How to make a happy talisman with your own hands. How to make powerful amulets from simple things with your own hands? Amulets and talismans made of leather


Amulets and talismans are personal things that protect their owner from all evil, bring good luck in business and personal life. Symbols can be purchased or received as a gift, or you can make your own. A handmade item will be saturated with your energy, due to which its effectiveness will increase.

Making amulets, amulets and talismans: general rules and recommendations

You can create a talisman both for yourself and for another person. This item cannot be gifted or passed on to third parties. The amulet brings good luck only to its owner. If it is lost, stolen, gifted, or broken, then its powers have ceased.

Before you start manufacturing, you should figure out what is the difference between these magic items:

  • the amulet performs two functions at once: it protects the owner from losses and brings him good luck;
  • the amulet performs a protective function of human health and his home;
  • the talisman is able to enhance some character traits, which allows its owner to achieve success in business, brings happiness and peace.

If you are planning to start making an amulet or amulet, then read the general rules and recommendations:

  1. Talismans and amulets can be made both for yourself personally and for another person. Forcing someone to make a charm for you is unacceptable. A person should take up work only of his own free will, personally expressing a desire.
  2. If the talisman is made for someone else, then in the process of work you need to constantly think about this person. Thoughts should be bright and positive. Only by investing a piece of your soul in a magical item, you can make an amulet that will really work and bring only good to the owner.
  3. For manufacturing, it is better to choose the time when the moon is in the growth stage. It is this period that is successful for any undertakings.
  4. You need to work in a calm environment. You need to be relaxed, no one and nothing should distract you.
  5. If you are making a talisman for yourself, then after completing the work, wrap it in a cloth and put it under your pillow at night. Due to this, the connection between the subconscious and the amulet will be established.
  6. It is advisable not to tell anyone about what the talisman did for themselves. Carry it always with you and hide it from prying eyes.

By adhering to these simple rules, it will be possible to make an effective and working amulet.

Talismans corresponding to the current year are very popular. For example, in the year of the Dog they prefer to make figurines of dogs from various materials, and in the year of the Rooster - cockerels.

Materials that are used to create talismans and amulets

Magic items that bring good luck and happiness, protect from evil influences, are made from various materials:

  • stone;
  • tree;
  • metal;
  • skin;
  • fabrics;
  • thread;
  • furs, etc.

The symbol can be drawn on paper or thick cardboard, and if desired, embroidered.

When choosing a material, use your imagination. It is important that it is pleasant to the touch and you like it, causing only positive emotions.

Strong protective thread amulet

Today, many can see a red thread on their left wrist, which serves as protection from the evil eye. The thread must be made of natural material (often wool is used).

Madonna was the first celebrity to wear a red thread on her left wrist. This happened after she became interested in the esoteric teachings of Kabbalah. According to belief, only a close person who wishes well and understands the essence of the ritual can tie a charm on his hand. A thread tied with one's own hand will not work.

Among the ancient Slavs, a slightly different ritual was associated with a red thread. It was attached to the wrist of the right hand. You could do it yourself, the main thing is to tie seven knots on a thread. Such a charm attracted money and good luck to the life of its owner.

If the security thread is torn, do not be upset. According to legend, a great misfortune could happen to you, but the "protector" took him away from you.

To create a talisman, you can use not only a red thread, but also threads of other colors. From them you can weave a bracelet with your own hands. It is important to choose the right shade. When choosing, the goal you are pursuing plays a role:

  • red protects from the evil eye, gives the wearer energy and vitality;
  • white protects from conflicts, bad thoughts, helps to build harmonious relationships;
  • blue is responsible for inspiration, helps to develop innovative thinking and hidden talents, therefore it is ideal for creative individuals;
  • yellow - the color of the sun, helps to achieve family happiness, improve health, expand knowledge;
  • orange makes a person charming, sociable and self-confident, helps to achieve great heights;
  • pink - the color of romance and tender love; using it, you will build strong relationships in which there will be no jealousy and destructive passion;
  • purple inspires and develops creativity;
  • green protects against envy and conflict situations, improves well-being;
  • blue is useful for those who want to find themselves and develop spiritual abilities;
  • brown helps to develop perseverance and achieve goals, is a symbol of hard work;
  • black develops balance and calmness, will help earn respect among others.

Threads for weaving choose only natural. If the thread is thin, fold it several times. If only one color is used, the easiest way to make an amulet will be seven knots tied with strings. If several shades are used, you can weave a pigtail or some kind of magical ornament.

A torn or boring talisman made of threads must be burned. While he burns, mentally thank him for his protection and help.

Video: thread weaving amulet technique

Burlap Talisman

A magical little thing that will protect you and loved ones from evil spirits or unkind people can be made from burlap. A popular type of amulets made from this material was the Brownie doll. The size of the craft is selected at will.

Manufacturing instructions

  1. First, make the bag itself. All seams must be well stitched. Turn it right side out.
  2. Now you need to make hands. To do this, you can take threads or ribbons woven with pigtails. In the place where the handles should be, carefully make holes and thread the resulting pigtail through them. Now the hands need to be aligned and fixed.
  3. You can fill the bag with various herbs, synthetic winterizer or other filler. When the bag is full, tie it tight.
  4. You can start making hair. They are made from a herbal brush or twine. You can attach the hair to the top of the head with a thermal gun.
  5. Do not forget to make a brownie nose and lips, as well as eyebrows and a beard. Eyes for the doll can be purchased at the store or made by hand.
  6. From the dried sheets of corn, it will be possible to build brownie bast shoes.

Do not forget to sew clothes and a hat for the brownie, and for frugality - a few bags.

Video: how to make a Domovenok doll from burlap with your own hands

Magic crafts from dough with salt

The ancient Slavs made talismans from salt dough. Making such a craft is not difficult even for a beginner:

  1. It is necessary to take flour and salt in a ratio of 2: 1. Add a little water and knead an elastic dough.
  2. Let the test rest for a while. After that, you can fashion an amulet out of it. Animal figurines, horseshoes or angels are popular.
  3. When the amulet is ready, place it for 3 hours in the oven, preheated to 70 degrees.
  4. Take out the craft, let it cool for several hours and paint it with gouache.

Video: how to make a Horseshoe for Luck souvenir from salt dough

Wooden amulets

Wooden amulets are part of the culture of the ancient Slavs. To create magic items, you can use trees of different species:

  • birch is known for its healing properties, they used to make bast shoes from its bark, believing that they would help get rid of rheumatism; when creating amulets, not only wood was used, but also leaves, buds, roots;
  • oak is distinguished by powerful energy, talismans made from it were placed in the cradles of newborn boys, it was believed that this would help them grow full of strength and health;
  • alder helps to strengthen the fortitude, get rid of negative thoughts, learn to make the right decisions; an alder amulet protects a married couple from betrayal;
  • hazel symbolizes fertility and contributes to the increase of capital;
  • mountain ash protects from evil spirits, before it was planted near the dwelling, and twigs with fruits were hung in the house.

For a talisman, you need to choose a healthy tree.

Instructions for making an amulet:

  1. Mentally ask the tree for permission to take a twig. When leaving, leave coins, bread or some cereal near him.
  2. Having brought a branch home, leave it for a few weeks so that it gets used to your home and absorbs its energy.
  3. Saw off a circle from the branch, on one side of which cut out the desired symbol with a knife or scalpel.
  4. Make a hole in the amulet through which you can pass a cord or strong thread.
  5. To protect the wooden talisman from dust and dirt, apply heated beeswax on its surface or varnish it.

It is not necessary to put symbols on wooden talismans. They work even without signs carved on them.

Video: wood amulets

Magic charms from birch bark

From birch bark in ancient times they made a talisman for children, resembling a rattle in its shape. When shaking, he made rustling sounds, which attracted the attention of the kids and caused indescribable joy. It was also given to babies during teething. No glue was used in the manufacture of the shank.

To create an amulet, it is not necessary to remove the bark from a living tree, you can use birch bark from firewood.

Manufacturing instructions:

  1. The material needs to be steamed, which will give it elasticity.
  2. The bark is cut into strips, which are treated with vegetable oil on both sides to make the birch bark pliable.
  3. You need to make six strips of the same size.
  4. At the top and bottom, the sides of the strips are bent by about 1 cm, so that later a lock is obtained.
  5. All six parts are assembled together, the corners are drawn in.
  6. So that the toy does not fall apart, the shark should be boiled in boiling water for 5 minutes. Before that, tie it with a thread, which must be removed after cooling.
  7. A day later, when the amulet toy dries out, it is necessary to bend one of its edges and pour the grains inside.

To create an amulet, you need to take birch bark of medium thickness. Too thin or thick bark is not suitable.

Video: a step-by-step master class on making a birch bark

Fur Talismans

Since ancient times, the skin, fur, bones, fangs and claws of animals have been used to create amulets. If a piece of fur is left at home, then you can make a beautiful “Brown-brown” amulet out of it:

  1. Cut out a small circle with a diameter of 8–10 cm. Finish the edges.
  2. Put a small piece of foam rubber inside and sew it up.
  3. In specialized stores, buy eyes and glue.
  4. Use a bead as a spout.
  5. Optionally, you can make a tongue.
  6. From the same fur we make paws. We cut out strips of 1.5x4 cm. We take a lace, put one of its sides inside each foot and fasten it with Moment glue.
  7. At the top of the cord we make a loop for which the talisman can be hung.
  8. We sew the paws and lace from the wrong side to the brownie.

