What should a designer's desktop look like? Workplace at home

Hello, dear blog readers. Today I want to talk to you about the places of work of different designers, and let’s look at some inspiring examples of workplaces.

It seems to me that many will be interested in where real masterpieces are created, what designers use when creating their creations. For example, it was very interesting for me to write this post, because I like everything related to design. And of course I think that you will also be interested.

What do you think is on a designer's desk? You probably thought, a bunch of mugs and a sea of ​​papers :-) It turns out not. Since our desktops are our friends, something beautiful and unimaginable is born on them. This is our source of inspiration, and this source should always be pure.

Now let's take a deeper look at the topic of the designer's workplace.

Clean, simple and useful.

The workplace must be clean. Nothing should distract you from work. On the table there should be only those objects with which you mainly work, and those that inspire you. This could be some cool photos, as photos are a great source of inspiration. So if you want to create a masterpiece in your design field, be sure to keep it clean and surround yourself with inspiring items.


As you understand, we live in the 21st century, and now there is a very large selection of various gadgets, for example Macbooks, iPods, iPhones and many other different gadgets not only from Apple. It happens that the desktop is simply overcrowded with modern devices. But it would be stupid to criticize for this, since if these gadgets help you in your work and achieve your goals, you cannot not use them.


It seems to me that naturally a designer’s workplace should be stylish. After all, you are a designer :-) But, again, this is not at all necessary. You can also work on a regular table. The main thing is that you like this desk and place and feel comfortable.


On the Internet you can meet many bloggers and designers who show their workspaces, and as you noticed, they are almost all the same, a chair, a table and a monitor, especially on the Russian Internet. But all places have their own “highlights”, for example, an ordinary cup of coffee, or some kind of soft toy :-) Because different people are inspired by different things. These are most likely some kind of titles, without which the work will not go well.


As practice shows, the workplace is a very personal and sacred place for every designer, where very beautiful things are created. For example, for a long time I had an old 17-inch monitor, on which I created all my . I recently bought myself a new monitor, but haven’t drawn any layouts on it yet. Now I’m wondering whether I’ll get a beautiful template or not, since my “object of inspiration” is gathering dust in the attic :-) Time will tell.

Now let's look at some photos of designers' workplaces, enjoy :-)

Examples of designer jobs

St. Petersburg State University

Faculty of Mathematics and Mechanics

Completed by student of group 666

Ivan Petrovich Sidorov

Saint Petersburg


The work examines the workplace of a technical designer in the design studio of Artemy Lebedev®. Some characteristics of the workplace and their standard values ​​are given. In conclusion, conclusions are given regarding the attitude towards labor protection in this organization and measures are proposed to improve labor protection.

About company

The main areas of activity of the Art. Lebedev Studio are industrial design, graphic design, website creation and interface design.

About the position of technical designer in the studio

The main task of a technical designer is to create website pages according to descriptions prepared by information and graphic designers. The position of a technical designer requires careful attention. In Artemy Lebedev's studio, technical designers are given great freedom in the execution of technical specifications, in particular, they have to draw a lot. The activities of such employees include elements of creativity. Work is carried out according to an individual schedule with possible correction as the work progresses. Sensory loads are low. The technical designer is responsible for completing individual elements of the assignment. Intellectual activity is varied. The actual working day is 9 hours. The main tool of a technical designer is a personal computer with a specific set of programs installed on it. The work is mostly sedentary. Much attention is paid to workplace ergonomics. The most modern computers and technical means are used. The psychological environment is comfortable and the company takes appropriate measures to maintain it. Regularly held corporate parties are designed to reduce the nervous and emotional overload of employees.

Technical designer's workplace

The workstations of the technical designers of the group of one of the leading designers of the studio are located in a room with the following parameters:

  • Area 7x10 = 70 m2.
  • Ceiling height 3 m.

10 people work in the premises. Each employee has 21 m3, the standard value of this parameter is 20m3.

