How to hide heating pipes at home. Pipe decor in the interior: original ideas (50 photos)

The real problem for residents of apartment buildings, especially old buildings, is protruding communications, in particular, pipes heating system.

Many people are puzzling over how to avoid losing heat hide them out of sight so that they do not spoil the interior of the room.

There are many solutions, which are implemented quite easily and do not require much effort and capital investments.

How to decorate a heating pipe in a room?

Decorating heating pipes is choice of two options:

  • hide them so that they are invisible in the apartment;
  • make them a piece of furniture, decorating in an affordable way.

Decoration does not require much effort, special training or knowledge, just a little imagination and aesthetic taste.

Plasterboard box

Heating pipe closing technology plasterboard box quite simple. Installed frame made of profiles that are attached to the wall with self-tapping screws. And then the sheets of drywall are fixed. You need to know what to choose for the box moisture resistant material.

Although the method is quite simple and does not require significant costs, main drawback him is that he limits Free access to the highway, and in case of unexpected emergency situation the box will have to be disassembled. But there is a secret here too. If you use self-tapping screws during installation, then dismantling will not be so difficult.

Important! Box it is forbidden post directly near the batteries heating.

Such structures can be made not only from plasterboard. Instead, you can use any suitable material . The main condition is compliance with the interior design.

False wall

Usually constructed when heating element takes up a lot of space. First installed skeleton, which then upholstered with appropriate material.

This method is similar to the previous one, but more difficult to implement. Here, various materials can be used for upholstery, but if you need to close the radiators, then for this be sure to use perforated sheets to prevent heat loss.

Before you build a false wall, you should make sure that everything is in order with the heating equipment (pipes, radiators). And you also need to pay attention that the use of this method of decoration leads to a decrease in free space rooms.


Refers to the simplest and most popular ways to decorate heating pipes. Before using it, you need to take care of the base under Painting works, because remaining or peeling old paint can spoil the idea. A hairdryer or spatula will help clean the surface. from the previous coating.

Important! But no need to try to heat it up too much heating riser, since, according to operational standards, water remains in the pipes even in the summer. And with strong heating, the winding installed on the threads at the joints is destroyed. Therefore, you should simply get rid of most of the unnecessary paint, and Clean off residues with a wire brush.

Paint metal pipes better alkyd enamel PF-115. There is no need to use a primer here, the main thing is thorough cleaning. It is recommended to carry out the procedure twice, applying a thin layer of enamel.

This work best done in summer when the heating system is not in use.

Winter option painting is not suitable for the reason that the enamel on hot pipes will dry very quickly, without giving the opportunity to rub it properly. In this case unevenness and smudges cannot be avoided.

The simplest camouflage of heating pipes in a room is painting them to match the walls or the color of the radiators. The idea can be anything, the main thing is that it fits perfectly into the interior of the room.

Bamboo trunk and other linings

Pipes hidden in bamboo look extraordinary. His the trunk is sawed to length, cleanse from internal partitions and clean the cuts. Blanks apply and tighten using a rope of the appropriate color.

Moreover, bamboo is used not only when decorating a room, say, V Japanese style . It looks good in other interior options. The main thing is that the bamboo fits well into the overall design of the room. And so that the riser pipe framed by a bamboo trunk does not attract much attention, it is advisable to decorate other elements of the room with this material.

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Stained glass

This method is becoming one of the most favorite design solutions. It can also be used to decorate heating pipes.

For example, you can successfully cover the vertical riser in the corner room partition with stained glass elements made of glass or transparent plastic, and make sure that this structure is beautifully illuminated.

In this case design object will not only hide the pipes and decorate the room, but also will act as a lamp(night light), creating an atmosphere of comfort.


You can decorate the heating pipe in the room using curtains. This way does not require special expenses, and makes the room harmonious, beautiful and neat.

It's easy to implement. The wall near the window is equipped with a ceiling cornice from corner to corner. Thick curtains are attached to it, designed to cover the entire window space. Both closed and open, they will mask the heating communication.


Such original design designed to hide those heating pipes that are closer to the floor. Skirting boards, which are an element of interior decor, made from various materials. They come in different shapes and colors. With their help good to hide pipes in already finished interior .

Choose The decorative plinth follows the location of its installation, the diameter and number of pipes that will be covered, the presence of thermal insulation, the interior of the room, etc.