A fur talisman can be hung not only at home, but also in the car.

Amulets made of genuine leather

The skin of various animals is highly in demand in the manufacture of amulets. From it you can make:

  • talismans to wear around the neck;
  • bracelets;
  • trouser belts;
  • scissors, etc.

The desired symbol is transferred to the leather surface by embossing or pressing. The edges of the amulet are carefully processed, and a hole for the lace is made at the top. Such amulets look beautiful and stylish.

Porcupine quills in magic

Various talismans are also made from porcupine quills. It is believed that they help protect yourself from the barbs and negative actions of other people, teach you to enjoy life, despite the hardships and troubles, and also become much happier.

Porcupine quills can be used to make such amulets:

  • necklace;
  • earrings;
  • "dream Catcher".

Women made love amulets out of this natural material, wrapping needles in fabric and hiding them under the pillow of a loved one.

Charm from the ring

Rings serve not only as a decoration for the fingers, they can be used to make a charm. To do this, it is better to purchase a new product, on the inside of which you need to put an inscription. The phrase for engraving on the amulet ring is chosen at your own discretion.

In ancient times, children were given two names: one was known to others, the second was secret. The baby was baptized with a secret name. This helped to avert damage or a curse. Often, parents presented their children with protective rings, on the inside of which a middle name was written.

Protect from death, drunkenness, prison and on the road with your own hands

Unforeseen situations often happen in life. Therefore, you should take care in advance to protect yourself and your loved ones. Handmade amulets are the best way to cope with this task.

Charm for men Ratiborets

One of the most popular amulets against death is Ratiborets. This is an exclusively male talisman that protects warriors from death on the battlefield. It gives the warrior strength and self-confidence, protecting him from enemy actions.

The amulet works only in those cases when its bearer has bright thoughts and does everything for the sake of the happiness of his people.

Previously, warriors applied a protective symbol to their weapons and believed that this would help them blind their enemies. The Ratiborets sign can also be embroidered on uniforms or underwear.

How to protect yourself from drunkenness and prison

If one of your loved ones suffers from alcohol addiction, an embroidered amulet against drunkenness will help to overcome the disease. Several symbols are applied to such a talisman at once:

  • orepey, symbolizing happiness and peace of mind;
  • a bright traveler who guides on the true path and promotes spiritual development;
  • Svarozhich, who protects people from spiritual degradation, helps to see clearly and tune in the right way;
  • healer, relieving from various ailments.

Women on critical days are not allowed to embroider amulets.

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  • tree;
  • skin;
  • metal.
  • A special symbolism is applied to the surface of the amulet. The image can be drawn by hand or printed out the finished picture. It is better to always carry such a charm with you.

    Amulet Traveler

    If a person is often on the road, the Slavic amulet Putnik is useful to him, thanks to which the traveler will always think clearly and will be able to avoid any danger that awaits him on the way. In ancient times, this amulet was worn mainly by male warriors. Today, representatives of the weaker sex can also use it.

    Materials for making a talisman:

    • quality metal;
    • tree (pine, ash).

    A charmed bag of salt from accidents on the road

    Our ancestors revered coarse salt, believing that it protects from evil spirits and the evil eye. It was used in various rituals, and also made protective amulets from it. To make such a talisman is very simple. This will require:

    • Thursday salt;
    • dried St. John's wort;
    • fabric bag.

    Place salt and herbs in the bag, tie it up and leave it overnight in front of the icon of the Mother of God. In the morning, taking the amulet in your hands, read "Our Father". After that, read the plot three times:

    “Oh, Mother of Christ, and my Guardian Angel, you, the defenders of the servant of God (name). The servant of God, like lightning, does not spoil his enemy and the sorceress, nor the evil enchantress. Keep the servant of God (name) in everything, in all roads, both in the morning and at night. Save, Lord."

    Website "Magina"

    Then cross yourself three times and say:

    "Jesus Christ is in front of me, the Most Holy Theotokos is behind me, Guardian Angel above my head, keep me whole."

    Website "Magina"

    Always carry the resulting amulet with you. It can be put in a bag or hung in the car on the rearview mirror.

    Amulet Silk good luck

    A snare of good luck can be made from threads. Threads are better to take silk. If you know how to do it - good, if not - then a free loop is enough.

    The color of the thread depends on what exactly you want to attract into your life.

  • red, if you call love, spring, health, you want to conceive a child;
  • if you need more money luck - green snares are placed;
  • if you want to reap a rich harvest, please your household and those who are nearby, put brown snares.
  • The snare can be threaded - and then it is hung over the entrance to the dwelling, over the window.

    If you are making a larger snare, take the tape. Then it can be made not only a magical tool, but also a home decoration.

    Remember, no matter what and for whom you catch, these are honest snares: no knot will catch joy or grief for you or the one to whom they are intended, they only lure good luck or bad luck, and to keep it, hook it, or, on the contrary, catch and defeat - you need to be able to.

    Making talismans of different nations

    Each nation has its own principles and features of making amulets. They work because of faith, which makes them special and gives them great strength.

    Ukrainian talismans

    Clothing and the interior of the dwelling were decorated with magical symbols. Ukrainian talismans contain symbols of the four elements:

    • water;
    • air;
    • Earth;
    • Fire.

    Embroidery played an important role in the creation of talismans. Each pattern represents something different:

    • flower embroidery prevailed on the clothes of unmarried women;
    • married - plants with fruits;
    • single guys - oak branches and green leaves.

    Often, special conspiracies were read on embroidery.

    Popular Ukrainian amulets include a motanka doll, “bags of well-being”, herbal preparations. The amulets of this people not only perform a protective function, but also differ in beauty.

    Udmurt amulets

    Udmurt amulets were decorated with ornaments and drawings characteristic of this culture. They were made from the following materials:

    • copper;
    • bronze;
    • iron;
    • wood;
    • bones and horns of animals.

    To this day, this people decorates clothes and household items with embroidery with symbols. The function of amulets is to protect the owner from any negative influence on his soul and psycho-emotional state.

    Cossack amulets

    Cossack talismans and amulets served as protection from enemies. Wealthy Cossacks had several amulets at once, which also protected them from damage and the evil eye.

    Healers were engaged in the manufacture of magical items. When the amulet was ready, special rituals were performed over it during the lunar month. The healer gave the talisman to the Cossack, talked about the rules of care and storage.

    At a special price were amulets created during a strict fast.

    Khanty amulets

    Khanty amulets are often made in the form of rag dolls, stuffed with special grass collected at a certain time. Such talismans protect from negativity and help to find personal happiness.

    The Khanty people often decorate their clothes with embroidery. There are quite a lot of Khanty ornaments:

    • fox paw;
    • bear trail;
    • hare ears;
    • cedar cone, etc.

    Some of them are embroidered strictly at a certain time. For embroidery, different threads are used (woolen, paper, silk).

    Japanese mascots

    Japanese talismans speak for success or happiness, help achieve goals, and can sometimes be inherited. Japanese houses are decorated with many sculptures and figurines. At first glance, it may seem that these are ordinary trinkets. But each of the gizmos has magical powers:

    • protect the home;
    • bring good luck;
    • protect children.

    Popular Japanese talismans include the lotus flower, the Kokeshi doll, the Japanese maneki-neko beckoning cats. Magic objects are made of glass, porcelain, plastic.

    Protect for happiness with your own hands

    You can make a charm for happiness yourself. Sew a burlap bag, fill it with herbs and decorate with various elements. Suitable for decoration:

    • corn;
    • sunflower and pumpkin seeds;
    • beans;
    • coins;
    • cereals;
    • herbs that can be braided.

    If the amulet is intended for a man, you can attach red pepper to it, and the fruits of mountain ash and wild rose are suitable for a woman.

    The talisman of family well-being is the bird of happiness, which can be made from jute. This will require:

    • jute thread:
    • woolen threads of different colors;
    • CD.

    Photo gallery: self-made bird of happiness from jute

    Take the box from the CD and make about 30 turns on it. Remove the twine from the box and stretch another thread at the fold. Do the same with the wings. After that, cut the loops and trim. Your bird of happiness is ready!

    The bird of happiness will be an excellent decoration for the house, it will bring comfort and prosperity to the home.

    How to clean and charge the amulet

    Purification is a magical action that is carried out with various amulets, amulets and talismans. You need to perform the ritual in a calm environment, no one should distract you. It is important to be in a good mood.

    For purification, the forces of four elements are used:

    1. Fire. To purify a magical item with fire, purchase a white candle. Light it up, carry the amulet through the flame. The candle must be discarded after use. If the amulet is flammable, clean it with sunlight. To do this, on a clear sunny day, take it outside and leave it until the evening.
    2. Earth. In the evening, the talisman must be buried in dry ground and left until morning. Also, a magic item can simply be left on the ground, surrounded by stones.
    3. Air. Go outside on a clear day. Face east and raise your hands holding the amulet. Stay like that for half a minute. Then do the ceremony, turning alternately to the south, west and north.
    4. Water. The amulet must be washed in clean water (flowing or spring water is suitable). If the talisman is made of materials for which contact with moisture is detrimental, then simply spray it with drops of rainwater, and then dry it.

