How to learn Italian from scratch on your own? Self-teacher of the Italian Language with Pronunciation - Lazy-Lang.

In this section you can find and download tutorials for free Italian language.

Book: Practical Italian language course
Dobrovolskaya. Yu.A.
Chapter: language teaching
Type: home tutor
Pages: 460
Year: 2006
Format: pdf
Size: 2.1 MB
Description: This electronic publication is addressed to both students and anyone who wants to master the language. The exercises are filled with turns of speech, and most texts are replete with dialogues. What makes the textbook stand out? practical guide on language acquisition.
An excellent classic textbook of classical Italian. Everything a diligent student needs to master the language at the highest level.
The material in the textbook is presented clearly, consistently, accessiblely and in a concise form. The book contains necessary information on history, geography, economics and culture of Italy. Much attention is paid to everyday vocabulary.

Book: Self-teacher of the Italian language. The fastest Italian.
Format: PDF
Number of pages: 130

The manual is intended for intensive teaching of the Italian language - oral speech, reading, comprehension and communication. Covers vocabulary on 12 important everyday topics. Includes the grammar information you need to speak Italian correctly. Contains regional information about Italy. Unlike many other textbooks, this one pays the greatest attention not to grammatical information, but to vocabulary - in the book you will find the most common modern language words and expressions that can be useful in practical situations, when communicating with native speakers, on a work or tourist trip, etc. Instead of traditional lessons, the textbook consists of twelve weeks, each of which consists of seven days, and the day is divided into morning, afternoon and evening. We recommend studying daily: a quarter of an hour a day will be enough to begin to understand and speak Italian in three months. On the last day of each week, you will be offered exercises to consolidate the material covered during the week. Answers to the exercises are given in the section "Keys to the exercises"

The delights and challenges of learning Italian – first-person impressions. Part I

In the article I talk about my experience of studying Italian (as a second foreign language) in Italy for two years up to B2 level. This is an above-average level, followed by levels C1 and C2 - teaching and media. I consider the factors that help in learning Italian, and also give examples of the difficulties that arise along the way, and share the subjective experiences and emotions that I experience in the process of mastering this interesting language.

I studied in an international group, which included a fairly large sample of my compatriots and people from neighboring countries. Therefore, I could observe not only my successes and difficulties, but also other students with whom we actively discussed academic issues. These nuances of the Italian language impressed not only me, but also attracted the attention of many people with whom I communicated over the course of two years.

For a Russian-speaking person, this language is simpler than Arabic or Japanese, where first you need to understand the very structure of the language, its logic, but it is much more difficult than English or Spanish and, as they say knowledgeable people, even French. Although I don’t presume to say the latter, because due to the accumulation of reading rules, I already see enough French complex language. By the way, with Italian I had exactly the opposite effect: at first it seemed very easy and intuitive to me, I quickly moved forward, but after about 8-10 months of studying in a language environment, I was overcome by an awareness of the depth, inconsistency and complexity of Italian language.

Decadent thoughts appeared like “I will never be able to speak Italian fluently!” or “What a language! Complete uncertainties and pitfalls!” I literally hated Italian. It was a period with high labor costs and very low apparent productivity. I studied a lot and diligently - the language environment 15 hours a day, school and home exercises, but at the same time I continued to make a lot of mistakes, did not understand a lot and constantly discovered new and new nuances where, it seemed to me, everything had already been explored and understood and you can move on. As always happens, a moment comes when the efforts expended suddenly unexpectedly return a hundredfold.

By the end of my second year in Italy, I spoke Italian almost fluently. That is, of course, I continue to make mistakes, sometimes completely funny (if I’m worried), I often don’t understand or don’t know the right word, verb form, but the tension has gone away, confidence and freedom have appeared. Some processes have been automated, allowing me to concentrate on more complex language forms, I have achieved high quality new level language and began to perplex local residents with the inability to determine my nationality. They, of course, feel a certain strangeness of speech, pronunciation and turns of phrase, but they can no longer grasp something specific, so they are at a loss as to who they are talking to. For an Italian (especially a southern one), unsatisfied curiosity is worse than medieval torture, which is why I can answer questions about my origin 3 times a day.

However, let's return to the Italian language and its study

If you do not speak any of the European Romance or Germanic languages, then learning Italian will definitely not be easy. You will have to deal with phenomena unusual for the Russian language, such as Latin alphabet and pronunciation rules, articles, a developed system of tenses and their coordination. However, everyone who started learning a second language has gone through these difficulties, and I can assure you that they are completely surmountable. But then mastering each new related language is becoming more and more easy – proven by my own experience.

