How to become a superhero in. What if you have superpowers? If she has super strength

If in the morning you found that you slept all night on the ceiling, you can turn your head 360 degrees and watch through the walls how the fat neighbor naked does yoga, this is not a reason to be upset. Remember that with great power comes great and exciting opportunities.

Of course, the probability of being bitten by a radioactive spider is low (and this is probably a good thing). But in case something like this does happen, it's best to be prepared. Our guide for beginner superhumans will help you with this.

If you have superpowers...

Find the reason for their appearance

Don't try to brew your own potion against (or for) becoming a superhero, even if you got an A in chemistry at school. Hulk already tried

First of all, don't panic. Put aside all your affairs, count to a hundred a few times and drink green tea. After calming down and making sure that what is happening is not a dream or a game of a sick imagination, try to understand where your superpowers came from.

Those who work at a nuclear power plant or in an experimental laboratory do not need to guess. But if you don't test new drugs on yourself and don't play with radium, lead or mercury (and don't!), you'll have to think your brains out.

Perhaps you are adopted, and your real parents are aliens. In this case, do not ask them for your real name. You may not like

Try to remember if you ate something strange yesterday. Maybe you shouldn't have ordered sushi from the cellar across the street, despite the affordable prices? Examine your body for new scars that you don't remember anything about. You may have recently had several surgeries. And it will not be superfluous to pay attention to bites. They say that the same radioactive spider was never caught!

It happens that such abilities are transmitted genetically, like eye color or a humanitarian mindset. Perhaps your crazy grandfather was not lying, saying that in his youth he moved objects with the power of his mind, and his uncle, whom everyone considered a drug addict, really understood the language of animals.

Determine your psychotype: supervillain or superhero?

If it is very impatient, then the “orientation” can then be changed. From supervillain to superhero one step, and even less in the opposite direction

Every person sooner or later asks himself the question of what he really wants to be. For you, that moment has just arrived. You have a unique chance to change your life for the better, reconsider priorities and get out of the routine. Now you are not just an engineer or a history teacher - you are a person (or something like a person) with superpowers. So, you need to decide how exactly you plan to use them.

You have a wonderful opportunity to become a superhero or a supervillain. Comic books, movies and human history will help you decide who to take an example from. They give a clear idea of ​​what will happen if you try to take over the world or destroy all of humanity. So, before you take revenge on everyone who annoyed you, from the employees of the housing office to the evil maths at school, you should weigh the pros and cons. Now you live in a superhero genre, and according to its laws, a supervillain is simply doomed to defeat. And our world is not as bad as it might seem - and perhaps it is you who will make it better.

Keep incognito

Wolverine could have had a much more pleasant time. But in his MCU, it's not customary to hide your identity.

Don't run around the streets screaming about your superpowers. This has two possible outcomes, both of which are bad. Or (more likely) they will not believe you and, having injected an elephantine dose of tranquilizer, will be taken to a psychiatric hospital. Or they will still believe you (for example, if you spew flames at the same time) and, having injected the same tranquilizer, will be sent for experiments.

If you think about it, there is a third option: the priests will get to you first and will persistently try to exorcise the devil from you. One way or another, the matter will not do without a tranquilizer.

Learn to manage abilities

If you're looking for a superhero teacher, look for a giant rat. They say there are a lot of them in the Moscow metro

This point is especially important. If you have chosen the side of good, you must adhere to the principle of "do no harm." But supervillains can't get out of school either - otherwise how are you going to crush your pathetic enemies? You need a teacher and mentor who will not be afraid of your appearance (if you have become green, tailed or something like that) and unusual abilities.

If you are eleven years old, an owl with a letter can still fly to you. If you are older, you may be visited by the captain of the Enterprise in a wheelchair or by a one-eyed Negro. But if nothing like this happened within a week, you will have to make your own efforts.

The hope that somewhere there is a school of Charles Xavier or something like that is the last to die. We advise you to take a closer look at any closed institutions where gifted children are taught. Especially if the site and the brochure do not indicate what exactly this talent is, they say, they will guess for themselves.

Just don’t break into schools with in-depth study of all subjects and immediately demonstrate how great you can set fire to furniture with a glance and break chandeliers with the power of thought. Remember what we said about tranquilizers!

Find friends

Friends will always tell you where the best shawarma in town is

Whatever we do, it's always better to do it with someone. A good company helps in any business. Especially when you don't know where to hide extra limbs or a second head that has grown overnight. You need people who will accept you and not shy away from your weirdness. Simply put, you need friends.

The Internet is littered to overflowing with forums where people who supposedly have superpowers communicate and share knowledge. But before you reveal your soul to them, you need to check whether they are really the same as you. Remember that most of these people
most of all, they lie. Or psychos. Or on acid. But this, of course, is not about you!

