Which zodiac signs have magical powers? Which zodiac signs have psychic abilities? Virgo's magical abilities

Magical abilities of the zodiac signs

ARIES. Aries rarely think about those things that cannot be touched, eaten, drunk, kissed. His solar energy and childhood imagination are enough to create a miracle in life. Moreover, Aries simply need to know the rules of “occult security”, so as not to unknowingly get into places where they shouldn’t poke their nose, and not to do something irreparable out of ignorance.

Aries have the gift of foresight, which is expressed not in mystical revelations, like Pisces, and not in a casual statement that “you will receive death from your horse,” but in specific impulsive actions. Aries often cannot bring themselves to board a train or plane when they don’t really want to do so - most likely they intuitively sense an impending catastrophe, although they cannot express in words the hidden clues of Heaven.
Aries, like no other person, always finds themselves “in the right place at the right time,” which again speaks of a supernatural sense.
As for the evil eye, damage or love spell, Aries has excellent immunity, spiritual armor-protection, and for anyone who wants to harm Aries with the help of magic, it is better and safer to go and train in a boxing gym and master not only attack techniques, but every case and elements of protection.


CALF. Taurus is very resistant to magical attacks and most often considers himself a materialist to the core, without thinking about why any stick mysteriously blossoms in his hands, and a house gradually grows to a nail. In addition, Taurus are excellent herbalists, and if desired, they are also excellent at telling fortunes. The curse of Taurus, imposed by him in the highest degree of anger, can affect the family of the offender for several generations.
Taurus' dreams, as a rule, should not be taken into account, and they are rarely remembered. But three or four times in their lives, on the eve of really important events or when serious danger appears, they see truly prophetic dreams.
Recently, many Taurus began to study esotericism and psychology. Such “subtle” Taurus have the gift of materialization - what is told to them and by them becomes almost tangible, and the events that suddenly appear in life after a conversation with such a Taurus lead directly to what they want.


TWINS. Geminis are absolutely incapable of performing magical actions" because they are chronically unable to concentrate their attention and consciousness for a long time. They consider everything that is beyond their fast, lively, but somewhat superficial mind to be nonsense. However, they often become victims of various love potions , magic and witchcraft, find themselves “hooked” without even understanding what happened to them. Gemini’s dreams rarely have any hidden meaning, although dreams can be vivid and exciting, like a computer game.
However, even among this sign there are people who have considerable healing power and occult abilities, without understanding what is happening they can recognize and even sometimes cure a disease that in traditional medicine is considered difficult or even incurable. As generators of Ideas, including occult ones, Geminis have no equal.


CANCER. Cancer is extremely susceptible to magical influences. These are very subtle and vulnerable natures, deeply sensitive to the environment. Cancers are more likely than others to feel bad in rooms where a crime was once committed or where someone suffered greatly and for a long time.
Cancers' dreams almost always carry serious information, which, however, this sign cannot always read.
If Cancer seriously begins to engage in the occult, he achieves enormous success, second only to Scorpios in this. Moreover, if the strongest side of Scorpio is “combat magic”, that is, protection from magical attacks and (or) vice versa - attacks, then Cancers are most successful in matters related to love, childbirth and family affairs, since they are under the special protection of the Moon , which has embodied the feminine principle since ancient times.


A LION. Leo, as a representative of the element of Fire, being under the auspices of the Sun, initially has sufficient energy to engage in occultism. But this sign is primarily occupied with its own person and it simply has no time to develop abilities in the occult, where concentration and self-restraint are necessary; Leos rarely make good mystics and psychics.
But Leos have a different feature. They are almost completely protected from magical attacks, conspiracies and the harassment of vampires. The only one who can ride Leo is Scorpio, but there’s nothing you can do about it. However, oddly enough, Leo is quite susceptible to love magic if it is not aggressive.
Leo's special talent is manifested in making all kinds of talismans, especially from amber.
Leos love to interpret their own dreams, but they are rarely called prophetic; clairvoyance is not characteristic of this sign.


VIRGO. Virgo is quite superstitious, and this makes a certain sense. The not very high energy of this sign makes it quite vulnerable, and the methodical mind of Virgo makes it necessary to avoid possible dangers - hence the intuitive adherence to the ancient rules of magical safety. They are quite vulnerable to the evil eye, but love magic is difficult to succumb to.
Virgo is a sign that, like no other, needs talismans and amulets, preferably made of stone. They should also take care of the safety of their home and be especially wary of broken and cracked mirrors and stuck together dishes. Unfortunately, one of the characteristic features of Virgos is pathological frugality, and by keeping shards and fragments that no one needs, they can open the way to their home for hostile entities from the subtle world.


