Which grenades are more useful pink or red. How to choose a ripe and sweet pomegranate

In the East, pomegranate has long been called the king of fruits. Indeed, no other fruit can be compared with this handsome man in taste and valuable qualities. A variety of pomegranate varieties gives us fruits with tart, sweet or sweet and sour pulp, and each taste has its own connoisseurs.

Pomegranate - a brief description of the plant

Pomegranate is a fruiting deciduous shrub or tree reaching a height of 5 m or more. The thin spiny branches of the plant are abundantly covered with small, glossy bright green leaves. From funnel-shaped, orange-scarlet flowers, large fruits develop - spherical berries, called "pomegranates" in botany. The diameter of the fruit often reaches 17–18 cm. Numerous seeds are hidden under the leathery skin, which can be of any shade from yellow to dark red. Pomegranate seeds are in peculiar chambers - inedible partitions of white-yellow color. Each seed is surrounded by juicy, sweet and sour pulp, and their number in one fruit is more than a thousand.

Pomegranate fruits are a storehouse of vitamins, organic acids and beneficial trace elements

For a long time, among many peoples, pomegranate has been a symbol of wealth and fertility. The Holy Quran states that the Garden of Eden is a pomegranate thicket. According to one of the biblical versions, it is the pomegranate that is the very “apple of paradise” that the serpent-tempter treated Eve to. The ancient Egyptians considered the pomegranate to be the "tree of life", and images of these fruits are often found on the Egyptian pyramids, ancient Byzantine canvases, in the floral ornaments of the Arabs and Greeks.

The main types and popular varieties of pomegranate

Wild pomegranate is found only in two types. Ordinary, he is the founder of all cultivated varieties, settled in southern Europe and in the western part of Asia. On the island of Socotra in the Arabian Sea and only there, Socotra pomegranate grows, which is not cultivated due to the bitter taste of the fruit.

Common pomegranate is widely distributed in warm regions of the tropics and subtropics. It is loved and willingly grown in the countries of the Middle East and the Caucasus, in Central Asia and Southern Europe. In Russia, this sun-loving fruit tree feels good along the entire Black Sea coast and in the south of Dagestan. From one adult plant, 50–60 kg of excellent fruits are harvested there.

Pomegranate fruiting is a magical sight

Thanks to the work of breeders, today there are more than 500 varieties of pomegranate. They differ from each other in the size and taste of fruits, juiciness and color of the pulp, resistance to diseases and damage by pests. Sweet and sour pomegranates are valued no less than sweet pomegranates, as they are used to make all kinds of sauces and are added to ready-made dishes to add brightness to the taste. Sweet ones are good for juicing and eating fresh.

Video: Crimean pomegranate

The richest collection of representatives of these fruits is located on the territory of the Turkmen reserve Kara-Kala. About 350 different varieties and forms of pomegranate are grown in the Nikitsky Botanical Garden of Crimea.

Harvesting in the Kara-Kala reserve is impressive, because about 800 different varieties and forms of pomegranate are grown here.

One of the most popular varieties of Transcaucasia is Gulyusha. Two varieties of this variety are grown - pink and red. The fruits of Gyulushi pink often reach a weight of 250 g, the juicy pulp of the grains has a pleasant sweet taste. Gulyusha red grows in the form of a shrub with very large fruits, weighing up to 350 g or more. The flesh is bright red with an excellent sour-sweet taste.

The fruits of Gulyushi red are quite large in size, covered with thin bright scarlet skin.

Ak Dona Krymskaya is an unpretentious variety, grown by gardeners even in the conditions of the steppe Crimea, unusual for a pomegranate. The oblong fruits are covered with a thin creamy peel with a red blush. The grains are dark pink in color with a bright sweet taste.

Ak dona Krymskaya easily gets along in the country, next to figs

Achik-Anor is a small tree with a compact crown. The fruits are round, slightly tapering towards the base, covered with a dense skin of bright carmine color. Cherry juicy grains are large, with a pleasant sweet and sour taste.

Ripe pomegranate varieties Achik-Anor has a very attractive presentation

Varieties of pomegranate with light grains

Fruits with light grains are often called white pomegranates. In fact, the flesh is never pure white - there is always a light pink tint.