    How to clean a silver amulet

    If you want to clean the silver amulet, the easiest way is to place it in running water, which will wash away all the negativity. Do it with the words:

    “Let water wash away all troubles and misfortunes from silver, and give me protection from negativity and happiness.”

    After that, remove the remaining moisture with a napkin or cloth. Leave the amulet in the open air for several hours. It is important to ensure that sunlight hits, which can charge it.

    Cleansing after prolonged wear or from someone else's negative energy

    You can also clear the amulet before putting it on, after wearing it for a long time or from someone else's energy with the help of the forces of the four elements. To do this, you need to perform the following rite:

    1. Type clean water into a bowl or jar, add salt there and leave the object to be cleaned in this water for several hours.
    2. Take out the thing, do not pour out the water.
    3. Take the container outside and leave it in the sun during the day. This will get rid of negative energy.

    Things that cannot be wetted can be cleansed with incense. Incense sticks will do. The amulet must be fumigated with smoke.

    It is not difficult to make a talisman or amulet with your own hands. The main thing is to put your soul into the process of its creation, and believe that the magic item will definitely help you. Be sure to clean and charge it properly before use.

    Many would like to learn how to make a talisman with their own hands. However, not everyone is familiar with the rules for creating such products. After all, this is not just an accessory, but a means of protection and an assistant in difficult circumstances. That is why it is necessary to know the basic rules and principles for the manufacture of talismans, amulets and amulets.

    How to make an amulet: general rules

    First of all, it is necessary to decide on the purpose for which the talisman, amulet or amulet will be made. In this case, you should make the right choice based on preferences.

    The amulet is created only to protect against negative influences:

    • evil eye;
    • damage;
    • envy;
    • hatred;
    • drunkenness;
    • failures.

    It is important to decide what exactly it is worth protecting yourself from in the first place.

    The talisman performs the function of attracting good luck, luck and success in all areas of life.

    The amulet is designed to influence a person and his future destiny, making certain adjustments. So, if a woman wants to get married, then such a little thing should be charged specifically for success in her personal life. For the basis of the amulet, they often take some natural mineral, which is selected according to the zodiac sign and date of birth.

    Before creating amulets, amulets and talismans, it is recommended:

    • put a specific question and decide on the final result;
    • choose material;
    • set yourself up in a positive way.

    The talisman can be made from almost any material.

    Materials for manufacturing

    Some items for good luck are easy to make at home. Even a novice master will be able to create a completely simple little thing, which then will need to be charged in a certain way. A variety of materials are used to make amulets.

    Photo gallery: materials for amulets

    It is better to use natural threads Burlap is an excellent accumulator of positive energy Salt is very easy to charge Wood is a good conductor of energy Fur can be used both natural and artificial
    Leather is better suited for men Birch bark is a convenient material for amulets Porcupine quills are often used as material for talismans
    It is better to take a silver or gold ring. Woolen threads are wrapped around the wrist.

    Threads: jute, wool, silk

    To make an amulet, you can use ordinary white cotton fabric and embroider various signs on it:

    • a symbol of life resembling infinity;
    • your zodiac sign
    • bird of happiness
    • luck snares;
    • own name;
    • Favorite number;
    • affirmation.

    This amulet is more suitable for women.

    Woolen thread must be charged and then tied around the wrist or ankle. When tying a knot, it is necessary to repeat special words that enhance the effect of the amulet. It does not have to be some kind of conspiracy, any positive attitude is quite acceptable.

    Video: how to make a woolen thread amulet - a step-by-step master class

    A small bag should be sewn from burlap, in which it is recommended to put an individual amulet (a stone suitable for the sign of the zodiac) or herbs. This item is suitable for both men and women. It is recommended to decorate the bag in a certain way, using herbs and seeds.

    To make an amulet, salt can be placed in a small bag and carried with you or sewn into a miniature cotton pad. This material is able to get rid of the negative influence, and not a single negative-minded person will be able to approach you.

    It is difficult to make a wooden amulet. It will take some skill to carve a figurine or symbol. It is recommended to choose the appropriate sign that matches the date of birth. You can create a universal amulet with the image of a brownie.

    Video: how to make a wooden talisman yourself

    The material is more suitable for women. It is better to use natural fur, which carries the energy of the animal, although artificial fur can also be charged. It is enough to cut a small piece, which should always be kept with you.

    Amulets made of leather are best worn by men. You should carve your zodiac symbol on the surface of the skin, which will not only protect, but also attract success.

    You can apply various images to the birch bark, as well as cut out special figures that will protect you from the evil eye and damage.

    Porcupine quills and cat's claw

    The simplest amulet of porcupine quills is done like this:

    1. The needle must be charged in a certain way.
    2. Lined with fabric to make it easy to carry.
    3. It is enough to put the claw in a small bag.

    Ring made of gold or silver

    Jewelry can also be charged and used as charms. To do this, it is better to use a newly purchased ring with a stone that suits this zodiac sign.

    What strong amulets can you make with your own hands

    With the help of a properly made amulet, you can protect yourself from various negative situations.

    Protection from sudden death

    To protect yourself from sudden death, you can make a special amulet:

    1. You will need 3 woolen threads: red, yellow and green.
    2. The threads should be twisted into a pigtail, while repeating affirmations: “I am happy, healthy, successful, protected” and the like.
    3. The resulting pigtail can be tied around your wrist or carried in your pocket.

    A pigtail of threads is woven in different ways. You can choose any option

    How to prevent drunkenness

    To prevent alcohol addiction, you can make a charm from amethyst. This stone is a remedy for the prevention and treatment of drunkenness. For him, it is better to sew a special pillow made of burlap or linen fabric, where the mineral should be placed.

    Amethyst protects against drunkenness

    Jail protection

    It is better to make a charm from prison with your own hands from wood. To do this, you need to cut out a circle, inside which to scratch the image of the sun. You can carry it in your pocket or hang it around your neck. At the same time, thoughts during manufacture should be literally sunny and bright.

    The amulet in the form of the sun will protect from prison

    To keep the road safe

    Many are interested in which amulet is best done on the road so that it is successful and safe. This Slavic amulet for a traveler has been made since ancient times. It will require a small wooden circle. Inside, you need to cut out a pictogram, which is a cross with several stripes. It is best to first look at the photo how the symbol should look inside the circle. The finished product can be varnished.

    The traveler's amulet must contain a special magic symbol

    Amulets of different peoples: Udmurt, Khanty, Cossack, Ukrainian, Japanese

    Amulets of different peoples have their own characteristics. So, Ukrainians prefer to embroider various symbols on their clothes. Everyone knows their embroidered shirts, which have magical powers. Thus, they create amulets not only on clothes, but also on other interior items. This tradition often continues to this day. Flowers on clothes served as protection from evil influences.

    Vyshyvanka plays the role of a talisman

    It is necessary to know how to embroider patterns correctly so that clothes are not just a wardrobe item or part of a national costume, but also serve as protection from everything negative. To do this, rely on a special scheme that contains the selected pattern.

    The pattern of vyshyvanka patterns will help you not to make a mistake when making your own amulet

    The Udmurt peoples attached great importance to clay and made pupae out of it. Such crafts served as a kind of amulet. Udmurts to this day create figurines of dolls that protect the house from negative influences. They make them not only from clay, but also from straw, rags and other materials.

    Udmurt amulets protect the house

    To make a straw doll, in addition to the main material, you will need a red thread. First of all, you need to take a hard straw 30 cm long and fold it in half. The first knot should be done by retreating a few centimeters from the beginning and forming the head, and the second at the place where the waist should be. Then make a small hole between the two knots and insert 15 straws. You will get hands, which should also be tied with threads in places where the doll will have wrists.

    The straw doll is very easy to make.

    Cossack amulets have a religious meaning. Most people wore the image of the Saints or the Cross, which were engraved on silver or bronze. Often the symbol of the Cross served as a talisman, which the Cossacks always wore around their necks. Often, the face of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker or Nikita Besogon was depicted on silver. Such protective gizmos protected a person from evil spirits and witchcraft.

    Nikita Besogon, depicted on metal, is a protector from evil spirits

    Khanty amulets were made of leather, fur, and beads. The most popular is a leather tambourine, which is a shamanic sign and has a fur frame. It serves as a powerful defense against any kind of negative influence. Often such products were woven from beads. But it is the original version with a piece of fur and leather that is considered the most effective.

    Khanty amulet protects from the evil eye

    Currently, many people create a shamanic amulet from beads, weaving it according to a certain pattern. Such a thing can be worn around the neck, as well as attached as a keychain to keys or hung above the front door.

    From threads and feathers, you can make an Indian amulet Dreamcatcher, step by step performing all the steps.

    Dreamcatcher can be woven from thread

    Japanese amulets, based on various symbols since ancient times, were made from a variety of materials. They sewed miniature pillows, and also wore metal products. Often, a cat served as a symbol of protection from evil influence, the figurine of which was made of porcelain or sewn from improvised materials.

