How to make a solar screen yourself. We calculate and make solar panels with our own hands

For decades now, humanity has been searching for alternative sources energies that can at least partially replace existing ones. And the most promising of all today seem to be two: wind and solar energy.

True, neither one nor the other can provide continuous production. This is due to the variability of the wind rose and daily-weather-seasonal fluctuations in the intensity of the solar flux.

Today's energy industry offers three main methods of generating electrical energy, but all of them are harmful to the environment in one way or another:

  • Fuel electric power industry- the most environmentally polluting, accompanied by significant emissions into the atmosphere carbon dioxide, soot and wasteful heat, causing the ozone layer to shrink. The extraction of fuel resources for it also causes significant harm to the environment.
  • Hydropower is associated with very significant landscape changes, flooding of useful lands, and causes damage to fisheries resources.
  • Nuclear power- the most environmentally friendly of the three, but requires very significant costs to maintain safety. Any accident may be associated with causing irreparable, long-term harm to nature. In addition, it requires special measures for the disposal of used fuel waste.

Strictly speaking, get electricity from solar radiation is possible in several ways, but most of them use its intermediate transformation into mechanical, rotating the generator shaft, and only then into electrical.

Such power plants exist, they use Stirling external combustion engines, they have good efficiency, but they also have a significant drawback: in order to collect as much solar radiation energy as possible, it is necessary to manufacture huge parabolic mirrors with systems for tracking the position of the sun.

It must be said that there are solutions to improve the situation, but they are all quite expensive.

There are methods that make it possible to directly convert light energy into electricity. And although the phenomenon of the photoelectric effect in the semiconductor selenium was discovered already in 1876, it was only in 1953, with the invention of the silicon photocell, that the real possibility of creating solar cells for generating electricity arose.

At this time, a theory was already emerging that made it possible to explain the properties of semiconductors and create practical technology their industrial production. To date, this has resulted in a real semiconductor revolution.

The operation of a solar battery is based on the photoelectric effect of a semiconductor pn junction, which is essentially an ordinary silicon diode. When illuminated, a photovoltage of 0.5~0.55 V appears at its terminals.

When using electric generators and batteries, it is necessary to take into account the differences that exist between. Connecting three phase electric motor into an appropriate network, its output power can be tripled.

By following certain recommendations, with minimal costs in terms of resources and time, you can manufacture the power part of a high-frequency pulse converter for domestic needs. You can study the structural and circuit diagrams of such power supplies.

Structurally, each element of a solar battery is made in the form of a silicon wafer with an area of ​​several cm2, on which many such photodiodes connected into a single circuit are formed. Each such plate is a separate module that produces a certain voltage and current when exposed to sunlight.

By connecting such modules into a battery and combining their parallel-serial connection, you can obtain a wide range of output power values.

The main disadvantages of solar panels:

  • Great unevenness and irregularity of energy output depending on the weather and seasonal height of the sun.
  • Limits the power of the entire battery if at least one part of it is shaded.
  • Dependence on the direction of the sun at different times of the day. To use the battery as efficiently as possible, you need to ensure that it is always aimed at the sun.
  • In connection with the above, the need for energy storage. The greatest energy consumption occurs at a time when its production is minimal.
  • Large area required for a structure of sufficient power.
  • The fragility of the battery design, the need to constantly clean its surface from dirt, snow, etc.
  • Solar modules operate most efficiently at 25°C. During operation, they are heated by the sun to a much higher temperature, which greatly reduces their efficiency. To maintain optimal efficiency, the battery must be kept cool.

It should be noted that developments of solar cells using latest materials and technology. This allows you to gradually eliminate the disadvantages inherent in solar panels or reduce their impact. Thus, the efficiency of the newest cells using organic and polymer modules has already reached 35% and there are expectations of reaching 90%, and this makes it possible to obtain much more power with the same battery dimensions, or, while maintaining energy efficiency, to significantly reduce the dimensions of the battery.

By the way, the average efficiency of a car engine does not exceed 35%, which suggests that solar panels are quite effective.

There are developments of elements based on nanotechnology that work equally effectively at different angles of incident light, which eliminates the need for their positioning.

Thus, today we can talk about the advantages of solar panels compared to other energy sources:

  • No mechanical energy conversions or moving parts.
  • Minimal operating costs.
  • Durability 30~50 years.
  • Quiet operation, no harmful emissions. Environmental friendliness.
  • Mobility. The battery for powering a laptop and charging the battery for an LED flashlight will fit in a small backpack.
  • Availability independent permanent sources current The ability to recharge the batteries of modern gadgets in the field.
  • Undemanding to external factors. Solar cells can be placed anywhere, on any landscape, as long as they receive enough sunlight.

In the equatorial regions of the Earth, the average solar energy flux is on average 1.9 kW/m 2. In central Russia it is in the range of 0.7~1.0 kW/m2. The efficiency of a classic silicon photocell does not exceed 13%.

As experimental data show, if a rectangular plate is directed with its plane to the south, to the point of solar maximum, then over a 12-hour sunny day it will receive no more than 42% of the total luminous flux due to a change in its angle of incidence.

This means that with an average solar flux of 1 kW/m2, 13% battery efficiency and its total efficiency of 42% can be obtained in 12 hours no more than 1000 x 12 x 0.13 x 0.42 = 622.2 Wh, or 0 .6 kWh per day from 1 m 2. This is assuming a full sunny day, in cloudy weather it is much less, and in the winter months this value must be divided by another 3.

Taking into account voltage conversion losses, an automation circuit that provides optimal charging current for batteries and protects them from overcharging, and other elements, the figure of 0.5 kWh/m 2 can be taken as a basis. With this energy, you can maintain a battery charge current of 3 A at a voltage of 13.8 V for 12 hours.

That is, to charge a completely discharged car battery with a capacity of 60 Ah, a solar panel of 2 m2 will be required, and for 50 Ah - approximately 1.5 m2.

In order to obtain such power, you can purchase ready-made panels produced in the electrical power range of 10~300 W. For example, one 100 W panel for a 12-hour daylight hours, taking into account the coefficient of 42%, will provide 0.5 kWh.

Such a Chinese-made panel made of monocrystalline silicon with very good characteristics now costs about 6,400 rubles on the market. Less effective in open sun, but having better performance in cloudy weather, polycrystalline - 5,000 rubles.

