How to make a podium bed with drawers. How to make a podium in the apartment? Do-it-yourself podium bed made of wood

Anton Tsugunov

Reading time: 10 minutes

The podium as a type of sleeping furniture has Japanese roots. Saving every inch of space in small houses, the inhabitants of this country have long slept on a raised platform, the lower part of which was used for storage. Time passed, life changed, but interest in such structures remained and overcame the borders of one country. Let's find out how to choose a podium for a mattress or build it yourself.

Types of podiums for the mattress

Among the variety of design options, there are 2 main groups:

  • Traditional podiums, consisting of a wooden frame, decorated with decorative material. A mattress is placed on top of the structure.
  • Modern designs that have niches and other details that perform additional functions. It can be boxes for linen or a whole bed, which conveniently rolls out along the rails.

Podiums that play the role of a bed, according to the degree of functionality, are:

  • technical - hide communications, serve to store things;
  • decorative - perform the tasks of zoning, focusing on the winning sides of the design of the room;
  • mixed - such designs combine multifaceted functions. For example, the podium serves as the base for the workplace, and the bed is placed inside a wooden box.

Mattress on the podium instead of a bed: advantages

The podium installed instead of the usual bed makes the room original, unusual. Some models are suitable for spacious rooms. For example, a round elevation would only be appropriate in a large room. But other designs will harmoniously fit even into modest-sized bedrooms.

Many catwalk beds will be the best solution for small or one-room housing. In a studio apartment without partitions, such an elevation helps to zone the space.

The structures are equipped with steps, lighting, decor. The place under the bed takes on the function of an additional storage system, becoming an alternative to a chest of drawers. The options are very different - from the "folding floor" to drawers.

In the end part there are organic shelves for books and souvenirs.

Steps can also act as storage containers.

The positive effect of the podium bed on the interior:

  • this design corrects the geometry of the room, harmonizes long narrow bedrooms;
  • the layout of the room is changing, competent zoning is being done.

Podium bed in the bedroom

Before buying or making a podium bed, you should measure the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room and imagine how the model will look in the interior.

At the bottom, you can arrange a backlight that creates the effect of airiness.

Marked with a curtain, this part of the apartment will be more chamber, intimate. Near the window, a podium with drawers located below is appropriate, which does not take up much space and is well lit. In this case, the traditional battery is replaced with a convector built into the floor.

The geometry of the podiums is diverse: rectangular, curvilinear with different heights. The type of elevation, design is influenced by the configuration of the room, the size of the bed, the need for adjacent functional areas or the division of areas. You need to think about whether you need storage space, additional space for work and leisure. The color scheme, design style and the planned total amount play their role.

Podium in the children's room

In designs for children and adults, there are no serious differences, except for sizes.

They use a similar frame made of timber or metal profiles with wood or fiberboard sheathing.

But the children's room performs many functions: the little owners play, do their homework, sleep. Here, a podium that does not interfere with games is more suitable, with a surface that serves as a place for a desk and other activities for the child.

Therefore, along with the classic version of the elevation, on which the children's mattress lies on top, a model with built-in beds that slide inside the podium is suitable. Children can easily use them themselves. And if they are not pushed all the way, they turn into seats. When equipping a room where two or three children live, this design will become an alternative to a 2-tier bed.

How to DIY

First you need to think about what functions the elevation will perform in a particular room, how many drawers and other elements are required. This is followed by measurements, marking, selection of materials. Taking into account the height of the ceiling, the height of the structure is determined. If it is higher than 35–40 cm, steps must be provided.

Roll-out boxes can be made manually, but it is easier to order according to the dimensions of the frame in furniture companies.

Classic podiums without "stuffing" are easier to equip: their manufacture resembles the construction of floors on logs. It is better to work with an assistant, although you can cope with this task yourself. It will take 1-3 days to make.

Elevation height and dimensions

The dimensions of a particular podium are determined by the chosen design of the structure and the features of the room where the bed will be installed. For models with drawers, a height of 35–40 cm is suitable. This is the optimal parameter for rooms with a standard ceiling height of 2700 mm. In some Khrushchev houses, the ceilings are lower or the height of the room has decreased due to the suspended structure. In these cases, the size of the podium is reduced to 20 cm, otherwise it will look unnatural, and the low ceiling will “press” on the bed.

The minimum values ​​for the length and width of the podium depend on the dimensions of the mattress. In this case, an allowance of 5 mm on each side is added to its dimensions. This will keep the mattress from hanging off the dais. It is recommended to make miniature bumpers around the perimeter so that the bed does not “move out” from its place.

Standard mattress sizes:

  • Length - 190, 195, 200 cm.
  • Width: single - 80 cm, one and a half - 120 cm, double models - 140, 160, 180, 200 cm.