    The cat is a talisman against envy

    A cat can be made from clay and then covered with white paint, applying special Japanese symbols. However, it is good to do it in high spirits and not try to finish the work in one day. Such a cat will protect from bad influence.

    Instructions: how to make a souvenir for happiness with your own hands

    The ancient Slavs made amulets with their own hands, because in this way a person put a piece of his soul into them. It was believed that such a charm has the greatest power.

    Amulet with your own hands - video


    The most popular option to this day is a bag made of burlap. It is decorated with various materials and filled with herbs. Such a charm is designed to protect the house from various kinds of negativity. To make it, you will need a small piece of burlap. As a decoration, you can use sunflower seeds, corn, beans, mountain ash, bast shoes woven from straw. After the bag is sewn and decorated, you can fill it with dried herbs: St. John's wort, basil or elderberry. You can put any one herb or a combination of them.

    The Bird of Happiness

    The jute bird of happiness helps protect the hearth and family. For its manufacture, the following materials will be required:

    • jute thread - 40 pieces of 30 cm and 40 of 20 cm;
    • beads of different colors for decoration;
    • woolen threads.

    First of all, 40 threads of 30 cm should be folded in half. In the middle, tie them with a woolen product. In this place, form a beak. A little further, make a knot again, stepping back about 2 cm. Form indentations for the eyes there. Stepping back another 2 cm, you need to tie the bundle again. Pass the second bunch of jute threads in the middle. This will be the wings. Then you can start decorating the tail and eyes using beads.

    Jute thread is the most suitable option for making a bird of happiness

    How to clean, charge and activate the talisman before wearing

    Before using an amulet, amulet, talisman and expecting real help and protection from it, you need to clean it, charge it and activate it.

    Clearing someone else's negative energy

    Before charging the amulet, it should be cleaned. This must be done in any case in order to erase traces of someone else's energy, because it is impossible to guarantee that the person who sold the material was friendly. Extraneous prints on the material must be erased. It is very easy to do this. It is necessary to take salt and sprinkle the product. If the amulet used to belong to another person, then the exposure time should be increased. After 1 hour and a maximum of 2 it is necessary to remove the salt. It is recommended to do this for 3 days. Then start energizing.

    Elemental Energy

    To charge the amulet, you will need: earth (you can take clay), water, fire (candle), wind. First of all, spray the thing 3 times with liquid. The water must not be boiled. If possible, it is better to collect liquid in the spring. Then take the earth and lightly sprinkle. After that, blow on the amulet 3 times and charge with fire. It is necessary to light a candle and drive it clockwise around the object. Only 3 times. After all the manipulations, it is considered that the item is charged and can be used.

    Silver amulets are charged in a different way. This method is the simplest and most affordable. The silver thing needs to be charged on the street, putting the product under direct sunlight. A few hours are enough. This action can be repeated periodically.

    The simplest and most accessible means of cleaning from other people's influence and negativity is the use of holy water. If a person doubts the good intentions of the person who presented the amulet, then it is recommended to consecrate it 3 days in a row. All traces of foreign influence will evaporate. This method will also recharge the little thing with positive energy.

    How to charge a charm - video

    How to make a charm with your own hands and protect yourself from bad influence is a very relevant topic. This question was of interest to the ancient Slavs, who attached great importance to protecting themselves and their hearth from otherworldly evil forces. Some simple things to protect against negative energy can be easily made on your own.

    The amulet is a kind of protection of the astral body. It can attract good luck or money, protect from evil people and misfortunes. Making a magic symbol with your own hands is not difficult. It is much more important that such a product will protect the house, car, child. Protects from the evil eye, damage, disease. There are amulets in the form of an ornament or embroidery, made of metal or wood. They are created with love, in a good mood.

    While the amulet is being prepared, a person charges the craft with his energy, positive emotions. It is necessary to believe in the protective power, then the magical properties of the product will be fully manifested.

    What is a guardian for?

    First you need to determine the purpose of the future product. For what or for whom is it created? The amulet, unlike amulets and talismans, can protect the whole family. That is why magic items for houses and apartments are so often created. They bring with them love and prosperity, relieve quarrels and misfortunes.

    A charm for spouses is necessary for a happy family life. He will protect from betrayal, jealousy. Will give peace and harmony. Such a magical symbol is often given for a wedding or anniversary of marriage. It should be hidden from prying eyes, not shown to anyone.

    A charm for a child will protect against diseases, support spiritual and physical development. Get rid of the attacks of peers, bad deeds.

    A charm for love will attract new fans, make the aura attractive to the opposite sex.

    The male amulet will protect on the road, in the war. Warn of danger. Get rid of diseases, troubles, evil people.

    All magical actions are performed in complete solitude. Making crafts is a certain ritual. No one should see the process of creating an amulet, one should not be forced to make it. Everything should happen on a whim, with inspiration.

    It is best to make a charm with your own hands at night, by candlelight. Or during the day, in bright sunlight. Be sure to put your whole soul into its creation. Charge with positive force and kindness. Usually, the amulet is made for relatives, less often for oneself.

    At night, put the finished product under the pillow. So the amulet will gain full strength, saturated with the necessary energy. Before going to bed, you should think about who the magic symbol is being made for. Imagine how it will protect its owner.

    The next day, give a charm with kind words. It should be worn closer to the body, under clothing. If the protective craft was intended for the house, it is better to hide it in a secluded place. Then the evil eye will not harm, will not knock down mental information from the product.

    Product cleaning

    The amulet is made of natural materials - wood, leather, metal. If fabrics and threads are used, they must be woolen, linen or cotton. Baking powders or food colorings are not added to dough crafts. But the finished product can be decorated, painted with paints.

    All protective crafts accumulate negative energy over time. Natural materials are able not only to retain positive and negative waves for a long time, but also to return them back. Therefore, after conflicts, quarrels, illnesses, accidents, the product should be cleaned. To do this, use the power of the four elements - fire, water, earth, air.

    Fire. Hold the amulet over a white candle. It is best if it is a consecrated, church candle. It should only be used once - to clean the product.

    Water. Rinse in running water or sprinkle the amulet with holy water.

    Earth. Bury the amulet and leave it all night. If this is problematic, you can bury it in coarse salt. In the morning, take out the amulet, discard the salt.

    Air. Highly understand the amulet on outstretched arms. Turn to each side of the world, exposing the product to the wind. Or light a candle and hold it over the smoke.

    Herbal amulet

    The simplest amulet is a sachet of herbs. Dried herbs can be prepared by yourself or bought at a pharmacy. It fits into a bag (it can be hung around the neck) or sewn into a small pillow (it is better to do it at home).

    Protect from evil- clover, juniper, dill, rosemary, mountain ash, St. John's wort. Basil bring love and wealth. Carnation - luck, money and healing. Oak - longevity, fertility. Mint - wealth, healing, love. Garlic - protection, expulsion of evil forces. Sage - healing, welfare. Laurel - strength, healing, cleansing. Cuff - preservation of pregnancy.

    You can decorate the sachet with decorative ribbons. Buttons are also a magical element. If you sew them on a bag or pillow of herbs, you get additional protection. The photo shows different ways to sew buttons and their meaning.

    Making dolls

    Products in the form of dolls are necessarily created for the growing moon, with a good mood and good thoughts. During the manufacture of dolls, try to minimize the use of piercing, cutting objects. This may adversely affect the properties of the product.

    Tie knots on threads and ribbons an even number of times. As a rule, amulets do not have a face drawn. This is done so that the misfortune with the doll (fell, torn, broken) does not affect the person.

    In addition, do-it-yourself amulets in the form of dolls can be molded from wax, clay, salt dough. After that, as seen in the photo, they can be painted with paints or decorated with ribbons.

    Women's days for making dolls - Wednesday, Friday. For men - Monday, Tuesday, Thursday. On Saturday and Sunday it is better not to engage in protective crafts.

    If the doll is ready, light 4 candles, put the product in the center. To activate, read the plot:

    How to make a charm doll

    Doll "To health" is made of thick linen thread. Such a charm brings health to the house, healing. The ancient Slavs believed that flax takes the negative energy of the disease onto itself, helps a person to get better.

    The whole doll is palm length (15 cm). During its manufacture, read prayers, wish the person health.

    Step 1. Prepare soft linen threads. For harnesses - red.

    Step 2. Cut cardboard (or other suitable material) along the length of the doll. Make 3 windings without breaking the threads. Thick winding - for the body. Thinner - for hands. And the same as for the hands - for the braid.

    Step 3. Cut on one side.

    Step 4. For hands - weave a braid, tie at the end with a red thread. For a braid, tie a simple knot.

    Step 5. Take a red thread (1 m), mark the neck. Do not cut the thread.

    Step 6. Put the braid into the head. So that the strands do not get tangled, tie the top of the head with a thread.

    Tie a knot on the head.

    Step 7. On the head - braid the braid. Hands-pigtails bandage crosswise, designate the waist.

    Step 8. Tie on the head - a bezel. At the waist - a belt. Doll "To health" - ready!

    Charm bracelet

    A charm in the form of a bracelet can be made of thread, beads, wood, natural stones. One of the simplest is a red woolen thread tied around the wrist. Seven knots on the bracelet will protect from evil forces and the evil eye. In the photo - a bracelet made of interlaced leather cords. They strengthen the human biofield, eliminate the negative.

