How to assemble an Ika shower cabin. Features of installing a shower cabin with your own hands, which make it easier and more efficient

A shower is a device whose appearance can be dated back to the time when people just learned to supply water through pipes. Shower stalls are a logical development of this device. Even in the Soviet Union, they were actively used where there were restrictions on the size of bathrooms, although they gained the greatest popularity in the West. At the present time, shower stalls are in stable demand in the domestic market, which determines the variety of prices for them. As a consequence of this popularity, the price of installation is increased, which is why assembling a shower cabin with your own hands is becoming popular.

Shower cabins on the market are represented by both Chinese models, which are in demand due to their average quality and low price, and more durable ones made in Germany, Italy, Russia and other countries. It is this variety of goods that makes choice accessible.

Preliminary stage

Cabin assembly begins with checking all components. It is necessary to fully check the integrity of all elements, especially glass. They are manufactured according to special technology, are shockproof and hardened, therefore, if damaged, they break into many elements without sharp edges. Simply shake the packaging to determine the integrity of the glass by sound. Defects, geometric errors, or damage are unacceptable on the remaining parts of the shower stall.

Cabin elements include:

  • pallet (has various shapes, most often comes with a reinforced frame);
  • doors (most often have rollers for movement and fastening elements);
  • glass for doors (usually transparent, less often frosted);
  • walls, side panels(water supply and other functions are carried out);
  • roof of the shower stall (depending on the manufacturer and type, may be missing);
  • factory fasteners and installation elements.

The assembly of a Chinese shower cabin, like any other, begins only after a thorough check and creation of a workplace. If the size of the bathroom is not large enough, it is better to assemble it in another place in several stages, transferring the finished parts.

For high-quality installation, you must have on hand the tools and additional materials from the list below.

Required tools:

  • adjustable wrench (or gas);
  • flat and Phillips screwdrivers;
  • metal drills of small diameter (3-6 mm);
  • level (for leveling installed parts);
  • a screwdriver, or a drill as a replacement;
  • gun for squeezing out silicone;
  • sharp knife.

Additional materials that may be needed:

  • sealant (silicone) transparent, antibacterial;
  • waterproofing tape;
  • hoses for supplying hot and cold water;
  • transition to sewer 32/50;
  • paint, gloves, brush for correcting defects.

It is necessary to check the location for the shower stall being installed. It must be level, have waterproofing, and it is also desirable to have ventilation to remove steam if the cabin does not have a roof.

Pallet assembly

This is the most important stage, which determines how firmly the booth will stand, as well as how well it will work. Almost all pallets are equipped with legs on which it will stand, and the main thing is to align them correctly (use a level) and secure them (nuts and fasteners). Items related to pallet assembly:

  • apron;
  • bracket;
  • hairpins;
  • frame;
  • nuts;
  • screws;
  • siphon;
  • the pallet itself.

Advice. Before starting work, it is worth removing the apron from the pallet - it will only be needed at the end of assembly.

The installation instructions for the pallet are very simple.

Installation of panels

First, you need to once again inspect the glass panels and determine their orientation. Usually, the top of the glass has more holes, than the bottom. To decide on the guides, you need to look at the dimensions - the top one will be larger and wider, and in the bottom guide you can see a small figured cutout. The assembly of a corner shower stall differs only in the number of side panels, there are fewer of them, only 2.

Installation must begin by installing the glass in the appropriate places in the guides. It is advisable to lubricate all joints with sealant. The guides must be connected to the stand with self-tapping screws, which are included in the kit. In this case, you need to put the seal on the glass. Silicone sealant should be used to coat the entire lower guide, which will connect to the pan. Then install the glass.

Advice. When applying sealant, it is necessary to leave the places for water drainage unfilled; it is advisable to clean them of foreign material.

You need to install the side panels on the pallet, checking the positions at the special fastening points where the self-tapping screws will have to be inserted to attach one to the other. After tightening the screws, you need to treat all joints with sealant, then install and secure the back panel.

Advice: do not tighten the screws all the way, maintaining a small gap, which may be needed for adjustment in the future.

The installation of the pallet assembled with panels must be done carefully, carefully measuring the level and gaps. Try to avoid strong blows, the metal may bend.

After installation, it is worth checking the operation of the electricity by connecting the radio, lighting or fan. If no problems arise, you can leave the shower stall for a while to allow the sealant to cure.

