What is the optimal length for a level? Building level how to choose

When thinking about how to choose a building level, it should be noted that this tool is an indispensable tool for almost all construction and repair work. They resort to it, starting from the first stages of the construction process and ending with the finishing.

A common type of bubble level is its rectangular modification, which is inexpensive.

The choice and purchase of a building level must be approached carefully, having previously familiarized yourself with the conditions of its operation and the tasks that will be assigned to it. This is due to the fact that a certain type of levels will better cope with different types of work (for example, a laser level is the best option for laying tiles, and a water level for leveling the floor in a large room). So what types of building levels exist today and how to choose a building level for a particular case?

Varieties of building levels

The modern market of construction equipment is represented by various models of levels, both domestic and foreign. All of them have a certain set of technical characteristics and different cost. However, despite the great diversity, all building levels according to the principle of operation are divided into:

  • water (hydraulic levels);
  • bubble;
  • laser.

Let's consider each type in more detail.

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Choosing a water level

This tool has a very simple and understandable design, consisting of a transparent plastic hose from 5 to 25 m long and two glass flasks with markings applied to them. The flasks are equipped with lids through which water at room temperature is poured into the device before use. At the same time, it is necessary to ensure that no air bubbles form in the hose during filling, as they can lead to measurement errors.

The water level is excellent for determining the evenness and level of deviation of horizontal planes, however, neither the vertical nor the beveled plane can be checked with such an instrument. A huge advantage of water levels is that when working with large surfaces, they give very accurate results. This is especially important when pouring the foundation, leveling the floor, installing piles. However, their use in small spaces can be somewhat difficult.

The advantages of hydraulic levels include:

  • ease of use;
  • low cost;
  • high accuracy when working at long distances;
  • the ability to use in hard-to-reach places (for example, when it is required to take measurements from different corners of the building, where there is no direct visibility).

If you plan to work with large horizontal areas, you can safely buy a water level. At the same time, as in the case of any other construction tool, it is recommended to give preference only to trusted manufacturers. These are Zubr (Russia) and Stayer (China). The cost of the first is about $ 8, and the second - $ 2-5.

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How to choose a bubble type building level?

A bubble level is a versatile tool that is used to draw vertical and horizontal lines, as well as to check the flatness of a particular surface. The principle of its operation is based on an air bubble placed in a liquid, for which many manufacturers use technical alcohol. The liquid is in a special flask with marks applied to it. It is by the position of the bubble relative to the marks that measurements of horizontal and vertical evenness are made.

Almost all modern models of bubble levels are equipped with three measuring flasks. In this case, one flask is placed in the middle (used to measure the horizontal), the second - at one end of the tool (intended to control the vertical), and the third is installed at an angle to the other two (used to measure inclined surfaces).

To choose the right bubble level, you need to pay attention to its following characteristics:

  1. Length. This indicator can vary from 20 cm (pipe levels) to 4 m (folding modifications). When choosing the length, it is necessary to take into account the tasks that will be assigned to the tool. For work on leveling floors, walls and ceilings, it is recommended to buy a level 150-250 cm long. For installing windows, doors, installing furniture, the best option would be a device 50-80 cm long. If you need to properly lay water, gas or sewer pipes, then in this case, buy a small pipe level, which is one of the varieties of bubble levels.
  2. Base material. The level can be made of plastic, wood or metal. The most durable and reliable is a metal tool with stiffeners located inside, which is why it should be chosen.
  3. Flask marking quality. The applied strips should be placed at the same distance from each other and be clearly visible. The best option is the location of the strips inside the flask, and not on its surface, because the surface markings will quickly be erased with the active use of the tool.

Before finally choosing a bubble level, you need to make sure that it works correctly. In specialized points of sale there should be a stand where you can do this. Even if there is no such stand, it's okay, because the check can be carried out on the floor or windowsill. To do this, the device is placed on a horizontal surface and the position of the bubble is noted, after which the level is turned 180 ° and again set to the same place. In this case, the position of the control bubble should be the same in all cases.