    Shambhala bracelets attract good luck, protect from misfortune. Beads for the product can be taken both wooden and glass. Weaving such bracelets on your own, as in the photo, is a whole art. Here, each knot has a certain meaning and spiritual content.

    Wooden figurines are another important element of protection. Animals or fish in products have a certain meaning. They symbolize courage and courage, strength and wisdom. It is important to find a figurine that will appeal to you - then the amulet will take on special significance. So, in the photo - a swimming dolphin symbolizes freedom and joy.

    How to make a Shambhala bracelet

    To make a bracelet, the beads are connected with a cord using a "flat" knot. Beads can be made of wood, stone, metal, with or without rhinestones. It is important that there are no more than 9 pieces. This is connected with the legend of the mythical country of Shambhala, which was surrounded by 9 mountains.

    The thickness of the cord should match the holes of the beads. To make the cord easily pass into the hole (especially silk), its end can be smeared with glue.


    • Beads (9 pieces, 1 cm in diameter), spacer beads with rhinestones (8 pieces);
    • Bead on the clasp with a large hole, 2 beads (diameter 7 mm) for "tails";
    • Cord (1.5 m), leather, waxed, silk or linen;
    • Glue "Moment";
    • Plastic tablet with clip;
    • Scissors.

    Step 1. Measure the circumference of the arm, just above the wrist. Add the approximate length of the braided fastener. Add the length of the "tails" with which the bracelet is tightened on the arm. You will get a piece of cord about 50 cm. Attach it to the tablet with a clip, as shown in the photo.

    Step 2. Cut the cord into 3 pieces. Two - 25 cm each. One - 50 cm. Weave 5 "flat" knots. The diagram shows that one knot is knitted from left to right and right to left.

    You can replace cords 1 and 3 with one length (25 cm) folded in half.

    Step 3. After 5 “flat” knots, string the main beads and spacer beads with rhinestones alternately onto the main cord. String one bead onto the string. Secure it by knitting one "flat" knot and one simple knot.

    Fix the knot with glue, cut off the excess ends of the threads.

    Step 5. Take the second piece of cord (25 cm). On the reverse side of the main cord, weave 5 “flat” knots. Fix the last bead, cut off the excess ends.

    Step 6. Pass the ends of the main cord through the clasp bead.

    Step 7. Take an additional piece of cord (50 cm). Fold it in half and wrap around the ends of the bracelet. Now the “tails” are the main thread. Weave 5 “flat” knots to the clasp bead, braid the bead, weave another 5 “flat” knots. Fasten the thread, cut off the excess ends. Attach small beads to the ends of the "tails".

    Amulets (talismans, amulets) - should be present in the life of any person, the main thing is to choose the most suitable one for yourself. They can be bought, inherited, the strongest will be those that are made by hand.

    Before you start creating such items, you need to understand the difference between them.

    • amulet - protects its owner, home from evil, disease, envy.
    • the amulet has a dual purpose: it brings protection, brings good luck.
    • talisman - promotes happiness and success.

    Their creation is a big responsibility, therefore, compliance with the rules is mandatory:

    • You can make it for yourself, and for another person. An important condition is that this be done voluntarily, without coercion.
    • when starting work, think about the future owner. Thoughts should be only positive and bright, the object will absorb a good message and begin to act.
    • the growing moon, the most successful period of all undertakings.
    • work should be done in a favorable environment, exclude distractions (TV, loud music)
    • if the talisman is made for yourself, place it under your head with positive thoughts at night to establish an energy connection.
    • keep away from prying eyes.

    There are features of creating your own personal amulet. It is important to choose the right material. Take a few pieces from which you plan to make an item. Circle the mirror clockwise with a lit wax candle (paraffin is not suitable). With your eyes closed, place one object at a time on the surface of the mirror for ten seconds. Then you take it in your hands, you also “blindly” feel each one. Listen to the inner voice, it will surely respond. A feeling of warmth will come from the object, you will feel inner sympathy for it. Ready amulet needs to be charged. Look at, remember the positive character traits, good deeds, give an installation from what you need to protect. The best option is when the amulet is made for you by a close relative.

    What materials are used?

    Protective materials

    There are many protective materials, the main thing is to choose the right one that will match your energy. The purpose of creation matters: protection from evil influences, for good luck. For crafts, it is used: fabric, wood, stone, yarn, leather, metal, fur. In any case, the material should please visually and to the touch.

    Strong protective thread amulet

    Strong protective thread amulet

    Woolen is used as an amulet, which is worn on the wrist. This custom came to us from the esoteric Jewish teachings of Kabbalah. It is worth paying attention to the threads used by our ancestors. They will be the strongest, as they are associated with reinforced conspiracies. Easy and simple to make a charm with your own hands. There is an opinion that they protect even from a tumor. Braided bracelets were more commonly used. The threads were chosen in different colors, because they had different magical meanings:

    • red thread - gives powerful protection from the evil eye, being a sign of the fiery element, promotes resourcefulness, brings good luck in love, attracts money.
    • white - the color of spiritual unity, prevents the emergence of unkind thoughts, protects from evil coming from enemies.
    • blue thread - it is recommended to wear to creative people, it helps to master new ideas, protects from crises, gives inspiration and success.
    • yellow - from diseases, brings peace and harmony.
    • orange - helps to gain self-confidence, to achieve success.
    • pink - contributes to the establishment of easy relations between lovers, without jealousy and strife.
    • brown - the color of diligence, helps to achieve goals, success.
    • black - has the ability to restrain outbursts of anger.

    One thread can be used in the bracelet. Seven knots are tied, a conspiracy is pronounced for each, determining what it should protect from. If there are several threads in the bracelet, the weaving technique will do. It is advisable to choose shades of the same spectrum, then the colors will not oppose. The Slavs gave babies bracelets woven from red and blue threads pulled out of their parents' clothes, such a charm carried the energy of the father and mother and reliably protected the baby from the evil eye. If the bracelet is torn or untied - this is a sign that he averted trouble from you, it should be burned with words of gratitude. It should be recalled that it is not advisable to make a talisman for yourself, let a blood relative make it.

    Burlap Talisman

    Burlap Talisman

    At the present time, amulets have become popular - Brownies. They bring prosperity and wealth. The basis is burlap - a symbol of abundance. It is easy to make a charm with your own hands:

    • Take a rectangular piece of fabric. Choose the size, depending on the desired size of the craft. We sew the fabric in the form of a bag, turn it on the front side. The basis of the torso has turned out.
    • For handles, we use ropes that we weave and fasten the end. In the place where we place the handles, carefully make holes, pull through and fix the pigtail.
    • We fill the bag with herbs, wool, tow. It is desirable that the stuffing be natural. Tie the top tightly with string.
    • Let's start making hair. Take the twine or disassemble the bast brush. We fix the hairstyle on the top of the head with a thermal gun.
    • On the bottom of the bag we glue sawed off small logs.
    • Do not forget to attach the eyes and nose, you can paint with polyacrylic paints. The beard and mustache are of the same material as the hair.
    • Dress up: sew a shirt, give a hat.
    • Before decorating the craft, think about what will be in the pens:
    • A bag filled with cereals and grain brings an increase in well-being, good harvests.
    • - protection from external negativity, cleansing the home from quarrels and strife.
    • Spoon - the constant availability of food in the family.
    • Artificial flowers, fruit models, ladybugs - symbolize abundance.

    Settle the Brownie in the living room, hallway, kitchen, depending on its purpose.

    Magic crafts from dough with salt

    Magic crafts from dough with salt

    Use is an old tradition. The Slavs associated their strength with three main components: water, salt, flour. Everyone can make a charm:

    1. Take products in a 2:1 ratio, add a couple of tablespoons of water and knead a stiff dough.
    2. Let it stand for a while and you can start the sculpting process.
    3. Dry the finished crafts in the oven at 70-80 degrees or leave for 2-3 days warm in the open air.
    4. Paint with acrylics.

    What to sculpt, choose for yourself. Popular are:

    • Figurine of a bird (turkey) - symbolizes prosperity in the house, rich harvests. Painted with bright colors.
    • Nurse with a child - helps the baby and mother, contributes to a successful birth.
    • Wolf and bear depicted on their hind legs. Symbol of protecting the house from enemies.
    • Loaf is the personification of good relationships in the family.
    • Bell - protects from the evil eye and damage.
    • Spikelets are a symbol of fertility.

    A beautiful dough charm can be made with children, it will become a reliable protection for the whole family and at home. You should know - if the figurine is broken, you need to get rid of it - bury it.

    Talismans made of wood

    Wooden amulets

    Wood is a unique resource. Absorbed the juices of the earth, filled with the power of the wind and the energy of space. You need to know which tree to choose:

    • Birch was revered by the Slavs, it has great healing power. Not only wood was used, but branches, leaves, buds. From the bark (birch bark) they made for kids, crafts similar to a rattle.
    • Oak has a strong energy. Crafts from this tree were placed in the crib for boys, which will help them gain strength, health, and power. Wanderers need such a talisman, then only decent people will meet him.
    • Alder - a companion of good thoughts, will save spouses from treason.
    • Hazel is a symbol of abundance and prosperity. A staff was made from hazel, possessing such a cane, it is impossible to deceive. Protect your home from theft.
    • - magic tree, protects from spirits.
    • Aspen - protects from evil spirits.
    • Cherry is a symbol of youth.