Caution should also be exercised in relation to psychics, magicians, witches and other evil spirits that make money on high school girls suffering from unrequited love and desperate old maids. All of them are most often scammers who will gladly help you with only one thing - to part with money.

Image is everything

That's what really "kick-ass" is their costumes

Everyone has heard the saying that they are greeted by their clothes, but they are escorted by their mind. Congratulations, this is no longer your concern. You will be met by superpowers, and you will see everyone off yourself when you want.

However, the style will still have to be thought through - at least in order to make it convenient for you to use your powers, hide your wings and generally move around. And also not to look stupid and strange. Still, from an imposing superhero to a clown - one mismatched color.

So do not rush to sew yourself a tights in the colors of the Russian flag and a raincoat from a shower curtain. It is better to immediately take the issue seriously and turn to an experienced stylist than to delete ridiculous photos from other people's accounts later.

Come up with a cool name

Hancock took the name from the soup. It would be a good idea if he was paid for it. Note: the names Big Mac-Man and Ai-man are still free

Superhero Stepan Ivanov is, of course, cute. But if you are able to hold your breath for a day or talk to the dead, you should come up with something cooler. Most often, people with superpowers choose speaking nicknames so that it is immediately clear what exactly they can do. For example, Magneto manipulates magnetic fields, the Human Torch burns, Iron Man… hmmm, iron (on the outside at least), and Batman just likes bats.

However, you can choose something understandable only to you and your loved ones, as Deadpool did. The main thing is that you like it!

Find the right job

You can convince everyone that you are a messenger of God. Just not the fact that he will like it!

A superhero is fed up with not only good deeds. Sometimes you can earn extra money using your gift. This item is individual, since the choice of a new profession should be based on circumstances. If you are a happy owner of superintelligence, it's time to advance domestic science or medicine. And the ability to control fire will make you an excellent firefighter. True, not every ability can be used in such a way that you are not revealed.

Superpowers at home

Great news for housewives and bachelors: superpowers can be used in everyday life. If you feel that you are not yet ready to save or destroy the world, there are many other useful uses for your new abilities. Super strength is super strength, and no one canceled cleaning.

If you love feng shui or move a sofa from one end of the room to the other every week, the power of the Hulk will come in handy. And it is also suitable for demolishing unnecessary walls - the main thing is that the wall does not turn out to be load-bearing.

An excellent acquisition could be the Flash's ability to develop near-light speed. It is very convenient if you need to urgently drive to the store, quickly clean up or combine a bunch of other things. A Mister
A Fantastic Four Fantastic could use his stretchy limbs to dust hard-to-reach places and paint ceilings. And he can clean a clogged sink at once.

It's hard for Superman to shave, but it's possible.
But what about the one whose beard is regenerating ...

Well, a picnic in the company of Superman toasting sausages, Wolverine chopping lettuce, and Storm controlling the weather would be simply incomparable. Especially if the seemingly useless Aquaman brings fish and oysters to the table. And how many problems could have been avoided if Magneto, instead of war with the whole world, helped people find lost keys!

If superpowers gained ... your girlfriend

First, congratulations - you have a girlfriend!

And now is not the best time to tell her that it's time to leave

Secondly, girls are not simple creatures, and when they acquire superpowers, everything becomes very difficult. If the newly acquired power does not change her appearance, then the situation is not so critical. But if there are cosmetic changes, be prepared to show patience, compassion and great fortitude (however, as in any other situation).

If she can read your mind

Remember the series "Misfits", where one of the heroines could read the thoughts of others, or Jean Gray from the X-Men. Telepathy did not prevent them from starting and maintaining relationships with the opposite sex (although at times this same sex suffered greatly). So do not immediately give up and look for a new girl. She, of course, can promise that she will not get into your head. But it's like with social media accounts or SMS: sometimes you stumble and you can't stop. So trust is trust, and now you need to think more carefully.

You are unlikely to be able to control your mind all the time, but now you have a great opportunity to train your brain. Thoughts like “my girlfriend is the best, the most beautiful and the kindest” are very welcome. Just don't overdo it so as not to arouse suspicion.

But who are we kidding! She could read your mind even before that.

If she has super strength

Don't you dare forget about her birthday now!

At first glance, it is not very pleasant when your girlfriend can do more push-ups and lift weights that are beyond your power. Now she is unlikely to ask you to open a jar or move the refrigerator. But every cloud has a silver lining: you don't have to worry about someone attacking her in a dark alley. You can even start to worry about those who come up with it.

It might even encourage you to take up the sport yourself. Although what we are talking about, you will still be lazy. After all, now you can ask a girl about everything!