When choosing a bubble level, you should not try to save as much as possible, because cheap models will have a strong measurement error and poor build quality.

Of the available models, the firms Stayer, Matrix and Brigadir should be noted, which are characterized by an optimal ratio of the price of the product to its quality. Of the more expensive models, you can opt for Stabila products.

The bubble level is an indispensable tool in construction. With it, you can check the slope and angles, create perfectly straight lines in any plane. Levels are also used when laying pipes, when installing household appliances that vibrate during operation and are demanding on the evenness of the base. Such devices should be in the arsenal of any home master, we will talk about their design and selection rules in this article.

Design - features of modern building levels

Bubble level construction is a structurally simple tool. It is a bar of solid material, in which several ampoules are embedded, filled with liquid and some air. Measuring marks are applied on the surface of the ampoules, which make it possible to determine the evenness of the measured surface by the position of the bubble. To measure tilted surfaces, you can use the indicators of air deflection relative to the central marks on the ampoules.

Ampoules with air are the most important parts of any level, if the integrity of the ampoule is broken, the device cannot be used. Technical alcohol is usually used to fill ampoules. To increase the functionality of the instruments, some manufacturers add other details to the bar, such as lenses, which allow you to better see the bubble. To ensure the ability to operate the level in conditions of insufficient lighting, fluorescent components are added to technical alcohol, thanks to which the liquid ampoules will be clearly visible even at night.

You can also find shockproof models of measuring instruments on the market. During construction, devices are constantly exposed to adverse effects: they are strongly shaken, dropped, which ultimately leads to damage and failure. Long levels are most susceptible to adverse effects, during the fall of which the impact force is significantly greater than that of brands with a short frame. Anti-impact tools are much more expensive than others, but they are more reliable and usually last much longer than cheaper counterparts.

The durability and quality of the measuring device is also affected by its base - a frame consisting of aluminum, wooden or plastic strips. Levels with aluminum bases are the most common, they are made of hollow planks and are very light in weight. However, this is the main disadvantage of such tools. The heavier the device, the better its technical characteristics, the more convenient it is to work with it and the easier it is to obtain accurate measurement results.

There are quite specialized models of such devices. For example, to work with metal bases, it is easiest to use special levels equipped with magnets. They can be attached to the base and easily obtain information about the evenness of the surface. A ruler on the long side of the level can also be a useful addition, it will be needed when, in addition to the evenness of the base, other measurements need to be taken.

The simplest models are equipped with only one vial with an air bubble, but today they are considered very outdated and are rarely found in stores. It is much more convenient to use levels equipped with 2-3 containers. In such devices, one ampoule is located on the long, wide side of the bar; it is designed to measure horizontal planes. The second ampoule is placed on the narrow side of the level perpendicular to the first, it is needed for convenient measurement of vertical surfaces. The third flask is placed on the narrow reverse side of the bar at an angle of 45 degrees, its main purpose is to control the operation of the device.

Bubble levels can be of different lengths. The simplest modifications for home use have a length of 20 cm, while professional devices can reach a length of 300-400 cm. The functionality and efficiency of the level directly depend on the length. In a private house, a short level is sufficient for the installation of household equipment and simple installation work. For laying tiles, longer strips are required, within 40-100 cm. The longest levels are used when performing complex construction and installation work. In the household, they are rarely needed.

Learning to choose measuring devices - what to look for?

The construction market presents spirit levels (levels) in the widest range. Such devices are perhaps the favorites of manufacturers of low-quality and fake products, because every owner wants to have such a device at hand, but not everyone knows how to choose among the assortment of a hardware store. The spirit level is quite simple to manufacture, but requires the highest precision and the use of only high-quality materials.

Fake and simply low-quality levels are produced in violation of all possible technologies, they are used to create unreliable materials that are not capable of providing decent resistance to external influences and durability for the device. If you are not familiar with measuring instruments, you should only buy products from reputable manufacturers. The following brands have proven themselves well:

  • Bosch;
  • Kapro;
  • Gross Laser;
  • Stabila;
  • Shark;
  • Leader;
  • Yermak.

