How to make a crib house with your own hands. DIY children's bed made of wood

The modern market offers a sufficient selection of children's furniture, including cribs.

A child will be able to sleep in his crib for a maximum of four years, then he will have to change it to a more adult-sized version. And the price of furniture is not cheap at all, so there is an option to make a comfortable crib with your own hands. It's not as difficult as it seems at first glance!

It is not at all necessary to be a professional in this field and spend a lot of time on assembly.

The first thing you need to do is purchase exclusively high-quality environmentally friendly materials and take this issue seriously, considering the entire upcoming process.

The photo of a do-it-yourself crib shows how to make one for a five-year-old child, but all of the specified parameters can be increased to a larger size.

The benefits of a self-made bed

When you go to a furniture store, you can find a lot of options for children's beds from various materials(plastic, fiberboard, chipboard, wood). The best material, of course, wood, which provides safety, durability and is the most durable option.

Ready wooden crib is quite expensive. Not every family can afford such costs, especially since it will only last a few years.

The cost of a hand-made design will be several times less and has the following positive aspects:

  • reliability in use of the design. Children often love to play and jump on the bed, and you won’t have to worry that it will break under the load;
  • You can make a strictly individual bed. Which will suit the style and interior of the children's room and has individual sizes;
  • The creation process will help you spend time with interest with your child, who will probably not refuse to help his parents.

Purchasing the necessary material and preparing tools

To begin with, you should carefully prepare the room in which the planned process will take place. If it will take place directly in the room, it is wise to cover the floor and furniture with film, since a lot of dust and sawdust will appear during the work.

Then you need to competently prepare an exact drawing of a crib for a newborn with your own hands, or find a suitable sketch on the Internet.

You will need a number of materials:

  • self-tapping screws of different diameters;
  • wooden panels for furniture;
  • special wheels with which the drawers will be pulled out;
  • sheet of plywood or metal grating for the base sleeping place;
  • sandpaper for processing cuts.

The set of tools is absolutely minimal: an electric jigsaw, an angle grinder and a regular drill.

It is important to first, before drawing up the drawing, measure the mattress that will be placed in the crib, since later it will be more difficult to choose the right size!

Step-by-step making of a baby crib with your own hands

Having decided on the size and design of the children's bed, you can begin the actual work:

  • All necessary markings are carefully applied with a pencil, not forgetting about the edges.
  • Then, using a jigsaw, you need to carefully cut out all the parts.
  • Needs to be cut metal corners the required size, immediately drilling holes in them (maximum five), into which self-tapping screws will be mounted in the future.
  • To make the base of the mattress, you need to screw the corners to the bottom of the sides.
  • Having conveniently placed the crib on its side, you need to assemble all the necessary parts.
  • Use sandpaper to smooth out possible irregularities and sharp corners.
  • There are spacious drawers at the bottom of the furniture.
  • It is wise to coat the crib with varnish or a similar coating, which will give it an aesthetic appearance.
  • The final stage: place the mattress on the bottom of the bed and spread the bed linen.

Accessories for baby's bed

A crib for a small family member must be equipped with sides that will serve as protection for the baby. It’s very easy and fun to sew the sides of a crib with your own hands.

Their most popular type is the option that protects all four sides and is secured with regular ties.


When choosing fabric for children's bumpers, you should opt for lightweight materials with not too “pretentious” patterns, since the baby will have to study the patterns around him for quite a long time.

A cape over the crib protects the child from insects and possible drafts. It is also possible to make an original canopy for the crib with your own hands by choosing the right fabric.

It is better to buy two different cuts (quite wide for the allowance) natural material: weightless, light, summer fabric and denser fabric for winter. First, you need to purchase a frame that attaches to the bed. Then draw a pattern according to size, cut out the parts and sew them in the right places.

With imagination and minimal skills, you can make an original, unique crib that will serve and delight both you and your baby for several years!

DIY crib photo



We are moving the children into a nursery; we were planning to buy one first ready bed, but we couldn’t choose until we came across an online store with house beds. I was excited about this, but it was expensive to buy (from 50k), and taking into account my own nuances, I decided to do it myself. Everything was bought at Leroy, the price was about 10,000 rubles (+8,000 for the trimmer and sander). Net time days 7.

