Which annuals to plant before winter. What flowers are planted in autumn?

Gardeners and gardeners know: autumn planting saves precious spring hours, when there is so much work that you don’t know which one to tackle first. According to experts, plants, including ornamental ones, also like this kind of agricultural technology - the test of winter cold makes them stronger, activates internal resources. The result is generous, and in most cases earlier than usual, flowering. In autumn you can plant almost any perennial flowers. Which one to choose - everyone decides for himself, but there are some favorites that are found in every second garden.

Why do you need autumn planting of perennials?

Some perennials can be planted even in slightly frozen soil; they do not require sunlight at all

A prerequisite for planting many crops is stratification (hardening) of the seeds. During autumn planting, this process occurs in a natural way. The sprouts that hatch from such seeds withstand weather conditions. Young growth, as a rule, is not afraid of the returning spring colds and even frosts, which would be destructive for seedlings grown in greenhouse conditions.

Flowers planted in autumn have other benefits:

  • they begin to bloom about half a month earlier than those sown in spring, and remain decorative throughout the season;
  • their immunity is stronger, they are more resistant to diseases and pests;
  • in the future they do not require frequent replanting, like perennials grown traditional way(once every 2–3 years is enough);
  • give quality planting material obtained by dividing a plant into several parts;
  • they are easy to care for.

A small disadvantage is that seed consumption during autumn planting is slightly higher than in spring. The fact is that as a result of stratification, non-viable seeds die. However, it is not worth solving this problem by deeply deepening the seeds into the soil - this will not protect them from frost in any way, but in the spring it will make it difficult for the sprouts to move towards the sun.

What perennial flowers can be planted in the fall: 7 best options

Gardeners have long been accustomed to the fact that ornamental bulbous and shrub crops are planted in the fall. The fact that perennials can be grown in a similar way without cluttering the window sills with containers of seedlings in the spring is a pleasant discovery for many. The main thing is not to make mistakes with the timing of planting at the dacha: in middle lane In Russia this is usually mid-November, in the southern regions - the end of the month, in the northern regions - its beginning. Depending on the vagaries of the weather, changes to the schedule are possible. It is important not only to know what flowers are planted in the fall, but also to take into account the peculiarities of planting and growing them, and also take into account the time that will have to be spent caring for them.

Asters differ not only in flowering time and height, but also in the structure of flowers - they are pink-shaped, peony-shaped, chrysanthemum-shaped

This crop in ornamental gardening amazes with its diversity of species, but for autumn plantings Early-flowering varieties are best suited, for example, alpine aster (late-flowering varieties are usually planted in the spring).

Seeds are sown in November. Required condition plantings - frozen ground. Sometimes perennial aster is sown even in early December, right in the snow. In order for friendly shoots to appear in the spring, you cannot deepen the seeds more than 0.5 cm into the soil.

For successful growth, a number of conditions must be met: moisture should not stagnate in the area, otherwise the roots will begin to rot, and the place must be sufficiently sunny - asters will die in the shade.

Flowering of early varieties that were sown in autumn begins in May-June (2-3 weeks earlier than spring plantings). If seeds of late-flowering plants were used for sowing, flowering will occur in September-November.

Spring care consists of thinning: if the sprouts have sprouted very actively, some of them will have to be removed - the asters will bloom magnificently and brightly if the distance between them is 20–30 cm. Also, the plantings may need watering when the moisture formed after the snow melts is used up . If a dense crust forms on the soil surface, it must be loosened. During the further growing season, flowers will require regular weeding, and once a season they need fertilizing with complex mineral fertilizer.

Experts also recommend planning breeding in late autumn. perennial asters with the help of seedlings - on the eve of winter they are planted on permanent place. Flowers have time to take root well, provided that the soil for them has been prepared 2-3 weeks before planting, and the place is sunny.

Growing delphinium from seeds is much cheaper and easier than purchasing ready-made planting material

Pre-winter sowing - smart solution for those who would like these flowers to bloom in May or early June. This is especially true for delphinium, since then the plant has a chance to please the gardener with repeated flowering in the fall (provided that the flower stalks of the “first wave” were cut off).

Depending on the nature of the autumn weather, delphinium seeds are sown in open ground in October or November. They are sprinkled with a thin layer of a mixture of peat and sand and covered for the winter. spruce branches

, however, the survival rate of seedlings will still be slightly lower than after spring planting. In this regard, experts recommend increasing the amount of seeds consumed in the fall by 20–30%. The shoots will be strong and friendly, provided that a sunny area has been chosen and the soil is well prepared - dug up and fertilized.

In September, delphiniums are propagated by dividing the rhizomes. For plants 3–4 years old, it is cut into 7–10 parts. A prerequisite is the presence of buds or at least one shoot on each part. The plant tolerates winter well and blooms profusely in June.

