How to make a manual tornado cultivator with your own hands. Do-it-yourself gardening tools: making homemade tools for the garden according to instructions

There is a lot of work in the garden, but the most exhausting work is digging up the soil, cultivating it and removing weeds. They start digging ahead of time, in small sections, since the load is too great. The miracle shovel will help reduce the complexity significantly and at the same time speed up the process at least twice. This relatively inexpensive and uncomplicated device really works, even on difficult soils.

What is different and what can

To be precise, this is not a shovel, but a ripper, since it not only digs, but also breaks clods. The miracle shovel consists of two (sometimes one) slats with pins movably connected. Some models also have a back stop - for easier digging of dense, heavy soil. So in reality it looks more like double pitchforks (see photo below).

Miracle shovel and its components

From the picture it is clear that this tool does not have a shovel as such, but this is the difference from the classic bayonet shovel don't end. It also has a much higher handle - it should reach your shoulder. It is also convenient if there is a crossbar at the top - you can operate it with both hands.

The miracle shovel performs three operations at once:

  • loosens the soil;
  • breaks clods;
  • “extracts” the roots of weeds without tearing or cutting them (in any case, damaging them much less);
  • Digs root vegetables easily - you can dig carrots, potatoes, etc.

But its main advantage is that it greatly facilitates digging the earth, and the main load falls not on the back, as when using a conventional bayonet shovel, but on the legs (driving the working forks into the ground) and on the hands (turning the forks out of the ground). The back is in vertical position and almost not loaded.

The only downside to this tool is the weight. It is really much larger than the bayonet one. But the super shovel can be rearranged; there is no need to lift it. Or rather, it is raised only a few times: when it is placed on the ground at the beginning of the row. Then, by pulling the handle, it is simply tightened a little.

There is another very attractive point in using a miracle shovel - it digs the garden at least twice as fast. This occurs due to the wider working part - up to 50-60 cm. Provided there is little physical activity, this is very good.

How to work

Although this design is not particularly complex, working with it has its own characteristics. First, you need to start from the far edge of the bed, then move back, gradually dragging the forks back. well and general order actions like this:

  • Holding the handle, place a miracle shovel and rest it on the front ripper.
  • Stick the pitchfork into the ground. Drive them in until the back stop touches the ground. If the ground is heavy or dense, additional force may be needed - press your foot on the crossbar of the front forks.
  • Pull the handle towards you. With this movement, the forks will begin to move upward. As they rise, they pass through the forks of the front stop, breaking up the lumps.
  • Pull the device back a little, repeat all the steps (plug, squeeze, pull the handle).

It's actually very simple. It’s worth trying a couple of times and then everything repeats automatically.


In addition to the option shown above (called “Tornado”, “Digger” or “Plowman”), there are several more variants of miracle shovel designs under different names.

Soil ripper without front support

This design also has working and support forks, but does not have a front stop. Because it is less bulky and weighs a little less. But front stop provides increased stability during operation. And the weight when dragging is not so important.

The handle is attached to the working forks, the back stop is welded to the comb of the second forks. Both of these structures are movably connected to each other (even door hinges can be used).

Ripper miracle shovel for easy processing land

The photo shows one of the implementations, which is made on the basis of a corner and round pipe. When working, the pins are driven into the ground by pressing on the crossbar, and not on the stop, as in most models.


An option called “Digger” is essentially a wide fork with a stop for easier turning and a high, powerful handle.

Miracle shovel "Digger"

The peculiarity of this design is the stop and the adjustable handle. It is fixed with two bolts and adjusted to the height of the working person.

The emphasis is not stationary, but movable. It is fixed to the frame. When plunging the pins into the ground, press on it with your foot, then, without removing your foot, turn it out by pressing the handle of the fork out of the ground.

The physical load during work is low, the work progresses quickly. But this miracle shovel will not work for hard and lumpy soils: it does not crush the soil. She's under own weight goes through the pitchforks. But this is only possible on loose soils. On clay or black soil it is better to have a second comb with pins.

How to make a miracle digger, see the following video.


This miracle shovel design is slightly different from the previous one. The stops in it are rounded, the handle is arched, but the basic structure is the same. There is some drawback - there is no way to adjust the handle, but otherwise everything is the same - a movable stop and working forks.