Thus, under a double mattress with dimensions of 180 × 200, a structure with dimensions of 190 × 210 cm is erected.

There are two more size options for the podium area:

  • The elevation is made a little larger than the dimensions of the mattress, by 30-40 cm, so that there are unoccupied strips around the edges that can be decorated. So, for a mattress 160 × 200 cm, the size of the podium can be 200 × 230 cm.
  • In narrow bedrooms, it makes sense to mount an elevation across the entire width of the room. This solution does not leave narrow areas on the sides that are inconvenient to use.

For podiums that are larger than the mattress, with a height of more than 30 cm, an additional step is recommended. Otherwise, you will have to lift your legs when moving from the room to the sleeping area, which is inconvenient and fraught with injuries.


After choosing the size, a careful design drawing is made. It is on it that the amount of material is determined. To build a podium you will need:

  • Beam for the frame with a section of 50 × 50 mm. The frame and vertical racks will be made from it. To prevent the structure from bending under weight, the support logs, as well as the vertical posts supporting them, are placed in 40 cm increments.
  • Moisture resistant plywood, MDF or OSB with a thickness of at least 15 mm for sheathing. Plywood is the most budget option. It is not recommended to use chipboard: if moisture gets in, the plate will swell, and the entire sheathing, and behind it the frame, can “lead”.
  • Plywood 10–12 mm thick for boxes.
  • Waterproof and sound absorbing material. It is not necessary to use it, but it is better to play it safe and protect the podium from moisture from below. Soundproofing will help to avoid creaking, which is almost inevitable when wood dries. In addition, getting a kind of resonator from the elevation that amplifies all the sounds from the neighbors below is not pleasant enough.

The role of waterproofing is performed by a polyethylene film; soundproofing based on cork has proven itself well against noise. Dimensions - according to the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe podium with a small margin.

  • Fasteners: dowel-nails, anchors, wood screws, metal corners.
  • Accessories: roller guides, drawer handles.
  • Wood putty and fine sandpaper for sealing joints and holes for fasteners.
  • Finishing material. Most often, podiums are painted, but it is possible to finish with carpet, laminate, linoleum and even ceramic tiles.


List of tools:

  • Roulette, pencil, building level, square.
  • Screwdriver.
  • Hacksaw, electric jigsaw.
  • Hammer drill or impact drill.
  • Chisel.
  • Construction stapler.

Installation and sheathing of the frame

Preparatory work:

  • The room is cleared of furniture.
  • If carpet or linoleum is laid on the floor, then it is removed.
  • Lines are drawn on the floor and walls that limit the future podium. Easy to use laser level.
  • The floor surface under the future elevation is covered with plastic wrap.
  • As soundproofing, the best option is a cork substrate.

Assemble the frame, based on the developed drawing. It is necessary to take into account such points:

  • The bars that form the upper and lower contours of the frame are joined at a right angle using a half-tree connection. To do this, mark 50 mm (its width) at the end of the beam, cut it to the middle, and then cut off the sawn off half with a chisel. Such fastening will ensure the strength of the connection and will not interfere with the skin material to fit snugly against the frame.
  • For fastening vertical racks use metal corners. Additionally, you can fix the vertical bars with wooden dowels by inserting them into pre-drilled holes in the ends of the racks and the bars of the upper and lower trim.

Horizontal and vertical bars of the frame adjacent to the walls are attached to them with anchors or dowel-nails. This will provide additional strength to the podium.

To prevent cracking of the wood, it is recommended to make holes for them using a thin drill before screwing in the screws.

  • Fragments of plywood are screwed to the vertical posts, dividing the internal space of the podium into compartments. Drawer guides are attached to them.
  • Elements of the material selected for sheathing are cut and screwed into place. At the docking points, a technological gap of about 2 mm should be left. In its absence, plywood or MDF, changing its geometry under the influence of temperature, will warp.

The flooring elements are cut in such a way that, after fastening, they cover the ends of the side skin. This point must be taken into account when marking.

The photo shows the process of making a simple podium bed from wooden boards.

Production and installation of drawers

  • Length - up to 60 cm. It will be inconvenient to get things out of a box that is too deep.
  • The width depends on the overall design of the structure. But it should be 2.5 cm less than the recess intended for the drawer. Such a gap is necessary for mounting roller guides.

The boxes are assembled from four slats and a bottom. For planks use MDF, OSB or plywood 12 mm thick. They are joined end to end. If you have time and the necessary equipment, you can use a spiked connection.

The bottom is cut out of thinner plywood and nailed so that the ends of the planks are closed. Another, more time-consuming option: the plywood bottom is inserted into a groove 3-4 mm deep at a distance of 1.5 cm from the bottom edge of the planks. It is done before assembly using a milling cutter.

