How to register – Olympiad for schoolchildren “Highest Test” – National Research University Higher School of Economics. How to register – Olympiad for schoolchildren “Highest Test” – National Research University “Higher School of Economics”

Economic education in Russia is fragmented - the difference between the best and average faculties is simply enormous. Unfortunately, approximately half of Russian economics departments are engaged in pseudo-education - they teach economics at the level of “finding balance, knowing supply and demand,” or they still study Marxist political economy. It is not surprising that holders of such diplomas are not in demand on the Russian or international labor market. Be careful when choosing an economics educational program. Here are some of the best economics faculties in Russia:

the name of the program short description how to proceed
joint bachelor's degree program NES-HSE Possibility of drawing up a personal curriculum, the best composition of professors, the flow is formed mainly from the winners of economic Olympiads Unified State Exam score - 380. Or according to the results of the All-Russian Olympiad. In 2014, the winners of the Highest Test were also included.
Faculty of Economics HSE (research stream and regular stream) The oldest and highest quality faculty at HSE in terms of academic economics. Unified State Examination score - 358. Or according to the results of the All-Russian Olympiad, the Highest Standard, Siberian Olympiad, Kondratiev Olympiad.
ICEF (HSE International Faculty of Economics and Finance) Joint faculty with LSE (London School of Economics). Teaching is conducted partially in English, the possibility of obtaining certificates in English during training, opportunities to continue studies in a foreign master's program) The faculty is paid. Olympiad winners receive discounts on tuition. The winners of the All-Russian Olympiad receive a 100% discount (study for free). Prize-winners of the All-Russian Olympiad and winners of the Highest Standard receive a 75% discount. Prize winners of the highest standard receive a 60% or 45% discount. To study at the faculty, you must have a Unified State Examination score of at least 225.
Group of increased academic load of the Faculty of Economics of Moscow State University The group was created in 2013 by NES graduates. It differs from the main stream in its stronger curriculum and high workload. According to the results of internal testing among those admitted to the Faculty of Economics of Moscow State University (USE score 336). Or according to the results of the All-Russian Olympiad. Winners of the open championship of Moscow State University schools are exempt from the internal exam
World Economy HSE One of the strongest faculties of international relations in Russia. In-depth study of economic subjects and two foreign languages. Unified State Examination score - 358. Or according to the results of the All-Russian Olympiad, the highest standard. Based on the results of the Sibiriade and Kondratiev Olympiad, you can get the maximum score in social studies.

Which economics olympiads should I participate in?

In the 11th grade, the applicant is faced with the task of choosing the optimal strategy for entering the university. The applicant year is difficult for a student, so when entering a university, it is important to optimize the time and effort spent between different methods of admission. If we talk about the National Research University Higher School of Economics, the admission process can be strategically divided into two large blocks: admission to the Unified State Exam and admission to Olympiads.

The first thing that is important to remember is that the timing of the Olympiads and the Unified State Exam does not coincide. The Olympiads are held in December-March, the Unified State Exam is written in June. The second thing that is important to remember: Olympiads are held, including in those subjects for which the Unified State Examination is not written. For example, there are many olympiads in economics, but there is no separate Unified State Exam in economics. However, the economics block is present in the Unified State Examination in social studies.

Therefore, if we consider economic Olympiads, the applicant has a dilemma: prepare for the Olympiads and try to enter the Olympiads, or only prepare for the Unified State Exam in social studies from the very beginning. For applicants entering the best economics programs, including the National Research University Higher School of Economics, I recommend the following admission strategy: until January, concentrate efforts mainly on preparing for the Olympiads, since by June almost all budget places in the best undergraduate programs are already occupied by Olympiad participants. After the completion of the Olympiads, when it becomes clear whether you have achieved the desired results or not (enrollment without entrance examinations, or obtaining the maximum number of points on the Unified State Exam in a general education subject corresponding to the profile of the Olympiad), you can concentrate all your efforts mainly on the Unified State Exam.