Popular light varieties:

  1. The sweetest pomegranate is Dholka, grown in India. A low shrub with medium-sized fruits, rarely exceeding 200 g in weight. The grains are large, light pink or almost white with an excellent sweet taste.
  2. One of the best varieties of pomegranate grown in Iran is Ahmar. A tree up to four meters high from June to the end of summer is covered with bright orange-scarlet flowers. Fruits of medium size are covered with a thick light skin. The grains are pale pink, sometimes almost white, and have a very good sweet taste. This is one of the sweetest varieties of pomegranate.
  3. Akdona is a popular Central Asian variety. Pomegranate is grown as a large shrub. The fruits are spherical, slightly flattened, weighing about 250 g, although individual fruits are very large, up to 600 g or more. The peel is light, glossy with a slight blush. Elongated grains are pale pink with a very good sweet taste.
  4. Pomegranate with white grains Tuya Tish, which translates into Russian as a camel's tooth, is a variety of the Akdona variety. Looking at the light yellow peel, it seems that the pomegranate is still green, but it is not. The flesh of these fruits is almost white with soft small seeds. The taste is very sweet, the content of vitamins and microelements is the same as in red-colored varieties.

White pomegranate seeds almost always have a slightly pink tint.

Frost-resistant varieties of pomegranate

Pomegranate is a very heat-loving plant, therefore it is grown in open ground only in the most southern regions of our country. In addition, this plant also makes great demands on the sun - there should be a lot of it. Even with partial shading, the pomegranate ceases to bloom, and therefore bear fruit. Thanks to the work of breeders, more and more new varieties of this fruit are appearing that can withstand slight drops in air temperature. But no matter how frost-resistant the variety is, if there is a possibility of winter negative temperatures, the pomegranate must be covered for the winter.

The most famous frost-resistant varieties:

  1. The pomegranate variety Nikitsky early was included in the state register of breeding achievements in 2014. Fast growing low tree. Fruits of universal use with an average term of maturing. The weight of the fruit is about 280 g, the peel is glossy, greenish-yellow in color with red stripes and spots. Sweet and sour cherry-colored grains have no aroma. The variety is resistant to heat and drought, withstands temperatures down to -12 o C.
  2. Variety Nyutinsky early ripening, included in the state register of breeding achievements in 2014. The tree is low-growing, slow-growing with a compact crown. Fruits weighing about 220 g are covered with a smooth skin of dark red color. The grains are red, sweet and sour, without aroma. Drought-resistant variety, tolerates frosts down to -12 ° C without loss.
  3. Variety Chernomorsky in 2015 was included in the state register of breeding achievements. Tree of medium height, fast growing with a rounded neat crown. Fruiting is annual. The fruits are large, up to 280 g, with sweet and sour cherry grains and a thick peel. It is characterized by high drought resistance and the ability to withstand temperatures down to -12 o C.
  4. Asian pomegranate is grown mainly in Ukraine. Shrub of early maturity. Fruits weighing up to 150 g are covered with a thin peel of light cream or pink tones. Large, sweet and sour grains of juicy purple color. The seeds are small. The shrub withstands short-term temperature drops to -20 ° C, but shelter is required for the winter.

Pomegranate Asian - one of the most frost-resistant varieties

Seedless pomegranate varieties

Seedless pomegranate varieties are quite rare and are classified as seedless rather conditionally. All varieties have seeds, but here they are very small and soft. The fruits of these varieties give 20% more juice than pomegranates with stones and are excellent for fresh consumption and for processing.

One of the most famous stoneless garnets is the Vandeful garnet. This is not the most productive variety, it gives no more than 15 kg of fruit from one tree. Fruits weighing 250–300 g are covered with a creamy peel with a blush. Valued for its high quality grains with juicy, pink and very sweet flesh. Vandeful is grown in Peru, Israel and some Asian countries.

Seedless Vandeful pomegranate seeds have a pleasant sweet taste.

In Spain, seedless pomegranates of the Mollar de Elche variety are grown on plantations. The fruits are quite large, often reaching a mass of 600–800 g. The peel is thin, but strong, of pink color. Grains are large, pleasant sweet taste.