    How to make your own hands:

    • Before breaking off a branch or taking a piece of wood, ask the tree for permission and put a coin, bread, grain in that place.
    • Leave it in the house for a few days, it is necessary that the natural material gets used to your home, absorbs the energy of the house.
    • Saw off the circle, sand and cut out the desired symbol.
    • Make a hole, hang on a strong thread, lace.
    • Let's varnish it.

    In this way, you can make a simple amulet of wood. Experienced people can make beads, a bracelet, a jewelry box. If the product is cracked, it means that it has lost its strength to protect you. Thank him and bury in the forest.

    Fur Talismans

    Fur Talismans

    Since ancient times, leather and animal fur have been used to create talismans. Let's make the now popular amulet - Brownie:

    • We take a small piece of fur, cut out a circle with a diameter of 15-20 cm.
    • Inside we put wool rolled into a ball, cotton wool, synthetic winterizer.
    • We collect the edges of the pattern and sew.
    • Eyes can be made drawn on cardboard or bought. We attach with glue.
    • We take a bead as a spout, cut a tongue out of felt.
    • We make legs from the same fur. We cut out two pieces of 2x3 cm, take the lace of the desired length and put all its ends into the foot, fasten and sew
    • Attach a loop on top.

    A similar product is placed in the car.

    Charms made of genuine leather

    Amulets made of genuine leather

    Leather is used everywhere in the manufacture of amulets. Most often they make pendants, pendants, bracelets, scabbards. The symbolism is applied by embossing, the edges are processed. Slavic leather amulets had the shape of a circle, wore solar symbols.

    Porcupine quills in magic

    It is considered a reliable protector from the evil eye, has a great ability to accumulate energy. It can be used "in its pure form", you just need to wrap it in a cloth and carry it with you all the time. Porcupine quills are used to make earrings, pendants, necklaces, and are used in dream catchers. With such an attribute, a person confidently overcomes failures, remaining cheerful.

    Charm from the ring

    The ring is an ancient magical attribute from all misfortunes. Circle - , a symbol of infinity. You will draw energy from an inexhaustible source, your amulet will not lose strength. The closed form is designed to ward off evil spirits. The ring can be very simple. An inscription is applied to the inner surface. In the old days, children were given two names. The second one, which was baptized, was secret, and they wrote it on the back of the ring. With such an attribute, evil spirits will not touch their owner. The ring may be new or inherited. In any case, you need to clean it by placing it in salt or silver-charged water for a day. It is recommended to wear it all the time, sometimes remove and warm the ring with your breath to adjust to your biorhythm.

    Protect from death, drunkenness, prison and on the road with your own hands

    Protect from death, drunkenness, prison

    In an unforeseen situation, a person especially needs protection. Created amulets with their own hands to loved ones carry great magical energy. For male warriors, the most faithful is Ratiborets. It works only on people with pure thoughts. This sign was embroidered on underwear, uniforms, painted on weapons. It was believed that he averted death, gives courage, is able to blind enemies.

    To protect from drunkenness, a sign is used that includes several sacred signs: Orelius, Bright Traveler, Healer. The fusion of the power of these signs contributes to the acquisition of spiritual harmony, helps to see clearly, to recover from the disease. The easiest way to make it yourself is to embroider on clothes. (linen, belt, scarf).

    If a person is often on the road, you should have a traveler amulet. He will take away from troubles, help to avoid meeting with dashing people, give clarity of thought. Usually they are made of wood, metal with applied symbols. A bag filled with Thursday salt and St. John's wort was considered strong for wanderers. After manufacturing, the bag was left overnight in front of the icon of the Mother of God. In the morning they read "Our Father", pronounced the desired conspiracy and passed it on to the owner.

    To protect against prison, there is a magical sign, it can be applied to leather, stone, metal. has more powerful energy.

    Creation of amulets of different nations

    Talismans of different nations

    Each nation has its own talismans, depending on faith and traditions.

    1. Ukrainian - include the symbolism of the four elements. The main manufacturing technique is embroidery, each pattern has its own meaning. also widely used as a talisman.
    2. Udmurt amulets are distinguished by the applied pattern and ornament. It is used in national clothes, this tradition has been preserved to this day. Suitable: metal, bronze, wood, copper.
    3. Cossacks most often used amulets that protect against enemies and damage. Traditionally they were made by healers. Before handing it over to the owner, they performed special ceremonies.
    4. The people of Khanty used rag dolls, which were spoken to bring good luck. Amulets made of fur and leather were popular. Embroidered embroidery included signs associated with animals (a fox's paw, a bear's footprint, and a hare's ears).
    5. In Japanese culture, various figurines serve as mascots. At first glance, this is an ordinary toy or home decoration. In fact, the figurines have magical powers: they bring well-being, protect children, and improve health.

    For happiness with your own hands

    Protect for happiness with your own hands

    Popular is a bag with different fillers. You can make it yourself: sew it from burlap, fill it with herbs (oregano, St. John's wort, wormwood, mountain ash), tie tightly with a natural thread. You can decorate the bag with seeds, plants braided into a braid, coins. Used by the Slavs in pre-Christian times. Later, the bags had a different content: icons, prayer texts, particles of holy relics. They were called. The symbol of family well-being is the bird of happiness. It is made from jute and woolen threads.

    How to clean and charge

    How to clean and charge the amulet

    In order for magic items to start “working”, a prerequisite is to conduct a purification ceremony using the power of 4 elements.

    For the ritual with fire, buy a white candle and carry an item over the lit flame. If the future amulet is made of a combustible element, leave it in the sun for a while. The ritual of cleansing the earth can be performed by burying the amulet for the night. The element of air is applied as follows. On a cloudless day, go outside, turn to the east, raise your hands high with the amulet, stand for about a minute. Then do the same, turning to all sides of the world. To water, you need to rinse it in running water or spray it. Things that cannot be wetted are cleansed with incense, fumigating them with smoke. It is easy to create a charm with your own hands - the main thing is to believe, to make it from the heart, with positive thoughts.

    For each product, it is necessary to choose a specific material: for example, leather from gloves is suitable for jewelry - it is soft, elastic and able to convey the most subtle nuance; it is better to sew bags from tougher leather, and if soft leather is used for this, it is necessary to make a lining of dense material.

    First you need to make a pattern of the product. If it is complex, it is recommended to pre-sew the model from cheap fabric and, after making the necessary changes, use it as a pattern. In order to cut out the details, the patterns are placed on the wrong side of the skin and outlined with a ballpoint pen.

    When cutting out paired parts, you need to remember that the skin in the transverse direction stretches more than in the longitudinal direction, so they need to be cut in one direction. It is impossible to chip off the skin with pins: traces remain on it.

    Soft skin is sewn on a machine with a regular needle No. 80 or No. 90; thicker leather requires a special triangular needle. The line should be large, as the skin is easily cut through. If the machine does not advance the leather well, you can stitch it through thin paper, which is then removed. Threads need to be taken strong and elastic: cotton, linen or twisted silk. Nylon threads are not suitable for sewing.

    When sewing suede, you need to take into account the direction of the pile: it is better if it is directed from top to bottom.

    If the product is assembled from separate pieces of leather, they need to be sewn on interlining or thick cotton fabric. For convenience, they should be glued to the base with rubber glue so that the upper pieces are 0.5-1 cm on the lower ones.

    The leather should be ironed from the wrong side with a non-hot iron without steam through a dry cloth.

    This is a very important process by which the skin is given the necessary thickness. As a rule, it is required to evenly thin the skin only at the joints of the parts, however, if there is no skin of suitable thickness, it is necessary to grind its entire surface.

    Scouring needs to be learned on small pieces of leather that you don’t mind spoiling.

    For work, a plastic stand (plexiglass) is placed on the table like a school notebook - at an angle of approximately 70 ° to the edge of the tabletop. The height of the table and chair should be chosen so that the elbow of the bent arm does not reach the table 1-2 cm. The skin is placed on the tile with the bakhtarma up, closer to the front and right edges, and pressed against it with the fingers of the left hand. The knife is grasped from below with the little finger, ring and middle fingers, the thumb rests against the end, and the index finger presses the knife from the top in the center. The knife, index finger and forearm should be in line when working.

    Scouring begins from the edges in the direction "away from you". The knife is held with a slight tilt to the right. You need to learn not to plan, but to cut off the layers of the skin: for this, the knife must go parallel to the surface of the plate, without crashing into or tearing out of the skin. The fingers of the left hand should not be located in front of the knife - you can forget and cut yourself.

    When scraping, first the long edges are cut off, then the short ones, and lastly, if necessary, the middle.

    Do you think that this is too complicated manipulation? Do not worry, with a certain skill and a good tool, grinding does not require the application of physical strength.

    Finished products are varnished, beeswax, mastic or shoe polish, applied with a soft cloth, then polished with a piece of flannel - this will protect the product from contamination.

    To fix the color, it is recommended to coat the dyed product with leather varnish or egg yolk.

    You can sew thin leather details in the usual way on a sewing machine, you just need a special leather needle.