Two options called "Lightcop". The simplest ripper for the vegetable garden, garden and cottage

It’s hard to say whether this variation is better or worse. It would be possible to evaluate only by comparing the performance of both copies on the same site.

If you watch the following video, you will see that with such a miracle shovel you can dig not only loose soils, but also heavy ones. And the second thing you can pay attention to is that for such soil it is better to have a second comb of pins, against which you can crush the inverted lumps.

What and how to make it from

The designs, as you have seen, are different, but the set of materials will be approximately the same. Their number differs, but the cross-section and characteristics remain unchanged.

You can use a round or profiled pipe, metal rods or “parts” from forks

Materials for production

They usually start with making the frame. It is often made from profiled pipe, optimal cross section 30*30mm or so. The wall thickness is important - at least 3 mm. Some models used a corner. The shelf width is also about 30 mm, the metal thickness is at least 3 mm.

The handle can be made from the same profile pipe, you can use a round one. The thickness of the walls is also important. In principle, having made a latch, you can use a wooden shovel holder. Some purchased models provide for the installation of a wooden holder.

The main attention should be paid to the material that is used for the teeth of the working forks. It must be good structural steel. The forks are made from a rod of at least 8 mm in diameter.

What craftsmen make them from:

  • They cut it off from an ordinary fork and weld it onto a miracle shovel.
  • Straighten the suspension springs.
  • Car springs are sawn into narrow strips.

If you can find a good rod - round, square or hexagonal - it doesn't matter, it will be much easier for you. Not a bad option, by the way, with a pitchfork. But you have to buy good ones, and this is not cheap. And one more thing: calculate the dimensions of the miracle shovel so that the working forks have 8 pins. Then you will need to buy two jokes of ordinary pitchforks.

If the design is chosen with two forks - working and thrust, you can place pieces of a suitable length of metal rod on the thrust forks. The loads here are not so high, so the strength should be enough. The diameter of the rod is 10 mm; you can use ribbed reinforcement, which is used to reinforce the foundation.


Most companies that produce miracle shovels have whole line dimensions of this product. Our people are different in build and physical fitness. For men, you can make more massive models, and for women and older people, smaller and lighter ones. The average sizes are:

All other sizes are selected depending on the design and material used.


Detailing of the stop and forks

Evgeniy Sedov

When your hands grow from the right place, life is more fun :)


Cultivation is a method of processing a layer of land without turning it over. Such superficial work of leveling, preparing for sowing, hilling up potatoes, clearing weeds, and harvesting can be facilitated by using hand cultivators. They will become indispensable assistants small areas, V hard to reach places, when working in small greenhouses. If you need to cultivate areas of more than 3 acres, it makes sense to think about purchasing or creating a motor cultivator powered by electric or gasoline traction.

Types of hand cultivators

The variety of devices for cultivating land is determined by the types of agricultural work that must be carried out from early spring to autumn. Some types of hand cultivators are used all year round for care indoor plants or greenhouse crops. Based on the type of movement, they are divided into moving and point. Moving machines include all types of rotary openers, hillers, scarifiers, and harrows. Point devices include tornado root removers, potato diggers, and indoor plant cultivators.

Rotary hand cultivator

The operating principle of a rotary cultivator is based on the rotation of 4-5 finite stars or cutters, the ends of which are bent and sharpened. They are driven into rotation either by an external mechanical drive or by manual pressure. Rotating cutters cut the roots of weeds, pull them out, and crush the top layer of soil. At the same time, the surface is loosened. Such a device without a mechanical drive can only be used on improved lands. If virgin soil cultivation is required, you must purchase an electric or gasoline motor cultivator.


To improve irrigation, quickly remove weeds and apply fertilizers in a personal garden or personal plot you need to buy a manual cultivator. It consists of 3-4 hooks curved to the bottom, which can be attached to a long handle for cultivating an area or attached to a short handle for loosening the soil of indoor plants. It is possible to attach the ripper, as one of the replaceable devices, to the frame of a wheeled manual cultivator or with a mechanical drive.

Root remover

To get rid of weeds, it is necessary to remove the plant root from the ground. A manual plant remover along with roots will help solve this problem. It consists of three sharp rods welded to the base, the ends of which are bent in one direction for screwing into the earth crust. The base is welded to a tubular element with an extended cross handle. This device is called “Tornado” and works as follows:

  • position the tool so that the weed is in the center between the tips of the rods;
  • holding the ends of the handle, screw the root remover into the ground clockwise to the depth of the weed roots;
  • pull out the plant along with the roots;
  • shake off the soil along with the weed.

