How to save chestnuts until spring. How to plant a chestnut and grow a beautiful tree

May is the time for chestnut blossoms. What could be more beautiful than the white candles of this beautiful tree? And then in his balls, similar to hedgehogs, brown shiny and smooth nuts ripen, from which this miracle grows. Everyone in life should plant one tree, and not necessarily a man. In this way, we can contribute to the greening of the earth and the revival of nature. Chestnut requires attention and care, it is not so easy to germinate, but if you have patience and learn some features, it will not be difficult to grow it. If you decide to plant a chestnut, it remains only to find out how best to germinate it so that it grows into a real handsome man and pleases everyone around.

What are chestnuts?

The plants in question are not at all the ones that we are all used to seeing in the parks and gardens of our neighbors in the country. In some cases, experts even refer these trees to completely different families.

Usually the height of the tree reaches from 1 to 35 meters, depending on the specific species. Its beautiful pyramidal inflorescences adorn the gardens for two months - from May to June. To know how to properly grow a chestnut from a fruit, you need to understand its structure.

Each fruit of this plant is in a shell, which is enveloped by a peel with thorns. As a rule, one to three small nuts can be found in one shell. It should be remembered that chestnuts create a dense shadow due to their crown.

In addition, they have very strong surface roots. These are the main factors that affect the growth of surrounding crops, which rarely grow near this tree. Correcting this shortcoming is very simple - you need to put a few benches here, turning the space around the chestnut tree into a cozy corner.

Preparation of chestnut planting material

Where to get it? Of course, under the crown of a large beautiful chestnut tree. Fallen chestnuts are harvested in the fall, moreover, with a margin, so that there is plenty to choose from for the best specimens for planting. Next, one of the stratification methods is selected.

1. The first way is simple. The fruits collected in autumn are laid right there, between the roots of the "parent" tree, sprinkled with sand, covered with fallen leaves and left for several months. In the spring, they dig them up, select a few pieces and plant them where needed.

Articles about indoor and ornamental plants

2. The second way is more complicated. The collected fruits are placed in a cellar, refrigerator or other cool place. They are stored there until spring, periodically checking that the planting material does not dry out.

Cold stimulates fruiting and starts the reproduction program. A dried fruit is not suitable for planting, because. unable to give rise to a new tree.

Don't want to wait until spring to plant a chestnut tree? Stratification can be accelerated. To do this, the fruits are placed in a container with wet sand and kept in a cool place for 10 days. This is quite enough to land them in the fall.

Planting a chestnut

Before planting a nut in the ground, its peel must be softened. To do this, the fruit should be placed in a container with warm water. The fluid will constantly need to be changed as it cools. The duration of this procedure is 7 days. After that, large, white sprouts appear in the fruits.

This is the basis for planting nuts in the ground. It is recommended to grow a seedling at home in a plastic or wooden container. It is better to choose a large pot right away in order to avoid the need for a transplant. In a bulk container, chestnut roots can develop without oppression.

The depth of planting a nut should be equal to three times the length of the fruit itself. Therefore, if the diameter of the chestnut seed is 3 cm, then the planting hole should not be less than 9 cm deep. Trees planted in spring should produce better fruits (if we are talking about an edible species).

However, when growing chestnuts for ornamental purposes, experienced gardeners recommend planting nuts in the fall. Then the seedling has a better chance of survival, and the tree turns out to be strong and branchy.

Chestnut care tips

1. After 55-60 days, small sprouts should already appear. Now is the time to prepare the container for planting. A layer of drainage is poured at the bottom of a pot or other container, and a soil mixture is placed on top. Absolutely any soil is suitable, whether it be from a local park or from a garden plot. Sprouted fruits are planted at a sufficient depth, about 2 cm. If the seeds are buried deeper, they will break through very slowly, but if placed near the surface, they can dry out and die.

2. When the chestnut grows up, it can be planted in open ground in a summer cottage or in the yard. Planting pits are preliminarily prepared with a drainage layer (crushed stone is better) and a thin layer of slaked lime. Trees should be distributed on the plot taking into account future growth, therefore, it is necessary to keep a distance and plant seedlings at a distance of at least 4-5 meters from each other.