It should also be taken into account that economics is a core subject in almost any faculty of the National Research University Higher School of Economics, therefore participation in olympiads in economics is also important because during the preparation process the applicant accumulates an array of knowledge in this subject. My experience of teaching at the university shows that students who have not studied economics before university experience great difficulties in mastering economic disciplines in their first years. HSE applicants can participate in the following economic Olympiads:

1. Highest standard in economics.

The Higher Test Olympiad in Economics is held by the Higher School of Economics and a number of regional universities. It takes place in two rounds. The first round is absentee and takes place in mid-January. The first round contains quite complex tests in mathematics and economics. The second round is full-time and takes place at the end of February. The second round contains difficult problems in economics and open-ended qualitative questions. Based on the results of this Olympiad, the applicant receives the right to be admitted without entrance examinations to the university, or to receive the maximum number of points on the Unified State Exam in a general education subject corresponding to the profile of the Olympiad. All applicants must participate in the Olympiad, because, in addition to being a good chance to enter the university, it is also an introduction to the format of NRU-HSE assignments. Every year the Higher Test Olympiad in Economics attracts more and more participants. In 2013, about 20,000 schoolchildren became its participants.

2. All-Russian Olympiad in Economics.

The Olympiad takes place in several stages: school round, district (municipal) round, city (regional) round, final (all-Russian) round. The school tour takes place at the end of October and is more formal than substantive. The district tour takes place in early December, the city tour takes place in February, and the final round takes place in March. Each subsequent tour includes approximately 20% of the participants in the tour below. For example, if 250 people participate in the Moscow regional tour, then approximately 50 of them get to the city tour. If 200 people participate in the city tour, then approximately 40 of them will go to the final stage. In the final stage, approximately a third (60-80 people) become winners and prize-winners of the Olympiad. But the status of the prize-winner of this Olympiad gives the right to admission without exams to a number of Russian universities (NRU-HSE, Moscow State University, MGIMO, joint bachelor's program HSE-NES).

3. Sibiriada

The Olympiad takes place in Siberian cities, has a second level, and provides admission to a number of HSE faculties, including the Faculty of Economics, or the maximum score in social studies. It takes place in two stages, the first correspondence, the second full-time in February with complex and interesting tasks

4. Kondratiev Olympiad (Kondratiev Olympiad)

The Olympiad has a second level and provides admission to a number of HSE faculties, including the Faculty of Economics, or the maximum score in social studies. It takes place in two stages, the first correspondence, the second full-time at the end of March. The difference from other economics Olympiads is that it includes elements of economic history and elements of the biography of great economists

5. Moscow City Olympiad in Economics.

This Olympiad takes place in January-February in two stages. Previously, this Olympiad did not provide benefits for admission to the National Research University Higher School of Economics, so it can be considered more like training. It is likely that this Olympiad will receive status and will provide benefits for admission in the near future. I recommend my students to take part in this Olympiad, it contains original tasks and necessary tasks.

How to choose a faculty after successfully completing the Olympiad?

6. Competition "Young Economist"

It takes place under the patronage of the Higher School of Economics in two stages: writing an essay and defending the project in person. It only gives the right to qualify for the second round of the “Highest Test” Olympiad, bypassing the first round.

7. NES correspondence competition

Contains interesting tasks on economics at the level of modern economic science, and not at the level of an average university. Unfortunately, it only gives experience, but not benefits upon admission

8. Open Championship of Moscow State University Schools

Quite interesting individual and team tasks. Does not provide benefits for admission to Moscow State University, but gives the right to be enrolled in the group of increased academic load of the Faculty of Economics of Moscow State University without an internal exam

If you become a winner or prize-winner of the All-Russian Olympiad, then, in addition to the possibility of enrollment in a number of faculties of the National Research University-Higher School of Economics, you also have the opportunity to enroll in a joint undergraduate program at the HSE-NES. If you are focusing your career on economic research, or want a more customized Western-style education, then this department is definitely for you. Also, victory in the All-Russian Olympiad gives the right to enrollment in a number of faculties of the National Research University-Higher School of Economics and to a maximum discount when entering the ICEF faculty.

