How to protect wooden walls from moisture. Protection of various types of facades from external moisture

An important stage in the construction of any house is the waterproofing of the wall. There are several types of this work, designed for external or internal processing of certain premises. Every facade material requires its own nuances in protection from water. How to choose waterproofing and why it is needed at all - we will try to figure it out.

  • To keep the house as long as possible. dry walls - strong walls. Water makes even the most resistant materials fragile and malleable. A house without waterproofing is devoid of proper strength and will very soon become uninhabitable.
  • To be warmer. Damp walls become cold in winter. The accumulated moisture freezes. The house becomes not a shelter from the cold, but vice versa - such an icy “ilgu”. The owners undertake to insulate the walls and additionally heat the room, spending a lot of money on this. And you could just protect the walls from water.
  • To be free of pests. The main one is fungus. It not only destroys the walls, but also harms the health of the residents. Dampness in the house, along with blooms, is the cause of constantly feeling unwell, chronic runny nose and more serious problems. Black spots on the walls are not only ugly, but also dangerous.

As you can see, waterproofing is not just “making a house better and stronger”. This milestone work, irresponsible attitude to which is fraught with serious consequences. By correctly installing waterproofing, the owner will automatically get rid of many headaches. How to do this - we will tell further.

Where is waterproofing needed?

If internal walls there is nothing in the apartment, then some surfaces in the houses must be covered with waterproofing materials.

Mandatory processing:

  • External walls. Everything is very simple here. From the regular ingress of moisture, the walls begin to lose their strength. An environment for fungi and insects is formed. Over time, unprotected walls will begin to rot. The moisture that the material is saturated with will sink down and gradually destroy the foundation.
  • Basement. Basement walls suffer the most. The load on them is colossal: the weight of the house itself, wet soils, proximity groundwater, seasonal heaving soil. Any basement definitely needs protection and strengthening.

In no case should you insulate the basement without first installing waterproofing. And both internal and external!

  • Places with high humidity. Here you need waterproofing of the walls from the inside. The bathroom and kitchen are the wettest places in the house. The bathroom is a favorite place for fungus. From dark spots on the seams between the tiles can be removed. But what if the fungus "sits" already deep in the wall? Wet and always warm kitchen walls are a great haven for cockroaches.

In damp places at home, it is appropriate to use materials that provide vapor barrier.

How to properly waterproof?

We have already found out that without it - nowhere. This means that absolutely all houses go through the process of protection against moisture. But why are some of them dry and reliable, while others are falling apart? The answer suggests itself: not all waterproofing is effective. Incorrect or poor-quality work is the same as its absence.

How to make it work?

  • Buy only quality materials: choose trusted manufacturers and remember that building materials, like food, have an expiration date. More expensive is not always better, but a good waterproofing agent is never too cheap.
  • Hacking is unacceptable. In no case do not leave gaps, gaps, weak spots. If the waterproofing is done by a team, carefully monitor the quality of work. Are there flaws? Make it change!
  • Choose the material that best suits your walls. And the better to overlay this or that house - in the next paragraph.
  • Don't neglect the instructions. It is said not to install this waterproofing in winter - wait until spring.
  • Not worth saving. Do waterproofing wherever necessary. Don't expect a smaller layer of solution to be as effective.

Types of waterproofing

Consider the types of waterproofing that are now used in construction.

Injection waterproofing

Complicated but effective. The wall is impregnated with a hydrophobic substance throughout its thickness, closing the slightest pores. To do this, holes are drilled along the entire wall, where the substance is injected through the pump. They perforate the walls from the inside - but as a result, the protection is two-sided, which is very convenient.

Where is it applied? This type is popular in working with brick and concrete walls. Is the best option For country house. Injection waterproofing is also used for the basement: to protect the walls from all sides, you do not need to dig out the house from the outside.


  • materials for injection waterproofing are environmentally friendly;
  • monolithic protective layer without joints;
  • uniform and reliable insulation throughout the thickness of the wall.