    Those who have an old-fashioned oscillating hook sewing machine can sew even thick leather - they are lucky. Thanks to its special design, such a sewing machine makes it quite easy. Modern imported sewing machines have a removable foot with wheels to push the fabric. Such a foot can also be installed on a domestic sewing machine by purchasing an adapter adapter. Another option to facilitate the work of a sewing machine is a Teflon foot for imported machines. It can be installed on any sewing machine with an adapter.

    In the event that the skin does not slide well, you can lubricate the seam with machine oil or put thin paper on top and bottom, and then remove it.

    The skin cannot be fastened with temporary stitches; for basting you need to use rubber glue.

    It is most convenient to use an awl needle for sewing. First, the needle is inserted into the skin. When it moves back, a loop is formed on the opposite side, into which the elongated end of the thread or the second strong thread is pulled. To the end of this thread, you can tie an ordinary, preferably blunt, needle of any size: it is more convenient to thread the thread into the resulting loops.

    The result is a seam that resembles a regular machine: both threads form stitches, each on its own side, and the interlacing of the threads occurs between the layers of the skin.

    Stitch seam- the most common, used to connect parts. To thin the seam, it is necessary to scrape the edges of the parts to the width of the allowance, then fold the parts with the right sides inward and, having made allowances with rubber glue, lay a line. After that, unfold the parts, remove the remaining glue; bend the allowances in different directions, tap them along the entire length with a wooden hammer and, having smeared with Moment glue, press them to the base (glue).

    The stitched seam can be decorated with a piping (Fig. 6). The details are folded with a bakhtarma, between them a double-folded, bakhtarma inside, edging is inserted (Fig. 7). Strips of leather 3-4 mm wide are laid along the line of the future seam on one or both sides. Both parts, edging and strips, are sewn together at the same time, and the strips are not stitched through, but are seized with oblique stitches and take the form of a twisted cord.

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    This seam can be used in the manufacture of bags, vests, etc. A seam with an overlay of piping on one side will decorate the junction of the sole with the top when sewing slippers.

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    Butt seam. It is done in zigzag. It is used to connect parts if it is required to obtain a minimum thickness of the seam (Fig. 8a). It can be reinforced with a braid or leather strip from below or above, as well as on both sides (Fig. 86).

    Butt seam is used for set(this is the name of the canvas, assembled from small pieces of leather). The set can be used for sewing bags, vests, cushion covers, etc. The set is available mosaic, from pieces of various shapes and sizes, and regular(geometric), assembled from the correct geometric shapes that make up the rapport of the picture. It can be "parquet", "herringbone" (Fig. 9), "American square" (Fig. 10), "stained glass" (Fig. I).

    Adjustment seam. This seam has a closed cut. For its implementation, the parts should be folded with the right sides, the allowances should be smeared with rubber glue, then the upper part should be unscrewed and both parts should be stitched with one seam to the desired edge width.

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    This seam can be done in another way: first connect the parts with a stitch, then, having folded the top part, stitch both parts to the desired edge width (in this case, both lines must be done in the same direction).

    Overhead seam. It is used when overlapping parts: the cut edge of one part, without bending, is applied to another, also not bent edge, and connected by machine stitching at the same distance from the cuts. The amount of entry of one part onto another is 4-8 mm. For preliminary connection, the allowances can be smeared with rubber glue.

    With such a seam, it is convenient to connect parts with a curly cut, made, for example, with zigzag scissors, as well as trimming braid or finishing strips of leather, which can be in the color of the main part or, conversely, contrasting.

    This seam is especially good for making mosaic sets. Small pieces of leather should be laid out on a base of material or non-woven fabric so that the upper ones are on the lower ones, match them by color, glue with rubber glue and attach, moving gradually from top to bottom, with a regular stitch or a zigzag stitch.

    Pillows made in this way are just a feast for the eyes!

    To connect parts, in addition to stitching and gluing, a technique such as braiding is widely used. Pre-perforation is made in the workpiece - holes are punched. It is better to do this with punches of various diameters or a chisel. Since the distances between the holes must be the same, we use a ruler or compass for marking.

    When using a punch, you should never pierce the skin by putting one piece on top of another, since the lower one can easily and imperceptibly move. Therefore, we first finish with one part, then we put the braided parts of the parts on top of each other with the front sides inward (there should be a part with holes already punched at the top) and with a round awl we mark the place of the holes on the second part so that the number of holes and the distance between them subsequently coincide.

    Various materials can be used for braiding: thin cord, soutache, braid, narrow ribbon, threads, but leather stripes are best suited for this purpose. To get a sufficiently long strip from a relatively small piece of leather, you can use a simple trick - cut it in a spiral (Fig. 12), trying to cut evenly. We need several strips so that their total length is three times the braided edge. After that, the strips are moistened with warm water and wound tightly around the bottle. After drying, the strip will become even; the middle of the skin is not used in the work - the steepness of the spiral is too great.

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    To splice our strips, their edges need to be scraped, smeared with glue, folded (Fig. 13) and squeezed tightly. When braiding, you need to try so that the gluing place is on the wrong side of the braided parts or between adjacent holes.

    For braiding a part, the width of the strip must be no less than the diameter of the hole. It is important to choose not only the diameter of the hole and the width of the braid, but also the distance between the holes.

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    Do not forget that the braid serves not only to connect parts, but is also a decorative element, so you should carefully select its color: it must be in harmony with the color of the base material. The braid can be used when connecting parts in handbags, eyeglass cases, cosmetic bags, sheaths, for finishing the edge in belts, hairpins and vests.

    When connecting parts, their allowances should, if necessary, be pre-scraped and glued, and the corners should be rounded with a knife or scissors, since it will not work to braid sharp corners.

    Fix the ends of the strips in the following ways:

    1. One end of the strip is glued between two parts, and the second is pulled twice into the hole in one of them so that one turn fits on the other (Fig. 14).

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    2. The beginning of the leather strip is cut wider, a hole is punched in it. The other end of the strip is pulled into the hole of the part and its own hole, forming a lock (Fig. 15). If two parts are connected, the lock is located between them.

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    The braid can be simple, in one or two rows, and complex. Figures 16-20 show a number of simple braids.

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    In order to make it easier to thread leather strips into holes, their ends should be pointed; for work, you can use a needle with a large eye.

    If there are no punches, then you can punch holes with a chisel.

    With the help of a chisel, holes are also punched to perform the so-called “pulling” of pulling through leather strips, braid, cord, soutache, etc. (Fig. 20).

    Now let's take a closer look at several options for braids, which will later be useful to us for finishing. The work is very painstaking, but the result is worth it (Fig. 21 a-h). Options b-z can be used for finishing. The technique of execution is slightly reminiscent of cross-stitch. Stitches are obtained by holding two straps. One is threaded from the bottom up (it is convenient to push with an awl), and the other through the same hole - from top to bottom.

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    To decorate products, you can use decorative braids that combine the technique of holding and embroidery (Fig. 22-24). Keep in mind, ethnicity is always in fashion!

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    Leather is an elastic material that undergoes any deformation, which, when moistened, takes on any shape. These properties are often used to make close-fitting products.

    The basis for molding the product can be temporary (for example, when a blank for a bracelet is pulled over a bottle) - in this case, after the skin has completely dried, it is removed; or permanent (if you decide to decorate the bottle itself) - then the base becomes an integral part of the product.

    In the first case, the skin should be thick, strong and tough, that is, it should retain its shape well after drying. A blank can be a glass, metal or wooden vase, a jar, a shampoo bottle, a glass or a box of an interesting shape.

    An example of making a decorative item based on a small glass vase is shown in Figure 25.

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    First, you should make a pattern out of paper: for this, the vase is placed in the center of the sheet and the paper is gathered around it and laid in folds; excess paper on top is cut off, and the pattern straightens out. According to it, taking into account the size and shape of the skin, a blank is cut out.

    An interesting effect is obtained when using in this work saddlery yufti, unpainted lining leather, which can be decorated with perforation, burning, embossing, overhead elements in the form of bouquets or ornaments.

    On the cut-out workpiece, you should first perform the intended perforation or stamping, and then, after moistening it, pull it onto the base, laying arbitrary assemblies and folds, and wrap it with a wide rubber band in the narrowing points and leave to dry. The product can be dried in the oven or on the radiator: in this case, the skin will become harder and dryer, this will give the structure a more rigid shape.

    After the skin dries, the base must be removed and the vase should be finalized. With the help of a burning apparatus, you can make a drawing on it according to your taste and imagination.

    At the end of the work, you need to fix the shape of the vase by gluing the folds from the inside or gluing a decorative strap around the bottleneck on top; and the glued leather bottom will increase its stability.

    In the manufacture of some products, drapery of the skin gives a good effect. This technique can be used both as a decorative and as a masking. If, alas, there are defects on the skin (holes, scratches, colored spots, uneven thickness of the skin), drapery will help hide these imperfections. Drapery is also very convenient in cases where, say, a piece of leather is not enough to tighten the entire surface of the product. In this case, the joints or seams are laid in folds, masking them inside these folds. Skin defects are also removed in folds.

    As for uneven coloring, it can just give a special effect to the product. We must remember this when starting to drapery.