Installation of glass sashes

Before installing the doors on the doors, it is necessary to attach the rollers and seals in the places indicated for fastening. Having carefully secured and coated with sealant, it is necessary to install the sashes. You can adjust the gap between the doors using the upper rollers, ensuring that one door is completely adjacent to the other, in order to avoid water leaks while using the shower stall. On some models, the rollers have screws where you can install plugs to protect them from moisture.

Final stage

Your corner shower assembly is nearing completion. All that remains is to secure the shower head in the cabin with a hose; lamp for illumination, fan and speaker. All elements along the edges must be coated with sealant, and also used with a factory protective layer that protects against moisture.

After installation, you will need to check the cab pan for cracks, leaks, or other defects. If you hear a crackling sound or feel a change in the position of the tray, you need to adjust the height of the legs.

Advice. fill the pan with water and wait a few hours, you can see all the leaks.

If everything is in order, then you should connect completely necessary communication: water, electricity and sewerage, as well as attach the missing fittings - handles, mirrors and shelves.

Features of the assemblies of some models

The assembly of the Serena shower cabin differs from the general assembly of Chinese production

The first stage - installation of the Serena cabin tray is no different from the standard one, but then there are differences in the installation of the side parts of the shower stall and doors. They are installed on special factory racks, which must first be secured in the floor. Using factory fasteners, the side parts of the cabin will be attached to these racks. In this case, maintaining the angles between the pallet and the screen plays an important role. During the fastening process, it is necessary to carefully coat the holes with sealant.

The doors are installed last and have the original sliding system, special hinges for fastening, with the help of which they are opened and closed.

Installing the roof is very simple. It is fastened with bolts in the provided fastening points and does not cause any difficulties.

The Niagara shower cabin assembly also has several differences in the installation and installation of the side parts and doors

The side parts of the Niagara cabin must be assembled according to the following instructions:

  1. the base (main part) is attached tightly to the wall;
  2. the side ones are threaded through specially provided holes. In this case, the entire connection is strengthened with sealant;
  3. after the connector has hardened, the doors are installed on factory hinges, which are located on one of the side parts;
  4. The installation of the roof and additional equipment is at the last stage.

In this article, the site offers a look at the process of assembling and installing an acrylic bowl, walls and shower fittings. We brought detailed instructions and video tutorials for beginners. The article is a guide to assembling a standard hydrobox with side walls and additional equipment.

The shower cabin is becoming more popular due to the shortage free space in apartment bathrooms and its versatility. Installing a shower cabin with your own hands is not difficult for someone who has basic skills in working with conventional tools. This work can be performed at different stages - for example, only installation, connection, laying water supply and sewerage, or all together.

These products have several degrees of difference, on which their price primarily depends. Below are their signs.

Pallet design

The pallet can be either built into the floor or external. In real practice 70% installed pallets in apartments - external.

Presence of walls

Economy variants of shower cabins do not have factory rear and side walls - their function is performed by the walls of the bathroom, finished with waterproof material. Their installation is the simplest; you only need to install the tray and secure the door profile. For these products, installing a shower cabin with your own hands is not particularly difficult.

Models with walls are an independent structure made in uniform style. They are more expensive due to more elements. In addition, their installation is more complex and requires precision and accuracy.

Optional equipment

Factory backsplashes provide the benefit of protecting the walls of the room, as well as a cavity in which auxiliary ducts and devices can be placed. The most advanced models are equipped with massage nozzles, various shower devices, fittings and electronic controls. Such cabins are called “hydroboxes” and they occupy the top positions in price.

How to install a shower cabin yourself. Operating procedure

Path from set of parts to cardboard box to a working device (device) consists of several stages.

“Stage zero” – preparation. The sequence of actions is as follows:

  1. Determination of available pallet sizes and area.
  2. Determination of water supply and discharge points.
  3. Selecting a model that meets real requirements (pallet size, set of functions).
  4. Additional installation of water supply and sewerage for the selected model.
  5. Leveling and sealing the installation site of the pallet (if necessary), water supply and sewerage connections must be accessible after installation.

The choice of model is extremely important point. To ensure that you are getting exactly what you need, try to find a real working sample and try it out.

After specifying the liner and purchasing the product, you can proceed directly to installation. The instructions for assembling the shower cabin, which are always included with each product, will help you with this.