3. Delicate and vulnerable seedlings need regular watering and feeding. You can feed chestnuts with organic matter or mixed fertilizers. This is done twice a year: with the arrival of early spring and autumn. Periodically, weeds are removed around the plant, and the soil layer is loosened. For better growth, the soil must "breathe" and be enriched with oxygen. During the active growth of the plant, young shoots from the trunk and shrunken branches are removed. This will provide the seedling with growth strength and further strengthen healthy branches.

4. With the advent of real frosts and the arrival of winter, young chestnuts are covered with burlap and covered with dry fallen leaves. This will help young trees to winter safely.

Diseases and pests of chestnut

Regardless of the variety of chestnut (decorative or edible), trees are attacked by tree mites, chestnut moths and powdery mildew. To avoid damage, it is necessary to observe preventive measures - treat trees with disinfecting solutions 2 times a month.

How to recognize powdery mildew? If you see that the leaves of the chestnuts have become covered with white or brown spots, then this is powdery mildew. You can rid the plants of the pest if you make phosphorus or nitrogen fertilizers, as well as use fungicides.

If the plant was attacked by a chestnut moth, then an integrated approach is needed. Chemical agents that need to be used to treat a damaged tree will help get rid of pests. A popular effective drug is Lufox-105, it helps to destroy pests at different stages of growth. The substance is not toxic, therefore it will not harm the environment and will not kill the bees.

Chestnut is a heat-loving deciduous plant with decorative qualities and is a real decoration of the site from spring to late autumn. Wide mosaic leaves about 25 cm long, white pyramid flowers and green prickly boxes with brown round seeds are the main signs of chestnut.

The wooded areas of the Balkan Peninsula are considered the birthplace of this beautiful tree. And today chestnut can be found not only in its native territory, but also in Greece, North America and in the southern regions of Russia. Among the small family of this culture (there are about 25 species), the most popular are the chestnut "Meat-red" and "Horse ordinary". These two species have long been an ornamental decoration among many plants. Chestnuts are planted on the streets and boulevards, on the central city alleys and squares, they can be found in every recreation park and in other public places.

Nature lovers plant chestnuts in garden plots. True, it must be borne in mind that in the future an adult plant will take up a large space in the garden. Not only can it grow to a height of 10 to 20 meters, but with age it will create a dense shade in the garden due to its lush crown. In addition, the tree is considered an individualist, it prefers to grow in a space free from other representatives of the flora. He needs space. Neighborhood with other plants will not cause much harm to the chestnut, but harmonious development will not work either.

A favorable time for planting chestnut seeds is September or October, as well as early spring. The landing site must be chosen permanent, meaning that not only a seedling will grow on it, but also an adult chestnut in the future.

The landing site should be open and sunny, in exceptional cases - partial shade. The soil is fertile.

Selection and preparation of seeds

Seeds should be stored in high humidity conditions at a temperature of 2 to 6 degrees Celsius. The rough and dense seed coat almost does not allow water to pass through and germinates with difficulty, so they must be prepared for sowing. To do this, the seed material is placed in a moist substrate in a room with a temperature of about 5 degrees Celsius and left to germinate for about 3-4 months.

Planting seeds

Planting is carried out after stratification, the seeds are planted in the soil to a depth of 6 to 10 cm. After about 30-40 days, the first shoots should appear. If desired, a young tree at the age of 2-3 years can be transplanted to another (more open and spacious) place.

Growing a chestnut from a seedling is much easier and more reliable. It is recommended to purchase seedlings in specialized stores. An open sunny area with fertile soil is an ideal place to plant it. On a site with penumbral lighting, the chestnut tree will not bloom at full strength, and its decorative possibilities will be limited.

Caring for a young tree is:

  • in regular and timely watering;
  • in timely feeding.

