How to manage to do a lot of things - my personal experience.

Take just 10 minutes of time for self-development and find out how to keep up with everything and be on top!

It has the amazing ability to stop in place when we are doing something boring and unloved, and literally the next day fly at a speed of several hundred kilometers per second if we are having fun or need to cope with a lot of things... unfortunately...

Few people would not want to acquire such a valuable ally and learn.

So imagine that there are people who have tamed the clock and no longer need to worry about how to manage everything.

Well, how can you learn to keep up with everything?!

I once had a former work colleague, Nastya.

Smart, active, efficient - a good girl, in general.

But she has one huge drawback that hinders both her and her entire team: lack of punctuality in doing things.

Zapara is actually her middle name, and neuroses from piled-up tasks are constant companions.

At the same time, it cannot be said that she is simply lazy and does not want to do anything; this would explain Nastya’s situation.

She is constantly busy with something and seems to be trying to do everything, but something is always missing to get everything done!

I believe that my colleague's main problems are due to the fact that she:

  1. Doesn't know how to plan his time.
  2. Constantly distracted.
  3. Unable to concentrate on one thing.
  4. Doesn't know how to keep a personal success diary.
  5. Takes on more than he can handle.

How to keep up with everything: the beginning!

Learning to complete all tasks on time is as simple as programming your life for success.

People don’t even realize that they create most of the problems and obstacles in their lives themselves.

All you have to do is put in a little effort and everything will turn out even better than you expected.

Of course, lazy people who do not want to work on themselves will never understand how to manage everything, and will continue to flounder among unfulfilled tasks without hope of seeing the light at the end of the tunnel.

As you know: “You can win any battle only by choosing the right weapon!”

So, you need to start taming your time by buying a beautiful notebook, pen and watch.

The expense is small, but the benefits from this acquisition will be enormous.

“To begin with, imagine that an hour is not just a unit of time. This is a commodity that can be exchanged for money, education, pleasure, health and other resources. You just need to determine what exactly you need.”

But the most important thing is that you must understand that a person who feels tired and unhealthy will, in principle, not be able to work productively.

Therefore, make it a rule:

    Get enough sleep:

    The cherished rule about 7-8 hours of necessary sleep was not invented by fools.

    Eat properly:

    not only because it is tasty, but also because it is healthy.

    Fresh vegetables and fruits should be regular guests on your table.


    physical activity not only improves immunity, but also gives a boost of energy.

    To-do lists are your everything!

    I hope you have already bought a nice notebook and pen to keep your success diary?

    So: make it a habit in the evening or in the morning to write to-do lists that you plan to complete during the day.

    Moreover, do not write them out of the blue, but next to each item indicate the time required to complete it.

    Did you get the job done?

    Cross it off the list.

    You can also create separate lists of global plans for a month or a year.

    Before you finish work, resist the urge to go on Facebook or the UNIAN website, reject a phone call from a friend, refuse a mug of coffee.

    All this can be done during a break.

    Don't pile on more responsibilities than you can handle!

    Each person has a limit to his capabilities: for some it is very small, for others it is very impressive.

    Your task is to determine yours!

    Colleague Tanya can write 5 articles in a day, but you can only write 3, no matter how hard you try?

    Then you shouldn’t beg your boss for 5 tasks, then sit until midnight, not have time, get nervous and get a scolding the next day.

    Better complete your three tasks on time and efficiently!

    Keep your workplace tidy!

    Even if your workplaceown apartment, no need to turn it into a landfill.

    Firstly, extra items they are distracting, secondly, you waste time trying to find something you need in these rubble, thirdly, the chaos dampens you and prevents you from getting into a working mood.

    Optimize your workflow.

    Every task, including homework, can be simplified and the time it takes to complete it reduced if you show a little ingenuity.

    For example, the files that I need for work on a daily basis are copied to a separate folder, although I store all electronic documents in thematic and chronological folders.

    Use modern gadgets.

    When preparing dinner, you probably enjoy using help food processor, multicookers, electric meat grinders, etc., rather than doing everything manually, wasting energy and time.

    The same principle must be followed in any business!

    Reward yourself for success.