A few more words about the Olympics

Many people have developed a stereotype that entering a university through competitions is a path exclusively for geniuses. Perhaps the Soviet Olympiad tradition, when schoolchildren were asked to solve several extremely difficult problems, really proved this. Several people, truly geniuses, became winners of these Olympiads, and they were treated accordingly when studying at the university. If we talk about modern Olympiads, in particular, the All-Russian Olympiad in Economics, then its appearance is radically different - the Olympiad consists of many tasks of varying levels of complexity, based on its results, more than 60 people are admitted to universities every year. In order to get into these 50 people, you don’t have to be a genius - you just need to undergo systematic preparation for the Olympiad over a certain period of time (1-2 years). And for this, a specialized tutor can be very useful. The Economics Olympiad provides many opportunities for an applicant, and if available, it would be foolish to focus only on the Unified State Exam when applying to a university.

GOBOU “Center for Support of Gifted Children “Strategy” informs about intellectual competitions held by the National Research University Higher School of Economics in the 2017-2018 academic year.

Interregional Olympiad for schoolchildren “Highest Standard”

The Olympiad, in which students in grades 7-11 are invited to participate, is held in 22 profiles. Nine Olympiads within the framework of the “Highest Standard” were assigned level I, eight - level II, three - level III (Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated August 30, 2017 No. 866).

The National Research University Higher School of Economics, like other educational organizations of higher education, has already approved the rules for admitting Olympiad participants. As a rule, benefits are provided to diploma holders who will graduate from the 11th grade in 2018, but for some educational programs, preferences also apply to schoolchildren who received a diploma last year, when they were 10th graders. In addition, winners and runners-up from grades 7–10 next year are immediately invited to the final stage, bypassing the qualifying stage.

Registration: from October 2 to November 20

Calendar plan for the Interregional Olympiad for schoolchildren “Highest Test”, 2017/18 academic year.

First (qualifying) correspondence stage

Second (final) face-to-face stage

Competition of research and design works of schoolchildren “Aerobatics”

Calendar plan for the competition of research and design works of schoolchildren “Aerobatics”, 2017/18 academic year

Beginning of registration and submission of works by participantsDecember 11, 2017
Completion of registration and submission of worksMarch 12, 2018
Completion of registration and submission of “Design” worksApril 2, 2018
Completion of registration and submission of works "Intel-Avangard"February 5, 2018
Sending invitations to Intel-Avangard participantsuntil February 15, 2018
Posting the results of the Intel-Avangard conferenceMarch 12, 2018
Intel-Vanguard Conference (Voronovo)February 22-25, 2018
Dates for the first stageDecember 11, 2017 – March 12, 2018
Checking workMarch 13-30, 2018
Posting the results of the first stageApril 6, 2018
Date of the second stageApril 21-22, 2018
Posting the results of the competitionApril 30, 2018

HSE Olympiad for students and graduates

The Olympiad is held in a wide range of profiles corresponding to the educational programs of master's training at the National Research University Higher School of Economics. Students studying undergraduate or specialist educational programs, as well as graduates of higher education institutions, regardless of citizenship, are invited to participate in the Olympiad. Diploma winners of the Olympiad receive preferences for admission to the National Research University Higher School of Economics for master's programs that correspond to the profile of the Olympiad.

Calendar plan for the HSE Olympiad for students and graduates, 2017/18 academic year

Olympiad "Steps"

Schoolchildren in grades 9-11 from all regions of the Russian Federation who have experience in writing research papers or who know how research activities and scientific work “work” are invited to participate in the Olympiad.

The Olympiad is held in two stages: correspondence and full-time. In the extramural stage, test-type tasks are presented for individual researcher skills: such as the ability to set goals and objectives, formulate a research hypothesis, plan the course and structure of work, etc. At the full-time stage, participants in the Olympiad will be tasked with expert evaluation of research work based on criteria and writing a review for this job.

The winners of the Olympiad will receive a HSE certificate and memorable prizes.

Organizers of the Olympiad: Lyceum of the National Research University Higher School of Economics together with the Directorate for Vocational Guidance and Work with Gifted Students.

Guide to the HSE Olympiad: how to participate, what subjects to choose and what they give for winning and prizes

Passed the Unified State Exam in Literature with 100

The Olympics are hosted by the Higher School of Economics. It involves schoolchildren in grades 7-11 from all over Russia and neighboring countries. The popularity of the Olympiad is growing: in 2018, 82 thousand people came to the qualifying stage. And this is not surprising - the first three places allow you to enter with benefits both at HSE itself and at other universities in the country.