There are two air conditioners in the room, thereby maintaining optimal microclimate values:

In addition, modern air conditioners provide high-quality cleaning of outdoor or indoor air from dust and contaminants.

The main source of artificial lighting in the room is 15 blocks of 4 compact fluorescent lamps evenly distributed along the ceiling. The color of the walls and partitions is light, reflectance ~ 0.3. The quality of lighting corresponds to the standard data: the illumination on the table surface in the area where the working document is placed is 400 lux, according to the norm - 300-500 lux.

Three windows can create uniform natural side lighting. The windows are equipped with blinds.

Incandescent lamps are not used in the workroom, since the spectrum of their radiation does not correspond to the natural one, which can lead to an artist’s mistake when choosing a color.

Monitors are positioned to prevent glare.

The information load is relatively high. No calculations were carried out - the specifics of the work.

Measurements have shown that for all computers and peripheral devices the sound pressure level is within 60 dBA. No noise complaints were recorded at the Lebedev Studio. The room uses 1.5m high partitions made of sound-absorbing material.

Computers and peripheral equipment have appropriate certificates of conformity. Installation of equipment is carried out according to the manufacturers' instructions, thanks to which employees are protected from possible electric shock and from the harmful effects of electromagnetic radiation when following basic standards for handling equipment. Protective grounding is used. Liquid crystal displays are predominantly used, which also leads to a significant reduction in electromagnetic radiation and ionization.


From the above data we can conclude that the management of Lebedev’s studio is very attentive to ensuring the comfort of workers and reducing the influence of such harmful physical production factors as high/low air temperature, dust, high/low humidity, insufficient illumination of the workplace or improper placement of lamps, high noise level, increased level of electromagnetic fields, as well as such psychophysical harmful production factors as neuro-emotional overload. Visual strain for technical designers inevitably arises due to the nature of the work, even though the most modern technologies are used.

A survey of employees conducted in 2001 showed that none of them intended to voluntarily and systematically comply with work standards on a personal computer. At present, no consequences of visual overload have been recorded - the vast majority of employees have good vision, but if the problem becomes more urgent, measures such as employees performing eye exercises and wearing special perforation glasses can be proposed.

In general, perforation glasses

· Positively affect the eye’s ability to view surrounding objects at different distances

· Helps relieve overstrain and fatigue of the visual organ that occurs during prolonged visual stress among computer operators

· Provide relaxation of the eye muscles, favor the normalization of lymph and blood circulation of the eye, thereby creating conditions for eliminating general fatigue of the human body under severe mental stress: absent-mindedness, drowsiness.

Methods of eye gymnastics for people whose activities involve the use of computers have long been developed and are publicly available (see, for example,).

It would be useful to hang occupational safety instructions at each workplace.


  1. Excimer Medical Center Directory.
  2. Results of the internal audit in the area of ​​labor protection of the Artemy Lebedev Studio company in 2001.
  3. Results of a survey of Art. Lebedev Studio employees. 2001
  4. Guide R 2.2.755-99 “Hygienic assessment criteria and classification of working conditions according to indicators of harmfulness and danger of factors in the working environment, severity and intensity of the labor process” (approved and put into effect by the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation on April 23, 1999)
  6. SanPiN “Hygienic requirements for the microclimate of industrial premises”
  7. SanPiN 2.2.2/2.4.1340-03 “Hygienic requirements for personal electronic computers and work organization.”

Artemy Lebedev is a registered trademark.

A designer is certainly a creative person, and it doesn’t matter whether he works in the office or at home, he needs to organize a harmonious working atmosphere around himself for maximum motivation and productivity.

Regardless of budget or space constraints, there are many simple and effective ways to create a workspace.

Let's try to identify the most interesting of them.

1. Family life separately, work separately

When working from home, it's important to separate your home life from your work, creating both mental and physical boundaries. Working with a laptop on the kitchen table or on your favorite couch may seem attractive, but it is far from the best way to organize a productive workspace. Ideally, this should be a separate room. In apartments with a small area, they usually use any free space that can be allocated specifically for work, using various design techniques.