Mollar de Elche pomegranate fruits look like apples

indoor pomegranate

Pomegranate is a rather unpretentious, but very thermophilic plant, and few gardeners can afford to grow it on their own plots. However, the dwarf forms of this plant grow well at home, as a pot culture. Of course, the baby will not surprise its owners with the harvest, but it will delight with the decorativeness of a flowering tree. Potted pomegranate is a godsend for bonsai lovers and many gardeners are happy to experiment with this patient plant.

Indoor pomegranate is great for creating a bonsai tree

Special varieties have been created for indoor cultivation, but amateur flower growers successfully grow a tree in a pot from the seeds of a purchased pomegranate. And although the varietal qualities of the source will not be preserved during the growing process, the resulting plant will bear fruit with completely edible fruits.

Video: dwarf pomegranate

Growing indoor pomegranate from seeds

For reproduction, ripe pomegranate seeds are sown in a container with loose, nutritious soil. When the hatched seedlings grow up a little (usually it takes about two months), they are transplanted into separate pots and placed on the south window. In order for the indoor pomegranate to bloom and set fruits, it must be in the sun for most of the day. Young plants prefer moderate watering and fertilizing with complex fertilizers, carried out twice a month. In winter, indoor pomegranates shed their foliage and do not need frequent watering and top dressing. All they need for this period is a bright location and an air temperature of + 5 + 7 ° C. With the end of the dormant period, that is, after 2-3 months, the plant is transplanted into a larger pot, if necessary, formative pruning is carried out and watering is resumed. With the onset of heat, indoor pomegranate can be taken out into the garden.

Grown up pomegranate seedlings are transplanted into pots and placed on a bright window

One of the most popular miniature pomegranates is the Carthage variety. When potted, the shrub grows no more than one meter. Numerous branches with small bright leaves in May are covered with purple flowers 3–4 cm in diameter. Flowering continues until August and ends with fruit set. The crust of Carthage pomegranates is thin, bright red. Numerous grains are small, with a pleasant sweet and sour taste. The fruits are small, no more than 7 cm in diameter.

Dwarf pomegranate Carthage is magnificent both during flowering and when fruiting

The eighth ball is a room pomegranate bred in America. It got its name for its resemblance to the 8 ball in billiards. The large fruits of this tree attract attention not only with a purple, almost black color of the skin, but also with a great taste.

The fruits of the indoor pomegranate Eighth ball are distinguished by a peculiar coloring of the fruit

Often at flower growers you can find Baby indoor pomegranate. A small shrub about 50 cm tall, rarely leafy - the leaves are collected in bunches and are at some distance from each other. It blooms with beautiful orange-red flowers. Fruits of medium size with a thin red-brown skin. Grains are small, sweet and sour.

A miniature baby tree in summer is covered with flowers, ovaries and pomegranate fruits at the same time

I grew my indoor pomegranate from seeds - a friend brought a small pomegranate from her dwarf of an unknown breed. Of the 10 seeds planted, 8 sprouted. The seedlings grew up quite quickly, and were planted by me in separate pots. She left one for herself, and the rest went to friends. Now my grenade is already 7 years old. Bloomed for the first time in the third year from planting. It blooms every spring, and at the same time you can see flowers, ovaries, and fruits on it. My pomegranate is especially beautiful in summer - fireworks of green, red and orange, but in winter it looks more like a withered tree. He loves to cut his hair - I shape it every spring, as soon as new leaves begin to appear. Without a haircut, it instantly turns into a shapeless bush. And yet - in the summer I try to spray it with settled water at least once a day. By itself, indoor pomegranate calmly endures the dryness of the air, but during such a period it is attacked by a spider mite, which loves the lack of humidity very much. In late autumn, small pomegranates ripen, the size of a plum, with a bright purple skin and sour, juicy cherry-colored grains. Surprisingly, the grains in these small fruits are of a regular size, not small, just much smaller than in traditional fruits. For the winter, the tree almost completely sheds its leaves and I put the pot on a cold window, away from the battery. I water very rarely, slightly moistening the soil.

A big role in my life is played by hobbies - floriculture, gardening, traditional medicine, pets. I love nature and all living things very much, so I read a lot of articles on various phenomena and patterns of life, everything that brings harmony.

When one of our loved ones needs to raise hemoglobin or improve their health after an illness, we think about pomegranate juice or rush to buy this strange large fruit in a strong peel with many ruby ​​​​seeds. Common pomegranate is an exotic plant for us, growing in warm countries, only its surprisingly useful fruits come to us. But there are gardeners who do not recognize the difficulties, they manage to grow some varieties of pomegranate in seemingly completely unsuitable conditions in the middle lane.