If you have certain skills in installing and soldering electronic equipment, you can try to assemble such solar battery and myself. At the same time, you should not count on a very large gain in price; in addition, the finished panels are of factory quality, both the elements themselves and their assembly.

But the sale of such panels is not organized everywhere, and their transportation requires very strict conditions and will be quite expensive. In addition, with self-production, it becomes possible, starting small, to gradually add modules and increase the output power.

Selection of materials for creating a panel

Chinese online stores, as well as eBay, offer a wide selection of items for self-made solar batteries with any parameters.

Even in the recent past, home-made workers purchased plates that were rejected during production, had chips or other defects, but were significantly cheaper. They are quite efficient, but have a slightly reduced power output. Given the constant decline in prices, this is now hardly advisable. After all, losing on average 10% of power, we also lose in the effective panel area. And the appearance of the battery, consisting of plates with broken pieces, looks quite artisanal.

You can also purchase such modules in Russian online stores, for example, offers polycrystalline elements with operating parameters at a luminous flux of 1.0 kW/m2:

  • Voltage: idle move- 0.55 V, working - 0.5 V.
  • Current: short circuit - 1.5 A, working - 1.2 A.
  • Operating power - 0.62 W.
  • Dimensions - 52x77 mm.
  • Price 29 rub.
Advice: It is necessary to take into account that the elements are very fragile and some of them may be damaged during transportation, so when ordering you should provide some reserve for their quantity.

Making a solar battery for your home with your own hands

To make a solar panel, we need a suitable frame, which you can make yourself or pick up a ready-made one. The best material to use for it is duralumin; it is not subject to corrosion, is not afraid of dampness, and is durable. When properly treated and painted to protect against atmospheric precipitation Both steel and even wood will do.

Advice: Don't make the panel very large sizes: it will be inconvenient to assemble elements, install and maintain. In addition, small panels have low windage and can be more conveniently placed at the required angles.

We calculate components

Let's decide on the dimensions of our frame. To charge a 12-volt acid battery, an operating voltage of at least 13.8 V is required. Let’s take 15 V as a basis. To do this, we will have to connect 15 V / 0.5 V = 30 elements in series.

Tip: The output of the solar panel should be connected to the battery through a protective diode to avoid its self-discharge at night through Solar cells. So the output of our panel will be: 15 V – 0.7 V = 14.3 V.

To obtain a charging current of 3.6 A, we need to connect three such chains in parallel, or 30 x 3 = 90 elements. It will cost us 90 x 29 rubles. = 2610 rub.

Tip: Solar panel elements are connected in parallel and in series. It is necessary to maintain equality in the number of elements in each sequential chain.

With this current we can provide a standard charge mode for a completely discharged battery with a capacity of 3.6 x 10 = 36 Ah.

In reality, this figure will be less due to uneven sunlight throughout the day. Thus, to charge a standard 60 Ah car battery, we will need to connect two such panels in parallel.

This panel can provide us with an electrical power of 90 x 0.62 W ≈ 56 W.

Or during a 12-hour sunny day, taking into account the correction factor of 42% 56 x 12 x 0.42 ≈ 0.28 kWh.

Let's place our elements in 6 rows of 15 pieces. To install all the elements we need a surface:

  • Length - 15 x 52 = 780 mm.
  • Width - 77 x 6 = 462 mm.

To freely accommodate all the plates, we will take the dimensions of our frame: 900×500 mm.

Tip: If there are ready-made frames with other dimensions, you can recalculate the number of elements in accordance with the outlines given above, select elements of other standard sizes, and try to place them by combining the length and width of the rows.

We will also need:

  • Electric soldering iron 40 W.
  • Solder, rosin.
  • Installation wire.
  • Silicone sealant.
  • Double sided tape.

Manufacturing stages

To install the panel, it is necessary to prepare a level workplace sufficient area with convenient access from all sides. It is better to place the element plates themselves separately to the side, where they will be protected from accidental impacts and falls. They should be taken carefully, one at a time.

Residual current devices improve the safety of your home electrical system by reducing the likelihood of electrical shock and fires. Detailed introduction to the characteristic features different types Residual current switches will tell you for apartments and houses.

When using an electric meter, situations arise when it needs to be replaced and reconnected - you can read about this.

Typically, to produce a panel, they use the method of gluing plates of elements pre-soldered into a single circuit onto a flat base-substrate. We offer another option:

  1. We insert it into the frame, fasten it well and seal the edges with glass or a piece of plexiglass.
  2. We lay out the element plates on it in the appropriate order, gluing them with double-sided tape: the working side to the glass, the soldering leads to the back side of the frame.
  3. By placing the frame on the table with the glass down, we can conveniently solder the terminals of the elements. We carry out electrical installation in accordance with the selected circuit diagram.
  4. We finally glue the plates on the back side with tape.
  5. We put some kind of damping pad: sheet rubber, cardboard, fiberboard, etc.
  6. We insert the back wall into the frame and seal it.

If desired, instead of the back wall, you can fill the frame at the back with some kind of compound, for example, epoxy. True, this will eliminate the possibility of disassembling and repairing the panel.

Of course, one 50 W battery is not enough to provide energy even small house. But with its help it is already possible to implement lighting in it using modern LED lamps.

For a comfortable existence of a city dweller, at least 4 kWh of electricity is now required per day. For a family - according to the number of its members.

Consequently, the solar battery of a private house for a family from three people should provide 12 kWh. If the home is supposed to be supplied with electricity only from solar energy, we will need a solar battery with an area of ​​at least 12 kWh / 0.6 kWh/m2 = 20 m2.

This energy must be stored in batteries with a capacity of 12 kWh / 12 V = 1000 Ah, or approximately 16 batteries of 60 Ah each.

For normal operation of a battery with a solar panel and its protection, a charge controller is required.

To convert 12 VDC to 220 VAC, you will need an inverter. Although now there is already a sufficient quantity of electrical equipment on the market for voltages of 12 or 24 V.

Advice: In low-voltage power supply networks, currents operate significantly higher high values, therefore, when wiring to powerful equipment, you should select a wire of the appropriate cross-section. Wiring for networks with an inverter is carried out according to the usual scheme 220 V.

Drawing conclusions

Subject to the accumulation and rational use of energy, today non-traditional types of electric power are beginning to create a significant increase in the total volume of its production. One could even argue that they are gradually becoming traditional.

