What zodiac signs of children are compatible with each other? Who would you rather have children with based on your zodiac sign?

Aries parent and Leo child

They ignite each other, constantly being in the thick of things, and sometimes a real battle can break out between them.

Under the guidance of a fast-moving, impulsive parent, little Leo learns to splash out his fiery energy and discovers his strengths. Both are bright, self-confident personalities, full of love for life,” says Vera Topcheeva. - An innate sense of self-esteem and inner superiority pushes the Lion Cub to be the center of attention, which evokes the admiration and support of the active Aries.

In turn, a kind and generous baby sometimes makes Aries think about the needs of other people. They have enough energy, optimism and desire to be ahead to achieve whatever they want.

Taurus parent and Leo child

Both are kind, affectionate by nature and capable of enjoying the delights of life. Down-to-earth and somewhat lazy Taurus finds it difficult to come to terms with Leo's need to always shine and demonstrate his talents. But the parent must understand that his little Leo needs incentives so that he can realize everything that is in him.

A thrifty parent often has to curb the Lion Cub’s desire to receive all the best, because, despite his kindness, Taurus is firm and able to insist on his own. He teaches the child patience and the ability to translate his ideas into reality. Next to a Taurus parent, the child becomes more reasonable and gratefully feels that he is loved and that he is warm and secure in the cozy parental home.

Gemini Parent and Leo Child

The Gemini parent and Leo child feel at ease with each other. However, there is one problem in this relationship. The Lion Cub demands as much time and attention from its parents as possible, but the versatile Gemini is sometimes too busy with their own affairs.

The parent should encourage the child’s creativity, his ability to make bright plans and his innate talent for leadership, explains the astropsychologist. - At the same time, Gemini uses their active mind and gets carried away with fun games, thereby giving Leo the opportunity to express himself.

At times, the all-knowing Gemini parent tries to impose his dogmas on the child, but he encounters the willfulness and stubbornness of Leo, and in the end he often has to admit that he is wrong.

Cancer Parent and Leo Child

Lunar and sun sign, night and day, and yet a very tender affection remains between them. Bright creative child is able to bring a smile even to the moody Cancer. And caring Cancer is ready to make any sacrifices so that his Leo child receives only the best.

The cheerful Lion Cub strives to be in the thick of things, standing out with his bright manner of dressing, choice of friends and self-esteem. The Cancer parent is more traditional and subject to standards, but is distinguished by subtle intuition and acute perception, and therefore can explain to the Leo child when to step aside and when to make a breakthrough.

Leo parent and Leo child

They understand each other perfectly and know how to motivate each other to action. The parent acts as an ideal role model and teaches the younger one to be the center of attention. The lion cub basks in the warmth and generosity of its parent and is inspired by his victories.

But this will only be so until both begin to claim main role in the family. If this happens, then Leo the Elder can besiege the young one with a menacing roar,” says Vera. - But nevertheless, each of them is ready to protect the other to the last, because for Leo his offspring are part of self-expression, he is proud of his masterpiece and strives to give the best start in life.

Virgo parent and Leo child

It's not easy for them to find mutual language. Realistic Virgos are critical and tend to notice every shortcoming of others, while the Lion Cub expects admiration and praise. The kid is full of enthusiasm and a desire to be in the center of events, but a caustic remark about awkward movements and statements can shake Leo’s self-confidence.

Even little Leo wants to live on wide leg, dress brightly and fashionably, but the thrifty Virgo doesn’t always like unnecessary spending. Virgo, like no one else, can teach her child how to handle money. However, sometimes she should still provide the Lion Cub with reasonable freedom and the opportunity for self-expression.

Libra parent and Leo child

The parent admires the Leo child, his splendor and grace of manners. Libras themselves are endowed with charm and friendliness, therefore, without entering into confrontation with the domineering Lion Cub, they gently guide him in the right direction.

Sociable and sophisticated Libra knows how to dress a child beautifully, develop in him a love of beauty, and take him to social parties where little Leo will be surrounded by everyone’s attention, says the specialist. - The parent encourages the independence of the passionate child and gives him the freedom necessary for self-expression, creativity and fun, while not forgetting to teach him responsibility and common sense.