The project was drawn in visio. I did cutting and sanding in the apartment without repairs, assembled and painted at home. Acrylic paint on water, almost no smell. Assembly on confirmations, then covered with facades using furniture bolts. All holes were puttied and painted. Colored colors for multi-colored planks.
In the end, if you have the time and place, it’s not very difficult. The children are happy, they moved with pleasure:)

We begin to assemble the tool table. Tools: cross-cut saw, eccentric sander, hand router, hand saw, square, 4 small clamps, screwdriver, also known as drill.

Homemade milling table. Fraser lent it. The table is old for renovation, no problem.
In general, all the boards had a factory rounding - a chamfer. But there are no bars, I had to chamfer it this way.

Trimming thing!

The grinding turned out to be the most painful. It’s better not to start without a sander. And do not do it in a residential apartment. Fine dust everywhere.

Wallpaper, you can decorate it.

Frame assembly. Bar 50x50. For confirmations.

Facades on furniture bolts.

Painting with a velor roller White color in 3 layers.

The base color is ready. Later I cut out another window by removing 4 boards.

The size of the lower bed is 90x200, another 20 cm near the wall in the form of a shelf for pillows. Thus, the lower part is extended by 20 cm, when you sit down you don’t hit your head. From the lower base to the upper 110 cm.

The staircase was specially made from the inside so that it would not take up space in the room, which is already not enough. The size of the upper berth is 90x160. What’s new to me is that I discovered that it’s extremely easy to make a children’s staircase, just a block, a feather and a round profile on PVA.

The screw caps were then puttied and painted separately, so in the end everything was fine.

Finale - the back wall is made of 12mm plywood and covered with wallpaper. Ikea shelves have been waiting in the wings for a long time. The backlight is temporary (for a long time), I will finish it. You can sit on the bed like you would on a sofa, just add more pillows.

parents know that a child's bed should be comfortable so that the child feels comfortable. This is especially true for beds for newborn babies. The child should feel good while sleeping. For this reason, the choice of this item should be treated with special care. responsibility but do it yourself. Moreover, a do-it-yourself children's bed will be a source of pride for the parent, because it is made with special love and warmth, which means it will be, first of all, comfortable. How to make a bed for a child? Let's look at the detailed manufacturing diagram.

Drawings and diagrams

It is advisable to draw a drawing yourself in advance, a diagram on which the future project cribs for girls or boys. If you plan to make a house or dolphin bed, then everything will be much more complicated. It is better to use in these cases finished photos and drawings. The photo shows all the necessary measurements and locations of each element. When making diagrams, you should follow everything exactly down to every millimeter; the strength and appearance of the bed will depend on this.

Assembling a crib for a girl and a boy with my own hands- This is enough difficult task which requires a lot of responsibility. Therefore, many people prefer to purchase already ready product. But still, you can do it much better on your own; for this, the main thing is to follow the entire manufacturing scheme and do not forget to use the drawings. And if you show your imagination, you can make a bed, a house or a car.


Side diagram Scheme of a children's bed with drawers

Materials and tools

The work will require a number of materials and tools, as well as important details, which are worth stocking up on in advance.


Baby cots are too expensive, and sometimes their cost depends on appearance and purpose depending on gender - for a girl or a boy, so it is better to make it yourself. Before you start making this piece of furniture, you need to develop a project, purchase required material. The main thing is to have an idea of ​​the structure of this element. If you have basic dexterity skills, you can make premium-class furniture without spending a large number of money that would be enough to purchase a simple crib made of MDF or chipboard. It is advisable to first complete a drawing or project. Drawings and a project will help facilitate the entire process of assembling a product for a child.

Before you begin the project of making a crib, you need to purchase the following materials:

  • edged boards - they must have wood base coniferous species: spruce or pine;
  • bars that have cross-sectional dimensions of 50x100 mm. These elements will be needed to make the main frames and legs;
  • slats with cross-sectional dimensions of 20x20 mm. These components will be needed to make the filling;
  • You definitely need to buy plywood. Its thickness dimensions should be approximately 5 mm.

What type of bed was not made for a house or car, you need to remember important rule- bars and slats should be chosen from wood of special strength. The quality and further wear of the product depend on them.