If you own one of Romance languages, then it will be an invaluable help in mastering Italian. For example, for Spanish connoisseurs, there is simply nothing to do in this article, and you won’t even open it, because you already have 2/3 Italian in your pocket, and you know it very well. One year after I started studying Italian, I was in Madrid and listened to a tour in Spanish in a museum. To my surprise, I managed to understand 40 percent of the story in a language I had never studied! It seems to me that the closeness of Italian and Spanish can be imagined if you think about the Russian and Ukrainian languages.

Everything is fine with Portuguese too - one structure, one root, a lot of matching vocabulary. Portuguese fado singer Cristina Branco began her concert in Naples with the words: “I don’t speak Italian, but if I speak Portuguese slowly, you will understand me perfectly…”. With French, according to Wikipedia, everything is even better - there is almost 100% coincidence, although you can’t tell from the outside.

My database of linguistic assistants included English (in the Upper Intermediate region) and Russian. Yes, I included Russian in this short list not for the sake of impressiveness, but because knowing it turned out to be really useful))). The unexpected closeness of the Russian and Italian languages ​​became a pleasant discovery for me, inspired me and, of course, significantly accelerated the learning process at the initial stage.

IN modern life People are increasingly required to know and be fluent in a couple of additional languages. One of the most common languages ​​studied is Italian.

It’s good when learning an additional language began in childhood or there is an opportunity to pay for the services of a professional teacher who can talk about the features, explain all the nuances and teach how to speak in everyday conditions. But what to do if you don’t even have basic knowledge of the language, and you can’t find a teacher? There is only one option left to learn a language - to get to know it on your own. Only at first it seems that the Italian language is complex and incomprehensible. Many began to learn it from scratch and independently achieved success in this matter.

How to learn Italian on your own from scratch?

Before starting your studies, you need to decide for what purpose the Italian language will be used. For a long trip to Italy, you need to know not only the key phrases usually published in all phrasebooks, but also basic grammar rules that help you construct sentences correctly and communicate more freely with native speakers. The grammar is quite complex, it is full of tenses and verb conjugations, so understanding the formation of new words and phrases is important. On the other hand, if a scientific medical conference is planned, and the Italian language is studied only for the sake of it, then it is absolutely pointless to memorize words related to architecture or photography or to expand the vocabulary with construction terms.

We must remember that learning Italian, like any other language, on your own is much more difficult than under someone else's supervision. Without a sense of responsibility and self-discipline, it is almost impossible to obtain decent knowledge. Italian language tutorials most often offer a training program, which should be adjusted only if available. own plan and assigned tasks.

But, as in the case of studying in a group or with a teacher, you cannot do without language practice. Communication with native speakers will help you improve your pronunciation, understand the peculiarities of oral speech and develop the ability to construct coherent sentences and texts.

Communication with native speakers

There are several ways to communicate with foreigners and practice speaking with them. Among them there are three main ones.

  1. Trip on a cultural exchange program. This is the most interesting option communication with foreigners, which allows you to practice the language and at the same time learn the culture of an unknown country, traditions and customs, participate in events and national holidays, and see life from the inside.
    For such a trip, it is necessary to find people in Italy who provide their accommodation for several days for visitors and tourists. In the future, no one will prohibit you from welcoming foreigners who love Russia into your home in the same way and showing them your hometown.
  2. Tourist trip. Travel to the country on a tourist visa. Language practice is possible in shops, in a hotel, on the street during a conversation with a passerby and in a taxi. Such a trip does not provide an opportunity to learn about the life of the indigenous people and experience its peculiarities for yourself. A student of Italian can only play the role of an observer.
  3. Communication on dating sites and in social networks. The simplest and affordable way language practice, both oral and written. You can find interlocutors who match your level of knowledge of the Italian language and communicate with them at any time. Unfortunately, there is no way to see the life of Italians with your own eyes and learn about their daily actions.

Online learning Italian from scratch

The Italian language is very popular. On the topic of it self-study Many courses and articles are being written, training programs are being created.
In the age of technological progress, it is not at all necessary to pore over books and dictionaries, studying in a quiet apartment. Many resources develop their own Italian language courses, with lectures, exercises and assignments. The main advantage of online Italian classes is: zero level is that you can communicate with other people, exchange experiences, and complete tasks and exercises together. This makes studying more fun and interesting.