Scorpio parent and Leo child

Both are dominant, strong and persistent in achieving their goals. A proud parent may be offended that little Leo takes precedence in public - he gets more attention and admiration.

The parent needs to learn to react to this calmly and not once again upset his self-confident offspring, advises the astropsychologist. - However, little Leo will benefit from the order, stability and well-being that Scorpio can create.

Parent sees strengths and the creative inclinations of the child, therefore it can help realize this potential and teach your little Leo self-confidence, the ability to manage others and earn a lot of money.

Sagittarius parent and Leo child

They are friendly and cheerful, full of energy and creative ideas. Sagittarius constantly involves little Leo in adventurous adventures, instills a taste for life, encourages him to go forward, be brave and not miss his chance. A playful child adores his parent and strives to express himself in full force opportunities, proving that he is the best, for which he receives well-deserved parental praise.

They captivate each other with their enthusiasm, making plans and enthusiastically discussing various topics. Leo, having more strong-willed qualities, involuntarily teaches Sagittarius to concentrate on achieving their goals.

Capricorn parent and Leo child

They strive to lead other people, to surround themselves with expensive things, but if Capricorn needs this in order to emphasize their status in society, then for Leo it is to be the center of attention.

Serious parent trying to instill in child traditional views to the world, but may encounter the stubbornness of his offspring. After all, Leo is full of constructive ideas and desires to change everything for the better, says Vera.

An emotionally cold Capricorn should show more warmth and verbal praise; this will strengthen the proud Leo’s importance and self-confidence, and will contribute to a better development of his abilities. And little Leo will fill the parent’s life with bright colors, sparkling laughter and sunny devotion.

Aquarius Parent and Leo Child

The inventive Aquarius parent is full of energy and new ideas, which he generously shares with the open and kind Lion Cub, broadens his horizons and opens the child to the world of books, politics and innovations. Both know how to look to the future, be stubborn in their own views and be original and unique in society. Little Leo vitally needs parental love, affection and praise, and Aquarius often treats him like others, although he does not forget to teach his offspring to make wise decisions and follow his own path.

Pisces parent and Leo child

Both are imaginative, creative, and able to view life on a higher level.

Nevertheless, this is a union of dedication and selfishness. However, thanks to the efforts and devoted love of the parent, the persistent and freedom-loving Leo improves his individuality and gets a successful start in life, says Vera Topcheeva.

The domineering Lion Cub, with his inexhaustible energy, loves to take everything to the extreme, plunging the sensitive parent into a whirlpool of emotions. Pisces should show strength of character in raising their child and not succumb to his playful provocations, praise and encourage the Lion Cub more often, dream together and enjoy nature. The Pisces parent must teach the little Lion Cub to simply be himself.

The topic of fathers and sons will always be relevant. How to find an approach to your child, and why doesn’t the relationship between parents and children work out? Astrologer Vasilisa Volodina answered these questions. She claims that the nature of communication and mutual understanding between adults and children develops according to the compatibility horoscope.

To make it easier for parents to communicate with their child, Vasilisa recommends finding out about compatibility by Zodiac Sign. And those who are just planning the birth of a baby should not miss the opportunity to conceive during the favorable period of the protection of the Zodiac Sign.

Sagittarius, Aries and Leo- parents are difficult. They do not give their child any independence, and, as a rule, they try to decide everything for him. Representatives of these Zodiac Signs risk ruining relationships with their children if they suppress their desires for individuality and independence. When communicating with a child, Vasilisa Volodina recommends showing more gentleness and restraint. Good compatibility parents of the Signs Sagittarius, Leo and Aries with children of the constellations Gemini, Libra and Aquarius.

Capricorns, Taurus and Virgos- Parents are thorough and calm. They try to instill in their children such qualities as practicality and organization, which, of course, goes against the energetic and active nature of most children. Often people of these constellations have a conservative view of education, which can cause a storm of indignation and even protest on the part of the child. Parents of these Zodiac Signs, according to the compatibility horoscope, Numerology: we count love compatibility with a partner based on their date of birth will be able to build a good relationship with children of the following constellations: Pisces, Cancer, Scorpio, Virgo, Capricorn and Taurus.

