How to become a millionaire in forex. The student became a millionaire, earning on options


The success story of a British student who learned to trade on the stock exchange and became a millionaire has been covered in the world media.

Meet and take an example! The student became a millionaire, this is Robert Mfune from the city of Southampton (England). He is only 18 (turned in 2016) and he is a millionaire. Robert is actively investing money, buying up cafes, restaurants and small shops. He also has a production project. At the same time, Robert Mofune is not the son of rich parents, but a migrant from Africa! He came to England with his mother when he was 12 years old. They lived quite poorly. Where did he get his initial capital from and how did he become a millionaire? Everything is simple. His first money, which he later began to successfully invest in a ready-made business, Robert earned on options. And we will tell not only what he earned, but also HOW.

When Robert was 16 years old, he started working two part-time jobs - at McDonald's and as an assistant courier for a financial firm. He did all this while in college. While his peers were playing with all sorts of toys, he started trading options while still working at McDonald's at the age of 17, and today he is 18 and drives a golden Bentley, bought a house and several other prestigious cars!

We will tell about the secrets of his success at the very end of the article (there are also links to sources of information about our hero in the most authoritative world media) ...

3. Explore the simplest features of the trading platform. Spend TODAY, at a convenient time, at least 10-20 minutes on a training demo account. Choose the asset whose quotes dynamics is easier for you to predict. Let it be dollar, oil or gold. Just explore the exchange platform. Place some virtual bets. It is better for beginners not to play on the first day for real money or to play with symbolic bets.

4. Devote at least 30 minutes a day to something new to you. Explore helpful resources on the topic…


1. How to open the first deal;
2. Options for beginners: where to start;
3. How to trade options? Instruction! ;
1) stable trend, the graph clearly shows an upward trend in the exchange rate. Definitely, we choose the purchase - ABOVE ( "CALL" - Growth) for this asset. Open a trade and make a profit in a few minutes.

2) The chart clearly shows a declining trend.. You should select the sale - BELOW ( "PUT" - Fall) for this asset. No matter how much the price drops, you will still get up to 90% profit.

3) can change rapidly, hence the risk is too great. There is no clear trend in this image. No clear trend - stay away!


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Not only America, but also Russia is famous for its successful traders. Those who have amassed a very impressive fortune, I trade in various financial markets. We have our Soros and Buffetts. Traders millionaires from Russia will be and are, in this article we will consider the most famous virtual asset traders who do not hesitate to announce their income and success in this field.

Trader millionaire from Russia — Alexander Rezvyakov

Alexander Rezvyakov is one of the best traders in Russia, especially famous among Moscow speculators. Many forums and websites talk in great detail about his trading styles and activities - in addition to trading, he conducts seminars, organizes private clubs for his students.

In less than four years of his trading practice, he was able to achieve very impressive results in the financial market as a trader. Back in 2007, he managed to show in public an increase in his own trading account by 1426 times!

At the moment, Alexander Rezvyakov is engaged in futures trading, and gives particular preference to futures on the RTS index.

The main advice that all his wards receive (of course, training is provided on a paid basis) is to choose a narrow specialization so that the results constantly improve and the trading account moves uphill. Specialization refers to the choice of certain trading instruments and the further development of skills in working with the chart of the selected currency, futures, stock or other financial instrument.

According to Alexander himself, “he came to trading because this business requires only two factors from him - discipline and his own understanding of the market. After all, all you need to get started is to have your own computer and access to the Internet. It is not necessary to rent an office, pay rent, pay salaries to employees, and hold meetings with clients in this business. And it all depends only on you - whether you become the best trader in Russia or not.”

Surprisingly, he began to work in the market in almost the same way as most of those who come here: with the passage of some training courses, in which, unfortunately, they told how to trade, but never taught how to earn money.

At the moment, the average growth of the trading account of one of the best traders is about 30% per month. There is something to think about!