Required Tools

The crib has a very simple design; a beginner in this business can assemble it, but it’s still worth preparing required set tools, without which the entire project of work would be impossible. Be sure to prepare necessary equipment to make a crib for a girl or boy:

  • you will need a jigsaw with electrically controlled or a saw for cutting boards and beams;
  • grinding machine;
  • you will need a manual router that has many attachments;
  • It is advisable to purchase a file designed for woodworking;
  • drill or screwdriver;
  • tools for measuring work - tape measure and level;
  • you will need clamps with which to glue the workpiece elements;
  • brushes and rollers for finishing works– painting, varnishing and decorating.

Application hand router makes work easier


In addition to the basic materials, you also need to purchase related elements. Without them, the work of making a crib would simply be impossible. So, what will you need to purchase from related materials:

  • you need to buy screws. Preference should be given to phosphated type products that are intended for woodworking;
  • prepare wood glue;
  • special putty mixture for finishing work on wood;
  • corners made of durable steel, which are needed to fasten all the parts;
  • be sure to buy stain to impregnate the wood and protect it from moisture. Otherwise, the product will not last even a year;
  • You will need varnish for painting furniture or paint for interior finishing work.

Don’t forget about decoration, it is advisable to decorate it, as you can see in the photo. You can make a bed for a house, a dolphin, a car. It can be decorated in the form of these products. If the crib is used as a house, then you need to purchase appropriate decorative elements and textiles. If the product is made to look like a dolphin, then preference should be given to blue decoration elements. If it is intended for a girl, then it can be decorated with various pink ribbons, flowers, and a pink canopy made of multi-colored textiles with patterns can be hung at the edges. If for a boy, then you will need to use the same ribbons, only in blue, light blue, and green.

You definitely need to buy a mattress. It’s better not to skimp on it; the child’s continued comfortable stay in bed depends on it. It is advisable to purchase orthopedic products in specialized stores. It has beneficial influence on the formation of the spine of a growing organism.

To assemble the parts you need furniture ties and a special drill

Manufacturing instructions

To obtain a high-quality and functional product, we advise you to follow the instructions below in detail.


The frame of the crib consists of the backrests and the base itself, on which the mattress will later be laid. The width of the frame should be calculated based on the size of the mattress. The frame is made of two crossbars. We make these crossbars from edged boards. The length of the bars is calculated independently, it all depends on the age up to which the crib will be used for a girl or boy. Typically the standard length is 120 cm.

How to make a frame:

  • measure the required length of the crossbars using a tape measure and make notes with a pencil;
  • with help electric jigsaw we saw off the boards for the crossbars of the required length, there should be only two of them;
  • from the edges of the crossbars you need to attach a 25x50 mm strip to glue and screws;
  • it is 10 cm shorter in length, so we leave dimensions of 5 cm at each end;
  • You need to drill a hole for the screws; it should be drilled close to the edge so that the wood does not burst;
  • using corners we connect the frame with the headboards. Secure with self-tapping screws and glue. We fix it in 4 corners;
  • at the end of the fastening area we cover it with wood putty mixture.

Location of fastening strips


Next, a base is made on which the mattress and other bedding will be laid in the future. It is advisable to use a material of good strength that can withstand heavy loads.

How to make a base:

  • from 20x20 slats you need to cut boards that will serve as filling for the base;
  • they should be cut so much that they completely fill the entire base. You should not save, if there are few of them, in the future they will quickly break;
  • they should be attached to the frame slats. They need to be attached with emphasis;
  • the installation step should be 10 cm, 2 screws should be used for each plank;
  • For installation of each self-tapping screw, a hole should be drilled in advance. When tightening the self-tapping screw, its head should go completely into the wood;
  • the holes should be coated with wood putty mixture;
  • After the putty dries, everything needs to be sanded.

Plank fastening scheme Installing the strips
Cutout for bed foot
Attaching the cross bars


Instructions for the process of making a crib for a child are not complete without making the legs. The legs of the crib are made according to the following scheme:

  • You need to cut blanks from 50x100 timber. They should be long under the head, and shorter under the foot;
  • you need to complete 4 blanks. 4 for the headboard and 4 for the footboard;
  • Using glue, you need to glue the blanks in pairs. To do this, you need to take one workpiece, attach it to another and make sure that they are inserted evenly;
  • we twist them using self-tapping screws;
  • when fastening workpieces with self-tapping screws, the heads of the screws should be recessed deep into the wood so that they hold tighter;
  • We seal the fastening points with wood putty;
  • when everything is dry, the surface of the wood should be thoroughly sanded.