SCALES. Libras are well versed in love magic and willingly use it. But they are practically invulnerable to other people's love spells. This sign often has to experience attacks of all kinds of astral vampires, attracted by the seeming defenselessness of Libra.
Libras should avoid various ritual masks, which can bring them trouble, even serious and intractable illness. As for dangerous (in the occult sense) objects, Libra is characterized by the ability to benefit from something that poses a threat to everyone else (for example, opal stone is useful for this sign). If desired, Libra easily masters occult secrets, especially succeeding in the art of healing, but their prophetic gift rarely manifests itself.
It is interesting that among Libras there are quite often companions of people seriously involved in occult sciences.


SCORPION. Scorpios initially carry a strong magical charge, so they need to learn to control their gift, otherwise they will pose a threat to others. This sign should refrain from cursing opponents, since in the subtle world it has very strong patrons.
Almost any attempt to harm Scorpio through occult means is either simply broken by his invisible defense, or ricochets back at the attackers. In magic, Scorpio is so superior to other signs that he should be, if not generous, then at least fair. For the same reason, you should refrain from using love spells. But the prophetic gift should not be neglected. Scorpios are not fans of prophesying, but if they say something, they should be believed. Scorpios are the only magicians who can return past love, completely transforming it.


SAGITTARIUS. Sagittarians, as creative individuals, are not only keen, but can also deeply master the basics of magic, however, as a rule, they rarely apply their knowledge in life. Most magical rituals are based on scrupulous elaboration of details, and Sagittarius, although they especially love to go into details and are able to carefully work out the main thing, try to use their knowledge in practice as little as possible because they are well aware of the consequences that may arise. Moreover, they always take a responsible approach to every task.
It was from among Sagittarius that, in ancient times, came the greatest religious figures and powerful priests, teachers and mentors of occult schools, founders of various mystical teachings, prominent gurus, leaders, and sheikhs. Sagittarians, with rare exceptions, usually have a natural prophetic gift; they can interpret dreams, make predictions and give sound advice of an occult and mystical nature. Their foresight and predictions have a secret realization in reality, thereby confirming their extraordinary abilities and involvement in the highest spiritual knowledge, the highest sacraments.
As an object of magical attack and witchcraft, Sagittarians show sufficient stability and security; they successfully resist the evil eye and slander, but at the same time they can succumb to love spells. It is more difficult for them to bewitch their loved ones and they often have to rely on their other talents, the main one of which is an unusual and strong natural charm.
Sagittarians, possessing powerful energy and the gift of inspiring the magic of personal charm, are often talented teachers, speakers, politicians, and major public figures who can captivate masses of fans and followers.
Possessing natural intuition and the gift of mystical revelations, Sagittarius do a lot to promote the triumph of good in the fight against evil and, as a rule, enjoy well-deserved authority, respect and honor for their selfless service.


CAPRICORN. Capricorns and magic are incompatible things. On the one hand, this is good, since this sign is the most resistant to magical attacks, it is almost impossible to jinx it, it can stay in a “dirty” room from an occult point of view for a long time without harm to itself, communicate with energy vampires, “black teachers” and so on Further. But everything has a downside, and Capricorns, who take on the task of transforming subtle energy, find themselves in the position of elephants in a china shop, destroying everything in their path. Any attempt, for example, to use the worst love spell can lead to serious troubles both for the target and for Capricorn himself.
It’s also fortunate that this sign, as a rule, denies everything that cannot be touched with hands, and therefore is not carried away by magical experiments.


AQUARIUS. Aquarians have a keen sense of everything supernatural and inexplicable; they very often see prophetic dreams and interpret them very successfully. They can excel in the art of fortune telling. This is why Aquarians, like no one else, can work with Tarot cards or the Book of Changes. Aquarians are susceptible to the evil eye. But they quickly and easily restore strength after magical attacks. Sometimes they themselves become vampires (the latter applies to a greater extent to Aquarius men). This sign is characterized by a flair for people with a “black aura”, in whose company Aquarians feel a certain discomfort.
It is difficult to bewitch Aquarius, and it is completely impossible to keep him using various love spells, since this sign is focused on absolute freedom of feelings.