Video by self-assembly and installation of a shower cabin:

Pallet assembly

Most standard pallets in the mid-price category share the following features:

  1. Corner design.
  2. Acrylic bowl on a metal profile frame.
  3. Separate panels covering the interior of the pallet.
  4. Height 450-550 mm.

The main elements of all pallets are the same regardless of other parts (walls, doors), so assembling the pallet is a standard procedure.

Operating procedure:

1. Place the acrylic bowl upside down next to the installation site.

2. Install the bowl screen in the designed position (under the bowl rim).

3. Fix the screen tabs with self-tapping screws - the panel should hold without any backlash or gaps.

Note. In places where other elements are attached to the bowl there are always thickenings (for self-tapping screws) or embedded parts. This must be indicated in the instructions.

4. Try on the metal frame. Its ribs should coincide with the thickenings at the bottom of the bowl.

5. Thread a threaded rod (Ø 14, included) through the mounting holes and screw it into the seats until it stops. Install the limiting locknuts and adjust the gap between the frame and the bottom to 15-20 mm.

6. Apply silicone sealant to the contact points between the profile and the acrylic and press the frame tightly with locknuts to the bowl. Also install studs in the free consoles.

Attention! The tightening force is not critical. Try not to tear out the embedded parts.

7. Install plastic screen stops on the front row of studs. Sometimes they are pressed with self-tapping screws.

8. Screw on the legs.

9. Install the siphon and drainage fittings.

Attention! Use silicone and winding. The connection must be very reliable, since the location of a possible leak is outside the visual access area.

10. We install the tray in the place of permanent use, and make fine adjustments to the stability (tighten the legs).

11. We connect and test the sewerage system.

On such a pallet you can install any walls that are suitable in size.

Preparation and installation of walls

Before installation, make sure that the package matches the documents. If you decide to assemble a shower stall with your own hands, you will have to study every step. Assembling the wall parts is an important step, since possible troubles will be hidden from view. All connections of tubes and wires (if any) must be made strictly according to the instructions.

Attention! Do not rely on intuition when assembling products in the economy segment. Consult with experienced craftsmen who know how to assemble a shower stall. Videos and forums on the Internet are also very useful and visual.

Video - how to assemble the back panel of a shower cabin:

After preliminary installation of the equipment, the walls should simply be installed in their seats. Sometimes they have factory holes, sometimes they don't.

We push the finished structure into the corner until it stops and install the upper plugs for the sinuses. This should be done carefully. Then you need to adjust the legs in place again. Test the pallet for stability.

Portal installation

The frame with the profile along which the doors run can be independent, or it can rest on the wall of the room. Regardless of the design, the assembly principle is approximately the same:

  1. Assemble the frame or install the top and bottom rails.
  2. Prepare the doors - hang fittings and rollers.
  3. Install fixed walls (if any).
  4. If there is a side profile, install it through silicone.
  5. Place the doors in the designed position.
  6. Check the stroke, adjust the guides.
  7. Add waterproofing silicone fittings - valves, aprons, plugs.

After all these operations, if they are performed correctly, you can connect the water and use the shower.

Prices for showers

It is very difficult to predict the exact price of a model with certain properties. The quality of the materials is of decisive importance, which directly affects the durability.

So, for example, a shower cabin made of high-quality thick plastic with one function (shower) manufactured in the EU will cost the same as a Chinese hydrobox with the maximum configuration - from 15 to 50 thousand rubles.

Note: shower cabins, which are in the lower price category, have a real service life of no more than 10 years with daily use by two people. Don't forget this when choosing and using your shower stall.

More complex models with many adjustments, a large bowl, and a Jacuzzi will cost 50-150 thousand rubles. (depending on the manufacturer). In the price category of 150-250 thousand rubles. there are reliable products that have exclusive design or completely made to order.

The manufacturability of hydroboxes is simply amazing - there are models with the function infrared sauna or even Turkish bath. Their price starts from 300 thousand rubles., Igor Maksimov

Shower stall arranged with my own hands, will not only make your stay more comfortable, but will also save you money. Homemade boxing will eliminate the cost of hiring third-party and not always conscientious workers. The moral satisfaction received from the results of one’s work is also important. Isn't it true?

We will tell you how to build a shower cabin in a private house with your own hands, and we will help you choose the optimal plumbing fixture. We’ll show you how to develop a project and bring the idea of ​​building a hygienic homemade product to life.