No matter how good all the considered decoration techniques are, they, for the most part, have one common drawback - they reduce heat transfer And make access to communications inconvenient heating systems.

Decorative rings for pipes, sockets, plugs

Decorative rings do not reduce heat transfer. Initially, their use was limited to closing holes during installation. suspended ceilings, which were formed during the bypass of pipes.

These decorative rosettes cover pipes where they enter the floor and ceiling. They can also veil and other similar places in the interior. The main thing is to choose the required internal section, texture and color. Such stubs consist of two separate parts, connected by specially provided locks, and are installed quite simply.

The choice of these decorative elements is very large. Making contours made of plastic, wood, MDF. Except various shapes, rings can be plain or patterned, with polished and matte surface, metallic or pearlescent color. Their use is always quite appropriate and does not cause any complaints.

Features of decoration in the kitchen

If necessary, a furniture set is usually used to hide communications in the kitchen. For example, pipes placed horizontally, easily sliding cabinets.

Vertical those located usually hide in the pencil case. To save money, you can use panels that imitate real furniture. Such designs quite successfully solve the problem of decoration.

Horizontal pipes, if they are made of metal, they can be cleaned to a shine, or, for example, paint it in steel color and, equipped with fasteners, use as roof rails, which allow you to conveniently arrange small kitchen accessories.

There are many options for decorating a kitchen, just like any other room. To this question it is necessary be thoughtful and creative.

When planning a renovation, everyone strives to create not only comfortable interior, but also as beautiful as possible. Communications are often very bad appearance any room and they try to hide them.

To get rid of heating pipes, they came up with a special box that can help with this problem, but it is important to choose and use it correctly.

Features and Benefits

In old-style apartments, it was common practice to install radiators under the windows and a piping system leading to them from room to room. Sometimes such structures small room accumulated so much that it greatly affected general form living space. Modern buildings they are erected with skill, depriving residents of the above problems. Unfortunately, there are still very few such houses, and most are still puzzled by how exactly the heating pipes and the radiator itself can be removed from view.

There are many options for how exactly you can cope with the task, and everyone decides for themselves what to choose for themselves. The simplest and most progressive of them is a box for heating pipes, which can accommodate all communications, covering them from prying eyes. Using beautiful overlays or materials, you can decorate the pipes so that they will not be noticeable, but they will be able to fully perform their function in the cold season.

Before carrying out any work, it is important to familiarize yourself with the features that the heating system has, these are:

  • Any pipes may leak, a breakthrough may occur or any of the parts may break, therefore the structure being erected must be easily disassembled so that it can be as soon as possible deal with the problem.
  • If during the renovation process the risers are closed using decorative overlays, the heat transfer will be greatly reduced and the room will be much cooler.
  • The opposite effect will occur if the pipe is mounted into the wall, which will lead to its complete heating and a significant increase in the temperature inside the room.
  • If you need to decorate the radiator and cover it with something, it is important to provide ventilation for it in the box so that there is always a natural way out for heat.
  • When thinking through the radiator box system, it is important to make it such that, if necessary, it can be easily disassembled into parts, and not be monolithic.

Most often, the following options are used to decorate heating pipes in apartments:

  • Placing structures in panels on a wall, floor or ceiling.
  • Use of a box that is designed for this type of activity.
  • Decorating heating communications using fine art and other creative methods.

To disguise pipes, as a rule, special plastic boxes are used, but they have a number of disadvantages. They make them not as versatile as drywall or regular plastic, from which you can make any structure yourself.

The advantages of this option include the following points:

  • To hide the pipes, you can come up with a wide variety of structures that will obey the design of the room, emphasize it and complement it.
  • The cost of the parts needed to turn the idea into reality is low, so almost everyone can buy everything they need.

However, these materials also have disadvantages that are worth knowing about:

  • Structures of this type have a large extent and in case of any problems, they need to be completely dismantled to find the problem area.
  • If you hide pipes under decorative plinth, that is, the risk of damage by builders or workers who will not know about the existence of heating structures in an unnatural place for them, which will lead to a violation of integrity or more serious problems.
  • Having installed a complete box once, it will be difficult to carry out modernization or partial replacement heating system pipes.

With all the convenience and aesthetic beauty, it is important to take into account all the nuances that you will sooner or later encounter in the process of using the room and heating structures.