Delphiniums are unpretentious in care, but watering, especially during dry seasons, is important for them.

In order for the bushes to bloom longer, you need to get rid of the flowering shoots with a knife.

This plant is propagated by divisions, usually in the fall. In spring, the peony is not yet ready for this procedure - its root system is exhausted, since all the plant’s forces are spent on growing green mass and forming buds. In addition, after such manipulations, the peony will still not have time to bloom in the season that is just beginning.

If propagation by divisions occurs in the fall (in the middle zone - in early September), the first inflorescences will appear in May. September is good for the formation of new peony bushes because the heat is ending, night temperatures are significantly different from daytime (the plant is being hardened), it rains more often, which has a beneficial effect on the condition of the soil. IN different regions

  • The timing of these works is slightly different:
  • in Siberia, the period from August 20 to September 20 is considered optimal;
  • in the Urals - from August 20 to the end of September;

in the Volga region and Moscow region - from the end of August to the end of September. The main condition is that there should be 35–45 days left before the cold weather begins.

Caring for a newly planted plant involves watering up to 10 liters per bush. In the future, rain will help solve the problem, but if the autumn is dry, the plant may require 2-3 waterings before the onset of winter. Fertilizing is not needed only if fertilizers were applied to the soil at the stage of preparation for planting. In any case, nitrogen is contraindicated for peony at this time - this fertilizer activates the growth of green shoots, which is extremely undesirable on the eve of winter.

Those who are planning to propagate this flower using seeds that ripen in boxes in the place of the former bud are advised to abandon the idea. In this case, the varietal characteristics of the peony are most often not preserved, and you will have to wait at least five years for flowering.

The bushes should be planted in such a way that when growth is completed, the plantings close together: primrose has a negative attitude towards excess space

Gardeners love primroses because they are one of the first to decorate flower beds with bright colors. In order for flowering to begin in May, seeds are sown in open ground in the fall (in the middle zone - at the end of September).

The seeds are buried to a minimum of 0.5 cm, and the plantings are covered to protect them from severe frosts in winter.

The conditions under which you can count on the successful growth of future plants are a well-chosen planting site (primroses like partial shade), fertility and sufficient soil moisture.

If you plan to plant flowers to decorate a rock garden, you should avoid the south side.

If it is not sowing that is required, but replanting of plants, then in the fall this operation should be completed at the end of September or October in such a way that the primrose has enough time to take root before the onset of cold weather, otherwise winter will be disastrous for it. In this case, it is easier for residents of the southern regions; they have more time.

The division of bushes is also carried out in the fall, after the completion of the flowering phase. It is recommended to cover young plants without waiting for the onset of severe cold weather.

When purchasing planting material, you need to pay attention to the presence of up to 5 correctly colored shoots, the length of which reaches approximately 6 cm Phlox are usually propagated by cuttings, since they take root well, and this is best done in the fall: spring planting

They postpone flowering for a whole year, and the “autumn” ones will bloom next summer.

More precisely, planting dates are determined depending on the flower varieties: early and mid-early ones form so-called “renewal buds” by the end of August. This means that the plant can already be propagated. For late varieties For phlox, this period is pushed back to the second ten days of September. In any case, work on propagation and replanting of bushes should be completed by mid-October so that young plants are not damaged by frost.

Rooting of cuttings usually takes 30–40 days.

Phlox planted in autumn requires minimal care; even watering is usually not needed, since the plant is provided with moisture by autumn rains. But fertilizing will come in handy - complex fertilizer is mixed with ash and scattered on top of the frozen soil. In the spring, plantings are watered with water containing mineral fertilizer diluted in it, thanks to which flowering becomes richer and its duration is longer.

Plants planted in autumn are protected from frost by mulching - sawdust, peat. In the spring, as soon as the snow melts, the mulch is immediately removed. Astilbes look especially impressive against the background of ferns and in the shade. coniferous plants

, but single landings are also possible This beautiful plant , blooming from June to August, is best propagated by dividing the bush. It is recommended to carry out work in the fall, when the average daily temperature does not drop below +5 o C for 2–3 weeks. In central Russia the right time

The beginning of September is considered to be the time to plant astilbe.

Flowering begins already next summer (in the second half), but experts recommend preventing this and cutting off the emerging flower stalks. Unpopular “surgical” measures have to be taken because a plant that is not strong enough sometimes dies, giving all its strength to the flowers. Another feature of this crop is the growth of the root system in the form of an island that rises above the soil level. This seriously weakens the plant, so astilbe needs to be replanted every 4-5 years. It is held at the beginning of September, while big bush divided into several small ones. If work is delayed for more than late dates

, the soil around fresh plantings must be mulched with sawdust, straw or spruce branches) so that the plants successfully survive the winter cold.