If she rules the time

Now you are really stuck. To begin with, you will never be able to part with her - at least not at will, because she will constantly rewind time back and come up with counterarguments (yes, this is also from Misfits). The same goes for absolutely any dispute - you have to come to terms with the fact that she will always win.

But now you can ask her to rewind the time when you need it - for example, after an unsuccessful exam or to delay the deadline. And the food will finally stop burning.

If she mutated into something terrible

Just tell her she's still the prettiest.

If superpowers gained ... your boss

Not much has changed (© Michael Dashow)

You have always guessed that your boss is not human. It's just that before his superpower was that he was a superasshole who forced him to stay late after work, squeezed salary and vacation pay. You probably have some experience of communicating with a brutal boss, so we’ll just figure out how to ask such a boss for an increase, vacation or time off.

First, determine what mood the boss is in. If, upon entering the office, you find that he is sitting on the ceiling, spewing flames and turning his head 180 degrees, now is definitely not the best time to ask. It is worth waiting until he sinks into a chair and stops destroying his office.

When the boss has finally calmed down and no longer causes mortal horror, it's time to ask for what you wanted. Add some flattery. You can see how well his suit goes with the blue tone of his skin and how well he bleached his fangs. And mention that you're not at all mad at him for "accidentally" breathing your vacation application on fire. We know he didn't mean to hurt you or kill you, right?

This guide comes to an end. We wish you good luck and sincerely hope that these tips will be useful (or at least entertain you). The main thing - remember: even if you do not know how to control other people's thoughts, lift cars and instantly regenerate by cutting your finger with paper, there is nothing to worry about. Each of us is special in his own way, even if his ability is to crack his fingers, wiggle his ears or throw his legs over his head.

And, as the protagonist of the movie "Kick-Ass" said, no injury, no cosmic radiation, no power ring is needed to become a superhero. You need the perfect combination of optimism and naivety.

The epic saga of the heroes and dragons of Skyrim has many virtues - deep dungeons, interesting adventures, a rich world. That's just a debugged balance there is not even close. But it's a tradition in The Elder Scrolls games that there are always perfectly legal ways to make a real superhero out of a character. To learn how this is done in Skyrim, read this article.

What can we achieve

The dragon is ordinary. Slightly battered.

The traditions of TES are very peculiar. There were always enough holes in the balance sheet. Many of you remember how in Oblivion any character could turn armor into complete invisibility, and Morrowind's alchemists, enhancing intelligence, created potions of divine power. In Skyrim, as in Morrowind, there were similar ways to get around the limitations of the developers. However, we are more interested in the capabilities of a hero developed in an honest, and only honest, way.

They are quite "modest":

  • Strikes for thousands of HP.
  • Complete immunity to magic.
  • The maximum possible armor.

This is enough to pass the game on any difficulty level without any problems.

In general, if you try hard (potions, orc talents, stealth, and so on), you can achieve that with one blow to demolish the enemy twenty to thirty thousand HP. But this is already an occupation for fans who care about the process itself and the ability to take down five hundred percent of the dragon's health with one blow.

As for magic, here, having contrived, you can reduce the incoming damage to almost zero. But, alas, it will not work to reduce physical damage to such figures - even the most well-equipped and enchanted hero can be picked up by enemies in close combat or shot from a bow.

How it works

Our goal is +116% enchantment and +130% blacksmithing potion.

The basic idea is to have alchemy and enchantments mutually reinforce each other, and then together strengthen blacksmithing. So you can forge (and enchant from above) an extremely powerful set of weapons and armor.

And here, in fact, a step-by-step recipe for superheroism:

Upgrade blacksmithing to 100, take the ability daedric armor(this will require 5 ability points - you need to go from steel armor counterclock-wise).

Develop enchantment to 100, take charmer (5/5), skill enchantment, life spell, additional effect(total 8 points).

Develop alchemy to 100, take alchemist (5/5), healer, pharmacist(total 7 points).

weld a few enchantment enhancement potions.

After drinking this potion, enchant four items (head, hands, ring, necklace) to strengthening alchemy. The potion lasts 30 seconds - one bottle is enough for especially fast Gonzales for everything about everything. But it’s better not to rush, so that there is time to enchant the object and give it a name.

Having weighed yourself with the resulting kit, weld new ones enchantment enhancement potions.

Under these potions, enchant a new set of clothes. If you did everything right, then as a result you will be able to cook in the "clothes of the alchemist" potions by +32% to spells and, drunk on his own "sorcerer's potions", enchant +29% to alchemy and blacksmithing. If something went wrong and your numbers came out smaller, it's okay - just repeat the cycle.

Enchant under potions clothing set +29% blacksmithing(a total of four items will give you + 116%).

NOTE: the type of things does not matter, and you still can’t fight in them, so take weightless slippers and light bracers so that the “work kits” do not pull your pocket.