You should not choose equipment only by cost, keep in mind that devices from these manufacturers are not the cheapest on the market. If you see a Bosch spirit level at a ridiculous price, it’s most likely that you have a fake in front of you, and you shouldn’t buy it.

In addition, you need to choose devices that are fully consistent with the planned work. If you are planning to tile the floor or walls yourself, you need a good household level. No need to buy a very expensive professional spirit level, you will just waste your money. First you need to decide on the length of a suitable tool. The more complex work you have to do, the longer the spirit level you need. The optimal size of the household level, which can be used to solve various problems, is 40-60 cm.

When choosing, carefully examine the device visually, paying special attention to the glass elements. The flasks must be intact, without any signs of mechanical damage and impacts. Then you need to evaluate the strength of fixation of ampoules with bubbles on a long bar. The containers should be installed as tightly as possible, they should not stagger and fall off.

On the shelves of hardware stores you can find levels in which the flasks can be adjusted. This is an ambiguous function of measuring devices. On the one hand, due to the adjustment, you can reconfigure the damaged level, on the other hand, the device will be much more vulnerable to adverse mechanical effects, drops and shakes. We highly recommend purchasing spirit levels with a tight fixation of ampoules, they are the most reliable and durable.

After studying the integrity and reliability of the fixation of the ampoules, pay attention to the air in the containers and the marks applied to them. All marks on the flasks should be clearly visible and located in close proximity to each other.

It is best if the control strips on the ampoules are located inside the flasks, and not outside, because due to the active use of the device, the marks on the outer surface can simply be erased.

Regardless of what material the spirit level itself is made of, the device must be heavy, durable and stable. It is best to choose devices equipped with additional stiffeners. You can also choose a device among well-known models that you like visually, but external attractiveness does not affect the accuracy of measurements.

It is highly advisable to pre-check the performance of the level before buying. In large hardware stores, there are special stands with a perfectly flat surface for this. If there is no such stand, you can simply place the level in a horizontal plane and remember the position of the air bubble. After that, the device is rotated 180 degrees and placed on the same surface, in both cases the vial in the ampoule should be in the same position. If there are no deviations in the measurements, the device is working properly and you can buy it.

By the way, even if you do not check the accuracy of measuring flat surfaces with a spirit level in the store, you can do it at home. But be sure to keep the receipt from the purchase, so that in case of problems with the level, it can be replaced with another one. However, experts do not recommend buying measuring equipment, whether it be a bubble spirit level, or a level without preliminary checks. Even the most expensive devices from well-known manufacturers need to be checked, high-quality equipment can be defective and fail during transportation from the manufacturer to the place of sale.

Setting up unfixed spirit level tanks

If you purchase a model of the measuring device with loose ampoules, it can be adjusted and reconfigured if readings go astray. Setting up the device is quite simple, you can easily cope with such a task yourself. To do this, you need to determine the most even wall in the room. If you have not previously checked surfaces with an accurate spirit level, you can choose the visually most even wall.

Step back from the left corner of the wall about 4 cm and drive a nail into the surface at eye level (you can screw in a self-tapping screw) so that the fastener protrudes on the surface at a distance of 20-30 mm. From above, the spirit level is positioned in such a way that with one side it rests on a screw or nail, and with the long side it lies against the surface of the wall. Adjust the instrument so that the air in the container shows a flat surface. Draw a line along the edge of the level on the wall.

Then turn the device over and repeat the procedure again. If the drawn lines completely coincide, then the device is adjusted normally and can be operated. If the marks diverge, then you will have to additionally configure the device. To do this, on the right side of the wall, where the marks end, a central point is marked between them. The level is laid on the nail so that with one of its edges it is adjacent to the marked point. In this position, the device must be fixed and the ampoule adjusted so that the vial shows an even base.

With the advent of computer and Internet technologies, all stages of obtaining information have become much easier and faster. In order to introduce this progressive tool in all industries, almost every modern organization requires PC knowledge from its employees to one degree or another. When applying for a job, the applicant in the questionnaire must indicate his level of computer use. If a person does not have such experience, then it is much more difficult for him to find a suitable vacancy for himself.