Considering the significantly decreased Lately energy consumption level of modern household appliances, the use of energy-saving lighting devices and the significantly increased efficiency of solar panels of new technologies, we can say that they are already capable of providing electricity for a small a private house in southern countries with a large number sunny days per year.

In Russia, they may well be used as backup or additional energy sources in combined power supply systems, and if their efficiency can be increased to at least 70%, then it will be quite possible to use them as the main suppliers of electricity.

Video on how to make a device for collecting solar energy yourself

The sun is an inexhaustible source of energy. People have long learned how to use it effectively. We will not go into the physics of the process, but will look at how this free energy resource can be used. A homemade solar panel will help us with this.

Operating principle

What is a solar cell? This is a special module that consists of a huge number of the most basic photodiodes. These semiconductor elements were grown using special technologies in factory conditions on silicon wafers.

Unfortunately, such devices are by no means cheap. Most people cannot purchase them, but in this case there are many ways to make solar panels yourself. And this battery will be able to compete with commercial models. Moreover, its price will not be at all comparable to what stores offer.

Building a battery from silicon wafers

The kit includes 36 silicon wafers. They are offered in sizes 8*15 centimeters. The overall power figures will be about 76 W. You will also need wires to connect the elements to each other, and a diode that will perform the blocking function.

One silicon wafer produces 2.1 W and 0.53 V at a current of up to 4 A. The wafers only need to be connected in series. Only in this way will our energy source be able to produce 76 watts. There are two tracks on the front side. This is the “minus”, and the “plus” is located on the back side. Each panel must be positioned with a gap. You should get nine plates in four rows. In this case, the second and fourth rows must be turned in the opposite direction relative to the first. This is required so that everything is conveniently connected into one circuit. The diode must be taken into account. It allows you to prevent the storage battery from discharging at night or on a cloudy day. The “minus” of the diode must be connected to the “plus” of the battery. To charge the battery you will need a special controller. Using an inverter, you can obtain a normal household voltage of 220 V.

DIY solar panel assembly

Plexiglas has the lowest refractive index of light. It will be used as a body. This is a fairly inexpensive material. And if you need it even cheaper, then you can buy plexiglass. In the worst case scenario, you can use polycarbonate. But it is not very suitable for the case in terms of its characteristics. In stores you can find special polycarbonate with a coating that is protected from condensation. It also provides the battery with a high level of heat protection. But these are not all the elements that will make up the solar panel. It’s easy to find glass with good transparency with your own hands; this is one of the main components of the design. By the way, even ordinary glass will do.

Making a frame

During installation, silicon crystals must be mounted at a short distance. After all, you need to take into account various atmospheric influences that can affect changes in the base. So, it is desirable that the distance is about 5 mm. As a result, the size of the finished structure will be somewhere around 835 * 690 mm.

A solar panel is made by hand using an aluminum profile. It has the maximum resemblance to branded products. At the same time, a homemade battery is more sealed and durable.

For assembly you will need an aluminum corner. A blank for the future frame is made from it. Dimensions - 835*690 mm. In order to fasten the profiles together, it is necessary to make technological holes in advance.

The inside of the profile should be coated with silicone-based sealant. You need to apply it very carefully so that all places are coated. The efficiency and reliability that the solar panel will have depends entirely on how well it is applied.

With your own hands, you now need to put a sheet of pre-selected transparent material into the profile frame. It could be anything else. An important point: the silicone layer must dry. This must be taken into account, otherwise a film will appear on the silicon elements.

On next stage transparent material it is necessary to squeeze and secure well. To make the fastening as reliable as possible, you should use hardware. We will secure the glass around the perimeter and at four corners. Now the solar panel, made by hand, is almost ready. All that remains is to connect the silicon elements to each other.

Soldering crystals

Now you need to lay the conductor onto the silicon plate as carefully as possible. Next we apply flux and solder. To make it more convenient to work, you can fix the conductor on one side with something.

In this position, carefully solder the conductor to the contact pad. Do not press on the crystal with a soldering iron. It is very fragile, you can break it.

Latest assembly operations

If making solar panels with your own hands is your first time, then it is better to use a special marking substrate. She will help position necessary elements as exactly as possible at the required distance. In order to correctly cut the wires of the required length connecting individual elements, it should be taken into account that the conductor must be soldered to the contact pad. It is slightly placed beyond the edge of the crystal. If you make preliminary calculations, it turns out that the wires should be 155 mm each.

When you assemble all this into a single structure, it is better to take a sheet of plywood or plexiglass. For convenience, it is better to pre-position the crystals horizontally and fix them. This is easily done using crosses for laying tiles.

After you connect all the elements together, stick double-sided construction tape on the back of each crystal. You just need to press the back panel a little, and all the crystals will be easily transferred to the base.

This type of fastening is not additionally sealed in any way. Crystals may expand at high temperatures, but this is not a big deal. Only individual parts need to be sealed.

Now you need to use it to secure all the tires and the glass itself. Before sealing and completely assembling the battery, it is advisable to test it.


If you have regular silicone sealant, you don’t need to completely fill the crystals with it. This way you can eliminate the risk of damage. To fill this structure, you need not silicone, but epoxy resin.

This is how you can easily and easily get electrical energy for almost nothing. Now let's look at how else you can make solar panels with your own hands.

Experimental battery

Efficient systems for converting solar energy require huge factories, special care behind them and a serious amount of money.

Let's try to make something ourselves. Everything you need for the experiment can be easily purchased at a hardware store or found in your kitchen.

DIY solar panel made from foil

For assembly you will need copper foil. It can be easily found in the garage or, in extreme cases, can be easily purchased at any hardware store. To assemble the battery you need 45 square centimeters of foil. You should also buy two alligator clips and a small multimeter.

To get a working solar cell, it is advisable to have an electric stove. You need at least 1100 watts of power. It should heat up to a bright red color. Also prepare the usual plastic bottle without a neck and a couple of tablespoons of salt. Get a drill with an abrasive attachment and a sheet of metal from the garage.

Let's get started

The first step is to cut a piece of copper foil of such a size that it fits completely on the electric stove. You will be required to wash your hands to avoid any greasy fingerprints on the copper. It is also advisable to wash the copper. To remove the coating from the copper sheet, use sandpaper.

copper foil

Next, we place the cleaned sheet on the tile and turn it on to its maximum capacity. When the tile begins to warm up, you will be able to observe the appearance of beautiful orange spots. Then the color will change to black. It is necessary to hold the copper for about half an hour on a red-hot tile. This is very important point. Thus, a thick layer of oxide peels off easily, while a thin layer will stick. After half an hour has passed, remove the copper from the stove and let it cool. You will be able to watch how pieces fall off the foil.