In order to decorate pipes in a room and hide them from those present, you can use several options, these are:

  • Recessing heating structures directly into the wall, which in itself is very convenient and not so difficult to implement, but in case of any malfunction the consequences will be very bad. When installing a pipeline, it is important to completely replace it and carefully check all fastening points, soldering points and any joints that may leak.
  • Disguise using furniture, which is most often typical for the kitchen, but can sometimes be found in other rooms.
  • Using a special box where the pipes are placed. You can make such a design from different materials, This: plastic lining, brick, plasterboard, wood.

The box for heating pipes can have a varied appearance, which depends on the room in which it is installed.

  • A box-cabinet that forms a closed space where you can not only hide pipes, but also place little things you need in everyday life. It is very convenient to use it in the toilet, where space is significantly limited.
  • A plinth box is needed to hide pipes with a small diameter; it is very convenient to install sockets near them, especially for the bathroom, where the humidity level is high and you need to choose the right place to turn on electrical appliances.
  • A shelf box with a horizontal arrangement. This is convenient for proper installation of heating structures in the room. You can effectively, but at the same time effectively hide all communications, making the area useful.
  • A screen box that helps cover large structures. Screens can be very diverse in design and size, but they will have one thing in common: a mesh structure, which allows you to minimize heat loss without depriving the room of its aesthetics.
  • Decorative vertical structures are installed in places of common building communications, most often these are risers.

When planning the construction of any of the above options, you need to know that you can build two types of structures that will have radically opposite characteristics:

  • Collapsible structures, their installation allows you to easily monitor the condition of the pipeline in any part of the room and control problem areas, if any.
  • Stationary, structures that are installed at maximum long term operation and are not planned to be disassembled for a long time. Most often, such boxes are made for gas pipes; they would not be the best option for heating.

Any type of structure can be purchased or made independently, which requires an understanding of what exactly will be built and the use of the correct structural elements. If you need to hide the battery, then you cannot do without a screen, and it must be perforated, otherwise it will not be able to cope with the task and the box itself will overheat, while the room will remain cold. The gratings can be either plastic or wooden, but if desired, you can even order forged products.

Any pipes that are in a house or apartment have an entry point and exit point from the room, which obliges them to decorate these areas as well. The best way to deal with this is overlays or plugs. Externally, they can have a varied appearance and even be made of different materials, but they have the same task, to hide the pipe and make the interior of the room stylish and beautiful. Most often, it is the rings that are found, but you can also find square and oval options; in addition, they can be designed for one or two pipes.

Modern technologies They also require new approaches to the use of materials, for example, when installing suspended ceilings, pipes need to be bypassed, which, in turn, requires making holes in the canvas that need to be closed. Decorative rings are now used for such purposes.

Their design is extremely simple, but still effective, these are two identical halves that have a special lock at the junction that snaps into place and is securely held in place. It is important to choose the right material and color of such plugs so that they fulfill their role.

In the event that you cannot hide the entire pipe, but you need to decorate it beautifully, cups are great for this. They can be done in different sizes, forms and materials. Chrome is most often used, but plastic can also be used, which has a split design.

If the design has valves or other moving elements that need to be used from time to time, then you can hide them under a cap that matches the decor of the room, so as to blend in with it and not be noticeable, but if necessary, make it possible to use everything you need.

How to choose?

Finding a solution to the problem of decorating heating pipes comes down to the fact that it is best to build a special box for them. Its appearance should best suit the interior design, and it should provide easy access to the pipes at any time. To pick up the right materials for the box, you need to know what you can choose from.

Today the most popular options are:

  • waterproof plywood;
  • plasterboard structures;
  • plastic products.

Using plywood is the most expensive, because it needs to be impregnated with a special waterproof substance. The use of chipboard was a breakthrough compared to plywood and showed better results. This material was cheaper, and with its help it was possible to do everything that was needed faster and easier.

With the development of the industry, plasterboard became popular and any structures erected with its help turned out to be beautiful and durable. One of the disadvantages of chipboard and gypsum plasterboard is the fear of moisture, because the first material swells, and the second crumbles from contact with water, and in the case of heating, sooner or later, this can happen.

To still use these options, they need to be protected with a waterproofing layer, which requires additional time and money for repairs.