At the final stage, the necessary fittings are attached, the second parts of the guides. The boxes are inserted into place and adjusted finally.

Grind and paint the boxes before they are assembled: this is much easier.

The stages of making a podium with boxes are shown in the video.


At the end of the assembly, all gaps and defects in the skin are covered with putty on wood. After it dries, the surface is polished with fine sandpaper.

Different materials are used to decorate the podium: the surface can be painted, finished with veneer, carpet, laminate, draped with fabric.

Unusual design of a pull-out podium bed with a sofa for relaxing upstairs

In the modern furniture market, you can find a huge variety of beds. And if bunk beds no longer surprise anyone, then three-tier, retractable, hanging and podium beds are still a novelty for many, and they just have to get to know them. Perhaps someone has already looked after himself a new bed for purchase, and we will make a podium bed with our own hands. Before designing it yourself, we will understand its features, pros and cons.

The location of the bed on the podium by the window

Bed-podium with a berth on top and a beautiful canopy for zoning a berth

The bed-podium is a hill in the form of a step with a mattress laid on it. The main difference from a regular bed is that there is a fairly large amount of free space around the mattress on the podium. It can vary from 25 cm or more.

Podium with pull-out bed and workspace

The berth can be located directly on the podium, as well as be retractable, that is, located in one of the niches of the podium. In the latter case, a hill is used to organize a work or play space, a recreation area.

Stylish and comfortable bed on the podium behind a screen in the corner of the room


Bed-podium with ladder chest of drawers and pull-out table

Since beds of this type are of mixed construction, their functionality is very extensive.

  • Space zoning. With the help of the podium, one of the zones of the room can be distinguished. The elevated site is psychologically defined as something separate from everything else. Having made a sleeping place on the podium, and also separating it with curtains, you can easily get a separate bedroom in a one-room apartment.
  • Proportion adjustment. The unevenness of the floor can be corrected by choosing the right form of the podium, visually expand a narrow room with this trick, and give a clear shape to a huge empty room.
  • Space saving. This is achieved due to the fact that the podium bed combines several functions, increasing the usable space. It can be built in drawers for linen, shelves for books or other things.
  • Communication masking. The podium is a great opportunity to hide wires from video and audio equipment, lighting and other communications in it.

Bed in the niche of the room, made by hand

Such a large number of functions performed gives the impression that we have found the ideal. However, the platform bed also has its drawbacks.

Advantages and disadvantages

Retractable podium bed saves space

The undoubted advantage is versatility and space saving. Another advantage is the simplicity of a seemingly complex design. It is not difficult to assemble, so by ordering a podium bed you can assemble it without outside help, as well as make it yourself. Hence we have a relatively small cheapness of this furniture, especially if you make it yourself.

The disadvantages include the fact that the podium truncates the room in height. Therefore, the installation of such a bed in a low small-sized apartment will be impractical.


Beds podiums can be divided according to several criteria. To begin with, we will divide them in accordance with the shape: the most common are round and rectangular structures. However, it all depends on your imagination. You can make the podium triangular, polygonal or completely intricate. But for this it is necessary to make an appropriate frame, which adds to the complexity of the matter.

Bed-podium with a sleeping place upstairs and with a light screen to separate the sleeping and rest area

We can talk about such criteria as the use of the podium. This refers to the location of the bed. It can be placed on top of the podium, and additional usable space is represented by a podium that can be used as storage boxes. The second option is a pull-out bed.

On the podium, you can organize a functional area, and place the bed on the side

It is also worth mentioning the type of podium: monolithic and frame. The first is made of gypsum block, sand-cement mixture or foam concrete. More often this type is used for kitchens and bathrooms in private houses, since the design is quite heavy and gives additional weight to the floor. Frame podiums are most often used for beds. The bottom line is to design a metal or wooden profile, which is then sheathed with plywood.

Getting Started

The basis of the bed, which we will make, is also a frame podium. The work consists of several stages.

Stage of work Main tasks Tools
Preparatory Select the material, prepare the necessary tools, take measurements Ruler, tape measure, pencil
Podium construction Fabricate and install frame Drill, self-tapping screws
We supplement with details Fabricate and install drawers Plywood sheet, several laminated chipboards, glue
We assemble Fasten all manufactured parts, remove defects Guides, screws, screwdriver
Installation Install the bed along with additional details Sheets of plywood or chipboard, screws, screwdriver, mattress
Exterior finish Make the appearance in accordance with the design decision LED strip, carpet, fabric, etc.

We've made a plan, and now we're ready to get to work.

Preparatory stage

Any job requires preparation. And such a thing as making a podium bed with your own hands requires careful preparation. This stage includes:

  • making measurements;
  • drawing up a design project;
  • selection of material;
  • base processing;
  • preparation of tools.