When everything cools down, the oxide film will disappear. You can easily clean most of the black oxide with water. If something doesn't come off, it's not worth trying. The main thing is not to deform the foil. As a result of deformation, a thin layer of oxide can be damaged; it is very necessary for the experiment. If it is not there, a solar panel made by yourself will not work.


Cut the second piece of foil to the same dimensions as the first. Next, very carefully you need to bend the two parts so that they fit into the plastic bottle, but do not touch each other.

Then attach the crocodile clips to the plates. The wire from the “unfried” foil goes to the “plus”, the wire from the “fried” foil to the “minus”. Now take salt and hot water. Stir the salt until completely dissolved. Let's pour the solution into our bottle. And now you can see the fruits of your labors. This homemade solar panel, made with your own hands, can be slightly improved in the future.

Other ways to use solar energy

Solar energy is no longer used. In space, it powers the famous Mars rover on Mars from the Sun. And in the United States of America, Google data centers operate from the sun. In those parts of our country where there is no electricity, people can watch the news on TV. All this thanks to the Sun.

And also given energy allows you to heat your home. A do-it-yourself air-solar panel is very simply made from beer cans. They accumulate heat and release it into the living space. It's effective, free and accessible.

There is probably no person who would not like to become more independent. The ability to completely manage your own time, travel without knowing boundaries and distances, and not think about housing and financial problems - this is what gives you a feeling of true freedom. Today we will talk about how, using solar radiation, you can relieve yourself of the burden of energy dependence. As you guessed, we will talk about solar panels. And to be more precise, about whether it is possible to build a real solar power plant with your own hands.

History of creation and prospects for use

Humanity has been nurturing the idea of ​​converting solar energy into electricity for a long time. Solar thermal installations were the first to appear, in which steam superheated by concentrated solar rays rotated generator turbines. Direct conversion became possible only in the mid-19th century, after the Frenchman Alexandre Edmond Baccarelle discovered the photoelectric effect. Attempts to create an operating solar cell based on this phenomenon were crowned with success only half a century later, in the laboratory of the outstanding Russian scientist Alexander Stoletov. It was possible to fully describe the mechanism of the photoelectric effect even later - humanity owes this to Albert Einstein. By the way, it was for this work that he received the Nobel Prize.

Baccarelle, Stoletov and Einstein are the scientists who laid the foundation of modern solar energy

The creation of the first solar photocell based on crystalline silicon was announced to the world by employees of Bell Laboratories back in April 1954. This date, in fact, is the starting point of technology, which will soon be able to become a full-fledged replacement for hydrocarbon fuel.

Since the current of one photovoltaic cell is milliamps, to generate electricity of sufficient power they have to be connected in modular structures. Arrays of solar photocells protected from external influences are a solar battery (due to its flat shape, the device is often called a solar panel).

Converting solar radiation into electricity has enormous prospects, because for every square meter of the earth's surface there is an average of 4.2 kW/hour of energy per day, which saves almost one barrel of oil per year. Initially used only for the space industry, the technology became so commonplace already in the 80s of the last century that photocells began to be used for domestic purposes - as a power source for calculators, cameras, lamps, etc. At the same time, “serious” solar-electric installations were created. Attached to the roofs of houses, they made it possible to completely abandon wired electricity. Today we can observe the birth of power plants, which are multi-kilometer fields of silicon panels. The power they generate can power entire cities, so we can say with confidence that the future lies with solar energy.

Modern solar power plants are multi-kilometer fields of photocells capable of supplying electricity to tens of thousands of homes.

Solar battery: how it works

After Einstein described the photoelectric effect, the whole simplicity of such a seemingly complex physical phenomenon was revealed to the world. It is based on a substance whose individual atoms are in an unstable state. When “bombarded” by photons of light, electrons are knocked out of their orbits - these are the sources of current.

For almost half a century, the photoelectric effect had no practical application for one simple reason - there was no technology for producing materials with an unstable atomic structure. Prospects for further research appeared only with the discovery of semiconductors. The atoms of these materials either have an excess of electrons (n-conductivity) or lack them (p-conductivity). When using a two-layer structure with an n-type (cathode) and a p-type (anode) layer, the bombardment of light photons knocks electrons out of the n-layer atoms. Leaving their places, they rush into the free orbits of the atoms of the p-layer and then, through the connected load, return to their original positions. Probably each of you knows that the movement of electrons in a closed loop represents an electric current. But it is possible to force electrons to move not thanks to a magnetic field, as in electric generators, but due to the flow of particles from solar radiation.

The solar panel works thanks to the photoelectric effect, which was discovered at the beginning of the 19th century.

Since the power of a single photovoltaic module is not sufficient to power electronic devices, a series connection of many cells is used to obtain the required voltage. As for the current strength, it is increased by parallel connection of a certain number of such assemblies.

The generation of electricity in semiconductors directly depends on the amount of solar energy, so photocells are not only installed under open air, but also try to orient their surface perpendicular to the incident rays. And to protect the cells from mechanical damage

and weather exposure, they are mounted on a rigid base and protected with glass on top.

Classification and features of modern photocells The first solar cell was made based on selenium (Se), but the low efficiency (less than 1%), rapid aging and high chemical activity of selenium solar cells forced the search for other, cheaper and efficient materials

  • . And they were found in the form of crystalline silicon (Si). Since this element of the periodic table is a dielectric, its conductivity was ensured by inclusions of various rare earth metals. Depending on the manufacturing technology, there are several types of silicon photocells:
  • monocrystalline;
  • polycrystalline;

from amorphous Si.

The first ones are made by cutting off the thinnest layers from silicon ingots of the highest purity. Externally, monocrystalline photocells look like single-color dark blue glass plates with a pronounced electrode grid. Their efficiency reaches 19%, and their service life is up to 50 years. And although the performance of panels made on the basis of monocrystals is gradually falling, there is evidence that batteries manufactured more than 40 years ago remain operational today, delivering up to 80% of their original power.