Educational resources attract users in every possible way. For some, training turns into real game with awards and levels, while others provide the opportunity to directly, without other sites, contact Italians and communicate with them directly on the topic being studied. Most of these sites are free, but each of them has paid services, which, for example, will help expand your vocabulary. However, the main course is taught for free and is quite sufficient for a conversational level.

Features of the Italian language

The group of Romance languages ​​includes Italian, German and French. This explains their similarity to each other. The Italian language has a lot in common with Spanish, for the same reason. Of the European local languages, Italian is singled out as the leader in terms of the number of speakers, but at the same time it is recognized as the main language only in Italy.

Translation of the Italian language is complicated by the abundance of dialectical expressions with which even literary speech is saturated. However, translating text is much easier than spoken language.

After becoming familiar with the rules of grammar, understanding texts becomes much easier, because there are not too many exceptions in the Italian language, and it is possible to operate with the rules you have learned.

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The Italian language has firmly taken one of the leading places in the linguistic hierarchy. And for good reason - this language, distinguished by its special emotionality, melody and romance, is really worth it.

Italian with Petrov in 16 hours Dmitry Petrov's courses, which have already become famous in language circles, will help you learn Italian in 16 hours. Dmitry's lessons are very popular among entry-level users, because, according to this method, you can really lay a valuable foundation for language knowledge in a fairly a short time
. For advanced users who want to improve, the technique will be of little interest. The learning process is simplified by the fact that several students are in the room with the teacher as experimental minds different ages

, abilities and hobbies. This will help clarify common questions the student may have.

Learn Italian with Lucrezia
In addition to videos on how to learn the language, here you can find videos that talk about the cultural life and history of Italy. In almost all videos, the charming Lucrezia speaks Italian, sometimes with subtitles.
Guests of the channel will be able to get acquainted with interesting collections of the author, which will help to delve even deeper into the linguistic sphere of Italian. The channel will be of interest to both beginners and advanced language users.

Italian on Sgrammaticando

An active channel author and native speaker will tell you about the rules of the Italian language and help you with pronunciation. This is a good resource that will help improve your Italian language skills and improve colloquial speech and begin to understand Italian speech by ear.
The channel's archive contains a solid base of videos, and new informative videos are added every week. During training you will be able to consider a variety of life situations. These lessons are for those who already know Italian at least at a basic level.

Italy Made Easy

On this channel you can also find videos teaching Italian. The page contains information for learning from simple to complex, so both beginners and those already knowing Italian will find something interesting here. The author of the videos speaks in English, so knowledge of it is mandatory for the student. The presenter is a professional teacher who knows how to teach and loves his job and the learning promises to be clear and consistent.

Italian with Amir Ordabayev

Here they will help you learn the language using Michel Thomas’ special method for Russian speakers. By studying the video materials on the channel, visitors will be able to improve their level of foreign language proficiency; this place is suitable for both beginners in learning the language and for those who already have some knowledge. The author publishes materials mainly in the form of presentations, which are accompanied by explanations in Russian. This way you can improve your grammar, vocabulary and pronunciation. The channel contains many videos about traveling around the world; you can expand not only your knowledge of language, but also world studies.

Amir is a polyglot, he strives to teach his visitors different languages. Guests of the channel will be able to get acquainted with such popular languages ​​as English, German, French, Dutch, Kazakh and many others.

Situational Italian

On this channel you can find high-quality videos with presentations and detailed comments. The videos will be useful for beginners and those who already have language skills. Anyone eager to learn Italian can get something new at levels from A0 to B2. Training in Russian. Besides educational materials There is a video of Italian songs. Subtitles appear as needed.
The author of the channel is a professional who has independently studied many languages ​​and now teaches them. There are also plans to upload Spanish, French, English and German courses to the channel.

Italian with Pablo

Clear and simple presentations with explanations in Italian. Together with the friendly teacher Pablo, everyone will be able to improve their grammar, vocabulary and pronunciation.
In addition to video materials for learning Italian, the channel has many unusual and various collections of videos for learning other languages: Spanish, German, English and others.