Watering is plentiful, but only during dry summer days with a long absence of precipitation. In the rest of the year, natural moisture (rain or snow) will be enough to moisten the soil in the near-stem circle of the chestnut tree. Fertilizers are applied along with irrigation water. It is necessary to feed the tree once every 2-3 years with fertilizers recommended for deciduous trees.

Simple care and a minimum of time and effort will help to grow a tree that will become a real decoration of the garden.

How to grow chestnuts from seeds yourself (video)

Amazing chestnut trees grow and delight others with their terry pyramidal inflorescences. They are a noble decoration of dusty streets, city parks and squares. There are many types of chestnuts, from mighty giants to compact hybrid forms, which makes it possible even in a tiny garden to find a place for such an interesting plant.

Growing chestnuts is very easy. They are unpretentious, can grow in well-lit areas, but also tolerate shading. To grow a full-fledged tree, it will take a lot of time and patience, but the process will be so exciting that you will not notice how a timid sprout turns into a magnificently flowering chestnut.

Ways to grow a chestnut from a fruit

There are several ways to grow chestnuts from the fruit. This can be done using the opportunities provided by nature itself, by collecting fruits in a pile in late autumn and falling asleep with fallen leaves. And in the spring, when the warmth wakes up, clear the pile and get the chestnuts. Many of them will already have strong sprouts. Fruits can be planted and grown, caring for them.

You can also grow chestnuts at home. This process will take a lot of time, so it is important to be patient. For germination, healthy and undamaged fruits are selected, placed in a plastic bag and sprinkled with moistened sand. The bag should be tied up and put in a cool place or refrigerator.

After 55-60 days, small sprouts should already appear. Now is the time to prepare the container for planting. A layer of drainage is poured at the bottom of a pot or other container, and a soil mixture is placed on top. absolutely anyone is suitable, whether it be from a local park or from a garden plot. Sprouted fruits are planted at a sufficient depth, about 2 cm. If the seeds are buried deeper, they will break through very slowly, but if placed near the surface, they can dry out and die.

When the chestnut grows up, it can be planted in a summer cottage or in the yard. Planting pits are preliminarily prepared with a drainage layer (crushed stone is better) and a thin layer of slaked lime. Trees should be distributed on the plot taking into account future growth, therefore, it is necessary to keep a distance and plant seedlings at a distance of at least 4-5 meters from each other.

You can use another method of growing chestnuts at home. To do this, in late autumn, the required number of intact chestnut fruits that have undergone natural stratification are collected and stored until the end of the year. In early January, the fruits are planted in clay flower pots and watered periodically (like ordinary houseplants). With the advent of spring, when constant heat is established, sprouts are planted in open ground, after cutting the taproots. This will give the plants strength and strengthen the root system.

Delicate and vulnerable seedlings need regular and. You can feed chestnuts with organic matter or mixed fertilizers. This is done twice a year: with the arrival of early spring and autumn. Periodically, weeds are removed around the plant, and the soil layer is loosened. For better growth, the soil must "breathe" and be enriched with oxygen. During the active growth of the plant, young shoots from the trunk and shrunken branches are removed. This will provide the seedling with growth strength and further strengthen healthy branches.

With the advent of real frosts and the arrival of winter, young chestnuts are covered with burlap and covered with dry fallen leaves. This will help young trees to winter safely.

Amazing properties of chestnut

People have long noticed the amazing properties of chestnut and successfully adapt them to different life situations.

In addition to their decorative value, chestnuts have medicinal qualities. They have analgesic, anti-inflammatory, venotonic and antithrombotic effects. Official medicine uses extracts from the bark, fruits and leaves of chestnut to obtain medicines that are effective in the treatment of varicose veins, liver diseases, hemorrhoids, and to normalize blood circulation.

In folk medicine, the healing properties of chestnuts are appreciated. Many people have learned to make alcohol tinctures to treat ulcers, burns, eczema, coughs and back pain.

In medical cosmetology, chestnut has found application in the form of additives in ointments, shampoos, creams and lotions used to treat skin diseases.

In light industry, chestnut is used for tanning and dyeing wool.