Potato digger

Traditionally, villagers use pitchforks to dig up potatoes. A small improvement in their design will turn them into a simple manual potato cultivator for people of any age. This requires a small transformation:

  • the forks are not positioned vertically, but are bent at an angle of 30-50 degrees to the ground;
  • a vertical pointed pin is welded to the tulle;
  • instead of a handle, a metal pipe with a horizontal handle is inserted into the tulleka;
  • Digging up potatoes is done by sticking the tool into the ground near the bush, turning it around an axis until the fork penetrates under the bush and tilting the handle until the tubers are extracted.

For indoor plants

Hand garden cultivators are used for indoor plants and include a ripper and a shovel. With the help of a ripper, the top layer of soil is loosened, making it more accessible for the penetration of moisture, oxygen, and fertilizers. The spatula is used when replanting plants to add fertilizer. They are made of stainless steel with a rubberized handle. Hand tools for caring for plantings, they can be used not only for indoor potting, but also in small greenhouses, greenhouses, when decorating dachas, garden plots, and loggias with flowers.

Flat cutter

The theoretical basis for the use in the reclamation of virgin lands, in contrast to flat-cutting plows, was laid at the beginning of the twentieth century, and was practically implemented in the 50s of the last century during the development of Kazakh virgin lands. In this case, the flat cutter cuts off the roots of weeds, loosens them, but does not turn over the top layer, which does not disturb the soil structure and increases productivity. A flat cutter consists of several sharpened flat peaks or flat knives attached to vertical rods made of reinforcement, which, when moving, go to a depth of 10-20 cm and cut the upper layer.

How to make a hand cultivator with your own hands

You can make manual cultivators for cultivating soil in the country with your own hands. For this you may need:

  • metal narrow strips or pins,
  • wooden or metal handles with the possibility of attaching horizontal handles;
  • standard set tools - screwdriver, hammer, grinder, pliers, vice, chisel, screws.
  • Some products may require grinder and welding work.

Making a flat cutter cultivator

The most famous hand-held cultivator is the Fokina flat cutter. A design close to it can be made independently. For this you will need:

  • steel strip 3-5 mm thick, 40-50 cm long and 4-6 cm wide;
  • wooden round or square handle;
  • 4-8 wood screws.

The manufacturing process will include several steps, for which you will need a vice, pliers, a chisel, and a sharpening machine. To make a flat cutter, perform the following operations:

  • drill 4-8 holes in the strip on one side for fastening it;
  • bend the steel strip in the form of the number “7” with its lower part straightened;
  • harden the workpiece - bring it to red color blowtorch or put it in the fire, then let it cool;
  • on one side of the square wooden handle, make a handle that is comfortable for the hand (if you have a round handle, use a chisel to make a flat surface on one edge for attaching the strip);
  • secure the strip to the flat surface of the handle using self-tapping screws;
  • sharpen the horizontal part of the flat cutter on a grinding wheel.


If it is not possible to purchase a Tornado fork root remover, you can make it yourself. The most in a simple way is a change in the shape of the teeth of a conventional fork - the bases of the teeth must be placed evenly around the circumference, and the sharp ends must be bent in one direction in a spiral. Instead of a handle, it is advisable to weld a vertical corrugated pipe up to the owner’s chest length with a transverse handle 80 cm in shape resembling the letter “T”. The handle should be comfortable to grip with both hands on the edges, and increasing the leverage will make it easier to cut into the ground as you turn it.

DIY star cultivator

The main tasks of the star cultivator are cutting the roots of weeds at depths of 10-20 cm and mixing the top layer of soil. Low-power manual electric and gasoline motor cultivators easily cope with this task. To simplify the creation of such a home-made unit can be used in the design of an old bicycle with transmission of wheel rotation to the star via a chain drive. For those who want to make a simple star cultivator, you need to stock up on:

  • sheet metal thickness 2-3 mm;
  • a smooth rod with a diameter of 5-8 mm;
  • a tube 20 cm long and an internal diameter of 7-10 mm, which should correspond to the diameter of the rod;
  • a tube 15-20 cm long and an internal diameter of 30-40 mm to create a tulle; a metal or wooden cutting with a diameter of 30-40 mm and a length according to the height of the farmer.