    We did one thing quickly and efficiently - drink tea with a delicious cake, another - look at the news feed on Facebook, a third - go for a walk, etc.

    Don't mark time in one place.

    People can drive themselves into hysterics in search of perfection that only they understand.

    Remember that the best is the enemy of the good.

    You shouldn't get hung up on some stupid ideals if it slows down your progress.

    Don't accumulate unfinished tasks.

    Forget about the phrase: “I’ll do it tomorrow!”

    Today is today, and you must finish everything planned before midnight.

    If you put something off every day, sooner or later an avalanche of unfulfilled tasks will cover you.

    Don't be afraid to ask for help.

    Sometimes, due to pride (or stupidity?), we are afraid to turn to even the closest people for help.

    If you don’t have time, then ask your mother to cook dinner, your husband to pick up the child from kindergarten, a friend-colleague to answer a call from a client, etc.

from the famous video blogger Pavel Bagryantsev:

“How to keep up with everything and manage many projects at the same time?”

You can try them all and choose the most optimal ones for yourself, you can combine these tips, or you can come up with something of your own.

The main thing is to start acting, and not just moan every day: “ How to keep up with everything?!».

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Steve Pavlina is, of course, a maniac. But it is this frantic workaholic who knows better than anyone what the ability to manage time is and can teach us how to manage a lot of things and how to manage time to get everything done. Three life hacks from the most famous and successful expert on self-development and personal effectiveness.

Do not be distructed

If you do any creative or mental work, then you must set aside a time when you know for sure that you will not be interrupted.

You need a period of time (2-3 hours minimum) without checking email, chats, websites, phone calls, visitors, colleagues, etc. and so on.

Just knowing that no one will interrupt you makes you much more easier process entering a work flow where you can do much more than usual. Any time you get distracted for a couple of minutes or more, you should know that it will take at least 15 minutes to get back into your work flow.

When I'm working on a project or writing an article, I don't check my email. If the phone rings, I don't answer it. I lock myself in my office and hang a sticker on the door: “Writing Troll – Leave!”

I have to disconnect from the whole world and create conditions where nothing else exists except the topic I am writing about. When I get into the flow, writing an article is effortless. I usually don't even realize that my fingers are typing.

You set your own boundaries, so don't even think about blaming others for your lack of productivity. If other people do not respect your time, you should recognize that this is happening with your tacit consent...If you use your work time right, then you will have a lot more free time for personal life.

Keep track of your time

Write down where your time goes. Starting from the moment you wake up and ending with the moment you go to bed. At the end of the day, review. If you are like most people, then don't be surprised that 50-75% of your time every day is simply wasted on nothing.

You will likely find that you spend a lot of time on unimportant things, you get distracted and switch between tasks very often, and you spend a lot of time on the Internet. Even this simple way of measuring your time can increase your productivity.

Divide your time into blocks

Timeboxing is a great way to accomplish tasks that you would otherwise put off. With time blocks, you agree to work on a task or project for a fixed amount of time, usually between 30 and 90 minutes. 10-15 minutes is also suitable.

Usually, after 15 minutes, you won’t want to quit what you started.

Timeboxing is a great way to overcome your initial resistance to completing a specific task. You tell yourself, “It's only 30 minutes. It's not so scary. I can do it no problem if it’s only 30 minutes.” But then, after 30 minutes, it is much easier to continue working.

You won't always work harder on a task than you originally planned. And that's okay. You have to give yourself permission to stop. You can always make time later to take it even further. If you keep working on a task a little at a time, at some point (yay!) you will finish it.

Surely many people are familiar with the problem of how to get more done, and more than once the dream has arisen to increase the length of the day by at least a few hours.

Usually it appears when there is sorely not enough time to redo a bunch of things. Or maybe you shouldn’t extend the length of the day, but it’s better to just learn how to manage to do a lot of things through proper time planning.

After all, there are people who manage to redo a lot of things planned in advance, without getting too tired. And for sure, this can be learned, you just need to strictly follow the recommendations that help you clearly manage your own time. read this article.

It is no secret that very often time pressure at home and at work occurs due to a sudden onset of a cold or viral disease. Is it possible to prevent such cases? Of course you can.