The use of plastic would be optimal due to its characteristics and price. Plastic panels are resistant to moisture, they are not afraid of temperature fluctuations, although plaque may form on them if there is constant contact with water. The installation process of such products is very simple and convenient. In addition, plastic does not require the use of additional protective equipment, which helps save both money and time. With all the advantages, there is also a disadvantage to such panels - they are quite fragile.

If you plan to build a plastic structure in a bathroom or other similar room, it is best to use a metal frame as the base. You can replace it with wood, but then you will have to use additional treatments to protect it from moisture, because wooden structures will not be able to withstand water for long.

To build a box for heating pipes, the work can be divided into three stages:

  • Preparation for the process and selection of materials.
  • The main part of the work is where the construction of the structure takes place.
  • Decorative work on the finished product.

The choice of material to use for pipes depends on various factors that must be taken into account, such as the size of the room, the size of the pipes and the functional load of the area being decorated. Having decided on all the parameters, you can begin building the product.

Subtleties of application

To hide heating pipes in a private house or apartment, you can use several of the most convenient and rational options, these are:

  • The process of laying pipes in the floor or walls.
  • Creation of a special box for finished pipes.
  • Decorating an existing pipeline.

To hide pipes in the floor, they must be completely new; old ones cannot be placed in a closed space. If a plastic pipeline is used, during installation into a wall or floor it is important to take into account the expansion factor of the pipes, leaving room for changing the shape of the entire structure. When placing structures made of metal or plastic inside any of the selected surfaces, it is important to cover them in thermal insulating casings so that heat loss is minimal. During the installation process, it is important to leave free access to the fittings.

For the installation process in a wall or floor, you need to think over a layout plan and draw it on the surface. After this, channels are made using a hammer drill with a chisel and brackets are installed in the resulting grooves that will hold the pipes. As soon as everything is ready, the heating structures are prepared, onto which the casings are put on and secured with clamps. Once everything is assembled and installed, it is important to check the operation of the system and determine if there are any leaks. If everything is in order, the groove is sealed with cement.

Working with the floor is done almost the same way. The pipes are laid out before the screed, so pipes are installed in the grooves made and everything is filled with concrete. In this case, it is also important to use thermal insulation and check the functionality of the system.

If installation in the floor or wall is not suitable, then the easiest way is to build a frame, for which you can use plasterboard, plastic or wood. To hide the pipes using a box, you must first build a frame, for which metal profiles or wooden slats are used.

The design of the box is vertical racks and lintels, when constructing such a structure it is important to ensure that it is positioned exactly 90 degrees to the wall. Installation is carried out from the side panels, after which the front is mounted. If you use gypsum board, after installation you need to decorate the product, putty it and paint it, or use another method.

If you can’t hide pipes in a room or make a box for them, then the best option would be to decorate them.

Most often, this method is used in those rooms where the space is poorly heated and instead of a full-fledged battery there is only a thin pipe. In this case, it is important not to lose a single degree of heat.

The decoration of pipes is carried out using bright paint, which highlights the structure, making it an element of the overall composition; you can add imagination and instead of a pipe there will be a birch tree or any other tree against the wall, for which it will be enough to draw leaves on the wall.

If you want to do something unusual, you can hide heating structures behind jute or hemp rope, adding artificial leaves, and the room will feel like a real jungle. In the same way, you can also make hanging shelves on which to place various small items; it is important that they are not heavy.

What else can you do to close it?

If renovations are coming up and you want to decorate the room differently than usual, then you can provide various options to hide the heating pipes. Those who do everything with their own hands will come up with ideas faster suitable option for the interior, but in case of a dead end, you can always take the advice of a professional. The room can be decorated with proper finishing walls, selection of suitable furniture and its logical arrangement.

To ensure that there are no unfinished areas left after the renovation is completed, it is important to think through everything down to the smallest detail. When selected modern style alterations, it is important to subordinate everything to this idea, which means there will be no room for an open pipeline. You can embed it into the wall, but it is dangerous, and most importantly, noisy and dusty. The easiest way is to use drywall, from which you can create any structure. This material can serve as a blind box adjusted to the size of the pipes, but it can be made much more functional.

If you increase the dimensions of the box for horizontal structures, then it can serve as a long shelf for small items or a stand for flowers, which during the period heating season It would be better to move it to a new location. If the pipes are located vertically, then using gypsum plasterboard you can make a whole cabinet, which is convenient in those rooms where there is no storage area, such as a shower and toilet.