  • price;
  • difficult technology.

Materials. Injectable waterproofing is made with acrylate and hydroactive gels, epoxy polymers, cement-sand compositions, silicate-based products.

Penetrating waterproofing

The process is simple: covering the wall with mortar. And he will do everything for you. About distinguishing feature The name itself speaks of this method: protective substances penetrate the wall for tens of centimeters, creating a thick and strong protective layer.

Where is it applied? This is an option for concrete, reinforced concrete and brick. With foam concrete this method does not work. The main area of ​​​​use is vertical waterproofing of walls.

Penetrating agents are not suitable for walls with significant voids and cracks.


  • non-toxicity;
  • durability;
  • effective protection against aggressive environments.


  • high price of materials;
  • does not protect against pressure leaks.

Coating waterproofing

It involves coating surfaces with mastics. Mastic forms a strong waterproof film that tightly closes the slightest pores.

Special skills for applying mastic are not needed - for this you need a regular roller. However, “spreading” the material is neat and without gaps. Between approaches, be sure to take breaks: do not take on a new layer until the previous one dries.

Where is it applied? This method is often used in the finishing of reinforced concrete, concrete, metal structures. Widely used in waterproofing non-residential premises.


  • ease of work;
  • low price.


  • wears out quickly;
  • spoiled by sudden changes in temperature.

Materials. They make a "coating" various types mastics: bituminous, polymeric rubber.

Spray waterproofing

This is the application of liquid rubber by spraying. The desired surface is cleaned, primed and covered with material. The rubber layer provides 100% moisture protection.

Where is it applied? Rubber walls are not for living quarters. Sprayed moisture protection is most often applicable in working with basements and roofs.

Liquid rubber is the only "salvation" of basements in places high level groundwater.


  • strong adhesion of rubber to almost any material;
  • absolute water tightness;
  • work speed.


  • high price;
  • necessity special tools to cover;
  • The material is not breathable at all.

Today, spraying liquid rubber is completely fireproof.

Gluing waterproofing

Its essence is in pasting the wall with bituminous material: panels, sheets or rolls. The task is to eliminate all the irregularities of the wall, prepare the surface and attach the insulator. The glue is often mastic.

Where is it applied? The classic use case for this method is to isolate foundations and basements. Often bituminous sheets - for example, roofing materials - cover the roof.


  • fast overlapping of even the largest surfaces;
  • ease of use;
  • strength - materials can withstand heavy loads;
  • high degree of vapor barrier;


  • not suitable for hard-to-reach places;
  • it is impossible to make waterproofing in winter;
  • Can not be repaired.

Materials: bituminous cardboard, varieties of hydrosol, bitumen-polymer products: isoelast, technoelast.

At pasting waterproofing overlap must be observed - at least 10-15 cm.

Film waterproofing

Everything is simple here: I wrapped it with a film - water will not get in. Waterproofing the walls of residential premises with a film is not done - it does not let air through at all. This material is used in the protection of roofs, foundations, floors.

If you insulate the foundation with a film, you definitely need a geotextile substrate. As with the previous method, an overlap is required. The seams should be carefully sealed with tape.

You should not expect that a cheap film will last a long time. Of course, the material does not pass water in any way. There is another minus - it breaks easily. cheap polyethylene you can lay in two or three layers - but sometimes this does not help. Quality is expensive.

A progressive method of film waterproofing is the use of a membrane. This - polymer material, which does not allow moisture to pass through, but can also breathe. At the same time, the membrane provides an effective vapor barrier.


  • efficiency;
  • durability;
  • ease of installation;


  • breaks;
  • requires additional training;
  • high price of a good film;
  • additional costs for the substrate.

Paint waterproofing

This is basically the protection of the walls from the inside. It is easy to make: paint the desired surfaces with a special waterproof paint.

Where is it applied? Such waterproofing is used more often indoors, but is sometimes used outside, to seal joints and cracks.