Scorpios, Cancers and Pisces- parents are democratic and caring. According to Vasilisa Volodina, they feel their children at the level of intuition and through this they build their relationships with them. Representatives of these signs will get along well with little Aquarius, Libra and Gemini.

Libra, Gemini and Aquarius, according to the horoscope, are the best parents. They are the ones who can quickly gain the trust of their child and become not just a mentor for him, but also best friend. Vasilisa Volodina claims that the parents of these constellations have natural pedagogical talent and can cultivate in their child all the necessary qualities of character. As a rule, the children of such parents grow up the happiest and most successful. Representatives of these Signs are compatible with children of all constellations.

Vasilisa Volodina urges parents not to forget that a child is an individual who has the right to an opinion, has his own character, has his own dreams and aspirations. Whatever the compatibility horoscope says, you should remember that the child deserves parental respect, love and support. Love your children and don't forget to push the buttons and

22.01.2014 13:28

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The compatibility of zodiac signs extends to many areas of life, including the relationship between mother and child. Knowing about the features of compatibility, it will be easier to avoid conflicts and adjust the process of raising a child.

Aries Mom

In contacts with children, the Aries mother fully demonstrates her leadership skills. She loves to lead, organize the child’s leisure time at her own discretion, and does not tolerate disobedience.

It is easiest for an Aries mother to live in harmony with a child born under the Air sign: Gemini, Libra, Aquarius. From fire signs good compatibility with Sagittarius.

It is very difficult for Aries mother and child to come to a mutual understanding: both insist on their own, both strive to be leaders. It is not easy for an Aries mother to develop relationships with the children of the Water signs: Cancers, Scorpios, Pisces.

Taurus Mom

The Taurus woman is practically a model of motherhood. She tends to devote almost all her time to children, is interested in their problems, and provides comprehensive support. But at the same time, she is demanding and does not allow unnecessary liberties.

Even such an exemplary mother finds it difficult to find mutual understanding with children born under the sign of Fire: she seems to be trying to “extinguish” the energy of little Aries, Leo Cubs, and Sagittarius. It is not easy to cope with the “airy” fidgets Gemini and Aquarius.

But relationships with small representatives of water signs are surprisingly easy: Pisces, Cancers, Scorpios adore their Taurus mother. Good contacts with children of your own sign.

Gemini Mom

The Gemini woman prefers to build friendly relationships with children. She cannot be called a strict mother, perhaps that is why she easily establishes good contacts with children of almost all signs.

But even such an easy-going, sociable person as a Gemini mother has difficulties in understanding with little Pisces, Scorpios, and Virgos.

The most better relationship stack up with representatives of the air element: Gemini, Libra, Aquarius. Good contact is established with the children of Fire: Leo, Aries, Sagittarius.

Mom Cancer

The Cancer woman has an extremely developed maternal instinct. She takes care of and protects the child with the zeal of a mother hen. The bond between children and their Cancer mother often lasts a lifetime. She can find the “key” to the baby’s heart of almost any sign.

An unfortunate exception are children born under the signs of Aries, Gemini, and Sagittarius. She establishes the warmest, most trusting relationships with little Cancers and Taurus.

Leo Mom

The Lioness woman has a powerful and firm character. Sometimes this is expressed in the suppression of the child’s individuality. Mother Lioness wants to see her baby “the very, very” smart, talented, beautiful...

The characters of the Leo mother and the children of Gemini, Aquarius, Virgo, and Aries are most successfully combined. It is harder for her to get along with Pisces, Scorpios, and Capricorns. And with the little Lion Cub it is generally almost impossible to come to an understanding: two Leos are cramped in the center of one scene.

Virgo Mom

Virgo mother approaches raising children with extreme responsibility and pedantry, but with minimal emotions. Virgos focus on instilling hard work, discipline, and diligence.

The Virgo mother does not understand the emotional needs of the child well. Therefore, she is unable to find contact with children who are highly emotional: Gemini, Libra, Aquarius, Pisces. But she manages to find a response from the solid representatives of the elements of the Earth: little Virgos, Taurus, Capricorns. Moreover, contact with girls is easier to establish than with boys.

Libra Mom

The Libra woman is a gentle and caring mother. The mother of this constellation becomes the baby’s friend, adviser and even psychologist. She is a born diplomat who knows how to find an approach to almost any child.