Caring for astilbe usually comes down to watering: as soon as it does not receive enough water, the inflorescences become small and the leaves wither. Astilbe comfortably tolerates cold Russian winters (down to –37°C), practically does not get sick, and garden pests

The lifespan of loosestrife with proper care is more than 10 years

plant, in last years gaining popularity among gardeners, it is usually propagated by seeds or vegetatively. Both are usually done in the fall, but preference is still given to the second method, and here’s why: a plant grown from seeds only begins to bloom in the third year. At vegetative propagation By dividing the bush, flowers appear at the beginning of next June and continue to delight with bright colors until mid-August.

China is considered the homeland of loosestrife, where you can find more than 70 species of this flower.

Planting work is carried out in September-October. In order for the plant to better prepare for winter, there should be no young leaves on it at the time of planting. If the whole bush is transplanted to a new place, without dividing it into several, you need to make sure that the prepared hole is deeper than the previous one. This necessary condition so that flowering is not late, but begins already next year.

Other conditions under which loosestrife will retain its decorative properties for a long time are fertile soil and fairly high soil moisture. But he is not afraid of winter cold, and there is no need to cover the flowers.

Having mastered the autumn planting of perennials different ways, the gardener ensures that in the spring he does not waste time growing seedlings, but at the very beginning of the season he has flower beds with strong plants that have been hardened by the winter cold. They do not need to adapt to open ground; they have enough strength to begin flowering earlier than what happens during spring planting.

In the spring, flowers will bloom two weeks earlier if sown in the fall. In addition, over the winter the seeds will undergo stratification, making it easy for the plants to tolerate spring frosts. However, not all seeds can survive winter frosts, so you need to know which annual and perennial flowers can be sown before winter. We invite you to familiarize yourself with the photo, name, and description of annuals, perennials and bulbous plants for planting in the fall. By clicking on the highlighted link, you can learn how to properly sow and care for the flower you like in the garden.

Perennial flowers planted in the fall will grow lush and resistant to various diseases next year. They are sown depending on the weather conditions of the region - from late September to November.


Flowers of unusual shape and very different colors are formed on tall peduncles.

Small bushes are suitable for borders, flower beds, mixborders, ridges located in partial shade.


In May, yellow, red, and yellow flowers collected in dense inflorescences will bloom. blue flowers primrose Around them are leaves similar to those of violets.

The seeds quickly lose their similarity, so sowing is done immediately after they are collected.


In addition to the one known to many with white inflorescences, today you can plant varieties whose flowers can have yellow and pink colors.

Can be grown in areas with any soil. Loves good lighting and is suitable for group plantings, flower beds, mixborders.


Photo of Heuchera plant

The plant is distinguished by unusual bright leaves. To prevent the foliage from losing its color, it is recommended to plant in well-lit flower beds.


Cup-shaped flowers on a long stalk can be white, purple, pink, soft yellow or even double color.

Looks good in group plantings and is suitable for decorating tree trunks. Loves moist soil and partial shade.

Bluebell Carpathian

The plant, up to 30 cm high, blooms with white, blue, blue, and purple flowers.

Does not tolerate stagnant soil moisture and loves good lighting. Therefore, bells should be planted in flower beds, rocky gardens, rock gardens located in illuminated areas.


Gaillardia will decorate the garden with bright golden-yellow flowers. The height of the plant can be from 25 to 60 cm.

Suitable for decorating mixed borders, alpine slides, flower beds, borders, and ridges located in sunny areas.


Lilac bushes with a charming aroma, depending on the variety, can be either low or tall.

Loves neutral, loose soils and will bloom well in sunny areas. With the help of lavender you can decorate rock gardens, alpine slides, and borders.


ground cover plant with single or double white, yellowish, pink or purple flowers.

Looks beautiful in the foreground of flower beds, rock gardens, and ridges. Prefers sandy soils and good lighting.

What annual flowers to sow in autumn

If sow annual seeds before winter, next year they will bloom earlier than the flowers that were planted in the spring. You just need to choose flowers whose seeds can overwinter in open ground.

Aster annual

Photos of aster annual flowers

With flowers myself different shapes and a huge number of colors.

The height of the bush is 25-90 cm. For flower beds, ridges, mixboxers, located in a well-drained sunny area.


They will decorate the garden from spring until frost. The height of the bush, depending on the variety, is 30-80 cm.

Grows on almost any soil. They bloom best in well-lit areas and partial shade.


Small plants with flowers of cream, orange, red, bright yellow. Due to the waxy coating, the leaves appear bluish.