It is believed that the pomegranate came to us from the territory of modern Tunisia, although it is difficult to say anything for sure, since this culture has existed for more than three thousand years, about which there are many different kinds of evidence. A picturesque shrub or large tree can grow for 100 years and bear fruit for a very long time. Since mid-autumn, ripe fruits have been on store shelves - large fruits with a thick, strong skin of different colors. They are sandy yellow, yellow-orange, bright red, red-brown. Numerous grains, inside of which there can be about a thousand, differ in color - different varieties of pomegranate differ in the intensity of the red color or its almost complete absence. So, the grains are almost white, pale pink, bright red, ruby, almost black. The taste can also be sweet, sweet-sour or even very sour.

Some lovers grow indoor varieties, which are compact and decorative, but the fruits, although edible, are not particularly sweet. Pomegranate loves a lot of sunlight and heat, its growing season lasts up to 8 - 9 months, and frost below -15 degrees can be fatal. Therefore, north of the subtropics, this crop is grown in heated greenhouses and requires too much attention, which is why it is not very common.

Video “Benefit”

From the video you will find out what are the benefits of this fruit.

Species and varieties

There are two main varieties of pomegranate - with hard and soft bones. There are early ripe varieties that are grown in our country, they do not differ in special requirements for conditions. But varieties with soft bones are considered more capricious, they require much more attention and trouble. Not every climate and far from every soil can suit them.


Pomegranates of this variety come to us from Uzbekistan. They ripen by the beginning of October - this variety is considered early. Fruits of different sizes are distinguished by a pink-scarlet skin, red grains have a sweet and sour taste.

"Ak Dona Crimean"

It grows well in the steppes of the Crimea, but the bushes need to be covered for the winter. Large oval fruits are covered with a thin creamy skin with red spots. Pink-red grains are sweet with a barely noticeable sourness.

"Gyuleysha pink"

Cultivated in Azerbaijan. On bushes up to 3 meters high with straight prickly shoots, rounded or rounded elongated fruits grow with an average weight of about 250 g, but there are also more than 600 g. The fruits are covered with a thin, very light crust, creamy white, sometimes with pink stripes. The grains are small, dark cherry with a sweet and sour taste. Harvest is stored no more than four months.

"Red Guleisha"

Pomegranate varieties "Gyuleysha Krasnaya" are usually round in shape with a carmine-red peel, the stripes are well-defined at the very top. The grains are large, dark cherry, reminiscent of Rose Guleisha. Both of these varieties are considered Azerbaijani.

"Bala Mursal"

Also an Azerbaijani variety, it is considered one of the best in terms of taste. Slightly flattened fruits of medium size (about 250 g) delight with a light raspberry-red blush. The grains can be red or raspberry, contain up to 16 percent of sugars, and ripen by mid-October. More than 20 kg of fruits are usually obtained from one bush.

"Cossack Improved"

It is usually cultivated as a medium-sized tree with large, rounded fruits. The skin of the fruit is greenish-cream, with strokes, stripes, spots and specks over the entire surface. A carmine-red integumentary color often appears. The peel is not thick, creamy yellow inside, and the grains are large, pink-red. The taste is very pleasant, rich, sweet with a noticeable acidity.


This is a small tree that produces fruits of uneven size, round, but noticeably tapering towards the base. The skin of the fruit has an unusual dark green color with a carmine cover, so the top of the fruit is completely dark carmine. The skin is thick even in a ripe pomegranate, carmine inside, large grains have a dark cherry color and a bright sweet and sour taste.

"Nikitsky Early"

It grows as a medium-sized tree with very large fruits. The skin, medium in thickness, is painted with an even carmine-red color, and the grains are very small, dark cherry. The taste of the grains seems sweeter than the sweet and sour juice from them. The fruit differs from other varieties in its high thick neck with a large calyx.

Benefit and harm

Pomegranate juice or the pulp of its berries are very useful, they contain so many substances necessary for a person that they contribute to overcoming many diseases and general strengthening of the body.