FISH. Pisces are the most suitable material for magical attack, they are extremely susceptible and practically defenseless. At the same time, they have a pronounced craving for the occult and very often find themselves in the position of a hunter who “caught a bear, but he won’t let me in.”
This sign is not recommended to engage in occult experiments. Quite defenseless and vulnerable, Pisces sometimes try to solve their problems or take revenge on their offenders with the help of magic, but as a result, the only victims are themselves. This sign very often sees prophetic dreams, but very rarely can interpret them correctly, the same applies to prophetic insights, fortune telling, and so on. If Pisces stubbornly intends to engage in the occult, she should find herself a companion from among Scorpios or Taurus and, under their protection, storm the borders of the unknown.

Magic horoscope. Zodiac signs, what is your magical gift? We bring to your attention our Magical Horoscope, which will tell you what gift your particular Zodiac sign may have. Find out what you are predisposed to and what your magic trick is!

Magic horoscope: ARIES

With a strong desire, he can become a real all-rounder in magic. Everything is subject to him! Of all the signs of the Zodiac, only he is capable of using almost all types of magic to achieve his goals. He easily manages to charge water, food, and clothes with both positive and negative energy. In addition, like no one else, he knows how to read additional information from photographs, letters, and personal belongings. You just have to practice this skill properly - and you will be able to find lost things and indicate their location
missing people.


This zodiac sign has great respect for money and sees it as a way of self-expression and a source of self-confidence. Always strives to earn a lot in order to achieve financial independence and freedom. It is no coincidence that from time immemorial people have worshiped the golden calf - a symbol of wealth. Therefore, representatives of this sign are best at divination to attract money. To enhance the effect, it is better to repeat any magical action several times.

Magic horoscope: TWINS

Geminis are famous speakers, masters of words. Therefore, any magical event during which speech is involved will certainly lead to the desired result over time. This means only one thing: Gemini can safely begin magical spells, love spells, spells, and prayers.

Another thing they like is talking on the phone. Their voice often has special magical vibrations. Convincing anyone and anything is not a question for Gemini, the main thing is desire.


If Cancer does not like animals, then he is an exception to the rule. Basically, he gets along well with our smaller brothers. Therefore, Cancers are better than others at removing damage and the evil eye from animals, treating them using spells and other magical techniques. And with some effort they can learn to read the language of animals. By the way, a new Academy has recently opened in Brandenburg (Germany), where you can not only learn the intricacies of the art of communicating with horses and receive the appropriate diploma, but also learn the language of these beautiful creatures.


Undoubtedly, representatives of this zodiac sign have special charisma and charm, which in itself is a rare gift. If we add magical talent to this, such a person will be able to move mountains. Leos have the most developed abilities for love magic - you just have to set yourself the task of developing them properly.

A spell for separation or melancholy, a strong spell, removing a blood spell, amulets against a rival or rival, fortune telling for a betrothed - the “king of beasts” can handle any of these magical techniques.


Virgo is a “home” sign. More than anything else, she loves to furnish her own nest. Like ants, all year round they drag their “prey” to their native land - indoor plants, new curtains, paintings for the wall... Therefore, Virgos are subject to any magic associated with the home. With the help of incantations and spells, they can easily and simply drive away cockroaches and moths, “bring out” evil spirits, and take thunderstorms and hurricanes away from the house.

In addition, Virgos can resort to earth magic, which has enormous healing power. The earth can be charged and used at your discretion for different purposes.

Magic horoscope: SCALES

Libras are better than others at performing rituals associated with natural phenomena, such as rain, sunrise, sunset, full moon, new moon. Libra's second strong point is talismans and amulets with precious and semi-precious stones. Usually a certain stone corresponds to a particular sign. But not Libra! Different stones can serve them for different purposes. Some will attract good luck, others will protect from the evil eye, and others will preserve love.


To cast spells, predict, find out fate by the stars - Scorpios can do any magic. They have such strong energy that, if desired, they could become excellent psychics, sorcerers and magicians. After all, the mere presence of Scorpio in the house is enough for unkind people to bypass it. So if negative energy has accumulated in your home, invite a friend born between October 24 and November 23 to visit.


Sagittarius is most subject to the element of Fire. And one of the most powerful magical attributes is a candle. Magic rituals with candles can be used for various purposes. The possibilities for using them are as wide as your imagination. However, fire magic is also the magic of lightning and thunderstorms. And the latter is not only very effective, but also dangerous. Therefore, it must be treated with due respect and understanding. Before engaging as help, you should thoroughly study this technique. But with its help you can achieve the fulfillment of any desire.