As a preventive measure, it is enough to lead a healthy, active lifestyle, do not neglect physical exercise and walks. fresh air. But if you still feel a sudden malaise, then you should use modern means against colds and flu, allowing you to quickly defeat the disease.

Recommendation two: set yourself no more than 3-5 important tasks per day.

It’s worth getting into the habit of setting out 3-5 important tasks for yourself every morning at breakfast. Of course, if you manage to exceed your plan, it will be great, but the main thing is to try to fulfill your plan.

Thanks to this, you will stop leaving things to the last minute, rush jobs in your work will disappear, household chores will be completed in stages, without forcing you to overexert yourself.

Recommendation three: do exercises at least 30 minutes a day

I hope everyone has heard the phrase: “I’m fine, thanks to exercise!” Therefore, don’t be lazy and please spend 30 minutes a day physical exercise. Or, as they say now, fitness. If you can’t do it in the morning, do them at any convenient time.

Agree, such regular exercise not only promotes health, but is also beneficial for mental clarity. Information is absorbed faster, everything is remembered much easier, you can find non-standard solutions problems that arise, even stressful situations appears much less.

Recommendation four: it is better to plan the load according to the biological clock

For night owls, whose productivity is maximum in the afternoon, you should not plan for yourself in the morning important events and urgent matters. It is unlikely that the feeling of being overwhelmed will help in performing them.

But for early risers, the morning load will be quite manageable, and for the second half of the day it is better to plan fewer and simpler things to do. “Pigeons” are the best in this regard; they can handle almost any work schedule, the main thing is not to forget to include periodic rest and an even load.

In a number European countries A system is used to automatically turn off office equipment and computers at the end of the working day. This is done specifically to perform work in
during working hours without staying overtime. How to get more done at work?

Everything is very simple. Don't let work take away from your working time. If you leave work on time, you can devote your evening time to your family, friends, going to the theater or cinema, or your hobby. Such a change of activity restores strength faster.

Recommendation six: when planning work, try to set realistic deadlines

Do not set a time limit for completing work that is longer than necessary. Remember that any task will manage to take up all the time you have available to complete it. Whatever deadline you set for yourself, stick to it. That’s why you shouldn’t prolong the pleasure.

But the main thing here is not to overdo it and choose a realistic deadline. Because you may not meet the greatly reduced deadline, thereby letting down your clients or colleagues.

This is the famous Pareto principle: 80% of the result comes from 20% of the effort expended. In short, you shouldn’t scatter your efforts; you need to be able to concentrate them on an important and complex stage of work, then you will see the result faster. And it will no longer be a secret for you how to get a lot done when there is little time.

Management experts believe that attempting to Several tasks at the same time do not contribute to increased productivity. Julius Caesar in this case is an exception to the rule. But in fact, multitasking reduces productivity, taking away more energy and strength.

If you try to do two things at the same time, then you do each half-heartedly, making mistakes. It is better to complete tasks gradually, starting with the most relevant and proceeding to the next only after completing the first.

Recommendation Nine: Don’t spend a lot of time surfing the Internet

The main advice of modern time management: do not hang out on social networks for a long time, e-mail, blogs, magazines, newspapers. Don't spend a lot of time watching TV. This all drags on and takes up a lot of scarce time.

Try to pamper yourself with breaks during which you can walk, meditate, drink tea, etc. Just be with yourself for a while. This will help not only gain fresh strength, but also add mass interesting ideas to solve existing problems.

One of the most frequently asked questions to me - Anna, how do you manage to do so much?

In fact, I don’t have much time to do, especially now, having now physically only a few hours a day for work, which includes everything - and the turnover with answers by mail, on Skype, an online consultant, and free help people, and writing useful materials, and many other things that distract from my projects. But, nevertheless, with the birth of a child, I had to optimize a lot in my activities, it turned out that there was room for optimization, and there still is room.

This is especially facilitated by Stodnevka, in which I already hang out with pleasure more than a year. New tools are constantly being searched for and tested, other people’s successful discoveries are observed and discussed. Some things take root well, some I change often.