2. Ergonomics of the workspace

This is a place where you will spend a significant amount of time, so it is very important that your desk and chair are not just comfortable, but also ergonomic enough. Make sure your monitor, keyboard, mouse or laptop is at the right height and angle so that you don't have to bend over. Correctly adjusting the height of your desk and office chair to suit your height will help you focus on your work more effectively and avoid back problems in the future. Give yourself plenty of room for your legs and take regular breaks to stretch them. Pay special attention to purchasing an office chair with an ergonomic design.

3. Order on the table, necessary thoughts in the head

An uncluttered workspace helps keep your thoughts and ideas focused and in a constructive direction. Take a minimalist approach to your desk by removing unnecessary knick-knacks, piles of books, letters and unwashed cups. Untangle and hide all wires and cables as far as possible. Keeping your workspace clean and tidy will help you be more efficient in your daily work.

4. Use a second monitor

A second monitor can improve your work time management. When working on a project, you often have to work with a huge number of open windows and tabs, and this is not always convenient and time efficient. In situations like this, it is useful to have a secondary monitor to keep current documents and websites open at all times, while the "main monitor" performs its primary task.

5. Add visual stimulus

Visual stimulation includes posters, posters, paintings... anything that can inspire and motivate. If your desk is located close to the window, you can periodically look through it at the sky or at the movement of cars and people. This, in turn, will give your eyes a rest when they get tired of the computer screen, and will also stimulate you to search for fresh ideas.

6. Be careful with the color and lighting of your workspace

It has long been proven that colors can significantly affect a person's mood, so choose the color scheme of your workspace carefully. This, although indirectly, still affects productivity. Also, do not forget about the quality of lighting. It should be the most natural and soft.

7. Use whiteboards, a calendar and a planner

A whiteboard, like a planner, is a good way to jot down ideas when discussing work, sharing ideas, planning, or taking notes for the future. And the calendar on the wall serves as an additional means of tracking deadlines. It is worth mentioning that modern electronic planning and monitoring tools do not in any way detract from the advantages of classic chalk or marker boards, paper calendars and diaries, and the combined use of both methods brings tangible results.

8. Harmonize your space with plants

Adding plants to your workspace improves the microclimate of the room, which certainly has a positive effect on your overall well-being. At the same time, many indoor plants look aesthetically pleasing, and caring for them from time to time distracts from overwork at the workplace.

9. Listen to music

Background music can affect your mood. Depending on your goals and objectives, as well as personal preferences, you need to select one or another musical composition. Choosing the right music or radio helps you work on a project more efficiently, increasing your creativity.

Many people confuse the workplace with processor performance and RAM capacity.

The workplace is first and foremost a computer, but we must not forget that a designer spends 8 to 12 hours in one place, and this is almost half of his life.

Therefore, the workplace needs to designate the entire immediate surrounding space around the designer. In the first place, naturally, should be the power of the computer. The processing time of graphic data and, accordingly, the time for project development depends on this. If Photoshop takes half an hour to load, graphic files are processed at fax speed, and you only work in a 3D editor in your sleep, then you need to think about upgrading your iron assistant. Later we’ll talk separately about the gentleman’s set of designer software tools.

After the computer, I would recommend considering a monitor. Take it literally: the designer looks at the monitor almost continuously 8 hours a day, so you need to take pity on your eyes and health and equip your place with a good monitor. Nowadays, designers are no longer so dependent on the handset, there are already quite acceptable LCD monitors, but you should not indulge yourself in the most modern technologies - remember the capabilities of your users and try to be closer to the people.

Next comes the chair. Not a tablet, not a keyboard, not an ashtray and not an air conditioner, but a chair. The comfort of the chair and its orthopedic properties determine how comfortable you will be at work, how healthy you will be when you leave your workplace, and how much less nerves and energy you will spend on the work process. Armrests, back support, backrest comfort - this is all very important when working sedentarily.