Create multiple potions by +32% to blacksmithing.

Forge a weapon, shield and armor set from your favorite material. Weapons and shields are best made Daedric, and armor can be any - the one that you like best.

Put on the “blacksmith armor”, drink the “blacksmithing potion” (total +246% to the skill!) and quickly improve everything that you have forged on the workbench and grindstone.

With all this, it is already possible to go to war, even against Alduin, even against the giants. True, at first it’s worth a little tinkering with bringing the “super set” to mind through enchantment. And for this we need to understand what kind of effect we want to achieve.

Fine-tuning the "super set"

Ready! An improved bow combined with enchanted armor gives five hundred damage. No bow enchantment or expensive arrows needed.

So what exactly do we need?

  • Good weapon damage.
  • Adequate protection from magical attacks.
  • Maximum possible protection against physical attacks.

To increase weapon damage by huge amounts, enchant (under potions, of course) armor to increase the skill of your favorite weapon type. One-handed in both hands will give the most damage, one-handed weapons and a shield - the best protection. Two-handed weapons are something in between. If you like a stealthy approach, then your choice is a bow and triple damage on the sly.

NOTE: enchantments to enhance one-handed weapons do not work on daggers. It's hard to say unequivocally whether this is a bug or as intended, but daggers fall out of the overall picture. If you need them for some reason, you will have to invest in an ability that gives fifteen times damage with a dagger from stealth as quickly as possible.

The Lord's Stone is the most useful for those who need to protect themselves from magic.But the stone of the Lord on the map is to the east of Morthal on the mountain.

To protect yourself from magic, you need to bring the total magic resistance to 85%. To do this, you have to enchant quite tightly. There are many ways to save spells. If you are playing Breton, 25% you already have. Gives another 25% Lord's stone. Having completed the multi-part quest " book of love”, you will receive another + 15% (you can take the quest from the dark elf Diniya Balu in the Riften temple of Mary).

It is impossible to raise protection against magic above 85% ... but if you really want to, then you can. To do this, you must additionally be enchanted for protection from the elements. If it is good to raise the protection against fire, ice and electricity (for example, put on Otar mask from the Rangwald dungeon, north of Markarth) and add a chance to absorb spells on top ( atronach stone, the ability of the same name in the constellation magic change), you can reduce the incoming damage several times more, bringing it to almost zero.

THIS IS A BUG: keep in mind that patch 1.2, among other things, "broke" protection from the elements in the game. This important thing stopped working for the Nords, and for the Dark Elves, and even for the summoned atronachs. And by turning on the absorption of spells, you can forget about the school of witchcraft - for some reason all summoned creatures are considered enemy magic and all attempts to summon them will consistently end in nothing.

You can stand and quietly smoke under the shield, and the necromancers will fight against it in impotent rage.

With armor, everything is a little more complicated. Put it on, go to the "Items - Clothing" menu, select any piece of armor and take a look at the "Armor Class" parameter. If you are using a shield in combat, take that as well. Most likely, the amount will be less 567 . This needs to be corrected.

There are two ways to “finish off” protection to the desired value, depending on what you want to save - ability points or a place for enchantment. If you can sacrifice one or two points, invest them in a skill skill in defense or juggernaut -- depending on whether you are wearing light or heavy armor. An alternative option is to enchant the armor to enhance the skill of light or heavy armor. Your goal is to make sure that in total the armor gives you at least 567 armor. But no more. This is the limit of its effectiveness ( armor cap), which gives the maximum protection that is generally possible in the game - 80% . Unfortunately, he is quite far from the absolute, and a large crowd of opponents (especially on high difficulty) will be able to kill the hero.

And no scam

The storm mage didn't even have time to figure out what it was.

Here the vigilant reader can ask a reasonable question: “Is all this fair?” Indeed, complete invulnerability to magic, strikes for hundreds and thousands of HP - aren't these holes in the balance?

But everything described above is provided by the developers. After all, they introduced the mechanism of diminishing returns into the profession ( diminishing returns), which will not allow, even when combined, to raise the alchemical enchantment to enhance the profession above + 29% and brew a potion more effective than + 32%. The ceiling has been installed!

Another thing is that there are still ways to cheat and go beyond what is permitted. For example, if you swallow a few potions for increasing recovery skill, the loop can be closed, and the player will be able to improve things to any extent, up to the overflow of variables. But then it's easier to enable "god mode" in the console.

It is worth remembering, however, that sometimes in the game you need to make an effort to not cheat - there are so many bugs and holes in it. Namely:

Don't drink in close combat hit potion- due to a bug, it increases the damage not only of bows, but of all weapons in general.

