vary orthopedic properties. As fillers for mattresses for children from 3 years old use:


Polyurethane foam has a fairly low density, but also a low cost. Its ability to support the spine is slightly higher than that of foam rubber. The service life is short.

  • Affordable price;
  • Great strength;
  • Ease;
  • Elasticity, elasticity.
  • Short service life;
  • Poor moisture permeability;
  • May release harmful substances into the air.
  • Experts do not recommend purchasing such mattresses for a child.


Completely natural material that meets the most stringent standards and requirements for products for children. Due to the high price, as a rule, the final product contains no more than 40 percent natural latex, but this is quite enough. By itself, latex is a very elastic material, so the degree of rigidity is regulated by making holes in it: the more holes, the softer the mattress.


  • Hypoallergenic;
  • Does not emit toxic substances;
  • Provides orthopedic support and proper formation of the musculoskeletal skeleton;
  • It has excellent air and moisture permeability;
  • Provides a high level of comfort.
  • High price.


Vegetable fiber derived from coconuts is a very popular material for the production of mattresses for children due to its natural qualities. However, in itself it is too hard, a coir sheet is comparable in rigidity to a chipboard sheet. Therefore, layers of coir are usually impregnated with artificial latex to give softness, or supplemented with sheets of latex or polyurethane foam.

  • Naturalness, environmental friendliness;
  • Long service life.
  • Increased rigidity

Important: Cheap samples may be impregnated with a synthetic material that looks like latex, but contains additives that are harmful to children's health, such as formaldehyde. If you are not sure about the quality of the product, it is better to purchase a spring block.

Other fillers

In addition, sheep and camel wool, polyester fibers (ecofiber, comforter), synthetic winterizer, holofiber and even swan down are often used as fillers in production. In fact, with all the advantages, these materials are not suitable for the manufacture of children's mattresses from 3 years old, and primarily due to the fact that they do not have orthopedic properties. In addition, natural is not always a synonym for the word “best”.

Both down and wool can cause allergies in children. Synthetic fibers are hypoallergenic, but they do not conduct heat well, and almost do not “breathe” - a child on such a bed will overheat and sweat. Some of the listed fillers can be used as one of the layers, but you can not make a whole mattress out of them.

Which mattress to choose for a child from 3 years old spring or springless?

Both spring and springless mattresses for children have those that have high orthopedic properties, and those that do not have such properties. Therefore, it is quite difficult to compare them. For example, a mattress for children with an independent block, covered with a sheet of latex on top, will definitely be better than a foam block, and a latex block is superior in properties to almost any spring mattress.

It is believed that the following options are most suitable for children:

  1. Springless. A latex block is good for everyone, except for one thing - it is quite expensive. If you can afford it, be sure - this is really the best choice.
  2. Spring independent. It will cost less than latex. But you need to pay attention to what the mattress is covered with on top. It is best if it is a thin layer of coir, and on it is a thin layer of latex.

Tip: The health of a child is not something worth saving on. The quality of the mattress on which your baby sleeps directly affects the formation of his body, and, therefore, the quality of his entire future life.