  • quick and easy application;
  • vapor permeability;
  • has anti-corrosion properties;
  • abrasive resistance.


  • short-lived.

Wood waterproofing. What are the features?

How to protect a wooden house from moisture? After all, he needs protection more than anyone else. A tree, even dried and processed, - natural material subjected to decay and deformation.

To prevent the tree from spoiling, it should be treated with a whole series of protective equipment: an antiseptic - a solution from pests, a fire retardant - a fire-resistant composition, a protective varnish and, of course, a waterproofing solution. There are drugs double action: for example, an antiseptic that protects against water ingress. You can also find products only for protection against moisture.

For wood, there are two types of protective agents: penetrating and film-forming. The first ones are more resistant, as they create a rather thick waterproof layer inside the wall. Film formers are more susceptible mechanical damage. Over time, the crust peels off. It is worth updating the cover regularly.

IN wooden house both external and internal waterproofing walls. To treat the premises from the inside, it is advised to use less aggressive products.

How long will waterproofing last?

Everything wears out over time and waterproofing coating, including. The protective layer can slowly but surely break down, losing effectiveness. One day you will need to update the coating.

How durable is the protection of walls from moisture by various methods:

  • Waterproofing films will last up to 50 years - however, if they do not tear.
  • Injectable and penetrating waterproofing are among the most resistant. They will faithfully protect the house for 20 years or more.
  • Waterproofing liquid rubber– reliable, but over time can leak.
  • Mastic is not durable - after 5-10 years, its layer will need to be updated.
  • The processing of wooden walls wears out the most. It needs to be repeated every 3-5 years.
  • Regularly refresh the hydrophobic coating of the facades of the house: it can also crumble over time.

Often, laying new waterproofing is problematic due to the finish. Many owners of private houses neglect overhaul: still in order, the house does not fall - why peel and refinish? Here you need to be careful. When the house starts to crack, it will be too late to install waterproofing.

Wall waterproofing is a mandatory procedure during the construction of a building. Unprotected surfaces will be exposed to moisture - precipitation, condensation - and break down, and mold may appear on them. When carrying out work, it is necessary to strictly adhere to the technology, this is the only way to ensure the protection of brick, wooden or concrete surfaces from water, extending the life of the house.

Application of liquid waterproofing

Condensation forms on the inner surfaces of the walls in the room. This is due to the high humidity in the air. In bathrooms, kitchens, basements, non-residential buildings (garage, barn, workshop), especially if they do not have heating system, air humidity is constantly increased, so there is a must to protect the walls from the inside.

Another reason for the appearance of condensate is insufficiently high-quality insulation of the house.

External surfaces are in contact with precipitation, groundwater.

What is waterproofing for?

The absence of a waterproof coating will significantly reduce the life of the building, the material (concrete, brick, wood) will collapse, cracks, mold, moss will appear on it. To prevent this from happening, you need to waterproof the walls from the outside and from the inside.

In addition, the protection of internal surfaces will help:

  • prevent the smell of dampness;
  • maintain an optimal microclimate in the room;
  • protect pipes and other metal structures from corrosion;
  • postpone the need for cosmetic and major repairs.

Types of waterproofing materials

According to the purpose, the materials are divided into 4 types:

  • sealing;
  • anti-corrosion;
  • hydro- and heat-insulating;
  • antifiltration.

In appearance, waterproofing can be liquid or rolled.

An example of the use of roll waterproofing

Bituminous mastic

Bitumen is an elastic mass, which is a product of oil refining. Creates a dense waterproof film on the surface, not subject to cracking. Fills the smallest cracks, penetrates into the pores of the base. It is used in combination with roll material or independently. Designed to protect the wall from the outside, processing the foundation.

Bituminous mastic is easy to apply, even an inexperienced person will cope with the task. Work takes a little time. The material is sold in the form of bars, which must be heated to 150 degrees before use in order to melt.