But every rule has exceptions. For a mother born under the constellation Libra, Taurus, Capricorn, and Cancer children can be “tough nuts to crack.”

Excellent relationships are established with children of their own sign, as well as with Aquarius, Gemini, Scorpio, and Virgo.

Scorpio Mom

Mothers of this sign are very demanding, authoritarian, and strict in matters of education. They are very insightful and feel good about their children.

A Scorpio mother should show special patience with “fiery” children: Leo, Aries, Sagittarius. Little Scorpio can compete with his mother in terms of perseverance and ability to defend his opinion. But with Pisces, Cancers, Virgos, Taurus, Capricorns, relationships develop surprisingly harmoniously.

Sagittarius Mom

With a Sagittarius mother, children feel very comfortable: she will listen carefully to children's problems, give helpful advice, will come up with a lot exciting activities, interesting games.

A Sagittarius mother has ideal compatibility with children of fire and air signs: Aries, Leo, Sagittarius, Gemini, Libra, Aquarius.

Relationships with Earth signs are worse, and special efforts she needs to make an effort to find contact with children belonging to the element of Water: Scorpios, Cancers, Pisces.

Mom Capricorn

Capricorn women adhere to strict rules in raising children: strict discipline, a clear daily routine. With such a mother, children grow up to be hardworking and responsible, but they lack warmth and emotional impressions.

Good compatibility between the Capricorn mother and children born under the constellations Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn. Good relationships are built with Scorpios and Cancers.

But the restless “lights”: Leos, Sagittarius, Aries literally test mother’s patience and risk earning punishment.

Aquarius Mom

The Aquarius woman is not keen on being overly protective of her children. From infancy, she sees a personality in the child, and tries to reveal his individuality. Aquarius mother is opposed to strict punishments; she prefers to calmly discuss the conflict and find a reasonable solution.

With such a mother, little Aquarius, Pisces, Gemini, Libra, Scorpio, and Cancer feel most comfortable.

Relationships are a little worse with Capricorns, Virgos, Leos, and Taurus.

Pisces Mom

A woman born under the sign of Pisces becomes a friend and confidant for children. She devotes time to development inner world child, strengthens the emotional connection with the baby. Pisces mother does not know what severity and punishment are.

The only children with whom it is difficult for her to establish harmonious relationships are representatives of Fire. The energy of such babies is not compatible with the “watery” energy of the mother: Aries, Leo, Sagittarius.

Especially close emotional relationships connect mother Pisces and little Pisces, Cancers, Scorpios. Good contact with Aquarius, Libra, Taurus.

Which zodiac signs adore children and which hate them?

Many Aries treat children as a long-term important project– responsibly. They consider it the sacred duty of every parent to create conditions in which the child will receive everything he needs, grow and develop in accordance with pedagogical standards.

The relationship between parents and children has always worried and will continue to worry people. In astrology, the Sun is responsible for the relationship between a child and his father.Compatibility of mother and childshows the position of the Moon. The father’s task is to light the Sun of his offspring, teach him to set goals and show him methods of achieving them. And the mother must satisfy the physical and emotional needs of the child, create comfortable conditions to shape his inner world. A stable emotional background is the key to a child’s future success.

From birth to seven years of age, a child lives according to his night star. During this period, all psychological habits are formed. That is why proper and close interaction between the child and mother is important during this period. All our emotional conflicts and personal complexes that interfere with our adult life, comes from childhood.

But why do parents often not understand their children? Why do quarrels happen? Where is the ideal compatibility of mother and child that we often hear about from other people?
The most important role inThe following astrological indicators play:

Consider all horoscope instructionscompatibility of mother and childin one article is not possible. But we can describe the main needs of a child based on the Moon, how he sees his mother and what kind of care and attention he expects.

The problem is that a mother's care levels may not match her children's needs. How does maternal care manifest itself? on the Moon can be read in the author’s previous article.

Depending on the energy of the Moon received in childhood, the image of a future wife will be formed in boys, and in girls - their feminine role in adulthood.