Spectacular examples in the interior

To cover heating pipes in any room, you need to choose the right decoration option and material. You can hide the structures in the kitchen, for which you can use either a box or ordinary furniture that masks the pipeline behind it.

If you need to hide pipes running near the floor, then the best option would be to place them in wooden baseboard, which will perform two functions at once and eliminate the need to install a regular baseboard. The choice of material is not accidental, because furniture is often located in this place, and plastic structures They are easily deformed by it, unlike wood.

Modern interiors delight the eye with exclusive design solutions, extraordinary space design, and sometimes classic combination simplicity with functionality. Anyway engineering Communication in their original form they can look good only in loft style rooms. In all other cases, pipes are an undesirable element and need to be masked.

Not only the happy owners of luxury housing, but also everyone who cares about aesthetics are worried about how to hide heating pipes in an apartment. Openly laid communications usually look very unsightly, so they evoke a natural desire to decorate them or completely hide them. With a little imagination, you can use modern materials give the elements of the heating system a unique decorative look.

Features of decorating pipes in a private house and apartment

There are more options for hiding heating pipes in a private home. Internal communications of private buildings are in no way connected with neighboring ones and, accordingly, if necessary, can be laid and re-routed as they please. If changes to the heating system configuration are planned in apartment building, then it is necessary to take into account the interests of all residents and negotiate with the operating organization.

Pipes can be completely hidden only during construction or overhaul. For this purpose, hidden gaskets are used in the walls or floor. Pipelines with thermal insulation are placed in grooves and covered with mortar or hidden under moldings. In systems individual heating Floor heating can be arranged. In private houses it is convenient to hide communications between the logs wooden flooring. All that remains is to cover the intersections of the pipes with the floor with decorative overlays, as shown in the photo.

The biggest inconvenience for apartment residents is the main transit pipelines, which, due to large sizes difficult to hide. In addition, if you overdo it with the shelter, you can lose some of the heat entering the room. To disguise them, only external decoration techniques are suitable.

On a note: When decorating heating pipes in your home, you don’t have to worry about changes in their heat output. IN individual systems heating the rooms will remain the same, only the ratio of the amount of heat coming from the pipes and radiators will change. But in apartments with centralized heating, you have to save every kilocalorie of thermal energy and leave the pipelines as open as possible.

One way or another, any actions in relation to the elements of the heating system affect its functioning. Before taking drastic measures to move pipelines out of sight, you should study the complete layout of the existing wiring and analyze the possible consequences.

Important! Hidden laying can only be used if new high-quality pipes without threaded connections are used. All dismountable areas and fittings must remain accessible for maintenance. This is especially important in apartments, where the occurrence of an emergency situation is fraught with flooding of neighbors.

In some cases the best option It turns out to be decoration of openly laid pipelines and radiators. This allows you to make them invisible at minimal cost, without compromising the integrity of the walls and floor and without changing the configuration of the heating circuit. At the same time, all design parameters of the heating system and free access for ease of operation are preserved. When choosing how best to decorate a heating pipe in a room, you should be guided by both aesthetics and functionality considerations.

5 ways to hide heating pipes

Open pipe routing does not mean a hopelessly damaged interior. Elements of the heating system can always be covered with frame structures, decorated with decorative elements or artistic painting. From the variety of options, we highlight 5 main ways to hide heating pipes in a private house or apartment:

  1. Using a screen protector
  2. Installation of the frame box
  3. Construction of a false wall
  4. Decorating using scrap materials or plants
  5. Coloring and applying patterns.

Let's look at each of them in detail.

Using a screen protector

The easiest way to hide heating pipes in an apartment, and sometimes in a private house. It is fast, relatively inexpensive and does not require the involvement of specialists; it is applicable even for pipes located far from walls. Just choose the model you like and attach it in the right place. Screens can be made of metal, wood, plastic, chipboard, MDF. There are many configurations in the most different styles. A tired screen can be easily replaced. If desired and have the skills to work with wood materials you can make them yourself.

Screens for radiators made of tempered glass or clear acrylic. They are quite durable, easy to remove, easy to clean, and have a wide color scheme. If necessary, screens can be made to order in any size. It is possible to print drawings and photographs and apply various patterns. Stained glass screens are also used, which look very impressive when illuminated. Such elements can enrich even the most sophisticated interiors.