Trader millionaire from Russia - Alexander Elder

Alexander Elder was born and raised in the USSR, in the famous city of Leningrad, but he became a well-known trader when he was in America, but this does not prevent him from being classified as one of the best traders in Russia.

An expert in the field of trading, a consultant to many world reputable exchanges, a writer who has published more than one book, one of which "Trading for a Living" was published in 12 languages ​​and is sold all over the world in huge numbers.

As for many, the path to fame and fortune for Elder was blocked by many obstacles and difficulties. The constant movement forward often brought only new cones. After another loss in the market, he had to return to work in the clinic and again save money to open a trading account.

Today he is a well-known personality, a well-known trader. A trader who does not praise the Forex market at all. Many of you have probably heard of his famous trading strategy called “Three Screens of Elder”. There is a lot of information on the Internet, so let's not drag out the time, but move on to the next trader from Russia, who made some good money trading.

Trader millionaire from Russia - Eric Nyman

Do not be afraid of the "American" name and surname of this person. Eric Nyman was born in Kazakhstan, then spent some of his life in Russia.

Several scientific papers, the publication circulation of which exceeded the mark of 60 thousand copies, a successful career as a financier and professional trader - these are all the few things that can be said about Eric. Since 1995, he has worked as an investment manager and analyst for various brokerage firms.

In addition to trading on the spot market and over-the-counter options on the global foreign exchange market, he is engaged in investing and trading on the Russian currency futures market, stock and American commodity exchanges, as well as on the exotic Ukrainian securities market.

Surely you have heard, and perhaps read, his books:

  • "Small Trader's Encyclopedia"
  • "Master Trading"
  • "Trader-Investor"
  • "The Path to Financial Freedom".

At the moment, Eric Nyman lives and works in Ukraine, but he can rightfully be considered one of the most successful traders in our country.

Other successful traders of the country

Within the framework of this article, alas, it will not be possible to tell about other traders from Russia who have chosen trading as the main source of income and have made more than one million on trading. Many of the successful speculators do not want to let their successes go public.

But the fact is that we also have our own trading talents. Perhaps you are one of them!

It is very important for every trader not only to analyze charts and read reviews, but also to learn from the mistakes of others. Of course, you cannot learn everything in the world, but many professional speculators note that it is very important to read the biographies of millionaires or successful traders. We propose to pay attention to such a person as Kondakov Konstantin.

Today this person is a well-known trader from Ukraine. Thanks to his talent, he managed to make an impressive fortune, and this allowed him to become a successful entrepreneur, financial analyst and publicist. Note that he continues to speculate on the stock exchange and this brings him a good income. Konstantin is respected by colleagues, friends and his word has weight in the circles of experienced financial experts from Ukraine and abroad.

Peter Lynch is the King of Mutual Funds

We invite you, dear traders, to get acquainted with one of the most successful mutual fund managers. Peter Lynch has achieved a lot in his life in this field, and his success story can teach a lot. Let's learn more about the facts of his life and spend a little time studying his advice for aspiring entrepreneurs and investors.

The future millionaire was born in 1944 and spent all his childhood in the city of Boston. It cannot be said that his adolescence was easy because from an early age he had to earn a living. At the age of 10, a misfortune befell him - his father died. In order to somehow feed his family, he was forced to work as an errand boy, carrying golf balls in the city club. However, it was at this job that the young man had a dream of becoming rich, because only wealthy people came to this field who talked about big money.

Linda Raschke and passion for trading

And who said that only a man can become a professional trader? We invite you to pay attention to a unique lady who managed to make a huge fortune through investing. Linda Bradford Raschke took up the basics of currency trading and was able to make a huge fortune.

To describe her passion, one can give an example of the case when she, being pregnant, traded until the last day of childbirth. The reporter decided to interview Linda, and she jokingly said that she did not trade during childbirth only because it was four in the morning and the markets were closed.

However, already three hours after the birth of her daughter, she made a deal by opening a short position on some currency contracts that expired on the same day. The deal paid off—Linda couldn't just walk away from a vantage point. Of course, she takes trading very seriously.