The benefits of changing tools is a recent realization of mine. This is also one of the ways to do more - if some tool stops working, do not leave everything as is, do not try to revive it for yourself, but take the next analogue - the main thing is that the goal is achieved. The goal could be doing something every day, or following priorities, or implementing a habit, or something else. So, at one time I had a very large checklist on the wall, then it was kept in Excel, then in the Habitica program, then in a simple file in an organizer, then it was broken down project by project, then again it came together in one general list, hung on the wall again, but 3 times shorter, and so on. Although, of course, there are a number of tools that I have been using for several years and cannot see my day being successful without them.

In general, I believe that the following things affect your performance during the day:

- awareness, setting and measurement of your goals, plan

- level of chaos in different areas of life

- doing what you love or don’t like. In general, the ability to hear yourself, your intuition, your Soul, separate it from other people’s imposed programs and not adapt to other people’s opinions

- the habit of thinking in positive ways and staying on a high-frequency wave

- energy tails and everything that sucks this energy - communication with “vampires”, indulging in a sense of self-importance, the habit of feeling sorry for oneself or feeling like a victim (aka selfishness, inadequate self-esteem, weak boundaries, external locus - if we speak in psychological terms), etc.

- interruptions and procrastination

— specific tools and techniques for time management and work organization

That is, I would put specific tools at the very end.

I described some of my successful experiences. The author of this project is Armen Petrosyan, who invented and runs the project with Stodnevki.

I still have a lot of problem areas. I'm still working on, for example, how to make sure that the "inbox" (GTD term) is regularly reviewed after everything is poured in and turns from ideas into a list of specific actions. Or I still can’t fit a certain period of time into each day or week, at least to look through relevant articles or watch courses. IN Lately I read very little that is fresh on the topic and I need to somehow wedge this in as well. Or, sometimes, instead of doing important matter, “finding myself” on social networks. I want to learn creative methods of problem solving and simply the science of problem solving.

Therefore, in what I give below, just some more or less successful conclusions for last years, which works for me personally so far. That's all. And so - everything is very individual for everyone. I'll write everything in a row)

Our brain holds approximately 7 elements, give or take a couple more.
Therefore, it is extremely important to 1) write a plan, 2) unload your brain in terms of all sorts of ideas and things to do - the “inbox” list according to GTD, 3) engage in freewriting, write a diary - unload yourself emotionally, work through situations, structure your feelings, your state, throw out internal monologues, keeping a diary of your victories or what you can be proud of during the day, what to be happy about - all this significantly reduces the level of chaos, saves a lot of energy and increases depth, satisfaction from the day and life.

In any difficult situation be aware of what exactly is within your ability to improve the situation, your responsibility, and something you can’t do anything about (for example, you can’t change the other person). And remake the situation and your tasks regarding it so that you can influence it, make a plan, and carry it out. Marina Komissarova (Evolution) writes a lot on this topic. Before her, I didn’t know this term at all, but becoming familiar with it significantly increased efficiency. In general, Marina Komissarova is in my personal TOP for clearing my brain - in one of the first places, and maybe even in first. .

Develop the habit of not regretting anything, not scolding yourself, just draw conclusions, but don’t get emotionally involved in the affairs of the past day. If you overslept, do not scold yourself in any way, by force of will you leave complaints, irritation and negativity, take the starting point where you are and think what can now be done as efficiently as possible, and then think about what can be done to prevent this from happening again .

From the same opera - “Do what you have to, come what may”, “said - done”, “made a decision - just follow it”.

As Don Juan told Carlos: “A warrior doubts and reflects before he makes a decision. But when it is accepted, he acts without being distracted by doubts, fears and reflections. There are millions more decisions ahead, each of which is still waiting in the wings.”

The samurai have the same thing in terms of quick decision making. The samurai must make a decision in 7 breaths, and having made it, act without regard for defeat. If you fail to make a decision, it means that for some reason you are not ready for it and it is postponed.

This approach significantly saves the amount of energy for meaningless indulgence, that is, indulging oneself in doubts, self-pity, and so on. I really love the teachings of the Toltecs for their applied nature, for the fact that they do not just philosophize, but also help improve the quality of ordinary, material life. There is, for example, an excellent article by Valery Chugreev - the main absorber of our energy during the day.