Photo of godetia flower

Height from 20 to 60 cm with lance-shaped leaves and simple or double single-colored or multi-colored flowers of a wide variety of colors.

Looks good in ridges, along the border, in flower beds with fertile soil. Loves sunny areas.


Photo of white alyssum

With powerful shoots and small white, pink, lilac flowers.

Flowerbed with alyssum

You can sow in the foreground of flower beds, rocky hills, rock gardens, and borders with dry soil. The area must be open.


Up to 30 cm in height. Fragrant flowers are collected in umbrella-shaped inflorescences.


Photo of calendula flowers

With bright yellow or orange flowers.

Photo of large-flowered calendula

Can be sown in partial shade on any soil in flower beds and containers on the balcony.

Chrysanthemum annual

Photo of chrysanthemum Pink daisy

Annual is a bush with a height of 20 to 150 cm with large, medium or small flowers. Simple or double flowers can have a wide variety of colors.

Can be grown in any flower beds and containers in sunny areas.

Maned barley - photo

herbaceous plant from the cereal family, it will decorate the garden with spikelets-inflorescences with a purple or pink tint.

Grows on any soil in rock gardens, mixboxers, and individual flower beds. Prefers well-lit areas.

Phlox annual

Phlox Drummond - photo

With flowers of a wide variety of colors it grows up to 30 cm in height.

You can plant flower beds in the foreground, alpine roller coaster, in discounted houses located in an open area.

Bulbous flowers for planting in autumn - names, photos

September - October is the time to plant bulbs and rhizomes of perennial flowers.


In the photo there is a flower bed with tulips

With simple or terry glasses they can have a wide variety of colors. There are varieties with multi-colored flowers.

The photo shows tulip buds

Planting is done in the fall in the last ten days of September - the first ten days of October.

Muscari or mouse hyacinth

The pyramid-shaped inflorescences consist of bell flowers, which can be pink, blue, light blue, or white. Plant height is about 20 cm. daffodils are formed on a plant with a height of 30 to 50 cm.

Planting time in autumn: end of August - first ten days of September.


Photo of crocuses

small bush up to 15 cm high in late spring it will bloom with delicate pink or white numerous small flowers. There are fall flowering varieties.

Before winter they are planted in late August - early September.

Allium or decorative onion

Unusual plant up to 80 cm high with spherical flowers of various colors.

Depending on weather conditions, planting is carried out in September - October.


With rhizomes they can have bearded or beardless flowers. The colors of the buds can be very diverse.

Time for planting: September – October.

Features of autumn flower planting

After harvesting, many beds are freed up at the dacha, so it’s easy to choose a suitable one and make a flower bed out of it. The soil is prepared in central Russia by the end of September - beginning of October, in Siberia and the Urals by mid-September, focusing on weather conditions. In the southern regions, sowing begins in early November.

If the flower bed is prepared in warm weather, then flowers should be planted in the fall at sub-zero temperatures. Otherwise, the seeds will begin to grow in the warmth; with the onset of cold weather, the sprouts will die and will not sprout in the spring.

When planting in autumn, the seeds are sown thickly. They are poured into frozen grooves and covered with the prepared nutrient mixture. There is no need to water the plantings, since the frozen soil has a sufficient amount of moisture.

Experienced gardeners They sow seeds of perennial and annual flowers in the fall, so that in the spring there will be less work in the garden and you can fully engage in planting in the garden. You also need to remember to plant bulbous flowers in August, September, October, which will decorate the dacha in early spring.

Flower crops decorate parks, squares and city streets. But my favorite ones are the flowers planted with my own hands.

Summer cottages and gardens compete in a variety of bright compositions of flower beds and front gardens. Selection of plants produced taking into account climate and individual preferences.

Perennial decorative cultures rightfully occupy special place in landscape design garden plots. They don't require annual sowing and delight the owners long years. Perennial development occurs gradually.

Plants that have grown over time can be divided into different ways and planted throughout the area. Bloom perennial species every year it becomes more lush and abundant.

Pros and cons of autumn planting

When autumn comes and the crops have already been harvested from the beds, it is necessary to take care subwinter planting. Division And transplant perennial ornamental crops are best produced in autumn months.

To the benefits planting and sowing work before the onset of cold weather relate:

  • Save time for spring gardening work;
  • Thorough soil preparation and planting material;
  • Possibility of plant replanting no long-term storage;
  • Early spring development and flowering autumn seedlings;
  • Stratification and natural selection seed material;
  • Early shoots without growing seedlings;
  • Reliable rooting in moist soil and winter “hardening” of seedlings;
  • Sustainability pre-winter plantings to spring frost, lack of moisture, diseases and pests.