Capricorns can excel in astrology, numerology and palmistry. And like any earth sign, they are able to interact well with the earth. By properly charging a handful of earth, you can ward off illness, get rid of excess weight, restore memory, and attract rain during a drought.

And since Capricorns have a very strong connection with the earth, they need to recharge their energy from the earth from time to time. Therefore, own six hundred square meters is not a whim, but a vital necessity.


Extroverts by nature, Aquarians are more open to everything new than others. Therefore, such a fascinating area of ​​​​human knowledge as magic sooner or later comes into their field of vision. They plunge headlong into new knowledge and try to master it as quickly as possible.

At the same time, we are ready to embrace the immensity: master tarot, fortune telling with coffee grounds, astrology and numerology. But most of all, Aquarians manage to get along with mirrors. With their help, you will be able to look out for your betrothed or see the future without much difficulty.


They are masters of making love potions. It can even be an ordinary coffee drink, over which the corresponding conspiracy will be read. Pisces are very superstitious creatures. They believe in omens, and omens come true quite often in their lives.

Pisces are great at telling fortunes with dominoes, playing solitaire, and conducting seances. But since it is easier for Pisces than other zodiac signs to cross the cherished line, the main thing for them is to stop in time. After all, the golden rule of a real magician is: “With a secret, be secret.”

Astrologers claim that all signs of the Zodiac - that is, absolutely all people - have magical abilities. But not everyone uses them. Some people are generally skeptical about magic and everything that concerns it. And the rest simply do not find the time to understand this issue.

So their unique gift disappears. But what nature has endowed each of us with must work and be beneficial. And not only to others, but to yourself too.

First of all, you should figure out which direction is closest to you (each zodiac sign has its own magical characteristics). And only then start moving along the intended path and do not leave it - in the end you will achieve results that will surprise you.

a lion

The energy field of Leo is so strong that not every magician will be able to break through such protection. They don’t have to be especially afraid of damage, love spells, or evil eyes.

On a subconscious level, they can choose for themselves a personal talisman that will provide maximum support and protection. Strong in love magic, hypnotic suggestion, witchcraft. They can be good healers.

It is very important for Leos to calm down their pride and extinguish their vanity, as well as eliminate the excessive desire for personal gain - these qualities can block the ability to perform magic.


This sign is also strong in the magical sciences, but it needs support. Their energy should be recharged with the help of talismans and amulets. Prayers, and simply a mental appeal to divine powers, also have a good effect.

When Virgos begin to master magical abilities, they often awaken the talent of an astrologer or tarot reader.


Natural elements harmoniously influence Libra, which allows them to successfully carry out various rituals.

Their magical gift is associated with the world of stones and minerals. Thanks to this, a simple amulet stone can guide and support – it’s a kind of natural recharging.

For Libra, the surrounding atmosphere is important - both their mood and activity depend on it. Astrologers advise them to use pleasant music, aromatherapy, and special clothing.


If we touch on the topic of magic, then Scorpios rightfully occupy a leading position in it. They can easily tell fortunes, use mystical objects, and contact other worlds.

But remember that natural abilities must be used wisely - any deviation will lead you to failure. If evil takes over your thoughts, then troubles will begin to happen one after another.


If your zodiac sign is Sagittarius, then your magical power can manifest itself in healing. You can relieve headaches, joint aches, and spasms. And all this thanks to a simple touch of hands.

In ordinary life, Sagittarians are purposeful - if they have set a goal for themselves, then nothing will lead them astray. Their hallmarks are clarity and consistency.


Representatives of the sign are prone to logical thinking - they value everything material. Their serious attitude to every task is worthy of respect. Therefore, if you need a responsible employee, choose Capricorn. You can't go wrong!

In terms of magic, they are attracted to everything ancient: Druid rituals, ancient spells, books.


All worlds are open to Aquarius - you just need to learn to see the clues of the Universe. They succeed when they are looked at and admired. The audience seems to share their energy with them.

By nature, representatives of this zodiac sign have a good sense of humor and extraordinary imagination.

Aquarians have access to absolutely all spiritual and magical practices - from meditation of any level to shamanic techniques.


Interesting on the topic:


They begin to actively demonstrate their magical abilities in stressful situations or in those moments when global changes occur in life.

Cancers by nature have strong intuition, and they make excellent predictors of the future. They know how to very clearly interpret signs sent from above.

Scorpios can also predict future events, but their energy is aimed mainly at protecting their loved ones from negative influences.