But people come to competitions not only to win. Participants love the Olympiad for interesting tasks and development of abilities.

What does the Olympics consist of?

Profiles.“Highest standard” is carried out in 22 profiles

7th grade

foreign languages


Russian language


8th grade

foreign languages


Russian language


social science


9-11 grades

oriental studies

oriental languages

Computer Engineering


foreign languages


history of world civilizations


social science

business basics

political science


Russian language






New items. In 2018, “Financial Literacy” and “Business Fundamentals” were added to the standard set of subjects. You can get an idea of ​​what these disciplines are from social studies and mathematics courses and from the HSE website. Unfortunately, first places at these Olympiads do not yet allow you to enter a university without exams. But winners and runners-up can receive additional points to their Unified State Exam results when admitted to HSE. By the way, we have already written about how else it is possible.


Registration. In October-November, everyone registers on the site and selects the profiles for which they want to complete tasks. You can choose several at once - the main thing is that the competition dates do not coincide.

Qualifying stage. Conducted remotely in November-December. Participants do not need to travel anywhere: on the appointed day they undergo a special online test. The exception is for designers. Instead of a test, they post their creative works in their personal account.

The final stage. It takes place in person in February and lasts several days. Those who have received an invitation to the second stage participate in it - usually about 20% of those who took the online test. Participants then select the regional site closest to them. They often travel to other regions - in 2018, sites were opened in 42 cities.

Here the tasks are more difficult and interesting. For example, in “Journalism” you had to write an essay and a news article on photography. And in the “Financial Literacy” competition - compare microloans and consumer loans.

Results. As a rule, the names of winners and runners-up are announced in early April. The results are valid for four years, but some universities only admit the winners of the 11th grade.

Also, universities themselves determine under what conditions they will accept winners and runners-up: without exams or based on the maximum Unified State Exam score. It depends on the prize place and the level of the Olympiad. There are only three levels: the higher it is, the greater the chances of entering a prestigious institution, bypassing the general competition.

For example, winners of the “Highest Standard” in mathematics (level I) are accepted into the National Research University Higher School of Economics, Moscow State University, MEPhI, MIPT and other universities. And the winners of the “Step into the Future” Olympiad in mathematics (III level) can be admitted without exams to only a few universities, among which, however, are RUDN University and the Russian University of Economics. Plekhanov.

How to prepare

Materials. To prepare for the competition, look at materials from last year's Olympiads. Understand the topics, the structure of tasks and solve everything that comes to hand. It is not known which of this will be useful on day X.

Also read reviews from other participants or, better yet, ask them personally. “Those who have been in combat” can give you useful advice.

Time. You have to prepare not only for the tasks, but also for the fact that you will have little time for them. In order not to panic and not write answers at the last seconds, distribute your forces in advance:

🚀 Find out how much time is given to solve tasks. At the final stage, depending on the class and profile of the Olympiad, it is 120-240 minutes.

🚀 Take on immediately those tasks in which you feel confident.

🚀 Don’t put too much effort on the draft, but only make calculations and short notes in it, otherwise there won’t be enough time for the clean draft. The exception is olympiads in mathematics, physics and design. There you can apply the draft to your work.

🚀 Still, set aside the last 15 minutes to rewrite the answers into a clean copy.

What does victory and prizes give?

1. Great satisfaction and pride in the work done.

2. Benefits for admission to HSE and other universities. But in order to confirm the Olympiad, you will have to pass the Unified State Exam in a relevant subject with at least 75 points.

For 10th and 11th graders, benefits can be in the form of admission without entrance exams or 100 points on the Unified State Examination. For the rest - invitations directly to the final stage next year. Also, winners and runners-up can count on a grant from the President of the Russian Federation.