What perennial flowers can be planted in the garden in the fall:

Disadvantages autumn crops perennial plants are:

  • Not enough high percent spring seed germination;
  • Possible "awakening" autumn seedlings during winter thaws;
  • Necessity mulching the soil And shelters young plants;
  • Lack of time for rooting due to the onset of early frosts;
  • Exact observance of the period And planting depths some perennial crops.

Which perennials to choose for planting?

So that blooming flower beds will delight with the onset first warm days, autumn planting must begin with bulbous perennials(eg daffodils, lilies).

In September engaged in transplantation and reproduction herbaceous perennials(lungwort, cloves).

In October and before the onset of November frosts they plant bush plants(, chamomile, etc.) and plant seed in the beds.

For perennial flowers, the seeds of which require frost stratification (preparation for germination) relate: delphinium, lavender, hellebore, lupine, bellflower, marigold, etc. Winter sowing of these perennials allows you to achieve flowering already in the first year after germination.

Planting time and flowering period of some types of perennials

How to plant correctly?

Landing small-bulbous plants (muscouri, galanthus, pushkinia) start with site preparation V rock gardens, along the curb or others, along hedge, on a green lawn. For this:

  • Remove the top layer of soil to the depth 3–4 times exceeding the size of the bulb;
  • To the bottom poured moisturized river sand And pressed in seedlings in it at a distance from each other;
  • The bed is filled with excavated soil, and the planting site is watered, mulched and marked with a label.

If propagation by divisions occurs in the fall (in the middle zone - in early September), the first inflorescences will appear in May. September is good for the formation of new peony bushes because the heat is ending, night temperatures are significantly different from daytime (the plant is being hardened), it rains more often, which has a beneficial effect on the condition of the soil. clay soil add sand, and the sour one is limed. Landing is carried out in early September into a hole with depth and diameter 0.5 m. Bottom covered with a fertile mixture with the addition of peat, superphosphate, bone meal and rotted manure.

On rammed a layer of sand is laid roots peony so that the stem buds are buried in the ground by 5 cm. Landing location watered and mulch humus.

Transplant and reproduction irises produce In the end of August and in September so that the rooting of seedlings is successfully completed until the first frost. For landing:

    • The shoots are selected with a well-developed root system and vegetative buds up to 6 cm;

Important: the area where irises will grow should be shaded and large enough in area.

  • Distance between seedlings withstand not less than 40 cm. The iris root is placed at ground level, so depth planting hole is determined by lenght rhizomes;
  • Young plants watered several times every 3–5 days;
  • At the end of October irises cover fallen leaves.

Bush herbaceous perennials propagate division mother plant. For this:

  • Use a sharp shovel carefully separate part of the root system along with young shoots and transplanted into a prepared planting hole;
  • Branch location covered with fertile soil;
  • Young seedlings watered, and the soil around them is mulched with peat or humus.

Experienced gardeners give the following: recommendations on planting, growing and caring for perennials before winter:

  • To protect autumn plantings from pests, the soil around the root must be compact well;
  • Perennials begin to sow at the end of October and continue until frost sets in;
  • When sowing in winter they take more the number of seeds and sprinkle them with a thin layer of soil with peat or humus;
  • Winter crops of flower perennials are not watered;
  • Planting pits for seedlings and cuttings should be spacious, too long roots should be cut by a third;
  • In the Central Russian zone and northern regions, young seedlings for the winter must be covered spruce spruce branches or a thick layer of fallen leaves;
  • To speed up the start of flowering autumn planting in spring cover with film;
  • Bulbs tulips planted at the end of October when the air temperature does not exceed +10 degrees;
  • Bulbous and herbaceous perennials that were planted during the period of abundant leaf fall have time to take root before frost sets in.

Autumn work on the backyard they bring moral satisfaction and allow you to achieve good results V breeding perennial plants.

Friendly spring shoots disease-resistant ornamental crops, early flowering , abundant formation of young shoots - result the efforts made.

Bright colors of flower beds will delight you from the first warm days until the onset of cold weather, thanks to winter landing perennial flowers.

Look video about planting a perennial iris before winter:

The onset of autumn does not mean that there is no more work for you in the garden - although plant life ends its development this season, it does not stop at all. In addition to caring for the flowers that still decorate the garden, it is time for gardeners to prepare the area for the next growing season and implementation pre-winter planting of flowers which will bloom next year.

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What flowers are planted in autumn?