You shouldn't complete the quest From the depths”, which is issued by the Argonian From the Deepest in the docks of Riften. It is assumed that as a reward we will receive + 25% to the effect of Dwemer armor and + 15% to the development speed of blacksmithing. In reality, the hero is given + 25% to the effect of any armor and + 15% to the effect of improving weapons or armor. If you have already done this quest, even console commands will not help to remove the "dishonest" effect.

Should not be worn Falmer helmet and hoop over it. Two hats at the same time, and both can be enchanted - this is definitely a bug. There are other ways to put on more than one thing at a time (for example, the "prison bug" known in some circles), and, of course, it is also better not to use them.

It is not recommended to disassemble into spells " Shield of Solitude', so as not to be able to enchant an item with magic resistance twice. The rules forbid two identical enchantments, so most likely this is also a glitch not provided by the developers.

How to raise three professions

The main problem with the "professional" approach is that the hero must first develop all three professions to 100. Fortunately, there are ways to do this quickly.

blacksmith craft

Rawhide bracers and iron daggers are our ticket to the heights of blacksmithing. Strange, but true.

Everything is simple here: do iron daggers and rawhide bracers in industrial quantities. Blacksmithing is the easiest to develop. Iron is cheap, leather is too. And if the money runs out - there are a lot of wolves in the district. It is advisable not to sell products at the same time - it will be useful for the development of the next profession.

BY THE WAY: remember about guardian stones, which speed up the development of skills by 20%. Use them. Blacksmithing is related to the Warrior stone, Enchanting is related to the Mage stone, Alchemy is related to the Thief stone.


Another way to improve your trading skills is to put on a Volsung mask. With her, the burden pulls less.

We take any thing, we buy all the available soul stones - the cheapest are tiny and small. We spend the filled ones on enchantment, then we sell them. We fill the empty ones with the help of a weapon spelled to capture souls. It is easier to enchant clothes than weapons - there are fewer gestures.

There is another way, economical in terms of money: we go to Shrine of Azura, complete the Daedra quest and get a reward - a soul stone, which is not consumed when enchanting. After that, we go to nature, kill any animal, catch its soul in stone and immediately spend it on recharging things.

But you don't have to save money. If you get such valuable enchantments as exile or health absorption, money will no longer play any role. You can simply buy all inexpensive stones, transfer them to the same daggers / bracers and immediately sell them for a profit. Then we wait two days (during this time, the sellers replenish the assortment) and repeat. To gain access to several sellers of soul stones at once, it makes sense to join NIICHAVO in Winterhold.

NOTE: to look for the enchantments we need, go shopping for enchanted weapons and armor. The best place to start is with Shining Robes in Solitude. In the jewelry department, there are often rare enchantments for alchemy. Sometimes you can also find items enchanted to improve the price.


Baby Babette is the best alchemist in Skyrim. But even her lessons will not help to take the maximum skill.

Here the method is similar: having acquired a couple of thousand coins, we buy up all the available ingredients and start experimenting. Everything that happened, we hand over to pharmacists - at a loss or at a profit, if we come across valuable effects. well appreciated slowdown and regeneration, a lot of money can be obtained from the sale of poisons on regeneration damage and potions with mixed effects (even the most wild and incompatible).

If you are enchanted by alchemy, use the relatively quickly growing skill of eloquence and Amulet of Zenithar with a mask Clavicus Vile or wolsunga, the development of alchemy becomes so profitable that it is no longer necessary to raise the skill by manually brewing potions. Stock up on potions, go to " Arcadia's bowler hat» in Whiterun and buy lesson after lesson, selling potions in return. True, for each level you can learn only five times, but that's enough.

NOTE: there is a quest in the game "Return to the Roots". If completed, the hero begins with a 25% chance to receive an additional potion when brewing. But to get to this quest, you need to delve deeply into the plot.

After the 75th level of alchemy, Arkadia will refuse to teach further. It will save you here The Dark Brotherhood. You can look for a way to join it in Windhelm, overhearing on the streets talking about a guy looking for this organization. By the way, before that, I recommend visiting the Lorey farm, which is north of Whiterun and the White Watchtower, in order to complete a fun quest and get to know your future brotherhood colleague, the merry Cicero, in advance.

Alas, not a single master will teach you beyond 90, and the last ten points must be “finished off” manually. To do this, you will have to shake the old days, buy up all the Skyrim pharmacies several times and brew so many potions that you will be selling them for weeks.

Subtle moments

Choose a race

My Khajiit is in a work kit and in the mask of Clavicus Vile.

In general, the method described above allows you to make a hero from anyone - even from a frail Bosmer. But most of all it suits the Bretons and Orcs.

Bretons unrivaled due to the natural resistance to magic. 25% is very a lot of. What is especially important, their ability is passive, works by itself - saves protective spells and never goes to waste. Do not forget about the Breton "daily" ability, which also protects well from spells.