In the production of polycrystalline solar cells, less pure, but cheaper silicon is used. The simplification of technology affects the appearance of the plates - they do not have a uniform shade, but a lighter pattern, which is formed by the boundaries of many crystals. The efficiency of such solar cells is slightly lower than that of monocrystalline ones - no more than 15%, and the service life is up to 25 years. It must be said that the decrease in basic performance indicators did not at all affect the popularity of polycrystalline solar cells. They benefit from a lower price and less dependence on external pollution, low clouds and orientation to the Sun.

Polycrystalline solar cells have a lighter blue tint and a non-uniform pattern - a consequence of the fact that their structure consists of many crystals

For solar cells made from amorphous Si, it is not a crystalline structure that is used, but a very thin layer of silicon, which is sprayed onto glass or polymer. Although this production method is the cheapest, such panels have the shortest lifespan, which is caused by fading and degradation of the amorphous layer in the sun. This type of photocells is also not pleased with its performance - their efficiency is no more than 9% and during operation it decreases significantly. The use of amorphous silicon solar cells is justified in deserts - high solar Activity eliminates the drop in productivity, and the endless open spaces make it possible to place solar power plants of any size.

The ability to sputter a silicon structure onto any surface makes it possible to create flexible solar panels

Further development of photovoltaic cell production technology is driven by the need to reduce prices and improve performance characteristics. Film photocells today have the highest performance and durability:

  • based on cadmium telluride;
  • from thin polymers;
  • using indium and copper selenide.

It is too early to talk about the possibility of using thin-film photocells in homemade devices. Today, only a few of the most technologically “advanced” companies are engaged in their production, so most often flexible solar cells can be seen as part of finished solar panels.

What are the best photovoltaic cells for a solar cell and where can you find them?

Manufactured in a makeshift way Solar panels will always be a step behind their factory counterparts, and there are several reasons for this. Firstly, famous manufacturers Photocells are carefully selected, eliminating cells with unstable or reduced parameters. Secondly, in the manufacture of solar electric batteries, special glass with increased light transmission and reduced reflectivity is used - it is almost impossible to find this on sale. And thirdly, before starting serial production, all parameters of industrial designs are tested using mathematical models. As a result, the effect of cell heating on battery efficiency is minimized, the heat removal system is improved, and optimal cross section connecting buses, ways to reduce the degradation rate of photocells, etc. are being explored. It is impossible to solve such problems without an equipped laboratory and appropriate qualifications.

The low cost of homemade solar panels allows you to build an installation that allows you to completely eliminate the services of energy companies

Nevertheless, self-made solar panels show good performance results and are not so far behind their industrial counterparts. As for the price, here we have a gain of more than twice, that is, at the same cost, homemade products will provide twice as much electricity.

Taking into account all of the above, a picture emerges of which solar cells are suitable for our conditions. Film ones disappear due to lack of availability on sale, and amorphous ones - due to short term service and low efficiency. What remains are cells made of crystalline silicon. It must be said that in the first home-made device it is better to use cheaper “polycrystals”. And only after testing the technology and getting the hang of it, you should switch to monocrystalline cells.

Cheap, substandard photocells are suitable for testing technologies - just like high-quality devices, they can be bought abroad trading platforms

As for the question of where to get inexpensive solar cells, they can be found on foreign trading platforms such as Taobao, Ebay, Aliexpress, Amazon, etc. There they are sold both in the form of individual solar cells of various sizes and performance, and in ready-made kits for assembling solar panels any power.

Sellers often offer so-called class “B” solar cells, which are damaged mono- or polycrystalline solar cells. Small chips, cracks or missing corners have virtually no effect on the performance of the cells, but allow you to purchase them at a much lower cost. It is for this reason that they are most profitable to use in homemade solar energy devices.

Is it possible to replace photovoltaic plates with something else?

It’s rare that a home craftsman doesn’t have a treasured box of old radio components. But diodes and transistors from old receivers and televisions are still the same semiconductors with p-n junctions that produce current when illuminated by sunlight. By taking advantage of these properties and connecting several semiconductor devices, you can make a real solar battery.

To manufacture a low-power solar battery, you can use the old element base of semiconductor devices

An attentive reader will immediately ask what the catch is. Why pay for factory-made mono- or polycrystalline cells when you can use what is literally under your feet. As always, the devil is in the details. The fact is that the most powerful germanium transistors allow you to obtain a voltage of no more than 0.2 V in bright sunlight at a current measured in microamps. In order to achieve the parameters provided by a flat silicon solar cell, you will need several tens, or even hundreds of semiconductors. A battery made from old radio components is only suitable for charging a camping LED flashlight or a small mobile phone battery. To implement larger-scale projects, you cannot do without purchased solar cells.

How much power can you expect from solar panels?

When thinking about building your own solar power plant, everyone dreams of completely abandoning wired electricity. In order to analyze the reality of this idea, let’s do some small calculations.

Finding out your daily electricity consumption is easy. To do this, just look at the invoice sent by the energy supply organization and divide the number of kilowatts indicated there by the number of days in the month. For example, if you are offered to pay for 330 kWh, this means that daily consumption is 330/30 = 11 kWh.

Graph of solar battery power depending on illumination

In your calculations, you should definitely take into account the fact that the solar panel will generate electricity only during daylight hours, with up to 70% of the generation occurring between 9 a.m. and 4 p.m. In addition, the efficiency of the device directly depends on the angle of incidence of sunlight and the state of the atmosphere.

Slight cloudiness or haze will reduce the efficiency of the solar installation's current output by 2–3 times, while a sky overcast by continuous clouds will cause a drop in performance by 15–20 times. IN ideal conditions

to generate 11 kW×hour of energy, a solar battery with a capacity of 11/7 = 1.6 kW would be sufficient. Taking into account the influence of natural factors, this parameter should be increased by approximately 40–50%.

In addition, there is another factor that forces us to increase the area of ​​​​the photocells used. Firstly, we should not forget that the battery will not work at night, which means that powerful batteries will be needed. Secondly, to power household appliances you need a current of 220 V, so you will need a powerful voltage converter (inverter). Experts say that losses on the accumulation and transformation of electricity take up to 20–30% of its total amount. Therefore, the actual power of the solar battery should be increased by 60–80% of the calculated value. Taking an inefficiency value of 70%, we obtain the rated power of our solar panel equal to 1.6 + (1.6×0.7) = 2.7 kW.