After the chair, you should think about the table. The table should be roomy so that a monitor, keyboard, mouse, tablet, notepad and stand for pencils and pens can easily fit on it. The height of the table should be adjustable or comfortable for a particular person. I pay special attention to what should be placed on the table, namely stationery items. In my deep conviction, a designer’s desk should always have an A4 notebook, a notepad for tasks, pens and sharpened pencils, an eraser, a pack of note paper or stickers and a bar of good chocolate, preferably with hazelnuts, they nourish the brain - the designer’s main tool; ). Everything else is at the request and personal whims of the designer.

And finally, I would like to note that having free direct access to a scanner and printer greatly simplifies the designer’s work. A website layout printed on paper helps you evaluate the design with a fresh look and notice errors that were not visible on the screen.

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Workplace organization

One of the main tasks of increasing labor productivity and the aesthetic level of production premises is the proper artistic and design solution for the elements of the workplace. This has a decisive influence on working conditions and the results of human production activities. All elements of the workplace must meet the necessary parameters, comply with the structure of the human body and sanitary and hygienic requirements, and have high aesthetic qualities.

Not only our mood, but also the work process itself depends on how correctly we are able to organize our workplace. In this matter, the ancient Chinese science of Feng Shui comes to our aid.

One of the most important elements that you should first of all pay attention to when decorating a workplace is its color scheme. According to Feng Shui, each color is an expression of a certain type of energy. Color not only affects our mood, but also affects our health (this is studied by color therapy).

From this point of view, the white, black and gray offices that are fashionable today are completely inharmonious, since they contain only three colors, or rather, no colors. Gray is a variation of black, which in turn is not a color at all. We see black when the surface does not reflect anything, but only absorbs light.

White, as you know, is a neutral color, and therefore does not carry any energy. The variety of too bright tones also has an adverse effect on the state of the body. The motley color scheme attracts attention only at the first moment, but being in such an environment for a long time is quite tiring.

When designing your workplace, try to adhere to the principle of the “golden” mean in the literal sense. Golden tones - light orange, yellow, beige, coffee with milk, as well as warm red, the soothing color of young greenery, gentle marsh will create a feeling of security and joy. Well, you’ve decided on the color, now you need to choose a direction that’s favorable for you.

You belong to the eastern group, if the remainder is 1, 3, 4, 9 or there is no remainder - your lucky directions will be southeast, south, north, east. You belong to the western group, if the remainder is 2, 5, 6, 7 or 8, your lucky directions will be northeast, northwest, west and southwest.

It is believed that if you are sitting in a direction favorable to you, then you are guaranteed good luck in all your endeavors. Whatever workplace you occupy, in a separate office or a common room, you need, first of all, to determine whether you are under pressure from negative energy from the outside. If “arrows” of negative energy are directed at the window from the roof of a neighboring house, place a plant on the window or hang blinds. Never sit under ceiling beams, bookshelves or air conditioners.

Any overhanging structure can become a source of failure and illness. Remove all telephone wires and computer cables behind panels and racks. According to Feng Shui, all visible pipes and wires mean an outflow of money. You cannot place your workplace, even if it is oriented in a favorable direction, opposite the door (especially if it opens into the room). In this case, you are attacked by a strong flow of energy, which can have a bad effect on your health. There is no need to sit with your back to the door; this is a very uncomfortable and alarming position.

It is called a “knife in the back.” It is believed that with this arrangement you can be betrayed, set up, or passed over for promotion. If there is no other option, you need to put a mirror on the table so that you can see everyone entering the door.

You don’t need to sit with your back to the window, you are thereby depriving yourself of the support of influential people, your own employees, and all of your even the most ingenious projects will be doomed to failure. It's better if there is a wall behind you. If this is not possible, close the window with thick curtains. You need to sit facing the door, but not opposite it, but diagonally from the entrance.