Each university sets its own benefits. For example, here are the “Highest Standard” profiles that allow winners and runners-up to enter HSE in 2018:

Profile of the highest standard HSE educational program Olympiad level Class Privileges
Physics Physics III 11 Diploma of 1st and 2nd degree - enrollment without entrance examinations. Diploma 3rd degree - maximum score in physics
Mathematics Physics I 11 Diplomas 1, 2, 3 degrees - maximum score in mathematics
I 11 1st degree diploma - admission without entrance examinations. Diplomas 2 and 3 degrees - maximum score in mathematics
Computer science Applied mathematics and computer science II 11 1st degree diploma - admission without entrance examinations. Diplomas 2 and 3 degrees - maximum score in computer science
Economy Economy I 11 Diplomas of 1st and 2nd degrees - enrollment without entrance examinations. 3rd degree diplomas - maximum score in social studies
Economics and Statistics
World economy
Marketing and market analytics I 11 Diplomas 1, 2, and 3 degrees - enrollment without entrance examinations
Business management
Story International relationships I 11
Oriental studies I 11 Diplomas of 1st and 2nd degrees - enrollment without entrance examinations. 3rd degree diplomas - maximum score in history
Social science Advertising and Public Relations I 11 1st degree diploma - admission without entrance examinations. Diplomas 2 and 3 degrees - maximum score in social studies
Philology Philology II 11 1st degree diploma - admission without entrance examinations. Diplomas 2 and 3 degrees - maximum score in literature
Foreign language Foreign languages ​​and intercultural communication I 11 1st degree diploma - admission without entrance examinations. Diplomas 2 and 3 degrees - maximum score in a foreign language
Languages ​​and literatures of India II 10
II 11
Language and literature of Iran II 10 Diplomas 1, 2, 3 degrees - maximum score in a foreign language
II 11 Diplomas of 1st and 2nd degrees - admission without entrance examinations
Biblical studies and history of ancient Israel II 10 Diplomas 1, 2, 3 degrees - maximum score in a foreign language
II 11 Diplomas of 1st and 2nd degrees - admission without entrance examinations
Design Design I 11 1st degree diplomas - admission without entrance examinations
Table with benefits for winners and prize-winners of the “Highest Standard”

In order to participate in Olympiads and competitions, it is necessary.

Registration deadlines for the Olympiad "Highest standard": October 1 - November 13, 2018 .

Registration is carried out individually by each student and includes two steps, the completion of which is mandatory: obtaining a login and password and directly selecting profiles.

If you are the winner/prize-winner of last year, you have the right to take part immediately in the final stage, bypassing the qualifying stage, but you need to register within the specified time frame.

Step 1. Obtaining a login and password.

  1. Go to your personal account page: and check out.
  2. Select an item “Get login and password”, indicate your full name, date of birth, contacts. Full name is written in Russian letters(the first letter is capitalized, the rest are lowercase; if your document does not have a middle name, indicate “-”). We recommend that you read common mistakes.
  3. The moderator will review the application and send a letter to the email address you provided with your username and password to enter the system (applications are reviewed at least once a day on weekdays).

If you have not received a response from the moderator, please check your Spam need to fill out the form again.

If you made a mistake in your personal data,
Correct them yourself in your personal account before the registration deadline. To do this, click the white pencil icon in the upper right corner of your personal account.

If you made a mistake in your email address, write about the problem to or use the “Send a message to a moderator” link on the login page to your personal account. Be sure to provide an incorrect email address and full name.

If you have already registered on the portal in previous years, you can use the login and password you received earlier (find the letter sent from the address [email protected]) or request a new password by selecting “Change Password”. If you encounter problems, please see the technical problem solving section.

Step 2. Select profiles.

  1. Go to your personal account page: .
  2. Enter the sent login and password and go to your personal account.
  3. Fill out all fields of the application for participation in the Olympiad, select the profiles you want to participate in. Upload a scan of the consent for the processing of personal data and publication of works in PDF format.
  4. Confirm that the entered data is correct and submit your application. You will be able to make changes to your personal data or to the list of selected Olympiads before the registration deadline.
  5. note: Only after receiving a letter with a registration number and a list of selected profiles to your specified email address, registration can be considered successful.
  6. Additionally, you can view the lists of registered participants, which are updated 3 times a day.

If you have made changes to the list of profiles, you will receive a notification by email. Please check the final list of profiles carefully!

Only participants who have successfully completed registration (step 2) within the specified time frame will be allowed to participate in the Olympiad.