First you need to take measurements of the room. The dimensions of the podium are determined by the size of the room. We propose to make a rectangular podium across the entire width of the room. Determine the length yourself as far as the dimensions of the room allow. You also need to take into account the size of the mattress in order to navigate how much free space remains.

Podium bed frame with pull-out double bed

In accordance with the measurements received, we draw up a design project. It includes all stages of work, from the choice of material, and ending with the design of the product.

Materials for overlapping the bed frame

We choose the material. For the manufacture of the frame you will need strong wooden bars. Chipboard or several sheets of plywood to cover the podium frame. You will also need some chipboard (chipboard) for the side walls of the bed.

Necessary tools for assembling a podium bed

From the tools you will need a tape measure, a pencil, a screwdriver, a drill, a hacksaw, a set of screwdrivers, self-tapping screws, a hammer, a construction stapler, a construction level.

You need to buy material in accordance with the measurements received. In this case, you will not have extra elements or lack of material. Initial processing is not required, as wooden beams and chipboard are sold ready-made. Processing will occur during operation as the material is cut and bonded.

We make a frame

Assembling the podium frame in the corner of the room

After the preparatory stage, we begin to work. Everything starts from the basics. And our work begins with the design of the podium, which will become the basis for the bed and drawers.

Attaching the frame to the horizontal posts

We start by placing the podium. To do this, in accordance with the measurements, draw the height of the beams to be fixed on the walls, and then check the marks using the building level so that the resulting podium is even. Then we take the prepared wooden beams and fasten them to the floor and walls with anchors horizontally. Then it is necessary to attach the bars vertically to them, additionally attaching them to the wall. The distance between the lags should be no more than 40 cm for structural strength. On vertical beams we fasten from above we also fasten wooden beams, duplicating the bottom layer. It turns out a kind of box. This is the frame of the podium. Now you need to determine the location of the mattress on it.

Depending on the location of the mattress, attach three bars to the base of the podium to fix the slats. One should pass strictly in the middle of the proposed mattress, the other two along the right and left edges. Then fill the lamellas on special bars - this will be our sleeping place. It is also necessary to attach several boards to the base around the perimeter of the mattress to secure the mattress. Along the edge of the frame, we attach a plywood or chipboard slab (depending on the rest of the material for the bed) to the wall and base, which will make up the future headboard.

We fix the sides to the finished base of the podium bed

Now you can proceed to the manufacture and fastening of additional parts.

We supplement with details

We collect drawers for the bed

In our case, drawers are additional details. This is a very practical and easy to use option. You can also make drawers with hinged doors or shelves. However, we recommend using drawers.

Attaching drawer rails

After taking measurements, you can order the finished product and just insert it into the frame. But we offer to make boxes with your own hands. In addition, it does not take much time and effort. It should be noted that the width of the box should be 2.5 cm less than the box in which it will be located. In accordance with this, we proceed to the manufacture of boxes. We need a sheet of plywood for the bottom, 3 chipboard for the side walls. We fasten these parts with glue. We take another chipboard and attach a handle to it, after which we attach this board to the rest of the box. The box is ready.

According to the above scheme, make the remaining boxes, the number of which is provided by the existing niches.

We install the second part of the guides on the dividing partitions

To install the boxes, you will need several guides. They consist of two parts: the first (two guides) is attached to the sides of the drawer on both sides, and the second (also 2 guides) is attached to the frame. This is done with the help of screws, which usually come with guides and screwdrivers.

We install drawers in their places in the niche of the bed

Final stage

Do-it-yourself podium bed sheathing scheme

The last stage involves the assembly of all parts of the structure, its final installation and cladding.

In essence, we have only the frame ready. Now we need to finish. For this purpose, it is better to use sheets of plywood. Take sheets of plywood prepared along the length or cut according to the measurements taken. We glue the cut with a plastic edge. One side of it has a heat-activated adhesive. To fix this edge, you need to heat it up and firmly attach it to the plywood cut (this can be done using an old iron). Now we fasten the processed plywood sheets to the frame using screws. So it is necessary to cover the entire podium (for the walls of the bed, we have already fixed chipboards around the perimeter of the mattress, you can also use plywood for the walls). We close the joint of the podium with the floor with a plinth.

The top of the frame is covered. We repeat these steps in relation to the sides of the frame. Now it remains to place the boxes in the appropriate niches, and put the mattress in the space allotted for it.


Sheathing of a pull-out bed-podium with laminate

The platform bed is ready. We made the frame and main parts, assembled and finished. Now there is an opportunity to dream up and make the decor of the resulting product.