The main needs of children in different Moon signs to understand the compatibility of mother and child:

  • Moon in Aries– the need to show emotions, initiative, and activity. He wants to be taken into account, his opinion is important. You can’t limit the activity of such a kid; let him fill his bumps himself. To get him to do something, you need to switch his attention. We need an active mother who will pick up any initiative of the child.
  • Moon in Taurus– we need stability and reliability in everything. He is unhurried and does not like change. Any changes are stressful for him. Since childhood, such a child loves gifts, loves to have something, and shows an interest in hoarding. We need a mother who is understanding, caring, creates comfort and loves to cook deliciously.
  • Moon in Gemini– the need for communication, diversity, information. Without this, such a baby will be sad. He needs a mother-interlocutor, a mother-friend who will walk with him a lot and help him make a choice in a difficult situation.
  • Moon in Cancer– the need for security and care first and foremost. Changes and moving are difficult to bear. The kid is very emotional, sensitive, touchy and wants to have a person who is not afraid to tell about his feelings. For his mother, he wants to be the closest and most loved.
  • Moon in Leo– the need to be the center of attention, to be recognized. Make a small stage at home, let the creative talents and fiery emotions of your little “prince” reveal themselves. They want their mothers to praise them and admire them.
  • Moon in Virgo– the need for order, routine, tranquility. Since childhood, they have been interested in cleaning and their health. They want stability, accuracy, and caring from mothers. But such children are often criticized, which is why they become more withdrawn.
  • Moon in Libra– the need for social position, to be popular, to have many acquaintances. This baby does not like to play on his own. They are attracted by harmony in everything. Mom is seen as the most beautiful, sociable, and attention-grabbing.
  • Moon in Scorpio– the need to understand one’s desires. Yes, yes, exactly desires. Such children have very a strong character who knows how to self-heal in any situation. They are very emotional and in moments of outburst of emotions they can sting everyone. They need a mother who unconditionally loves and accepts them for who they are.
  • Moon in Sagittarius- need for authority and respect. They have broad views, they are versatile, they even like to teach their parents. Try to take them seriously, even if you find it funny, don't show it to them. Teach your child to trust himself.
  • Moon in Capricorn– the need for discipline and management of all processes. Such children are very responsible, so from childhood they can be very serious beyond their years. They rarely show emotions and believe that they need to be kept under control. Mom must make it clear that he can open up to her.
  • Moon in Aquarius– the need for originality and freedom. Desire to organize and participate in group games. These kids like any new products in the industry. It is difficult to follow the flight of their thoughts. They want a mother-friend who will not put them in a box. This is where you will find your compatibility.
  • Moon in Pisces– the need for expression of emotions and understanding. They love to express their feelings through creativity. They are very intuitive and receptive. Failures are hard to deal with. Such a child cannot be given strict limits, but at the same time he must understand that they exist. Mom needs to understand internal state your child and use gentle but effective methods education.

The world would be different if parents were always astrologically compatible with their children, and, therefore, lived on the same emotional wavelength as them. Love is when you are understood and accepted for who you are. It is tragic that so many parents fail to truly understand their children, who are emotionally different from them - simply put, it is the incompatibility of parents and children according to the horoscope.

Once you realize that you are incompatible with your lover or friend, you are free to end the relationship. However, this is absolutely impossible when we're talking about about family. And even if sometimes you can still avoid communicating with some members of your family, what to do when it comes to a minor child? It takes enormous effort and time for people to understand how they differ from each other, and to learn mutual tolerance, putting up with the fact that they are cut from completely different emotional material.

It is important in principle to understand the emotional makeup of your own child, but if his attitude to emotions fundamentally contradicts yours, the issue becomes especially acute - both for parents and for the child. When you bring a newborn baby from the maternity hospital without a horoscope, without astrological information about him, it is as if you were bringing a very expensive, valuable plant from a nursery - without proper care instructions. After all, in order for a flower or tree to grow and develop correctly, you must know what exactly it loves - shade or bright sunlight, and how often it requires watering.

A double discrepancy between the horoscopes of a parent and a child can cause especially bitter suffering and pain. This means, firstly, a conflict of signs. And secondly - the conflict of the hemispheres.