The article we presented describes the process of constructing and arranging a shower step by step. The technology for installing the cabin and connecting it to the sewer largely depends on the selected modification of the pallet.

Before proceeding directly to the description of the assembly process, we will briefly consider the main types of shower stalls available for sale and the criteria for their selection.

Variety of models: which is better to choose

Shower corner is simple design from a pallet and curtains. Instead of walls, which are typical for a full-fledged shower stall, the walls of the room are used. The ceiling shower corner No. Its main advantages are low cost and compactness.

A shower corner is one of the simplest, most convenient and cheapest models of shower stalls, it takes up minimal space and is suitable for self-installation

More sophisticated models have a roof and walls. Expensive multifunctional units have rich technical equipment: Turkish bath or Charcot shower, flavored steam mode, different types hydromassage, additional functions, various backlights.

An expensive model of a shower stall with a hydromassage function, lighting and a deep tray. Requires not only sufficient space for installation, but also required pressure in the water supply

Such booths are controlled by a complex electronic system. Before purchasing an expensive cabin equipped with a hydromassage function, you must first find out the level of water pressure in the pipes.

Combined shower cabins are a kind of compromise for those who like to take a bath with hydromassage and have a full-fledged shower cabin at home. Combined models are distinguished by the original and stylish design– on the market they are often positioned as home SPA centers.

It is the pallet of the product that places increased demands on. A high-quality pallet must withstand heavy loads, and at the maximum permissible weight of the user, it must not crack, bend or deform.

Shower trays are made from different materials.

The most popular models:

  • earthenware;
  • from artificial stone;
  • enameled;
  • acrylic.

Faience. Everyone knows the material used in the manufacture of toilets. The earthenware tray is completely hygienic, easy to clean and can withstand a lot of weight.

The disadvantage of earthenware is the strong “causticity” of the material: the surface of the tray can be damaged even from falling, for example, a glass cup

Fake diamond- reliable and durable material, beautiful and hygienic, but expensive.

Enameled pallets for shower stalls are cheap and durable. The only drawback that should be noted is the fragility of the enamel. However, the enamel coating can be easily restored or replaced with acrylic. An additional disadvantage is the roar of falling water on the metal surface of the pan.

Acrylic pallets are the most popular. Acrylic surface does not absorb dirt at all, warms up instantly, and does not darken over time.

Scratches on acrylic are completely invisible - this is an important point, since pallets are often scratched when a shower cabin is assembled with your own hands, especially for the first time

The disadvantage of acrylic pallets is the inconvenience of installation, since the installation of a special frame is required. As such, an aluminum structure with adjusting screws is used, with which you can select the desired height of the tray.

Comparative review different types shower trays are presented in .

What types of curtains are there?

The second most important element is the cabin curtains, which can be hinged or sliding. Hinged doors require more space. They are single-leaf and double-leaf.

As for sliding curtains, they have from two to six flaps, which are held in place by a rubber magnetic tape. The curtains move on rollers hidden inside the shower frame. High-quality curtains should open and close almost silently.

Corner shower stall with sliding doors. In addition to models with transparent plastic(glass) there are options with frosted curtains

Shower curtains are made of polystyrene or high-quality tempered glass. Products made from polystyrene are quite cheap and light in weight, but they quickly lose their transparency and stains remain on them.

Glass curtains are expensive, high-quality products.

Hinged doors made of hardened frosted glass. In their production, specially processed safety glass, which is superior in strength even to automobile

Water and dirt are very easily washed off from the surface of the glass - the material does not absorb anything and does not fade over the years. You can also buy a booth with curtains made of classic transparent, tinted, colored and rough glass.

Shower project development

Despite the apparent technical complexity, independent construction of a shower stall is, in fact, a completely feasible procedure for the average person, especially for a hard-working owner.

Just as the construction of any capital structure begins with the development of a project, so before starting work on equipping a shower in a private house with your own hands, you need to think about it.

It is advisable to outline on paper the main plans and diagrams, for example:

  • plan for placing a shower stall in a designated room;
  • connection diagrams to power supply, water supply and sewerage networks;
  • procedure for equipping a shower room with a ventilation system.

The preparation of the room for the shower and the installation of the cabin itself is carried out in several stages.

Most domestic apartments cannot boast of spacious rooms, and bathrooms are most often small and compact.

It is not possible to install a full-fledged lying-in bathtub in a small bathroom, so the owners of such bathrooms are increasingly paying attention to shower stalls.