In most cases, a person determines his level of PC use on his own. Currently, there are no standardized programs common to all for this.

PC usage levels

There are several levels of using a personal computer.

The lowest level user is called a "teapot". A person who has only general knowledge, as a rule, uses a computer only to communicate in social networks, on dating sites. Such a user does not know the elementary meanings of keyboard shortcuts and the purpose of programs.

The second level can be attributed to the ordinary user. He, in turn, knows the necessary basics, knows how to work in Microsoft Office programs, knows how to connect a keyboard and mouse. But his knowledge is not enough to use auxiliary keyboard shortcuts, all operations and manipulations are carried out exclusively with the mouse.

The third level is a confident PC user. He knows the necessary minimum of the main installed programs, the architecture of a personal computer, he can explain what is inside the system unit and what it serves for. A confident user can independently reinstall the operating system and drivers, easily use search engines.

An advanced user knows everything about the hardware and software of a computer. He is able to disassemble and assemble a PC from components. Easy to use function keys. Can independently fix some malfunctions in the computer.

The next level includes programmers, graduates of technical universities. A person of this level of knowledge will be able to assemble not only a computer, but also a whole server, he can also raise a network, he is quite well versed in writing programs in various languages.

The hacker has the most advanced level of PC knowledge. This word speaks for itself. The hacker knows absolutely everything. Can bypass multiple passwords and hack some servers.

Greetings, dear visitors! I've been thinking about a topic for an article for the past couple of days when I got an email from a reader asking me to talk about building levels. And I thought, what a great idea. After all, where in the repair without a level?

To date, the choice of levels is simply epic. From the simplest water to digital with a built-in laser. What level and for what purposes is needed, as well as by what criteria to choose them - we will find out right now.

Building level: types

The simplest structurally is an ordinary water level, it is also a hydro level. It consists of two plastic, usually cylindrical flasks with a scale, connected to each other by a flexible long hose. The principle of its operation is simple and should be clear to any high school student. It is based on a well-known physical phenomenon - the water level in communicating vessels is always the same.

With such a device, we can easily mark two points that are in the same horizontal plane at a maximum distance equal to the length of the hose. You just need to put marks opposite the boundaries of the water in the flasks.

Such a tool will be indispensable in the construction of a country house, marking ceilings and floors during repairs and similar matters. The lengths of hoses of such levels are in the range of 7 - 25 meters, which is quite a lot. The cost of such a tool, of course, is small, in the region of 150 - 300 rubles.

It is more convenient to work with flasks that are not cylindrical, but rectangular in cross section - they are easier to apply to the surface. The diameter of the tube - the larger, the faster the same level is established in both flasks. As a rule, hydraulic levels have a diameter of 6 - 8 mm.

The next class of instruments is bubble levels or spirit levels. Most of them have a length of 40 - 250 cm. The horizontal and vertical lines in them are controlled by the position of an air bubble in alcohol, sealed in special transparent flasks. Short spirit levels are needed when laying tiles, installing windows and window sills ...

Long ones - for installing beacons, checking the verticality / horizontality of planes and lines, various markings. Strange as it may seem at first glance, spirit levels can differ in many characteristics, which we will discuss in more detail in the next chapter.

Goniometers and inclinometers are devices that allow you to measure and set the angles between planes, and the slopes of the planes from the horizontal and vertical, respectively. Such devices may look different. Goniometers are also in the form of a flask in a quarter of a circle and in the form of two "rails" connected by a hinge, or whatever it is.

Basically, goniometers and inclinometers are digital instruments, that is, they have an LCD display that displays the angle values. An inclinometer is also often referred to as an electronic or digital level.

I think that goniometers are needed mainly not by builders, but by carpenters. They will also be more useful for inclinometers. In finishing, the inclinometer will be in demand only, perhaps, in tile work, and even then, more for control. Their highest accuracy (usually 0.05 degrees) does not leave the tiler a chance even for the smallest hack. And you will most likely freak out already on the second or third tile))

A colleague of mine who is a tiler recently purchased a Bosch digital inclinometer and confirmed it. But damn, how cool is that Bosch.