But orcs worth taking for those who want to halve incoming damage and double their own at a critical moment. This is an active ability - you need to be able to remember about it in time. But doubling the damage will give you really insane numbers, and it can be more interesting than the boring Breton defense.

ADVICE: a female character gets more benefit from the reward for Dibella's quest in Markat (+10% damage to all the opposite sex). After all, there are noticeably more male opponents in the game.

Choose the type of armor

Finding the dog Barbas, who escaped from Falkreath, is the easiest way to get a great helmet to improve prices in stores.

With armor, everything is ambiguous. Of course, with heavy Daedric armor it is easier to get to the coveted number 567. But the best examples of light armor (glass, dragon) are not much inferior to it in terms of protection.

At the same time, light armor is much more convenient: it weighs less, makes less noise, slows down less. And according to the constellation of abilities, light armor “makes” heavy armor, excuse the pun, “light”. Doubled recuperation rate is the most useful thing both in combat and outdoors. And what can a heavy one boast of? Reduced fall damage? Fist fight? Khajiit laugh! Even the return of damage does not sound so great, if you remember that it is given only at the very end, when the skill is already developed to a hundred.

The problem is that even those who wear "dragon back skin" armor would find a Daedric weapon very useful. But in order to get to it, blacksmiths must definitely invest four ability points in heavy armor (steel, dwemer, orc, ebony).

Of course, you can not touch these stars, get to the dragon armor through steel, elven, complex and glass, limiting yourself to glass weapons and losing about 10% damage on this. But you can do otherwise - using light armor, invest in heavy armor in blacksmithing and come to dragon armor "from the other side." Of course, this way at first we will have to use armor from shops and dungeons, but we will get the right weapons, and we will save abilities, and we will be able to enjoy all the advantages of light armor.

Choosing an enchantment

A well-equipped companion can clear dungeons on their own.

When choosing a charm, there are no particularly important rules. This is greatly facilitated by the arcane ability to trample two effects into one item at once. Use your imagination, because in extreme cases, a thing can be reforged. The main principles here are:

The main thing you need is an armor of at least 567, protection against magic in the region of 85%. Then throw everything at the damage from your favorite type of weapon.

It is better to think over the combination of charms in advance, considering what exactly can and cannot be hung on different elements of armor, a ring and a necklace.

You can build zero mana costs for one school of magic into armor without any problems and without any special sacrifices (and with problems and sacrifices - for two).

Build yourself separate ultra-light kits for pickpocketing, lockpicking and/or stealth and you'll save yourself tons of ability points.

If you're dungeon crawling with a follower, pack them in quality enchanted armor with protection enchantments, and it'll be much harder for you to accidentally hit a teammate in the heat of battle. This is important, because with a super set of armor and weapons, the main problem in battle will be precisely the protection of the satellite from its own heroic power.

* * *

Honesty is the best policy. Now you know how to absolutely honestly make a superman out of a character who easily knocks down dragons and giants left and right, regardless of rank and difficulty levels. We cannot expect favors from nature. Taking them is our job. And, using this guide, any person, elf or Khajiit will pass through Skyrim as a master - from the southern mountains to the northern seas.

Reading 4 min. Views 569 Posted on October 30, 2013

Almost every person from early childhood dreams of becoming a brave superhero. This image attracts, first of all, with its fantastic capabilities that ordinary mortals do not have. Superheroes are very strong, honest, respectable and ready to do anything to help people in need. Often, superheroes are faced with insidious villains who hatch terrible plans. Then they enter into a fight in which the superhero usually wins. This positive character has a huge number of fans who love him. Therefore, many people want to be a superhero. But how do you become a superhero? And what needs to be done for this?

How to become a superhero in real life

Since a superhero is a fictional character, it is quite difficult to become one in reality. And yet, how to become a superhero in real life? To do this, you need to diligently and regularly engage in sports, as well as various physical exercises. Daily training is sure to help you become a superhero in the shortest possible time. To do this, you need to visit the gym, where there are all conditions for physical development.

Every self-respecting superhero should have their own costume. It is highly desirable that it be unique and unlike others. Therefore, it is necessary to seriously approach the solution of this issue, having come up with a costume that will please both yourself and others. You also need to come up with your own image that will emphasize either character or something else.

If it is already clear how to become a superhero in real life, then you need to remember about weapons. After all, the superhero is fighting dangerous criminals and other bad people from whom you can expect anything. In this regard, when going out into the streets, it is worth taking some kind of weapon for self-defense with you. Of course, you can not arm yourself, but then the risk to your own health is extremely high.