The use of these exotic fruits strengthens the immune system, improves the functioning of the heart and blood vessels, stabilizes the work of the stomach and intestines, lowers blood pressure, slows down the overall aging of the body, and is an excellent prevention of cancer.

Fruits contain potassium, iron, calcium, phosphorus, sodium, magnesium and even valuable amino acids, like those found only in meat, so pomegranates should be consumed by vegetarians. Vitamins A, C, E, groups P and B strengthen blood vessels, calm nerves, improve blood composition, rejuvenate the skin. Sugars and acids make the grains not only tasty, they are easily digested, enriching us with energy. True, acids can harm tooth enamel, so the juice (it is used diluted with water) should be drunk through a straw, and after eating the grains, you should brush your teeth or at least rinse your mouth with clean water.

For a long time, all parts of the plant have been used for treatment, and folk medicine uses the fruit one hundred percent. Bones relieve headaches and normalize blood pressure. White partitions calm the nerves and increase stress resistance. The skin eliminates indigestion, heals burns and expels worms.

Pomegranate juice can stimulate appetite and improve digestion. And dried skin or its decoction can get rid of pathogenic microorganisms, even cope with dysentery bacillus. The high content of vitamins allows the pomegranate to fight cholesterol, make the walls of blood vessels clean and elastic. Organic acids and tannins make the pomegranate indispensable in the fight against colds. A decoction of the skin or diluted juice is used for rinsing with tonsillitis, laryngitis, stomatitis. A decoction of crushed bark reduces inflammation, alleviates the condition with various diseases of the vessels, kidneys, and liver. Pomegranate removes radiation and slows down aging.

The pomegranate fruit is known to everyone. A red fruit with the same filling is considered one of the best helpers in increasing hemoglobin in the blood. And, meanwhile, it has other useful properties. Read more about where the pomegranate grows and how it is used, read below.

  • General description about the pomegranate
  • Popular varieties of pomegranate
  • Useful properties of pomegranate
  • Contraindications for the use of pomegranate
  • Interesting Pomegranate Facts
  • Recommendations for choosing fruits
  • Video about grenade

General description about the pomegranate

pomegranate trees

The birthplace of the pomegranate tree is Central Asia and North Africa, Persia (present-day Iran). To date, pomegranate is cultivated in all subtropical countries. In nearby regions, the tree can be found in Azerbaijan, the Crimea, the Mediterranean.

A pomegranate tree can grow up to 5 m in height, but more often it has the shape of a bush. Refers to deciduous species. Blooms profusely and long from May to August. The flowers on the trees are large, bright orange, up to 3 cm in diameter.

The fruits ripen from September to February, depending on the variety. Outside, the peel has a red-brown hue, inside there are numerous seeds with juicy bright pulp. The edible seed coat makes up 50% of the weight of the whole fruit. They are between white spongy partitions. One pomegranate can contain from 200 to 1400 seeds.

pomegranate blossom

Popular varieties of pomegranate

More than 500 cultivars of this fruit have been developed. Of the Iranian varieties, the Asvad, Akhmar, and Sharodi pomegranates are considered the sweetest. From Indian: "Dholka", "Bedana". There is a seedless variety of pomegranate - "Vanderful", grown in America. On the market you can often find the Crimean striped pomegranate, which was bred in the Nikitsky Botanical Garden. It is an early-growing variety with small seeds and sweet and sour pulp.

Useful properties of pomegranate

Pomegranate is an amazing fruit, because the beneficial properties are contained in its pulp, seeds, and peel. From the bones, bark, peel, various medicines are made. As part of the fruit: vitamins C, P, B6, B12, acids, fiber, tannin.

The pomegranate itself, due to the high content of nutrients, quenches thirst well, increases appetite, promotes the production of hemoglobin, the formation of red blood cells. The fruit strengthens the walls of blood vessels and the nervous system. It is recommended to use it for the prevention of colds, problems with the thyroid gland and the heart.

All parts of the pomegranate contain beneficial substances

In folk medicine, decoctions from the peel and flowers are used as an anti-inflammatory agent for gargling. Also, various infusions are prepared from the peel, which have an antihelminthic and stomach-strengthening effect. The juice from the grains has a diuretic and choleretic effect. Pomegranate oil is obtained from the seeds.