Using high-current lithium battery assemblies is one of the most elegant, but by no means the cheapest, ways to store solar electricity

To store electricity, you will need low-voltage batteries designed for voltages of 12, 24 or 48 V. Their capacity must be designed for daily energy consumption plus transformation and conversion losses. In our case, we will need an array of batteries designed to store 11 + (11×0.3) = 14.3 kW×hour of energy. If you use regular 12-volt car batteries, you will need a 14300 Wh / 12 V = 1200 Ah assembly, that is, six batteries rated at 200 amp-hours each. As you can see, even in order to provide electricity for the household needs of an average family, you will need a serious solar-electric installation. As for the use of homemade solar panels for heating, at this stage

such an undertaking will not even reach the limits of self-sufficiency, not to mention the fact that it will be possible to save something.

The size of the battery depends on the required power and the dimensions of the current sources. When choosing the latter, you will definitely pay attention to the variety of photocells offered. For use in homemade devices, it is most convenient to choose medium-sized solar cells. For example, polycrystalline panels measuring 3x6 inches are designed for an output voltage of 0.5 V and a current of up to 3 A.

When manufacturing a solar battery, they will be connected in series into blocks of 30 pieces, which will make it possible to obtain the voltage required for charging a car battery of 13–14 V (taking into account losses). The maximum power of one such unit is 15 V × 3 A = 45 W. Based on this value, it will not be difficult to calculate how many elements will be needed to build a solar panel of a given power and determine its dimensions. For example, to build a 180-watt solar electric collector you will need 120 photocells with total area 2160 sq. inches (1.4 sq.m).

Building a homemade solar panel

Before you start manufacturing a solar panel, you should solve the problems of its placement, calculate the dimensions and prepare the necessary materials and tools.

Choosing the right installation location is important

Since the solar panel will be made by hand, its aspect ratio can be any. This is very convenient because homemade device can be more successfully integrated into the exterior of the roof or design suburban area. For the same reason, you should choose a place to install the battery before starting design activities, remembering to take into account several factors:

  • openness of the place to sunlight during daylight hours;
  • absence of shading buildings and tall trees;
  • minimum distance to the room in which storage power and converters are installed.

Of course, a roof-mounted battery looks more organic, but placing the device on the ground has more advantages. In this case, the possibility of damage is eliminated roofing materials When installing a supporting frame, the complexity of installing the device is reduced and it becomes possible to timely change the “angle of attack of the sun’s rays.” And most importantly, with a lower placement it will be much easier to keep the surface of the solar panel clean. And this is a guarantee that the installation will work at full capacity.

Mounting a solar panel on a roof is driven more by space constraints than by necessity or ease of use.

What you will need during the work process

When starting to make a homemade solar panel, you should stock up on:

  • photocells;
  • stranded copper wire or special busbars for connecting solar cells;
  • solder;
  • Schottky diodes, designed for the current output of one photocell;
  • high-quality anti-reflective glass or plexiglass;
  • slats and plywood for making a frame;
  • silicone sealant;
  • hardware;
  • paint and protective composition for treating wooden surfaces.

In the work you will need the simplest tool that a home-saving owner always has at hand - a soldering iron, a glass cutter, a saw, a screwdriver, paint brush and etc.

Manufacturing instructions

To make the first solar battery, it is best to use photocells with already soldered leads - in this case, the risk of damage to the cells during assembly is reduced.

However, if you are skilled with a soldering iron, you can save some money by purchasing solar cells with open contacts. To build the panel we looked at in the examples above, you will need 120 plates. Using an aspect ratio of approximately 1:1, 15 rows of photocells of 8 each will be required. In this case, we will be able to connect every two “columns” in series, and connect four such blocks in parallel. This way you can avoid tangled wires and get a smooth, beautiful installation.

Electrical wiring diagram for home solar power plant

Frame Assembling a solar panel should always begin with making the housing. For this we need aluminum corners or wooden slats

no more than 25 mm high - in this case they will not cast a shadow on the outer rows of photocells. Based on the dimensions of our 3 x 6 inch (7.62 x 15.24 cm) silicon cells, the frame size should be at least 125 x 125 cm. If you decide to use a different aspect ratio (for example, 1:2), the frame can be further strengthened with a crossbar made of lath the same section.

The back side of the case should be covered with a plywood or OSB panel, and ventilation holes should be drilled in the lower end of the frame. The connection between the internal cavity of the panel and the atmosphere will be needed to equalize the humidity - otherwise, fogging of the glass cannot be avoided.

To make a solar panel housing, the simplest materials are suitable - wooden slats and plywood. window glass up to 4 mm thick. For its fastening, corner brackets are prepared, in which drillings are made for fastening to the frame. When using plexiglass, you can make holes directly in the transparent panel - this will simplify assembly.

To protect the wooden body of the solar battery from moisture and fungus, it is impregnated with an antibacterial compound and painted with oil paint.

For ease of assembly of the electrical part, a substrate is cut out of fiberboard or other dielectric material according to the internal size of the frame. In the future, photocells will be installed on it.

Soldering plates

Before you start soldering, you should “figure out” the placement of photocells. In our case, we will need 4 cell arrays of 30 plates each, and they will be located in fifteen rows in the case. Such a long chain will be inconvenient to work with, and the risk of damage to fragile glass plates increases. It would be rational to connect 5 parts each, and complete the final assembly after the photocells are mounted on the substrate.

For convenience, photocells can be mounted on a non-conductive substrate made of textolite, plexiglass or fiberboard

After connecting each chain, you should check its functionality. To do this, each assembly is placed under table lamp. By recording current and voltage values, you can not only monitor the performance of the modules, but also compare their parameters.

For soldering we use a low-power soldering iron (maximum 40 W) and good, low-melting solder. We apply it in small quantities to the lead parts of the plates, after which, observing the polarity of the connection, we connect the parts to each other.

When soldering photocells, extreme care should be taken, since these parts are highly fragile.

Having collected the individual chains, we unfold them with their backs towards the substrate and using silicone sealant glue to the surface. Each 15-volt photocell unit is equipped with a Schottky diode. This device allows current to flow only in one direction, so it will not allow the batteries to discharge when the solar panel voltage is low.

The final connection of the individual strings of photocells is carried out according to the electrical diagram presented above. For these purposes, you can use a special bus or stranded copper wire.