How to become a superhero at home

You don't have to take to the streets or risk your life to become a superhero. They can also be at home. But how to become a superhero at home? The simplest and most reliable way is a computer or video game. By turning on such a game, you can become a real superhero, and without any consequences. The main advantage of this method is that no one in reality will take revenge and persecute, as well as complete security.

In addition to games, the Internet will help solve the issue of how to become a superhero at home. Thanks to the global web, you can come up with a fictional image of a superhero. This can be done both on social networks and on various sites, as well as forums. It is enough to competently design your own profile or page. Perhaps the easiest way to become a superhero on the Internet.

How to become a superhero in skyrim

Skyrim has a large and open world, many dungeons and enemies, as well as interesting cities with their diverse inhabitants and, of course, dragons. Skyrim is fraught with a lot of dangers, so many gamers want to become a superhero in the game. At the same time, there is an honest way to become a superhero in skyrim. To do this, you need to develop certain abilities and skills of your character. More specifically, blacksmithing is required to pump up to 100 and take Daedric armor. Then develop enchantment up to 100 and get enchanter, life enchantment, skill enchantment. After that, pump alchemy to 100 and take an alchemist, pharmacist and healer. Next, you need to brew 2-3 potions that enhance enchantment. After drinking the resulting potion, you need to enchant 4 more items (hands, head, necklace, ring), which enhances alchemy. Then you need to repeat the preparation of the potion. Thus, you can get an advantage in the form of + 29% to alchemy, + 29% to blacksmithing and + 32% to spells. Thanks to this, the character will become almost unbeatable. He will be a superhero in the world of skyrim. And quite honestly and without resorting to the help of third-party programs.

Superheroes are very cool. This is underlined by their secret names, triumphant world-saving operations, and tight Lycra suits that accentuate every muscle or curve of the body.
Not everyone can be a superhero, because this is a special way of life.
Fortunately, science does not stand still, and in this post 8 modern technologies, thanks to which you can feel like a real superhero! And for this you do not need to be born on the planet Krypton or be the result of genetic mutations.

1. Invisibility

Until recently, invisibility was available only to sorcerers. And even then their magical "invisibility cloaks" did not inspire confidence. Now everything has changed.

A new ultra-thin 'metascreen', developed as a result of research at the University of Texas at Austin, can neutralize light waves directed at an object. The difference between this masking and the others is that the light rays do not go around the object, do not project the image of what is behind the object on its front side (as in the video). This latest method allows you to hide not only the object itself, but also its shadow, which means that the object becomes invisible from any angle of view.

So far, the technology is far from perfect, because it extinguishes only microwaves, but the developers believe that the "invisibility cloak" they invented will be used for defense or health purposes.

Not only is the laser a formidable Star Wars weapon or a means of entertainment for bored cats, it is also a very real weapon that will be used in the near future. The U.S. Navy has recently received a giant "lay-zer" - an installation to destroy drones. The Air Force is also not left out: fighters are equipped with liquid-cooled lasers made of solid materials that can repel missile attacks. Tests of this weapon are scheduled for 2014.

3. Mind Control

While you can't control the mind of your boss or any other person at will, you can control your mind now.
A new technology called "transcranial pulsed ultrasound" is currently being developed by the US Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA). It will allow you to control the mind by sending precisely directed high-frequency sound waves to strictly defined regions of the brain. The technology that is supposed to be used in the creation of military helmets offers unlimited possibilities for the military. Soldiers can feel no pain, fight longer and recuperate faster. However, the morale of those who can get hold of this technology is likely not to allow it to develop and spread in the near future.

4. Ability to crawl on walls

You can buy a costume and a mask, you can even start dating a red-haired girl (good luck with that). But without parkour skills, you can't become Spider-Man like Peter Parker did.

Designed by a team of engineers from the University of Utah, PVAC's "Personal Vacuum Wall Traveler" won first place among 33 projects in a competition organized by the US Air Force. Based on it, advanced equipment for the army can be created.

Have you ever wanted to be Spider-Man?

5. Enhanced Hearing

Batman and Daredevil had echolocation, not to mention bats and dolphins. Today, scientists are working on implants that will be installed in the middle ear, making echolocation available to humans. And in the future, it is possible to develop special software for such devices.

The device of the auricle allows us to determine where the sound comes from. Unfortunately, a person is less able to hear the sounds that come from behind. Developments are underway to create an “ideal auricle”, which will allow a person to literally have ears on the back of his head. It may not be the most needed invention, but it can save you from bad guys who attack from behind.

6. Improved vision

In a world where millions of people need vision correction, the prospect of perfect vision is very tempting. In addition to reading fine print, improved vision will allow you to see in the dark, as well as distinguish between body temperature and complementary colors.