Coat the boards with glue and fold them in pairs
Finished legs

Holes for dowels

For the headboards you will need boards that have a groove with a width of 25 mm. If you have a router available, these holes can be cut and turned yourself or in a carpentry shop. Holes for dowels must be drilled at the ends of the planks with grooves. During drilling, it is necessary to determine with particular accuracy their distance from the edge - they must be strictly at the same level on all planks.

The holes should have the same depth, which is equal to half the length of this piece of wood. These holes need to be drilled with a drill. And in order not to make a mistake, you need to mark the size of the recess on the drill and stick a piece of paint glue.

Holes for dowels


The headboard should be made according to the instructions:

  • From edged boards you need to cut planks that have the same length dimensions. They are needed to fill the headboard and footboard;
  • the groove for inserting the slats under the headboard must be filled in advance with glue;
  • insert the planks into the grooves and fix them evenly;
  • Holes for dowels should be drilled in the leg. It is better to attach the backrest and mark the insertion points with a pencil;
  • drill holes in the marked places and pour glue into them;
  • we place the backrest in these holes, this must be done tightly so that there are no cracks or distortions;
  • we make the second back.

Important point, which concerns gluing parts. After gluing, all elements will be movable, so it is important to set everything exactly 90 degrees and leave it until dry. Otherwise, during further assembly, you can simply damage the entire structure.

Headboard diagram
The headboard can be any shape
Decorative headboard with legs
Finished bed sides


After all the elements of a children's bed for a girl or boy are ready, you need to check for chips and various defects. Features of preparing bed elements for assembly:

  • if there are any chips, they need to be repaired with a putty mixture;
  • when everything is dry, all elements need to be sanded;
  • After sanding, the components must be treated with a primer or stain. This will protect the material from moisture and preserve its properties for a long time;
  • When all the elements are dry, everything needs to be painted. The color of the paint depends on the gender of the child; for a girl, you can use gentle tones - pink, red, white, light green, yellow. And for a boy will do blue, cyan, green, yellow;
  • We paint all the elements with paint, you can use multi-colored paint. Perform this step as you wish;
  • if the bed is made to look like a house, then you need to use your imagination and draw everything necessary elements. If the bed is a house, then you need to mark the windows, roof and others important elements. If it’s a dolphin, then you need to show all your artistic skill and paint it in the form of this animal;
  • After drying, you need to purchase textiles of the desired color and pattern for a bed for a girl or boy.

Attaching the headboard to the bed leg

If a person has a desire, basic skills, as well as a set simple tools, then a do-it-yourself children's bed is not a problem for him. Yes, you can buy ready-made furniture for your child. But there is an option to save money by making a sleeping place for your baby yourself.

In this article we will tell you how to make a crib for a child yourself. preschool age and show you the whole process step by step.

What should a crib be like?

Making a baby crib with your own hands must comply with the following rules:

  • only natural and environmentally friendly materials are used;
  • the crib has a reliable design;
  • free from potentially traumatic corners, protrusions, and parts;
  • the surface is perfectly smooth, without roughness or chips;
  • corresponds to the child’s parameters;
  • completely eliminates the possibility of falling.

Benefits of making a bed yourself

The advantages of a homemade children's bed are:

  1. Confidence in the materials used to make the crib. In the case of store-bought products, information about the parameters is not always available.
  2. The design is developed according to your own parameters and requirements.
  3. During the manufacturing process of the product, you can independently verify its strength, which is especially important in the case of children jumping on the mattress.
  4. A baby crib made by yourself significantly saves the family budget.
  5. You get incomparable pleasure from furniture made for your child yourself.

Bed design options: choose the right one

There are a large number of modifications of sleeping places, but we will focus on the most popular:

  • with and without sides;
  • loft bed;
  • transformer.

Below we will look at the process of making a regular baby crib with legs with a headboard and footboard with our own hands. The option is without tricks, does not involve particularly complex work and will not take much time.

Also, having understood the principle of operation, you can, by analogy, make a crib for a newborn, baby or child over 3 years old.

How to make a crib with your own hands

Before you start purchasing materials and tools for a children's bed made of plywood or other materials, you need to carefully consider the entire creation process of this element furniture, understand the basic elements.