George Soros is the king of financiers

We present to your attention the biography of George Soros, who is known throughout the world as a successful financier, experienced investor and philanthropist. Note that Mr. Soros is an ardent admirer of an open society and at the same time he cannot stand market fundamentalism. The media does not always speak positively about his activity in the global market, but many forget the fact that George Soros annually leaves part of his money for the benefit of society. A talented investor and consummate speculator, Mr. Soros became famous as a liberal philosopher and statesman. And now we will begin the story about the details of the biography of the American financier.

The future millionaire was born in Budapest on August 12, 1930. His parents were middle-class Jews. George's father Tivadar Shorosh worked as a lawyer and in his spare time was engaged in the publishing of a magazine in Esperanto. In 1917, Shorosh went to the front and was captured by Russian soldiers. He spent three years in Siberia, and only in 1920 did he manage to escape back to Budapest.

Jean-Claude Trichet - the greatest French financier

It's time to talk about such an ambiguous personality as Jean-Claude Trichet. There were various rumors about him - someone believes that he is a real national hero, while others constantly talk about his connection with the criminal world. In any case, the success story of this influential person and talented financier will be interesting. Who is he?

At the moment, this person "runs" the European Central Bank and we believe that this is enough to write a short biography about him. In addition, in 2007, Mr. Trichet became Person of the Year. He was awarded this title thanks to his confident and quick actions during the global financial crisis.

Robert Kiyosaki is your rich dad

Despite the fact that Robert Kiyosaki has never been included in the official ranking of the richest people in the world, many are familiar with his success story thanks to the huge number of amazing books that were written by this wonderful person. A successful entrepreneur and experienced investor, Robert has managed to achieve a lot over several decades. But instead of starting to live “in a big way, as every self-respecting millionaire would do, he decided not to stop there and not only continued to run his business, but also wrote books that are 100% made of motivation and success.

We invite you to get acquainted with the charming Robert Kiyosaki and learn more facts from his success story. The biography of a talented entrepreneur and successful writer is filled with fascinating stories that readers will surely enjoy. Whether you have heard of him or have already read the bestseller Rich Dad Poor Dad, this article will be of interest to anyone who seeks to develop and learn. It is worth noting that Robert himself never hid the details of his path to financial independence. He always said that becoming a successful entrepreneur, investor, financial advisor and author of a huge series of educational books was quite difficult. But it was worth it!

Ingeborga Mootz: "Intuition helps me make money on the stock exchange"

Do you think that only young traders can succeed in trading currencies or stocks in today's markets? However, this elderly lady's success story will make you wonder if you're putting in enough effort to achieve your dream. Ingeborga Mootz has become a real symbol of the New Time - after all, few people at such a “young” age think about increasing their well-being and find the strength to act. We offer you to get acquainted as closely as possible with the success story of this wonderful woman, so that her example inspires the reader to great achievements.

Ingeborga was born back in 1922 and, being a trader, managed to reach a high level in the field of trading on the stock exchange. In just eight years, she has become one of the most successful currency speculators in Germany - her fortune is estimated in the millions. Over the years, she has also been awarded the title of "Best Private Investor". Ingeborga Mootz has succeeded where many trading gurus fail.

Steven Cohen - Master of Short Term Investments

Dear friends, we present to your attention the biography of Stephen Cohen. It's no secret that every trader who wants to become successful needs to constantly engage in self-improvement. Be sure to pay attention to the success story of this person to gain knowledge for your career.

Stephen Cohen was born in Great Neck, New York. His father was engaged in the production of clothes, and his mother taught children how to play the piano. Little Steve was not the only child in the family, and, as the accomplished millionaire says, it was in his large family that he learned to concentrate on the main thing. His main hobbies were cards and school - in both areas he excelled. Many years later, his chief accountant recalled how Stephen's desk was often littered with wads of hundred-dollar bills won in his spare time. You can also remember one of Mr. Cohen's famous quotes: "Poker taught me how to take reasonable risk."