The disadvantages include the duration of solidification. When using low-quality compositions, the resulting coating may crack over time.

Polymer mastic

Polymer mastics are acrylic-based plastic adhesives used to waterproof walls from the inside or outside. In addition to protecting against moisture, it improves the thermal insulation properties of the treated surface.

Advantages of polymer mastic:

  • forms a dense even coating that does not require finishing;
  • fireproof;
  • protects against moisture, fungus, moss;
  • has a safe composition that allows its use in bathrooms and other premises;
  • available in a wide range of colors;
  • resistant to sub-zero temperatures;
  • dries quickly;
  • elastic, when drying or deformation of the base, it retains its integrity.

Colored polymer mastic

Deep penetration formulations

Dry mixtures containing quartz sand, cement and polyurethane resins are diluted with water immediately before use. After drying, they form an airtight film that reliably protects the surface.

The application technology is extremely simple, the work can be performed by a non-specialist. Penetrating compounds are used mainly inside the house.

roofing felt and ruberoid

Both materials are used for waterproofing the wall from the outside, protecting the foundation from moisture.

Ruberoid is a rolled material consisting of a base (cardboard, fiberglass) and impregnation (most often bitumen). Tol is a cardboard sheet impregnated with a tar composition. The first surpasses the second in its properties; just costs less.

Membrane (film)

It is a rolled material made of synthetic rubber or PVC. Used indoors and outdoors. A significant drawback is instability to mechanical stress. waterproofing film for walls, it is easy to damage even at the laying stage.

Sheathing the foundation wall with a membrane

Injection waterproofing

This type includes:

  • epoxy compounds;
  • acrylate gels;
  • polyurethane compounds.

Holes are drilled in the wall in increments of 50 cm, into which high pressures liquid is injected. The method is quite expensive and requires special equipment, so its use is justified only in very difficult cases when other materials cannot be used.

Location of the insulation

Wall waterproofing can be done in 2 ways: horizontal and vertical.


This method is used both during the construction process and during repair work. Use roll, liquid waterproofing material or both at the same time.


The rolled material is laid on the base at the place where the wall is being erected. Roofing material or film will prevent the absorption of moisture from the cellar, basement or soil.

Horizontal waterproofing

The device of horizontal waterproofing is possible only at the construction stage.

Preparing walls for waterproofing

Surfaces must be thoroughly cleaned before starting work. old finish: remove plaster, paint, wallpaper. You will need spatulas, metal brushes, chemical washes, in difficult cases - a sandblaster.

If the surface has defects, they are eliminated - the cracks are filled with cement mortar, the protrusions are chipped off.

Features of insulation when insulating rooms

Waterproofing the walls from the inside is necessary when laying insulation. Majority thermal insulation materials are highly absorbent, so they need to be protected from moisture. Otherwise, they will become damp, lose their properties, begin to rot or become moldy.

Internal protection

Waterproofing of internal walls is carried out using polymer mastics or fixing the membrane.

The procedure for applying mastic:

  1. The prepared and cleaned surface is leveled with cement plaster.
  2. Apply a primer.
  3. After drying, the surfaces are covered with a layer of waterproofing. In total, several layers are required.

Polymer films are used for walls in an apartment or a private house. Membrane installation:

  1. A crate is attached to the insulated surface.
  2. Insulation is placed in the cells between the racks.
  3. With the help of rails, a film is attached to the frame. Place it vertically, the stripes overlap.
  4. Perform sheathing with finishing material.

If necessary, you can fix 2 layers of film - directly on the wall, before installing the crate, then on the frame itself.

Features of waterproofing foundations and basement walls

The main feature of the foundation waterproofing process is that the surfaces that require treatment are buried in the soil, and it will be necessary to clear them by digging a trench around the perimeter of the building.

Before starting work, you need to inspect the foundation, eliminate all defects.

The waterproofing of the basement walls from the inside is carried out using bituminous mastic, roofing material, and a membrane.