  1. Frame. The parameters depend on the size of the bed and the mattress used accordingly. The main material for production is dry board.
  2. Lamels. The product supports the mattress and is a base in the form of lattice strips or plywood with ventilation holes.
  3. Sidewalls. Lattice or solid safety fences.
  4. Byltsa. Made from solid wood, chipboard or plywood. The height at the foot is traditionally lower than that of the headboard element.
  5. Legs. Can be made independently or purchased in a store. They can be integral with the main structure or attached separately.

Drawings and diagrams

Start work by preparing a drawing according to which the structure will be cut. Below we offer you options for ready-made drawings and diagrams that you can use.

To view the drawing in full size, right-click on the image and select the “open image in new tab” command.

Materials and tools

The outer parts of the bed, visible to the eye, are made of MDF. You can choose wood based on the finances at your disposal. If the bed will often be moved or carried, you should give preference to light wood species. A children's bed can also be made from plywood, which is installed on a frame. You will need edged and planed lumber in the form of boards and beams, whole or in sections.

The following tool is also required for work:

  • saw for woodworking;
  • milling cutter;
  • grinding machine;
  • drill;
  • corner;
  • self-tapping screws;
  • fasteners;
  • screeds;
  • screwdriver.

The first stage is making the legs

We start with the legs, making blanks from the timber. You can also contact a lumber shop and order them to be made according to your dimensions. You need 4 pieces of each length.

Remember! The legs of the bed are longer at the head of the bed and shorter at the foot of the bed.

We connect the blanks using glue and self-tapping screws.

The screws should be well sunk into the wood and covered with putty. After the product has dried, all irregularities and joints are sanded.

We begin work by making the legs. To do this, take the blanks in pairs, glue them evenly and twist them with self-tapping screws.

These are ready-made crib legs. All that remains is to putty it.

Second stage - holes for dowels

To install the backrests, a groove should be made. Its width is 2.5 cm. Use a router or, if you don’t have one, contact a carpenter. It’s easier to take ready-made dowels, choosing a drill of the appropriate diameter.

Having previously measured exact distance and a level on the slats, drill holes for dowels at the ends of the slats. Monitor the immersion depth of the drill using a beacon attached to it.

The third stage - the head and foot of the crib

From a 2.5 * 5 cm board, you need to cut boards of equal length to fill the headboard and footboard with them. Next, insert them into the groove filled with glue.

We drill a hole in the leg, then mark the middle, attach and align the back. Then we mark the areas where the holes for the dowels will be drilled. We put a little adhesive material in them and insert the back. The canvas should fit tightly, avoid gaps.

We attach the legs to the back of the crib.

The same process is duplicated on the other leg. If an unaesthetic joint is formed, it is masked with a board, secured with self-tapping screws.

Finished footboard and headboard of the crib

The fourth stage is the basis for the mattress

We take two boards 5*10 cm along the length of the mattress, use self-tapping screws and glue to attach a plank that is 10 cm shorter. We drill holes closer to the edge. The hats should ultimately be completely hidden.

Installation of crib slats

We cut the slats and attach them to the slats with a stop in 10 cm increments along the width of the mattress with two self-tapping screws. The holes for fasteners are covered with putty and subsequently sanded.

Fastening the cross bars

In the outer slats you need to make cutouts for the legs of the crib.

Fifth stage - assembling the crib

Now we finally eliminate all defects in the wooden parts of the crib (chips, cracks, etc.) by sealing with putty, then sanding until smooth.

The next step is priming and painting all the parts.

All. All we have to do is connect the backrests and the base for the mattress. Our crib, which we made for the baby ourselves, is ready!

For fastening use furniture fittings, which is sold in stores.

Ideas for decorating a baby crib

After finishing the main work, it's time to start decorating to give the bed a finished look.
In terms of decorative implementation, the sides provide a wide field for action. The decoration can be an original ornament or pattern, a print depicting your favorite characters. Using harmless acrylic or silicone paint in this case will allow you to add unusual touches.

You can upholster the product with furniture fabric, having previously made the pattern a couple of centimeters larger than the dimensions of the parts. The material is leveled to avoid bubbles and secured with a furniture stapler. This option will look harmonious on a do-it-yourself crib for a girl.

You can paint the crib with a special furniture paint that is safe for humans.

Coating the frame with varnish can also be classified as a finishing method. To do this, it is recommended to use products that dry quickly. All parts are sanded and polished.