Decorative screens can cover not only the batteries themselves, but also the pipes leading to them. The main thing is to take the correct measurements and choose a model that best harmonizes with the rest of the interior elements. The photo below shows the use of backlighting in combination with a textile braided screen.

They are also used as screens for radiators. perforated panels and grilles that are installed in openings frame structures. This option allows you to completely hide all elements of the heating system, but is only applicable if the radiators are located in niches or if a false wall is mounted at a considerable distance from the existing one. For ease of maintenance, the screens are made removable.

Advice: By sticking a sheet of foil insulation behind the radiator, you can significantly improve the heat transfer of the heating device and increase the room temperature by a couple of degrees. This will compensate for the influence of the decorative screen, which interferes with natural heat transfer and reduces heat gain by 5 - 15%, depending on the model.

Installation of frame boxes

This method allows you to close risers and horizontal areas that violate the overall harmony of the interior. A frame is built around the pipes from wooden beams or metal profiles, which is sheathed with plasterboard sheets, PVC panels, plywood, OSB boards, MDF or clapboard. The finished gypsum plasterboard box can be painted, wallpapered or lined ceramic tiles. The design looks very impressive decorative stone and the use of illuminated stained glass windows.

Thinking through the design of the box. It is recommended to provide removable parts or openings with inspection doors at the locations of threaded fittings, control and shut-off valves. It is convenient to use panels with latches or magnets. If necessary, the box can be turned into a utility cabinet or bedside table. This is especially true in small bathrooms.

Important! It is possible to cover pipes with a blind box only if they are new and have already been installed hydraulic tests, confirming the reliability of the connections.

The dimensions of the box are taken based on the number and diameter of the pipes. In this case, it is necessary to leave gaps of several centimeters for free movement communications under the influence of thermal expansion and for convenience Maintenance. It is advisable to cover the pipelines themselves with thermal insulation. It is inexpensive, and it will prevent heat leakage for unnecessary heating of the internal space of the box and the rear wall.

Construction of a false wall

If heating pipes take up a lot of space in a room or if there are other communications besides them, then it makes sense to consider a cover option such as a false wall. It is mounted according to the same principle as the box, but it covers the entire wall, and not just part. Accordingly, it takes up more free space and reduces the area of ​​the room.

The main advantage of a false wall is the absence of even the slightest traces of communications. In this case, there is no need for dirty work on the walls; the pipes are completely hidden without dust and excess debris. If access to pipelines is required for maintenance or repairs, the wall can be partially disassembled and reassembled without any problems. In order not to dismantle large areas, small panels are installed opposite the pipes and especially their connections.

If, to divide the space in the room, a frame wall made of plasterboard, then it is simply ideal place in order to hide communications. Between the sheets there is always a free space of 50 to 100 mm, which is quite enough to accommodate heating pipes. It is convenient to hide pipelines running under the ceiling behind suspended structures.

The main disadvantage of a false wall is the difficulty of detecting a leak in the event of an accident. Therefore, high demands are placed on the quality of pipes and their installation. Old pipes definitely need replacing. The number of connections should be kept to a minimum. If you cannot do without joints, then preference should be given to welding or crimping. Threaded connections and valves remain exposed or are located behind doors or removable panels.

Decorating using scrap materials

A good opportunity to hide pipes while maintaining free access to them is to disguise them as vegetation or interior items. The most popular materials for decorative decoration are artificial flowers, twine, cord, rope, ribbons, fabric, buttons and pebbles. It is very convenient to use bamboo. It is enough just to find a barrel of suitable diameter. There are a lot of decor options; you can use any available materials that suit the style of the room. Some of them are shown in the photo.

This method of hiding pipes gives unlimited scope for creativity. A riser wrapped with hemp rope looks good. With a little imagination, it can easily be turned into a tree trunk or branch. Disguising as a birch tree is common. From horizontal pipes you get convenient supports for hanging decorative items, curtains or shelves.

Coloring and patterning

All of the methods described above for masking heating pipes reduce the flow of heat into the room to one degree or another. One of best options One way to hide heating pipes in an apartment in order to preserve their heat transfer is to paint and apply various designs. Good results provides both artistic painting and decoupage coated with heat-resistant varnish.