Basement wall waterproofing

Waterproofing of external walls

To protect the outer surfaces, bitumen, roofing felt, or a combination of both can be used.

Coating technology


  1. The cleaned surfaces are primed with a special compound (bitumen diluted with gasoline can be used). Apply the liquid with a brush. Waiting for it to dry. Apply the second layer.
  2. Cover with bituminous mastic preheated to a liquid state. If the composition is too thick, it is difficult to smear it, do not add a large number of thinner or gasoline to get the right consistency. Special attention give to the junction of the material from which the foundation is made.
  3. After applying the first layer, wait until it hardens. Cover with another one.

In order for the waterproofing to perform its function, its total thickness must be at least 3 mm.

Pasting principle

Waterproofing the exterior walls of the house with roll material is performed as follows:

  1. Cleared surfaces are primed in 2 layers.
  2. A strip of roofing felt or roofing material is heated using a building hair dryer, burner. It is necessary that the impregnation soften.
  3. Apply the material to the lower edge of the surface horizontally (parallel to the ground).
  4. They press it with force and carefully iron it so that the roofing material adheres tightly to the outer wall, and there is no air left inside.
  5. The next strip is fixed vertically, with the lower end going onto a horizontally fixed segment of the roofing material. The remaining strips are fixed in the same way, overlapping about 20 cm.
  6. The joints must be additionally sealed. Bituminous mastic is suitable for this.

Combined method

Waterproofing outer wall ruberoid

For high-quality and reliable waterproofing of the walls of the house, you can use liquid composition and roll material.

In this case, first the surface is coated with bituminous mastic, roofing material is laid on it.

The simplicity of technology and the absence of the need to use special equipment make it possible to carry out work to protect walls from moisture with their own hands, and the tangible benefits - a significant increase in the life of the building - justifies the time and money spent.

To extend the life of the house, it is necessary to completely protect its structures from moisture. Water, penetrating inside the walls, contributes to the destruction of the structure of the materials from which they are made. It doesn't matter if it's brick, concrete or wooden surfaces at the building, they all equally need hydroprotection.

Proper wall waterproofing, made from inside or outside the house, will protect surfaces from the negative effects of precipitation, reduce the level of freezing of materials during the cold period, thereby making the home warmer.

Outside or inside?

It is better to protect the dwelling from water in a complex way: the waterproofing of the walls must be carried out on the outer areas of the building and its inner surfaces. In the absence of external waterproofing, mold and dampness are guaranteed to appear in the dwelling. In order for the protection to be complete, the foundation must be treated with compounds both outside and inside: ground floor contact with the ground on both sides.

The complexity of the implementation of external hydroprotection lies in the fact that this type of work must be carried out at the stage of building construction. If it has already been built, then the waterproofing of the walls requires excavation of the foundation.

It is good if the building is surrounded by earth. But most often asphalt paths are laid around it. It will be necessary to dismantle them, dig a trench in the ground along the foundation, make a hydroprotection, then bury the trench and again pave the area around the house with asphalt.

Therefore, waterproofing the outer walls of an already built building will be expensive. In this case, it is better to carry out such work from the inside.

Types of insulation and materials used

Hydroprotection can be horizontal and vertical. The first is carried out at the stage of building a house by laying roofing material on the foundation, then they begin to build walls.

The second is the use of certain materials on external walls ah buildings in order to isolate the foundation from groundwater.

For both waterproofing, certain materials are chosen.

The scope of their application is walls in the ground. The rolls consist of cardboard impregnated with bitumen. One of the sides is covered with quartz powder. The most commonly used roofing material, aquaizol, hydroisol. The last two are fiberglass mesh, also impregnated with bitumen. They are stronger and lighter than roofing material.

Roll insulation allows you to quickly process a significant surface of the foundation. Outside, the walls will be completely protected from moisture.

These waterproofing materials, with the help of which vertical protection of concrete structures is carried out.