John Templeton is a talented trader and successful entrepreneur

We suggest continuing the conversation about the most successful traders and investors. We want to introduce you to a wonderful man - John Mark Templeton. During his long life he managed to earn enough money and in any case we have a lot to learn from him.

John Templeton was born November 29, 1912 in Winchester, Tennessee. His parents were not rich, but they were very happy about the birth of a boy. Apparently, it was precisely for the reason that from an early age that the future successful entrepreneur learned about the severity of poverty, he decided to become rich at all costs. The boy's father repaired boots, and his mother looked after the household and was engaged in raising children. In addition to John, there were four more children in the family - three sisters and a brother. As you yourself understand, it was difficult to feed such a crowd on the salary of a shoemaker, and all the children were accustomed to discipline and economy.

Suleiman Kerimov is one of the richest people in Russia

It is very important for every successful trader to learn not only from their mistakes, but also to pay attention to self-improvement. Many professionals note that in order to achieve success, they have always relied on a stronger and more experienced entrepreneur who has achieved a higher level of income. Today we want to introduce you to a unique personality - he managed to achieve a lot in the entrepreneurial field and gladly shared the details of his success story. Meet Suleiman Kerimov!

At the moment, he is a member of the Federation Council of the Republic of Dagestan, and previously served as a deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation of the fourth convocation and was a member of the liberal democratic party. Suleiman also owns a large company, Nafta-Moskva, and thanks to his skillful entrepreneurial activity, he managed to become one of the richest people in Russia. It turns out that this person managed to combine state activities in two countries and at the same time was engaged in the development of his own company. So, let's get down to the success story of Mr. Kerimov to find out how he got to such a level of wealth.

Well, a millionaire, not a millionaire - it depends on you when and how successfully. A little about what Forex is. I will not describe in detail what Forex is in smart words, you can read all this in smart books, I will say one thing - Forex is a huge ocean of money, where it is quite possible to catch them. If you approach this wisely, then you will always be with money, independent of work. What does it mean to be smart? Frankly, I merged three times because of my own greed, I just want a million in one day, and laziness, again I want a million and preferably without doing anything and not studying. This does not apply to myself, but a lot of people registering for me with a broker had little idea at all and, for example, after downloading the terminal and installing an adviser, they almost immediately closed the terminal and turned off the computer, assuming that everything was being traded there. Let's figure it out: you download the terminal to your computer, the adviser is installed in the terminal installed on your computer, the Internet is connected to your computer, so why do people decide that after closing everything and turning it off, someone should trade there?! I took this lyric to the point that it is necessary to at least imagine some things, that is, computer skills are welcome. Let's go further. Forex is certainly not easy, and if you want to earn serious money on it, you will have to read something (of course, you don’t have to fill your head with a ton of literature, basically it won’t come in handy). How much can you earn on Forex? It depends on you and the amount you invest. Manual trading is more profitable, but it requires a lot of knowledge. The advantage of manual trading is that having predicted a deal, it is not necessary to control the process (does not apply to scalping), but it is still desirable to glance, but it does not require a 24-hour computer turned on. Working with an adviser is easier, but you need to find another profitable adviser, and keep your computer turned on and connected to the Internet around the clock from Monday to Friday. To earn $40-60 per day as an advisor with minimal risks (the drain is practically excluded, well, unless the market starts focusing), you need to invest $1,000. You can start trading on Forex with 10 dollars, you can also with one, but I'm afraid with one dollar impatient and especially thirsty for wealth will quickly get bored with such trading, but it’s still possible to rise with that kind of money. I started trading with 10 dollars and in 3 months my account rose to 73 dollars, not bad at all, you will not be able to do this by reading letters and clicking on links, and the account will increase all the time, because due to the increase in the amount on the account there will be and increase profits. Here is a screenshot of the last month of trading, if you look closely, this profit is even less than a month.

Good luck, and do not hesitate, if you have a head on your shoulders, then you can always make money on Forex, and it only depends on you to become a successful trader! Also don't forget that you can increase your income by inviting other people, just don't cheat them!