  • From the first years of its work, the National Research University Higher School of Economics has been involved in issues of general education. And this is not only the development of many areas of school reform, but also work directly with schoolchildren, which the university considers as its social mission.
Interregional Olympiad for schoolchildren "Highest Standard".

The Olympiad, in which students in grades 7–11 are invited to participate, is held in 22 profiles. Nine Olympiads within the framework of the “Highest Standard” were assigned level I, eight - level II, three - level III (Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated August 30, 2017 No. 866). The higher the level of the Olympiad, the more universities give its winners and prize-winners preferences for admission. Olympiads on financial literacy and business fundamentals are held within the framework of the “Highest Standard” for the first time, and could not be included in the List.
The National Research University Higher School of Economics, like other educational organizations of higher education, has already approved the rules for admitting Olympiad participants. As a rule, benefits are provided to diploma holders who will graduate from the 11th grade in 2018, but for some educational programs, preferences also apply to schoolchildren who received a diploma last year, when they were 10th graders. In addition, winners and runners-up from grades 7–10 next year are immediately invited to the final stage, bypassing the qualifying stage. Diploma winners of the Olympiads in financial literacy and business fundamentals, upon admission to a budget place at HSE, 11th graders receive points for individual achievements, and upon admission to a paid place, discounts on tuition fees.
The HSE portal contains demo versions of each Olympiad competition, assignment topics, as well as assignments from previous years - it would be useful for participants to study all this in order to understand the specifics of the requirements.
More information about the Olympiad:
Registration: from October 2 to November 20
Qualifying (correspondence) stage: from November 25 to December 10.
Final (full-time) - from February 1 to 7 in 35 cities of the Russian Federation, CIS and Baltic countries.

Competition of research and design works of schoolchildren “Aerobatics”.

The competition is held in 19 areas and takes place in two stages: qualifying (external) and final (in-person) in the format of defending individual or team research or design work. Schoolchildren in grades 9–11 are invited to participate in the Competition, incl. Diploma winners of school, regional and other research and design competitions (if they have a document confirming the status of the winner (prize-winner), ceteris paribus, receive preferences in the selection of participants in the final stage).
Diploma recipients of the Competition receive points for individual achievements upon admission to undergraduate/specialist educational programs at the National Research University Higher School of Economics.
We invite educational organizations that hold competitions for scientific and research projects of schoolchildren to become partners of the Aerobatics Competition:
More information about the Competition:
Registration: from December 11 to March 12.

HSE Olympiad for students and graduates.

The Olympiad is held in a wide range of profiles corresponding to the educational programs of master's training at the National Research University Higher School of Economics. Students studying undergraduate or specialist educational programs, as well as graduates of higher education institutions, regardless of citizenship, are invited to participate in the Olympiad.
Diploma winners of the Olympiad receive preferences for admission to the National Research University Higher School of Economics for master's programs that correspond to the profile of the Olympiad.
More information about the Olympiad:
Registration: from January 9 to March 06.
In-person stage: March 23 – 25.

Olympics "Steps".

The “Steps” Olympiad is aimed at identifying schoolchildren who demonstrate success in the meta-subject skills necessary to conduct successful research in any field of science. The Olympiad is not subject or interdisciplinary and does not duplicate existing competitions for individual research works of schoolchildren and scientific and practical conferences.
Schoolchildren in grades 9–11 from all regions of the Russian Federation who have experience in writing research papers or who know how research activities and scientific work “work” are invited to participate in the Olympiad.
The Olympiad is held in two stages: correspondence and full-time. In the extramural stage, test-type tasks are presented for individual researcher skills: such as the ability to set goals and objectives, formulate a research hypothesis, plan the course and structure of work, etc. At the full-time stage, participants in the Olympiad will be tasked with expert evaluation of research work based on criteria and writing a review for this job.
The winners of the Olympiad will receive a HSE certificate and memorable prizes.
More information about the Olympiad:
Registration: from November 15.
Correspondence stage: December 16,
In-person stage: March 23 – 25.
Organizers of the Olympiad: Lyceum of the National Research University Higher School of Economics together with the Directorate for Vocational Guidance and Work with Gifted Students.