Creating such a device on your own involves the difficulty of solving the problem of rotating stars or cutters without friction. Using a complex mechanism with bearings for this purpose will create a lot additional tasks– the need for lubrication, protection from soil and moisture. Instructions for making a simple star cultivator include:

  1. From available steel sheets, 6-7 ray stars are cut out with a grinder with a ray length of 5-8 cm from the disk and a hole in the middle.
  2. The tube is cut into 2-3 equal parts and welded to the sprockets.
  3. The resulting rotary disk element is mounted on the rod (rotation on it must be free).
  4. The rod is bent to give it a bottle-like appearance (in this case, its ends are connected together; the arc of the bent rod should not interfere with the movement of the rotation element).
  5. The ends of the rod are inserted into the pipe and riveted or welded to the tulle.
  6. A handle is inserted into the tulle and secured with a self-tapping screw.
  7. A strip 3-5 cm wide is cut out of a sheet of metal and shaped into a U-shape.
  8. The strip is attached to the rod closer to the tulleka.
  9. After anti-corrosion painting, the tool is ready for use.

Cultivator from an old bicycle

The ideal blank for creating a cultivator can be old bike. To do this, you need a frame, a steering wheel, and one of its rear wheels. A drawing of such a modification can be found on the Internet. Do the following:

  • remove the front wheel;
  • turn the steering wheel with the handles outward and fix it (can be welded);
  • remove the levers with pedals;
  • axle shafts with cutters can be attached to the front sprocket axis on both sides;
  • if you leave the chain, the rotation of the wheel will be transmitted to the sprocket and rotate the cutters; to speed up the rotation, it is advisable to swap the positions of the large sprocket and the sprocket on the wheel;
  • on the lower part of the vertical seat tube, secure a pipe with fasteners with bolts for additional attachments - rippers, plows, hillers, crevice machines, harrows;
  • control of such a unit consists of pushing the handles with the wheel forward;
  • You can adjust the depth of penetration of the cultivating tool into the ground by pressing down.

Advantages and disadvantages of hand cultivators

Agricultural work - digging, weeding - is difficult physical work. Therefore, any means of simplifying it will always be appreciated by farmers. Caring for indoor plants and flower gardens in the country will require the use of manual rippers, spatulas. Vegetable plots an area of ​​more than 3 acres will be difficult to process without a universal motor cultivator with a set of different attachments. For small areas, difficult areas or greenhouses, the use of hand-held cultivation tools is justified. Their advantages are.

Sometimes it is really more profitable to buy vegetables and fruits in the store. But in the quality of products grown with my own hands, always more confidence. In addition, working on the land increases vitality if done wisely. But hard physical labor is not always useful, especially for those who are used to working only in the office. To make spring chores enjoyable and not too burdensome, you need to acquire small-scale mechanization tools. Modern equipment can, of course, be bought, but it turned out that making, for example, a cultivator with your own hands is quite simple. Make sure of this.

Tornado is the name of a manual cultivator, which you can and should make with your own hands. Having such a device, which resembles a curved pitchfork, you can forget about endless battles with weeds. The teeth of the tool are driven into the ground at an angle, after which the Tornado must be turned and lifted. To do this, you don’t have to exert excessive effort, because instead of a regular handle, the Tornado has a lever.

The Tornado cultivator is attractive because it is quite easy to use and working with it does not require any significant effort

Everyone loves this wonderful root remover, but familiarity with its store price can completely discourage the desire to become its owner. However, there is nothing complicated about this device. You can make a Tornado cultivator yourself and even in several different ways.

Spring steel tornado

We will need a steel strip 50 cm long, 1-1.5 mm thick and 2 cm wide. For our purpose, it is best to use spring steel. We bend the tape into a loop and attach it to the wooden handle of the instrument. The length of the handle is determined depending on the height of the owner: it should be comfortable to work with the tool. You can also make a lever, the same as that of a store-bought root remover. Working steel loop should be 20 cm in diameter, which is slightly less than the row spacing. The edges of the loop are sharpened with a file on both sides.