The advantages of mastics are good adhesion to the base, the formation of a monolithic sealed film. Under the influence of air temperature, these materials harden.

The disadvantage of inexpensive bituminous compounds is that the solvent exudes a strong odor.

Water-soluble mastics consist of fine dispersion bitumen and latex. They have excellent adhesion to concrete and brick substrates. Unlike solvent-based mastics, water-soluble formulations can be used on both dry and wet surfaces.

Hydro and vapor barrier of walls in the bathroom of an apartment or house is created using more modern mastics based on rubbers, various polymers and resins. They do not smell and are an environmentally friendly product.

Mastics of all kinds are applied with a roller or brush.

Today, the latest waterproofing materials are used to protect walls. What are penetrating (penetrating) compositions? These are dry mixes based on cement and quartz sand. Due to special polyurethane resins, they have special waterproofing properties. Compounds penetrate the porous structure concrete walls make the surface airtight, waterproof.

Penetrating mixtures are diluted with plain water, work with them with a brush and roller. The compositions are applied in 2-3 layers. They are usually used to protect surfaces from the inside of the building. Wall waterproofing using these materials can be done by hand, without the involvement of professionals.

Types of waterproofing

There are two ways to protect the outer and inner walls of buildings from moisture: coating and pasting.

Coating technology

Coating-type waterproofing compounds are used to treat the internal and external surfaces of the building. They do not allow capillary moisture to act on the walls. In the presence of a hydro-barrier with a pressure of up to 2 meters, the use of protection is possible under certain conditions:

  • there should be no expansion joints on the walls;
  • Subsequently, repairs can be carried out.

External waterproofing of walls involves the use bituminous mastics which are applied from the side most exposed to moisture.

Coating type compositions are applied in 2-4 layers.


Having found out what coating waterproofing is, we will consider the technique of its use using the example of processing the external walls of a brick building with a concrete foundation.

First you need to dig out the walls of the base of the building, free them from the remnants of the earth.

After that, the surfaces are treated with a special primer mixture or building bitumen dissolved in gasoline (primer). This composition is applied with a brush or roller in two layers. The walls are allowed to dry completely. Then the surface is treated with mastic.

What to do if the material is too viscous? Gasoline or thinner will help thin it.
Seams of concrete blocks are carefully processed.

Bituminous waterproofing of walls must have a thickness of at least 3 mm. The product is used 2-3 times, allowing each layer to dry before applying the next.

Pasting principle

This is a rolled waterproofing that resists decay processes well. Only a combination of materials of pasting and coating types will reliably protect external and internal surfaces from exposure to moisture.

Insulation of external walls with roll material also begins with their cleaning from dust, debris, remnants of the earth. After that, a primer is applied to the surface, 2-3 layers of bitumen-polymer mastic.

For fixation pasting materials use a torch or building hair dryer. The first layer is glued horizontally, starting at the foot of the foundation. The waterproofing strips are treated with a burner, pressed tightly against the surface, smoothed to remove air.

The overlap of the strips should be 15-20 cm. The second layer is fixed vertically, perpendicular to the first. Joints are carefully processed.

Internal protection

It is possible to prevent the penetration of moisture from the inside of the building with the help of penetrating mixtures. With their help, hydro- and vapor barrier of the walls in the apartment is carried out, the foundation is processed, the internal walls of the basements.

After cleaning the surface of the walls from dust and debris, they are moistened.

The waterproofing agent is diluted with water in accordance with the instructions on the package.
Wet surfaces are treated first horizontally. Allow the first layer to dry (3-4 hours). After that, the material is applied again, but already vertically.

After polymerization, the protective layer of the walls should be at least 2 mm. The thickness is checked as follows: a 2 × 2 cm square is cut out with a knife and a measurement is made using a caliper.

Wall waterproofing is an important stage in the construction of any building. It is not difficult to do it yourself, the main thing is to choose high-quality materials and apply them correctly.