If you do the work yourself, this method is the cheapest, since the metal elements of the heating system still need painting, and the paint consumption for patterns is insignificant. In the case of decoupage using napkins, the costs are generally minimal. At the same time, pipes and radiators turn from ugly objects that you want to hide into interior decoration.

Important! The paint must be applied to a cold circuit when the heating system is turned off, otherwise, when it dries quickly, it may crack or simply lie in an uneven layer with spots and stripes.

In order to give the elements of the heating system a decorative appearance, painting is sometimes used even on plastic pipelines and heating devices already coated with a protective layer. Well-chosen colors can make pipes and radiators the main highlight of the interior, or can help harmoniously fit them into the decor and make them invisible.

When choosing paint, you need to pay attention to such parameters as color range, resistance to fading over time, gloss, ability to withstand high temperatures, good adhesion to the appropriate substrate. Environmental friendliness and smell are also important, since when painting, you will have to breathe in the vapors of paints and varnishes for quite a long time.

Advice: Under no circumstances should you skimp on the price of paints or brushes. After all, bold design solutions for successful implementation require the use of the highest quality materials.

The most in a simple way The best way to hide heating pipes is to paint them to match the walls. However, the time spent on artistic painting, always pays off later with aesthetic pleasure from contemplating the resulting paintings.

An ordinary radiator can become a canvas for an artist's work. With the help of brushes and paints, skillful hands can transform heating device into a real work of art.


Modern pipelines have a long service life and allow hidden installation. However, in some cases, elements of the heating system are exposed and decorated. There are quite a few ways to disguise pipes; the choice of the most suitable one depends on the characteristics of the room and the aesthetic taste of the owners.

If you are creative and willing to take the time, you can decorate the heating pipes in the room with your own hands. This will allow you to decorate the interior at minimal cost.

Every householder, when making renovations in his apartment or in a private house, often thinks about how to hide the heating pipes in the room, because for aesthetic purposes, this would be a justified decision.

We will try to answer this question in detail, offering you several effective and effective ways, namely, three options for how to hide heating pipes are to disguise them in the wall or under the floor, using a box or false wall made of plasterboard and the method of how to decorate the heating pipes in the room.

But we must take into account that each option has its own advantages and disadvantages, where the use of any method depends not only on the material, but also on design features the premises themselves. Attached to the article are photo materials that will help you take correct solution on masking pipes.

Let's look at all the nuances and advantages of each option in more detail.

Option for hiding heating pipes in the wall

Pipes located along the wall can ruin not only the appearance of the wall, but also the interior design of the entire room. But first of all, we would like to inform you that it is strictly prohibited to completely close the heating pipes in the apartment by hiding them in the wall or under the floor.

  • Firstly, there is a law prohibiting “reconstruction of residential premises that involves the installation, replacement or transfer of utility networks...", and getting permission there is not so easy.
  • Secondly, this case can be risky in apartment buildings residential buildings, since if a thoroughly walled riser breaks, it is possible, because not all plumbers are experienced, and some may cheat, as a result of which all the troubles will eventually fall on you.
  • And, thirdly, if the central heating system is pretty worn out and leaves much to be desired, then even more so, the method of hiding heating pipes in the wall of a room can lead to a decrease in heat transfer in the apartment and heat loss in the apartment.

The option of how to disguise heating pipes in the wall or under the floor is perfect in a private house, since in such houses an individual boiler is usually installed, where temperature regime, is regulated by the owners and in case of an emergency, you can easily stop the boiler system and drain the water.

How to close heating pipes in an apartment photo on the wall

First of all, if the heating system in a private house has already been installed, you should carefully inspect the pipes and the system as a whole. It is strictly not recommended to hide metal pipes, especially old ones; it would be better if you replace them with plastic ones. For those who are just building a house and installing a wiring system in a room from scratch, it is much easier for them.

Before starting work, you should draw up a diagram of the future location of the pipe system. Next, in the wall or on the floor, recesses are made with strobes of the appropriate size, using a grinder with a diamond wheel to cut the markings and to deepen the recess itself; if you do not have the proper power tools at hand, you can use the old-fashioned method, that is, a chisel and a hammer.

After the recess in the wall or floor is prepared, all that remains is to drown the pipes. This process is quite simple, but be warned, do it wisely, i.e. Special attention Pay attention to the connection points of fittings, elbows and tees. After laying and installing the pipes, you need to check the reliability of their fastening and the absence of leaks, in order to avoid further troubles.