The shower cabin is considered ideal option for a small bathroom, which will allow you to wash comfortably, but will not critically clutter the room. A modern one will fit perfectly next to the cabin, so in many cases it is similar device– the only correct solution for the bathroom.

Shower cabin equipment

To choose a suitable shower cabin, you should not immediately go to a specialized store and choose the model you like “by eye”. Experts advise first familiarizing yourself with the types of cabins and choosing several that are suitable in size for a particular bathroom.

ADVICE! To visualize the future cabin, it is recommended to glue a sheet of paper according to the size of the tray of the selected model and place it on the floor in the bathroom: in this way you can select perfect place for the cabin.

The main criterion should not be external attractiveness, but maximum comfort and practicality. In addition, it is important to consider the size of the bathroom: the shower stall should fit harmoniously into the interior, and not clutter the room and deprive it of space.

The standard configuration of a shower cabin includes the following elements:

  • pallet and pallet apron;
  • back panel;
  • vertical racks;
  • door guides and sliding doors;
  • upper dome

Before starting work, you should carefully check the availability of all components, check the quality, reliability and integrity of all parts.

Unpack and lay out all structural elements.
Check that all parts are included according to the instructions.

Each shower cabin is supplied with assembly instructions. But all instructions, as a rule, turn out to be quite general and approximate. So you can’t do without getting acquainted with additional information.

Preparatory work: tools and supplies

Since installing a cabin is a rather complex and responsible process, before starting work you should carefully check not only the readiness of all components and necessary tools, but also the condition of the floor. To install a shower stall, the floor must be perfectly flat and with sufficient waterproofing.

It is necessary to waterproof the floor where the shower is installed

To install a shower stall, you should have the following tools:

  • washers on M16;
  • flexible water hoses and high-quality siphon;
  • high-quality silicone sealant and waterproofing FUM tape;
  • building level, sharp knife, Phillips and slotted screwdrivers, wrenches;
  • paint, brushes;
  • gloves.

Stages of assembling and connecting the shower cabin

If the owner has decided not to hire workers to install a shower stall, but to do this work himself, then it is important to understand the necessity and responsibility of this process.

The main tasks that must be performed when installing a shower cabin:

  • Connecting the structure to the water supply.
  • Power supply to the cabin.
  • Sewage connection.
  • The most thorough and sound sealing of all joints and seams.

Assembling a shower cabin is not easy, and doing it in conditions small room The bathroom is also uncomfortable. Therefore, experts advise adhering to strict recommendations on the order of work, which will simplify the process as much as possible and guarantee a good result.

ADVICE! Ideally, the assembly of the shower cabin should be carried out by specialists, because the process requires the skills of a plumber and electrician. If the owner is not confident in his skills, then calling a specialist will be the best solution.

The first stage of work on assembling the shower cabin is pallet assembly. To do this, the pallet must be turned upside down and the long pins must be screwed into place. After the nuts and washers are screwed onto the studs, you can put the frame directly on. As a standard, the tray is made of fiberglass, so be careful when working with it (work with gloves).

We set the length of the legs according to the level

After all the fasteners are screwed in, the pallet is adjusted to the floor level: as a rule, brackets are installed under the legs, which are the support for the pallet.

Siphon connection

When the pallet is finally secured, the next step is siphon connections. Most often, an automatic siphon (foot drain plug) is used for these purposes. To carry out the work correctly, you must use only a high-quality siphon, and not a curved piece of pipe, and work with a plumbing wrench.

At the same time you should start water supply connection. To do this, it is important to provide a tee for cold and hot water. In this case, it is important to carefully treat all joints with special sealants or FUM tape to eliminate possible leaks. All joints should be checked several times to avoid leaks after final installation cabins: in this case, much more will have to be redone.

Electrical connection diagram

The vast majority of modern shower cabins require connecting power supply, therefore, in the bathroom it is necessary to install a special socket in advance for rooms with high humidity.

FACT! The best place For the socket, the wall at the back or side of the cabin is considered.

After completing these works, you can begin installation of walls. Assembly in each specific case depends on the model of the shower cabin and its design features. The standard method of fastening is ordinary bolts, and roller mechanisms are used for doors.

At the same time, some unscrupulous manufacturers may save on the fastening system: if there are any doubts about the reliability of certain fastening mechanisms, it is preferable to replace them with more durable and high-quality ones.