Sheathing of the podium bed with wood to match the flooring

Decor that is not foreseen in advance in the plan can be done using fabric, carpet, LED strip, etc. So the podium can be covered with carpet, securing it with skirting boards; we decorate the head of the bed with a cloth; glue the LED strip around the perimeter of the podium or drawers or drape it with a cloth. Such simple decorating techniques can be applied by everyone, they vary in all directions and techniques that you own. You can use paper or thread, paint, varnish, and other materials to achieve the look you want.

Ready-made podium bed, made by hand

Things are different with more complex decor. This can be built-in LED lighting or musical equipment, finishing the podium with curly marble beams, etc. Planning is necessary for such innovations. They must be displayed in the design project, as they require additional design transformations. With careful planning, you can realize any idea that comes to mind.

Huge podium along the entire studio room for the mattress and work area

Video: DIY bed with drawers

A podium with a built-in bed is a stylish and at the same time functional solution in modern interior design.

Every year, the popularity of such structures is growing rapidly, because they not only look quite impressive, but also allow solving the issue of lack of space, which is especially relevant in modern conditions.

Features and benefits of a podium with a pull-out bed

Structurally, a podium with a pull-out bed is a piece of furniture consisting of a podium - a hill above and a sleeping place pulled out of it.

Unlike the classic bed on the podium, suitable only for spacious rooms, the bed that is pulled out of the podium saves space by cleaning the bed during the day and dividing the room into zones. Therefore, it can be used even in tight spaces.

Compared to traditional beds, a pull-out podium bed has the following advantages:

  • attractive appearance, which allows you to adjust the geometry of the room that is uncomfortable for the eye;
  • the ability to significantly save space;
  • a podium is one of the most effective and simple ways to divide a room into zones and organize an additional storage system;

There are many models of retractable podium beds on sale, but, unfortunately, it is not always possible to find the option that is right for you. In this case, the best way out of the situation would be to make a podium with a pull-out bed with your own hands.

How to make a do-it-yourself podium with a pull-out bed

How to make a podium with a pull-out bed? It is this question that worries many furniture buyers who have not found the design of their dreams in stores. At first glance, the manufacture of sliding furniture seems to be a very complicated and time-consuming process. But if you strictly follow the instructions, then as a result you can get the interior of your dreams without much effort.

We draw up a sketch, take measurements, choose the place of installation

First of all, it is necessary to clearly determine the location of the structure and draw an approximate sketch - a sketch. In this case, it is important not to rush, first ask for advice from family members or friends. Please note that in rooms with ceilings lower than 2.75 m, it is not recommended to install a podium at all. If you still really want to diversify the interior with such a design, it must be made as low as possible.

It is not recommended to install the podium close to the exit from the room or in its very center. This, firstly, will lead to endless stumbling on the structure, and secondly, it will only “eat” space instead of saving it.

After that, you can start measuring. You need to decide on the following parameters:

  • the total height of the podium (the height of the bed frame + the height of the mattress + the height of the wheels);
  • podium width.

If you want the bed to be able to be pushed into the podium directly with the linens, do not forget to make a margin in its height.

In the process of measuring, use the famous proverb "Measure seven times - cut once." It is advisable to double-check the results obtained several times in order to avoid annoying misunderstandings.

All measurements must be made in the form of a drawing of the product.

What is a podium with a pull-out bed made of - material selection rules

The second step in making a podium with a pull-out bed is the choice of material. for the frame. It depends on what load the podium will be subjected to in its normal state.

As a rule, a board or beam with a thickness of at least 40 mm is used. When buying material, pay attention to the presence of bumps, knots and leaking resins - they should not be.

It is best to purchase timber in a store where there is a cut-to-size service. This will greatly facilitate the task of selecting the required amount of material.

Also pay special attention to assessing the level of dryness of boards and timber. Before making the structure, impregnate them with an agent against fungus and mold.

For sheathing the frame, it is best to choose sheets of plywood, MDF or orientational strand board (OSB). It is better to refuse the use of boards that are not resistant to moisture, such as chipboard, as they can deform over time.

Plywood is the most economical material. But it may contain heterogeneities, chips and voids. However, such shortcomings do not play a decisive role for the upholstery of the frame. Plates from OSB, MDF do not have such defects, but they are also more expensive.

List of tools

In order to make a pull-out bed step by step, make sure you have all the necessary tools in advance.

You will need:

  • hammer and ordinary hand saw;
  • electric drill;
  • screwdriver;
  • perforator;
  • jigsaw;
  • measuring tape, a simple pencil, a level (for more accurate results, you can use a laser) and a square;
  • construction stapler.

Of the consumables, you will need wood screws, nails and galvanized corners. To process wooden parts, you will need a primer, brushes and a roller.

Rules for assembling the podium frame

The first and most important stage in the assembly of a retractable podium bed is the manufacture of the frame.