Natural pomegranate juice helps prevent cancer, improves immunity. It contains 15 types of amino acids. Juice helps to normalize blood pressure, has a diuretic and antiseptic effect, helps to normalize the work of the stomach.

Contraindications for the use of pomegranate

Despite a lot of advantages, pomegranate also has contraindications. Pomegranate juice is contraindicated in people suffering from chronic stomach diseases such as gastritis and ulcers. It is not recommended to give it to children under 1 year old, and for children under 7 years old, it is better to dilute pomegranate juice with water.

Freshly squeezed pomegranate juice can have a negative effect on tooth enamel. Therefore, it is better to dilute it with water or rinse your mouth thoroughly after use. The peel contains not only vitamins, but also harmful substances (alkanoids, isopelletierin, pelletierin), so you should take homemade remedies only after consulting a doctor.

Pomegranate juice should be used with caution

  • Pomegranate juice is healthier than apple, pineapple, orange.
  • The pomegranate fruit contains 40% of the daily dose of vitamins for an adult.
  • Pomegranate contains more antioxidants than green tea.
  • Pomegranate juice helps fight excess weight and is part of many diets.
  • This fruit is one of the most commonly used in folk medicine.

Video all about pomegranate fruits, its seeds, peel and juice

The use of pomegranate fruits and juice

You can often meet the question: how to eat pomegranate: with or without seeds? Because bones are complex carbohydrates and are dietary fiber, they are not digested in the stomach. But the chewed pomegranate seeds, passing through the gastrointestinal tract, absorb harmful substances and bring them out.

The bones contain vitamin E, polyunsaturated acids and vegetable fats, they improve the overall hormonal balance in the body. The use of fruit with seeds helps to normalize blood pressure, reduce headaches, and reduce PMS in women.

Pomegranate seeds must be chewed. This should be done with care as they may have different hardness. It is believed that whole bones, when consumed, provoke inflammation of the appendix, and they will not absorb harmful substances from the tract in this case.

The peel of a ripe pomegranate has no cracks or defects.

When choosing a pomegranate, pay attention to the peel - it should have a dark red tint, be free of defects and cracks. It is better to choose a large fruit, as it will have the most juicy seeds. The heavier the pomegranate, the juicier its flesh.

The ripeness of the fruit can also be judged by tapping. A ripe pomegranate will make a metallic sound, while an unripe pomegranate will produce a dull sound. Overripe fruits make a muffled sound, dents may remain on the peel. Try the pomegranate to the touch. A good fruit will be firm, but a bit resilient. If traces remain on the peel, it is better not to buy such a fruit.

By consuming pomegranate regularly, you will provide your body with vitamins. Pay attention to contraindications so that the use of pomegranate brings only benefits.

Video about pomegranate, its beneficial properties and applications

Photo pomegranate garden, how pomegranate blooms, what royal fruit looks like

pomegranate garden photo

Photo of how pomegranate blooms - pomegranate flowers

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A ripe pomegranate is much healthier than an unripe one.

Pomegranate is a subtropical berry containing vitamins B2, B1, C, A, E, glucose, fructose, bioflavonoids, magnesium, sodium, silicon, iron and much more. Regular consumption of pomegranate juice and seeds helps to increase hemoglobin, lower temperature and blood pressure, facilitates menopause, and also increases sexual desire in men. But at the same time, it is important to know how to choose the right pomegranate in order to eat ripe, sweet, and fully juiced fruits.

The most delicious varieties of pomegranate

Experts divide pomegranate varieties into 2 groups: with soft and hard seeds. The former are very demanding for cultivation, and are not suitable for central Russia. The second group is fruits with hard seeds and juicy grains - they can be grown in the Moscow region.

The protective skin of the berry can be of various shades - from light pink to dark, crimson. But a whitish color does not mean that the fruit is not ripe, but only indicates its varietal characteristics. To choose a pomegranate for taste, you first need to know the most popular varieties that you can find in stores and on the market.

Ak-Don Crimean

The fruits are large, oval in shape, with a thin skin of a pink hue with red spots. The grains are light pink, the pulp is sour.

Kizil anor

Uzbek early ripe variety with pink-scarlet skin. The grains are bright red in color with a sweet and sour taste.

Bala mursal

The fruit is medium-sized, flattened, with red-raspberry grains, very sweet and fragrant, the sourness is barely felt. The homeland of the variety is Azerbaijan.