Autumn planting has undeniable advantages:

  • firstly, flowers planted or sown in autumn will bloom in the first year of the growing season;
  • secondly, it will free you from the hassle of growing seedlings in winter and save the time that you had to spend on planting them in open ground in the spring;
  • during autumn and winter, the seeds in the ground undergo natural stratification, so the seedlings that appear in the spring will be strong, will be able to withstand spring frosts well and will bloom two to three weeks earlier than those that you sow in the spring;
  • flowers planted in autumn are less susceptible to diseases and pests throughout their life;
  • in the spring, when the snow melts, the seeds of autumn sowing in the soil absorb maximum amount moisture, which helps them develop quickly. Flowers sown in spring may experience a lack of moisture due to the fact that as the air temperature rises, its evaporation from the top layer of soil increases.

As you can see, there are enough reasons to start planting and sowing flowers in the fall.

What flowers are planted in autumn? In the fall they plant, and also divide and plant such bulbous plants- pushkinia, muscari, scylla, crocuses, chionodoxes, daffodils, hyacinths, tulips and lilies. As autumn approaches, it is time to divide and replant astilbe, peonies and hosta bushes. Clematis, adonis, aconite, as well as macrophylla brunnera, paniculata phlox, rudbeckia, bells, sedum, lupine, evening primrose, autumnal helenium, and echinacea will grow well if planted in the fall.

Planting annuals in the fall is preferable because their seeds, having undergone natural stratification in the soil during the winter months, will produce flowers the following year that will grow better and bloom longer. Among the flowers that are best sown in autumn are annual asters and chrysanthemums, matthiola, calendula, marigolds, blue cornflower, godetia, delphinium, iberis, lavatera, mignonette, malcolmia, scabiosa, eschscholzia.

Planting bulbous flowers in autumn

Planting bulbous flowers in September

At the beginning of the month, the bushes are divided and astilbe, phlox, rudbeckia and solidago are replanted. From the end of August and during the first week of September, small-bulbous plants such as pushkinia, scylla, muscari, crocus and chionodox are planted. At the beginning of the second ten days of the month, it is the turn to plant daffodil bulbs, and a week later - hyacinths. At the very end of September, tulips are planted.

Do not plant all the bulbs at the same time, because the planting time for bulbs is different colors it is indicated for good reason. For example, if daffodils are planted not in the second, but in the third ten days of September, the bulbs will not have time to develop the number of roots necessary for normal wintering before the onset of frost, and the bulbs will die.

The planting depth for all bulbs usually corresponds to three bulb diameters, but when planting, the composition of the soil should also be taken into account. If the weather is dry, do not forget to water the plantings generously. After watering, the soil must be compacted and then mulched.

Planting bulbous flowers in October

Hyacinths and tulips can be planted until mid-October. Hyacinths are planted to a depth of 17-18 cm from the bottom, and especially large ones even to a depth of 20 cm. In rainy autumn, it is better to cover the hyacinth planting site with polyethylene to avoid waterlogging of the soil. Tulips are not afraid of dampness and quickly take root; the planting depth of tulip bulbs is 15-18 cm, depending on their size. Tulips planted in mid-October are less affected by variegation viruses.

Planting bulbous flowers in November

So late you can risk planting the same tulip bulbs if you got them too late. However, they will only be able to take root if the weather remains warm for a month, no colder than 5 ºC, otherwise the bulbs will stop growing and freeze. To play it safe, plant them at home in a container for forcing.

Planting perennials in autumn

Planting perennial flowers in September

In the first ten days of September, seedlings of biennial and perennial plants, such as daisies, violas, Turkish cloves and forget-me-nots. By the end of the growing season, the seedlings will have time to take root and overwinter normally.

At the beginning of September, you can start dividing and planting lupine, astilbe, hosta, brunners, rhizomatous irises, daylilies, not forgetting to sprinkle the sections on the divisions with crushed charcoal or ash after dividing. At the same time, periwinkle is propagated by cuttings and roses are planted. In the second half of the month, the bush is divided and paniculata phlox, aquilegia and rudbeckia are planted.

If you doubt whether the plant will have time to take root before the start of winter, then you don’t have to worry: everything that is planted at the time of massive leaf fall or at least a month before the soil freezes has time to take root before winter.

Planting perennial flowers in October

Planting perennials in November

In November, as a rule, flowers are no longer planted, but only covered and mulched for the winter.

Sowing flower seeds in autumn

What flower seeds are sown in autumn?

To germinate, the seeds of some perennial flowers need stratification - activation of vital forces by cold. That is why planting perennial flowers in the fall is much more justified than in the spring. Perennials whose seeds require stratification include gentians, aquilegia, lavender, primrose, delphinium, hellebore and winter-hardy varieties of cyclamens.