Pisces can protect your home from troubles with just their presence. If you are friends with Pisces, then invite them to visit you more often. You will immediately feel how it will become easier to breathe in your home, and many small everyday problems will be resolved as if by themselves.

Earth Element

The energy of the Earth helps its wards in the fulfillment of their cherished desires.

Many Taurus people have an extraordinary ability to attract money and material values.

Virgos and Capricorns have a natural affinity for astrology and numerology. Virgos love to pay attention to little things and notice what is inaccessible to others, and Capricorns are able to restore energy very quickly.

Fire Release

Fire signs have great magical potential.

Aries can charge food, water, and even personal items with both positive and negative energy.

Sagittarians can become real healers. These people have great potential and can restore their magical energy very quickly.

Leos are bright representatives of fiery energy. They are able to force a person to think about themselves with the power of thought. In love magic, Leos simply have no equal.

Air Element

Geminis naturally have the gift of hypnosis. They literally captivate their interlocutor and direct his train of thought in the direction they want.

A gift received from Libra is a powerful amulet that can effectively neutralize negative influences, and Aquarius can work miracles involuntarily. For Aquarius, magic is a kind of exciting game where you can show off your extraordinary magical abilities.

Incredible facts

Have you ever thought about what you might havesome kind of superpowers or could they have if we learned to develop them? Among the signs of the Zodiac, as it turns out, there are those who can more easily become a MAGIC and develop unusual abilities, and those for whom magic is difficult.

It is believed that every person has the ability to do various things unusual for everyday life, but the majority are simply does not know how or does not want to develop and use them. Everyone has intuition or premonitions that often do not let us down, but which we do not always trust.

Of course, not everyone can read other people's thoughts, move objects, or get what they want with the help of magical rituals, but some zodiac signs can develop such abilities more often than others. Here are the 3 most “magical” signs of the Zodiac, and people born under them more often become MAGIC.

You should also not forget that a person’s magical abilities can also be given by other horoscope indicators, which an astrologer can see and tell you.

Magic abilities by date of birth

Top 3 main MAGA of the Zodiac


This zodiac sign can boast the most powerful abilities to magic and other unusual talents that are given to him from birth. Possessors of the most powerful intuition, they are rarely wrong in assessing any situations. It is very difficult and almost impossible to hide something from Scorpio, especially if you are his close person, and he feels and knows you very well.

Scorpios, often without realizing it, can influence the psyche other people. For example, they are the best manipulators and, if they use manipulation for selfish purposes, they can bring a lot of harm to another person.

However, not all Scorpios are like this! Sometimes their everyday “magic” simply comes down to convincing another person of something, inspire him with something of your own and get what you want.

Scorpio magicians know how to use evil spirits for your own benefit. They have very powerful energy that is capable of keeping any evil forces under control. If Scorpio wants, the easiest way for him to develop the gifts of clairvoyance, prediction and hypnosis. Scorpios are good at fighting damage, evil eye, curses and other negative energy. If you are under the magical protection of Scorpio, this is the best protection!

Sometimes it is enough for Scorpio to listen to himself and analyze his inner feelings, which are always closed from the outside world.

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Aquarians are quite inquisitive and are often interested in everything secret, unusual, and fascinating. Compared to Scorpios, who are able to control any evil force and influence people, Aquarians often do not work with such dark energies and forces, but prefer white magic. They are able to analyze situations logically and excellent at foreseeing the future.

Sometimes Aquarius are even called people of the future: some kind of brilliant idea, which will only be widely used in the future. Aquarians are good at using tools such as astrology and numerology, and some are also good at reading tarot cards. Aquarius also often dreams about what will happen in the future.

How to develop superpowers? Aquarians are airy people, so the direct participation of other people is very important for them. Aquarians can develop their abilities with the help of other people they trust. They learn easily in a group of like-minded people, without experiencing feelings of envy or competition if someone does something better. If their predictions are believed and their advice is heeded, Aquarius's abilities for magic will only grow.

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Cancer is another water sign that is good at learning magic and is able to use it to help not only themselves and loved ones, but also other people. Cancers' intuition is also excellent, and degree of protection from negative influences is quite high.

However, unlike Scorpios, who can use any kind of magic, Cancers will not get involved with black magic; they are more suitable for working with pure energies, where necessary use your intuition. For example, they can use different types of fortune telling - on cards, runes, coffee, and so on.