    To work, you need Moment or 88 glue, tweezers, a knitting needle or an awl. Work is done on a basis. If the drapery is a fragment on a large canvas - for example, on a bag - a piece of leather is draped and glued directly to the canvas. The situation is different if we are not talking about a fragment, but about a separate thing, completely draped. For example, when making a hryvnia (neck decoration), you need to cut out a base from thick leather or cardboard that repeats the silhouette of the product, and when making a hairpin, you can use an old plastic base.

    Please also note that the front side of the skin and the front side of the product are not always the same! If the skin has a beautiful bakhtarma, then it can be the front side of the product.

    The skin can be subjected to heat treatment, as a result of which it changes its shape, bends. This property of the skin is successfully used in the manufacture of jewelry, appliqués, and decoration.

    The simplest heat treatment option is the "fried button". Several circles of various diameters are cut out of leather (preferably hard). They are placed face up on a heated cast-iron skillet (on an electric stove, you can fry the skin directly on the burner). After a while, the circles will evenly curve upwards (if you remember, the effect is the same when frying sausage circles!), And you will get a convex “button”. Such buttons can be used instead of overhead elements, edging them with a leather strip or cord; you can make hearts of fantasy flowers from them or lay out an ornament from “buttons” of different diameters.

    Heat treatment can also be used when making flowers. To do this, leaves and flowers are cut out according to patterns and lightly fried; petals should take a natural shape, slightly bent to the edges. The main thing is not to overdo it, otherwise the edges of the skin will char and shrink too much.

    If this does happen, the edges can be ground off with a chisel or sandpaper.

    Particular care must be taken with light-colored leather: it darkens towards the edges, although sometimes this gives the product a special charm, for example, in flower arrangements.

    The same effect can be achieved if you use a candle instead of a frying pan - especially if you need not to bend the whole part, but only part of it, as, for example, in flower petals. The part must be taken with tweezers and held over the candle that part that should be convex. You need to keep it until it changes shape.

    Burning on the skin is performed by a conventional electric burner. It looks especially beautiful on the skin of light tones: white, creamy, beige and sandy. The best material for work is yuft and thick leather. Dear beginners, you should not take thin skin for burning out - without the necessary skill, you will simply ruin it.

    It is necessary to work, easily touching the material, to lead along the lines of the drawing with a hot sting of the burner, as calmly as with a pencil or brush. The main thing to take care of during the process is not to linger the sting in any one place, since, having stopped on the skin, it, of course, will immediately burn it. It is generally not recommended to press hard on the material: even if the sting does not burn through it, it will give a too wide black line. Of course, the lines can be different in width, but this should depend solely on the drawing itself.

    In order to gain some skill in handling an electric burner, it is better to take thick skin for work: the sting moves easier in it - this is facilitated by its smoothness. If any line is not burned out enough, then you need to pass it a second time with a slightly hot sting. Each started line should be completed to the end, without jumping to others. In order for the lines to be of the same thickness, the sting must be tried to be carried out evenly and with the same, very light pressure.

    With the help of burning, it is easiest to depict contour patterns, without transferring various shades of light and shade.

    A drawing made by burning on thick leather can be painted with aniline dyes. They are applied with a brush in several steps with a break of 15-20 minutes. After the paints have dried, the drawing is intensively rubbed with a piece of woolen cloth to give it brightness and shine. The resulting color should be fixed with a fixative.

    This is a embossed leather treatment. This is quite painstaking work, here you need to be attentive to the thickness of the skin. Stamping (embossing) can be hot or cold.

    Leather trim hot stamping is based on its properties to take a strong imprint from pressing on it with hot metal stamps. For this embossing, leather from 1.5 to 3 mm is suitable. Hand embossing gives a wide variety of patterns thanks to the combination of available stamps.

    Stamps can be made by yourself, using ordinary nails with large hats, sawing them with a file to the shape you need (Fig. 26).

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    Usually the drawing is imprinted immediately: it is difficult to get on the previous imprint in order to make it stronger. For complex drawings, a preliminary print is made on thin paper, placed on a blank and printed through the paper on the skin with slightly heated tools. Then, having removed the paper, they go through the drawing again with the same tools.

    To make a convex (concave) ornament, you need to gently press the stamp from the side of the bakhtarma (or vice versa) until the desired pattern is obtained. The relief of the wrong side should be lubricated with PVA glue.

    For cold stamping fit skin thickness 0.8-1.2mm. It is used when you need to apply a pattern to smooth leather, for example, to draw lines along the edges of the frame. To do this, use a roller or other wooden tool that is driven back and forth along the ruler until the line is deep enough.

    To perform cold embossing on smooth surfaces, you can use a cardboard template made to measure. A pattern is applied to the cardboard and then cut through with a sharp knife or scalpel. Rounded contours are cut with nail scissors with rounded ends (some of the elements of the pattern may fall out).

    After that, the cut out cardboard (template) is glued onto the product, the dropped elements are glued in the right places. After drying, glue and uneven places are removed.

    When the template is completely ready, it is pasted over with thin leather, and first it is wiped with a soft cloth, and then they pass along the contours of the pattern with a bone so as not to damage the skin.

    After drying, paint can be poured into the recesses: nitro enamel, pentaphthalic gouache or watercolor, diluted with PVA glue. Acrylic paints are widely used.

    With the help of oil and acrylic paints, you can paint album covers, jewelry boxes, jewelry and other products made of leather.

    Getting started with paints on the skin, it must be wiped (especially fair skin) with a solution of potash (1 teaspoon of potash per 1 cup of warm water). Cotton wool, wrapped in a clean cloth, is dipped in the solution, squeezed out a little so that it does not flow from it, and the skin is carefully wiped with it. This is done so that the skin perceives the paint better, holds it more firmly and is clean enough: the potash solution destroys dirt and perfectly cleanses the skin.

    Paint on the skin can not be applied in a thick layer. When working with oil paints, it is necessary not only to lay them thinly, but also lightly, as it were, rub into the material. It is not necessary to take this literally, but it is necessary to adhere to such a rule so that the paint adheres firmly to the skin. Too thick a smear can break, crack and even fall off. A thin layer, when rubbed into the skin, is absorbed into it and firmly adheres to it.

    Automotive dyes in aerosol packages can be used to color leather both smoothly and using the stencil technique. Using a traditional stencil, figures are cut out of cardboard or plastic and the skin is painted through the holes. Or, on the contrary, they impose on a leather part (for example, on a future earring) small objects of a clear shape: circles, rings, sticks. After dyeing, a pattern will appear on the earrings.

    The pattern obtained by imposing various plants on the skin, for example, maple leaves or ferns, looks spectacular. The leaves are beautifully placed on a plane and sprayed with dye, trying to alternate places that are more saturated with color and less saturated. Such a pattern can decorate the cover of a book, a bag.

    Popular design in the technique of hot batik. In a water bath, a piece of an ordinary stearin candle is melted and a pattern is applied to the skin with a brush. The “dry brush” technique looks spectacular when a trace of individual villi is visible. For this, stearin is not collected on a brush. It is advisable to practice on unnecessary pieces of skin beforehand. After applying the stearin, the skin is coated with an aniline dye (sold in hardware stores for dyeing fabrics). The dye is pre-diluted according to the recipe on the package. You can also use colored ink as a dye.

    After applying the dye, the skin is dried. A pattern is obtained on the product - the initial coloring of the skin against the background of the color of the dye.

    If a multi-color pattern is conceived, the work is carried out as follows:

    1. Apply a pattern with stearin to those areas that should remain the lightest - skin colors.

    2. Paint the surface with the lightest tone of your choice and dry.

    3. Apply stearin to those places that will remain light.

    4. Dyed with a darker dye. Do not forget that when you mix paints, you get different colors! For example, if you apply blue dye over yellow, it will turn greenish. Dry again.

    5. Now a pattern of several colors is visible on the product - skin colors, yellow, green. Stearin is again applied to those areas that remain green. Now you can cover the product with the darkest color - blue, black, brown.

    6. Remove stearin from the surface of the skin. Where it lies in a thick layer, it is carefully scraped off so as not to spoil the surface of the product. Can be quickly ironed with a hot iron over newspaper. This procedure is repeated several times. It is necessary to iron quickly and carefully so that the skin does not tighten. This method is suitable for thick leather and leather of medium thickness.

    7. To add shine, the surface of the leather is rubbed with wax pastes or colorless shoe polish.

    Applique - one of the types of embroidery: patching or gluing a pattern from pieces of fabric onto the main fabric.

    The application can be laid on and cut out.

    For execution overhead applications the details of the pattern are applied to the main fabric, glued or sewn on. You can sew by hand or by machine, you can fix the appliqué on the product using a braid. Figure 27 shows an example of an invoice application. On thin skin, beads of different colors or beads can be sewn into the center of the flowers.

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    For execution cutout appliqué the pattern is applied to the main fabric (leather) and cut out, then pieces of fabric or leather of a contrasting color are placed on its wrong side. If the holes are large, the details are glued along the contour and sewn, if the pattern consists of a group of small holes, then it is better to put a common piece under them - the background. It can be “grabbed” in several places with glue and secured with a braid (Fig. 28). The lower part can be a lining, for example for a belt.