The hanging elements of the solar battery should be secured with hot-melt adhesive or self-tapping screws

Panel assembly

The substrates with photocells located on them are placed in the housing and secured with self-tapping screws. If the frame is reinforced with a cross member, then several drillings are made in it for mounting wires. The cable that is brought out is securely fixed to the frame and soldered to the terminals of the assembly. To avoid confusion with polarity, it is best to use two-color wires, connecting the red terminal to the “plus” of the battery, and the blue one to its “minus”. A continuous layer of silicone sealant is applied along the upper contour of the frame, on top of which the glass is laid. After final fixation, the assembly of the solar battery is considered complete.

After the protective glass is installed on the sealant, the panel can be transported to the installation site

Installation and connection of a solar battery to consumers

For a number of reasons, a homemade solar panel is a rather fragile device, and therefore requires a reliable supporting frame. The ideal option would be a design that would allow the source of free electricity to be oriented in both planes, but the complexity of such a system is most often a strong argument in favor of a simple inclined system. It is a movable frame that can be set at any angle to the light. One of the options for a frame made of wooden beam, is presented below. You can use metal corners, pipes, tires, etc. to make it - whatever you have at hand.

Solar battery frame drawing

To connect the solar panel to the batteries, you will need a charge controller. This device will monitor the state of charge and discharge of batteries, monitor current output and switch to mains power in the event of a significant voltage drop. A device of the required power and required functionality can be purchased at the same retail outlets where photocells are sold. As for powering household consumers, this will require transforming the low-voltage voltage into 220 V. Another device - an inverter - can successfully cope with this. It must be said that the domestic industry produces reliable devices with good performance characteristics, so the converter can be purchased locally - in this case, a “real” guarantee will be a bonus.

One solar battery will not be enough to fully power your home - you will also need batteries, a charge controller and an inverter

On sale you can find inverters of the same power, differing in price several times. This scatter is explained by the “purity” of the output voltage, which is a necessary condition power supply of individual electrical devices. Converters with the so-called pure sine wave have a more complicated design, and as a result, a higher cost.

Video: making a solar panel with your own hands

Building a home solar power plant is a non-trivial task and requires both financial and time costs, as well as minimal knowledge of basic electrical engineering. When starting to assemble a solar panel, you should observe maximum attention and accuracy - only in this case can you count on a successful solution to the issue. Finally, I would like to remind you that glass contamination is one of the factors affecting productivity. Remember to clean the surface of the solar panel in a timely manner, otherwise it will not be able to work at full capacity.

A solar battery is a device that allows you to generate electricity using special photocells. It helps to significantly reduce electricity costs and obtain an inexhaustible source of electricity. Such an installation can not only be purchased at finished form, but also do it yourself. A solar panel for a private home will be an ideal solution that will help avoid frequent power outages.

General information

Before making a solar battery at home, you need to study in detail its structure, operating principle, advantages and disadvantages. Having this information, you can correctly select the necessary components that will work for a long time and be beneficial.

Design and principle of operation

Designs of all types work by converting energy emitted by a nearby star into electrical energy. This happens thanks to special photocells that are combined into an array and form general design. Semiconductor elements made from silicon are used as energy converters.

Operating principle of solar panel:

  1. Light coming from the Sun hits photocells.
  2. It knocks out free electrons from the last orbits of all silicon atoms.
  3. Because of this, a large number of free electrons appear, which begin to move quickly and chaotically between the electrodes.
  4. The consequence of this process is the generation of direct current.
  5. It is then quickly converted to variable and sent to the receiving device.
  6. It distributes the received electricity throughout the house.

Advantages and disadvantages

DIY solar panels have a number of advantages over factory designs and other energy sources. Thanks to this, the devices are quickly gaining popularity and are used all over the world.

Among the positive aspects of solar panels the following should be highlighted:

Despite the many advantages, solar panels also have disadvantages. They must be taken into account before starting the manufacture of the structure and its installation.

The disadvantages include the following:

In order for the finished structure to perform its functions efficiently and provide people with a sufficient amount of electricity, it is necessary to manufacture it correctly. To do this, you need to take into account many factors and choose only high-quality materials.

Primary requirements

Before you make a solar battery with your own hands, you need to complete a series of steps: preparatory activities and carefully study all the requirements for the device. This will help to get a working installation and simplify the installation process.

To ensure that the solar panel operates at its maximum potential, the following requirements must be met:

Materials and tools

Most important details devices are considered photocells. Manufacturers offer customers only 2 varieties: monocrystalline (efficiency up to 13%) and polycrystalline silicon (efficiency up to 9%).

The first option is only suitable for working in sunny weather, and the second - in any weather. Others important elements structures are conductors. They are used to connect photocells to each other.

For making a panel You will need the following materials and tools:


In order to make solar panels with your own hands at home, you must follow the sequence of actions. Only in this case can mistakes be avoided and the desired result achieved.

The panel manufacturing process is simple and consists of the following steps:

  1. A set of poly- or monocrystalline photocells is taken and the parts are assembled into a common structure. Their number is determined based on the requirements of the home owners.
  2. Contours formed from tin soldered conductors are applied to the photocells. This operation is performed on a flat glass surface using a soldering iron.
  3. According to a pre-prepared electrical circuit, all cells are connected to each other. In this case, it is necessary to connect shunt diodes. The ideal option for a solar battery would be to use Schottky diodes to prevent the panel from discharging at night.
  4. The cell structure is moved to an open space and tested for functionality. If there are no problems, you can begin assembling the frame.
  5. For these purposes, special aluminum corners are used, which are attached to the body elements using hardware.
  6. A thin layer of silicone sealant is applied and evenly distributed to the internal parts of the slats.
  7. A sheet of plexiglass or polycarbonate is placed on top of it and pressed tightly against the contour of the frame.
  8. The structure is left for several hours for the silicone sealant to dry completely.
  9. Once this process is completed, the transparent sheet is additionally attached to the body using hardware.
  10. Selected photocells with conductors are placed along the entire inner part of the resulting surface. In this case, it is important to leave a small distance (about 5 millimeters) between adjacent cells. To simplify this procedure, you can apply the necessary markings in advance.
  11. The installed cells are securely fixed to the frame using mounting silicone, and the panel is completely sealed. All this will help increase the life of the solar battery.
  12. The product is left to dry the applied mixture and acquires its final appearance.

Products from scrap materials

A solar battery can be assembled not only from expensive materials, but also from improvised ones. Finished design Although it will be less efficient, it will allow you to save a little on electricity.

This is one of the simplest and most affordable options for making a homemade solar panel. The device will be based on low-voltage diodes, which are made in a glass case.