Yes, and sowing seeds before winter of those flowers that do not need stratification is also quite justified - the seedlings in the spring germinate strong, strong, they are much less likely to be infected with diseases and attacked by pests. Of the annual plants, you can sow alyssum, calendula, cosmos, lavatera, gypsophila, godetia, iberis, cornflower, eschscholzia, and nigella before winter. Landing autumn flowers, or rather, sowing of annual asters and chrysanthemums is also carried out in the fall.

What time of autumn is it better to sow flower seeds?

Best time for winter sowing- the end of October or the beginning of November, when cool autumn weather sets in, although seeds that need stratification can be sown even when the first snow falls, but in this case the bed for sowing must be made in advance, before the soil freezes. Autumn sowing of flowers is done somewhat denser and smaller than spring sowing, since cold winter reduces the germination of plants. If the seeds sprout too thickly in the spring, you can always thin them out.

When to buy planting material

When is the best time to buy flower seeds?

If propagation by divisions occurs in the fall (in the middle zone - in early September), the first inflorescences will appear in May. September is good for the formation of new peony bushes because the heat is ending, night temperatures are significantly different from daytime (the plant is being hardened), it rains more often, which has a beneficial effect on the condition of the soil. winter time The choice of seeds in flower shops is much wider than at any other time. You can also purchase seeds through a specialized online store, having previously found out how many years it has been in existence and inquired about its reputation. Give preference to the store whose experience and experience in the market is greater.

Do not buy seeds from those merchants for whom they are just a related product - in such a place you will not receive either the information you need or a reliable guarantee. But the main thing is not where and when you buy a bag of seeds, but what is the shelf life of these seeds and whether the bag contains recommendations for growing flowers.

When to buy bulbs and flower seedlings

It is best to purchase planting material just before planting, but this is not always possible. Bulbs and tubers from summer plants usually sell in late winter, so think about where and how you will store them before planting. It is best to place them in peat or sand and keep them at a temperature no higher than 7 ºC in the basement or refrigerator. Better yet, plant the bulbs in a container so that they can be transferred to open ground when the time comes for planting.

Never buy bulbs of spring-flowering crops in the spring - daffodils, hyacinths, crocuses and tulips, since there is a high probability that they have been stored in a warehouse since the fall, which means that their shelf life has already expired, although appearance bulbs, this may not be determined.

Rose seedlings usually go on sale in February, and they should be stored in a cellar or refrigerator at zero temperature until planting. On occasion, it is best to store rhizomatous perennials purchased at the wrong time in the refrigerator. It is preferable to buy peony planting material in late summer - early autumn, but it usually goes on sale in late winter or spring. Before buying such material, carefully inspect it for the presence of mold or rot on the roots, since it could have been stored incorrectly before sale, and if you still decide to buy peony seedlings, then pickle their roots for half an hour in a fungicide solution or in a very strong, almost black solution of potassium permanganate. Then store the seedlings at a temperature of about 0 ºC.

As you understand, it is not always possible to purchase the necessary seeds or seedlings immediately before planting, so it is very important to know how to properly store planting material.

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What flowers are planted in autumn and what are the advantages of autumn planting? Planting flowers with seeds before winter will allow you to get early and lush flowering. It is possible and even necessary to sow flower seeds in the ground in the fall. In natural habitats, flowers, as a rule, reproduce on their own. After ripening, the seeds fall into the soil, spend the winter under the snow and begin to germinate with the first rays of the spring sun. Experiencing winter cold makes them stronger and activates internal resources.

  1. The most obvious advantage of planting flowers before winter is that Seeds sown in the fall will produce high-quality seedlings that will differ good growth, resistance to diseases and weather conditions. For example, they will be able to withstand returning spring frosts.
  2. Hardened plants form deeper and healthier root system, which allows them to extract water from the lower layers of the soil. This means that such flowers will need less watering and are more resistant to weeds.
  3. In spring, you don’t need to wait for the soil to warm up to sow flower seeds or plant seedlings. If you are late with planting in the spring, the plants will not have time to grow and will bloom poorly. In case of autumn crops plants, all processes in the seeds will occur naturally, sprouts will appear in accordance with the natural cycle.
  4. Flowers planted in autumn begin to bloom about half a month earlier than those sown in spring, and remain decorative throughout the season.
  5. Their immunity is stronger, they are more resistant to diseases and pests.
  6. They do not require frequent replanting, like perennials grown through seedlings.
  7. They produce higher quality planting material and are easy to care for.

    Among the disadvantages is the relatively low germination rate of annuals (unlike seedlings). However, this minus is relative. If you plan, for example, in the future to collect your own seeds, and also to breed new varieties of flowers, then it will be much better with the help of such natural selection get strong, strong, healthy plants.

Autumn planting of annuals

Before winter, you can only sow seeds of cold-resistant annuals, which by nature are prepared for wintering under snow and the threat of spring frosts.