First, prepare a place for the podium: level the floor with a primer, and if the structure is adjacent to the wall, dismantle the plinth. Then draw a straight line along the wall with a level corresponding to the height of the structure.

Next, assemble the frame from the timber. To do this, use self-tapping screws to attach the support bars to the walls and floor along the previously drawn line. To avoid cracks in the wood, before screwing in the self-tapping screw, first make holes in the timber.

When calculating the length of a vertical beam, do not forget to subtract the section of the beam itself from the height.

To make the structure strong, it is recommended to make the distance between the bars about 40 cm. Next, lay the transverse bars that will make up the upper part of the frame. Connect them with transverse nails and reinforce the connections with metal corners.

To prevent the podium from creaking, the edges of the transverse boards can be pasted over with felt.

If the size of the room allows you to implement additional storage in the podium, then you can add several drawers. You can fix them in two ways: using wheels or side rails.

How to sheathe the frame of the podium

The finished frame should be sheathed with the selected material.

It is important to ensure the soundproofing of the podium - this will reduce the level of the characteristic booming sound that appears when walking on the structure. To do this, the inner surface is laid with any soundproofing material. Ordinary polystyrene or mineral wool is well suited.

Be sure to check the finished podium for strength. To do this, be like him, listen: a well-assembled structure should not make a loud creak or crackle. Put furniture on the podium - it should not sag.

We make a retractable bed under the podium

When the podium is ready, you can start assembling the frame for the bed.

For the manufacture of the bed frame, the remains of bars or boards, plywood are used, fastening them with self-tapping screws and metal corners. It is better to purchase a slatted bottom for a mattress in advance. You can also use a solid base, but it makes it difficult for air to circulate in the mattress.

To equip a retractable structure, it is necessary to purchase helium-based wheels in advance at a furniture store.

If you plan to equip a storage system, make boxes of the right size by connecting the bars and plywood together.

After everything is ready, be sure to check whether the roll-out design works well: all elements of the podium bed should easily move in and out.

Decorative finish podium with pull-out bed

For decorative finishing of a retractable podium bed, you can use HDF, matching the color of the floors. To do this, you must first saw it according to the dimensions of the front of the product, and then attach it to the frames of the boxes using finishing nails or self-tapping screws.

The final touch is the fastening of furniture handles and the pull-out bed is ready! If desired, it can be additionally equipped with decorative lighting.

You can do all of the above work yourself, you just need to stock up on free time, patience and observe attentiveness and accuracy in work.

Of course, you will spend a significant amount on building materials, but the final cost of a do-it-yourself retractable podium bed will be much lower than the services of a specialist.

A modern do-it-yourself podium bed is a stylish and practical solution for almost any interior design, except for rooms with low ceilings.

The podium bed in the apartment allows you to economically organize space and creates maximum convenience. In other words, this is a sleeping place, which is located on a hill. This design combines convenience with functionality. For all varieties and accommodation options, more details later in the article.

Benefits of a podium bed

The beginning of such an organization of a sleeping place was laid by Japanese traditions, which received a new interpretation. The design of the models that are presented is diverse. They differ in the size of structures, types, materials.

Types of structures by organization

There are many models of flooring on a raised platform with a bed. All of them are divided into three main types:

  • Traditional.
  • Improved.
  • Retractable.

The choice of a particular type of structure should take into account:

There is no unequivocal opinion about the podium bed even among designers. Many are confident in the expediency of such an organization only for very large rooms. But not everything in this matter is clear. It is possible to install it even in an apartment of modest size and with a not very favorable layout.

The frame version has a relatively simple organization. It uses metal, wood, or a combination of several materials.

The average height of the podium in an ordinary apartment is from 0.25 to 0.55 m. If you need to organize storage systems, then the height should be about half a meter.

Often the podium has a rectangular shape. But this requirement is not considered mandatory. No less interesting is the round, semicircular shape.

The podium usually has a perfectly flat top deck.. But perhaps even a wide mattress can be placed in a recess below the sides. This will make it possible to use the protruding planes as bedside tables and additional shelves.

traditional podium

This type is the easiest to implement. It looks like a rigid frame made of wood with wear-resistant lining and a mattress on top. The height of the flooring is usually about half a meter.

Sheathing is made from the following materials:

One of the easiest ways to decorate the outer part of the podium is to paint in several layers. The right shade will create a harmonious space in the room, where each element takes its place.

Improved version

This type of bed is similar to the previous one, but supplemented with functionality. In the podium there are retractable storage rooms: for bed linen, clothes, etc.

The decorativeness and originality of the structure is combined with the practicality of use. Storage systems in the form of boxes can be combined with open shelves for books, souvenirs, frequently used trifles, blankets. A system of entire segments with a different appearance is welcome.