In the livestock sector, chestnut is used as a nutritious feed for livestock. It has a beneficial effect on the growth of the animal, as it contains a large amount of proteins and carbohydrates.

In the food industry, chestnut fruits are used as a valuable food additive in confectionery.

Every well-maintained garden should have at least one chestnut tree. Perfectly combined with other shrubs and trees, the chestnut looks great against the backdrop of lawns or as part of a hedge. And its healing and magical properties make this plant unique and inimitable.

The southern handsome chestnut came to us from the Balkan Peninsula. Most gardeners try to decorate a summer cottage with a flowering tree that gives good shade and endures weather surprises. How to grow a chestnut from a walnut is the topic of our article.

How to grow a chestnut tree

First of all, you need to decide which chestnut to grow - edible (sowing) or decorative. The fruits of a tree from the beech family are eaten. "Horse chestnut" (esculus) with luxurious inflorescences-candles, decorating parks, squares and streets, belongs to the Sapindaceae family and produces inedible fruits.

Sowing species are not particularly popular. They begin to bear fruit only after 25-30 years, they plant and grow such chestnuts with a long-term perspective. "Horse chestnut" tolerates short frosts down to -35 ° C, sowing - more tender, does not withstand cold. Growing and caring for seed chestnut and horse chestnut do not differ. Consider whether it is possible to grow a full-fledged tree from a brilliant nut.

Growing methods

In autumn, cuttings can be cut from a chestnut branch, then planted in the country. If this is not possible, they collect fruit-nuts and germinate them. Planted in two ways:

  1. Directly into open ground.
  2. Having grown a seedling from a nut at home.

Selection of planting material

When self-collecting nuts for subsequent planting, they are carefully examined. Fruits that have damage to the shell, with spots of rot are subject to rejection. When buying planting material, pay attention to the frost resistance of the selected variety.

Notched (American), Japanese, sowing and Chinese types of noble chestnut are suitable for cultivation in central Russia. In Siberia and the Urals, it is extremely difficult to cultivate chestnuts; only varieties that are highly resistant to frost are chosen from among shrubs or medium-sized (up to 10 m).

Remember! Frost-resistant zoned varieties may not survive particularly harsh winters. At best, the result will be lower yields.

Landing Requirements

Chestnuts are undemanding to cultivation conditions, even infertile soil suits them.


You can plant chestnut fruits in spring, after stratification at home, and in autumn - in open ground or for seedlings.

At home

The fruits collected or purchased in the fall are kept at home at a low temperature, packed in a cotton or linen bag. Plastic bags do not allow air to pass through, the seed suffocates and becomes unviable. When winter is finally set on the street, the nuts are transferred to a container, sprinkled with wet sand or sphagnum. Then the container is placed in the refrigerator until the end of February.

Important! To germinate a chestnut, it is necessary to maintain humidity, but not to “drown” nuts in water.

By the end of winter, the fruits swell, the shell of the strongest bursts. Beak-sprouts appear from seeds at a temperature of 4–5°C. Nuts are immediately planted in cups 7–8 cm high with soil so that the soil mixture layer is at least 2 cm below and above. Next, the seedlings are placed on a lighted windowsill, protected from direct sunlight.

Chestnuts can be planted in a permanent place when the leaves unfold. However, experienced gardeners recommend to wait a little, let the tree grow stronger for a year or two at home. With this option, the plants organize a cold wintering: the pots are transferred to a cool place with moderate lighting. In the spring they are placed on the windowsills, in the summer they are placed outdoors.

In open ground

Nuts are planted in autumn or spring, having previously prepared them. Algorithm for the autumn planting of chestnut fruits:

  1. Seed stratification. Fruits packed in a cardboard box or wooden box are covered with sand and put in the refrigerator for 2 weeks.
  2. They are planted on school beds in grooves 5–6 cm deep.
  3. The grooves are abundantly shed with water, nuts are placed in increments of 12–15 cm, and they fall asleep.

Shortly before spring planting, the nuts are placed in a suitable container and poured with warm water. Water is changed 1-2 times a day. Swollen fruits are planted in grooves.