How to develop superpowers? It is easy for Cancers to develop the intuition that was given to them from birth, through the analysis of dreams and feelings after them. It’s good to write down your dreams or analyze them immediately after waking up, because it is in vivid and memorable dreams that the answers to some questions that interest Cancers often lie. Cancers should also share their feelings after dreams with loved ones. Perhaps family members will help you understand the hidden meaning hidden in the dream, thereby strengthening Cancer’s confidence that he has superpowers.

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These three zodiac signs can achieve the greatest heights by developing their superpowers, but other signs can alsobecome MAGICIANS , although not so often:


In order to become a seer and MAGIC, Aries often lacks patience. Although his fiery energy is quite strong, Aries can ignore your talent for magic, not paying any attention to him, because he simply cannot stop running and think. Aries are always busy, and if they need to stop and listen to something, they usually don’t do it for too long. A new plan, new achievements, new ideas are brewing in their heads.

If Aries has chosen the occult path for himself, he can achieve a lot, even if this requires considerable patience. If Aries has decided to become a MAGIC for himself, rest assured, he will become one! The main thing here is not to get excited and direct your strength in the right direction, find a good teacher who will help.

Aries is able to easily share his energy (luckily he has enough of it) and just as quickly restores strength. Aries are even able to give their energy to things, amulets, and charge them. They can also listen well to Tarot cards - fiery in their energy.

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Sagittarius has the strongest hunger for knowledge of all other signs, so if Sagittarius’s goal is to obtain occult, magical knowledge, he may well become a good MAGIC. However, he does not put his magical abilities into practice very often. Sagittarius is much more interested in the learning process itself, but the use is secondary.

If Sagittarius does use his magical knowledge, he is good at working with human energy, is able to treat people, heal wounds, make diagnoses. Without using any improvised means!

Magical properties of your zodiac sign


Virgos are an earth sign, down to earth and material, but Virgos can make good MAGICIANS who no longer work with some light airy energy, but use specific tools, like Tarot cards, Book of Changes or runes. They can also be quite good at palmistry.

Virgos use every little detail to get to the point and get a specific answer to the question posed. If you need to get just such an answer, you can safely go for a consultation with representatives of the Virgo sign.

Virgos often use methods alternative medicine, understand plants and stones. To develop some magical abilities, they should start with these things: study methods of alternative healing, study the magic of stones, etc.

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The game is the main “magic” of any Leo. Representatives of this sign love themselves and strive to achieve what they want through their own charm and through play. They get what they want in love relationships and they know how to lead people if they become the head of some business.

However, Leos usually don’t want to develop their superpowers too much, since to do this they need to move away from own ego, and this is very difficult! If Leo has strong energy and a talent for doing things with his hands, he may well become the creator of talismans and amulets. Like Aries, he is able to charge things with his fiery energy.

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Libras are partnership-oriented and always have a need to interact with other people. Representatives of this sign can become MAGIC if they have a desire to help others, but basically, they are still aimed at working with white magic and positive energies.

Libras can learn to heal other people, and their words can have a hypnotic effect on a person. That is why Libras also have talents for hypnosis, remember a lot spells and incantations, that work in their mouths.


Representatives of this sign are not very strong in magic, because they do not always know how to cope with other people's energy. They are quite weak and easy succumb to other people's influence. They are very sensitive, trusting and are often victims of scammers and swindlers. It is difficult for them to learn to control everything that is going on in their souls, and it is difficult for them to control other people's energies.

Pisces often see strange and confusing dreams and are able to learn lucid dreams. dreams and know how to foresee trouble.

Pisces have a strong need to learn something mysterious and experience the unknown, so sometimes they still study magical rituals, learn to guess. Thanks to their natural intuition, they become excellent fortune tellers and consultants in the field of the occult. They can also learn to prepare magic potions and love potions.

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Human magical abilities


Taurus rarely become magicians, since their talents are more related to something material. Some of them are quite down to earth and care about their daily bread more than they think about high matters and do not want to take responsibility for other people.

However, if Taurus wants, he can succeed in developing his abilities aimed at achieving material well-being. With their external and internal work, Taurus are able to attract lucrative offers to themselves like a magnet.

In magic, Taurus works well with some specific objects - amulets, stones, and they can also be well versed in Feng Shui in order to create harmony in their home or other rooms through material objects.

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Representatives of this sign especially have no talent for magic and clairvoyance, they are often flighty, it is difficult for them to concentrate on one thing and it is difficult for them to accumulate energy.

However, sometimes Gemini can use their eloquence in order to get what you want. They can skillfully talk their interlocutor into conversation, forcing him to draw the conclusions that please Gemini. Although, this is not so much magic as psychology.