Develop the habit of not getting emotionally involved in some events, not associating yourself with status, achievements, and quickly switching. When you get something you’ve wanted for a long time, you’re already thinking about how to get the next one. If you did something wrong, you already do something else.

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Positivity, develop the skill of seeing the good in everything. Not so long ago, for example, during one of my hundred days, I came up with the practice “100 joys of the day.” The goal is to try to find and write down 100 joys every day) So far it has never worked, on average it is 40-50 per day. But the point is that, in an effort to make their number so large, we have to reinterpret every event that happens to us as positive, for benefit and joy, to look for something good even in seemingly unpleasant situations. The goal is to make this skill automatic, to the level of reflexes. There is, for example, a good book “The Power” by Rhonda Byrne, in which the entire book, from a logical point of view, using the achievements of modern physics and Nobel laureates, shows why it is more profitable and effective to remain “positive” - on high-frequency waves.

Trust yourself, listen to your soul. I learned this skill about 8 years ago, after reading “Reality Transurfing” by Zeeland. And it was this knowledge that influenced the turn in my life and the move to Southeast Asia, which later happened. Now I have long been accustomed to trusting my intuition, and so far this method does not seem to have misfired. If it's not mine, I won't take it. Although, of course, situations are different, sometimes you have to order your brain to “rent itself out” to some not very interesting but profitable project, for example. And the soul can compromise and agree to be patient for a while. But if it’s categorically not mine, then I definitely won’t force myself. And this scanning - “mine - not mine” always goes on in the background throughout the day, while making any decisions or purchases.

Remove unnecessary things from your circleextra people, weak people, unnecessary events that do not bring any benefit, news sites, annoying or unnecessary people from social networks - so as not to be distracted. Remove everything that is a trigger for you and takes you away from your main necessary activity.

Track your energy cycles throughout the day.
Our day goes about the same way for all of us: in the morning there is the most energy, in the afternoon there is a decline, in the afternoon there is a slight rise again, in the evening there is a decline. The picture may be completely different for some individual reasons or based on the nature of the things you do. But the essence is to be able to listen to yourself sensitively and make a decision about what task to entrust yourself with at this stage. Sometimes, by a strong-willed decision, force yourself to effectively spend the first half of the day, taking on the most difficult tasks. Engage in routine activities that do not require brain effort, or again, sometimes forcefully, rest when nothing meaningful can be done. In general, treat yourself as if you were complex organism, which you have been assigned to manage.

Read more about what stimulates and inspires you
Determine what kind of books most made you want to act. For example, I was very impressed by Boris Akunin’s series about Erast Fandorin. This character follows many of the principles that I described above and taught me a lot during a very fascinating reading.

Now a little about organizational issues.

Plan. Plan. Plan.

I don’t see an effective month, week, day without clear plans. Very detailed step by step plans for any business - it’s easier to see your priorities and eat any elephant, this reduces the likelihood of procrastination.

I really love trainings like Andrei Parabellum’s “Self-discipline” type. He himself regularly not only leads them, but also goes through them. Now he has different subtypes of this training - for example, there is a separate one for cleaning up tails, a separate one for pushing forward, a separate one for finances. While going through one of the last ones at the beginning of this year, I took a practice for myself drawing up a plan from above. I regularly rework my life plan for 10 years, then 5 years, then 3 years, 1 year. I am writing down 3 projects that will help me realize my plans in the near future. I imagine that I have unlimited time, I can do absolutely everything with them. I give myself 10 minutes and write down a detailed plan for each project. I give it another 5 minutes, adding more details and new thoughts.

Also, as part of the 100-day program, I always sum up the results of each month based on daily diaries, which really helps to understand a variety of things, about where I’m going, what happened, where I need to improve.

The main affairs of the day, priorities.
Now this is expressed in the fact that there is a large chalk board and on it I write 3 things to do for the week, 3 things to do for the day, and first of all I focus on getting these things done, and the rest in the remaining time. I try to remember the 80/20 principle.