For weeds - pitchfork to the side

If the Tornado looks like a pitchfork, then why not make a hand-held cultivator with your own hands from this tool familiar to all gardeners? Let's buy a regular fork at a hardware store and give the teeth of this tool the desired bend using a hammer. In general, the tool should resemble a kind of corkscrew. It is important to take your time and proceed carefully.

For the lever you will need a half-meter piece of plastic pipe. We also buy in the store a plastic handle attachment for the handle, which is used for forks or shovels. We cut the tube lengthwise, put it on the handle and secure it with electrical tape so that it does not slip. Now the resulting lever protrudes approximately 25 cm from the handle on both sides.

It is logical to make the fork-shaped part of the Tornado from a fork - a tool well known to all gardeners, which everyone has

An important part for the Tornado cultivator is its upper lever part: thanks to the lever, you can do hard work with minimal effort

Option #2: flat cutter on a bicycle base

A flat-cut cultivator will help you cope with weeds and make the life of any gardener much easier. Structurally, it is more complicated than Tornado, but not much more.

To create a flat cutter you need:

  • an old bicycle that no one uses anymore for its intended purpose;
  • a head from a cultivator that has become unusable or the working surface of a two-handed saw;
  • drill, grinder, keys, drills, bolts and so on.

A bicycle frame and one wheel will be useful. The cultivator head is attached to the frame. The cutting part of a two-handed saw, a small plow, or sharp steel rods made independently can be used for the same purpose. The handles for controlling the mechanism are made of aluminum or steel pipes. A piece of pipe approximately 2.5 cm in diameter will be useful as a cross bridge.

A flat cutter can be made based on an old bicycle, using the working surface of a two-handed saw, ironically called “Friendship,” as the cutting part.

There is no particular complexity in the design of this convenient tool no, it can be made if you have the right material at hand

The structure must be rigid, so the nodes are tightened with bolts. A medium-sized wheel should be secured to the frame with locknuts. The result is a homemade cultivator that is very functional and easy to use.

Option #3: disc rotary cultivator

Making a rotary cultivator with your own hands is not at all easy. This requires special skills and good physical preparation. If you have all the listed qualities, you can try to build this tool, which will be much more effective than all the previous ones. With its help, you can not only cultivate, but also harrow the soil, deftly breaking large clods.

The rotary disk cultivator consists of: 1 - disk, 2 - axis. 3 - bushing, 4 - large bracket, 5 - small bracket, 6 - rod, 7 - pipe, 8 - handle

The working parts of this cultivator are convex disks, which must be welded to bushings placed on the axle. The axial ends are secured with cotter pins, which are secured in a large bracket. After which a hole is cut in the upper part of this bracket. Handles with a crossbar are attached to it. A rod 25 cm long and 24 mm in diameter will have to be welded to a small bracket. A rod of 16 mm diameter is screwed into it. Part of the rod protrudes above the crossbar.

It is not so easy to give a 4 mm thick disk the desired spherical shape. To do this, you need to be able to deftly handle a hammer. A strong and precise blow to the center of the disc transforms it into a bowl. This is the work that will require the main physical effort. Special wing nuts located on the crossbar regulate the angle of inclination of the spherical disks relative to the direction of movement of the cultivator itself.

Option #4: a production meat grinder to help us

All of the above equipment is quite simple. But in your own workshop you can make a homemade electric cultivator. This once again proves that the possibilities of home craftsmen are almost limitless. To implement this idea, you will need an old industrial meat grinder. On its basis, an effective electric gardener’s assistant will be built.

An electric cultivator can be made on the basis of a meat grinder for industrial purposes: you get a fairly powerful unit that will last for several years

Everything is not as difficult as it seems, if there is welding machine and a master who knows how to use it for its intended purpose. Two corners should be attached to the gearbox housing. Bent pipes are welded to the corners, which will be used as handles. Another piece of pipe is welded between the resulting handles - a spacer, which gives the structure the required strength.

The axles for the cultivator wheels will also need to be welded to the corners. The wheels are selected to be of medium size so that they are easy to use and do not sink into the soil.

The main structural part is the shaft. It will have to be turned out of ordinary scrap. The connection is carried out as in the original: in a slot. The meat grinder attachment is chipped off with a sledgehammer, after which a bushing with thick walls made of cast iron remains. A blank machined from scrap is placed into it, to which lugs in the form of a screw are welded. They are cut from car springs. Other lug material options were used, but these proved to be unviable.