To check the heating system of pipes in a room, follow these instructions, connect the heating system to the pump, then fill it with water and create a pressure that exceeds the working pressure, and then visually inspect all pipe connections for leaks.

In order to reduce heat loss in the system, it is recommended to insulate the pipes with polystyrene foam insulation. To do this, you need to make a side slit in the covers and put it on the pipes; the seams can be taped with special tape. After all the work done, the wall should be given a uniform appearance by covering the openings with mortar and removing all accumulated construction debris.

How to disguise a heating pipe in a room under a screed photo

At the end of the process of completing all the work, a pipe route diagram is drawn up, so that during further repair and construction work, the integrity of the hidden structure will not be accidentally damaged.

How to hide heating pipes under drywall

Hiding heating pipes under drywall is considered a simple and optimal option, both for an apartment and in a private house. There are two ways to cover heating pipes under plasterboard, this is to make a box along the wall or create a false wall from plasterboard. Which method is most suitable is up to you to choose based on the situation.

How to close pipes under a plasterboard structure photo

Before erecting plasterboard structures, you should carefully inspect the surface of the heating pipes for defects; if found, they must be eliminated. The frame for the box can be made either from slats and blocks of wood, or from metal profiles, using self-tapping screws as fasteners, and tanning screws to strengthen the structure to the wall.

The finished frame is trimmed to size plasterboard sheet, the fastening step between the screws should be within 25-30 cm. After all the steps taken, the surface of the drywall can be covered with wallpaper, whitewashed or painted.

In addition, in those places where couplings, tees, and turns are installed, it is recommended to install technological door openings in the event of an accident for emergency opening of the structure.

Mostly, the method of covering heating pipes under drywall is very simple, affordable and quickly erected. A similar option for decorating pipes can be used. In addition, the cost of such work in comparison with laying heating pipes into the wall is much lower.

The second method of erecting a false wall structure from plasterboard is practically no different from the previous method, the only difference being the amount of work and the amount of materials used. In addition, the design of a false wall can create a little space in your apartment.

As an option to hide heating pipes, you can use a special decorative lattice-type screen with large slits or cells, which is typical for this design to already have a ready-made attractive appearance and do not create an obstacle to air exchange.

How to decorate a heating pipe in a room, photo options

In a private house or new building, hiding them will not be difficult, but in multi-storey building old model, especially in an apartment with, where it is much more complicated. Moreover, during the construction of Khrushchev houses, non-galvanized steel risers and heating pipes were installed, where the threaded connection could sooner or later rust and leak.

How to decorate heating pipes in a room photo

In addition, risers and outlets in poorly heated houses and apartments can contribute to additional heat transfer in the room. The most suitable method to close heating pipes in such houses is to decorate the pipes themselves.

The main tool for decorating them will be your imagination. It will also be important correct selection available materials suitable for the overall interior of the room. Let's look further at a few interesting ideas with photo illustrations of how to disguise heating pipes using a decorative method that will help create a flow of fantasy to suit your situation.

  1. One of the available solutions for all rooms is to simply paint the wall to match the color, giving it a uniform color, a method that is still used not only by many residents of communal apartments, but also by the majority of guests of private houses. As you can see, this solution is quite simple and does not require special skills or costs.
  2. or in the kitchen, you can paint the pipe in a copper-golden color, adding artificial flowers with shades that match the interior and the color of the pipe, which as a result can be a good decorative way to hide the heating riser.
  3. As a decoration option, in the kitchen, a vertical heating pipe can be wrapped in a small lasso with a rope, and in top corner ceiling, attach large artificial green leaves, which results in an exotic, beautiful palm tree look.
  4. If you have a little artistic ability, then by taking advantage of the opportunity to remove the gloomy heating risers in the wall using paint, you can revive a beautiful tree in accordance with the interior of the room.
  5. In pursuit of decorating pipes, in small apartment, from an ordinary riser painted white, you can grow an artificial birch tree, which will harmonize perfectly with the overall interior of the apartment.

In a flight of fancy you can endlessly invent different ways hiding pipes and heating risers using the decoration method, the only limits are your imagination.

How to decorate heating pipes in a room photo

I think after studying the material, as well as viewing the photos, you will not have any questions about how to close heating pipes. If you have any questions or additions, leave your feedback, we are always happy to respond.