Large blocks, uninterrupted flow
Once upon a time, I completed the Anti-Time Management training by Peter Ponomarev. And there one of the main points was about large blocks. Most often I spend the whole day working on just one project, maximum 2-3. Large flows without interruptions are very important, so I do priority tasks either when the child is with the nanny for 4 hours, or now I often sit at night. And I try not to trade the time of large blocks for turnover. But I plan to stop in the near future and go back to waking up early and somehow better optimize the rest of the time.

But at the same time, it is better to switch to a different type of activity every 2-4 hours. Otherwise, you get tired quickly. Those. If you work on one project for a long time, you can switch between different types work on it.

Buffer days
I also took this from Andrey Parabellum from the last training on self-discipline. Just as there are “focus days,” when I most often devote myself to one project a day, there are also buffer days, when all the loose ends and routine are completed. And there are days off (I’m just trying to introduce this for now). A bunch of small tails very much eats up the overall energy, there is a feeling of chaos and that “everything is lost” - that there is too much to do. Therefore, if you regularly introduce such days, it gradually becomes easier and easier to work on the main tasks. For now, it’s true, I don’t introduce such days often - once every 1-2 weeks or on demand, and I handle most of the turnover immediately, during “buffer hours”. In general, I keep a table by day, where I more or less list on which day I work on which project, when I have buffer days or days off - this helps me better look at the coming days and better focus on priority matters.

Fighting perfectionism
Yes, I had to fight with myself here. The complex of an excellent student and a terrible internal perfectionist often sabotaged many things according to the principle “nothing is better than the best.” I had to forcefully get rid of it, sometimes come up with some practices like “the worse, the better” in order to push myself in the opposite direction and add lightness to everything.

Delegation “through force”
Same for a long time there was a struggle, because, like everyone else, it seemed that no one could do it better than me. Sometimes I hung out with someone I didn't love for years mechanical work, which could be easily delegated. And only over time this skill began to slowly develop. Yes, it is partly true that they didn’t do it better than me, but in some places they did it better than me.

Rapid typing
Speed ​​typing is one of the main skills I have, which allowed me to achieve what I did, and which allows me to communicate with people on a daily basis. big amount people, give free consultations without much effort. I’ve been using it since I was 19 years old, and if you don’t yet know how to quickly touch type, I highly recommend investing your time in this skill in the very near future. Saves a lot of time and generally sets you up for quick work. You type quickly, you think quickly, you do quickly.

I have already signed up for speed reading training for September, I hope I won’t ruin it) At the same time, I am now practicing conscious reading, where a book can be read for a long time, with notes, with attempts to find answers to specific questions in it. But many books can be simply scanned. I think we need to learn to combine these two skills.

I don't know much about GTD yet, but some principles have worked well into my life. For example, do things that take 5 minutes at once, have some place where you can structuredly merge all incoming ideas, all the things that need to be done, clear to-do lists.

Some aspects of organizing space at the computer.

Password storage program. Now I've settled on AnyPasswordPro.

Screenshot program, very convenient thing.

I work best by anchoring and focusing.. For me, these are headphones (to close the auditory channel from external sounds) and some simple series or film that does not require strong mental intervention during technical work(although I also have this habit when writing articles).

So I consciously “kill two birds with one stone” - I disconnect from the outside world and deceive my brain that I don’t sit and clean the database for 8 hours straight all night until 6 in the morning, or I sit and monotonously promote websites, but watch a TV series and have fun. But the film should be one that you don’t really get drawn into, otherwise it just starts to distract. This method works well for me, although I can hardly remember anyone else doing the same. Many people use different types of music - some accelerated, some piano or jazz, some some kind of “white noise” for purposes similar to mine.

There might also be some kind of drink. If I need to work closely and actively, it so happens that I am best anchored by the smell and taste of coffee.

Sometimes I put a blocker on social networks etc., but it doesn’t take root much, then I remove it again. As a result, I officially allowed myself to “have fun,” but only to a limited extent. I don't look at my Facebook feed. On VKontakte I watch friends’ news only with photos (this is a very short feed), Instagram is heavily cleaned up only with people who are interesting and inspiring to me - also a short feed. And there are at most a couple more sites that I sometimes allow myself to look at. So I switch things up a little, have some kind of social life, have fun, but at the same time I don’t get stuck for long. On VKontakte, especially in photo-only format, few people repost articles, unlike Facebook. There I caught myself going away to read something much more often and so I just put it away.