In modern building materials, which are based on cement, surface and deep cracks quickly form. Faults occur in reinforced concrete structures. Among other things, the durability of concrete is affected by the quality of waterproofing, which was performed before construction. Protection of concrete from substances that can destroy it is carried out using waterproofing systems. As a result, the structures will serve much longer, which will significantly reduce the cash costs for future restoration work. This will provide concrete with reliable protection from the influence of external factors.

Protection principles

Destruction of concrete is possible due to water saturation, exposure to cold, salts, acids, etc. Therefore, it is important to prevent Negative influence of the above factors on concrete during the repair and construction of structures on the street.

Reinforced concrete, in turn, must be protected from, especially if salts are used to shorten its production time. When protecting, a special primer is used, which provides adhesion between various surfaces. There are means that reliably protect concrete from radiation. For guard concrete pavement a varnish is also used to prevent cracking and destruction.


The use of water-repellent substances will help to increase the strength of the structure, save it from moisture, from fungus and other negative influences. There are two ways - and the creation of a film that prevents the penetration of water. Impregnation with silicone enamel reduces wetting. The advantage of the method is that such a composition will provide a waterproof surface. Enamel is sold in specialized stores for builders. The disadvantage of this method is the fragility of the coating itself, which dissolves under the influence of alkalis.

Specialists create a protective waterproof layer of resin. The disadvantage of this method is that the layer is not protected from the effects of steam: the coating gradually delaminates. To eliminate the shortcomings, builders combine both methods. It is necessary that the film be resistant to alkalis, and that the protective waterproof layer does not allow steam to pass through.

Requirements for protective materials

Materials used to prevent corrosion must be fire resistant, have a technical passport and comply with GOST. Such means should be used taking into account how concrete structures the environment affects. The material that will serve as protection of underground structures from corrosion is selected taking into account the type of product, its dimensions, and the technology used in the construction. Contacted concrete ground water, must be protected depending on the possible level of their rise.

Internal protection

Internal (or primary) protection of concrete products from oil, oil products and other factors is carried out during the preparation of the mixture for concreting. Effective way protection is the use of chemical modifiers. The stability of the base is determined by the plasticized properties of the substances. For example, additives made using lignosulfonate can prevent cracking in Portland cement due to the influence of sulfates. They also increase the corrosion resistance of the product.

Builders stop the destruction of the cement base by using active additives, which are based on amorphous silica. Additives increase the strength of materials. Electrolytic additives accelerate the hardening of concrete, form a stable surface. Potash and carbonates are also used as additives.

In addition, there are additives that have a double effect: they protect reinforced concrete from corrosive processes and make the structure more durable. Additives have a plasticizing effect. Mylonaft promotes an increase in waterproofing qualities, resistance to low temperatures and salts. The use of sulphite-yeast mash is effective in combination with concrete, which is based on quickly hardening Portland cement. GKZH-94 increases frost resistance several times.

External (secondary) protection

External or secondary protection of concrete is used during the construction or repair of concrete structures. Main methods:

  • coating with paints or varnish;
  • mastic coating;
  • special films;
  • lining with polymers;
  • biocidal protective compositions;
  • hydrophobization;
  • anchor sheet for protection;
  • impregnation with solutions and.

Allow to protect products from liquids and steam. The film will prevent bacteria, moisture and aggressive substances contained in the air from entering the surface. Mastics will help keep moisture out. Most often used mastics, the creation of which uses resin. Such compounds are used to impregnate concrete surfaces in an environment with high humidity. Impregnation fills the top layer of concrete, allows you to increase the resistance to moisture. Biocidal mixtures are needed to prevent the penetration of mold and fungi. Substances penetrate the material, filling it, and destroy microorganisms.

Special films used for pasting products are indispensable for the operation of concrete in various liquids, soils with high humidity, in the area of ​​​​electrolytes. In particular, specialists paste over structures located in reservoirs with polyisobutylene plates or films. Polyethylene film and oil bitumen are widely used to achieve maximum waterproofing.