So, we have looked at the process of making a baby crib with our own hands. If anything remains unclear or you have any questions, ask in the comments below. We will definitely answer them.

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DIY children's bed: drawings, photos, manufacturing materials

It is difficult to overestimate the importance of good sleep for a child’s health. That’s why it’s so important to get a comfortable and safe bed. By the way, you don’t have to buy furniture to decorate a child’s bedroom, because you can assemble it yourself. Read on to learn how to do this correctly.

Elements of a baby cot

Before we start making a children's bed, let's decide what distinguishes it from its adult counterparts. Among the distinctive features:

  • Dimensions. Mattresses for children's beds are shorter and narrower than their adult counterparts (see table standard sizes sleeping mattresses).
  • Number and location of beds. The bed in children's furniture is not made double, more often it is a single design. If you need to accommodate two children, the structure is assembled in two tiers.
  • Operational safety. High-quality furniture for a children's room does not have sharp corners and traumatic parts.
  • Decorative design. Furniture for a children's room should not be boring and visually attractive to the child.

Let's summarize the points listed. A children's bed is made from the same elements as its adult counterparts, that is, it uses a supporting frame around the perimeter, mattress holder slats, a mattress, etc. But all these elements have smaller dimensions and are made of environmentally friendly materials.

The elements in the design of children's furniture are rounded at the corners and painted in bright colors. An important point is that to ensure safety, the design of most children's beds uses high sides. The use of such elements is mandatory in cribs for children under 3 years of age.

Deciding on the model

The choice of children's bed design determines:

  • Children's age. The dimensions of the bed depend on age - the older the child, the larger the bed.
  • Amount of children. A single-tier bed is built for one child, and as the number of children increases, the number of tiers increases.
  • Gender of the child. The gender of a child affects decorative design furniture.
  • Features of the room. In a spacious nursery you can install several single-tier beds, but in a cramped room the structure is built in several tiers.
  • Project budget. Material capabilities determine what materials the furniture can be assembled from.

Basic details of wooden beds

The design of a single single-tier children's bed consists of a supporting frame, which is assembled from boards and encircles the product around the perimeter. At the corners of the supporting frame there are vertical supports that serve as legs and as side holders.

At the top of the supports there are horizontal boards - sides. Sideboards for older children are installed on three sides of the bed, and for children younger age four at a time.

Along the inner perimeter of the frame there are slats that will hold the mattress. At the bottom of the bed there is free space in which there are drawers for storing linen and bedding.

Design bunk bed repeats the design of a single-tier structure with the difference that two beds are supported on the same supports. To make it easy to climb onto the second tier, the design uses ladder. To ensure safety, the side of the second tier is located on four sides.


Illustrations Materials and their description

Solid wood lumber. Boards, beams, furniture boards are all-wood, environmentally friendly materials, which I primarily recommend for assembling children's furniture.

Metal. Children's beds can be assembled from rolled metal, provided that welds will be neat.

Chipboard (chipboard). Chipboard - not the best option in respect of environmental safety. But because affordable price Laminated chipboard is still the most popular and in demand material.

Oriented Strand Board (OSB). From the point of view of environmental safety, OSB is worse than chipboard, since the formaldehyde content in these boards is higher. If OSB is used to make furniture, it must be provided that the surface is covered with several continuous layers of varnish.

Fibreboard – auxiliary material. Fiberboard (fibreboard) is used as a structural material, which is used to line the bottom of drawers or cover the top of a bed.

About fasteners

If you are making a bed from lumber or particle boards, for fastening you will need confirmations - universal fasteners in the form of screws with an increased thread pitch. In order to provide greater strength to the confirmations, you can use dowels - wooden choppers that are driven into pre-drilled holes.

You will also need L-shaped corner perforated plates and self-tapping screws to secure them.

On sale are standard corner fasteners and those reinforced with gussets on the bend, as shown in the photo. When choosing, we give preference to reinforced plates, as they are stronger and more reliable.

About accessories

A children's bed is a simple structure, where the list of special fittings is limited to guides for tilting the front wall, a pendulum mechanism for rocking cradles, etc. At self-assembly you can limit yourself to rollers for drawers, as well as hinges and latches for the folding front wall.