Sometimes I put pomodoro. I use this nice and lightweight program Tomighty. Here . There is an interesting book “Time management using pomodoros.” How to concentrate on one thing for at least 25 minutes.” About how to get the most out of this seemingly simple technique.

What else..

Physical activity, exercise.
Now I don’t have this as often as I would like - I always have to prioritize - either a child, or work, or interesting projects for the future, or projects for the soul, or cleaning, or exercise. Of course, it’s impossible to manage everything at the same time and every day. But I know well that when the body is stretched, working is much more pleasant. For many years I have loved all sorts of rejuvenating gymnastics aimed at stretching, joints, blood vessels, plus a little strength. My favorites that I do every time are the Eye of Renaissance, Niches, some yoga, Taoist massage active points head, neck and shoulders, and I also really love Hada - “exercise for astronauts.” My own complex usually takes about an hour. When you do such exercises regularly, you don’t feel your body, you don’t have that feeling of sacrifice that appears when you sit at the computer for several days in a row without physical activity and your neck and back begin to hurt, and your whole body stops listening.
Well, it has been proven that physical activity has a good effect on the brain. When the child grows up, I hope to go with him to Gym, swimming pool, that I’ll start running, maybe somewhere else. In the meantime, I’m just trying to drop everything more often and tell myself “now I’ll do some exercise for 5 minutes.” Which usually results in half an hour or an hour anyway, because stretching is a pleasure.

Healthy eating.
When the body is at ease, it is much easier to work. For example, thermally processed food weighs you down, “pins you down” - it makes you want to lie down, give up everything you’re doing, and laziness appears. Therefore, my diet includes more fruits, vegetables, green smoothies, etc. It’s better not to abuse stimulants, but when you still have to work at night, you can’t do without them. For example, I have been really loving natural cocoa lately. Diet variety is also very important. In general, after I had some kind of revolution and forbidden foods disappeared from my head, and in terms of nutrition, I also began to rely more on my soul and body, and not on some universal human programs.

Find ways to recharge emotionally— for me this includes altruism, free consultations and writing useful materials, as well as regular communication with best friends. Of course, my biggest source of such nutrition is my child. This is what gives me emotional positive feedback on a daily basis.

That's all for now. I will update the article as new thoughts appear)

Now I’m still learning to relax) for example, take a day of rest. And become more involved in the current process, be “here and now.” When I’m on vacation or with my child, I should relax or fully enjoy what I’m doing with my child, and not freak out that I didn’t have time to do something urgent, and when I’m working, I should work.

And in general, the understanding comes that there will always be new and new tasks, new interesting projects, you will want to do more, more, but sometimes you also need to live, and do more with yourself and your loved ones.

By the way, there is also a good topic conscious shocks.

For example, spend Hell Week based on the book “On the Limit. A week without self-pity." I made one for myself a couple of months ago. Invigorates like a contrast shower. Many ideas, plans, and activity appear. With the help of such a hellish week, I switched myself from the hibernation mode into which my body entered after long feats into a new mode of feats) At first I thought that this was some kind of stress for the body, it turned out that this was a horizon-expanding, very good week.

Or one of frequent rules Parabelluma - “Don’t have time for anything? Take on several times more projects.”

It works too, tested)

I also want to work more actively on introducing systematization and eliminating chaos. There is a great book, how the author emerged from complete chaos, despair and lack of money into a measured and clear life. I read this book once, it had an impact on me strong impression. But I plan to re-read it again and implement what is described there - everything that we do every day can be disassembled into protocols and improved, improved.

I have several more books on systematicity on my list. In general, Speed ​​Reading, Systematics, Financial Organization and Problem Solving are my immediate areas of interest to study.

Share your best life hacks that help you get more done! And I’m very interested, and it will be very useful for readers!

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Working 24 hours a day, people try to realize themselves and achieve success. However, the key to achieving your cherished dream is not to spend more and more time on work: with the help of a few simple rules, you can work more efficiently with much less effort.