The battery is made following the following sequence of actions:

Copper foil

If you need to get a small amount of electricity, you can make a solar battery from ordinary foil.

The finished design will have low power, so it can only be used to recharge small devices.

Step-by-step instruction:

Beer cans

This simple method of making a battery does not require large financial costs. With its help, you can get a small amount of electricity, which will slightly reduce costs.


A self-made solar panel is a wonderful device that can reduce energy costs. If it is manufactured correctly and all recommendations are followed, you can make a high-quality product that will work for many years.

Nowadays, not only specialists are involved in alternative energy. Options for autonomous power supplies are also of interest to hobbyists who are familiar with electrical and radio equipment. With regard to solar batteries, the main difficulty in implementing the project is their high price. And if you consider that for a private house you will need several panels, then some skepticism in terms of their use in everyday life becomes understandable.

Although there is a good solution for those who are used to doing everything with their own hands - to assemble a solar battery from separate panels. For example, Chinese ones, which are relatively inexpensive.

Based on the experience of their practical use, we can conclude that they fully meet the expectations of the master. And if you focus on a class B kit (cheaper products), then significant savings are achieved when assembling the power supply yourself.

To obtain a sample of 145 W with a total voltage of 18 V, you will have to pay about 3,100 rubles for Chinese panels (36 pieces) (if purchased via the Internet, for example, on Alibaba, Ebay) versus 6,180 (the cost of a ready-made analogue of industrial production). It turns out that it makes sense to spend time and make such a battery.

Not only Chinese, but all solar panels are divided into mono- (more expensive) and polycrystalline (amorphous). What is the difference? Without going into manufacturing technology, it is enough to point out that the former are characterized by a homogeneous structure. Therefore, their efficiency is higher than that of amorphous analogues (approximately 25% versus 18%) and they are more expensive.

Visually, they can be distinguished by their shape (shown in the figure) and shade of blue. Monocrystalline panels are slightly darker. Well, whether it makes sense to save on power, you will have to decide for yourself. In addition, it should be taken into account that the production of inexpensive polycrystalline panels in China is mainly carried out by small companies that save on literally everything, including raw materials. This directly affects not only the cost, but also the quality of the product.

All photocells are connected into a single energy chain by conductors. Depending on the type of panels, they may already be fixed in place or missing. This means you will have to solder them yourself. All crystalline samples are quite fragile and must be handled with extreme care.

If you do not have the proper skills to work with a soldering iron, then it is better to purchase class A panels (more expensive). When buying cheap analogues (B), it is advisable to take at least one in stock. The practice of assembling solar panels shows that damage cannot be avoided, therefore extra panel definitely needed.

When determining the required number of photocells, you can rely on such data. 1 m² of panels provides approximately 0.12 kW/hour of electricity. En/consumption statistics show that for small family(4 people) per month about 280 - 320 kW is enough.

Solar panels are sold in two possible options- With wax coating(to protect against damage during transportation) and without it. If the panels have a protective layer, they will have to be prepared for assembly.

What needs to be done?

  • Unpack the goods.
  • Immerse the kit in hot water. Approximate temperature – 90±5 0С. The main thing is that it is not boiling water, otherwise the panels will be partially deformed.
  • Separate samples. Signs that the wax has melted are visible visually.
  • Process each panel. The technology is simple - alternately immerse them in hot soapy water, then clean. The “washing” procedure continues until there are no traces of wax left on the surface.
  • Dry. The panels should be laid out on a soft cloth. For example, on a terry tablecloth.

Assembly order

Specifics of frame manufacturing

In fact, this is a traditional simple frame, the material for which is selected depending on the location of the battery. Typically, on thematic websites, aluminum corner or wood is indicated. The advisability of using the latter (with all due respect to the authors of the articles) raises certain doubts. The main reason is the characteristics of any tree. It consists of moisture content, regardless of the degree of drying.

No matter how many percent it is, twisting and even cracking of the wood cannot be avoided. Given the fragility of the panels, this is definitely not an option. This kind of thing, even if attached to a window inside a building, will not last long.

Battery installation

The frame dimensions are selected based on the linear parameters of the panels. Horizontal or vertical orientation - this depends on the specifics of the battery installation, and is not of fundamental importance.

A sheet of glass or polycarbonate (not cellular, but monolithic) is attached to the frame. It performs a protective function, protecting photocells from mechanical destruction.

on him, with inside frame, drops of silicone sealant are applied (in the center of the panels), or it is spread with the thinnest layer. Recommendations for the use of resin (epoxy) are hardly worthy of attention, since in this case there is no talk about the maintainability of the battery.

The calculated number of panels is placed in the frame (assembly is done in advance). One gives a voltage of about 0.5 V (a small deviation in the nominal value does not count). Here it is important not to confuse where the front side of the products is and where the back is.

The back is covered with a soft, removable mat. To make it yourself, you can take foam rubber (4 cm, at least) and P/E film. Its edges are connected with tape or soldered (if you have a special machine).

The work doesn't end there. Air bubbles will remain between the glass (polycarbonate) and the panels, which reduces the efficiency of the solar panel. They need to be removed. To do this, dense material is laid on the mat. For example, a fragment selected according to the size of the frame, thick (multi-layer) plywood.

On top is a load whose weight is sufficient to lightly press down the panels. The battery is left in this position for at least half a day. Here you should focus on its dimensions and uniform load distribution.

After this time, the bending, plywood and mat are dismantled. You cannot immediately attach the battery to the installation site. It will take some more time for the sealant to completely dry.

Instead of a mat, you can use another soft substrate. For example, sawdust, shavings.

The final stage is making the back wall and putting it in place. To do this, use chipboard, fiberboard, plywood, but always with the same backing to protect the panels from deformation.

Circuit assembly features

Soldering plates is a complex process that requires painstaking and careful attention. It is better to work with a low-power soldering iron (24 - 36 W). If you use 65, which is common in everyday life, then it should be turned on through a limiting resistance. The simplest option– serial connection of a 100-watt light bulb.

But that's not all. It is necessary to prevent self-discharge of the battery (at night, in inclement weather). This is ensured by the inclusion of semiconductor diodes in the circuit. It is advisable to use an acoustic cable as a conductor (for terminals), which is also fixed on the panel with sealant.

The option of a film solar battery (there is one) is not being considered. Despite some advantages, it has a number of significant disadvantages - low efficiency and the need for installation over large areas. This solution is unacceptable for a private home.