Your desktop should be clearly visible from the front door; it should not be blocked by safes, cabinets, or massive chairs. It is believed that if you are not visible from the front door, then luck may pass you by. It is very important to create a positive atmosphere in the workplace. A well-equipped workplace is the key to health, emotional and spiritual balance. Don't squeeze your desk into a corner of the room, much less between cabinets.

Any physical inconvenience will affect the quality of work. You must be free to approach your desk; there should be free space in front of and behind the table, which, according to Feng Shui, symbolizes opportunity and perspective. Otherwise, difficulties await you.

If you work in a cubicle or have a partition directly in front of you, hang a picture of a lake or a flowering valley, that is, visually expand the perspective in front of you. If there are a large number of people working in the room or a large number of visitors coming to you, you may become tired of the hustle and bustle. Place some bright or favorite object on your desktop. This could be a beautiful table lamp (not necessarily a purely work design), a photograph of children, a model of your favorite car. Find any way to protect your personal space.

The most unfavorable workplace is the one near the door. And no matter what position this employee holds, the attitude of strangers towards him is always less respectful than towards colleagues in the back of the room. He is always more tired of the hustle and bustle, as people constantly walk past him and distract him with inquiries. If you can’t move your work station from the aisle, also place a bright or some large object on the table that will make your place more visible and meaningful.

If your desk is located next to a large window, you may feel unsafe (especially if your office is located on the upper floors of a building). Here you also need to protect yourself by placing some large object near the window, for example, a plant in a tub, floor shelves with books. A large object will protect you, emotionally and physically distancing you from danger.

If you work in a room where there are a lot of shelves and cabinets with working documentation or reference literature, review these deposits and throw away what is outdated and unnecessary, and put it in the utility room. Cluttered and crowded cabinets, racks, and shelves mean an inability to perceive new things and limit your professional growth. Good lighting is a great way to attract positive energy.

It is good when there is additional lighting on the desktop in the form of a table lamp. The light source should be directly above your head or on the side of your non-working arm. If the light shines on your working hand, it will cast a shadow on the surface of the table. If you are working on a computer, the light should be directed directly at the keyboard. Bright sunlight can interfere with work, so you should use blinds or curtains, but you should not completely switch to artificial lighting.

If you have to work in a room without windows, be sure to hang a photograph or reproduction of a natural landscape on the wall, or use any other element of nature (a small aquarium, a vase of flowers, place a plant on the corner of the table). According to Feng Shui, it is good to place your desk “behind the boss,” but in no case facing him. It doesn’t matter that the boss’s office is in another room or even on another floor. The position “behind his back” means his support, “facing the boss” means confrontation. If you place a table lamp or metal object on the far left side of the table, financial success is attracted.

If you put a photo of yourself speaking at a prestigious conference in front of you, you will activate your luck in your career. The area on the far right side of your table is responsible for intimate and family relationships, and if there are problems in this area, place a picture of a couple figure there. No matter how you arrange your offices, study rooms, common rooms, or private cubicles, it is important to avoid clutter and clutter.

On and in front of the office there should be no dirty areas, landfills, dead trees and carelessly trimmed bushes, peeling walls and creaking doors, clogged pipes, poorly cleaned halls and lobbies. A room cannot have good Feng Shui if the room has musty air, clouds of tobacco smoke, dirty curtains and glass, furniture arranged in a disorderly manner, and piles of business papers.

You should not allow clutter on your desktop; always keep your work area clean and tidy. Where there is disorder, there is no circulation of positive Qi energy, and therefore there will be no luck and health.

The layout of workplaces should ensure a comfortable posture when working and the performance of economical, simple, smooth, rhythmic movements. Sitting comfort while working is ensured by the rational design of the furniture with back support. This design relieves the back muscles, ensuring uniform distribution of body weight over the seat surface with comfortable placement of the legs.