Interesting! From the advice of a summer resident: “We germinate chestnuts like this: between the roots of large trees, where the earth is loose, we cover the fruits with fallen leaves. In the spring we find several pieces with sprouts.

General rules for caring for seedlings

Care of seedlings is not burdensome. In the first year, drying out of the soil is unacceptable, then - moderate watering, and after each procedure - weeding and loosening the soil.

Tip: "Mulching with peat, humus or tree bark will help moisture stay in the ground, keep the soil loose, and protect the plant from weeds."

Seedlings are fed only by leaf. It is preferable to use biological agents "Mycorrhiza", "Trichodermin", "Fitosporin", which protect against pests and prevent diseases.

Transfer to the street

Transplanting a sprout from a seed to the street does not require additional knowledge and skills.

Transplant dates

The second half of May is considered optimal for transplantation for a temperate climate, when the risk of return frosts is negligible. In the south, where spring comes earlier, sprouted nuts are planted in April, focusing on the current weather. It is not recommended to plant seedlings in autumn; they do not always have time to take root in a new place before the onset of winter.

Choosing a place and preparing a pit for landing

An adult tree has a wide crown - five or more meters in diameter, depending on age. It is recommended to allocate a spacious area for the future tree in the garden, where there are no light-loving plants at a distance of 3 m.

In the first few years, young trees need light shading and protection from the wind. Therefore, a place can be chosen, for example, among plantings of early flowering perennials - hellebore, primrose, tulips and other bulbs. Loams with a slightly alkaline reaction are most suitable for normal tree development. A pit for planting a seedling is prepared as follows:

  1. They make a hole with a diameter one and a half times larger than that of a seedling container, adding 10–15 cm for laying drainage.
  2. Sand and humus (2:1) are added to the excavated soil to make it looser and more nutritious. You can add a little complex mineral fertilizer.
  3. For drainage, pebbles or crushed stone are laid in a layer of at least 10 cm.
  4. Pour the prepared soil mixture.

The seedling is carefully removed from the cup, being careful not to damage the tap root responsible for growth. Having placed it so that the root neck is above the surface of the earth, the hole is filled with soil and rammed. Upon completion of planting, the sprout is watered abundantly, the trunk circle is mulched with organic matter (peat, bark, wood chips, humus).

Important! In the first few days, the seedlings are covered with a paper bag to mitigate the effects of shock caused by changing growing conditions.

If the place chosen for the chestnut is blown by the winds, the seedling is surrounded by a low fence in the first years, and a support peg is installed for 3–4 years.


If you plan to plant a chestnut alley or picturesque groups of trees on a lawn for relaxation, you need to place the seedlings at a distance of at least 4 m from each other. Since caring for them under such circumstances is difficult, summer residents act differently:

  • allocate space for a garden bed for growing seedlings;
  • plants are planted in rows at a distance of 1–1.2 m from each other, step - 0.8–1.0 m;
  • when the trees reach 2-3 years of age, they are moved to a permanent place.
On a note! Bonsai lovers grow and form a tree in the apartment. However, this requires a spacious room. But you can try to form a chestnut in an exotic style and directly in the country.

seedling care

Decorative and noble chestnuts are undemanding in care.


Up to 5–6 years of age, trees need to be watered regularly, preventing the soil from drying out, but not swamping it. They take settled water, choose the time taking into account their own capabilities: in the morning or after sunset. Regular renewal of the mulch layer will protect the trees from lack of moisture. After watering, be sure to loosen the ground and weed the plantings.

top dressing

Seedlings are fed once a year. In the spring, after the snow melts, a mixture is added at the rate of 15 liters of water:

  • potassium-phosphorus fertilizer - 25 g;
  • ammonium nitrate - 20 g;
  • urea - 20 g.

With weak growth in the fall, nitroammophoska can be applied.

Disease and pest control

For a young tree, fungal diseases are the most dangerous. The main symptom of the disease is red, drying leaves. Treatment is carried out by spraying Bordeaux liquid or "Fundazol".