Necessary tool

The choice of tool depends on what the furniture will be assembled from. To work with lumber, you need a basic set of carpentry equipment, including a drill, screwdriver, jigsaw, router, 5 mm hex key, measuring tool. You will also need free place, where you can cut out the necessary parts and then assemble them together.

Wooden bed

After we have decided on the choice of materials, fastening hardware and fittings, we will consider how to assemble it with our own hands wooden furniture for a children's room. As an example, I offer instructions for assembling a typical bunk bed shown in the drawing.

The structure assembled according to the proposed scheme is durable, neat and at the same time budget-friendly in terms of materials. The most important thing is that such a bed is not difficult to make yourself, even if such work is being done for the first time.

Illustrations Making a crib with drawers

Materials and tools. To assemble this bed you need pine or beech boards with a section of 35×100 mm and 25×100 mm. To process wood you will need a miter saw, router, drill, confirm key, and screwdriver.

Cutting out the details. From a 35×100 board we cut 4 pieces 1900 mm long, 4 pieces 1810 mm long and 4 pieces 800 mm long. On workpieces 1810 mm long we make grooves 35×100 mm as shown in the photo.

We make legs (supports). As shown in the photo, we attach transverse crossbars into the grooves of the vertical supports, which will be the head and foot of the bed on the upper and lower tier.

Assembling the bed and installing the ladder. After the end units of the bed are ready, we attach longitudinal boards safety barriers.

We install slats—mattress holders—in the inner perimeter of the upper and lower beds. We assemble a staircase from a board and a rounded beam; if there is no round beam, steps can be made from a board.

Installation of drawer fronts. We assemble the boxes from boards as a rectangular frame, with a bottom attached at the bottom.

For convenience and safety of operation, we make the fronts of the drawers without handles with recesses, as shown in the photo. At the bottom of the boxes we attach roll-out rollers.

Let's take a closer look at the operations you will encounter during assembly.

Illustrations Assembly process details

Screwing in confirmations. To screw in the confirmat, we drill a hole - for this we use a drill with a special cutter. If there is no special drill, drill a hole the length of the confirmation and a diameter of 3 mm. Then we expand the edge of the hole made to 5 mm to a depth of 5 mm and get a recess under the head of the confirmation.

We screw the confirmat so that its head is completely recessed into the wood. Subsequently, the mounting hole will be closed with a decorative plug.

Holes for dowels. To install the dowel, holes of the appropriate diameter are drilled in the parts to be connected, most often 6 or 8 mm. The depth of the hole in each of the connected parts is 15 or 20 mm (depending on the length of the dowel).

The dowel is driven into the wood with or without preliminary application of glue.

Making the base for the mattress. For installation orthopedic mattress You can purchase ready-made lamellas, like those shown in the photo, or you can cut the same pieces of boards yourself.

A barrier is made from a block along the inner perimeter of the bed, onto which prepared lamellas are laid.

The lamella base is suitable for hard mattresses. If the mattress is soft, the base is made not from lamellas, but from a solid plywood sheet.

Installation of swing facades. As an alternative drawers at the bottom of the bed can be installed swing facades. Installation of facades is carried out using conventional adjustable hinges.

Decorating the bed. Finished furniture can be treated with stain and varnished if it is wooden. In other cases, painting is the preferred option.

Alternatively, a bed made of wood or chipboard can be upholstered with fabric pre-pasted with foam rubber.

Homemade bed-car

Illustrations Assembling the car bed

Support frame. A rectangular frame - a box - is assembled from a furniture panel. Gaps are cut out from one of the ends of the box using a jigsaw to imitate a radiator grille, headlights, etc.

Imitation windshield. Openings are made on the sides of the body through which the child will enter the structure. At the distance at which the hood is expected to end, we attach a frame assembled from slats.

Installing the Drawer Lid. The lid of the bedding box, imitating a hood, is attached to a piano hinge at the front of the bed. At the same stage, the wheel rims are attached to the sides.

Mattress holders. Inside assembled box is installed plywood sheet, on which the mattress is placed.

Primer and painting. After the bed is assembled, the surface is primed and painted.

Considering complex design furniture, for working with paint and varnish materials It is preferable to use a brush. The choice of paint is not important, the main thing is that it is completely dry before use.

Let's sum it up

Now you know how and what to make a children's bed from. If according to the proposed step by step guide If you have any questions, ask them in the comments to the article.