Date: 2012-02-15 19:01:03
In the house, almost everything needs protection from moisture: roofing, openings, foundations and walls. Any wall - brick or wood - must be reliably protected from liquid. And not always, if dampness appears on the walls, their waterproofing is to blame - often a poor-quality foundation can fail at the most inopportune moment. And, as you know, there are capillaries in the walls, through which water can rise higher and higher. Moisture can also get on the walls from the side of the roof, if waterproofing is not done there properly. How protect walls from moisture?

Wall waterproofing should start from the bottom. 10-20 cm above the blind area, you need to perform horizontal waterproofing. You can immediately worry about vertical waterproofing. To do this, you can drill several holes in the wall at a slight angle and pour insoluble silicon elements into them. Now the capillaries in the wall will be filled with a solution through which soil moisture simply cannot penetrate. The part of the walls that is in direct contact with the roof must be reliably protected from atmospheric moisture. In addition, it is important to take care of the outer part of the wall. But first things first.

Creating the effect of hydrophobization

From the very beginning, you need to create a border for moisture to enter through the outer part of the wall. With the help of hydrophobization of walls, it is possible to prevent their wettability. When applied, water will not penetrate inside, but simply slide onto the blind area, from where it will then be diverted from the building. With deep treatment with a substance, materials will receive protection from moisture for the entire period of their operation. Before applying a water repellent to the surface, it must first be cleaned.

Another way protecting walls from moisture- application of plaster waterproofing. It is applied with a spatula to the wall, after which the surface can be finished with any material. Even ordinary cement, applied in a millimeter layer, can be used for these purposes. But with prolonged exposure to water, the cement gets wet. But if you add to it liquid glass or ceresite, then the waterproofing will become more effective.

Polymer blends - effective remedy in the fight against moisture

If you already use it completely ready mixes, which include fillers, binders, mineral and polymer additives, then you can perform high-quality protection of walls from moisture. It is known that these substances are characterized by minimal interaction with the liquid. After their application, the walls can be covered with porous plaster or facade paint.

Another tool for protecting walls from moisture- These are moisture-removing plaster mixtures. They not only protect the walls from moisture, they are even able to draw water out of them and evaporate it. Penetrating waterproofing has also been developed. The wall, which is protected in this way, is not afraid of even direct contact with the liquid. After all, this type of protection reliably fills cracks, voids, pores and capillaries, so that there is simply no room for water.

Other ways to protect walls from moisture

Another type of waterproofing is a mixture quartz sand, Portland cement and chemical elements, which simply seal the pores of the walls. Before applying the coating, the surface should be thoroughly cleaned of dust and oil stains. Brickwork should be embroidered half a centimeter deep. Now it should be closed up contained in cement mortar waterproofing mix. This is very reliable protectionrather water will enter the house through the window than through the walls.

As you can see, people have achieved some success in protecting walls from moisture. However effective methods they are very expensive, and affordable ones do not provide comprehensive protection. Cast coating waterproofing often a dry mix is ​​used. It is created on the basis of special polymers and cement. With its help, you can get an effective frost-resistant and elastic coating that has waterproof performance and good adhesion. To create such protection, you first need to clean the wall from dust and erosion with a metal brush. In cases where the partition is damp, it should be covered with quick-drying cement. Each component of the paint or plaster must be mixed. Try not to prepare a large amount of the mixture, because you can not use it right away, and then it will become unusable.

Without wasting time, you need to apply several layers of the substance to the wall. If it is a moisture-repellent paint, then the strokes of each subsequent layer should be applied perpendicular to the previous one. You should work in a respiratory mask. Although protecting walls from moisture requires financial and time costs, but with its help you can reliably protect your home from sad consequences. It is known that mold and fungi grow in damp walls, which often harm our health. Therefore, if you are concerned about the well-being of yourself and your family, then take the time to worry about the quality protection of the walls from moisture.