At the same time, the soil is cultivated within a radius of about a meter. The main pests that threaten young plants are aphids and spider mites. From aphids, seedlings are treated with folk remedies (infusions of garlic or onions, tansy, Caucasian chamomile) or Fitoverm. Tick ​​prevention is carried out every 2 weeks with solutions of karbofos or "Fitoverma". From folk remedies, infusions of dissected cow parsnip or black henbane help.

Pruning and crown shaping

The first pruning is carried out when the chestnut reaches 3 years of age. To form a lush, spreading crown, the seedling is cut to a quarter of its height. Lateral shoots are shortened. Formative pruning is carried out annually, until the crown of the desired shape is obtained. After that, broken and dry branches, shoots frozen in winter, are regularly removed.

How to prepare for winter

A properly selected chestnut variety will allow it to winter without shelter. But for the first few years, juvenile trees grown from cuttings or walnuts need additional protection. It consists in the following: mulching with a thick layer of peat or compost and wrapping the stem with burlap or other cloth in several layers.

On a note! If the tree trunk has suffered from frost, in the spring the affected areas are disinfected and covered with a layer of garden pitch.

Chestnut belongs to the genus of plants of the Beech family.

It grows in the form of trees or shrubs, has a luxurious crown, finger-shaped leaves, as well as lush, elongated flowers of white or pink hue.

Read also:

The fruits are called nuts, they are brown in color and ripen in a prickly, green skin.

The benefit of chestnut is that it is a multi-purpose medicinal plant. But, in addition to its medicinal purpose, it is characterized as a frequently used element of landscape design. A majestic tree with its delicate flowers and funny thorns is the decoration of many parks, streets, as well as private gardens.

chestnut seedlings have considerable cost, but you can grow a tree yourself, from a walnut. The cultivation process is not laborious and does not require complex devices.

Nut preparation

Choose nuts for planting should be strong tree. It is better to take those fruits that have fallen to the ground on their own. This indicates that the nut has matured and is ready to give life to a new plant. The fruits selected for planting should be prepared.

This process is called stratification. The term of its implementation depends on the season in which the sowing will take place - autumn or spring.

For autumn planting, chestnut nuts must be kept in a cool place. within 10 days. To do this, they are lowered into a container with wet sand and left in a refrigerator or basement. Preparing nuts for spring planting is primarily about preserving them. It can take place in two ways:

  1. homemade- selected fruits are stored in the basement or refrigerator throughout the winter. At the same time, you need to make sure that the nut does not dry out, otherwise the sprout from the dried seeds will not work;
  2. street- chestnut nuts are added dropwise under the mother tree with sand and fallen leaves. In this state, they are stored until spring, then they are dug up and planted in a pot or other container.


Before planting a nut in the ground, its peel must be softened. To do this, the fruit should be placed in a container with warm water. The fluid will constantly need to be changed as it cools. The duration of this procedure is 7 days. After that, large, white sprouts appear in the fruits.

This is the basis for planting nuts in the ground. It is recommended to grow a seedling at home in a plastic or wooden container. It is better to choose a large pot right away in order to avoid the need for a transplant. In a bulk container, chestnut roots can develop without oppression.

The depth of planting a nut should be equal to three times the length of the fruit itself. Therefore, if the diameter of the chestnut seed is 3 cm, then the planting hole should not be less than 9 cm deep. Trees planted in spring should produce better fruits (if we are talking about an edible species).

However, when growing chestnuts for ornamental purposes, experienced gardeners recommend plant nuts in autumn. Then the seedling has a better chance of survival, and the tree turns out to be strong and branchy.

tree care

Sprouted chestnut seedlings better to keep at home throughout the winter and spring. In this case, the plant must be carefully watered and periodically fed with natural fertilizers. The best time for planting chestnuts in open ground is May-June. The main thing is that the spring frosts have finally receded.

It is advisable to transplant a tree in the garden in cloudy weather. Previously, the seedling should be hardened. To do this, the pot with the future tree is taken out into the street, gradually increasing the number of hours of stay. You need to start with 3-4 hours, and finish the whole day.