An uncomfortable working position causes physical fatigue, deforms the body and reduces performance. Consequently, for the convenience of work in the workshop, administrative, communal and other institutions, workplaces and their equipment must strictly comply with ergonomic requirements.

When choosing the size of a workplace in automated control systems, the specifics of the operator’s work are taken into account. The dimensions of the workplace are determined by the anthropometric and physiological data of the worker, the distance of the object being viewed and the angle of view. The workstation in the control system allows the choice of a “sitting” or “standing” position. In the “sitting” position, stationary workstations with height-adjustable chair seats are economical and convenient.

“The table and chair create comfort.” Maximum comfort and minimal fatigue can be achieved when the table and chair for the employee are correctly sized. The normal height of the working surface of the table when an employee is working, depending on his height, is 70-75 cm, respectively, the height of the chair is in the range from 40 to 45 cm. Given the different heights of employees, it is best to use office chairs with lift-up seats.

"Clean table" The desktop should contain only those items and tools that are often and constantly used to solve management problems. At the end of the working day, the desk must be absolutely clean in the interests of maintaining official confidentiality. The desk of a manager or specialist, littered with documents, books and newspapers, speaks of a sloppy and unbusinesslike person.

“Every thing has its place.” All documents (folders, papers) must be arranged in such a way that they have a permanent place and can be easily found. Folders with permanent documents must be included in the records management nomenclature of the enterprise (division) and stored in a specific cabinet with free access for employees. Folders that are frequently used during the workday are located within the employee's work area (one or two steps). At the end of the working day, documents must be placed in the appropriate folders. “What lies in order runs into your hands,” says the proverb.

“Use an organizer.” All technical equipment for manual and mechanized work (pens, paper clips, pencils, erasers, binders, rulers, scissors, etc.) is best stored in a specially designed place on the table or in a computer organizer. This saves a lot of time compared to traditional storage of tools in a drawer.

“It’s clean where they don’t litter.” The office must be kept perfectly clean and cleaned 2 times a day if there are many clients in the department, or once at the end of the working day. To maintain order, the administration must prohibit in the Internal Labor Regulations smoking in the office, consumption of food, drinking alcoholic beverages in the workplace and storage of food. Otherwise, you will face mice, cockroaches, flies, dirt and a decrease in employee productivity by 15-20%.

“Let there be light!” Proper lighting of premises is a factor in creating comfortable conditions, a favorable climate and the health of employees. Direct light without lampshades irritates the eyes, low light leads to rapid eye fatigue, and reflected light from polished table surfaces and cabinets is irritating. It is best to position desks so that normal daylight falls to the left of the desk or directly onto it. In the dark, properly selected lamps or table lamps help.

"Clean air - a healthy mind." Ventilation is important to keep employees in good physical condition and reduce the risk of spreading infectious diseases. The best option is to equip each room with air conditioning or forced ventilation. If they are absent, it is necessary to ventilate the room every 2 hours.

The composition of the air environment of a home is determined by the chemical composition of the air, as well as the presence or absence of various gases, vapors, dust and microorganisms. The composition of the air environment of a home is greatly influenced by: the finishing of internal surfaces of the interior, the functional equipment of the apartment, and household emissions.

Various synthetic materials and products that are prohibited for use inside homes (certain types of linoleum, particle boards, mastics, paints, etc.) especially significantly worsen the gas composition of indoor air. When these materials are used, toxic elements are released into the air.

“Music volume is inversely proportional to intelligence.” Some employees, especially those whose work is monotonous, prefer to work to music, while others do not like it. What should I do? These issues must be agreed upon within the team and regulated. In any case, a loud radio or other source of music during the entire working time has a negative effect on the psyche of all workers.

Short description

One of the main tasks of increasing labor productivity and the aesthetic level of production premises is the proper artistic and design solution for the elements of the workplace. This has a decisive influence on working conditions and the results of human production activities. All elements of the workplace must meet the necessary parameters, comply with the structure of the human body and sanitary and hygienic requirements, and have high aesthetic qualities