Incompatibility of parents and children according to the elements Water, Fire - Earth, Air

The deepest emotional abyss can separate fathers and children if “feeling” (water signs - Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces or fire signs - Aries, Leo, Sagittarius) and “thinking” (earth signs - Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn or air signs - Gemini, Libra, Aquarius) signs.

What if the parent is a “thinking” sign and the child is a “feeling” sign?

The conflict between “feeling” and “clever” creates more serious problems in relationships if the parent is a “thinking” sign, and the child is a “feeling” sign. An oversensitive child of a water sign who desperately needs an emotional response may simply be crushed by the aloofness and coldness of an emotionally reserved, “thinking” parent.

The child of the “feeling” sign literally bathes in emotions and needs emotional feedback. Unfortunately, emotional Feedback This is not typical for parents of “thinking” signs, who do not like, firstly, emotions themselves, and, secondly, their overly violent manifestation.

Parents of earth and air signs are less inclined than others to show emotions; they seem to not understand how their very emotional “fire” or “water” child might feel. An Aquarius mother, sincerely loving her “fish” daughter and showing genuine interest in her desires and needs, can do this so secretly that her daughter will not notice her love and will consider her mother alien and distant.

You may ask: how can understanding the emotional nature of a child that is alien to you defuse the situation and help him feel that he is loved? Oh, it's not nearly as difficult as you think: you just need to change the way you communicate with him.

Add that you will try to be more attentive to his needs and try to understand exactly what he feels. Tell your child that you will need his support, only then will you be able to help him - from now on, let him always speak openly if he thinks that you are too cold, harsh, or generally communicate with him in a manner that is unacceptable to him. Your child should constantly feel your “elbow” and understand that you are “playing on a team” when it comes to your relationships.

Here are a few more suggestions that will really be very useful for you and will help your “feeling” child feel fully loved:

1. Read "Parenting Effectiveness Training"- a wonderful book by Dr. Thomas Gordon - and put into practice extremely useful method active listening. Active listening means telling your conversation partner what you think you heard them say—or what you think they feel.

You can simply parrot it word by word (parrot) or paraphrase - but no additions, criticism, bias or advice. This technique will help your child feel that you care about him, because you really hear him - and are not trying to criticize him. This is the most important technique communication, which is available to anyone who wants to improve their relationship with another person. It is so phenomenally effective that it can radically change relationships.

2. Be patient! The child should feel that you are devoting enough time to him. If you decide to discuss a painful issue controversial issue, first make sure you have required amount time to listen to each other and say everything you want to say - and, most importantly, that you are both in the right frame of mind at the moment.

If the problem is not that serious and can be resolved quickly, spend the extra time - just so that your child can feel that he is more important than everything else in your busy business life. Pour a glass of lemonade and sit back, ready to talk. Just a few extra minutes - but the child will understand how important he is to you!

3. Watch your tone. Children of “emotional” signs, especially the element of Water, should be spoken calmly and affably. They are so painfully sensitive that any harsh word or expression, even if they just imagined it, can deeply wound their tender soul. If you yourself are an Earth sign (Capricorn or Taurus - with Virgo the situation is somewhat different), then your child may perceive you as pragmatic and down-to-earth, which for him will be tantamount to coldness or indifference.

If you are an Air sign (Gemini, Libra, Aquarius), your “feeling” child will sense a hidden wariness in you. For elemental, Earth or Air parents who want to build a warmer relationship with their children and want to show truly kind feelings, it is enough to simply color the tone and manner of communicating with their hypersensitive child with warmth and love.

4. Talk to your child about how you feel, not what you think.“Feeling” children come from a place of emotion. When communicating with “thinking” dads and moms, they often experience frustration because they speak to them in different languages when it comes to feelings. If you're an Earth or Air sign, you'll be more likely to want to talk about thoughts rather than feelings.

And this will certainly be reflected in your vocabulary. For example, you might be tempted to say, “I think we should remember...” But an emotionally oriented child will be more willing to respond to a phrase like, “I feel that we should remember...” This may seem silly, but you don’t even suspect what effect such a little thing can cause!

Again, if you ask a child to do something, avoid a commanding tone, address him politely, in the form of a polite request, as if leaving him the opportunity to make his own decision. This is a very subtle subtext, but very effective.