The main rule when planting annuals in autumn is you need to sow into already frozen soil. Otherwise, during thaws, if the ground has not yet completely frozen, sprouts may sprout from the seeds, deceived by the short-lived warm temperatures. In this case, the plants, of course, will die in winter.

The planting area must be carefully planned so that in the spring the seeds are not washed away by melt water, and also take into account the illumination of the place (choose a flower bed where there will be no scorching spring sun). Soil preparation can begin now.

Be sure to sow the seeds more densely than would be necessary for spring planting.

Two periods are suitable for sowing seeds of annuals before winter - late October-early November or December-January. The planting method for these two periods is different.

What flowers can be planted in autumn [video]

Sowing flower seeds in late autumn

As we said above, sowing late autumn needs to be done in the last days October or early days November, the specific date will depend on weather conditions - the top layer of soil should already freeze.

  1. For sowing seeds the soil begins to be prepared at the end of September. It should be dug up, brought in necessary fertilizers, make grooves or nests of the required size and depth.
  2. For small seeds a depth of 0.5-1 cm is needed, for medium seeds - about 2 cm, for large seeds - 4-5 cm.
  3. At the right time, after the soil freezes, seeds are added to the prepared areas and covered with a soil mixture of compost, peat with sand or humus with sand. You can sprinkle 5-7 cm of dry leaves on top.

In the spring, when the emerging seedlings produce a second or third leaf, you need to thin out the plants for the first time.

The second time, thin out after 10-15 days, already “for finishing”, taking into account optimal distance for plants of this type.

Sowing seeds at the beginning of winter

For winter planting of flower seeds, the soil should also begin to be prepared at the end of September. Soil preparation is standard - digging, fertilizing. But the grooves for the seeds no need to do.

If propagation by divisions occurs in the fall (in the middle zone - in early September), the first inflorescences will appear in May. September is good for the formation of new peony bushes because the heat is ending, night temperatures are significantly different from daytime (the plant is being hardened), it rains more often, which has a beneficial effect on the condition of the soil. December-January As soon as at least 25 cm of snow falls, you can start sowing the seeds.

To do this, you should trample the snow, make grooves in it, and plant the seeds directly in them. Cover the top of the planting with unfrozen soil. Throw snow on top to protect against severe frosts and birds. The bottom layer of this protective snowdrift should be compacted, since the seeds can also be threatened by rodents that move in winter, making moves under the snow.

In spring, seedlings are thinned out.

What annuals are planted before winter?

Before winter, the following are sown: summer Adonis, sea alyssum, Chinese aster, annual cornflower, Chinese carnation, godetia grandiflora, Ajax's delphinium, dimorphotheca notemata and rain, Iberis bitter and umbelliferous, calendula officinalis, clarkia marigold, collinsia varifolia, cosmos bipinnate and sulphur. yellow, lavatera three months, lobularia marine, Snapdragon, self-seeded poppy, seaside malcolmia, two-horned matthiola, fragrant mignonette, dark purple scabiosa, Drummond's phlox, keeled chrysanthemum, sowing and crowned and Californian eschscholzia

Below you see a photo of annual flowers, the seeds of which can be sown in autumn and winter.



Chinese carnation








Phlox Drummond

Eschscholzia californica

Autumn planting of perennials

Compared to annuals, it is even easier to obtain plants from seeds of perennials planted before winter. The germination of these seeds during autumn-winter plantings is much better than that of annuals. So autumn planting will allow you to save energy, time and money, since you do not need to grow seedlings.

True, it should be borne in mind that, unlike annuals, perennials grown from seeds are mostly bloom only after 2-3 years. And some plants have to wait even up to 4-5 years for flowering. But there are so-called express varieties that bloom in the first year; carefully read the information on the seed packets.

Perennial seeds are needed plant in mid to late October when the soil is already a little frozen. The planting technique is the same as for annuals - into grooves in the ground prepared in September, and then sprinkle them with soil.

After the snow melts in the spring, cover the plantings. This way you will protect the seeds from birds and spring rains - rainwater may wash away the seeds. After the flowers germinate, the film must be removed immediately.

When the plants produce the first 2-4 leaves, they need to be planted at the required distance (dive). In this case, you need to shorten the tap root to stimulate its growth, and then deepen the sprout to the cotyledon leaves.

Perennials for planting before winter

For autumn plantings: aquilegia, aconite, alpine arabis, alpine and new Belgian aster, buzulnik, gaillardia, heuchera, gypsophila, delphinium, dicentra, bellflower, lupine, oriental poppy, small-petalled, spurge, primula, popovnik, rudbeckia.

The photo gallery below contains images of perennial plants, the seeds of which are suitable for autumn and winter planting.