Nikitsky early

Very large fruits with a high neck and a large calyx, with a red skin of medium thickness. Dark cherry grains of small size. The taste is sweet and sour.

Cossack improved

The fruits are large, round in shape, with a creamy-green skin on the outside, and yellowish on the inside, uneven in color over the entire surface.

How to pick a ripe pomegranate without cutting it

It is worth noting that without cutting the peel, it is quite difficult to choose a juicy, ripe and tasty pomegranate at the same time. But adhering to certain rules, you can try to determine the taste of the fetus by picking it up and examining it.

The appearance of the berry

Before choosing a pomegranate, inspect it carefully. One of the signs of ripeness is an elastic peel. Most often it is a pronounced red color, interspersed with pink or orange.

Brown tint, cracks, dents are not allowed, as they are signs of fruit rotting. In a ripe berry, the surface (peel or pericarp) is dry, leathery and stiff to the touch.

Too dry skin can be a sign of improper storage or transportation. The grains of such a pomegranate can be sluggish, unsweetened, tasteless - it is better not to buy such fruits.

You should not take and too smooth to the touch, visually glossy berries. This is the first sign of immaturity

Having carefully examined the pomegranate, you can see a cup that looks like a crown or a flower. In a ripened fruit, it should be dry, open and colored in the color of the skin, but not green.

By weight of pomegranate

To choose the right pomegranate, you must definitely pick it up. A fruit that is heavy in weight is almost always ripe inside - as the grains ripen, they begin to fill with juice and become heavier.

By sound

Ripe fruit can be identified by the sound of tapping on it. The poured fruit, when physically impacted on the peel, makes a sonorous "metallic" sound, and when pressed, a crunch of grains is heard. Unripe - sounds muffled, and overripe - muffled. In addition, dents can remain on an overripe pomegranate even after a slight impact on them.

Storing pomegranates at home

The picking season for pomegranates is from October to the end of November. Ripe fruits are well transported and tolerate long storage, but they can dry out. Clay will help to avoid this. It is mixed with water to the consistency of sour cream, the resulting solution is filled with a crown on the top of the berry.

It is recommended to store pomegranates individually wrapped in paper. So that the skin does not dry out, a room with high humidity is recommended - a basement or cellar. The air temperature in the room should not be higher than 1 degree Celsius.

  • Subject to the storage rules, the fruits will be edible for 9 months;
  • If the thermometer readings are above 10 degrees Celsius, ripe fruits can be stored for no more than two months.


Regular consumption of pomegranate has a positive effect on immunity and overall health. By choosing ripe and juicy fruits in winter, you can protect yourself and your family from infections and restore the protective functions of the body after an illness.

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Such a person is traditionally willing to consider that he is being driven and his excess jealousy is to blame. You have moved to another city or just want to expand your circle of acquaintances. If a woman came on a 2nd date with you, it means that you are handsome and did everything right on the first. They all doubt and wish to weigh everything still. there is only one goal to update your program and leave as a new person with new goals and ......

Arrange an unforgettable surprise for yourself, a friend or a loved one. It is not yet reported whether the date was successful, but Eric admitted that she called him the next day. Athlete Woman with Marathon Medal Wife Whores, Running Nike Wife Whores and Colorful Fruit Breakfasts. Despite everything, the whores of the wife got confused, and the troubles increased. which means the will is invalid. and it’s excellent that the fool was lucky at the time he rescued the children, and then ......

With respect and best wishes, specialist in family relations, candidate of pedagogical sciences, psychologist-teacher, matchmaker Natalya Vladimirovna Burmakina and General Director of the Institute of Dating Yarovoy Ladayar Stanislavovich. If he constantly finds the prerequisites for refusal, it is worth moving your brains about how to abandon such a virtual novel. it came out faster spontaneous than planned. whether the time before divorce correlates with hormonal changes during pregnancy. French President Emmanuel

In winter, you want to transform into a small comfortable animal and while away the cool black days among cinnamon buns, dry leaves, sketchbooks, balls of thread and hot tea. Hurry, there is no time left. To be honest, I was hooked by the fact that Dima sent an acquaintance for correspondence to mine, you will die like a man in the car given to us at a speed of two hundred kilometers per hour. when her laughter rang...