ADVICE! When installing shower cabin panels, do not tighten the screws immediately - they will probably need to be adjusted during the installation process.

When assembling, you should work according to the following scheme:

  • lubricate all the grooves with sealant and carefully insert the glass into them;
  • fasten the stand to the arch using self-tapping screws;
  • put a seal on the glass;
  • coat the place for the main guide in the pallet;
  • install glass with due care;
  • Treat all joints and contact points with sealant.

Once the walls are installed, you can begin door installation: Typically, shower doors operate on top and bottom rollers. The door closing mechanism can be adjusted by adjusting the rollers to achieve the best closure of the walls.

The last stage of work on installing and assembling the shower cabin is roof installation. A watering can with a hose, a fan and a speaker are mounted into the roof structure. When carrying out work, it is extremely important to seal all elements with sealant to avoid noise and water leaks.

The installed and connected cabin must be checked: the legs should be adjusted so that the pallet is level, all elements should be adjusted and all joints checked for leaks, and possible unnecessary noise (for example, from a speaker) should be eliminated. IN installed cabin take a shower and, based on the results of the procedure, carry out modifications.

In the next article we will tell you how to do it yourself.

The second stage is assembling and checking the drainage system. Sometimes the installation of a shower stall is delayed after the first test, since the drain pipes supplied do not provide the proper level of sealing. We recommend replacing them, otherwise it will be impossible to use the cabin even if the seams are sealed.

If the sewage system is in order, then you can begin installing the walls and assembling the dome. Before carrying out work, you must check:

Quality of fastenings and hardware supplied by the manufacturer;

Operation of electrical systems;

The strength and material of the walls, the quality of the rails for sliding curtains.

Communication status

Before installing the shower cabin, you should check the placement of the socket, the possibility of supplying and draining water. For drainage, it is not enough to connect the pipes to the sewer; it is necessary to ensure correct angle pipe inclination. If the angle is not inclined enough, you can use a podium.

Another difficulty is that different manufacturers They place the water entry and exit points at different heights, so choosing a cabin is difficult. Our plumbers are well acquainted with the features of different brands, so they will efficiently complete any job.

Important nuances of installing showers

In some houses, due to the high location of the sewer system, you will have to make a guaranteed podium, in others you will have to additionally attach it to the wall, in others you will have to strengthen the floors before installing the cabin. Seeking help from professionals will allow you to avoid many mistakes, expenses and operational problems.

Electrical wiring installation

Wiring is necessary if your cab has a radio, ventilation, or other electrical components. In many cases, it is necessary to install grounding and a circuit breaker that will protect you and your equipment in the event of a voltage surge or damage to the wires.

This work will increase the cost of installing a shower stall, but since the bathroom is a constant contact with water and steam, electrical problems are unacceptable here.

Call a plumber to install a shower

Our shower installation specialist will come to you on the same day or the next day with necessary equipment: tools, additional materials, replaceable fasteners.

Experience shows that assembly carried out by our specialists takes half the time, reduces installation costs and makes it possible to comfortably use the shower cabin for many years. All services provided by the company are covered by a guarantee.

Time frame for installing a shower cabin in Moscow

Minimum time is two hours. Installation can take from several hours to several days. It depends on the cabin. Additional sealing, wall reinforcement and other work require two visits from specialists to check the quality of the sealant after drying.

Equipment Features

The cost of installing a shower cabin depends on the size of the bathroom. Assembling a large cabin requires the participation of two or three plumbing specialists, this also needs to be taken into account. Installation prices remain within 5-30% of equipment costs.

How much does it cost to install a shower cabin?

Prices start from 2-4 thousand rubles for simple equipment without electrics and additional options (hydromassage modules, steam generation).

Functional cabins are more difficult to install, longer and more expensive - the price can rise to 8 thousand rubles, taking into account the cost of fastening materials, if they are needed. How much does it cost to install a shower cabin? It all depends on the size and type of shower cabin, additional modules, the presence or absence of electrical modules, the type of curtains, the type of house.

Quality of cabins from different manufacturers

The price depends on the quality of the cabin itself and its manufacturer. When working with certain brands, we already know in advance that we will need to change hoses, buy additional hardware, and strengthen the cabin walls.

We will immediately notify you of additional costs if they arise. The cost of installing a shower cabin in the Plumbers Service company is lower than the cost of your nerves, time and safety! Contact us!