The lugs are located at an angle of 120 degrees. They need to be screwed out as they rotate, then it will be easier for them to enter the ground, and the cultivator itself will be easier to control. The engine of the device is connected according to the “triangle” circuit, the start is capacitor. For ease of operation, the engine switch is installed on the cultivator handle. The device will last a long time if, before starting work, you lubricate the mating of the homemade shaft in the cast iron bushing with any used oil.

Take a good look at what the lugs should be and how they should be positioned: the efficiency of the device and its durability depend on this

The quality of tillage depends on the speed of movement of such a cultivator. Fast plowing will be rough, but slow plowing can literally turn the earth into dust.

Option #5: child of a bicycle and a washing machine

Don’t rush to throw away your old bike and used washing machine. These things may also come in handy if you want to make a cultivator with your own hands, spending a minimum of money on it.

Now you know how to make a cultivator yourself. All that remains is to apply your knowledge in practice.

Every gardener cultivates the soil in his dacha. The word “cultivation” came to us from the Latin language. Translated, it means to process, to cultivate. But it is so. During the cultivation process, the soil is processed and cultivated in order to get rid of weeds. But the purpose of cultivation is not only weeding. After cultivation, the soil becomes loose and more saturated with oxygen. A cultivator is used to cultivate the soil before sowing and after the crop is harvested. You also need to use a cultivator to cultivate the row spacing, hill up and replant the plants. A cultivator is a very convenient device; it will make work easier and reduce the time of tillage in the garden, flower bed and any other area.

A modern cultivator can be bought at a specialized store. But such equipment can easily be assembled with your own hands. You just need to find clear instructions, the necessary parts and tools and get to work.

First, you should know that cultivators are divided according to the type of food:

  • manual;
  • gasoline;
  • electric.

They are also divided by weight and power. There are ultra-light cultivators, mini ones, they weigh no more than thirty kilograms, ideal for small garden plots and cottages.

There are light cultivators. Their weight is more than thirty, but not more than sixty kilograms. Such cultivators are used on large areas, on plowed fields and virgin lands. Average cultivators weigh up to one hundred kilograms. Well, the largest cultivators are heavy. Their weight is more than one hundred kilograms. Such cultivators are used on large fields and lands.

There is another classification of cultivators - by purpose:

  • universal - used for cultivating soil in any area, between rows, they are used for weeding;
  • special - for processing a specific variety or crop;
  • plant feeders - these cultivators are designed to cultivate the soil and gradually add fertilizers;
  • pre-planting, steam – for harrowing any soil before sowing, suitable for summer cottages;
  • row crops - for weeding rows in fields where crops have already sprouted.

There are cultivators for cultivating one row, mini cultivators for the garden, and cultivators for cultivating several rows at the same time. They differ in size, because for one row the cultivator is much smaller than for cultivating several rows.

But the most suitable for cultivating the garden and flower beds is a standard manual cultivator. It is lightweight and easy to use. It also takes up little space and is light in weight. There are garden cultivators, they too small sizes, ideal for a summer residence.

Advantages and disadvantages of cultivators

Each type of cultivator has its own pros and cons. Electric cultivators are lightweight and small in size. There is no need to refuel them because they run on electricity. They are also quite simple and easy to use, but are not suitable for a dacha that does not have electricity.

The disadvantages include the fact that they only work in the area where the power cord reaches. Also, electric cultivators do not have high power. With such a cultivator you can cultivate flower beds and greenhouse soil, but in large areas they are completely useless. After all, the length of the cord determines the place where this cultivator can cultivate the soil.

A cultivator that runs on gasoline (gasoline cultivator) has slightly more advantages. It is convenient to cultivate large areas, because such a cultivator has high power and functionality. Disadvantages include difficulties in maintenance, heavy weight and refueling. And the more powerful such a cultivator, the more fuel is needed to refuel it. Gasoline cultivators are often called star cultivators.

Hand cultivator - do it at home

Such a cultivator is the most useful thing on the farm. It has a lot of positive aspects:

  • no stress on the lower back,
  • ease of use,
  • efficiency,
  • availability,
  • compactness.

With such a cultivator you will not spread weeds all over the area, and it loosens the soil very well and does not turn it upside down. But the cultivator is designed for cultivating small areas and only on plowed land. It is ideal for a summer residence.