5. Put feelings before facts from time to time. and try to understand your child’s feelings. Parents of earth and air signs tend to make decisions based on reality instead of listening to the child's feelings and emotional needs.

For example, if you allow your child to go to bed later than usual in order to meet his favorite uncle who is leaving for six months, this will be a real gift for him - because you will put his feelings first. “Thinking” parents, of course, will first of all think about the dangers of violating the regime.

They are obsessed with the fact that children need to sleep a certain number of hours a day to be physically healthy. But the child also has emotional needs that must be met for the sake of his spiritual and emotional health.

Incompatibility of parents and children according to the elements Earth, Air - Fire, Water

What to do when the parent is the "emotional" sign and the child is the "thinking" sign?

As parents of Fire or Water signs, you must understand that your child does not share your enthusiasm for emotions. He is not as comfortable with them as you are. And you can radically change his future if you teach him how to handle emotions correctly.

First, he must realize that emotions are not at all as scary as he thinks. Among people with “thinking” signs, there are probably many more hidden neurotics than among people with “emotional” signs, because “smart” people find it extremely difficult to deal with their own feelings (anger, depression, disappointment, frustration).

You are able to help your “thinking” child understand that such a fear of emotions is simply a feature of his nature, character, and there is absolutely nothing to be afraid of: emotions are natural component life of every person. Encourage your child, teach him to accept emotions, express emotions - no matter what.

Help him understand how important it is for his mental health to realize that the fear of feelings is much worse than the feelings themselves. Unvented anger is the number one cause of various psychosomatic illnesses. Remember, it is better to let the child express his anger or rage in an overly violent form than to suppress it within himself.

Such a child is afraid of any emotions, and therefore you must handle him very carefully. “Thinking” children should never be scolded, much less shouted at. Children of air signs are especially sensitive to emotional turmoil. They may become physically ill from emotional stress.

What to do when the child is astrologically more dependent and more self-giving than the parent?

The second astrological factor that gives rise to serious problems of mutual understanding between fathers and children is the imbalance of hemispheres in horoscopes. People with a very strong influence of the Western Hemisphere are fundamentally different from people with a very strong influence of the Eastern Hemisphere.

When such an imbalance occurs in the relationship between parents and children, difficulties cannot be avoided, especially if the parent is a pronounced representative of the Eastern hemisphere, and the child is a pronounced representative of the Western hemisphere.

The main difference between these two types of people is that “eastern” people are much more independent, they need less others and their approval, they are self-contained and completely self-sufficient. "Western" people need warm, close relationships, often feel insecure and afraid of being rejected.

Now you understand how a child with too much influence from the Western hemisphere can feel in the company of self-sufficient parents who look at the world completely differently. Of course he feels unloved and abandoned. It is not true that “eastern” people do not love anyone and never need anyone at all; the only question is the degree and intensity of their need for communication and love.

An imbalance of both types can lead to very serious consequences. Most perfect option, when the planets are evenly distributed between two hemispheres. Then the person will be completely independent, and at the same time will experience a healthy craving for communication with people and the need to care for others.

But a parent of an “Eastern” type cannot change and remake himself into a person of a “Western” orientation with his characteristic thirst for communication. This is as unlikely as the fact that a “Western” person will suddenly gain independence and stop reaching out to people. But you must recognize the difference between you and your child and try to treat him the way he needs.

You must be patient and persistently, day after day, step by step, build a relationship with him, carefully thinking through every action, every word - so that your child feels your active communication with him. Then you can somehow smooth out the differences between you and him.

If you find yourself automatically saying “no” to your child, stop and rethink the situation. Think about whether you were in a hurry to refuse him - brushing him off out of habit. After some thought, you may feel ready to say yes. Try to move yours more often own plans and needs come second in such situations.

Unfortunately, people with too much influence from the Eastern hemisphere do not even want to think about such “nonsense.” Yes, I understand that you have repeatedly abandoned your plans and intentions for the sake of your child. But be honest, how often have you performed such “heroic” acts lately?

Have you done things that would make your son or daughter squeal with delight and feel your immense love? To radically improve a hopeless relationship with your child, in essence, not much is required.

Emmy Keene
Excerpt from the book "LOVE AND WAR between the signs of the zodiac", 1998.