Italian lessons with Elena Shipilova

On the channel you can find a basic Italian course, which consists of 19 lessons, and a course for beginners, consisting of seven lessons, which will take the student much less time and will help you master the very basics of the language if only superficial knowledge is required.
Elena will tell you how to behave in typical situations where Italian may be needed, help you with pronunciation and teach you the rules of writing sentences.
The channel contains many videos for learning other languages, presented in the same succinct manner. The lessons are not a full-fledged course, but they will help to create a valuable knowledge base.

Italian lessons with Irina Shi

Positive polyglot teacher Irina Shi talks about many languages ​​on her channel; there is also a corner for Italian. In her teaching, Irina tries to place the main emphasis on studying grammar and pronunciation.
Materials for learning Italian will be useful for beginners and more advanced students. Lessons in Russian.
On the channel you can find a video where Irina offers to learn the language through songs, teaches you how to remember words correctly and shares useful tips.

Italian lessons with Tatyana Ablyasova

The channel contains more than 60 short informative educational videos. Videos will not create a significant knowledge base, but are good as supporting material. In addition, the author of the channel will talk about Italian words and expressions that cannot be found in the textbook.
In addition to teaching directly, Tatyana will talk about cultural life and tell funny stories about Italy or the Italian language. The author of the channel teaches in Italian, with subtitles appearing as needed.

Studying foreign languages in the modern world it has become easier and more convenient. With the help of gadgets and online courses, you can study without even leaving home. And this knowledge will help in different areas life - on vacation, in career or study.

Among the languages ​​studied, English is especially popular. However, in last years More and more people are choosing other options, such as Italian. It is in fifth place in the top languages ​​studied. It is chosen for its ease of pronunciation, beautiful combination sounds and special energy.

In addition, you can learn it yourself. True, this requires effort, and most importantly, systematic training. This article contains the most convenient lesson options that will help you learn it from scratch!

1 Tutor

By far the fastest and effective method to learn - hire a tutor. Individual lessons will help determine the level of knowledge, find weak and strengths. The teacher will be able to create a convenient schedule during personal communication and work through all aspects.

First of all, when studying with a tutor, there are no problems with correct pronunciation and communication. The teacher will help you overcome the language barrier and quickly learn to speak Italian.

An option for those who for some reason cannot devote time to individual lessons is a language school. Group courses will also be effective, but will require more workload and self-discipline. The teacher will no longer be able to pay attention as much as at a personal meeting, so you will have to study on your own. An important advantage of these classes is active communication with other students.

2 Live communication

Another interesting way learn Italian on your own - find an interlocutor. This could be a participant in some forum of interests, a student from, or a friend on Skype. This method will help those who are already familiar with the basics and want to practice dialogue. Live communication with native Italians will expand your vocabulary, raise your level of knowledge and allow you to practice your skills.

In such communication, you should take into account time zones and agree on contact in advance. This will help avoid inconsistencies and make communication as comfortable and useful as possible.

3 Travel

A method that will help you radically and effectively approach the learning process is to go on a trip to Italy. You can specifically set a goal to study, and then choose a language camp or tour. Or you can arm yourself with a dictionary, language learning apps, online courses, or a connection with a tutor.

Traveling around Italy will help you get to know the culture, customs and people of the country better. This immersion experience will allow you to learn Italian as quickly as possible, based on real life situations.

4 Without leaving home

The simplest, but more long way learn Italian - do it without leaving home. Now there is. Many of them have a clear lesson schedule and a variety of different exercises for grammar, vocabulary, phonetics and conversation practice.

You can also learn using video courses and audio recordings. The only problem this method- you need to have willpower and practice systematically. You also need to work through mistakes and spend more time working on yourself. It is also advisable to find a native speaker who could occasionally check your pronunciation and correct mistakes.

In order to learn quickly and independently, you need to apply several useful practices.

  1. You can train your memory using stickers with difficult words. Post them in visible places and write words on them that are difficult to remember.
  2. Arm yourself with methodological literature, dictionaries and audio-video recordings. You can also read books in the original.
  3. Another good way learn a language - watch a movie. IN free access There are many that can be watched with or without subtitles, depending on your level.
  4. Feel free to say words and expressions out loud and constantly practice your pronunciation. You can learn Italian, and in principle any language, only through daily training.
  5. Set goals for yourself to learn the language step by step. You can start with the alphabet and names of the week and then move on to more difficult words and phrases.

It’s not difficult to learn Italian from scratch on your own; it’s important to set a goal and go towards it. Methodical lessons will help you achieve success in learning the language within the desired time frame.