First, you should understand for what purpose you need a cultivator. After all, the choice of a particular cultivator is influenced by both the set of crops that are planted on the site and the structure of the soil of the site itself. If you have small plot, then a powerful and voluminous cultivator will take up a lot of space. It will only cause harm, there will be no benefit from it.

It is best to create a cultivator with your own hands, this way you will save your money and find an assistant on the farm. Some cultivators can be created from improvised means, for some you need additional details, but their cost will not exceed the cost of a whole cultivator in the store. Do-it-yourself cultivators are ideal helpers in the garden and are suitable for the garden.

The smallest cultivator

“Nimble Baby” is a small homemade cultivator; it can be called a mini cultivator. It covers only twenty centimeters of territory, but working with such a cultivator is very convenient. All you need to do is attach a few cut metal stars to the axle, and then attach a convenient handle. So the new assistant on the farm is ready. It makes it easy to cultivate between rows when the crop has already sprouted. It is its mini size that will prevent damage necessary plants. Also, if the stars are well sharpened, they cut weeds without any problems. In this case, the weed does not cling to the cultivator and is not spread throughout the area. Suitable for a summer residence, because it is convenient to transport.

Simple cultivator – “Tornado”

Another simple cultivator that you can make yourself is called “Tornado”. This cultivator is ideal for cultivating light soil. And it is made from the most ordinary forks or springy wire; it can also be called a mini cultivator.

  1. In order to make such a cultivator, you will need a wooden handle, which will need to be modified. The wooden handle of your new cultivator should be strengthened. For this purpose, metal or plastic pipe, cut lengthwise. It should not be much larger than a wooden handle. After the pipe is cut, put it on wooden handle and reel it in. This will make the handle much stronger, and it will be easier to work with such a cultivator.
  2. Next, proceed to manufacturing the main part of the cultivator. Take a pitchfork and a hammer, you also need a picture or drawings of the original Tornado cultivator, because you need to exactly repeat all the bends.
  3. From strong blow hammer, the fork teeth will bend in the direction you point them. But don't overdo it.
  4. Once the cultivator base is created, attach it to the handle and you can till the soil with your new cultivator.

You can also make cultivator teeth from thick springy wire. This option will take more time and effort. But the result is worth it.

Cultivators from an old bicycle

For another version of the cultivator, which you can create with your own hands, you need bicycle parts. So if you have an old one and unnecessary bike– make your own cultivator and don’t waste money on purchase. This is an ideal helper in the country.

  1. We attach a cultivator head to the frame of an old bicycle; it can be part of an old cultivator, iron rods, or a small plow or glander.
  2. A comfortable handle for controlling the cultivator is made from pieces of iron pipes or from another metal. A crossbar is attached between the handles.
  3. All parts of the cultivator are assembled together using bolts, the nuts on which are tightened as tightly as possible so that the entire system is solid, or all parts can be secured by welding. This option is much more reliable than the previous one.
  4. After the base is ready, a wheel is attached to it; it should not be too large so that the plow fits well into the ground. And not too small, so that you have to put more effort into pushing than is required with a medium-sized wheel.

If you still have an old medium-sized wheel, you can make another version of a home cultivator. Simply attach curved metal handles to the wheel, which also holds a small plow behind the wheel, closer to you. And now the homemade hand cultivator is ready.

DIY disc cultivator

There is also an option for a homemade hand cultivator, which is made from steel discs. There should be five discs in total, three of them have teeth attached to them, with the help of which the soil will be loosened. You can make such discs yourself or order them. After all, they are made on lathe. Two discs will be smooth, and the other three will have special teeth or curved nails attached. When the disks are ready, they are put on the axle one by one, then bearings and washers are installed, and then the entire structure is attached to a wooden handle. The soil is cultivated with the help of these teeth; they alternately stick into the ground and loosen it. These tines also cut the roots of weeds. Due to its weight, this hand cultivator does not require special application strength. The only drawback is that you will have to periodically clean the teeth from weeds. After all, the cut grass clings to the teeth and spreads throughout the entire area.