Experiments to improve vision are very diverse. Some people use special lenses to correct the smallest imperfections in the eye, which makes vision especially clear. Others are doing experiments with monkeys and people suffering from color blindness, the purpose of which is to improve vision at the genetic level - this will improve even good vision.

Do you want to know about more technological developments? Currently, work is being carried out in the field of bionics - cameras are being developed that allow you to see infrared radiation, use multiple magnification or use various lenses. But before you run to the ophthalmologist, remember that "bionic" eyes are often used by those who have lost their own eye. In addition, it is still impossible to say exactly how the brain recognizes the signals received through such “eyes”.

7. Super strength

If you're more into self-made superheroes like Batman or Iron Man, you'll love the XOS 2 exoskeleton in the video below. This option will allow you to lift several hundred pounds (more than 50 kg), while the owner of the suit will not only not feel this heaviness, but will not even notice the weight of the suit itself.

The only problem is that this suit requires a constant connection to a power source. In addition, it is still under development.
This also includes the Japanese development of a tank with a face and a NASA suit for astronauts in zero gravity.

8. Ability to fly

And finally, flights. The most important quality of superheroes is the most unattainable. However, if you dream of flying in the skies, there are several options.
First, the jetpack. JetLev's development costs $100,000, but you can try it out at amusement parks for as little as $237 a day. This variant works on the power of water and can lift you up to 30 feet (about 9 meters) above the water level.

Distributed by Tecnologia Aerospacial Mexicana and priced at $125,000, the Rocket Belt will allow you to fly for 20 seconds at speeds of up to 60 miles per hour (27 km/h).
The latest development is the flying bike, which was prototyped by the Czech companies Duratec, Technodat and Evektor. It weighs 209 pounds (about 95 kg) and is driven by four motors and one propeller. It is not yet for sale, as a suitable battery has not yet been created for it.

Many fans of superhero sagas have one thing in common - the desire to become a superhero. But in order to make a dream a reality, you need to have some mandatory personality traits that someone has by nature, and someone will have to develop them intensively. And now we come to the main question of how to become a superhero.

History and formation of superheroes

The first features that all superheroes possess to one degree or another are a fair amount of selflessness, the desire to serve not oneself, but people, goodness and justice.

How to become a superhero, you will be told first of all not by movies and cartoons, but by comics, since this is the birthplace of every superhero. The first influx of such characters took place between the 38-40s of the last century, when Batman and Superhero first went to fight for good and justice, and then in the early sixties - Spider-Man, X-men, Iron Man and others. Then already the nineties pleased with new characters in the form of Hellboy and Spawn. An exception to this parade of the most worthy characters was Hancock, who was created far from being positive, a kind of alcoholic with a peculiar sense of humor. In fact, this is a new generation superhero, which was created for feature films.

If we talk about such characters, as about some kind of aliens and mutants, then the question of how to become a superhero becomes quite complicated. Someone moves heavy objects, someone jumps on the web, and someone releases sharp claws from indestructible metal. But there are exceptions in everything, and therefore here, too, there were worthy people who, obviously not possessing certain abilities, were able to fight evil. These include the same Batman and Iron Man. If we talk about the latter, then he is completely crippled. Their superheroism rests to a greater extent on the latest achievements of science and progress.

Reasons for becoming a superhero

Most superheroes have had some sort of mishap in the past (abduction, gamma bomb explosion). Not all, but most. Certain characters made their choice on their own, not by chance. So, for example, Captain America initially agreed to go on an experiment in order to fight the Nazis.

Everyone has some ulterior motive that drives them to become superheroes. So, for example, Spider-Man had a hard time with the death of his parents, and then the murder of Uncle Ben, Superman and Batman recalled their childhood or origin, and a hero like Hancock used to be a god, well, or an angel, at worst.

Special conditions for superheroes

In addition, each superhero has a double life: on the one hand, he is a hero in disguise, and on the other, an ordinary person who has his own personal life, work, desires. Often these two lines, intersecting, bring only misfortunes and present a difficult choice. By the way, female superheroes (for example, Catwoman or Black Cat) are more decisive in this sense and make choices faster. It turns out a sort of superhero version of feminism.

Each of the supervillains is always equal in strength to a superhero (remember at least the animated series about superheroes). They are also gifted to some extent and the main character has to work hard to overcome the villain.

Well, if we talk about wealth, then this is a rather relative question. Yes, Professor X, Batman, Iron Man - they are all millionaires. On the other hand, Hancock is actually a bum, but at the same time, nothing prevents him from being a superhero, and Hellboy is on state support, which is also not an obstacle to good deeds.

In a word, how to become a superhero is a rather controversial issue, but it will require you not to be bitten by a spider and terrible experiments on yourself (especially since in our real world, because of this, you can get into certain institutions), but simple human qualities that just help to do good deeds.