Retractable mechanism

A bed with a pull-out system is a comfortable sleeping place that can be pushed under the podium. The roll-out device allows you to use the resulting free podium for organizing a workplace or storing things.

In withdrawable systems, it is necessary to pay attention to the noiselessness of the extension. To do this, the wheels must have a high-quality rubber coating that does not scratch the floor and makes it possible to push and pull the bed quietly.

Plastic wheels are not suitable. With frequent use, they can leave marks on the floor. In addition, plastic has a short service life, quickly becoming unusable.

Construction types

Depending on the design features, podiums are also of several types. This is determined by the purpose of the design and the principle of organization.


This type of podium is designed to separate functional areas. Decorative design attracts attention and creates a fashionable accent in the room.


In addition to an interesting design and unusualness, a bed with a podium can play a very practical role. The main task of such an organization is to hide communication lines. Additionally, the space can be used for storage.


With this type, the bed rolls out during sleep and slides under the flooring the rest of the time. This saves a lot of space. Other types: with a folding mattress or the presence of convenient drawers.

Material: what to look for?

The material affects not only the appearance of the structure, but also its strength. Cast concrete is considered the most reliable and solid as a frame.

This bed is sometimes chosen by people with very large weight.

The concrete structure, due to its high strength, can withstand any weight of a person. At the same time, the mattress placed on top creates the necessary comfort and convenience. But most often preference is given to natural wood or metal.

The advantages of using concrete lies in its resistance to moisture and withstand even significant loads. The wooden frame, like the metal one, is lightweight. The front part is usually made of plywood.

To emphasize the originality of the composition, the bed can be made in an unusual shape. For example, in the form of a semicircle.

The selection of finishes is limited by the style of the room and financial capabilities. Natural wood treated with stain looks very impressive. Originality and comfort are combined in carpet or fur trim.

Round podium: an unusual solution

A podium in the shape of a circle is an actual design technique. But is it always possible to implement it? The round bed in this case has a diameter of up to 250 cm. Plus, there is a place for passage.

Does your apartment allow you to set the design of such parameters? With a large area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room, it can be mounted in the center.

If the area is average, then the bed will have to be installed near one of the walls. And if the room is too small, the bed may not even fit at all.

Equipment: what to choose?

Podium beds, even if they belong to the same species, can have many differences and features.

Important points include the choice of the following options:

  • lags;
  • the presence of headrests and armrests;
  • choice of material for the supporting structure;
  • finishing material;
  • canopy;
  • the presence of mechanical devices;
  • the need for steps.

If the podium will not be used as a place to store things, then you can choose a monolithic structure. In this case, the external design should take into account the design of the room.

A canopy with a stand-alone podium bed looks good only in those rooms in which there is a significant ceiling height. For low rooms, it is better to separate the bed with curtains or curtains.


With a podium height of 0.3 m or more, it is necessary to provide a step for ease of climbing.

Room style: should I stick to it?

Each design style imposes certain requirements:

  • The nautical style can be maintained indoors with a wall-mounted podium, matching accessories and a blue and white color scheme.
  • The ecological style is emphasized by the wooden flooring patterns that protrude beyond the bed. At the same time, the highlighting of the texture of the tree is welcomed.
  • Minimalism tends towards simple shapes and lack of eye-catching accessories. The deck height should be about 0.2 m or less.
  • In a small room, free space should be economical. At the same time, the presence of drawers makes it easier to store things.
  • A tall building allows you to divide space well and highlight zones.
  • With a country-style interior, it is desirable that the wooden surfaces of the podium are combined with the rest of the furniture in terms of color, texture, processing technique.
  • Emphatically rough woodworking gives the room a stylish look. This option is good for decorating country houses and cottages.
  • In art deco style, the accent of the interior will be a white podium bed with drawers.
  • Eclecticism requires bold decisions. The color "electrician" is especially effective in this regard.


The emphasized texture of wooden surfaces must be combined with careful processing.

Accommodation options

Depending on the location of the podium, sometimes it is necessary to make changes to the existing interior, the organization of heating and the arrangement of furniture.

Near the window

A podium installed near the window will add light to the sleeping place. For this type of installation, a podium with drawers is well suited.

So that the heating battery is not completely covered by the podium, it is advisable to transfer it or organize a “warm floor”. To create a cozy sleeping place as an upholstery, it is better to use carpet, which is well cleaned. Or real wood.


In order for the podium not to visually hide the space, you can use light shades, spectacular photo wallpapers or mirror surfaces.

In a niche or alcove

If the room has a niche, then it can be a good place to mount the podium. Such a project allows you to organize a sleeping place from above. Roll-out beds are less preferred.