1. Be aware of your biological clock

In the book with long name“Sleep for success! Everything you wanted to know about, but were too tired to ask,” two psychologists argue that it is not fanatical workaholism that allows you to increase your productivity at work, but a measured and constant schedule with full time for sleep - at least 7-8 hours. The authors show how sleep affects general feeling on life and health, and therefore on labor productivity. But this is just the beginning: each person must choose the optimal lifestyle for themselves. For example, the most productive period for most early risers is from 10.00 to 13.00. These are the best hours for making critical decisions (if you decide to ask your boss for a raise, go to him at this time), as well as for doing things that you usually try to put off until later. Then, until approximately 15.00, there is a period in which it is better to rest - even if you cannot spend these two hours on lunch, then you can at least devote time to duties that do not require special concentration, for example, answering questions. emails. From 15.00 to 18.00 is the second productive period, and it differs from the first: at this time it is better to do something that does not require active action, but perseverance and attention: for example, balancing, planning an event, and the like. From 19.00 to 21.00 - it's time active rest: You can use this time to learn something new. But after 21.00 all work must be completed, otherwise you risk insomnia.

Dr. James B. Maas, Rebecca S. Robbins “Sleep for Success! Everything You Must Know About Sleep But Are Too Tired to Ask” (AuthorHouse, 2011).

2. Remember the 80/20 rule

This rule, which is sometimes called Pareto's law (the only trouble is that an Italian economist discovered it more than a hundred years ago for a completely different reason), describes the pattern according to which 80% of the result comes from 20% of the effort. It is important to understand which tasks are of critical importance and direct the main energy to solving these tasks. This approach is advised by British investor and business consultant Richard Koch in a book that has become a classic for venture entrepreneurs: there is no point in spending money on something that does not play any role. Koch calls not to confuse his strategy with ordinary time management: the task is not to find time for everything that you consider necessary, but to cut off that part of the “necessary” that actually does not play a role important role. The author offers a number of techniques that allow you to achieve success not only in business, but also in your personal life, making relatively modest efforts.

Richard Koch, The 80/20 Principle: The Secret of Achieving More with Less (Nicholas Brealey Publishing, 1997).

3. Finish everything you can finish.

Isabelle Royer, “Why Bad Projects Are So Hard To Kill,” Harvard Business Review, 2003, Issue 12.

4. Use numbers

“It seems to me that...”, “It seems that...”: these phrases are real wasters of time and effort. If you rely on rough ideas about the situation, you are likely to get a false picture and choose a completely wrong strategy. Meanwhile, almost everything can be accurately measured - including the effectiveness of efforts. If you don't think you're making enough money, research the job market to see if you're actually being paid less than someone in a similar role with comparable experience. If you suspect that your colleagues are to blame for your lack of productivity, make a list of situations in which they actually harm your work - and try to reduce them to a minimum. Use measurements to solve any problem - for example, test two different methods solutions to the same problem and compare their effectiveness: the time you spent, the number of goals you managed to achieve.

Douglas K. Smith “Make Success Measurable! A Mindbook-Workbook for Setting Goals and Taking Action (John Wiley & Sons, 1999).

5. Write down your goals and how to achieve them

In 1979, MBA program staff Harvard University conducted an interesting study by asking graduate students whether they wrote down their plans for the future. Only 3% responded positively, and another 13% reported that they have plans, but do not write them down. Finally, 84% said they don't yet have goals in life. Ten years later, the researchers interviewed the same respondents again, trying to find out what they had achieved in life. The results were astounding: The 13% who had goals but didn't write them down on paper earned, on average, twice as much as the 84% who didn't have goals. But that's not all: the 3% who wrote down their goals earned, on average, ten times more than the remaining 97% combined! In other words, it was these 3% who became millionaires in just 10 years, becoming top managers large companies. Business coach Mark McCormack, who talks about this research, advises writing down not only goals, but also the intended ways to achieve them. Set a goal. Then try to identify the tasks that need to be completed to achieve it. Now choose the tools you will use to solve each problem. Identify obstacles that may come your way. If you draw all this on paper, the benefits will be much greater than if you did not analyze your desires at all.

Mark McCormack, What They Don't Teach You at the Harvard Business School (Bantam Books, 1986).