There are also various avant-garde types of building levels on sale. For example, pipes. In addition, they also come in different designs. There are devices in the form of “hairpins” that are put on a pipe, there are ordinary bubble ones with a recess for a pipe on the case, and there are generally masterpieces of the avant-garde - “sticks” with five eyes, each of which is set to a certain slope - to make it easier to sewer, you know whether.

laser levels. I already have an article about them, so I will be brief. This is the most technologically advanced type of them (I mean self-levelling). High accuracy, ease of use, huge savings in marking time. Such devices are divided into two large classes: positional and rotary.

Positional ones do not have any moving mechanisms, as a rule, they give out a classic laser cross, or several points.

Rotary lasers give out one point, but it quickly moves 360 degrees due to the rotating base. Such devices are used, for example, by ceiling masters.

Choosing a bubble level

Of course, the most common home repair tools are bubble ones. So what are the most important criteria when choosing a spirit level?

First you need to decide for what kind of work you need it. This will determine the length of the tool. If for a tile, then you cannot do with one level, you will need at least two: short (40 or 60 cm) and long (200 cm). The short one is used constantly to check the level between adjacent tiles. Long - to control the entire plane of the cladding.

If you intend to assemble structures from gypsum boards, plaster, pour a screed, you will definitely need a long spirit level, at least two meters.

The next most important criterion is form.

Often there are levels that in cross section represent a rail. This is not the best choice - such a tool bends very much. Much more powerful than the box-type "stick". And if they have a stiffener inside, then it’s generally great!

The next item is the device of the flasks.

An extremely important feature. In the store, you can see the levels, for example, with the following flasks:

How do you think, in which case the readings of the device will be more accurate? Of course, in the first. The smaller the distance from the boundaries of the bubble to the divisions of the flask, the more accurately the deviation can be determined. Remember this. Also pay attention to the sensitivity of the bubble, it strongly depends on the radius of curvature of the flask. It seems to the eye that the flask has the shape of a cylinder, but this is not entirely true, it is slightly curved, otherwise the slightest deviation from the horizon would “carry away” the bubble to the very edge of the flask.

One more thing can be added here. The verticality flask is often not accessible for a good view, because by attaching the building level to the wall, we will not be able to look at the level readings parallel to it - the head is in the way. So, we will not be able to objectively judge the readings of the device. But there are levels in which a special system of mirrors is built in, and the image of the bulb is “displayed” on the rear end of the level, which is extremely convenient. Such a system has, for example, the Israeli Kapro levels of the Plumbsite series.

The accuracy of the “sticks” for professional use is no worse than 0.5 mm per 1 meter of length; a simpler tool is also suitable for housework, with an error of 1 mm per 1 meter.

Workspace processing. Ideally, they should be processed by a milling cutter. This can be understood by the rough surface(s).

The presence of built-in magnets is also a very important addition to any level. Hung it on the profile and calmly adjust it. Another extremely useful “chip” of spirit levels are slots in the case for easy grip and rubberized pads, which often also serve as shock absorbers in case the instrument falls.

Swivel and adjustable flasks are controversial advantages. Tools that have manual adjustment available instead of a dead mount are more likely to wobble. It is better to take sealed flasks once and for all. The main thing is to carefully check the tool in the store.

The verification procedure is quite simple. Put the level first on the table or counter, look at the readings, remember. Then turn 180 degrees (but keep it in the same place!) and look again. If the position of the bubble is the same, the tool does not lie. You do the same procedure for the vertical, just apply it to the wall already.

In some spirit levels, the flask for horizontal control is recessed into the middle. Personally, this solution seems inconvenient to me, and I do not advise you to purchase such a ***. The flask should be on top, period.

Here is a good video about bubble levels:

Well, he told me everything he knew. Do not buy frank cheap stuff, carefully inspect the tool before buying. This article is over, thanks for reading! And don't forget to subscribe for updates.