A fairly large alcove, having parameters within 250x250 cm, allows you to install a full-fledged sleeping place for two people. This design is usually equipped with drawers in which you can put bedding, extra blankets and other things.

The alcove gives a good zoning of the space of the room, which can be further enhanced by the use of curtains. In this case, the arrangement of good local lighting becomes not only desirable, but mandatory.

On the loggia

With a lack of heat in the room, it is advisable to immediately consider the built-in heating system.

In the bedroom

A sleeping place can be not only stationary, but also mobile. In the first case, it is logical to put a good orthopedic mattress on the podium. If the place to sleep is temporary, then during the day it will have to be removed by folding the mattress and putting it in a closet or under the podium.

A stationary place allows you to make it comfortable: use a high-quality orthopedic mattress, take the flooring surfaces protruding from the sides as a bedside table. Mobile space requires a thinner mattress. At the same time, it will have to be rolled up every morning, freeing up space for other purposes.

In order for the podium with the bed to fit into the interior as organically as possible, the free area of ​​​​the room must be taken into account. This moment is especially important for small apartments, in which every square meter counts.

If only a compact model is suitable for a small room, then any option is possible for a large bedroom.

Furniture placement also imposes restrictions on the selected type of podium. It is important that only high-quality materials are used to equip the podium bed. An important point in the arrangement of the podium bed is the presence of a good orthopedic mattress.

In a studio apartment

The fashion trend of recent years, especially in the youth, bohemian environment - studio apartments. A common fairly large space allows you to be creative when arranging furniture, decorating a bed and highlighting zones.

A podium with such housing is a frequent decision, which is chosen for a variety of reasons. Zoning takes one of the leading positions. The sleeping place stands out purely visually, creating the necessary conditions for relaxation.

For young families, a podium bed allows you to implement a modern approach to interior design. At the same time, the design will be quite budgetary.

Such a sleeping area can be organically combined with the minimalism of the interior, fashion accessories and innovative wall decoration.

In the living room

This design fits well with most interiors. At the same time, attention is paid to the type and color of the upholstery material, as well as to provide pillows with decorative covers.

Children's room

The child's room combines several functional areas. A small area of ​​​​the room should not be an obstacle for this. The podium bed fully meets the requirements of zoning and saving free space.

For children, all necessary areas should be preserved:

  • game;
  • bedroom;
  • educational.
Pull-out bed

For a student, you can consider a model with a pull-out bed. In this case, the podium can be used for the training area. During the day, the bed can be fully retracted, making room for games.

This technique with pull-out beds has proven itself well in the design of nurseries in which two children live. At the same time, the space will not be cluttered with an abundance of furniture and at the same time will not lose functionality and accuracy.

In addition to the bed under the podium, there can be roll-out drawers and shelves at the ends. Such an addition will help to conveniently lay out the things of the child, children's books and toys.

Roll-out systems like children, stimulate them to clean up toys and make a bed.

Two podiums in the room

If two children live in a room, and the area allows you to experiment with design solutions, you can install two podiums against opposite walls. The upper part of each of them will serve as a workplace, and the bed will slide into the lower part.. This way, each child will get their own separate territory.

Another interpretation of the division of space is the organization of sleeping places at the top of the catwalk decks. And mounting a retractable desktop at the bottom.

The division of the territory of the room will allow each of the children to show more individuality, and will help to avoid many conflicts between children.

Upper bed

Another option is the location in the children's bed on top. In this case, the lower part of the podium can be used not only for storing clothes and toys, but also for a pull-out table.

Drawers can be used not only while the child is small, but also later. Toddlers will be happy to put toys in them, older children - clothes, shoes.

How to make the podium boring?

Depending on the age, gender and temperament of the child, various podium decor techniques should be used to give him individual features. When installing the structure, it is advisable to listen to the opinion of the child and his wishes.

What to look for when ordering?

Having caught fire with the idea of ​​\u200b\u200borganizing a podium bed, it is important to follow these requirements:

  • Its appearance should be combined with the existing or planned interior.
  • The sleeping place should be comfortable for sleeping, suitable in length and width for the person to whom it is intended.
  • If a roll-out system is to be installed, the depth of the podium must allow the bed to fit completely under the podium.
  • For a high podium, you need comfortable steps and lighting that allows you to climb comfortably.
  • The berth should be able to withstand the weight of people with a margin.
  • The height of the podium should allow an adult to stand on it without resting his head on the ceiling.
  • Materials must be environmentally friendly.


Steps can be used to good use by organizing storage systems in the form of boxes in them.


The choice of accessories depends on the chosen style. Let's consider some of them.

Bed linen and bedspreads

The colors of bed linen and bedspreads create a certain mood. The color can match the runway or contrast with the podium.