You can make a rotary cultivator with your own hands; this type of cultivator is designed for harrowing and leveling the soil after plowing. It is somewhat similar to a disk cultivator, but the disks in it are of a different shape - they are hemispherical and convex. Also, there are not five of them, but only four. In this case, each pair is attached to its own axis. Also, the base remains movable, which helps to change the angle of the discs if necessary. The base will be metal, it can be attached to a comfortable wooden or metal handle, which will have screws for adjusting the angle of the discs. An all-metal cultivator of this type will be heavier, so if you do not have the strength, make the handle wooden. This cultivator is convenient because the grass will not cling to the discs.

Convenient chainsaw cultivator

If you have an old chainsaw that you haven't used for a long time, don't rush to throw it away or sell it. From its serviceable parts you can make an excellent hand-held cultivator with your own hands. This option is suitable for those who are technically savvy. You will also need to purchase some materials, lubricants and fuel. After all, this cultivator is gasoline-powered, that is, it runs on gasoline or other fuel.

  1. First you need to make a frame for the walk-behind tractor from the corners. It will be cubic in shape.
  2. Next, the engine is attached to the top of the frame of the future cultivator.
  3. Handles are made from metal pipes, with such handles it is very convenient to cultivate the soil.
  4. You will also need two sprockets, one for the intermediate shaft and the other for the drive shaft. It is because of these details that the cultivator is called a star cultivator.

The disadvantage of this homemade cultivator in that it requires constant refueling.

DIY electric cultivator

If you wish, you can create an electric cultivator at home. But it should be taken into account that it will break the earth into large pieces, this is when working quickly. If you cultivate the soil slowly with such a cultivator, the clods will be smaller, and the soil will become softer and plowed. It should also be remembered that the work area will be limited by the length of the electrical cord.

  1. In order to make such a cultivator, you need two metal corner, which are attached to the gearbox. Curved handles are attached to them for greater convenience.
  2. The axle for the wheels is also attached to the same corners. The wheels for this cultivator are of medium size. After all, it won’t be very convenient to work with big ones, and small ones will fail.
  3. Next, you need to connect the shaft to a conventional electric meat grinder. You will need to break off the standard nozzle and insert the prepared screw into the resulting hole.
  4. Next, for greater convenience, you can move the power button from the meat grinder itself to the handle of the cultivator, and you’re done.
  5. You should replace the power cord on the meat grinder, because the standard cord is usually very short and will not work.

There are many more options for making cultivators with your own hands. You just need to show a little imagination and ingenuity. After all, having an old but working engine from washing machine, you can also create a well-functioning electric cultivator. You just need to find the parts of an old bicycle and connect them together. You can also add batteries, and you will have a homemade battery cultivator.

After all, not always all the work can be done with a large and professional cultivator. Sometimes it is much easier to cultivate the row spacing with a hand cultivator without harming the plants.

As soon as spring comes and the snow melts, everyone begins to wait for warm weather. Many people want to quickly start cultivating their plots to prepare the ground for abundant harvests. And here every summer resident and gardener will need a manual cultivator. After all, if you loosen the soil before planting, then plants will germinate much faster in oxygenated soil. And when working with a cultivator, no special effort is required, and the work is completed much faster. Both adults and children can work with the cultivator that you made yourself. It takes a little time to learn. The main thing is to follow all the instructions when making a hand cultivator.

With a hand cultivator, you not only fluff up the soil before planting, but it also creates convenient harrows for planting seeds. The cultivator can also be used to control weeds when everything has already sprouted. After all, you don’t always want to pull out the grass by hand. And you need to cultivate your garden often.

Any of the hand-made, home-made cultivators are ideal for a summer cottage. After all, they are quite small in size and very convenient to work with. In one mini cultivator you will find an excellent assistant in the country.

It is not always profitable to buy vegetables and fruits. After all, there is no guarantee that store-bought vegetables are grown in compliance with all technologies. And it’s much more pleasant to eat vegetables that you grew in your own garden or dacha. Moreover, if you do gardening correctly and wisely, it even lifts your mood. Your physical health also improves, because permanent physical exercise. To make gardening and gardening more convenient, you should buy or make some tools yourself. If you are technically savvy, then there is nothing complicated; you can easily assemble a homemade tool for cultivating the soil and removing weeds. If you are not particularly knowledgeable, choose a type of manual cultivator with a simple design. If you want to create a complex cultivator yourself, ask your friends to help you. Together with friends it will be much more interesting and fun to create such useful equipment for the household.