Update from 05/12/2017: I no longer provide an adviser, since I abandoned it completely, I have been trading only medium-term hands for a long time. Today, in connection with the release of the law on the regulation of the forex market (let me remind you: they shrugged off their shoulders, slapped taxes, depositing and withdrawing funds is not for the faint of heart), I consider this broker the best today, it has been working for a very long time, everything is paid to everyone! Yes, this is offshore and no Central Bank will be able to look into your wallet. My opinion is that the introduction of the law on forex is not to protect citizens, but because they realized that people earn and not bad. I explain: a leverage of 1 to 50 does not protect against a drain in any way, all the same, people will compensate for the lack of leverage with a large volume - instant flight of the deposit. They didn’t forget the main thing about taxes, given that not many people earn in the financial markets, you may not earn anything yet, but the tax is already there. Our state doesn’t want people to earn and become independent, then there will be no one to do any shit pick, thereby enriching the already not poor bosses. I have everything.

There are many people who claim that it is absolutely impossible to make money on Forex, but the history of the existence of the currency exchange indicates the opposite.

Some of the professional traders just earn their living, but there are those who, starting with literally a few hundred dollars, have made a multi-million dollar fortune.

Forex millionaires are conditionally divided into two groups, the first group includes those who trade only with their own money and have earned by using a highly profitable strategy, the second is professional traders who successfully manage other people's money and receive a percentage of the profits. Both methods allow you to earn millions, but the second one is still easier.

Trade high only with a leading broker

Now let's move on to getting to know specific individuals.

Larry Williams- This trader can be confidently called one of the most legendary personalities in the stock and currency markets.

He began his trading in the stock market back in 1965, it was then that he first learned what the stock market is and what is the secret of making money on a change in the rate.

From the very beginning, Larry decided to work independently, so at first he was only studying the basics of technical analysis, economics and finance. After some idea of ​​stock trading appeared, he moved on to studying the experience of leading traders.

After a year of study, Larry Williams received a certificate as a financial consultant and could already independently conduct training for novice traders.

After five years of work in the stock and currency markets, he made his first million and became a millionaire.

Larry's main work strategy is scalping, it was thanks to scalping that he earned 1,147,000 in a year from an initial deposit of only $10,000.

Richard Dennis began his acquaintance with the forex market as a messenger on one of the stock exchanges back in 1970.

Gradually, he began to make small transactions himself and study trading, as a result, starting with $ 400, he increased his fortune to 200 million, although this happened over several decades of hard work and study.

Richard's basic rule is to trade at the best time, why lose money in an unstable market when you can make money on a strong trend. And having made a successful deal, it is better to rest and gain strength than to rush into the market again. It is this peculiar approach to trading that allows you to always be in profit and prevent drawdowns of the deposit.

Warren Edward Buffett- this billionaire cannot be classified as a person who made his fortune on forex, he made his main capital on the stock exchange when trading shares. Now the state is estimated at several billion US dollars.

The secret of his work is quite simple and is based solely on fundamental analysis, the main thing is to know what changes are coming in the country's economy in the near future.

Based on the conclusions made, he finds the shares of enterprises that have fallen in price and buys them, as soon as the predicted events occur (for example, the adoption of a new law), the shares rise sharply and Warren Edward Buffett earns millions or tens of millions.

A similar principle applies to Forex trading, only currencies are the object of investment here, and the main thing is to choose the right currency for buying or selling.

Alexander Elder- a former psychiatrist, who, in his experience, proved the influence of psychology on stock trading.

The main specialization is stocks and option trading, it is options that most often sound in the biographies of famous traders as the preferred trading tool.

He started his trading in 1970, the first steps were not easy for Alexander, through trial and error he managed to create his own profitable trading strategy.

Currently, Alexander Elder is the author of several well-known books on forex and stock trading, and also heads the training center for professional traders.

Millions were brought to him not by forex trading itself, but by teaching beginners to trade and writing books.